예제 #1
void OBD9141sim::handleRequests(){
    //uint8_t message[5] = {0x68, 0x6A, 0xF1, mode, pid};  and checksum
    uint8_t message[6] = {0};
    uint8_t number_of_bytes = 0;
    this->serial->setTimeout(OBD9141_INTERSYMBOL_WAIT*7 + 10 + 6*OBD9141_REQUEST_ANSWER_MS_PER_BYTE);
    if (this->serial->available()){
        number_of_bytes = this->serial->readBytes(message, 6);

        if (number_of_bytes == 6){
            OBD9141println("[SIM] Got request");
            if (message[5] == OBD9141::checksum(&message, 5)){
                OBD9141println("[SIM] Checksum matches.");
                this->answerRequest(message[3], message[4]);

        } else {
            OBD9141println("[SIM] Failed reading stuff");
        uint8_t zero_count = 0;
        for (uint8_t i=0; i < 6 ; i++){
            if (message[i] == 0){
        if (zero_count == 6){
            if (not this->force_init_state){
예제 #2
void OBD9141sim::handleInit(){
    uint8_t v1 = 0x08;
    uint32_t current_time = millis();

    if ((current_time) > (this->last_change + OBD9141SIM_INIT_ATTEMPT_TIMEOUT)){
        this->init_hold_value = 0;
        this->init_state = 0;

    if ((this->init_state == 0) and (this->init_hold_value == 21) and (((millis()) > (this->last_change + OBD9141SIM_WAIT_AFTER_5BAUD)))){
        // send the 0x55 byte.
        OBD9141print("[SIM] dropping to serial port and sending 0x55: ");
        // OBD9141print("[SIM] Serial: ");
        // OBD9141println((uint32_t) this->serial);

        // OBD9141print("[SIM] Below begin... ");
        this->init_state = 1;
        this->last_change = current_time;
    if ((this->init_state == 1) and (((current_time) > (this->last_change + OBD9141SIM_WAIT_BEFORE_V1)))){
        this->init_state = 2;
        this->last_change = current_time;
    if ((this->init_state == 2) and (((current_time) > (this->last_change + OBD9141SIM_WAIT_BEFORE_V1)))){
        this->init_state = 3;
        this->last_change = current_time;
    if ((this->init_state == 3) and (this->serial->available())){
        uint8_t rec = this->serial->read();
        uint8_t inv = ~rec;
        if (v1 == inv){
            this->init_state = 4;
            this->last_change = current_time;
            OBD9141println("[SIM] Got inverse, going to send 0xcc");
        } else {
            OBD9141println("[SIM] fail");
    if ((this->init_state == 4) and (((current_time) > (this->last_change + OBD9141SIM_WAIT_BEFORE_0xCC)))){
            this->last_change = millis();
            OBD9141print("[SIM] Init done.");
            if (not this->force_init_state){
                this->initialised = true;
예제 #3
bool OBD9141::request(void* request, uint8_t request_len, uint8_t ret_len){
    uint8_t buf[request_len+1];
    memcpy(buf, request, request_len); // copy request

    buf[request_len] = this->checksum(&buf, request_len); // add the checksum

    this->write(&buf, request_len+1);

    // wait after the request, officially 30 ms, but we might as well wait
    // for the data in the readBytes function.
    // set proper timeout
    this->serial->setTimeout(OBD9141_REQUEST_ANSWER_MS_PER_BYTE * ret_len + OBD9141_WAIT_FOR_REQUEST_ANSWER_TIMEOUT);
    memset(this->buffer, 0, ret_len+1);
    //OBD9141print("Trying to get x bytes: "); OBD9141println(ret_len+1);
    if (this->serial->readBytes(this->buffer, ret_len+1)){
        // for (uint8_t i=0; i< (ret_len+1); i++){
            // OBD9141print(this->buffer[i]);OBD9141print(" ");
        // };OBD9141println();
        return (this->checksum(&(this->buffer[0]), ret_len) == this->buffer[ret_len]);// have data; return whether it is valid.
    } else {
        OBD9141println("Timeout on reading bytes.");
        return false; // failed getting data.
예제 #4
void OBD9141sim::answerRequest(uint8_t mode, uint8_t pid){
    //    raw request: {0x68, 0x6A, 0xF1, 0x01, 0x0D}
    //    returns:      0x48  0x6B  0x11  0x41  0x0D  0x00  0x12
    odb_answer_entry* answer = 0;
    for (uint8_t i=0; i < OBD9141SIM_ANSWER_LIST; i++){
        if ((this->answers[i].mode == mode) and (this->answers[i].pid == pid)){
            answer = &(this->answers[i]);

    if (answer == 0){
        // return not supported message?

