static int my_attach_cb(HIDClient *p_client, HIDDevice *p_device, unsigned int attach) { char buf[64]; __os_snprintf(buf,64,"%s:%04x %04x",attach?"attach":"detach",SWAP16(p_device->vid),SWAP16(p_device->pid)); charprintf(buf); if( attach && SWAP16(p_device->vid) == 0x057e && SWAP16(p_device->pid) == 0x0337 ) { unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); void*(*OSAllocFromSystem)(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle,0,"OSAllocFromSystem",&OSAllocFromSystem); void(*memset)(void *dst, unsigned char wat, unsigned int len); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle,0,"memset",&memset); unsigned char *buf = OSAllocFromSystem(64,64); memset(buf,0,64); buf[0] = 0x13; struct my_cb_user *usr = OSAllocFromSystem(64,64); usr->buf = buf; unsigned int nsyshid_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("nsyshid.rpl", &nsyshid_handle); usr->nsyshid_handle = nsyshid_handle; OSDynLoad_FindExport(usr->nsyshid_handle,0,"HIDRead",&usr->HIDRead); OSDynLoad_FindExport(usr->nsyshid_handle,0,"HIDWrite",&usr->HIDWrite); usr->transfersize = p_device->max_packet_size_rx; int(*HIDWrite)(unsigned int handle, unsigned char *p_buffer, unsigned int buffer_length, HIDCallback hc, void *p_user) = usr->HIDWrite; HIDWrite(p_device->handle, usr->buf, 1, my_write_cb, usr); return DEVICE_USED; } return DEVICE_UNUSED; }
void _entryPoint() { /****************************> Get Handles <****************************/ //Get a handle to coreinit.rpl unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); unsigned int nsyshid_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("nsyshid.rpl", &nsyshid_handle); /****************************> External Prototypes <****************************/ //OS functions void(*_Exit)(); int(*HIDAddClient)(HIDClient *p_client, HIDAttachCallback attach_callback); int(*HIDDelClient)(HIDClient *p_client); /****************************> Exports <****************************/ //OS functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "_Exit", &_Exit); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nsyshid_handle, 0, "HIDAddClient", &HIDAddClient); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nsyshid_handle, 0, "HIDDelClient", &HIDDelClient); HIDClient fd; HIDAddClient(&fd, my_attach_cb); while(1) ; HIDDelClient(&fd); //WARNING: DO NOT CHANGE THIS. YOU MUST CLEAR THE FRAMEBUFFERS AND IMMEDIATELY CALL EXIT FROM THIS FUNCTION. RETURNING TO LOADER CAUSES FREEZE. int ii=0; for(ii;ii<2;ii++) { fillScreen(0,0,0,0); flipBuffers(); } _Exit(); }
/* Register a USB class driver */ int UhsClassDrvReg(int uhs_handle, UhsInterfaceFilter *filter, void *context, int (*cb)(void *ctx, UhsInterfaceProfile *profile)) { /* Symbol loading */ unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); void* (*memcpy)(void *dest, void *src, uint32_t length); int (*IOS_Ioctl)(int fd, int request, void *inbuf, int inlen, void *outbuf, int outlen); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "memcpy", &memcpy); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "IOS_Ioctl", &IOS_Ioctl); /* Allocate and fill in the request buffer */ uint32_t reqbuf[6]; reqbuf[0] = (uint32_t)context; reqbuf[1] = (uint32_t)cb; memcpy(&reqbuf[2], filter, sizeof(UhsInterfaceFilter)); /* Perform the ioctl() request */ int ret = -1; IOS_Ioctl(uhs_handle, 0x01, reqbuf, 0x18, &ret, 4); /* Set up the callback to be executed */ wait_uhs_event(uhs_handle); return ret; }
void _start() { asm( "lis %r1, 0x1ab5 ;" "ori %r1, %r1, 0xd138 ;" ); unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit", &coreinit_handle); unsigned int(*MEMGetTotalFreeSizeForExpHeap)(void*expHeap); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "MEMGetTotalFreeSizeForExpHeap", &MEMGetTotalFreeSizeForExpHeap); unsigned char *str; void *expHeap = (void*)0; float expSize = 0.f; /* this area appears semi-safe to search through */ for(str = (unsigned char*)0x15000000; str < (unsigned char*)0x25000000; str+=4) { if(*(unsigned int*)str == 0x45585048) { void *tmpHeap = str; float tmpSize = (float)MEMGetTotalFreeSizeForExpHeap(tmpHeap); if(tmpSize > expSize) { expHeap = tmpHeap; expSize = tmpSize; } } } if(expHeap != (void*)0) { char buf[64]; __os_snprintf(buf,64,"Biggest ExpHeap is %08x with %.2fMB left", expHeap, expSize/1024/1024); OSFatal(buf); } OSFatal("No Heaps found!"); }
/* Submit a bulk request to an endpoint */ int UhsSubmitBulkRequest(int uhs_handle, uint32_t if_handle, uint8_t endpoint, int direction, void *buffer, int length, int timeout) { /* Symbol loading */ unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); void* (*memset)(void *buffer, int value, unsigned length); int (*IOS_Ioctlv)(int fd, int request, int cnt_in, int cnt_out, struct iovec *vecbuf); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "memset", &memset); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "IOS_Ioctlv", &IOS_Ioctlv); /* Allocate and fill in the request buffer */ char reqbuf[0xa1]; memset(&reqbuf[0], 0, sizeof(reqbuf)); *((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x00]) = if_handle; reqbuf[0x04] = endpoint; *((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x05]) = timeout; *((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x09]) = 3; *((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x0d]) = direction; *((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x11]) = length; /* Allocate and fill in the I/O vectors */ struct iovec vecbuf[2]; memset(&vecbuf[0], 0, sizeof(struct iovec) * 2); vecbuf[0].buffer = &reqbuf[0]; vecbuf[0].len = sizeof(reqbuf); vecbuf[1].buffer = buffer; vecbuf[1].len = length; /* Perform the ioctlv() request */ if (direction == ENDPOINT_TRANSFER_OUT) return IOS_Ioctlv(uhs_handle, 0xe, 0, 2, &vecbuf[0]); else if (direction == ENDPOINT_TRANSFER_IN) return IOS_Ioctlv(uhs_handle, 0xe, 1, 1, &vecbuf[0]); else return -1; }
/* Start of our code */ void _start() { /* Load a good stack */ asm( "lis %r1, 0x1ab5 ;" "ori %r1, %r1, 0xd138 ;" ); /* Get a handle to coreinit.rpl */ unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); /* OS memory allocation functions */ void* (*OSAllocFromSystem)(uint32_t size, int align); /* OS thread functions */ bool (*OSCreateThread)(void *thread, void *entry, int argc, void *args, uint32_t stack, uint32_t stack_size, int32_t priority, uint16_t attr); int32_t (*OSResumeThread)(void *thread); /* Exit function */ void (*_Exit)(); /* Read the addresses of the functions */ OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSAllocFromSystem", &OSAllocFromSystem); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSCreateThread", &OSCreateThread); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSResumeThread", &OSResumeThread); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "_Exit", &_Exit); /* Create a string argument */ char *str = OSAllocFromSystem(6, 1); str[0] = 'H'; str[1] = 'e'; str[2] = 'l'; str[3] = 'l'; str[4] = 'o'; str[5] = 0; /* Allocate a stack for the thread */ uint32_t stack = (uint32_t) OSAllocFromSystem(0x1000, 0x10); stack += 0x1000; /* Create the thread */ void *thread = OSAllocFromSystem(OSTHREAD_SIZE, 8); bool ret = OSCreateThread(thread, OSFatal, (int)str, null, stack, 0x1000, 0, 1); if (ret == false) { OSFatal("Failed to create thread"); } /* Schedule it for execution */ OSResumeThread(thread); /* Infinite loop */ while(1); }
/* Determine which USB device interfaces are plugged in and available */ int UhsQueryInterfaces(int uhs_handle, UhsInterfaceFilter *filter, UhsInterfaceProfile *profiles, int max_profiles) { /* Symbol loading */ unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); int (*IOS_Ioctl)(int fd, int request, void *inbuf, int inlen, void *outbuf, int outlen); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "IOS_Ioctl", &IOS_Ioctl); /* Perform the ioctl() request */ return IOS_Ioctl(uhs_handle, 0x11, filter, 0x10, profiles, max_profiles * 0x16c); }
void InitSysFunctionPointers(void) { unsigned int *funcPointer = 0; unsigned int sysapp_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("sysapp.rpl", &sysapp_handle); OS_FIND_EXPORT(sysapp_handle, _SYSLaunchTitleByPathFromLauncher); OS_FIND_EXPORT(sysapp_handle, SYSRelaunchTitle); OS_FIND_EXPORT(sysapp_handle, SYSLaunchMenu); OS_FIND_EXPORT(sysapp_handle, SYSLaunchMiiStudio); }
