예제 #1
OCIType* OWConnection::DescribeType( const char *pszTypeName )
    OCIParam* hParam    = NULL;
    OCIRef*   hRef      = NULL;
    OCIType*  hType     = NULL;

    CheckError( OCIDescribeAny(
        (text*) pszTypeName,
        (ub4) strlen( pszTypeName ),
        (ub1) OCI_OTYPE_NAME,
        (ub1) OCI_DEFAULT,
        (ub1) OCI_PTYPE_TYPE,
        hDescribe ), hError );

    CheckError( OCIAttrGet(
        (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE,
        (dvoid*) &hParam,
        (ub4*) NULL,
        (ub4) OCI_ATTR_PARAM,
        hError ), hError );

    CheckError( OCIAttrGet(
        (ub4) OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
        (dvoid*) &hRef,
        (ub4*) NULL,
        (ub4) OCI_ATTR_REF_TDO,
        hError ), hError );

    CheckError( OCIObjectPin(
        (OCIComplexObject*) NULL,
        (OCIPinOpt) OCI_PIN_ANY,
        (OCILockOpt) OCI_LOCK_NONE,
        (dvoid**) (dvoid*) &hType ), hError );

    return hType;
예제 #2
OCIType *OGROCISession::PinTDO( const char *pszType )

    OCIParam *hGeomParam = NULL;
    OCIRef *hGeomTypeRef = NULL;
    OCIType *hPinnedTDO = NULL;

    if( Failed( 
        OCIDescribeAny(hSvcCtx, hError, 
                       (text *) pszType, (ub4) strlen(pszType), 
                       OCI_OTYPE_NAME, (ub1)1, (ub1)OCI_PTYPE_TYPE, 
                       hDescribe ), 
        "GetTDO()->OCIDescribeAny()" ) )
        return NULL;

    if( Failed( 
        OCIAttrGet((dvoid *)hDescribe, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE,
                   (dvoid *)&hGeomParam, (ub4 *)0, (ub4)OCI_ATTR_PARAM, 
                   hError), "GetTDO()->OCIGetAttr(ATTR_PARAM)") )
        return NULL;

    if( Failed( 
        OCIAttrGet((dvoid *)hGeomParam, (ub4)OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
                   (dvoid *)&hGeomTypeRef, (ub4 *)0, (ub4)OCI_ATTR_REF_TDO, 
                   hError), "GetTDO()->OCIAttrGet(ATTR_REF_TDO)" ) )
        return NULL;

    if( Failed( 
        OCIObjectPin(hEnv, hError, hGeomTypeRef, (OCIComplexObject *)0, 
                     OCI_PIN_ANY, OCI_DURATION_SESSION, 
                     OCI_LOCK_NONE, (dvoid **)&hPinnedTDO ),
        "GetTDO()->OCIObjectPin()" ) )
        return NULL;

    return hPinnedTDO;
예제 #3
/* Function to display the attributes of the object */
static void display (i_manager *sub_obj)
  ub4 sizeUB4 = sizeof (ub4);
  ub4 ssn = 0; /* Variable to fetch ssn */
  ub4 addr_hno = 0; /*Variable to fetch hno of addr */
  text *name; /*Variable to fetch name */
  ub4 name_len = 0;
  text *addr_street; /*Variable to fetch street of addr */
  ub4 addr_streetLen = 0;
  ub4 altadrs_hno = 0; /*Variable to fetch hno of altadrs */
  text *altadrs_street; /*Variable to fetch street of altadrs */
  ub4 altadrs_streetLen = 0;
  ub4 empno = 0; /* Variable to fetch empno */
  ub4 workadd_hno = 0; /*Variable to fetch hno of workadd */
  text *workadd_street; /*Variable to fetch street of workadd */
  ub4 workadd_streetLen = 0;

  sb4 size = 111;
  sb4 index1 = 0; /* Index for the starting point of the scan */
  sb4 index2 = 0; /* Index of the next existing element */
  boolean eoc = TRUE; /* For getting the status for the availability of
                         the next index */
  ub4 count = 0;
  i_residence *elem = (i_residence *)0; /* To get the element from the 
                                           nested table */
  i_residence_ref *elemref = (i_residence_ref *)0;
  i_residence *objptr = (i_residence *)0;

