예제 #1
PathProp::PathProp( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos,
        const wxSize& size, long style )
    m_opList = NULL;
    m_nSelected = 0;
    m_pEnroutePoint = NULL;
    m_bStartNow = false;
    m_pPath = NULL;

    m_pEnroutePoint = NULL;
    m_bStartNow = false;
#ifdef __WXOSX__
    style |= wxSTAY_ON_TOP;

    SetExtraStyle( GetExtraStyle() | wxWS_EX_BLOCK_EVENTS );
    wxDialog::Create( parent, id, caption, pos, size, style );

    wxFont *qFont = OCPNGetFont(_("Dialog"), 0);
    SetFont( *qFont );

    //  Make an estimate of the dialog size, without scrollbars showing
    wxSize esize;
    esize.x = GetCharWidth() * 110;
    esize.y = GetCharHeight() * 40;
    SetSize( esize );
예제 #2
void CursorData::MenuAppend( wxMenu *menu, int id, wxString label, int setting)
    wxMenuItem *item = new wxMenuItem(menu, id, label, _T(""), wxITEM_CHECK);

#ifdef __WXMSW__
    wxFont *qFont = OCPNGetFont( _("Menu"), 10 );


    bool check;
    if( id == B_ARROWS )
        check = m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.Settings[setting].m_bBarbedArrows;
    else if( id == ISO_LINE )
        check = m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.Settings[setting].m_bIsoBars;
    else if( id == D_ARROWS )
        check = m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.Settings[setting].m_bDirectionArrows;
    else if( id == OVERLAY )
        check = m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.Settings[setting].m_bOverlayMap;
    else if( id == NUMBERS )
        check = m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.Settings[setting].m_bNumbers;
    else if( id == PARTICLES )
        check = m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.Settings[setting].m_bParticles;
        check = false;
    item->Check( check );
예제 #3
void GribRequestSetting::SetRequestDialogSize()
    int y;
    /*first let's size the mail display space*/
    GetTextExtent( _T("abc"), NULL, &y, 0, 0, OCPNGetFont(_("Dialog"), 10) );
    m_MailImage->SetMinSize( wxSize( -1, ( (y * m_MailImage->GetNumberOfLines()) + 10 ) ) );

    /*then as default sizing do not work with wxScolledWindow let's compute it*/
    wxSize scroll = m_fgScrollSizer->Fit(m_sScrolledDialog);                                   // the area size to be scrolled

#ifdef __WXGTK__
    SetMinSize( wxSize( 0, 0 ) );
     wxWindow *frame = wxTheApp->GetTopWindow();  

    int w = frame->GetClientSize().x;           // the display size
    int h = frame->GetClientSize().y;
    int dMargin = 80;                                      //set a margin
    h -= ( m_rButton->GetSize().GetY() + dMargin );         //height available for the scrolled window
    w -= dMargin;                                           //width available for the scrolled window
    m_sScrolledDialog->SetMinSize( wxSize( wxMin( w, scroll.x ), wxMin( h, scroll.y ) ) );		//set scrolled area size with margin

#ifdef __WXGTK__
    wxSize sd = GetSize();
    if( sd.y == GetClientSize().y ) sd.y += 30;
    SetSize( wxSize( sd.x, sd.y ) );
    SetMinSize( wxSize( sd.x, sd.y ) );
예제 #4
void GribRequestSetting::SetMailImageSize()
#ifndef __WXMSW__                   //default resizing do not work properly on no Windows plateforms
    int h;
    GetTextExtent( _T("abc"), NULL, &h, 0, 0, OCPNGetFont(_("Dialog"), 10) );
    m_MailImage->SetMinSize( wxSize( -1, (h * m_MailImage->GetNumberOfLines()) + 5 ) );
예제 #5
void GribRequestSetting::SetRequestDialogSize()
    int y;
    /*first let's size the mail display space*/
    GetTextExtent( _T("abc"), NULL, &y, 0, 0, OCPNGetFont(_("Dialog"), 10) );
    m_MailImage->SetMinSize( wxSize( -1, ( (y * m_MailImage->GetNumberOfLines()) + 10 ) ) );

