예제 #1
파일: DTMF.c 프로젝트: fruitsamples/vDSP
/*	Demonstrate using an FFT to detect telephone keys.

	Setup is the result of creating an FFT setup.

	F contains a pair of frequencies to inject into a signal.
void Demonstrate(FFTSetup Setup, FrequencyPair F)
    float *Signal = malloc(SampleLength * sizeof *Signal);
    if (Signal == 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error, unable to allocate memory.\n");

    printf("\tGenerating signal with noise and DTMF tones...\n");

    // Initialize the signal with noise.
    for (int i = 0; i < SampleLength; ++i)
        Signal[i] = 4 * Random();

    // Add one of the tones to the signal.
    float Phase = Random();	// Start the tone at a pseudo-random time.
    for (int i = 0; i < SampleLength; ++i)
        Signal[i] += sin((i*F.Frequency[0] / SamplingFrequency + Phase)
                         * TwoPi);

    // Add the other tone.
    Phase = Random();	// Start the tone at a pseudo-random time.
    for (int i = 0; i < SampleLength; ++i)
        Signal[i] += sin((i*F.Frequency[1]/SamplingFrequency + Phase)
                         * TwoPi);

    // Rearrange the signal for vDSP_fft_zrip, using an auxiliary buffer.

    // Get enough memory for two halves.
    float *BufferMemory = malloc(SampleLength * sizeof *BufferMemory);
    if (BufferMemory == 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error, unable to allocate memory.\n");

    // Assign half the memory to reals and half to imaginaries.
    DSPSplitComplex Buffer
        = { BufferMemory, BufferMemory + SampleLength/2 };

    // Copy (and rearrange) the data to the buffer.
    vDSP_ctoz((DSPComplex *) Signal, 2, &Buffer, 1, SampleLength / 2);

    printf("\tAnalyzing signal...\n");

    // Compute the DFT of the signal.
    vDSP_fft_zrip(Setup, &Buffer, 1, Log2SampleLength, FFT_FORWARD);

    // Use the DFT results to identify the tones in the signal.
    int Tone0 = FindTone(Buffer, DTMF0, NumberOf(DTMF0));
    int Tone1 = FindTone(Buffer, DTMF1, NumberOf(DTMF1));

    printf("\tFound frequencies %g and %g for key %c.\n",
           DTMF0[Tone0], DTMF1[Tone1], Keys[Tone1*4 + Tone0]);

    // Release resources.
예제 #2
파일: code.c 프로젝트: fmccabe/cafe
packagePo createPkg(char *name, char *version) {
  packagePo pkg = (packagePo) allocPool(pkgPool);
  uniCpy((char *) &pkg->packageName, NumberOf(pkg->packageName), name);
  uniCpy((char *) &pkg->version, NumberOf(pkg->version), version);
  hashPut(packages, pkg, pkg);
  return pkg;
예제 #3
 * ATIIdentProbe --
 * This function determines if the user specified a chipset name acceptable to
 * this driver, and, if so, sets ATIChipSet accordingly.
    int Index;
    static const char *LegacyNames[] =
        {"vgawonder", "mach8", "mach32", "mach64"};

    /* Let ATIProbe continue if no chipset is specified */
    if (!vga256InfoRec.chipset)
        return TRUE;

    for (;  ATIChipSet < NumberOf(ATIChipSetNames);  ATIChipSet++)
        if (!StrCaseCmp(vga256InfoRec.chipset, ATIChipSetNames[ATIChipSet]))
            return TRUE;