void InitSocketFunctionPointers(void) { unsigned int nsysnet_handle; unsigned int *funcPointer = 0; OSDynLoad_Acquire("nsysnet.rpl", &nsysnet_handle); unsigned int nn_ac_handle; int(*ACInitialize)(); int(*ACGetStartupId) (unsigned int *id); int(*ACConnectWithConfigId) (unsigned int id); int(*ACGetAssignedAddress) (u32 * ip); OSDynLoad_Acquire("nn_ac.rpl", &nn_ac_handle); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nn_ac_handle, 0, "ACInitialize", &ACInitialize); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nn_ac_handle, 0, "ACGetStartupId", &ACGetStartupId); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nn_ac_handle, 0, "ACConnectWithConfigId",&ACConnectWithConfigId); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nn_ac_handle, 0, "ACGetAssignedAddress",&ACGetAssignedAddress); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, socket_lib_init); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, socket_lib_finish); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, socket); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, socketclose); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, connect); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, bind); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, listen); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, accept); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, send); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, recv); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, sendto); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, setsockopt); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, inet_ntoa); OS_FIND_EXPORT(nsysnet_handle, inet_aton); unsigned int nn_startupid; ACInitialize(); ACGetStartupId(&nn_startupid); ACConnectWithConfigId(nn_startupid); ACGetAssignedAddress(&hostIpAddress); socket_lib_init(); }
/* Open a specific controller under /dev/uhs */ int UhsOpenController(int controller_num) { /* Symbol loading */ unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); int (*IOS_Open)(char *path, int mode); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "IOS_Open", &IOS_Open); /* Build the path name and return a handle */ char path[32]; __os_snprintf(path, 32, "/dev/uhs/%d", controller_num); return IOS_Open(path, 0); }
/* Wait asynchronously for a UHS event */ static int wait_uhs_event(int uhs_handle) { /* Symbol loading */ unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); int (*IOS_IoctlAsync)(int fd, int request, void *inbuf, int inlen, void *outbuf, int outlen, void (*cb)(int,void*), void *context); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "IOS_IoctlAsync", &IOS_IoctlAsync); /* Allocate and fill in the request buffers */ uint32_t reqbuf[8]; reqbuf[0] = (uint32_t)-1; reqbuf[1] = 0; /* Perform the ioctl() request */ uint32_t outbuf[0x180/4]; return IOS_IoctlAsync(uhs_handle, 0x03, reqbuf, 8, outbuf, 0x180, &uhs_event_cb, (void*)uhs_handle); }
/* Acquire a USB device interface for use */ int UhsAcquireInterface(int uhs_handle, uint32_t if_handle, void *unk1, int (*callback)(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2)) { /* Symbol loading */ unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); int (*IOS_Ioctl)(int fd, int request, void *inbuf, int inlen, void *outbuf, int outlen); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "IOS_Ioctl", &IOS_Ioctl); /* Allocate and fill in the request buffer */ uint32_t reqbuf[3]; reqbuf[0] = if_handle; reqbuf[1] = (uint32_t)unk1; reqbuf[2] = (uint32_t)callback; /* Perform the ioctl() request */ return IOS_Ioctl(uhs_handle, 0x4, &reqbuf[0], 0xc, 0, 0); }
/* Administer a USB device */ int UhsAdministerDevice(int uhs_handle, uint32_t if_handle, int arg2, int arg3) { /* Symbol loading */ unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); int (*IOS_Ioctl)(int fd, int request, void *inbuf, int inlen, void *outbuf, int outlen); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "IOS_Ioctl", &IOS_Ioctl); /* Allocate and fill in the request buffer */ uint32_t reqbuf[3]; reqbuf[0] = (uint32_t)arg2; reqbuf[1] = if_handle; reqbuf[2] = (uint32_t)arg3; /* Perform the ioctl() request */ return IOS_Ioctl(uhs_handle, 0x12, &reqbuf[0], 0xc, 0, 0); }
/* Release a currently-held USB device interface */ int UhsReleaseInterface(int uhs_handle, uint32_t if_handle, bool no_reacquire) { /* Symbol loading */ unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); int (*IOS_Ioctl)(int fd, int request, void *inbuf, int inlen, void *outbuf, int outlen); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "IOS_Ioctl", &IOS_Ioctl); /* Allocate and fill in the request buffer */ uint32_t reqbuf[3]; reqbuf[0] = if_handle; reqbuf[1] = (uint32_t)no_reacquire; reqbuf[2] = 0; /* Perform the ioctl() request */ return IOS_Ioctl(uhs_handle, 0x5, &reqbuf[0], 0xc, 0, 0); }
/* Submit a control request to endpoint 0 */ int UhsSubmitControlRequest(int uhs_handle, uint32_t if_handle, void *buffer, uint8_t bRequest, uint8_t bmRequestType, uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, uint16_t wLength, int timeout) { /* Symbol loading */ unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); void* (*memset)(void *buffer, int value, unsigned length); int (*IOS_Ioctlv)(int fd, int request, int cnt_in, int cnt_out, struct iovec *vecbuf); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "memset", &memset); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, false, "IOS_Ioctlv", &IOS_Ioctlv); /* Allocate and fill in the request buffer */ uint8_t reqbuf[0xa1]; memset(&reqbuf[0], 0, sizeof(reqbuf)); *((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x00]) = if_handle; reqbuf[0x04] = 0; /* Endpoint 0 */ *((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x05]) = timeout; *((uint32_t*)&reqbuf[0x09]) = 1; /* Transfer type */ reqbuf[0x0d] = bRequest; reqbuf[0x0e] = bmRequestType; *((uint16_t*)&reqbuf[0x0f]) = wValue; *((uint16_t*)&reqbuf[0x11]) = wIndex; *((uint16_t*)&reqbuf[0x13]) = wLength; /* Allocate and fill in the I/O vectors */ struct iovec vecbuf[2]; memset(&vecbuf[0], 0, sizeof(struct iovec) * 2); vecbuf[0].buffer = &reqbuf[0]; vecbuf[0].len = sizeof(reqbuf); vecbuf[0].unknown8[3] = 1; vecbuf[1].buffer = buffer; vecbuf[1].len = (int)wLength; vecbuf[1].unknown8[3] = 1; /* Perform the ioctlv() request */ if (bmRequestType & (1 << 7)) return IOS_Ioctlv(uhs_handle, 0xc, 1, 1, &vecbuf[0]); else return IOS_Ioctlv(uhs_handle, 0xc, 0, 2, &vecbuf[0]); }
void _entryPoint() { /****************************> Get Handles <****************************/ //Get a handle to coreinit.rpl unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); //Get a handle to vpad.rpl */ unsigned int vpad_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("vpad.rpl", &vpad_handle); /****************************> External Prototypes <****************************/ //VPAD functions int(*VPADRead)(int controller, VPADData *buffer, unsigned int num, int *error); //OS functions void(*_Exit)(); /****************************> Exports <****************************/ //VPAD functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(vpad_handle, 0, "VPADRead", &VPADRead); //OS functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "_Exit", &_Exit); /****************************> Globals <****************************/ struct pongGlobals myPongGlobals; //Flag for restarting the entire game. myPongGlobals.restart = 1; //scale of game myPongGlobals.scale=1; //Default locations for paddles and ball location and movement dx/dy myPongGlobals.p1X_default=40*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.p2X_default=340*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.ballX_default=200*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.p1Y_default=150*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.p2Y_default=150*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.ballY_default=120*myPongGlobals.scale; //Sizes of objects myPongGlobals.p1X_size=20*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.p1Y_size=60*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.ballX_size=8*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.ballY_size=8*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.p2X_size=20*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.p2Y_size=60*myPongGlobals.scale; //Boundry of play area (screen) myPongGlobals.xMinBoundry=0*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.xMaxBoundry=400*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.yMinBoundry=0*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.yMaxBoundry=240*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.winX=11*2*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.winY=5*2*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.score1X=13*2*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.score2X=15*2*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.score1Y=0*myPongGlobals.scale; myPongGlobals.score2Y=0*myPongGlobals.scale; //Game