    /*then as default sizing do not work with wxScolledWindow let's compute it*/
    wxSize scroll = m_fgScrollSizer->Fit(m_sScrolledDialog);                                   // the area size to be scrolled

    int w = GetOCPNCanvasWindow()->GetClientSize().x;           // the display size
    int h = GetOCPNCanvasWindow()->GetClientSize().y;
    int dMargin = 80;                                      //set a margin
    h -= ( m_rButton->GetSize().GetY() + dMargin );         //height available for the scrolled window
    w -= dMargin;                                           //width available for the scrolled window
    m_sScrolledDialog->SetMinSize( wxSize( wxMin( w, scroll.GetWidth() ), h ) );		//set scrolled area size with margin

예제 #6
void grib_pi::OnToolbarToolCallback(int id)
    if( !::wxIsBusy() ) ::wxBeginBusyCursor();

    bool starting = false;

    double scale_factor = GetOCPNGUIToolScaleFactor_PlugIn();
    if( scale_factor != m_GUIScaleFactor ) starting = true;

    m_GUIScaleFactor = scale_factor;
        starting = true;
        m_pGribCtrlBar = new GRIBUICtrlBar(m_parent_window, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition,
                wxDefaultSize, style, this);
        wxMenu* dummy = new wxMenu(_T("Plugin"));
        wxMenuItem* table = new wxMenuItem( dummy, wxID_ANY, wxString( _("Weather table") ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL );
#ifdef __WXMSW__
        wxFont *qFont = OCPNGetFont(_("Menu"), 10);
        m_MenuItem = AddCanvasContextMenuItem(table, this);
        SetCanvasContextMenuItemViz(m_MenuItem, false);

        // Create the drawing factory
        m_pGRIBOverlayFactory = new GRIBOverlayFactory( *m_pGribCtrlBar );
        m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->SetTimeZone( m_bTimeZone );
        m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->SetParentSize( m_display_width, m_display_height);
        m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->SetSettings( m_bGRIBUseHiDef, m_bGRIBUseGradualColors );

        m_pGribCtrlBar->OpenFile( m_bLoadLastOpenFile == 0 );


    if( m_pGribCtrlBar->GetFont() != *OCPNGetFont(_("Dialog"), 10) ) starting = true;

    //Toggle GRIB overlay display
    m_bShowGrib = !m_bShowGrib;

    //    Toggle dialog?
    if(m_bShowGrib) {
        if( starting ) {
            SetDialogFont( m_pGribCtrlBar );
	    m_pGribCtrlBar->SetScaledBitmap( m_GUIScaleFactor );
            m_pGribCtrlBar->SetDialogsStyleSizePosition( true );
        } else {
            MoveDialog( m_pGribCtrlBar, GetCtrlBarXY(), wxPoint( 20, 60) );
            if( m_DialogStyle >> 1 == SEPARATED ) {
                MoveDialog( m_pGribCtrlBar->GetCDataDialog(), GetCursorDataXY(), wxPoint( 20, 170));
                m_pGribCtrlBar->GetCDataDialog()->Show( m_pGribCtrlBar->m_CDataIsShown );
        if( m_pGribCtrlBar->m_bGRIBActiveFile ) {
            if( m_pGribCtrlBar->m_bGRIBActiveFile->IsOK() ) {
                ArrayOfGribRecordSets *rsa = m_pGribCtrlBar->m_bGRIBActiveFile->GetRecordSetArrayPtr();
                if(rsa->GetCount() > 1) SetCanvasContextMenuItemViz( m_MenuItem, true);
        // Toggle is handled by the CtrlBar but we must keep plugin manager b_toggle updated
        // to actual status to ensure correct status upon CtrlBar rebuild
        SetToolbarItemState( m_leftclick_tool_id, m_bShowGrib );
        RequestRefresh(m_parent_window); // refresh main window
    } else
예제 #7
void CursorData::PopulateTrackingControls( bool vertical )
    m_fgTrackingControls->SetCols( vertical ? 2 : 12);
    //Get text controls sizing data
    wxFont *font = OCPNGetFont(_("Dialog"), 10);
    int wn, wd, ws,wl;
    GetTextExtent( _T("abcdefghih"), &wn, NULL, 0, 0, font); // normal width text control size
    GetTextExtent( _T("abcdef"), &ws, NULL, 0, 0, font); // short width text control size for direction only
    GetTextExtent( _T("abcdefghijklmopq"), &wd, NULL, 0, 0, font); // long width text control size for double unit wind display
    GetTextExtent( _T("abcdefghijklm"), &wl, NULL, 0, 0, font); // long width text control size for double unit wave display
    bool bf = m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.Settings[GribOverlaySettings::WIND].m_Units == GribOverlaySettings::BFS;
    wd = vertical ? wn: bf? wn: wd;
    wl = vertical? wn : wl;