    /* Reset to default */

    /* Check for some other chipset names that need changing */
    for (Index = 0;  StrCaseCmp(vga256InfoRec.chipset, LegacyNames[Index]);  )
        if (++Index >= NumberOf(LegacyNames))
            return FALSE;

    if (xf86Verbose)
        ErrorF("XF86Config ChipSet specification changed from \"%s\" to"
               " \"%s\".\n", LegacyNames[Index], ATIChipSetNames[ATIChipSet]);
    OFLG_CLR(XCONFIG_CHIPSET, &vga256InfoRec.xconfigFlag);
    return TRUE;
예제 #4
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
PVs     pvs = { {0} };
MultiArgRec args[]={ { sizeof(double), 0, (void**)0 }, { sizeof(double), 0, (void**)0 } };
void	*pres[NumberOf(args)];
int     i;
LcaError theErr;


	LHSCHECK(nlhs, plhs);

	if ( NumberOf(args) < nlhs ) {
		lcaSetError(&theErr, EZCA_INVALIDARG, "Too many output args");
		goto cleanup;

	if ( 1 != nrhs ) {
		lcaSetError(&theErr, EZCA_INVALIDARG, "Expected one rhs argument");
		goto cleanup;

	for ( i=0; i<NumberOf(args); i++) {
		args[i].pres = &pres[i];

	if ( buildPVs(prhs[0], &pvs, &theErr) )
		goto cleanup;
	if ( !multi_ezca_get_misc(pvs.names, pvs.m, (MultiEzcaFunc)ezcaGetAlarmLimits, NumberOf(args), args, &theErr) )
		goto cleanup;

	for ( i=0; i<nlhs; i++ ) {
		if ( !(plhs[i]=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(pvs.m, 1, mxREAL)) ) {
			lcaSetError(&theErr, EZCA_FAILEDMALLOC, "Not enough memory");
			goto cleanup;
		memcpy(mxGetPr(plhs[i]), *args[i].pres, pvs.m * args[i].size);

	nlhs = 0; /* prevent array destruction if everything is OK */

	for ( i=0; i<nlhs; i++ ) {
		if ( plhs[i] ) {
			plhs[i] = 0;
	for ( i=0; i<NumberOf(args); i++ ) {
		if ( args[i].pres )
	/* do this LAST (in case mexErrMsgTxt is called) */
	ERR_CHECK(nlhs, plhs, &theErr);
예제 #5
 * DoSendString - actually sends a string to the X Window having input focus
 * The main task of this function is to convert the ascii char values
 * into X KeyCodes.  But they need to be converted to X KeySyms first
 * and then to the keycodes.  The KeyCodes can have any random values
 * and are not contiguous like the ascii values are.
 * Some escape sequences can be converted to the appropriate KeyCodes
 * by this function.  See the code below for details
void CKeySendImpl::DoSendString(const StringX& str, unsigned delayMS, bool emulateMods)
  atGlobals.error_detected = false;
  atGlobals.errorString[0] = 0;

  AutotypeEvent event(m_display);

  // convert all the chars into keycodes and required shift states first
  // Abort if any of the characters cannot be converted
  typedef std::vector<KeyPressInfo> KeyPressInfoVector;
  KeyPressInfoVector keypresses;

  for (StringX::const_iterator srcIter = str.begin(); srcIter != str.end(); ++srcIter) {

    //throw away 'vertical tab' chars which are only used on Windows to send a shift+tab
    //as a workaround for some issues with IE
    if (*srcIter == _T('\v'))

    //Try a regular conversion first
    KeySym sym = wchar2keysym(*srcIter);

    if (NoSymbol != sym) {
      KeyPressInfo keypress = {0, 0};
      if ((keypress.code = XKeysymToKeycode(event.display, sym)) != 0) {
        //non-zero return value implies sym -> code was successful
        keypress.state |= CalcModifiersForKeysym(keypress.code, sym, event.display);
      else {
        const char* symStr = XKeysymToString(sym);
        snprintf(atGlobals.errorString, NumberOf(atGlobals.errorString),
              "Could not get keycode for key char(%s) - sym(%#X) - str(%s). Aborting autotype.\n\nIf \'xmodmap -pk\' does not list this KeySym, you probably need to install an appropriate keyboard layout.",
                          wchar2bytes(*srcIter).str(), static_cast<int>(sym), symStr ? symStr : "NULL");
        atGlobals.error_detected = True;
    else {
      snprintf(atGlobals.errorString, NumberOf(atGlobals.errorString),
              "Cannot convert '%s' [U+%04X] to keysym. Aborting autotype", wchar2bytes(*srcIter).str(), int(*srcIter));
      atGlobals.error_detected = True;