engine globals myPongGlobals.direction = 1; myPongGlobals.button = 0; myPongGlobals.paddleColorR=0xFF; myPongGlobals.paddleColorG=0x00; myPongGlobals.paddleColorB=0x00; myPongGlobals.ballColorR=0x00; myPongGlobals.ballColorG=0xFF; myPongGlobals.ballColorB=0x00; myPongGlobals.ballTrailColorR=0x00; myPongGlobals.ballTrailColorG=0x00; myPongGlobals.ballTrailColorB=0xFF; myPongGlobals.backgroundColorR=0x00; myPongGlobals.backgroundColorG=0x00; myPongGlobals.backgroundColorB=0x00; myPongGlobals.count = 0; //Keep track of score myPongGlobals.score1 = 0; myPongGlobals.score2 = 0; myPongGlobals.scoreWin = 9; //Game engine globals myPongGlobals.direction = 1; myPongGlobals.button = 0; myPongGlobals.paddleColorR=0xFF; myPongGlobals.paddleColorG=0x00; myPongGlobals.paddleColorB=0x00; myPongGlobals.ballColorR=0x00; myPongGlobals.ballColorG=0xFF; myPongGlobals.ballColorB=0x00; myPongGlobals.ballTrailColorR=0x00; myPongGlobals.ballTrailColorG=0x00; myPongGlobals.ballTrailColorB=0xFF; myPongGlobals.backgroundColorR=0x00; myPongGlobals.backgroundColorG=0x00; myPongGlobals.backgroundColorB=0x00; myPongGlobals.count = 0; //Keep track of score myPongGlobals.score1 = 0; myPongGlobals.scoreWin = 9; //Used for collision myPongGlobals.flag = 0; //Flag to determine if p1 should be rendered along with p1's movement direction myPongGlobals.renderP1Flag = 0; //Flags for render states myPongGlobals.renderResetFlag = 0; myPongGlobals.renderBallFlag = 0; myPongGlobals.renderWinFlag = 0; myPongGlobals.renderScoreFlag = 0; /****************************> VPAD Loop <****************************/ int error; VPADData vpad_data; while (1) { VPADRead(0, &vpad_data, 1, &error); //Get the status of the gamepad myPongGlobals.button = vpad_data.btn_hold; //If the game has been restarted, reset the game (we do this one time in the beginning to set everything up) if (myPongGlobals.restart == 1) { reset(&myPongGlobals); myPongGlobals.restart = 0; } //Set old positions. updatePosition(&myPongGlobals); //Update location of player1 and 2 paddles p1Move(&myPongGlobals); p2Move(&myPongGlobals); //Update location of the ball moveBall(&myPongGlobals); //Check if their are any collisions between the ball and the paddles. checkCollision(&myPongGlobals); //Render the scene myPongGlobals.renderBallFlag = 1; render(&myPongGlobals); //Increment the counter (used for physicals calcuations) myPongGlobals.count+=1; //To exit the game if (myPongGlobals.button&BUTTON_HOME) { break; } } //WARNING: DO NOT CHANGE THIS. YOU MUST CLEAR THE FRAMEBUFFERS AND IMMEDIATELY CALL EXIT FROM THIS FUNCTION. RETURNING TO LOADER CAUSES FREEZE. int ii=0; for(ii;ii<2;ii++) { fillScreen(0,0,0,0); flipBuffers(); } _Exit(); }
void _main() { /****************************> Fix Stack <****************************/ //Load a good stack asm( "lis %r1, 0x1ab5 ;" "ori %r1, %r1, 0xd138 ;" ); /****************************> Get Handles <****************************/ //Get a handle to coreinit.rpl unsigned int coreinit_handle, vpad_handle, sysapp_handle, avm_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); OSDynLoad_Acquire("vpad.rpl", &vpad_handle); OSDynLoad_Acquire("sysapp.rpl", &sysapp_handle); // CreeperMario: Get a handle to the audio/video manager - avm.rpl OSDynLoad_Acquire("avm.rpl", &avm_handle); // STUFF VPADData vpad_data; int(*VPADRead)(int controller, VPADData *buffer, unsigned int num, int *err); OSDynLoad_FindExport(vpad_handle, 0, "VPADRead", &VPADRead); // Sysapp stuff int(*SYSLaunchMenu)(); OSDynLoad_FindExport(sysapp_handle, 0, "SYSLaunchMenu", &SYSLaunchMenu); // please dont break stuff... int(*SYSLaunchTitle) (int bit1, int bit2); OSDynLoad_FindExport(sysapp_handle, 0, "SYSLaunchTitle", &SYSLaunchTitle); int(*_Exit)(); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "_Exit", &_Exit); /****************************> External Prototypes <****************************/ //OSScreen functions void(*OSScreenInit)(); unsigned int(*OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx)(unsigned int bufferNum); unsigned int(*OSScreenSetBufferEx)(unsigned int bufferNum, void * addr); //OS Memory functions void*(*memset)(void * dest, uint32_t value, uint32_t bytes); void*(*OSAllocFromSystem)(uint32_t size, int align); void(*OSFreeToSystem)(void *ptr); //IM functions int(*IM_Open)(); int(*IM_Close)(int fd); int(*IM_SetDeviceState)(int fd, void *mem, int state, int a, int b); // CreeperMario: TV Screen scaling functions bool(*AVMSetTVScale)(int width, int height); /****************************> Exports <****************************/ //OSScreen functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenInit", &OSScreenInit); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx", &OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenSetBufferEx", &OSScreenSetBufferEx); //OS Memory functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "memset", &memset); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSAllocFromSystem", &OSAllocFromSystem); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSFreeToSystem", &OSFreeToSystem); //IM functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "IM_Open", &IM_Open); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "IM_Close", &IM_Close); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "IM_SetDeviceState", &IM_SetDeviceState); // CreeperMario: TV Screen scaling functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(avm_handle, 0, "AVMSetTVScale", &AVMSetTVScale); /*** CreeperMario: Set the TV screen to the proper 'scale factor'. ***/ AVMSetTVScale(854, 480); /****************************> Initial Setup <****************************/ //Restart system to get lib access int fd = IM_Open(); void *mem = OSAllocFromSystem(0x100, 64); memset(mem, 0, 0x100); //set restart flag to force quit browser IM_SetDeviceState(fd, mem, 3, 0, 0); IM_Close(fd); OSFreeToSystem(mem); //wait a bit for browser end unsigned int t1 = 0x15000000; while(t1--) ; //Call the Screen initilzation function. OSScreenInit(); //Grab the buffer size for each screen (TV and gamepad) int buf0_size = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(0); int buf1_size = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(1); //Set the buffer area. OSScreenSetBufferEx(0, (void *)0xF4000000); OSScreenSetBufferEx(1, (void *)0xF4000000 + buf0_size); //Clear both framebuffers. doclearstuff(); // Define struct for global variables! struct cGlobals caveGlobals; // Variables n stuff! = 0; caveGlobals.row = 1; caveGlobals.col = 1; caveGlobals.level = 1; caveGlobals.dogsteps = 0; caveGlobals.dogalive = 1; caveGlobals.mysteps = 0; caveGlobals.maxhealth = 10; caveGlobals.curhealth = 10; // Start at level 1 (obviously!) changelevel(&caveGlobals); // Draw Buffers and Initial Screen __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, " "); doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); int err; while(1) { VPADRead(0, &vpad_data, 1, &err); // Quit if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_HOME) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.endgame, 256, "Thanks for Playing!\nYour Final Level: %d \n\n\nBy: SonyUSA", caveGlobals.level); drawString(0, 0, caveGlobals.endgame); flipBuffers(); t1 = 0x50000000; while(t1--) ; //Maybe fix for exit crash? doclearstuff(); flipBuffers(); doclearstuff(); flipBuffers(); //Ape escape! SYSLaunchMenu(); _Exit(); } //Grab Stuff (A) if (vpad_data.btn_release & BUTTON_A) { //Checks for Food if (caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row] == 8) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Got it!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); += 1; caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row] = 2; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); } //Check for Potions if (caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row] == 11) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "*Gulp!