    uint8_t message_length = 3+2+answer->len;
    OBD9141print("[SIM] have an answer to request, mode: ");
    OBD9141print(mode);OBD9141print(" , pid:");
    OBD9141print(pid);OBD9141print(", length:");
    uint8_t message[message_length+1];
    message[0] = 0x48;
    message[1] = 0x6B;
    message[2] = 0x11;
    message[3] = 0x40 + mode; // is this actually what happens!?
    message[4] = pid;
    message[5] = 0;
    //memcpy(&(message[5]), &(answer->answer), answer->len);
    // cannot memcpy, need to swap the answer 
    for (uint8_t i=0; i < (answer->len) ; i++){
        message[answer->len-1 - i +5] = answer->data[i];
    message[message_length] = OBD9141::checksum(&(message[0]), message_length);
    // for (uint8_t i=0; i < (message_length+1); i++){
        // OBD9141print("[SIM] message[");OBD9141print(i);OBD9141print("]:"); OBD9141println(message[i]);
    // }
    OBD9141print("[SIM] calcd checksum:"); OBD9141println(message[message_length]);
    this->write(&(message[0]), message_length+1);

예제 #5
void OBD9141sim::processInterrupt () {
    bool new_value = digitalRead(this->rx_pin);

    if ((not this->initialised) and (this->init_state==0)){

        this->last_change =millis();
        this->init_hold_value <<= 1;
        this->init_hold_value += new_value;
        OBD9141print("[SIM] init_hold_value: "); OBD9141println(init_hold_value);
예제 #6
bool OBD9141::init(){
    // this function performs the ISO9141 5-baud 'slow' init.
    this->set_port(false); // disable the port.
    delay(OBD9141_INIT_IDLE_BUS_BEFORE); // no traffic on bus for 3 seconds.
    OBD9141println("Before magic 5 baud.");
    // next, send the startup 5 baud init..
    this->kline(false); delay(200); // start
    this->kline(true); delay(400);  // first two bits
    this->kline(false); delay(400); // second pair
    this->kline(true); delay(400);  // third pair
    this->kline(false); delay(400); // last pair
    this->kline(true); delay(200);  // stop bit
    // this last 200 ms delay could also be put in the setTimeout below.
    // But the spec says we have a stop bit.

    // done, from now on it the bus can be treated ad a 10400 baud serial port.

    OBD9141println("Before setting port.");
    OBD9141println("After setting port.");
    uint8_t buffer[1];

    // wait should be between 20 and 300 ms long

    // read first value into buffer, should be 0x55
    if (this->serial->readBytes(buffer, 1)){
        OBD9141print("First read is: "); OBD9141println(buffer[0]);
        if (buffer[0] != 0x55){
            return false;
    } else {
        OBD9141println("Timeout on read 0x55.");
        return false;
    // we get here after we have passed receiving the first 0x55 from ecu.

    this->serial->setTimeout(20); // w2 and w3 are pauses between 5 and 20 ms

    uint8_t v1=0, v2=0; // sent by car:  (either 0x08 or 0x94)

    // read v1
    if (!this->serial->readBytes(buffer, 1)){
        OBD9141println("Timeout on read v1.");
        return false;
    } else {
        v1 = buffer[0];
        OBD9141print("read v1: "); OBD9141println(v1);

    // read v2
    if (!this->serial->readBytes(buffer, 1)){
        OBD9141println("Timeout on read v2.");
        return false;
    } else {
        v2 = buffer[0];
        OBD9141print("read v2: "); OBD9141println(v2);
    OBD9141print("v1: "); OBD9141println(v1);
    OBD9141print("v2: "); OBD9141println(v2);

    // these two should be identical according to the spec.
    if (v1 != v2){
        return false;

    // we obtained w1 and w2, now invert and send it back.
    // tester waits w4 between 25 and 50 ms:
    this->serial->setTimeout(50); // w5 is same as w4...  max 50 ms

    // finally, attempt to read 0xCC from the ECU, indicating succesful init.
    if (!this->serial->readBytes(buffer, 1)){
        OBD9141println("Timeout on 0xCC read.");
        return false;
    } else {
        // OBD9141print("read 0xCC?: "); OBD9141println(buffer[0], HEX);
        if ((buffer[0] == 0xCC)){ // done if this is inverse of 0x33
            // this delay is not in the spec, but prevents requests immediately
            // after the finishing of the init sequency.

            return true; // yay! we are initialised.
        } else {
            return false;