    AddTrackingControl(m_cbWind, m_tcWindSpeed, m_tcWindSpeedBf, m_tcWindDirection, false, vertical, 0, 0 ); //hide all wind's parameters
    AddTrackingControl(m_cbWind, m_tcWindSpeed, vertical? (bf ? m_tcWindDirection: m_tcWindSpeedBf) : m_tcWindDirection, vertical? (bf ? 0: m_tcWindDirection): 0,
        m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_WIND_VX) != wxNOT_FOUND
        && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_WIND_VY) != wxNOT_FOUND, vertical, wd, ws);
    AddTrackingControl(m_cbWindGust, m_tcWindGust, 0, 0, m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet
        && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_WIND_GUST) != wxNOT_FOUND
		&& m_Altitude == 0, vertical, wn);
    AddTrackingControl(m_cbPressure, m_tcPressure, 0, 0, m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet
        && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_PRESSURE) != wxNOT_FOUND
		&& m_Altitude == 0, vertical, wn);

    /* tracking for wave is funky */
    AddTrackingControl(m_cbWave, m_tcWaveHeight, m_tcWavePeriode, m_tcWaveDirection, false, vertical, 0, 0); //hide all waves's parameters
    if(m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_HTSIGW) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
        if(m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_WVDIR) != wxNOT_FOUND)
            AddTrackingControl(m_cbWave, m_tcWaveHeight, vertical? m_tcWavePeriode: m_tcWaveDirection,
                    vertical? m_tcWaveDirection: 0 , m_Altitude == 0, vertical, wl, ws);
            AddTrackingControl(m_cbWave, m_tcWaveHeight, 0, vertical? m_tcWavePeriode: 0, m_Altitude == 0, vertical, wn, ws);
    } else {
        if(m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_WVDIR) != wxNOT_FOUND)
            AddTrackingControl(m_cbWave, m_tcWaveDirection, 0,0 , m_Altitude == 0, vertical, ws, ws);

    AddTrackingControl(m_cbCurrent, m_tcCurrentVelocity, m_tcCurrentDirection, 0,
        m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_SEACURRENT_VX) != wxNOT_FOUND
        && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_SEACURRENT_VY) != wxNOT_FOUND
		&& m_Altitude == 0, vertical, wn, ws);
    AddTrackingControl(m_cbPrecipitation, m_tcPrecipitation, 0, 0,
        m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_PRECIP_TOT) != wxNOT_FOUND
		&& m_Altitude == 0, vertical, wn);
    AddTrackingControl(m_cbCloud, m_tcCloud, 0, 0,
        m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_CLOUD_TOT) != wxNOT_FOUND
		&& m_Altitude == 0, vertical, wn);
    AddTrackingControl(m_cbAirTemperature, m_tcAirTemperature, 0, 0,
        m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_AIR_TEMP) != wxNOT_FOUND
		&& m_Altitude == 0, vertical, wn);
    AddTrackingControl(m_cbSeaTemperature, m_tcSeaTemperature, 0, 0,
        m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_SEA_TEMP) != wxNOT_FOUND
		&& m_Altitude == 0, vertical, wn);
    AddTrackingControl(m_cbCAPE, m_tcCAPE, 0, 0,
        m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_CAPE) != wxNOT_FOUND
		&& m_Altitude == 0, vertical, wn);
    //init and show extra parameters for altitude tracking if necessary
	AddTrackingControl(m_cbAltitude, m_tcAltitude, 0, 0,
        m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_GEOP_HGT + m_Altitude) != wxNOT_FOUND
		&& m_Altitude != 0, vertical, wn);
	AddTrackingControl(m_cbTemp, m_tcTemp, 0, 0,
        m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_AIR_TEMP + m_Altitude) != wxNOT_FOUND
		&& m_Altitude != 0, vertical, wn);
	AddTrackingControl(m_cbRelHumid, m_tcRelHumid, 0, 0,
        m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet && m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_HUMID_RE + m_Altitude) != wxNOT_FOUND
		&& m_Altitude != 0, vertical, wn);
    m_stTrackingText->SetLabel( _("Data at cursor position") );
    //add tooltips
    wxString t; double lev;

