예제 #1
void selectitem()
    if (selected_items.size() < ents.length())

    if (!select_multiple) fill(selected_items.begin(), selected_items.end(), false);

    vec selv = { worldpos.x, worldpos.y, worldpos.z };

          entity &e = ents[i];

          if(e.type < I_SHELLS || e.type > I_QUAD) continue;
	  if (!e.spawned) continue;
          if(OUTBORD(e.x, e.y)) continue;

          vec v = { e.x, e.y, S(e.x, e.y)->floor };

          vdist(dist, t, selv, v);
	      selset = false;
	      selected_items[i] = true;
예제 #2
void correctsel()                                       // ensures above invariant
    selset = !OUTBORD(sel.x, sel.y);
    int bsize = ssize-MINBORD;
    if(sel.xs+sel.x>bsize) sel.xs = bsize-sel.x;
    if(sel.ys+sel.y>bsize) sel.ys = bsize-sel.y;
    if(sel.xs<=0 || sel.ys<=0) selset = false;
예제 #3
void computeraytable(float vx, float vy)
    if(!ocull) return;

    odist = getvar("fog")*1.5f;

    float apitch = (float)fabs(player1->pitch);
    float af = getvar("fov")/2+apitch/1.5f+3;
    float byaw = (player1->yaw-90+af)/360*PI2;
    float syaw = (player1->yaw-90-af)/360*PI2;

        float angle = i*PI2/NUMRAYS;
        if((apitch>45 // must be bigger if fov>120
        || (angle<byaw && angle>syaw)
        || (angle<byaw-PI2 && angle>syaw-PI2)
        || (angle<byaw+PI2 && angle>syaw+PI2))
        && !OUTBORD(vx, vy)
        && !SOLID(S(fast_f2nat(vx), fast_f2nat(vy))))       // try to avoid tracing ray if outside of frustrum
            float ray = i*8/(float)NUMRAYS;
            float dx, dy;
            if(ray>1 && ray<3) { dx = -(ray-2); dy = 1; }
            else if(ray>=3 && ray<5) { dx = -1; dy = -(ray-4); }
            else if(ray>=5 && ray<7) { dx = ray-6; dy = -1; }
            else { dx = 1; dy = ray>4 ? ray-8 : ray; };
            float sx = vx;
            float sy = vy;
                sx += dx;
                sy += dy;
                if(SOLID(S(fast_f2nat(sx), fast_f2nat(sy))))    // 90% of time spend in this function is on this line
                    rdist[i] = (float)(fabs(sx-vx)+fabs(sy-vy));
            rdist[i] = 2;
예제 #4
void rendermodel(const char *mdl, int frame, int range, int tex,
                 float rad, float x, float y, float z,
                 float yaw, float pitch, bool teammate,
                 float scale, float speed, int snap, int basetime)
  md2 *m = loadmodel(mdl);

  if (world::isoccluded(player1->o.x, player1->o.y, x-rad, z-rad, rad*2))


  int xs, ys;
  ogl::bindtexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex ? ogl::lookuptex(tex, xs, ys) : FIRSTMDL+m->mdlnum);

  const int ix = (int)x;
  const int iy = (int)z;
  vec light(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

  if (!OUTBORD(ix, iy)) {
    sqr *s = S(ix,iy);
    const float ll = 256.0f; // 0.96f;
    const float of = 0.0f; // 0.1f;
    light.x = s->r/ll+of;
    light.y = s->g/ll+of;
    light.z = s->b/ll+of;

  if (teammate) {
    light.x *= 0.6f;
    light.y *= 0.7f;
    light.z *= 1.2f;

  m->render(light, frame, range, x, y, z, yaw, pitch, scale, speed, snap, basetime);
예제 #5
void cursorupdate()                                     // called every frame from hud
    flrceil = ((int)(player1->pitch>=0))*2;

    volatile float x = worldpos.x;                      // volatile needed to prevent msvc7 optimizer bug?
    volatile float y = worldpos.y;
    volatile float z = worldpos.z;
    cx = (int)x;
    cy = (int)y;

    if(OUTBORD(cx, cy)) return;
    sqr *s = S(cx,cy);
    if(fabs(sheight(s,s,z)-z)>1)                        // selected wall
        x += x>player1->o.x ? 0.5f : -0.5f;             // find right wall cube
        y += y>player1->o.y ? 0.5f : -0.5f;

        cx = (int)x;
        cy = (int)y;

        if(OUTBORD(cx, cy)) return;
    if(dragging) makesel();

    const int GRIDSIZE = 5;
    const float GRIDW = 0.5f;
    const float GRID8 = 2.0f;
    const float GRIDS = 2.0f;
    const int GRIDM = 0x7;
    // render editing grid

