예제 #1
RH_C_FUNCTION ON_Brep* ONC_ON_BrepRevSurface( const ON_RevSurface* pConstRevSurface, bool capStart, bool capEnd )
  ON_Brep* rc = NULL;
  if( pConstRevSurface )
    ON_RevSurface* pRevSurface = pConstRevSurface->Duplicate();
    rc = ON_BrepRevSurface(pRevSurface, capStart?1:0, capEnd?1:0);
  return rc;
예제 #2
CRhinoCommand::result CGenUgello::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context )
		Cscript1PlugIn& plugin = script1PlugIn();
		if( !plugin.IsDlgVisible() )
			return CRhinoCommand::nothing;

	  CRhinoLayerTable& layer_table = context.m_doc.m_layer_table;
	  CRhinoGetObject go9;
  go9.SetCommandPrompt( L"Select object to change name" );
  go9.EnablePreSelect( TRUE );
  go9.EnableSubObjectSelect( FALSE );
  go9.GetObjects( 1, 1 );
  if( go9.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success )
    return go9.CommandResult();
  // Get the object reference
  const CRhinoObjRef& objref9 = go9.Object(0);
  // Get the object
  const CRhinoObject* obj9 = objref9.Object();
   obj9->Select( false );
  if( !obj9 )
    return CRhinoCommand::failure;
  // Make copy of object attributes. This objects
  // holds an object's user-defined name.
  ON_3dmObjectAttributes obj_attribs9 = obj9->Attributes();
	    //Prompt for new object name
  CRhinoGetString gs1;
  /*gs1.SetCommandPrompt( L"New object name" );
  gs1.SetDefaultString( obj_attribs9.m_name );
  gs1.AcceptNothing( TRUE );
  if( gs1.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success )
    return gs1.CommandResult();*/

  // Get the string entered by the user
//  ON_wString obj_name1 = gs1.String();
//  //obj_name.TrimLeftAndRight();
////const wchar_t* prova5 = new(L"testo");  
//  //wchar_t name( L"testo" ); 
//const wchar_t* szName = gs1.String();

CTestUserData* ud = CTestUserData::Cast( obj_attribs9.GetUserData(ud->Id()) );
ON_wString obj_name = L"ugello22";

	  //begin calcolo il punto di intersezione per disegnare l'ugello
	  double valore_ugello =(_wtof(plugin.m_dialog->ValIniezioneDisassamento));
	  ON_3dPoint inizio_linea (valore_ugello,0,0);
	  ON_3dPoint fine_linea (valore_ugello,0,130);
	  ON_Line line_ugello( inizio_linea, fine_linea );
	  const ON_LineCurve* crv3 = new ON_LineCurve(line_ugello);

	  // context.m_doc.AddCurveObject( line_ugello );
//begin deseleziona tutto
	 const CRhinoLayer& layer = context.m_doc.m_layer_table.CurrentLayer();
	  ON_SimpleArray<CRhinoObject*> obj_list;
		  int j, obj_count = context.m_doc.LookupObject( layer, obj_list );
		  for( j = 0; j < obj_count; j++ )
				  CRhinoObject* obj = obj_list[j];
				  if( obj && obj->IsSelectable() )
				  if( obj_count )
		// end deseleziona tutto
	   //const ON_Object* obj_ptr = context.m_doc.LookupDocumentObject(pvcurva, false);
//	   CRhinoObjRef& objref5 = CRhinoObject* LookupObject(pvcurva);
		//SelectObjectByUuid( context.m_doc, pvcurva, true );

	   //const CRhinoObject* object = context.m_doc.LookupObject( pvcurva );
	   //ON_TextLog* text_log;
	   // inizio esempio

		// Select two curves to intersect
  CRhinoGetObject go;
  go.SetCommandPrompt( L"Seleziona la linea originale del Piano Visionale" );
  go.SetGeometryFilter( ON::curve_object );
  go.GetObjects( 1, 1 );
  if( go.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success )
    return go.CommandResult();
  // Validate input
  const ON_Curve* curveA = go.Object(0).Curve();
  const ON_Curve* curveB = crv3;//go.Object(1).Curve();
  if( 0 == curveA | 0 == curveB )
    return CRhinoCommand::failure;
  // Calculate the intersection
  double intersection_tolerance = 0.001;
  double overlap_tolerance = 0.0;
  ON_SimpleArray<ON_X_EVENT> events;
  int count = curveA->IntersectCurve(
  ON_3dPoint PuntoIntersezione;
  // Process the results
  if( count > 0 )
	  ::RhinoApp().Print( L"Intersezione punto per ugello trovato");
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < events.Count(); i++ )
      const ON_X_EVENT& e = events[i];
      context.m_doc.AddPointObject( e.m_A[0] );
      if( e.m_A[0].DistanceTo(e.m_B[0]) > ON_EPSILON )
        context.m_doc.AddPointObject( e.m_B[0] );
        context.m_doc.AddCurveObject( ON_Line(e.m_A[0], e.m_B[0]) );
		PuntoIntersezione = e.m_B[0];

 /* ON_UUID uuid = obj->Attributes().m_uuid;
  ON_wString str;
  ON_UuidToString( uuid, str );
  ::RhinoApp().Print( L"The object's unique identifier is \"%s\".\n", str );*/