  name = OCIStringPtr(envhp, sub_obj->_super.name);
  name_len =  OCIStringSize (envhp, sub_obj->_super.name);
  printf("name is : %.*s\n", name_len, name);
  OCINumberToInt (errhp, &(sub_obj->_super.ssn), sizeof(ub4),
    OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, (dvoid *)&ssn);
  printf("SSN: %d\n", ssn);
  OCINumberToInt (errhp, &(sub_obj->_super.addr.hno), sizeof(ub4),
    OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, (dvoid *)&addr_hno);
  addr_street = OCIStringPtr(envhp, sub_obj->_super.addr.street);
  addr_streetLen =  OCIStringSize (envhp, sub_obj->_super.addr.street);
  printf("Primary address:   %d %.*s\n", addr_hno,addr_streetLen, addr_street);

  OCITableSize(envhp, errhp, (CONST OCITable*)(sub_obj->_super.altadrs), &size);
  OCITableFirst(envhp, errhp,(CONST OCITable*)sub_obj->_super.altadrs, &index1);
  status = OCICollGetElem(envhp, errhp, (OCIColl *)sub_obj->_super.altadrs, 
    index1, (boolean *)&eoc, (dvoid **)&elem, (dvoid **)0);
  OCINumberToInt (errhp, &(elem->hno), sizeof(ub4),
    OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, (dvoid *)&altadrs_hno);
  altadrs_street = OCIStringPtr(envhp, elem->street);
  altadrs_streetLen = OCIStringSize (envhp, elem->street);
  printf("Other addresses:\n");
  printf("   %d %.*s\n", altadrs_hno, altadrs_streetLen, 
  for (count = 1; count < size; count++)
     OCITableNext(envhp, errhp, index1, 
      (CONST OCITable*)sub_obj->_super.altadrs, &index2, &eoc);
     OCICollGetElem(envhp, errhp,(OCIColl *)sub_obj->_super.altadrs, index2,
       (boolean *)&eoc, (dvoid **)&elem, (dvoid **)0);
     OCINumberToInt (errhp, &(elem->hno), sizeof(ub4), OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, 
       (dvoid *)&altadrs_hno);
     altadrs_street = OCIStringPtr(envhp, elem->street);
     altadrs_streetLen = OCIStringSize (envhp, elem->street);
     printf("   %d %.*s\n", altadrs_hno, altadrs_streetLen, 
     index1 = index2;

  OCINumberToInt (errhp, &(sub_obj->empno), sizeof(ub4),
    OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, (dvoid *)&empno);
  printf("EMPNO: %d\n", empno);

  index1 = 1;
  eoc = TRUE;
  OCITableSize(envhp, errhp, (CONST OCITable*) sub_obj->workadd, &size);
  OCITableFirst(envhp, errhp,(CONST OCITable*) sub_obj->workadd, &index1);
  status = OCICollGetElem(envhp, errhp, (OCIColl *)(sub_obj->workadd),
    index1, (boolean *)&eoc, (dvoid **)&elemref, (dvoid **)0);
  if (status != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCICollGetElem - Failure \n");
  elemref = *( OCIRef **)elemref;
  if ((status = OCIObjectPin(envhp, errhp, elemref, 
    (OCIComplexObject *)0,
    (dvoid **) &objptr)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCIObjectPin - Failure \n");

  OCINumberToInt (errhp, &(objptr->hno), sizeof(ub4), OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED,
       (dvoid *)&workadd_hno);

  workadd_street = OCIStringPtr(envhp, objptr->street);
  workadd_streetLen = OCIStringSize (envhp, objptr->street);
  printf("Work Addresses:\n");
  printf("   %d %.*s\n", workadd_hno,workadd_streetLen,
  for (count = 1; count < size; count++)
    OCITableNext(envhp, errhp, index1, 
       (CONST OCITable*)sub_obj->workadd, &index2, &eoc);
    status = OCICollGetElem(envhp, errhp, (OCIColl *)(sub_obj->workadd),
    index2, (boolean *)&eoc, (dvoid **)&elemref, (dvoid **)0);
    if (status != OCI_SUCCESS)
      printf("OCICollGetElem - Failure \n");
    elemref = *( OCIRef **)elemref;
    if ((status = OCIObjectPin(envhp, errhp, elemref, 
      (OCIComplexObject *)0,
      (dvoid **) &objptr)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
      printf("OCIObjectPin - Failure \n");
    OCINumberToInt (errhp, &(objptr->hno), sizeof(ub4), OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED,
       (dvoid *)&workadd_hno);