    lev = m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::GEO_ALTITUDE, 10 );     //convert 10m in current altitude unit
        m_Altitude ? m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.GetAltitudeFromIndex(
                m_Altitude, m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.Settings[GribOverlaySettings::PRESSURE].m_Units)
                .Append( _T(" ") ).Append( m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::PRESSURE) )
           : wxString::Format( _T("%1.*f "), lev == (int) lev ? 0 : 1, lev )
                .Append( m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::GEO_ALTITUDE) )
    m_tcWindSpeed->SetToolTip( _("Wind Speed at") + t.Prepend( _T(" ") ) );
    m_tcWindSpeedBf->SetToolTip( _("Wind Speed in at") + t.Prepend( _T(" ") ) );
    m_tcWindDirection->SetToolTip( _("Wind Direction at") + t );

    t.Printf( _T(" %1.*f ") + m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::GEO_ALTITUDE), lev == (int) lev ? 0 : 1, lev );
    m_tcWindGust->SetToolTip( _("Wind Gust at") + t );

    if( m_gparent.m_pTimelineSet ) {
        wxString s[] = { _T(" "), _("Air Temperature at"), _("Surface level"), _("Sea Surface Temperature") };

        lev = m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::GEO_ALTITUDE, 2 );      //convert 2m in current altitude unit
        t.Printf( m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(1000 + NORWAY_METNO) != wxNOT_FOUND ? s[0] + s[2]
            : _T(" %1.*f ") + m_gparent.m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::GEO_ALTITUDE), lev == (int) lev ? 0 : 1, lev );
        m_tcAirTemperature->SetToolTip(s[1] + t );

        m_tcSeaTemperature->SetToolTip( m_gparent.m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index( 1000 + NOAA_GFS) != wxNOT_FOUND ? s[1] + s[0] + s[2] : s[3] );
예제 #8
void GribRequestSetting::InitRequestConfig()
    wxFileConfig *pConf = GetOCPNConfigObject();

    if(pConf) {
        pConf->SetPath ( _T( "/PlugIns/GRIB" ) );
        wxString l;
        int m;
        pConf->Read ( _T( "MailRequestConfig" ), &m_RequestConfigBase, _T( "000220XX........0" ) );
        pConf->Read ( _T( "MailSenderAddress" ), &l, _T("") );
        m_pSenderAddress->ChangeValue( l );
        pConf->Read ( _T( "MailRequestAddresses" ), &m_MailToAddresses, _T("[email protected];[email protected]") );
        pConf->Read ( _T( "ZyGribLogin" ), &l, _T("") );
        m_pLogin->ChangeValue( l );
        pConf->Read ( _T( "ZyGribCode" ), &l, _T("") );
        m_pCode->ChangeValue( l );
        pConf->Read ( _T( "SendMailMethod" ), &m_SendMethod, 0 );
        pConf->Read ( _T( "MovingGribSpeed" ), &m, 0 );
        m_sMovingSpeed->SetValue( m );
        pConf->Read ( _T( "MovingGribCourse" ), &m, 0 );
        m_sMovingCourse->SetValue( m );
        m_cManualZoneSel->SetValue( m_SavedZoneSelMode != AUTO_SELECTION );      //has been read in GriUbICtrlBar dialog implementation or updated previously
        m_cUseSavedZone->SetValue( m_SavedZoneSelMode == SAVED_SELECTION );
        fgZoneCoordinatesSizer->ShowItems( m_SavedZoneSelMode != AUTO_SELECTION );
        m_cUseSavedZone->Show( m_SavedZoneSelMode != AUTO_SELECTION );
        if( m_cManualZoneSel->GetValue() ) {
            pConf->Read ( _T( "RequestZoneMaxLat" ), &m, 0 );
            m_spMaxLat->SetValue( m );
            pConf->Read ( _T( "RequestZoneMinLat" ), &m, 0 );
            m_spMinLat->SetValue( m );
            pConf->Read ( _T( "RequestZoneMaxLon" ), &m, 0 );
            m_spMaxLon->SetValue( m );
            pConf->Read ( _T( "RequestZoneMinLon" ), &m, 0 );
            m_spMinLon->SetValue( m );