  for (KeyPressInfoVector::const_iterator itr = keypresses.begin(); itr != keypresses.end()
                              && !atGlobals.error_detected; ++itr) {
    event.keycode = itr->code;
    event.state = itr->state;
    event.time = CurrentTime;

예제 #6
void SendString(CFStringRef str, unsigned delayMS)
  //virtual keycodes copied from 10.6 SDK.  Could not find them in 10.4 SDK
  enum { VK_RETURN = 0x24 /*KVK_Return*/, VK_TAB = 0x30 /*kVK_Tab*/, VK_SPACE = 0x31/*kVK_Space*/};
  //A list of chars for which we must specify the virtual keycode
  static const CFStringRef specialChars = CFSTR("\n\t ");
  static const UniChar verticalTab = CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex(CFSTR("\v"), 0);

  //each keycode must correspond to the correct char in 'specialChars'
  CGKeyCode specialKeyCodes[] = {VK_RETURN, VK_TAB, VK_SPACE };
  assert(CFStringGetLength(specialChars) == NumberOf(specialKeyCodes));

  for (unsigned i = 0, len = CFStringGetLength(str); i < len; ++i) {
    //The next char to send
    UniChar c = CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex(str, i);
    //throw away 'vertical tab' chars which are only used on Windows to send a shift+tab
    //as a workaround for some issues with IE 
    if (verticalTab == c)
    //see if we need to specify the virtual keycode for this char
    CGKeyCode vKey = 0; //0 = kVK_ANSI_A, but I don't know of a more appropriate default value
    for (size_t j = 0; j < NumberOf(specialKeyCodes); ++j) {
      if ( CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex(specialChars, j) == c) {
        vKey = specialKeyCodes[j];
    CGEventRef keyDown = CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(NULL, vKey, true);
    CGEventRef keyUp   = CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(NULL, vKey, false);
    if (keyDown && keyUp) {
      //may be we should not do this if we found the virtual keycode?
      CGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString(keyDown, 1, &c);
      CGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString(keyUp, 1, &c);
      CGEventPost(kCGSessionEventTap, keyDown);
      CGEventPost(kCGSessionEventTap, keyUp);
    else {
      if (keyDown) CFRelease(keyDown);
      if (keyUp) CFRelease(keyUp);
      pws_os::IssueError(_T("Out of memory trying to allocate CGEventRef"));
예제 #7
 * ErrorHandler will be called when X detects an error. This function
 * just sets a global flag and saves the error message text
int ErrorHandler(Display *my_dpy, XErrorEvent *event)
  char xmsg[512] = {0};

  atGlobals.error_detected = TRUE;
  XGetErrorText(my_dpy, event->error_code, xmsg, NumberOf(xmsg) - 1);
  snprintf(atGlobals.errorString, NumberOf(atGlobals.errorString)-1, "X error (%d): %s", event->request_code, xmsg);
  return 0;
예제 #8
void defltCWD() {
  // set up working directory
  if (uniIsLit(CWD, "")) {
    char cbuff[MAXFILELEN];
    char *cwd = getcwd(cbuff, NumberOf(cbuff)); /* compute current starting directory */
    if (cwd == NULL)
      syserr("cant determine current directory");
      uniTrim(cwd, uniStrLen(cwd), "", "/", CWD, NumberOf(CWD));
예제 #9
파일: debug.c 프로젝트: fmccabe/cafe
static char *defltLine(char *src, integer srcLen, integer *actLen) {
  static char defltLn[MAXLINE] = {'n'};