    workadd_street = OCIStringPtr(envhp, objptr->street);
    workadd_streetLen = OCIStringSize (envhp, objptr->street);
    printf("   %d %.*s\n", workadd_hno,workadd_streetLen,
    index1 = index2;
} /* end of display ((i_manager *) */
예제 #4
/* Function to display data from the table */
static void selectFunction ()
  OCIDefine *defhp = (OCIDefine *)0;
  OCIRef *sub_ref = (OCIRef *)0;
  i_manager *sub_obj = (i_manager *)0;
  ub4 subSize = 0;
  ub4 sizeUB4 = sizeof (ub4);
  OCIType *mtype = (OCIType *)0;

  OCIHandleAlloc (envhp, (dvoid **)&stmthp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (size_t)0,
    (dvoid **)0);

  if ((status = OCIStmtPrepare (stmthp, errhp, (text *)selectSql, 
    (ub4)strlen((char *)selectSql),OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, OCI_DEFAULT)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf ("OCIStmtPrepare - Fail\n");

  if (( status = OCIObjectNew(envhp, errhp, svchp, OCI_TYPECODE_REF,
    (OCIType *)0, (dvoid *)0, OCI_DURATION_DEFAULT, FALSE, 
    (dvoid **) &sub_ref)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf ("OCIObjectNew - Failure\n");

  if ((status = OCIDefineByPos(stmthp, &defhp, errhp, (ub4) 1,
    (dvoid *) 0, (sb4) 0, SQLT_REF, (dvoid *) 0,
    (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf ("OCIDefineByPos - Failure \n");

  if ((status = OCIDefineObject(defhp, errhp, (OCIType *) 0,
    (dvoid **)&sub_ref, (ub4 *)&subSize, (dvoid **) 0, (ub4 *) 0))
    printf ("OCIDefineObject - Failure \n");
  printf ("\nExecuting the statement:%s\n", selectSql);
  if (OCIStmtExecute (svchp, stmthp, errhp, (ub4)1, (ub4)0,
    (OCISnapshot *)0, (OCISnapshot *)0, OCI_DEFAULT ) != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCIStmtExecute - Failure \n");
    printf("OCIStmtExecute - Success\n");
    if ((status = OCIObjectPin(envhp, errhp, sub_ref, (OCIComplexObject *)0,
      (dvoid **) &sub_obj)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
      printf("OCIObjectPin - Failure \n");
      printf ("\nDisplaying the contents of the object\n");
      display (sub_obj);
} /* end of selectFunction() */
예제 #5
/* Function to modify the data of an inherited object */
static void modifyFunction ()
  OCIDefine *defhp = (OCIDefine *)0; 
  OCIRef *sub_ref = (OCIRef *)0;
  i_residence elem;
  i_residence *elemptr = (i_residence *)0;
  i_manager *sub_obj = (i_manager *)0;
  ub4 subSize = 0;
  ub4 sizeUB4 = sizeof (ub4);
  OCIType *mtype = (OCIType *)0;

  text *name = (text*)"JENNY";
  ub4 name_len=(ub4)strlen( (char * ) name);
  ub4 ssn = 808; /* Data for ssn */
  ub4 addr_hno = 800; /*Data for  hno of addr */
  text *addr_street = (text *)"Laurel Road"; /*Data for street of addr */
  ub4 addr_streetLen = (ub4)strlen( (char *)addr_street);
  ub4 altadrs_hno = 800; /*data for hno of altadrs */
  text *altadrs_street = (text *)"Shoreline Street"; /*Data for street of altadrs */
  ub4 altadrs_streetLen = (ub4)strlen( (char *)altadrs_street);
  ub4 empno = 8888; /* data for empno */

  sb4 index1 = 0; /* Index for the starting point of the scan */
  sb4 index2 = 0; /* Index of the next existing element */
  boolean eoc = TRUE; /* For getting the status for the availability of
                         the next index */
  ub4 count = 0; /* Loop counter */
  OCIHandleAlloc (envhp, (dvoid **)&stmthp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (size_t)0,
    (dvoid **)0);

  if ((status = OCIStmtPrepare (stmthp, errhp, (text *)updateSql, 
    (ub4)strlen((char *)updateSql),OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, OCI_DEFAULT)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf ("OCIStmtPrepare - Fail\n");