    for(int ix = cx-GRIDSIZE; ix<=cx+GRIDSIZE; ix++) for(int iy = cy-GRIDSIZE; iy<=cy+GRIDSIZE; iy++)
        if(OUTBORD(ix, iy)) continue;
        sqr *s = S(ix,iy);
        if(SOLID(s)) continue;
        float h1 = sheight(s, s, z);
        float h2 = sheight(s, SWS(s,1,0,ssize), z);
        float h3 = sheight(s, SWS(s,1,1,ssize), z);
        float h4 = sheight(s, SWS(s,0,1,ssize), z);
        if(s->tag) linestyle(GRIDW, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x40);
        else if(s->type==FHF || s->type==CHF) linestyle(GRIDW, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x80);
        else linestyle(GRIDW, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80);
        block b = { ix, iy, 1, 1 };
        box(b, h1, h2, h3, h4);
        linestyle(GRID8, 0x40, 0x40, 0xFF);
        if(!(ix&GRIDM))   line(ix,   iy,   h1, ix,   iy+1, h4);
        if(!(ix+1&GRIDM)) line(ix+1, iy,   h2, ix+1, iy+1, h3);
        if(!(iy&GRIDM))   line(ix,   iy,   h1, ix+1, iy,   h2);
        if(!(iy+1&GRIDM)) line(ix,   iy+1, h4, ix+1, iy+1, h3);

        float ih = sheight(s, s, z);
        linestyle(GRIDS, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
        block b = { cx, cy, 1, 1 };
        box(b, ih, sheight(s, SWS(s,1,0,ssize), z), sheight(s, SWS(s,1,1,ssize), z), sheight(s, SWS(s,0,1,ssize), z));
        linestyle(GRIDS, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00);
        dot(cx, cy, ih);
        ch = (int)ih;

        linestyle(GRIDS, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x40);
        box(sel, (float)selh, (float)selh, (float)selh, (float)selh);

	std::vector< std::pair<block, int> >::iterator sel_it = secondary_sel.begin();
	std::vector< std::pair<block, int> >::iterator sel_end = secondary_sel.end();

	for (; sel_it != sel_end; ++sel_it)
	    box(sel_it->first, (float)sel_it->second, (float)sel_it->second, (float)sel_it->second, (float)sel_it->second);
예제 #6
entity *CACBot::SearchForFlags(bool bUseWPs, float flRange, float flMaxHeight)
        Flags are scored on the following:
        - Distance
    float flDist;
    entity *pNewTargetFlag = NULL;
    waypoint_s *pWptNearBot = NULL, *pBestWpt = NULL;
    short sScore, sHighestScore = 0;
    vec vNewGoal = g_vecZero;

    if ((WaypointClass.m_iWaypointCount >= 1) && bUseWPs)
        pWptNearBot = GetNearestWaypoint(200.0f);

#ifdef WP_FLOOD
    if (!pWptNearBot && bUseWPs)
        pWptNearBot = GetNearestFloodWP(64.0f);

        sScore = 0;
        entity &e = ents[i];
        if(!CanTakeFlag(e)) continue;
        //vec o = g_vecZero;
        vec o = vec(e.x, e.y, S(e.x, e.y)->floor + PLAYERHEIGHT + PLAYERABOVEEYE);
        if(!m_secure(gamemode) && e.attr2 >= 0 && e.attr2 < 2)
            flaginfo &f = flaginfos[e.attr2];
            // flaginfo &of = flaginfos[team_opposite(i)];
            if(f.state == CTFF_DROPPED)
                o = f.pos;
                o.z += PLAYERHEIGHT + PLAYERABOVEEYE;
        if(OUTBORD((int)o.x, (int)o.y)) continue;
        flDist = GetDistance(o);
        if (flDist > flRange) continue;

        // Score on distance
        float ff = flDist;
        if (ff > 100.0f) ff = 100.0f;
        sScore += ((100 - short(ff)) / 2);

        waypoint_s *pWptNearEnt = NULL;
        // If this flag entity isn't visible check if there is a nearby waypoint
        if (!IsReachable(o, flMaxHeight))//(!IsVisible(o))
            if (!pWptNearBot) continue;

#ifdef WP_FLOOD
            if (pWptNearBot->pNode->iFlags & W_FL_FLOOD)
                pWptNearEnt = GetNearestFloodWP(o, 100.0f);
                pWptNearEnt = GetNearestWaypoint(o, 200.f);

            if (!pWptNearEnt) continue;