  if (!uniIsTrivial(src, srcLen)) {
    uniNCpy(defltLn, NumberOf(defltLn), src, srcLen);
    *actLen = srcLen;
    return src;
  } else {
    *actLen = uniNStrLen(defltLn, NumberOf(defltLn));
    return defltLn;
예제 #10
파일: boot.c 프로젝트: fmccabe/l-and-o
static void defineResumeProgs(void) {
  int ar;

  for (ar = 0; ar < NumberOf(doResume); ar++) {
    insWord seq[] = {         /* Y[arity] = interrupted code, Y[i] arguments */
      instrhb(gcmap, 0, ar),
      instrh(resume, ar),    /* this resumes the execution */
    ptrI cde = buildCode(seq, 1, NumberOf(seq), 0);

    doResume[ar] = cde;
예제 #11
bool pws_os::MacSimulateApplicationSwitch(unsigned delayMS)
  enum { VK_CMD = 55, VK_TAB = 48 };

  struct {
    CGKeyCode virtualKey;
    bool down;
    bool mask;
  } KeySequence[]={ {VK_CMD, true, true},
                    {VK_TAB, true, true},
                    {VK_TAB, false, true},
                    {VK_CMD, false, false}

  for (size_t idx = 0; idx < NumberOf(KeySequence); ++idx) {
    CGEventRef keystroke = CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(NULL, KeySequence[idx].virtualKey, KeySequence[idx].down);
    if (keystroke) {
      if (KeySequence[idx].mask) {
        CGEventSetFlags(keystroke, kCGEventFlagMaskCommand);
      CGEventPost(kCGSessionEventTap, keystroke);
    else {
      return false;
  return true;
예제 #12
파일: sockets.c 프로젝트: fmccabe/l-and-o
/* acceptConnection allows a connection from a connect socket and returns
   a filePo which can read/write to the remote host
retCode acceptConnection(sockPo listen, ioEncoding encoding, ioPo *inC, ioPo *outC) {
  struct sockaddr_in cli_addr;
  socklen_t clilen = sizeof(cli_addr);
  int lSock = fileNumber(O_FILE(listen));
  int cliSock;

  memset((char *) &cli_addr, 0, sizeof(cli_addr));

  cliSock = accept(lSock, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen);

  if (cliSock < 0) {
    switch (errno) {
      case EWOULDBLOCK:
        return Fail;
      case EINTR:      //  Interrupted
        return Eof;
        return Error;
  } else {
    char cl_name[MAXLINE];
    struct in_addr addr = *(struct in_addr *) &cli_addr;
    strMsg(cl_name, NumberOf(cl_name), "%s:%d", inet_ntoa(addr), ntohs(cli_addr.sin_port));

    *inC = O_IO(newObject(sockClass, cl_name, cliSock, encoding, ioREAD));
    *outC = O_IO(newObject(sockClass, cl_name, cliSock, encoding, ioWRITE));

    return Ok;
예제 #13
파일: boot.c 프로젝트: fmccabe/l-and-o
 * This program is used to map special classes like integer into
 * L&O programs
 * This program is only safe before the first GC
ptrI defineSpecialProg(const char *name) {
  extern long gcCount;
  long gCount = gcCount;

  insWord proc_seq[] = {       // (gVar,_,tVar) :- name%3(gVar,name,tVar)
    instrhb(mAlit, 2, 0),      /* name */
    instrhb(lkawl, 3, 1),      /* name%3 */
  ptrI obj = buildCode(proc_seq, 3, NumberOf(proc_seq), 2);
  ptrI nameEnum = newEnumSym(name);

  updateCodeLit(codeV(obj), 0, nameEnum);  /* name */

  ptrI nameProg = newProgLbl(name, 3);  /* name%3 */

  defineProg(nameProg, obj);
  updateCodeLit(codeV(obj), 1, nameProg);

