    UINT32 address,
    UINT32 size
    BOOL rc = FALSE;
    HANDLE hFlash = NULL;
    UINT8 *pData;
    UINT32 offset;

    OALMSG(OAL_INFO, (L"\r\nWriting Splashcreen image to flash memory\r\n"));

    // Open flash storage
    hFlash = OALFlashStoreOpen(g_ulFlashBase);
    if (hFlash == NULL)
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (L"ERROR: OEMWriteFlash: "
            L"OALFlashStoreOpen call failed!\r\n"
        goto cleanUp;

    // Check if image fit (last sector used for configuration)
    if (size > (IMAGE_BOOTLOADER_BITMAP_SIZE - OALFlashStoreSectorSize(hFlash)))
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (L"ERROR: OEMWriteFlash: "
            L"Logo image too big (size 0x%08x, maximum size 0x%08x)\r\n",
            size, IMAGE_BOOTLOADER_BITMAP_SIZE - OALFlashStoreBlockSize(hFlash)
        goto cleanUp;

    // Get data location
    pData = OEMMapMemAddr(address, address);

    // Fill unused space with 0xFF
        memset(pData + size, 0xFF, IMAGE_BOOTLOADER_BITMAP_SIZE - size);

    if (!OALFlashStoreWrite(
            hFlash, offset, pData, IMAGE_BOOTLOADER_BITMAP_SIZE, FALSE, FALSE
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (L"ERROR: OEMWriteFlash: "
            L"OALFlashStoreWrite at relative address 0x%08x failed\r\n", offset
        goto cleanUp;

    OALMSG(OAL_INFO, (L"Splashcreen image written\r\n"));

    // Done
    rc = TRUE;

    if (hFlash != NULL) OALFlashStoreClose(hFlash);
    return rc;
예제 #2
//  Function:  ShowLogo
//  This function shows the logo splash screen
VOID ShowLogo(UINT32 flashAddr, UINT32 offset)
    HANDLE  hFlash = NULL;
    DWORD  framebuffer;
    DWORD  framebufferPA;
    PUCHAR  pChar;
    ULONG   x, y;
    WORD    wSignature = 0;
    DWORD   dwOffset = 0;
    DWORD   dwLcdWidth,
    DWORD   dwLength;

    //  Get the LCD width and height
    LcdPdd_LCD_GetMode( NULL, &dwLcdWidth, &dwLcdHeight, NULL );


    //  Get the video memory
    LcdPdd_GetMemory( NULL, &framebufferPA );
    framebuffer = (DWORD) OALPAtoUA(framebufferPA);
    pChar = (PUCHAR)framebuffer;
    if (flashAddr != -1)
        // Open flash storage
        hFlash = OALFlashStoreOpen(flashAddr);
        if( hFlash != NULL )
            //  The LOGO reserved NAND flash region contains the BMP file
            OALFlashStoreBufferedRead( hFlash, offset, (UCHAR*) &wSignature, sizeof(wSignature), FALSE );

            //  Check for 'BM' signature
            if( wSignature == 0x4D42 )  
                //  Read the offset to the pixel data
                OALFlashStoreBufferedRead( hFlash, offset + 10, (UCHAR*) &dwOffset, sizeof(dwOffset), FALSE );

                //  Read the pixel data with the given offset
                OALFlashStoreBufferedRead( hFlash, offset + dwOffset, pChar, dwLength, FALSE );
            //  Close store
            //  Compute position and size of logo image 
            g_dwLogoPosX   = (dwLcdWidth - LOGO_WIDTH)/2;
            g_dwLogoPosY   = (dwLcdHeight - LOGO_HEIGHT)/2;
            g_dwLogoWidth  = LOGO_WIDTH;
            g_dwLogoHeight = LOGO_HEIGHT;
            //As BMP are stored upside down, we need to flip the frame buffer's content
            FlipFrameBuffer((PUCHAR)framebuffer,LOGO_HEIGHT,LOGO_WIDTH*BYTES_PER_PIXEL,(PUCHAR)framebuffer + dwLength);