*"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.curhealth += 5; caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row] = 2; //Make sure we don't go over health limit if (caveGlobals.curhealth > caveGlobals.maxhealth) { caveGlobals.curhealth = caveGlobals.maxhealth; } drawstuff(&caveGlobals); dog(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); } //Checks for Stairs if (caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row] == 9) { caveGlobals.level += 1; doclearstuff(); changelevel(&caveGlobals); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); } } //Search for Hidden Traps and Doors if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_Y) { doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); dog(&caveGlobals); //Ask the player which way to search __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Search Which Way?"); drawString(22, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); flipBuffers(); //Lets use a while loop so players cant just hold down search while they are walking! Cheating gits! while(2) { VPADRead(0, &vpad_data, 1, &err); // Search Up if (vpad_data.btn_release & BUTTON_UP) { // Traps if (ishtrap(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col -1 ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "It's a trap!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col -1][caveGlobals.row] = 6; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); break; } // Doors if (ishdoor(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col -1 ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "A Secret Door!"); drawString(22, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col -1][caveGlobals.row] = 4; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); break; } // If nothing is found... doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Nothing There!"); drawString(23, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); flipBuffers(); break; } // Search Down if (vpad_data.btn_release & BUTTON_DOWN) { // Traps if (ishtrap(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col +1 ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "It's a trap!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col +1][caveGlobals.row] = 6; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); break; } // Doors if (ishdoor(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col +1 ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "A Secret Door!"); drawString(22, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col +1][caveGlobals.row] = 4; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); break; } // If nothing is found... doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Nothing There!"); drawString(23, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); flipBuffers(); break; } // Search Right if (vpad_data.btn_release & BUTTON_RIGHT) { // Traps if (ishtrap(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row +1 , caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "It's a trap!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row +1] = 6; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); break; } // Doors if (ishdoor(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row +1 , caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "A Secret Door!"); drawString(22, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row +1] = 4; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); break; } // If nothing is found... doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Nothing There!"); drawString(23, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); flipBuffers(); break; } // Search Left if (vpad_data.btn_release & BUTTON_LEFT) { // Traps if (ishtrap(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row -1 , caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "It's a trap!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row -1] = 6; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); break; } // Doors if (ishdoor(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row -1 , caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "A Secret Door!"); drawString(22, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row -1] = 4; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); break; } // If nothing is found... doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Nothing There!"); drawString(23, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); flipBuffers(); break; } } } //Open and Close Doors (X + Direction) if (vpad_data.btn_hold & BUTTON_X) { if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_DOWN) { if (isclosedoor(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col +1 ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col +1][caveGlobals.row] = 5; flipBuffers(); } else if (isopendoor(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col +1 ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col +1][caveGlobals.row] = 4; flipBuffers(); } } if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_UP) { if (isclosedoor(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col -1 ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col -1][caveGlobals.row] = 5; flipBuffers(); } else if (isopendoor(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col -1 ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col -1][caveGlobals.row] = 4; flipBuffers(); } } if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_LEFT) { if (isclosedoor(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row -1 , caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row -1] = 5; flipBuffers(); } else if (isopendoor(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row -1 , caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row -1] = 4; flipBuffers(); } } if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_RIGHT) { if (isclosedoor(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row +1 , caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row +1] = 5; flipBuffers(); } else if (isopendoor(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row +1 , caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row +1] = 4; flipBuffers(); } } } // Movement //Down if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_DOWN) { if (canmove(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col +1 ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); dog(&caveGlobals); caveGlobals.col += 1; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); if (istrap(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Ouch!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.curhealth -= 1; } if (ishtrap(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Ouch!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.curhealth -= 1; caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row] = 6; } flipBuffers(); } } //Up if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_UP) { if (canmove(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col -1 ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); dog(&caveGlobals); caveGlobals.col -= 1; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); if (istrap(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Ouch!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.curhealth -= 1; } if (ishtrap(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Ouch!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.curhealth -= 1; caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row] = 6; } flipBuffers(); } } //Left if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_LEFT) { if (canmove(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row -1 , caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); dog(&caveGlobals); caveGlobals.row -= 1; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); if (istrap(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Ouch!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.curhealth -= 1; } if (ishtrap(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Ouch!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.curhealth -= 1; caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row] = 6; } flipBuffers(); } } //Right if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_RIGHT) { if (canmove(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row +1 , caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { doclearstuff(); dog(&caveGlobals); caveGlobals.row += 1; drawstuff(&caveGlobals); if (istrap(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Ouch!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.curhealth -= 1; } if (ishtrap(&caveGlobals, caveGlobals.row, caveGlobals.col ) == true ) { __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "Ouch!"); drawString(25, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); caveGlobals.curhealth -= 1; caveGlobals.nMapArray[caveGlobals.col][caveGlobals.row] = 6; } flipBuffers(); } } //Feed the doggy if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_PLUS) { if (caveGlobals.dogalive == 1) { if ( >= 1) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.mystat, 64, "*crunch* Woof!"); drawString(24, 17, caveGlobals.mystat); -= 1; caveGlobals.dogsteps -= 60; //Make sure we don't go negative in dog health if (caveGlobals.dogsteps <= 0) { caveGlobals.dogsteps = 0;} drawstuff(&caveGlobals); dog(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); } } } // Check if the player is dead if(caveGlobals.curhealth == 0) { doclearstuff(); __os_snprintf(caveGlobals.endgame, 256, "You're Dead!\nNow how will you get iosu? :/ \n\nThanks for Playing! \n\n\nBy: SonyUSA"); drawString(0, 0, caveGlobals.endgame); flipBuffers(); t1 = 0x80000000; while(t1--) ; SYSLaunchMenu(); _Exit(); } // Cheat and go to next level with Minus key if(vpad_data.btn_release & BUTTON_MINUS) { caveGlobals.level += 1; doclearstuff(); changelevel(&caveGlobals); drawstuff(&caveGlobals); flipBuffers(); } } }