  assert(gcCount == gCount);
  return obj;
예제 #14
파일: boot.c 프로젝트: fmccabe/l-and-o
static void defineExitProg(void) {
  static insWord proc_exit_seq[] = {
    instrhb(gcmap, 0, 0),
    instr(die)                  /* Then we expire */

  exitProg = buildCode(proc_exit_seq, 0, NumberOf(proc_exit_seq), 0);
bool PWSDragBar::IsEnabled(int id) const
  const int idx = id - DRAGBAR_TOOLID_BASE;
  wxASSERT( idx >= 0 && size_t(idx) < NumberOf(DragbarElements));
  CItemData* item = m_frame->GetSelectedEntry();
  return item != 0 && item->GetFieldValue(DragbarElements[idx].ft).empty() == false;
예제 #16
파일: lcaGetUnits.c 프로젝트: lnls-fac/code
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
PVs     pvs = { {0} };
int     i,j;
LcaError theErr;
MultiArgRec	args[1];
units_string *strbuf MAY_ALIAS = 0;
mxArray *tmp;


	LHSCHECK(nlhs, plhs);

	if ( nlhs > 1 ) {
		lcaSetError(&theErr, EZCA_INVALIDARG, "Too many output args");
		goto cleanup;

	if ( nrhs < 1 || nrhs > 1 ) {
		lcaSetError(&theErr, EZCA_INVALIDARG, "Expected 1 rhs argument");
		goto cleanup;

	if ( buildPVs(prhs[0], &pvs, &theErr) )
		goto cleanup;

	MSetArg(args[0], sizeof(units_string), 0, &strbuf);

	if ( !multi_ezca_get_misc(pvs.names, pvs.m, (MultiEzcaFunc)ezcaGetUnits, NumberOf(args), args, &theErr) )
		goto cleanup;

	/* convert string array to a matlab cell array of matlab strings */
	if ( !(plhs[0] = mxCreateCellMatrix(pvs.m, 1)) ) {
		lcaSetError(&theErr, EZCA_FAILEDMALLOC, "Not enough memory");
		goto cleanup;
	for ( i = 0; i < pvs.m; i++ ) {
		if ( !(tmp = mxCreateString((char*)&strbuf[i])) ) {
			for ( j=0; j<i; j++ ) {
			plhs[0] = 0;
			lcaSetError(&theErr, EZCA_FAILEDMALLOC, "Not enough memory");
			goto cleanup;
		mxSetCell(plhs[0], i, (mxArray*)tmp);

	nlhs = 0;

	if ( strbuf )
		lcaFree( strbuf );
	/* do this LAST (in case mexErrMsgTxt is called) */
	ERR_CHECK(nlhs, plhs, &theErr);
예제 #17
 wchar2bytes(wchar_t wc):  bytes(new char[MB_CUR_MAX*2 + sizeof(wchar_t)*2 + 2 + 1]) {
   mbstate_t ps;
   memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(ps));//initialize mbstate
   size_t n;
   if ((n = wcrtomb(bytes, wc, &ps)) == size_t(-1))
     snprintf(bytes, NumberOf(bytes), "U+%04X", int(wc));
     bytes[n] = 0;
예제 #18
파일: debug.c 프로젝트: fmccabe/cafe
static DebugWaitFor dbgShowGlobal(char *line, processPo p, termPo loc, insWord ins, void *cl) {
  char buff[MAX_SYMB_LEN];
  integer pos = 0;
  integer ix = 0;
  integer llen = uniStrLen(line);

  enum {
    initSte, inVar
  } st = initSte;