    //if GriDataConfig has been corrupted , take the standard one to fix a crash
    if( m_RequestConfigBase.Len() != wxString (_T( "000220XX.............." ) ).Len() )
        m_RequestConfigBase = _T( "000220XX.............." );
    //populate model, mail to, waves model choices
    wxString s1[] = {_T("GFS"),_T("COAMPS"),_T("RTOFS")};
    for( unsigned int i= 0;  i<(sizeof(s1) / sizeof(wxString));i++)
        m_pModel->Append( s1[i] );
    wxString s2[] = {_T("Saildocs"),_T("zyGrib")};
    for( unsigned int i= 0;  i<(sizeof(s2) / sizeof(wxString));i++)
        m_pMailTo->Append( s2[i] );
    wxString s3[] = {_T("WW3-GLOBAL"),_T("WW3-MEDIT")};
    for( unsigned int i= 0;  i<(sizeof(s3) / sizeof(wxString));i++)
        m_pWModel->Append( s3[i] );
    m_tResUnit->SetLabel(wxString::Format( _T("\u00B0")));
    m_sCourseUnit->SetLabel(wxString::Format( _T("\u00B0")));

    //Set wxSpinCtrl sizing
    int w,h;
    GetTextExtent( _T("-360"), &w, &h, 0, 0, OCPNGetFont(_("Dialog"), 10)); // optimal text control size
    w += 30;
    h += 4;
    m_sMovingSpeed->SetMinSize( wxSize(w, h) );
    m_sMovingCourse->SetMinSize( wxSize(w, h) );
    m_spMaxLat->SetMinSize( wxSize(w, h) );
    m_spMinLat->SetMinSize( wxSize(w, h) );
    m_spMaxLon->SetMinSize( wxSize(w, h) );
    m_spMinLon->SetMinSize( wxSize(w, h) );

    //add tooltips
    m_pSenderAddress->SetToolTip(_("Address used to send request eMail. (Mandatory for LINUX)"));
    m_pLogin->SetToolTip(_("This is your zyGrib's forum access Login"));
    m_pCode->SetToolTip(_("Get this Code in zyGrib's forum ( This is not your password! )"));
    m_sMovingSpeed->SetToolTip(_("Enter your forescasted Speed (in Knots)"));
    m_sMovingCourse->SetToolTip(_("Enter your forecasted Course"));

    long i,j,k;
    ( (wxString) m_RequestConfigBase.GetChar(0) ).ToLong( &i );             //MailTo
    ( (wxString) m_RequestConfigBase.GetChar(1) ).ToLong( &i );             //Model
    m_cMovingGribEnabled->SetValue(m_RequestConfigBase.GetChar(16) == 'X' );//Moving Grib
    ( (wxString) m_RequestConfigBase.GetChar(2) ).ToLong( &i );             //Resolution
    ( (wxString) m_RequestConfigBase.GetChar(3) ).ToLong( &j );             //interval
    ( (wxString) m_RequestConfigBase.GetChar(4) ).ToLong( &k, 16 );         //Time Range
    k--;                                         // range max = 2 to 16 stored in hexa from 1 to f

#ifdef __WXMSW__                                 //show / hide sender elemants as necessary
    if(m_SendMethod == 0 )
        m_pSenderSizer->ShowItems(true);                //possibility to use "sendmail" method with Linux

    m_tMouseEventTimer.Connect(wxEVT_TIMER, wxTimerEventHandler( GribRequestSetting::OnMouseEventTimer ), NULL, this);

    m_RenderZoneOverlay = 0;

    ApplyRequestConfig( i, j ,k);

    ( (wxString) m_RequestConfigBase.GetChar(5) ).ToLong( &j );             //Waves model
    m_pWModel->SetSelection( j );

    m_pWind->Enable( false );                                               //always selected if available
    m_pPress->Enable( false );