void InitAcquireCurl(void) { OSDynLoad_Acquire("nlibcurl", &libcurl_handle); }
int GameLauncher::loadGameToMemory(const discHeader *header) { if(!header) return INVALID_INPUT; //! initialize the RPL/RPX table first entry to zero + 1 byte for name zero termination //! just in case no RPL/RPX are found, though it wont boot then anyway memset(RPX_RPL_ARRAY, 0, sizeof(s_rpx_rpl) + 1); DirList rpxList(header->gamepath + RPX_RPL_PATH, ".rpx", DirList::Files); if(rpxList.GetFilecount() == 0) { log_printf("RPX file not found!\n"); return RPX_NOT_FOUND; } if(rpxList.GetFilecount() != 1) { log_printf("Warning: Too many RPX files in the folder! Found %i files! Using first one.\n", rpxList.GetFilecount()); //return TOO_MANY_RPX_NOT_FOUND; } u32 entryIndex = 0; std::string rpxName; std::vector<std::string> rplImportList; DirList rplList(header->gamepath + RPX_RPL_PATH, ".rpl", DirList::Files); int result = LoadRpxRplToMem(rpxList.GetFilepath(0), rpxList.GetFilename(0), true, entryIndex++, rplImportList); if(result < 0) { log_printf("Failed loading RPX file %s, error %i\n", rpxList.GetFilepath(0), result); return result; } rpxName = rpxList.GetFilename(0); //! get all imports from the RPX GetRpxImports((s_rpx_rpl *)(RPX_RPL_ARRAY), rplImportList); for(int i = 0; i < rplList.GetFilecount(); i++) { result = LoadRpxRplToMem(rplList.GetFilepath(i), rplList.GetFilename(i), false, entryIndex++, rplImportList); if(result < 0) { log_printf("Failed loading RPL file %s, error %i\n", rplList.GetFilepath(0), result); return result; } } //! TODO: clean this path creation up std::string game_dir = header->gamepath; size_t pos = game_dir.rfind('/'); if(pos != std::string::npos) game_dir = game_dir.substr(pos + 1); //! set the save game path from the gamenames path std::string saveGamePath = CSettings::getValueAsString(CSettings::GameSavePath) + "/" + game_dir; std::string saveGamePathCommon; std::string saveGamePathUser; if(CSettings::getValueAsU8(CSettings::GameSaveMode) == GAME_SAVES_SHARED) { saveGamePathUser = "******"; saveGamePathCommon = "c"; } else { /* get persistent ID - thanks to Maschell */ unsigned int nn_act_handle; unsigned long (*GetPersistentIdEx)(unsigned char); int (*GetSlotNo)(void); void (*nn_Initialize)(void); void (*nn_Finalize)(void); OSDynLoad_Acquire("nn_act.rpl", &nn_act_handle); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nn_act_handle, 0, "GetPersistentIdEx__Q2_2nn3actFUc", &GetPersistentIdEx); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nn_act_handle, 0, "GetSlotNo__Q2_2nn3actFv", &GetSlotNo); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nn_act_handle, 0, "Initialize__Q2_2nn3actFv", &nn_Initialize); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nn_act_handle, 0, "Finalize__Q2_2nn3actFv", &nn_Finalize); nn_Initialize(); // To be sure that it is really Initialized unsigned char slotno = GetSlotNo(); unsigned int persistentID = GetPersistentIdEx(slotno); nn_Finalize(); //must be called an equal number of times to nn_Initialize char persistentIdString[10]; snprintf(persistentIdString, sizeof(persistentIdString), "%08X", persistentID); saveGamePathUser = persistentIdString; saveGamePathCommon = "common"; } CreateSubfolder((saveGamePath + "/" + saveGamePathUser).c_str()); CreateSubfolder((saveGamePath + "/" + saveGamePathCommon).c_str()); std::string tempPath = CSettings::getValueAsString(CSettings::GamePath); //! remove "sd:" and replace with "/vol/external01" pos = tempPath.find('/'); if(pos != std::string::npos) tempPath = std::string(CAFE_OS_SD_PATH) + tempPath.substr(pos); game_paths_t *game_paths = (game_paths_t *)GAME_PATH_STRUCT; //! set pointer to firth path and copy it game_paths->os_game_path_base = (char*)(game_paths + 1); strcpy(game_paths->os_game_path_base, tempPath.c_str()); //! set pointer to next path and copy it game_paths->os_save_path_base = game_paths->os_game_path_base + tempPath.size() + 1; tempPath = CSettings::getValueAsString(CSettings::GameSavePath); //! remove "sd:" and replace with "/vol/external01" pos = tempPath.find('/'); if(pos != std::string::npos) tempPath = std::string(CAFE_OS_SD_PATH) + tempPath.substr(pos); strcpy(game_paths->os_save_path_base, tempPath.c_str()); //! set pointer to next path and copy it game_paths->game_dir = game_paths->os_save_path_base + tempPath.size() + 1; strcpy(game_paths->game_dir, game_dir.c_str()); //! set pointer to next path and copy it game_paths->save_dir_common = game_paths->game_dir + game_dir.size() + 1; strcpy(game_paths->save_dir_common, saveGamePathCommon.c_str()); //! set pointer to next path and copy it game_paths->save_dir_user = game_paths->save_dir_common + saveGamePathCommon.size() + 1; strcpy(game_paths->save_dir_user, saveGamePathUser.c_str()); log_printf("game_paths->os_game_path_base: %s\n", game_paths->os_game_path_base); log_printf("game_paths->os_save_path_base: %s\n", game_paths->os_save_path_base); log_printf("game_paths->game_dir: %s\n", game_paths->game_dir); log_printf("game_paths->save_dir_common: %s\n", game_paths->save_dir_common); log_printf("game_paths->save_dir_user: %s\n", game_paths->save_dir_user); LoadXmlParameters(&cosAppXmlInfoStruct, rpxName.c_str(), (header->gamepath + RPX_RPL_PATH).c_str()); DCFlushRange((void*)&cosAppXmlInfoStruct, sizeof(ReducedCosAppXmlInfo)); log_printf("XML Launching Parameters\n"); log_printf("rpx_name: %s\n", cosAppXmlInfoStruct.rpx_name); log_printf("version_cos_xml: %i\n", cosAppXmlInfoStruct.version_cos_xml); log_printf("os_version: %08X%08X\n", (unsigned int)(cosAppXmlInfoStruct.os_version >> 32), (unsigned int)(cosAppXmlInfoStruct.os_version & 0xFFFFFFFF)); log_printf("title_id: %08X%08X\n", (unsigned int)(cosAppXmlInfoStruct.title_id >> 32), (unsigned int)(cosAppXmlInfoStruct.title_id & 0xFFFFFFFF)); log_printf("app_type: %08X\n", cosAppXmlInfoStruct.app_type); log_printf("cmdFlags: %08X\n", cosAppXmlInfoStruct.cmdFlags); log_printf("max_size: %08X\n", cosAppXmlInfoStruct.max_size); log_printf("avail_size: %08X\n", cosAppXmlInfoStruct.avail_size); log_printf("codegen_size: %08X\n", cosAppXmlInfoStruct.codegen_size); log_printf("codegen_core: %08X\n", cosAppXmlInfoStruct.codegen_core); log_printf("max_codesize: %08X\n", cosAppXmlInfoStruct.max_codesize); log_printf("overlay_arena: %08X\n", cosAppXmlInfoStruct.overlay_arena); log_printf("sdk_version: %i\n", cosAppXmlInfoStruct.sdk_version); log_printf("title_version: %08X\n", cosAppXmlInfoStruct.title_version); return 0; }