  while (ix < llen) {
    codePoint cp = nextCodePoint(line, &ix, llen);
    switch (st) {
      case initSte:
        if (!isSpaceChar(cp)) {
          st = inVar;
          appendCodePoint(buff, &pos, NumberOf(buff), cp);
      case inVar:
        if (!isSpaceChar(cp)) {
          appendCodePoint(buff, &pos, NumberOf(buff), cp);
        } else
  if (uniStrLen(buff) > 0) {
    appendCodePoint(buff, &pos, NumberOf(buff), 0);
    globalPo glb = globalVar(buff);
    if (glb != Null) {
      termPo val = getGlobal(glb);
      if (val != Null)
        outMsg(debugOutChnnl, "%s = %,*T\n", buff, displayDepth, val);
        outMsg(debugOutChnnl, "%s not set\n", buff);

  return moreDebug;
예제 #19
pictimerDisable(unsigned timer_no)
unsigned tmp;
	if ( timer_no > NumberOf(timerConnected) )
		return -1;

	tmp = in_le32( &OpenPIC->Global.Timer[timer_no].Vector_Priority );
	out_le32( &OpenPIC->Global.Timer[timer_no].Vector_Priority, tmp | OPENPIC_MASK );
	return !(tmp | OPENPIC_MASK);
예제 #20
파일: editline.c 프로젝트: fmccabe/cafe
/* Check if the terminal name is in the list of terminals we know are
 * not able to understand basic escape sequences. */
static logical isUnsupportedTerm(void) {
  static char *unsupported_term[] = {"dumb", "cons25", "emacs"};
  char *term = getenv("TERM");

  if (term == Null)
    return True;
  for (int ix = 0; ix < NumberOf(unsupported_term); ix++)
    if (uniCmp(term, unsupported_term[ix]) == same)
      return True;
  return False;
예제 #21
bool PWSDragBar::IsEnabled(int id) const
  const int idx = id - DRAGBAR_TOOLID_BASE;
  wxASSERT( idx >= 0 && size_t(idx) < NumberOf(DragbarElements));

  const CItemData *pci(nullptr), *pbci(nullptr);
  pci = m_frame->GetSelectedEntry();
  pbci = m_frame->GetBaseEntry(pci);

  return pci && !pci->IsFieldValueEmpty(DragbarElements[idx].ft, pbci);
예제 #22
bool pws_os::SelectAll()
  enum { VK_A = kVK_ANSI_A, VK_CMD = kVK_Command };

  KeyStroke KeySequence[]={ {VK_CMD, true,  true},
                            {VK_A,   true,  true},
                            {VK_A,   false, true},
                            {VK_CMD, false, false}

  return EmulateKeyStrokes(KeySequence, NumberOf(KeySequence), 0);
예제 #23
wxString PWSDragBar::GetText(int id) const
  const int idx = id - DRAGBAR_TOOLID_BASE;
  wxASSERT( idx >= 0 && size_t(idx) < NumberOf(DragbarElements));

  const CItemData *pci(nullptr), *pbci(nullptr);
  pci = m_frame->GetSelectedEntry();
  pbci = m_frame->GetBaseEntry(pci);

  return pci ?
    towxstring(pci->GetEffectiveFieldValue(DragbarElements[idx].ft, pbci)) : wxString(wxEmptyString);
예제 #24
bool pws_os::MacSimulateApplicationSwitch(unsigned delayMS)
  enum { VK_CMD = 55, VK_TAB = 48 };

  KeyStroke KeySequence[] = { {VK_CMD, true, true},
                              {VK_TAB, true, true},
                              {VK_TAB, false, true},
                              {VK_CMD, false, false}

  return EmulateKeyStrokes(KeySequence, NumberOf(KeySequence), delayMS);
예제 #25
파일: sockets.c 프로젝트: fmccabe/l-and-o
static retCode sockFlush(ioPo io, long count) {
  filePo f = O_FILE(io);

  if (count > 0 && f->file.out_pos + count < NumberOf(f->file.out_line))
    return Ok; // Nothing to do, we have at least count bytes left in the buffer

  if (f->file.out_pos > 0) {
    size_t actual = (size_t) f->file.out_pos;
    int sock = f->file.fno;
    long nBytes;
    byte *buffer = f->file.out_line;
    byte *cp = buffer;