    DimeWindow( this );                                                     //aplly global colours scheme

    m_AllowSend = true;
    m_MailImage->SetValue( WriteMail() );
예제 #9
bool GribRequestSetting::DoRenderZoneOverlay()
    wxPoint p;
    GetCanvasPixLL( m_Vp, &p, m_Lat, m_Lon);

    int x = (m_StartPoint.x < p.x) ? m_StartPoint.x : p.x;
    int y = (m_StartPoint.y < p.y) ? m_StartPoint.y : p.y;

    int zw = fabs( (double ) p.x - m_StartPoint.x );
    int zh = fabs( (double ) p.y - m_StartPoint.y );

    wxPoint center;
    center.x = x + (zw / 2);
    center.y = y + (zh / 2);

    wxFont *font = OCPNGetFont(_("Dialog"), 10);
    wxColour pen_color, back_color;
    GetGlobalColor( _T ( "DASHR" ), &pen_color );
    GetGlobalColor( _T ( "YELO1" ), &back_color );

    int label_offsetx = 5, label_offsety = 1;

    double size;
    EstimateFileSize( &size );

    wxString label( _("Coord. ") );
    label.Append( toMailFormat(1, m_spMaxLat->GetValue()) + _T(" "));
    label.Append( toMailFormat(0, m_spMinLon->GetValue()) + _T(" "));
    label.Append( toMailFormat(1, m_spMinLat->GetValue()) + _T(" "));
    label.Append( toMailFormat(0, m_spMaxLon->GetValue()) + _T("\n"));
    label.Append( _T("Estim. Size ") ).Append((wxString::Format( _T("%1.2f " ) , size ) + _("MB") ) );

    if( m_pdc ) {
        wxPen pen(pen_color);
        m_pdc->SetPen( pen );
        m_pdc->SetBrush( *wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);
        m_pdc->DrawRectangle(x, y, zw, zh);

        int w, h, sl;
#ifdef __WXMAC__
        wxScreenDC sdc;
        sdc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(label, &w, &h, &sl, font);
        m_pdc->GetMultiLineTextExtent(label, &w, &h, &sl, font);
        w += 2*label_offsetx, h += 2*label_offsety;
        x = center.x - (w / 2);
        y = center.y - (h / 2);

        wxBitmap bm(w, h);
        wxMemoryDC mdc(bm);

        mdc.SetFont( *font );
        mdc.SetTextForeground(wxColor( 0, 0, 0 ));
        mdc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, w, h);
        mdc.DrawLabel( label, wxRect( label_offsetx, label_offsety, w, h ) );

        wxImage im = bm.ConvertToImage();
        w = im.GetWidth(), h = im.GetHeight();
        for( int j = 0; j < h; j++ )
			for( int i = 0; i < w; i++ )
				im.SetAlpha( i, j, 155 );

        m_pdc->DrawBitmap(im, x, y, true);

    } else {

#ifdef ocpnUSE_GL
    TexFont m_TexFontlabel;

    glColor3ub(pen_color.Red(), pen_color.Green(), pen_color.Blue() );

                     GL_POLYGON_BIT | GL_HINT_BIT );

   glEnable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH );
   glEnable( GL_BLEND );
   glLineWidth( 3.f );

   glBegin( GL_LINES );
   glVertex2d( x, y );
   glVertex2d( x+zw, y );
   glVertex2d( x+zw, y );
   glVertex2d( x+zw, y+zh );
   glVertex2d( x+zw, y+zh );
   glVertex2d( x, y+zh );
   glVertex2d( x, y+zh );
   glVertex2d( x, y );

   int w, h;
   glColor4ub(back_color.Red(), back_color.Green(), back_color.Blue(), 155 );
   m_TexFontlabel.GetTextExtent(label, &w, &h );

    w += 2*label_offsetx, h += 2*label_offsety;
    x = center.x - (w / 2);
    y = center.y - (h / 2);

   /* draw text background */
   glVertex2i(x,   y);
   glVertex2i(x+w, y);
   glVertex2i(x+w, y+h);
   glVertex2i(x,   y+h);

   /* draw text */
   glColor3ub( 0, 0, 0 );

   m_TexFontlabel.RenderString(label, x + label_offsetx, y + label_offsety);

   glDisable( GL_BLEND );

    return true;