    //  If bitmap signature is valid, display the logo, otherwise fill screen with pattern
    if( wSignature != 0x4D42 )
        //  Adjust color bars to LCD size
        g_dwLogoPosX   = 0;
        g_dwLogoPosY   = 0;
        g_dwLogoWidth  = dwLcdWidth;
        g_dwLogoHeight = dwLcdHeight;
        for (y= 0; y < dwLcdHeight; y++)
            for( x = 0; x < dwLcdWidth; x++ )
                if( y < dwLcdHeight/2 )
                    if( x < dwLcdWidth/2 )
                        *pChar++ = 0xFF;    //  Blue
                        *pChar++ = 0x00;    //  Green
                        *pChar++ = 0x00;    //  Red
                        *pChar++ = 0xFF;    //  Blue
                        *pChar++ = 0x00;    //  Green
                        *pChar++ = 0x00;    //  Red
                    if( x < dwLcdWidth/2 )
                        *pChar++ = 0xFF;    //  Blue
                        *pChar++ = 0x00;    //  Green
                        *pChar++ = 0x00;    //  Red
                        *pChar++ = 0xFF;    //  Blue
                        *pChar++ = 0x00;    //  Green
                        *pChar++ = 0x00;    //  Red

    //  Fire up the LCD
    UINT32 address,
    UINT32 size
    BOOL rc = FALSE;
    HANDLE hFlash = NULL;
    UINT32 offset, xldrSize, blocknum, blocksize;
    UINT8 *pData;


    OALMSG(OAL_INFO, (L"\r\nWriting XLDR image to flash memory\r\n"));

    // Open flash storage
    hFlash = OALFlashStoreOpen(g_ulFlashBase);
    if (hFlash == NULL)
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (L"ERROR: OEMWriteFlash: "
            L"OALFlashStoreOpen call failed!\r\n"
        goto cleanUp;

    // Get data location
    pData = OEMMapMemAddr(address, address);

    // Verify image
    if (!VerifyImage(pData, &pTOC))
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (L"ERROR: OEMWriteFlash: "
            L"XLDR image signature not found\r\n"

    // Verify that this is XLDR image
    if (pTOC->numfiles > 0 || pTOC->nummods > 1)
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (L"ERROR: OEMWriteFlash: "
            L"XLDR image must have only one module and no file\r\n"
        goto cleanUp;

    // Check for maximal XLRD size
    xldrSize = pTOC->physlast - pTOC->physfirst;
    if (xldrSize > (IMAGE_XLDR_CODE_SIZE - 2*sizeof(DWORD)) )
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (L"ERROR: OEMWriteFlash: "
            L"XLDR image size 0x%04x doesn't fit to limit 0x%04x\r\n", size, IMAGE_XLDR_CODE_SIZE - 2*sizeof(DWORD)
        goto cleanUp;
    blocksize = OALFlashStoreBlockSize(hFlash);
    if (blocksize < IMAGE_XLDR_CODE_SIZE)
        OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (L"ERROR: OEMWriteFlash: "
            L"XLDR image size 0x%04x doesn't fit to flash block size 0x%04x\r\n", IMAGE_XLDR_CODE_SIZE, blocksize
        goto cleanUp;

    // First we have to offset image by 2 DWORDS to insert BootROM header 
    memmove(pData + 2*sizeof(DWORD), pData, xldrSize);
    // Insert BootROM header
    ((DWORD*)pData)[0] = IMAGE_XLDR_CODE_SIZE - 2*sizeof(DWORD);    // Max size of image
    ((DWORD*)pData)[1] = IMAGE_XLDR_CODE_PA;                        // Load address

    // Now copy into first four blocks per boot ROM requirement.
    // Internal boot ROM expects the loader to be duplicated in the first 4 blocks for
    // data redundancy. Note that block size of memory used on this platform is larger 
    // than xldr size so there will be a gap in each block.
    offset = 0;
    for (blocknum = 0; blocknum < 4; blocknum++)
        if (!OALFlashStoreWrite(
                hFlash, offset, pData, IMAGE_XLDR_CODE_SIZE, FALSE, FALSE
            OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (L"ERROR: OEMWriteFlash: "
                L"OALFlashStoreWrite at relative address 0x%08x failed\r\n",
        offset += blocksize;

    OALMSG(OAL_INFO, (L"XLDR image written\r\n"));

    // Done
    rc = TRUE;

    if (hFlash != NULL) OALFlashStoreClose(hFlash);
    return rc;