예제 #1
void idSoundEmitterLocal::ModifySound( const s_channelType channel, const soundShaderParms_t *parms ) {
	if( !parms ) {
		common->Error( "idSoundEmitterLocal::ModifySound: NULL parms" );
	if( idSoundSystemLocal::s_showStartSound.GetInteger() ) {
		common->Printf( "ModifySound(%i,%i)\n", index, channel );
	if( soundWorld && soundWorld->writeDemo ) {
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteInt( DS_SOUND );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteInt( SCMD_MODIFY );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteInt( index );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteInt( channel );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteFloat( parms->minDistance );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteFloat( parms->maxDistance );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteFloat( parms->volume );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteFloat( parms->shakes );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteInt( parms->soundShaderFlags );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteInt( parms->soundClass );
	for( int i = 0; i < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; i++ ) {
		idSoundChannel	*chan = &channels[i];
		if( !chan->triggerState ) {
		if( channel != SCHANNEL_ANY && chan->triggerChannel != channel ) {
		OverrideParms( &chan->parms, parms, &chan->parms );
		if( chan->parms.shakes > 0.0f && chan->soundShader != NULL ) {
예제 #2

returns the length of the started sound in msec
int idSoundEmitterLocal::StartSound( const idSoundShader *shader, const s_channelType channel, float diversity, int soundShaderFlags, bool allowSlow ) {
	int i;

	if ( !shader ) {
		return 0;

	if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_showStartSound.GetInteger() ) {
		common->Printf( "StartSound %ims (%i,%i,%s) = ", soundWorld->gameMsec, index, (int)channel, shader->GetName() );

	if ( soundWorld && soundWorld->writeDemo ) {
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteInt( DS_SOUND );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteInt( SCMD_START );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteInt( index );

		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteHashString( shader->GetName() );

		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteInt( channel );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteFloat( diversity );
		soundWorld->writeDemo->WriteInt( soundShaderFlags );

	// build the channel parameters by taking the shader parms and optionally overriding
	soundShaderParms_t	chanParms;

	chanParms = shader->parms;
	OverrideParms( &chanParms, &this->parms, &chanParms );
	chanParms.soundShaderFlags |= soundShaderFlags;

	if ( chanParms.shakes > 0.0f ) {

	// this is the sample time it will be first mixed
	int start44kHz;
	if ( soundWorld->fpa[0] ) {
		// if we are recording an AVI demo, don't use hardware time
		start44kHz = soundWorld->lastAVI44kHz + MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES;
	} else {
		start44kHz = soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime() + MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES;

	// pick which sound to play from the shader
	if ( !shader->numEntries ) {
		if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_showStartSound.GetInteger() ) {
			common->Printf( "no samples in sound shader\n" );
		return 0;				// no sounds
	int choice;

	// pick a sound from the list based on the passed diversity
	choice = (int)(diversity * shader->numEntries);
	if ( choice < 0 || choice >= shader->numEntries ) {
		choice = 0;

	// bump the choice if the exact sound was just played and we are NO_DUPS
	if ( chanParms.soundShaderFlags & SSF_NO_DUPS ) {
		idSoundSample	*sample;
		if ( shader->leadins[ choice ] ) {
			sample = shader->leadins[ choice ];
		} else {
			sample = shader->entries[ choice ];
		for( i = 0; i < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; i++ ) {
			idSoundChannel	*chan = &channels[i];
			if ( chan->leadinSample == sample ) {
				choice = ( choice + 1 ) % shader->numEntries;

	// PLAY_ONCE sounds will never be restarted while they are running
	if ( chanParms.soundShaderFlags & SSF_PLAY_ONCE ) {
		for( i = 0; i < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; i++ ) {
			idSoundChannel	*chan = &channels[i];
			if ( chan->triggerState && chan->soundShader == shader ) {
				if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_showStartSound.GetInteger() ) {
					common->Printf( "PLAY_ONCE not restarting\n" );
				return 0;

	// never play the same sound twice with the same starting time, even
	// if they are on different channels
	for( i = 0; i < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; i++ ) {
		idSoundChannel	*chan = &channels[i];
		if ( chan->triggerState && chan->soundShader == shader && chan->trigger44kHzTime == start44kHz ) {
			if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_showStartSound.GetInteger() ) {
				common->Printf( "already started this frame\n" );
			return 0;


	// kill any sound that is currently playing on this channel
	if ( channel != SCHANNEL_ANY ) {
		for( i = 0; i < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; i++ ) {
			idSoundChannel	*chan = &channels[i];
			if ( chan->triggerState && chan->soundShader && chan->triggerChannel == channel ) {
				if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_showStartSound.GetInteger() ) {
					common->Printf( "(override %s)", chan->soundShader->base->GetName() );

				// if this was an onDemand sound, purge the sample now
				if ( chan->leadinSample->onDemand ) {

	// find a free channel to play the sound on
	idSoundChannel	*chan;
	for( i = 0; i < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; i++ ) {
		chan = &channels[i];
		if ( !chan->triggerState ) {

	if ( i == SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS ) {
		// we couldn't find a channel for it
		if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_showStartSound.GetInteger() ) {
			common->Printf( "no channels available\n" );
		return 0;

	chan = &channels[i];

	if ( shader->leadins[ choice ] ) {
		chan->leadinSample = shader->leadins[ choice ];
	} else {
		chan->leadinSample = shader->entries[ choice ];

	// if the sample is onDemand (voice mails, etc), load it now
	if ( chan->leadinSample->purged ) {
		int		start = Sys_Milliseconds();
		int		end = Sys_Milliseconds();
		session->TimeHitch( end - start );
		// recalculate start44kHz, because loading may have taken a fair amount of time
		if ( !soundWorld->fpa[0] ) {
			start44kHz = soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime() + MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES;

	if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_showStartSound.GetInteger() ) {
		common->Printf( "'%s'\n", chan->leadinSample->name.c_str() );

	if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_skipHelltimeFX.GetBool() ) {
		chan->disallowSlow = true;
	} else {
		chan->disallowSlow = !allowSlow;

	ResetSlowChannel( chan );

	// the sound will start mixing in the next async mix block
	chan->triggered = true;
	chan->openalStreamingOffset = 0;
	chan->trigger44kHzTime = start44kHz;
	chan->parms = chanParms;
	chan->triggerGame44kHzTime = soundWorld->game44kHz;
	chan->soundShader = shader;
	chan->triggerChannel = channel;

	// we need to start updating the def and mixing it in
	playing = true;

	// spatialize it immediately, so it will start the next mix block
	// even if that happens before the next PlaceOrigin()
	Spatialize( soundWorld->listenerPos, soundWorld->listenerArea, soundWorld->rw );

	// return length of sound in milliseconds
	int length = chan->leadinSample->LengthIn44kHzSamples();

	if ( chan->leadinSample->objectInfo.nChannels == 2 ) {
		length /= 2;	// stereo samples

	// adjust the start time based on diversity for looping sounds, so they don't all start
	// at the same point
	if ( chan->parms.soundShaderFlags & SSF_LOOPING && !chan->leadinSample->LengthIn44kHzSamples() ) {
		chan->trigger44kHzTime -= diversity * length;
		chan->trigger44kHzTime &= ~7;		// so we don't have to worry about the 22kHz and 11kHz expansions
											// starting in fractional samples
		chan->triggerGame44kHzTime -= diversity * length;
		chan->triggerGame44kHzTime &= ~7;
	length *= 1000 / (float)PRIMARYFREQ;


	return length;