OTMessage * OTClientConnection::GetNextOutputMessage()
//#if !defined(OT_ZMQ_MODE)    
//	return m_listOut.Pop();
//    OT_FAIL_MSG("OTClientConnection::GetNextOutputMessage: ASSERT: Should not be calling this...");

    OT_FAIL_MSG("OTClientConnection::GetNextOutputMessage: ASSERT: Should not be calling this...");
예제 #2
bool OTPassword::ot_unlockPage(void* addr, size_t len)
#ifdef _WIN32
//    return VirtualUnlock(addr, len);
    static bool bWarned = false;
    if (munlock(addr, len) && !bWarned) {
        bWarned = true;
        otErr << "ot_unlockPage: WARNING: unable to unlock memory used for "
                 "storing secrets.\n";
    return true;
    OT_FAIL_MSG("ASSERT: ot_unlockPage unable to unlock secret memory.");
    return false;
예제 #3
// "So that it won't get swapped to disk, where the secret
// could be recovered maliciously from the swap file."
bool OTPassword::ot_lockPage(void* addr, size_t len)
#ifdef _WIN32
// return VirtualLock(addr, len);
    static bool bWarned = false;
    if (mlock(addr, len) && !bWarned) {
        bWarned = true;
        otErr << "ot_lockPage: WARNING: unable to lock memory. \n"
                 "   (Passwords / secret keys may be swapped to disk!)\n";
    return true;
    OT_FAIL_MSG("ASSERT: ot_lockPage unable to lock memory.");
    return false;
예제 #4
// This is the thread itself.
void OTCachedKey::ThreadTimeout(void * pArg)
    // TODO: Save a copy of pArg, in the cached key object, and delete it whenever LowLevelRemoveThread
    // is called. Otherwise it's a memory leak.
    _SharedPtr<OTCachedKey> * pthreadSharedPtr = static_cast<_SharedPtr<OTCachedKey> *>(pArg);
    _SharedPtr<OTCachedKey>   pMyself = *pthreadSharedPtr;

    if (!pMyself) { OT_FAIL_MSG("OTCachedKey::ThreadTimeout: Need ptr to master key here, that activated this thread.\n"); }

    // --------------------------------------
//    tthread::lock_guard<tthread::mutex> lock(*(pMyself->GetMutex())); // Multiple threads can't get inside here at the same time.
    // --------------------------------------
    int32_t nTimeoutSeconds = 0;

        tthread::lock_guard<tthread::mutex> lock(OTCachedKey::s_mutexThreadTimeout);

        if (pMyself)
            nTimeoutSeconds = pMyself->GetTimeoutSeconds(); // locks mutex internally.
    // --------------------------------------
    if (nTimeoutSeconds > 0)
        if (pMyself)
            tthread::this_thread::sleep_for(tthread::chrono::seconds(nTimeoutSeconds)); // <===== ASLEEP!
    // --------------------------------------
        tthread::lock_guard<tthread::mutex> lock(OTCachedKey::s_mutexThreadTimeout);