    while (actual > 0 && (nBytes = send(sock, cp, actual, 0)) != actual) {
      if (nBytes == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        switch (errno) {
          case EWOULDBLOCK:
          case ENOBUFS:
          case EINTR: {
            if (cp != buffer) {                     //  we were able to write something out ...
              sockConfigure(f, turnOnBlocking);     //  so we have to finish

              while (actual > 0 && (nBytes = send(sock, cp, actual, 0)) != actual) {
                if (nBytes == SOCKET_ERROR) {
                  // logMsg(logFile,"Problem %s (%d) in sending %d bytes to %U[%d]\n",
                  //        strerror(errno),errno,actual,f->filename,f->client);
                  sockConfigure(f, turnOffBlocking);
                  return Error;
                cp += nBytes;
                actual -= nBytes;
              sockConfigure(f, turnOffBlocking);
              f->file.out_pos = 0;
              return Ok;
            } else
              return Fail;
            // logMsg(logFile,"Problem %s (%d) in sending %d bytes to %U[%d]\n",
            //	 strerror(errno),errno,actual,f->filename,f->client);
            return Error;
      } else {
        cp += nBytes;
        actual -= nBytes;
  f->file.out_pos = 0;
  return Ok;
예제 #26
 * ATIIdent --
 * Returns a string name for this driver or NULL.
char *
ATIIdent(int n)
#if 1
    /* For now, don't advertise non-default chipset names */
    if (n != ATI_CHIPSET_ATI)
    if ((n < 0) || (n >= NumberOf(ATIChipSetNames)))
        return NULL;
        return ATIChipSetNames[n];
예제 #27
pictimerEnable(unsigned timer_no, int v)
unsigned tmp;

	if ( timer_no > NumberOf(timerConnected) )
		return -1;

	tmp = in_le32( &OpenPIC->Global.Timer[timer_no].Vector_Priority );
	if ( v )
		out_le32( &OpenPIC->Global.Timer[timer_no].Vector_Priority, tmp & ~OPENPIC_MASK );
	return tmp;
예제 #28
CKeySendImpl::CKeySendImpl(pws_os::AutotypeMethod method): m_display(XOpenDisplay(NULL))
  if (m_display) {
    m_method = GetAutotypeMethod(m_display, method);
  else {
    if (!atGlobals.error_detected)
      atGlobals.error_detected = true;
    if (!atGlobals.errorString[0])
      strncpy(atGlobals.errorString, "Could not open X display for autotyping", NumberOf(atGlobals.errorString));

    throw autotype_exception();
예제 #29
 * ATIIdentify --
 * Print the driver's list of chipset names.
    int flags
        (NumberOf(ATIPublicChipsetNames) <= 2) ?
            "ATI driver (version " ATI_VERSION_NAME ") for chipset" :
            "ATI driver (version " ATI_VERSION_NAME ") for chipsets",
예제 #30
void PWSDragBar::RefreshButtons()
  const bool newButtons = PWSprefs::GetInstance()->GetPref(PWSprefs::UseNewToolbar);

#define BTN newButtons? wxBitmap(DragbarElements[idx].bitmap) : wxBitmap(DragbarElements[idx].classic_bitmap)
#define BTN_DISABLED newButtons? wxBitmap(DragbarElements[idx].bitmap_disabled): wxBitmap(DragbarElements[idx].classic_bitmap_disabled)

  if (GetToolsCount() == 0) {  //being created?
    for (int idx = 0; size_t(idx) < NumberOf(DragbarElements); ++idx) {
      AddTool(idx + DRAGBAR_TOOLID_BASE, BTN,
                wxString(_("Drag this image onto another window to paste the '"))
                        << DragbarElements[idx].name << _("' field."), BTN_DISABLED );
  else {
    for (int idx = 0; size_t(idx) < NumberOf(DragbarElements); ++idx) {

#undef BTN