  if (( status = OCIObjectNew(envhp, errhp, svchp, OCI_TYPECODE_REF,
    (OCIType *)0, (dvoid *)0, OCI_DURATION_DEFAULT, FALSE, 
    (dvoid **) &sub_ref)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf ("OCIObjectNew - Failure\n");

  if ((status = OCIDefineByPos(stmthp, &defhp, errhp, (ub4) 1,
    (dvoid *) 0, (sb4) 0, SQLT_REF, (dvoid *) 0,
    (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf ("OCIDefineByPos - Failure \n");

  if ((status = OCIDefineObject(defhp, errhp, (OCIType *)0,
    (dvoid **)&sub_ref, (ub4 *)&subSize, (dvoid **) 0, (ub4 *) 0))
    printf ("OCIDefineObject - Failure \n");
  printf ("\nExecuting the statement:%s\n", updateSql); 
  if (OCIStmtExecute (svchp, stmthp, errhp, (ub4)1, (ub4)0,
    (OCISnapshot *)0, (OCISnapshot *)0, OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS ) != OCI_SUCCESS)
    printf("OCIStmtExecute - Failure \n");
    printf("OCIStmtExecute - Success\n");
    if ((status = OCIObjectPin(envhp, errhp, sub_ref, (OCIComplexObject *)0,
      (dvoid **) &sub_obj)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
      printf("OCIObjectPin - Failure \n");
      printf ("\nDisplaying the original data from the employee table \n");
      display (sub_obj);
      printf ("\nModifying the data present in the object\n");
      if ((status = OCIObjectMarkUpdate (envhp, errhp, (dvoid *)sub_obj))
        != OCI_SUCCESS)
        printf ("OCIObjectMarkUpdate - Fail\n");
        printf ("OCIObjectMarkUpdate - Success\n");
      OCINumberFromInt (errhp, (dvoid *)&ssn, sizeof(ssn), OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED,
      OCINumberFromInt (errhp, (dvoid *)&empno, sizeof(empno), 
                       OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, &(sub_obj->empno));
      OCINumberFromInt (errhp, (dvoid *)&addr_hno, sizeof(addr_hno),
               OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, &(sub_obj->_super.addr.hno));
      OCIStringAssignText (envhp, errhp, (text *)name, (ub2)name_len,
      OCIStringAssignText (envhp, errhp, (text *)addr_street, (ub2)addr_streetLen,
      OCITableFirst(envhp, errhp, (CONST OCITable*)sub_obj->_super.altadrs, 
      OCICollGetElem(envhp, errhp, (OCIColl *)sub_obj->_super.altadrs, 
        index1, (boolean *)&eoc, (dvoid **)&elemptr, (dvoid **)0);
      OCINumberFromInt (errhp, (dvoid *)&altadrs_hno, sizeof(altadrs_hno),
        OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, &(elemptr->hno));
      OCIStringAssignText (envhp, errhp, (text *)altadrs_street, (ub2)altadrs_streetLen,
      for (count = 0; count < NUMREC-1; ++count)
        altadrs_hno += count;
        OCITableNext(envhp, errhp, index1,
         (CONST OCITable*) sub_obj->_super.altadrs, &index2, &eoc);
        OCICollGetElem(envhp, errhp, (OCIColl *)sub_obj->_super.altadrs, 
          index2, (boolean *)&eoc, (dvoid **)&elemptr, (dvoid **)0);
        OCINumberFromInt (errhp, (dvoid *)&altadrs_hno, sizeof(altadrs_hno),
          OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, &(elemptr->hno));
        OCIStringAssignText (envhp, errhp, (text *)altadrs_street, (ub2)altadrs_streetLen,
        index1 = index2;
      index1 = 0;
      index2 = 0;
      OCITableFirst(envhp, errhp, (CONST OCITable*)sub_obj->workadd, &index1);
      OCICollAssignElem (envhp, errhp, index1, (dvoid *)workadd[count],
       (dvoid *)0, (OCIColl *)sub_obj->workadd);
      for (count = 0; count < NUMREC; ++count)
        OCITableNext(envhp, errhp, index1,(CONST OCITable*) sub_obj->workadd,
          &index2, &eoc);
        OCICollAssignElem (envhp, errhp, index1, (dvoid *)workadd[count],
          (dvoid *)0, (OCIColl *)sub_obj->workadd);
        index1 = index2;
      if ((status = OCIObjectFlush(envhp, errhp, sub_obj)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
        printf ("OCIObjectFlush - Fail\n");
        printf ("OCIObjectFlush - Success\n");
      printf ("Refreshing the object\n");
      if ((status = OCIObjectRefresh(envhp, errhp, (dvoid *)sub_obj))
        != OCI_SUCCESS)
        printf ("OCIObjectRefresh - Fail\n");
        printf ("OCIObjectRefresh - Success\n");
      printf ("\nDisplaying the data in the employee table after the refresh\n");
      display (sub_obj);