        if (pMyself && (nTimeoutSeconds != (-1)))
            pMyself->DestroyMasterPassword(); // locks mutex internally.
예제 #5
/// This function first Packs the incoming string, using whatever is the default packer. (MsgPack or Protobuf).
/// Then it Compresses the packed binary data using zlib. (ezcompress.)
/// Then it Base64-Encodes the compressed binary and sets it as a string on THIS OBJECT.
/// I added these pieces 1-by-1 over time. At first the messages were too long, so I started compressing them.
/// Then they were not binary compatible across various platforms, so I added the packing.
bool OTASCIIArmor::SetAndPackString(const OTString & strData, bool bLineBreaks) //=true
	if (strData.GetLength() < 1)
		return true;
	// --------------------------------------------------------
	OTDB::OTPacker * pPacker = OTASCIIArmor::GetPacker(); // No need to check for failure, since this already ASSERTS. No need to cleanup either.
	// Here I use the default storage context to create the object (the blob.)
	// I also originally created OTASCIIArmor::GetPacker() using OTDB_DEFAULT_PACKER,
	// so I know everything is compatible.
	OTDB::OTDBString * pOTDBString = dynamic_cast<OTDB::OTDBString *>(OTDB::CreateObject(OTDB::STORED_OBJ_STRING));
	OT_ASSERT(NULL != pOTDBString); // Beyond this point, responsible to delete pString.
	OTCleanup<OTDB::OTDBString> theStringAngel(*pOTDBString); // make sure memory is cleaned up.
	// -----------------------------
	const uint32_t	theStringSize32	= strData.GetLength();
	const size_t	theStringSize	= theStringSize32; // might need a cast here. // todo make sure this will handle sizes as big as I need.
	pOTDBString->m_string.assign(strData.Get(), // const char * 
	OTDB::PackedBuffer * pBuffer = pPacker->Pack(*pOTDBString); // Now we PACK our string before compressing/encoding it.
	if (NULL == pBuffer)
		OTLog::Error("Failed packing string in OTASCIIArmor::SetAndPackString. \n");
		return false;
	OTCleanup<OTDB::PackedBuffer> theBufferAngel(*pBuffer); // make sure memory is cleaned up.
	// --------------------------------------------------------	
	const uint8_t* pUint = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(pBuffer->GetData());
	const size_t theSize = pBuffer->GetSize();
	// --------------------------------------------------------
	char *	pString	= NULL;
	// Set up source buffer and destination buffer
	long nDestLen	= DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE_EASYZLIB; // todo stop hardcoding numbers (but this one is OK I think.)
	const long lSourcelen	= static_cast<long> (theSize);
	unsigned char* pSource	= new unsigned char[lSourcelen+10]; // for safety
	unsigned char* pDest	= new unsigned char[nDestLen  +10]; // for safety
	OT_ASSERT(NULL != pSource);
	OT_ASSERT(NULL != pDest);
    OTPassword::zeroMemory(pSource, lSourcelen+10);
    OTPassword::zeroMemory(pDest,   nDestLen  +10);
//    void * OTPassword::safe_memcpy(void   * dest,
//                                   uint32_t dest_size,
//                                   const
//                                   void   * src,
//                                   uint32_t src_length,
//                                   bool     bZeroSource/*=false*/) // if true, sets the source buffer to zero after copying is done.