		// fine esempio
		//const CRhinoObjRef& objref1 = ref; //era object

	  /*const ON_LineCurve* GetLineCurve( const ON_Curve* pC5 ){
	  const ON_LineCurve* p = 0;
	  if( pC5 != 0 )
		p = ON_LineCurve::Cast( pC5 );
	  return p;
		//	}*/

	 // // const ON_LineCurve* pC5 = ON_LineCurve::Cast( ref.Geometry() );
		//	ON_Line line1 = crv7->m_line;
		////	//ON_Line line1 = pC5->

	 //  ON_3dVector v0 = line_ugello.to - line_ugello.from;
	 //ON_3dVector v1 = line1.to - line1.from;

		//if( v0.IsParallelTo(v1) != 0 )
  //  RhinoApp().Print( L"Selected lines are parallel.\n" );
  //  return nothing;

		// ON_Line ray0( line_ugello.from, line_ugello.from + v0 );
  //ON_Line ray1( line1.from, line1.from + v1 );

  //double s = 0, t = 0;
  //if( !ON_Intersect(ray0, ray1, &s, &t) )
  //  RhinoApp().Print( L"No intersection found.\n" );
  //  return nothing;
  //ON_3dPoint pt0 = line_ugello.from + s * v0;
  //ON_3dPoint pt1 = line1.from + t * v1;
  //context.m_doc.AddPointObject( pt0 );

		 //  const CRhinoObjRef& objref5 = go5.;

	  //begin calcolo il punto di intersezione per disegnare l'ugello
	  ON_3dPoint bottom_pt = PuntoIntersezione; // l'altro punto, e.m_A[0], non e' preciso.
	  double bottom_radius = 3.25;
	  ON_Circle bottom_circle( bottom_pt, bottom_radius );

	   ON_3dPoint top_pt = PuntoIntersezione;
	   double top_radius = 11;
	   ON_Circle top_circle( top_pt, top_radius );

	   ON_RevSurface* revsrf = new ON_RevSurface;
  ON_LineCurve* pShapeCurve = new ON_LineCurve;
  revsrf->m_curve = pShapeCurve;
  pShapeCurve->m_dim = 3;
  pShapeCurve->m_line.from = bottom_circle.PointAt(0);
  pShapeCurve->m_line.to = top_circle.PointAt(0);
  pShapeCurve->m_t.Set(0, pShapeCurve->m_line.from.DistanceTo(pShapeCurve->m_line.to));
  revsrf->m_axis.from = bottom_circle.Center();
  revsrf->m_axis.to = top_circle.Center();
  revsrf->m_angle[0] = revsrf->m_t[0] = 0.0;
  revsrf->m_angle[1] = revsrf->m_t[1] = 2.0*ON_PI;
  ON_Brep* tcone_brep = ON_BrepRevSurface(revsrf, TRUE, TRUE );
  unsigned int first_sn = CRhinoObject::NextRuntimeObjectSerialNumber();
  if( tcone_brep )
    CRhinoBrepObject* tcone_object = new CRhinoBrepObject();
    tcone_object->SetBrep( tcone_brep );

    if( context.m_doc.AddObject(tcone_object) )
      delete tcone_object;

  unsigned int next_sn = CRhinoObject::NextRuntimeObjectSerialNumber();
  if( first_sn == next_sn )
    return CRhinoCommand::nothing;
	  ON_wString obj_name = L"ugello";


  // CRhinoGetObject go;
  //go.SetCommandPrompt( L"Select edge of surface to extend" );
  //go.SetGeometryAttributeFilter( CRhinoGetObject::edge_curve );
  //go.GetObjects( 1, 1 );
  //if( go.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success )
  //  return go.CommandResult();
  //const CRhinoObjRef& objref = go.Object(0);
  //const ON_Surface* srf = objref.Surface();
  //if( !srf )
  //  RhinoApp().Print( L"Unable to extend polysurfaces.\n" );
  //  return CRhinoCommand::nothing;    
  //const ON_Brep* brep = objref.Brep();
  //const ON_BrepFace* face = objref.Face();
  //if( !brep | !face | face->m_face_index < 0 )
  //  return CRhinoCommand::failure;
  //if( !brep->IsSurface() )
  //  RhinoApp().Print( L"Unable to extend trimmed surfaces.\n" );
  //  return CRhinoCommand::nothing;    
  //const ON_BrepTrim* trim = objref.Trim();
  //if( !trim )
  //  return CRhinoCommand::failure;
  //ON_Surface::ISO edge_index( trim->m_iso );
  //int dir = edge_index % 2;
  //if( srf->IsClosed(1-dir) )
  //  RhinoApp().Print(L"Unable to extend surface at seam.\n" );
  //  return CRhinoCommand::nothing;  
  //if( edge_index < ON_Surface::W_iso | edge_index > ON_Surface::N_iso )
  //  RhinoApp().Print( L"Selected edge must be an underlying surface edge.\n" );
  //  return CRhinoCommand::nothing;  
  //ON_Surface* myface = srf->DuplicateSurface();
  //if( !myface )
  //  return CRhinoCommand::failure;
  //bool rc = RhinoExtendSurface( myface, edge_index, 5.0, true);  
  //if( rc )
  //  ON_Brep* mybrep = new ON_Brep();
  //  mybrep->Create( myface );
  //  CRhinoBrepObject* obj = new CRhinoBrepObject();
  //  obj->SetBrep( mybrep );
  //  context.m_doc.ReplaceObject( CRhinoObjRef(objref.Object()), obj );
  //  context.m_doc.Redraw();


return CRhinoCommand::success;