void GameLauncher::GetRpxImports(s_rpx_rpl *rpx_data, std::vector<std::string> & rplImports) { std::string strBuffer; strBuffer.resize(0x1000); // get the header information of the RPX if(!GetMemorySegment(rpx_data, 0, 0x1000, (unsigned char *)&strBuffer[0])) return; // Who needs error checks... // Get section number int shstrndx = *(unsigned short*)(&strBuffer[RPX_SH_STRNDX_OFFSET]); // Get section offset int section_offset = *(unsigned int*)(&strBuffer[RPX_SHT_START + (shstrndx * RPX_SHT_ENTRY_SIZE) + RPX_SHDR_OFFSET_OFFSET]); // Get section size int section_size = *(unsigned int*)(&strBuffer[RPX_SHT_START + (shstrndx * RPX_SHT_ENTRY_SIZE) + RPX_SHDR_SIZE_OFFSET]); // Get section flags int section_flags = *(unsigned int*)(&strBuffer[RPX_SHT_START + (shstrndx * RPX_SHT_ENTRY_SIZE) + RPX_SHDR_FLAGS_OFFSET]); // Align read to 64 for SD access (section offset already aligned to 64 @ elf/rpx?!) int section_offset_aligned = (section_offset / 64) * 64; int section_alignment = section_offset - section_offset_aligned; int section_size_aligned = ((section_alignment + section_size) / 64) * 64 + 64; std::string section_data; section_data.resize(section_size_aligned); // get the header information of the RPX if(!GetMemorySegment(rpx_data, section_offset_aligned, section_size_aligned, (unsigned char *)§ion_data[0])) return; //Check if inflate is needed (ZLIB flag) if (section_flags & RPX_SHDR_ZLIB_FLAG) { // Section is compressed, inflate int section_size_inflated = *(unsigned int*)(§ion_data[section_alignment]); std::string inflatedData; inflatedData.resize(section_size_inflated); unsigned int zlib_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("zlib125", &zlib_handle); /* Zlib functions */ int(*ZinflateInit_)(z_streamp strm, const char *version, int stream_size); int(*Zinflate)(z_streamp strm, int flush); int(*ZinflateEnd)(z_streamp strm); OSDynLoad_FindExport(zlib_handle, 0, "inflateInit_", &ZinflateInit_); OSDynLoad_FindExport(zlib_handle, 0, "inflate", &Zinflate); OSDynLoad_FindExport(zlib_handle, 0, "inflateEnd", &ZinflateEnd); int ret = 0; z_stream s; memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s)); s.zalloc = Z_NULL; s.zfree = Z_NULL; s.opaque = Z_NULL; ret = ZinflateInit_(&s, ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(s)); if (ret != Z_OK) return; s.avail_in = section_size - 0x04; s.next_in = (Bytef *)(§ion_data[0] + section_alignment + 0x04); s.avail_out = section_size_inflated; s.next_out = (Bytef *)&inflatedData[0]; ret = Zinflate(&s, Z_FINISH); if (ret != Z_OK && ret != Z_STREAM_END) return; ZinflateEnd(&s); section_data.swap(inflatedData); } // Parse imports size_t offset = 0; do { if (strncmp(§ion_data[offset+1], ".fimport_", 9) == 0) { rplImports.push_back(std::string(§ion_data[offset+1+9])); } offset++; while (section_data[offset] != 0) { offset++; } } while(offset + 1 < section_data.size()); }
void InitAcquireACP(void) { OSDynLoad_Acquire("nn_acp.rpl", &acp_handle); }
void _start() { /****************************> Fix Stack <****************************/ //Load a good stack asm( "lis %r1, 0x1ab5 ;" "ori %r1, %r1, 0xd138 ;" ); /****************************> Get Handles <****************************/ //Get a handle to coreinit.rpl unsigned int coreinit_handle, avm_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); // CreeperMario: Get a handle to the audio/video manager - avm.rpl OSDynLoad_Acquire("avm.rpl", &avm_handle); /****************************> External Prototypes <****************************/ //OSScreen functions void(*OSScreenInit)(); unsigned int(*OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx)(unsigned int bufferNum); unsigned int(*OSScreenSetBufferEx)(unsigned int bufferNum, void * addr); //OS Memory functions void*(*memset)(void * dest, uint32_t value, uint32_t bytes); void*(*OSAllocFromSystem)(uint32_t size, int align); void(*OSFreeToSystem)(void *ptr); //IM functions int(*IM_Open)(); int(*IM_Close)(int fd); int(*IM_SetDeviceState)(int fd, void *mem, int state, int a, int b); // CreeperMario: Audio/Video manager functions bool(*AVMSetTVScale)(int width, int height); /****************************> Exports <****************************/ //OSScreen functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenInit", &OSScreenInit); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx", &OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenSetBufferEx", &OSScreenSetBufferEx); //OS Memory functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "memset", &memset); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSAllocFromSystem", &OSAllocFromSystem); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSFreeToSystem", &OSFreeToSystem); //IM functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "IM_Open", &IM_Open); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "IM_Close", &IM_Close); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "IM_SetDeviceState", &IM_SetDeviceState); // CreeperMario: Audio/Video manager functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(avm_handle, 0, "AVMSetTVScale", &AVMSetTVScale); /*** CreeperMario: Set the TV Screen's 'scale factor'. ***/ AVMSetTVScale(854, 480); /****************************> Initial Setup <****************************/ //Restart system to get lib access int fd = IM_Open(); void *mem = OSAllocFromSystem(0x100, 64); memset(mem, 0, 0x100); //set restart flag to force quit browser IM_SetDeviceState(fd, mem, 3, 0, 0); IM_Close(fd); OSFreeToSystem(mem); //wait a bit for browser end unsigned int t1 = 0x1FFFFFFF; while(t1--) ; //Call the Screen initilzation function. OSScreenInit(); //Grab the buffer size for each screen (TV and gamepad) int buf0_size = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(0); int buf1_size = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(1); //Set the buffer area. OSScreenSetBufferEx(0, (void *)0xF4000000); OSScreenSetBufferEx(1, (void *)0xF4000000 + buf0_size); //Clear both framebuffers. // I don't do this here, and do it at the start of entry point to use my services struct // int ii = 0; // for (ii; ii < 2; ii++) // { // fillScreen(0,0,0,0); // flipBuffers(); // } //Jump to entry point. _entryPoint(); }
void _entryPoint() { /****************************> Get Handles <****************************/ //Get a handle to coreinit.rpl unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); //Get a handle to vpad.rpl */ unsigned int vpad_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("vpad.rpl", &vpad_handle); /****************************> External Prototypes <****************************/ //VPAD functions int(*VPADRead)(int controller, VPADData *buffer, unsigned int num, int *error); //OS functions void(*_Exit)(); /****************************> Exports <****************************/ //VPAD functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(vpad_handle, 0, "VPADRead", &VPADRead); //OS functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "_Exit", &_Exit); /****************************> Function <****************************/ int error; VPADData vpad_data; int xpos, ypos; int q = 1; int r = 128; int g = 128; int b = 255; int color = 2; /* enum colors { color_white; color_grey; color_lightblue; color_lightgreen; color_lightred; }; all available choices */ while (1) { VPADRead(0, &vpad_data, 1, &error); if (vpad_data.tpdata.touched == 1) { xpos = ((vpad_data.tpdata.x / 9) - 11); ypos = ((3930 - vpad_data.tpdata.y) / 16); drawPixel(xpos, ypos, r, g, b, 255); flipBuffers(); drawPixel(xpos, ypos, r, g, b, 255); flipBuffers(); } if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_LEFT) //seems to pick random one, no idea why { if (color == 0) //white { color = 4; //light red } else { color -= 1; //go down one } if (color == 0){ //white r = 255; g = 255; b = 255; } if (color == 1){ //grey r = 128; g = 128; b = 128; } if (color == 2){ //light blue r = 128; g = 128; b = 255; } if (color == 3){ //light green r = 128; g = 255; b = 128; } if (color == 4){ //light red r = 255; g = 128; b = 128; } } if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_RIGHT) //seems to pick random one, no idea why { if (color == 4) //light red { color = 0; //white } else { color += 1; //go up one } if (color == 0){ //white r = 255; g = 255; b = 255; } if (color == 1){ //grey r = 128; g = 128; b = 128; } if (color == 2){ //light blue r = 128; g = 128; b = 255; } if (color == 3){ //light green r = 128; g = 255; b = 128; } if (color == 4){ //light red r = 255; g = 128; b = 128; } } if (vpad_data.btn_hold & BUTTON_PLUS) { fillScreen(0, 0, 0, 255); // black flipBuffers(); fillScreen(0, 0, 0, 255); // second buffer flipBuffers(); } if (vpad_data.btn_trigger & BUTTON_HOME) { break; //pls exit } } //WARNING: DO NOT CHANGE THIS. YOU MUST CLEAR THE FRAMEBUFFERS AND IMMEDIATELY CALL EXIT FROM THIS FUNCTION. RETURNING TO LOADER CAUSES FREEZE. int ii=0; for(ii;ii<2;ii++) { fillScreen(0,0,0,0); flipBuffers(); } _Exit(); }
void InitAcquireSys(void) { OSDynLoad_Acquire("sysapp.rpl", &sysapp_handle); }