    OTPassword::safe_memcpy(pSource, lSourcelen, pUint, static_cast<uint32_t>(theSize));
	// Now we are compressing first before base64-encoding (for strings, anyway)	
	int nErr = ezcompress( pDest, &nDestLen, pSource, lSourcelen );
	// If the destination buffer wasn't the right size the first time around,
	// then we re-allocate it to the right size (which we now know) and try again...
	if ( nErr == EZ_BUF_ERROR )
		delete [] pDest;
		pDest = new unsigned char [nDestLen+10]; // enough room now
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != pDest);
        OTPassword::zeroMemory(pDest, nDestLen+10);
		nErr = ezcompress( pDest, &nDestLen, pSource, lSourcelen );
	// Clean this up...
	delete [] pSource;
	pSource = NULL;
	// Still errors?
	if ( nErr == EZ_BUF_ERROR )
		delete [] pDest;
		pDest = NULL;	
		OT_FAIL_MSG("Error allocating memory in OTASCIIArmor::SetAndPackString\n");
	else if ( nErr == EZ_STREAM_ERROR )
		delete [] pDest;
		pDest = NULL;	
		OT_FAIL_MSG( "pDest is NULL in OTASCIIArmor::SetAndPackString\n");
	else if ( nErr == EZ_DATA_ERROR )
		delete [] pDest;
		pDest = NULL;	
		OT_FAIL_MSG("corrupted pSrc passed to ezuncompress OTASCIIArmor::SetAndPackString\n");
	else if ( nErr == EZ_MEM_ERROR )
		delete [] pDest;	
		pDest = NULL;
		OT_FAIL_MSG("Out of memory in OTASCIIArmor::SetAndPackString\n");
	OT_ASSERT_MSG(pDest != NULL, "pDest NULL in OTASCIIArmor::SetAndPackString\n");
	// Success
	if (0 < nDestLen)
		// Now let's base-64 encode it...
        pString = OTCrypto::It()->Base64Encode((const uint8_t*)pDest, nDestLen, bLineBreaks);
//		pString = OT_base64_encode((const uint8_t*)pDest, nDestLen, (bLineBreaks ? 1 : 0));
		delete [] pDest;
		pDest = NULL;
		if (pString)
			delete [] pString; pString=NULL; 
			return true;
			OTLog::Error("pString NULL in OTASCIIArmor::SetAndPackString\n");
		OTLog::Error("nDestLen 0 in OTASCIIArmor::SetAndPackString\n");
	if (pDest)
		delete [] pDest;
	pDest = NULL;
	return false;	
예제 #6
/// if we pack, compress, encode on the way in, that means, therefore, we
/// need to decode, uncompress, then unpack on our way out. Right?
/// This function will base64-DECODE the string contents, then uncompress them using
/// zlib, and then unpack the result using whatever is the default packer (MsgPack, Protobuf, etc).
/// I originally added compression because message sizes were too big. Now I'm adding packing, 
/// to solve any issues of binary compatibility across various platforms.
bool OTASCIIArmor::GetAndUnpackString(OTString & strData, bool bLineBreaks) const //bLineBreaks=true
	size_t		outSize	= 0;
	uint8_t *	pData	= NULL;
	if (GetLength() < 1)
		return true;
	// --------------------------------------------------------------
	pData = OTCrypto::It()->Base64Decode(this->Get(), &outSize, bLineBreaks);
//	pData = OT_base64_decode(Get(), &outSize, (bLineBreaks ? 1 : 0));
	if (pData)
		// -------------------------------------------
		long nDestLen = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE_EASYZLIB; // todo stop hardcoding numbers (but this one is OK I think.)
		unsigned char* pDest = new unsigned char [nDestLen+10]; // For safety.
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != pDest);
		int nErr = ezuncompress( pDest, &nDestLen, pData, static_cast<long> (outSize) );
		if ( nErr == EZ_BUF_ERROR )
			delete [] pDest;
			pDest = new unsigned char [nDestLen]; // enough room now
			OT_ASSERT(NULL != pDest);
			nErr = ezuncompress( pDest, &nDestLen, pData, static_cast<long> (outSize) );
		// Now we're done with this memory, let's free it.
		delete [] pData; pData=NULL;
		// ----------------------------------------
		if ( nErr == EZ_BUF_ERROR )
			delete [] pDest;
			pDest = NULL;
			OT_FAIL_MSG("Buffer error in OTASCIIArmor::GetAndUnpackString\n");
		else if ( nErr == EZ_STREAM_ERROR )
			delete [] pDest;
			pDest = NULL;
			OT_FAIL_MSG("pDest is NULL in OTASCIIArmor::GetAndUnpackString\n");
		else if ( nErr == EZ_DATA_ERROR )
			delete [] pDest;
			pDest = NULL;
			OTLog::vError("corrupted pSrc passed to ezuncompress OTASCIIArmor::GetAndUnpackString, size: %d\n", outSize);
		else if ( nErr == EZ_MEM_ERROR )
			delete [] pDest;
			pDest = NULL;
			OT_FAIL_MSG("Out of memory in OTASCIIArmor::GetAndUnpackString\n");
		// ---------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------
		OTDB::OTPacker * pPacker = OTASCIIArmor::GetPacker(); // No need to check for failure, since this already ASSERTS. No need to cleanup either.
		OTDB::PackedBuffer * pBuffer = pPacker->CreateBuffer(); // Need to clean this up.
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != pBuffer);
		OTCleanup<OTDB::PackedBuffer> theBufferAngel(*pBuffer); // This will make sure buffer is deleted later.
		const size_t theDestLen = nDestLen;
		pBuffer->SetData(pDest, // const unsigned char *

		delete [] pDest; pDest=NULL; 
		// -----------------------------
		OTDB::OTDBString * pOTDBString = dynamic_cast<OTDB::OTDBString *>(OTDB::CreateObject(OTDB::STORED_OBJ_STRING));
		OTCleanup<OTDB::OTDBString> theStringAngel(*pOTDBString); // clean up this string.
		bool bUnpacked = pPacker->Unpack(*pBuffer, *pOTDBString);
		// ----------------------
		if (false == bUnpacked)
			OTLog::Error("Failed unpacking string in OTASCIIArmor::GetAndUnpackString.\n");
			return false;
		// --------------------------------------------------------
		// This enforces the null termination. (using the 2nd parameter as nEnforcedMaxLength)
		strData.Set(pOTDBString->m_string.c_str(), static_cast<uint32_t> (pOTDBString->m_string.length()));
		return true;
		OTLog::Error("OTASCIIArmor::GetAndUnpackString: NULL pData while base64-decoding pData.\n");
		return false;
예제 #7
bool OTAcctFunctor::Trigger(OTAccount & theAccount)
    OT_FAIL_MSG("OTAcctFunctor::Trigger: You need to override the Trigger method in your subclass. (It's missing.)");
예제 #8
// Asks for password twice. (For confirmation when changing password or creating nym.)
void OTCallback::runTwo(const char * szDisplay, OTPassword & theOutput) // child class will override.
	OT_FAIL_MSG("OTCallback::runTwo: ASSERT (The child class was supposed to override this method.)\n");