      printf ("\nModifying the data present in the object once again\n");
      ssn = 606; /* Data for ssn */
      addr_hno = 200; /*Data for  hno of addr */
      addr_street = (text *)"Main Street"; /*Data for street of addr */
      addr_streetLen = (ub4)strlen( (char *)addr_street);
      altadrs_hno = 600; /*data for hno of altadrs */
      altadrs_street = (text *)"Shell Blvd";/*Data for street of altadrs*/
      altadrs_streetLen = (ub4)strlen( (char *)altadrs_street);
      empno = 6666; /* data for empno */

      if ((status = OCIObjectMarkUpdate (envhp, errhp, (dvoid *)sub_obj))
        != OCI_SUCCESS)
        printf ("OCIObjectMarkUpdate - Fail\n");
        printf ("OCIObjectMarkUpdate - Success\n");
      index1 = 0;
      index2 = 0;
      OCINumberFromInt (errhp, (dvoid *)&ssn, sizeof(ssn), OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED,
      OCINumberFromInt (errhp, (dvoid *)&empno, sizeof(empno), OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED,
      OCINumberFromInt (errhp, (dvoid *)&addr_hno, sizeof(addr_hno),
        OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, &(sub_obj->_super.addr.hno));
      OCIStringAssignText (envhp, errhp, (text *)addr_street, 
         (ub2)addr_streetLen, &(sub_obj->_super.addr.street));
      OCITableFirst(envhp, errhp,(CONST OCITable*)sub_obj->_super.altadrs,
      OCICollGetElem(envhp, errhp, (OCIColl *)sub_obj->_super.altadrs, 
        index1, (boolean *)&eoc, (dvoid **)&elemptr, (dvoid **)0);
      OCINumberFromInt (errhp, (dvoid *)&altadrs_hno, sizeof(altadrs_hno),
        OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, &(elemptr->hno));
      OCIStringAssignText (envhp, errhp, (text *)altadrs_street, (ub2)altadrs_streetLen,
      for (count = 0; count < NUMREC-1; ++count)
        altadrs_hno += count;
        OCITableNext(envhp, errhp, index1,(CONST OCITable*) sub_obj->_super.altadrs, &index2, 
        OCICollGetElem(envhp, errhp, (OCIColl *)sub_obj->_super.altadrs, 
          index2, (boolean *)&eoc, (dvoid **)&elemptr, (dvoid **)0);
        OCINumberFromInt (errhp, (dvoid *)&altadrs_hno, sizeof(altadrs_hno),
          OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, &(elemptr->hno));
        OCIStringAssignText (envhp, errhp, (text *)altadrs_street, (ub2)altadrs_streetLen,
        index1 = index2;
      index1 = 0;
      index2 = 0;
      OCITableFirst(envhp, errhp, (CONST OCITable*)sub_obj->workadd, &index1);
      OCICollAssignElem (envhp, errhp, index1, (dvoid *)workadd[count],
       (dvoid *)0, (OCIColl *)sub_obj->workadd);
      for (count = 0; count < NUMREC; ++count)
        OCITableNext(envhp, errhp, index1, (CONST OCITable*)sub_obj->workadd,
          &index2, &eoc);
        OCICollAssignElem (envhp, errhp, index1, (dvoid *)workadd[count],
          (dvoid *)0, (OCIColl *)sub_obj->workadd);
        index1 = index2;
      if ((status = OCICacheFlush (envhp, errhp, svchp, NULL, NULL, &sub_ref))
        != OCI_SUCCESS)
        printf ("OCICacheFlush - Fail\n");
        printf ("OCICacheFlush - Success\n");
    if ((status = OCITransCommit (svchp, errhp, OCI_DEFAULT)) != OCI_SUCCESS)
      printf ("OCITransCommit - Fail\n");
      printf ("OCITransCommit - Success\n");
  OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) stmthp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT);

} /* end of modifyFunction() */