        // Score on visibility
        if (pWptNearEnt == NULL) // Ent is visible
            sScore += 6;
            sScore += 3;

        if(sScore > sHighestScore)
            if (pWptNearEnt) pBestWpt = pWptNearEnt;
            else pBestWpt = NULL; // best flag doesn't need any waypoints

            vNewGoal = o;
            pNewTargetFlag = &e;

    if (pNewTargetFlag)
        // Need waypoints to reach it?
        if (pBestWpt)
        m_vGoal = vNewGoal;

    return pNewTargetFlag;
예제 #7
entity *CACBot::SearchForEnts(bool bUseWPs, float flRange, float flMaxHeight)
    /* Entities are scored on the following things:
        - Visibility
        - For ammo: Need(ie has this bot much of this type or not)
        - distance

    float flDist;
    entity *pNewTargetEnt = NULL;
    waypoint_s *pWptNearBot = NULL, *pBestWpt = NULL;
    short sScore, sHighestScore = 0;

    if ((WaypointClass.m_iWaypointCount >= 1) && bUseWPs)
        pWptNearBot = GetNearestWaypoint(15.0f);

#ifdef WP_FLOOD
    if (!pWptNearBot && bUseWPs)
        pWptNearBot = GetNearestFloodWP(5.0f);

        sScore = 0;
        entity &e = ents[i];
        vec o(e.x, e.y, S(e.x, e.y)->floor+player1->eyeheight);

        if (!ents[i].spawned) continue;
        if (OUTBORD(e.x, e.y)) continue;

        bool bInteresting = false;
        short sAmmo = 0, sMaxAmmo = 0;

            case I_CLIPS:
                sMaxAmmo = ammostats[m_pMyEnt->secondary].max;
                bInteresting = (m_pMyEnt->ammo[m_pMyEnt->secondary]<sMaxAmmo);
                sAmmo = m_pMyEnt->ammo[m_pMyEnt->secondary];
            case I_AMMO:
                sMaxAmmo = ammostats[m_pMyEnt->primary].max;
                bInteresting = (m_pMyEnt->ammo[m_pMyEnt->primary]<sMaxAmmo);
                sAmmo = m_pMyEnt->ammo[m_pMyEnt->primary];
            case I_GRENADE:
                sMaxAmmo = ammostats[GUN_GRENADE].max;
                bInteresting = (m_pMyEnt->mag[GUN_GRENADE]<sMaxAmmo);
                sAmmo = -1;
            case I_HEALTH:
                sMaxAmmo = MAXHEALTH;
                bInteresting = (m_pMyEnt->health < sMaxAmmo);
                sAmmo = m_pMyEnt->health;
            case I_HELMET:
            case I_ARMOUR:
               sMaxAmmo = MAXARMOUR;
               bInteresting = (m_pMyEnt->armour < sMaxAmmo);
               sAmmo = m_pMyEnt->armour;
            case I_AKIMBO:
               bInteresting = !m_pMyEnt->akimbo;
               sAmmo = -1;

        if (!bInteresting)
            continue; // Not an interesting item, skip

        // Score on ammo and need
        // Akimbo & nade
        if (sAmmo == -1)
            sScore += 75; // Bonus
            // Calculate current percentage of max ammo
            float percent = ((float)sAmmo / (float)sMaxAmmo) * 100.0f;
            if (percent > 100.0f) percent = 100.0f;
            sScore += ((100 - short(percent))/2);

        flDist = GetDistance(o);

        if (flDist > flRange) continue;

        // Score on distance
        float f = flDist;
        if (f > 100.0f) f = 100.0f;
        sScore += ((100 - short(f)) / 2);

        waypoint_s *pWptNearEnt = NULL;
        // If this entity isn't visible check if there is a nearby waypoint
        if (!IsReachable(o, flMaxHeight))//(!IsVisible(o))
            if (!pWptNearBot) continue;

#ifdef WP_FLOOD
            if (pWptNearBot->pNode->iFlags & W_FL_FLOOD)
                pWptNearEnt = GetNearestFloodWP(o, 8.0f);
                pWptNearEnt = GetNearestWaypoint(o, 15.0f);

            if (!pWptNearEnt) continue;

        // Score on visibility
        if (pWptNearEnt == NULL) // Ent is visible
            sScore += 30;
            sScore += 15;

        if (sScore > sHighestScore)
            // Found a valid wp near the bot and the ent,so...lets store it :)
            if (pWptNearEnt)
                pBestWpt = pWptNearEnt;
                pBestWpt = NULL; // Best ent so far doesn't need any waypoints

            sHighestScore = sScore;
            pNewTargetEnt = &ents[i];

    if (pNewTargetEnt)
        // Need waypoints to reach it?
        if (pBestWpt)

        m_vGoal.x = pNewTargetEnt->x;
        m_vGoal.y = pNewTargetEnt->y;
        m_vGoal.z = S(pNewTargetEnt->x, pNewTargetEnt->y)->floor+player1->eyeheight;

    return pNewTargetEnt;