예제 #1
ALERROR CEffectCreator::OnCreateFromXML (SDesignLoadCtx &Ctx, CXMLElement *pDesc)

//	OnCreateFromXML
//	Load from XML. This is only called if we go through the EffectType path
//	(as opposed to plain Effect).

	ALERROR error;

	//	Basic info

	m_sUNID = strFromInt(GetUNID(), FALSE);
	m_dwSoundUNID = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(SOUND_ATTRIB);
	m_iSound = -1;

	//	Allow our subclass to initialize based on the effect
	//	(We know we have one because we couldn't have gotten this far
	//	without one. See CreateTypeFromXML.)

	CXMLElement *pEffect = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(EFFECT_TAG);

	if (pEffect->GetContentElementCount() == 1)
		error = OnEffectCreateFromXML(Ctx, pEffect->GetContentElement(0), m_sUNID);
		error = OnEffectCreateFromXML(Ctx, pEffect, m_sUNID);

	if (error)
		return error;

	//	Load damage descriptors

	CXMLElement *pDamageDesc = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(DAMAGE_TAG);
	if (pDamageDesc)
		m_pDamage = new CWeaponFireDesc;

		CString sUNID = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d/d"), GetUNID());
		if (error = m_pDamage->InitFromXML(Ctx, pDamageDesc, sUNID, true))
			return error;
	return NOERROR;
예제 #2
ALERROR CEffectCreator::OnCreateFromXML (SDesignLoadCtx &Ctx, CXMLElement *pDesc)

//	OnCreateFromXML
//	Load from XML. This is only called if we go through the EffectType path
//	(as opposed to plain Effect types).

	ALERROR error;

	//	Basic info

	m_sUNID = strFromInt(GetUNID(), false);

	if (error = InitBasicsFromXML(Ctx, pDesc))
		return error;

	//	Allow our subclass to initialize based on the effect
	//	(We know we have one because we couldn't have gotten this far
	//	without one. See CreateTypeFromXML.)

	CXMLElement *pEffect = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(EFFECT_TAG);

	//	Continue

	if (pEffect->GetContentElementCount() == 1)
		CXMLElement *pEffectDesc = pEffect->GetContentElement(0);

		//	Load events for this effect, in case they're here.

		CXMLElement *pEventsDesc = pEffectDesc->GetContentElementByTag(EVENTS_TAG);
		if (pEventsDesc)
			if (error = m_Events.InitFromXML(Ctx, pEventsDesc))
				return error;

		//	Load the single effect

		error = OnEffectCreateFromXML(Ctx, pEffectDesc, m_sUNID);
		error = OnEffectCreateFromXML(Ctx, pEffect, m_sUNID);

	if (error)
		return error;

	//	Load damage descriptors

	CXMLElement *pDamageDesc = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(DAMAGE_TAG);
	if (pDamageDesc)
		m_pDamage = new CWeaponFireDesc;

		CString sUNID = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d/d"), GetUNID());
		if (error = m_pDamage->InitFromXML(Ctx, pDamageDesc, sUNID, true))
			return error;
	return NOERROR;