void _start() { /* Load a good stack */ asm( "lis %r1, 0x1ab5 ;" "ori %r1, %r1, 0xd138 ;" ); /* Get a handle to coreinit.rpl, dmae.rpl, and nsysnet.rpl */ unsigned int coreinit_handle, dmae_handle, nsysnet_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); OSDynLoad_Acquire("dmae.rpl", &dmae_handle); OSDynLoad_Acquire("nsysnet.rpl", &nsysnet_handle); /* Cache, DMA, and socket functions */ void (*DCFlushRange)(void *addr, unsigned int length); void (*DCInvalidateRange)(void *addr, unsigned int length); unsigned long long (*DMAECopyMem)(void *dst, void *src, unsigned int nwords, int endian); int (*DMAEWaitDone)(unsigned long long ret); int (*socket)(int family, int type, int proto); int (*connect)(int fd, struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen); int (*send)(int fd, const void *buffer, int len, int flags); /* Read the addresses of the functions */ OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "DCFlushRange", &DCFlushRange); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "DCInvalidateRange", &DCInvalidateRange); OSDynLoad_FindExport(dmae_handle, 0, "DMAECopyMem", &DMAECopyMem); OSDynLoad_FindExport(dmae_handle, 0, "DMAEWaitDone", &DMAEWaitDone); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nsysnet_handle, 0, "socket", &socket); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nsysnet_handle, 0, "connect", &connect); OSDynLoad_FindExport(nsysnet_handle, 0, "send", &send); /* Set up our socket address structure */ struct sockaddr sin; sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = 12345; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = PC_IP; int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { sin.sin_zero[i] = 0; } /* Connect to the PC */ int pc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); int status = connect(pc, &sin, 0x10); if (status) OSFatal("Error connecting to PC server"); /* Cache stuff */ DCFlushRange(0x01000000, 0x20); DCInvalidateRange(0x1dd7b820, 0x20); /* Do the copy */ int success = DMAEWaitDone(DMAECopyMem(0x1dd7b820, 0x01000000, 2, 0)); if (success) { send(pc, "Success", 8, 0); } else { send(pc, "Fail", 5, 0); } while(1); }
void InitAcquireVPad(void) { OSDynLoad_Acquire("vpad.rpl", &vpad_handle); OSDynLoad_Acquire("vpadbase.rpl", &vpadbase_handle); }
void _start() { /* Get a handle to coreinit.rpl */ unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); //OS memory functions void* (*memcpy)(void *dest, void *src, uint32_t length); void* (*memset)(void * dest, uint32_t value, uint32_t bytes); void* (*OSAllocFromSystem)(uint32_t size, int align); void (*OSFreeToSystem)(void *ptr); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "memcpy", &memcpy); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "memset", &memset); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSAllocFromSystem", &OSAllocFromSystem); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSFreeToSystem", &OSFreeToSystem); void (*OSCoherencyBarrier)(); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSCoherencyBarrier", &OSCoherencyBarrier); void (*_Exit)(); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "_Exit", &_Exit); //DC memory functions void (*DCFlushRangeNoSync)(void *buffer, uint32_t length); void (*DCInvalidateRange)(void *buffer, uint32_t length); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "DCFlushRangeNoSync", &DCFlushRangeNoSync); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "DCInvalidateRange", &DCInvalidateRange); //LC memory functions void* (*LCAlloc)( uint32_t bytes ); void (*LCDealloc)(); uint32_t (*LCHardwareIsAvailable)(); uint32_t (*LCIsDMAEnabled)(); void (*LCEnableDMA)(); void (*LCDisableDMA)(); void (*LCLoadDMABlocks)(void* lc_addr, void* src_addr, uint32_t blocks); void (*LCStoreDMABlocks)(void* dest_addr, void* lc_addr, uint32_t blocks); void (*LCWaitDMAQueue)( uint32_t length ); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "LCAlloc", &LCAlloc); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "LCDealloc", &LCDealloc); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "LCHardwareIsAvailable", &LCHardwareIsAvailable); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "LCIsDMAEnabled", &LCIsDMAEnabled); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "LCEnableDMA", &LCEnableDMA); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "LCDisableDMA", &LCDisableDMA); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "LCLoadDMABlocks", &LCLoadDMABlocks); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "LCStoreDMABlocks", &LCStoreDMABlocks); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "LCWaitDMAQueue", &LCWaitDMAQueue); //Used for keeping track of vairables to print to screen char output[1000]; //Alloc 64 byte alligned space void* src_addr=OSAllocFromSystem(512,64); void* dest_addr=OSAllocFromSystem(512,64); //Store some debug values __os_snprintf(output, 1000, "src_addr:%02x,",(uint32_t)src_addr); __os_snprintf(output+strlen(output), 255, "dest_addr: %02x,", (uint32_t)dest_addr); //Number of 32bit blocks to copy. Must be multiple of 2 between [0,127] uint32_t blocks=2; //2 32bit blocks //Do something to the source memset(src_addr,1,64); //Grab values for debug uint32_t * src_val=src_addr; uint32_t * dest_val=dest_addr; __os_snprintf(output+strlen(output), 255, "Old src_val: %02x\n",src_val[0]); __os_snprintf(output+strlen(output), 255, "Old dest_val: %02x,",dest_val[0]); //Get some locked cache address space void *lc_addr=LCAlloc(512); //512 Minmum. Must be multiple of 512. //Calculate size from blocks to flush/invalidate range properly uint32_t size; //If blocks is set to 0, the transaction will default to 128 blocks if(blocks==0) { size=32*128; } else { size=32*blocks; } //Flush the range at the source to ensure cache gets written back to memory. DCFlushRangeNoSync(src_addr,size); //Invalidate the range at the destination DCInvalidateRange(dest_addr,size); //Sync OSCoherencyBarrier(); //Check to see of DMA hardware is avaliable if(LCHardwareIsAvailable()!=1) { OSFatal("Hardware is not avaliable."); } //Gets the current state of DMA, so we can restore it after our copy uint32_t dmaState=LCIsDMAEnabled(); //Checks to see if DMA is enabled, if not it will try to enable it. if(dmaState!=1) { LCEnableDMA(); dmaState=LCIsDMAEnabled(); if(dmaState!=1) { OSFatal("Can't enable DMA"); } } //Load memory to locked cache LCLoadDMABlocks(lc_addr,src_addr,blocks); LCWaitDMAQueue(0); //Store memory from locked cache LCStoreDMABlocks(dest_addr,lc_addr,blocks); LCWaitDMAQueue(0); //If DMA was not previously enabled, then disable it to restore state. if(dmaState!=1) { LCDisableDMA(); dmaState=LCIsDMAEnabled(); //If DMA failed to disable, return error code if(dmaState!=1) { OSFatal("Couldn't Disable DMA"); } } __os_snprintf(output+strlen(output), 255, "New src_val: %02x,",src_val[0]); __os_snprintf(output+strlen(output), 255, "New dest_val: %02x,",dest_val[0]); //Cleanup LCDealloc(lc_addr); OSFreeToSystem(dest_addr); OSFreeToSystem(src_addr); OSFatal(output); }
void InitGX2FunctionPointers(void) { unsigned int *funcPointer = 0; unsigned int gx2_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("gx2.rpl", &gx2_handle); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2Init); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2Shutdown); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2Flush); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2GetMainCoreId); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2DrawDone); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2ClearColor); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetViewport); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetScissor); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetContextState); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2DrawEx); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2DrawIndexedEx); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2ClearDepthStencilEx); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CopyColorBufferToScanBuffer); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SwapScanBuffers); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetTVEnable); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetSwapInterval); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2GetSwapInterval); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2WaitForVsync); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CalcTVSize); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2Invalidate); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetTVBuffer); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CalcSurfaceSizeAndAlignment); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitDepthBufferRegs); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitColorBufferRegs); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CalcColorBufferAuxInfo); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CalcDepthBufferHiZInfo); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitDepthBufferHiZEnable); // OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetSpecialState); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetupContextStateEx); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetColorBuffer); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDepthBuffer); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetAttribBuffer); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitTextureRegs); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitSampler); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CalcFetchShaderSizeEx); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitFetchShaderEx); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetFetchShader); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetVertexUniformReg); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetPixelUniformReg); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetPixelTexture); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetVertexTexture); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetPixelSampler); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetVertexSampler); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetPixelShader); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetVertexShader); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2InitSamplerZMFilter); // OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetClearDepth); // OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetClearStencil); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetColorControl); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDepthOnlyControl); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetBlendControl); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2CalcDRCSize); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDRCBuffer); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDRCScale); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDRCEnable); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetPolygonControl); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetCullOnlyControl); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDepthStencilControl); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetStencilMask); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetLineWidth); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetDRCGamma); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2SetTVGamma); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2GetSystemTVScanMode); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2GetSystemDRCScanMode); OS_FIND_EXPORT(gx2_handle, GX2RSetAllocator); }
void _start() { /* Load a good stack */ asm( "lis %r1, 0x1ab5 ;" "ori %r1, %r1, 0xd138 ;" ); /* Get a handle to coreinit.rpl */ uint32_t coreinit_h; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_h); /* Memory allocation and FS functions */ void* (*OSAllocFromSystem)(uint32_t size, int align); int (*FSInit)(); int (*FSAddClient)(void *client, int unk1); int (*FSInitCmdBlock)(void *cmd); int (*FSOpenDir)(void *client, void *cmd, char *path, uint32_t *dir_handle, int unk1); int (*FSReadDir)(void *client, void *cmd, uint32_t dir_handle, void *buffer, int unk1); int (*FSGetMountSource)(void *client, void *cmd, int type, mount_source *source, int unk1); int (*FSMount)(void *client, void *cmd, mount_source *source, char *mountpath, uint32_t pathlength, int unk1); int (*FSOpenFile)(void *client, void *cmd, char *filepath, char *amode, uint32_t *file_handle, int unk1); int (*FSReadFile)(void *client, void *cmd, void *buffer, uint32_t size, uint32_t length, uint32_t file_handle, int unk1, int unk2); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_h, 0, "OSAllocFromSystem", &OSAllocFromSystem); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_h, 0, "FSInit", &FSInit); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_h, 0, "FSAddClient", &FSAddClient); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_h, 0, "FSInitCmdBlock", &FSInitCmdBlock); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_h, 0, "FSOpenDir", &FSOpenDir); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_h, 0, "FSReadDir", &FSReadDir); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_h, 0, "FSGetMountSource", &FSGetMountSource); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_h, 0, "FSMount", &FSMount); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_h, 0, "FSOpenFile", &FSOpenFile); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_h, 0, "FSReadFile", &FSReadFile); FSInit(); /* Set up the client and command blocks */ void *client = OSAllocFromSystem(0x1700, 0x20); void *cmd = OSAllocFromSystem(0xA80, 0x20); if (!(client && cmd)) OSFatal("Failed to allocate client and command block"); FSAddClient(client, 0); FSInitCmdBlock(cmd); // todo: check permissions and throw exception if no mounting permissions available // OSLockMutex - Probably not. It's a single thread, nothing else can access this, Cross-F does this here mount_source m_source; // allocate mount source int ms_result = FSGetMountSource(client, cmd, 0, &m_source, 0); // type 0 = external device if(ms_result != 0) { char buf[256]; __os_snprintf(buf, 256, "FSGetMountSource returned error code %d", ms_result); OSFatal(buf); } char mountPath[128]; // usually /vol/external01 int m_result = FSMount(client, cmd, &m_source, mountPath, sizeof(mountPath), -1); if(m_result != 0) { char buf[256]; __os_snprintf(buf, 256, "FSMount returned error code %d", m_result); OSFatal(buf); } // OSUnlockMutex char defaultMountPath[] = "/vol/external01"; if(!strcmp(mountPath, defaultMountPath)) { char buf[256]; __os_snprintf(buf, 256, "FSMount returned nonstandard mount path: %s", mountPath); OSFatal(buf); } uint32_t file_handle; int open_result = FSOpenFile(client, cmd, "/vol/external01/SMASHD.txt", "r", &file_handle, 0); if(open_result != 0) { char buf[256]; __os_snprintf(buf, 256, "FSOpenFile returned error code %d", open_result); OSFatal(buf); } uint32_t *file_buffer = OSAllocFromSystem(0x200, 0x20); int read_result = FSReadFile(client, cmd, file_buffer, 1, 25, file_handle, 0, -1); // todo: is size correct? one char one byte; read whole file, not just a few bytes if(read_result != 0) { char buf[256]; __os_snprintf(buf, 256, "FSReadFile returned error code %d", read_result); OSFatal(buf); } char *message = (char*)&file_buffer[25]; OSFatal(message); }
void _entryPoint() { /****************************> Get Handles <****************************/ //Get a handle to coreinit.rpl unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); //Get a handle to vpad.rpl */ unsigned int vpad_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("vpad.rpl", &vpad_handle); /****************************> External Prototypes <****************************/ //VPAD functions int(*VPADRead)(int controller, VPADData *buffer, unsigned int num, int *error); //OS functions void(*_Exit)(); /****************************> Exports <****************************/ //VPAD functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(vpad_handle, 0, "VPADRead", &VPADRead); //OS functions OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "_Exit", &_Exit); /****************************> Globals <****************************/ struct renderFlags flags; flags.y=0; flags.x=0; flags.a=0; flags.b=0; __os_snprintf(flags.aPressed, 32, "A button pressed"); __os_snprintf(flags.bPressed, 32, "B button pressed"); __os_snprintf(flags.xPressed, 32, "X button pressed"); __os_snprintf(flags.yPressed, 32, "Y button pressed"); /****************************> VPAD Loop <****************************/ /* Enter the VPAD loop */ int error; VPADData vpad_data; //Read initial vpad status VPADRead(0, &vpad_data, 1, &error); while(1) { VPADRead(0, &vpad_data, 1, &error); //button A if (vpad_data.btn_hold & BUTTON_A) flags.a=1; //button B if (vpad_data.btn_hold & BUTTON_B) flags.b=1; //button X if (vpad_data.btn_hold & BUTTON_X) flags.x=1; //button Y if (vpad_data.btn_hold & BUTTON_Y) flags.y=1; //end if(vpad_data.btn_hold & BUTTON_HOME) break; render(&flags); } //WARNING: DO NOT CHANGE THIS. YOU MUST CLEAR THE FRAMEBUFFERS AND IMMEDIATELY CALL EXIT FROM THIS FUNCTION. RETURNING TO LOADER CAUSES FREEZE. int ii=0; for(ii;ii<2;ii++) { fillScreen(0,0,0,0); flipBuffers(); } _Exit(); }