PFModule  *WRFSelectTimeStepNewPublicXtra(
   double initial_step,
   double growth_factor,
   double max_step,
   double min_step)

   PFModule      *this_module   = ThisPFModule;
   PublicXtra    *public_xtra;

   Type1            *dummy1;

   public_xtra = ctalloc(PublicXtra, 1);

   public_xtra -> type = 1;
   dummy1 = ctalloc(Type1, 1);

   dummy1 -> initial_step = initial_step;
   dummy1 -> factor = growth_factor;
   dummy1 -> max_step = max_step;
   dummy1 -> min_step = min_step;

   (public_xtra -> data) = (void *) dummy1;

   PFModulePublicXtra(this_module) = public_xtra;
   return this_module;
void  WRFSelectTimeStepFreePublicXtra()
   PFModule    *this_module   = ThisPFModule;
   PublicXtra  *public_xtra   = (PublicXtra *)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

   Type0        *dummy0;
   Type1        *dummy1;

   if ( public_xtra )
      switch((public_xtra -> type))
      case 0:
	 dummy0 = (Type0 *)(public_xtra -> data);
      case 1:
	 dummy1 = (Type1 *)(public_xtra -> data);

예제 #3
PFModule  *NewPFModule(
void      *call,
void      *init_instance_xtra,
void      *free_instance_xtra,
void      *new_public_xtra,
void      *free_public_xtra,
void      *sizeof_temp_data,
void      *instance_xtra,
void      *public_xtra)
    PFModule         *new_module;

    new_module = talloc(PFModule, 1);

    (new_module -> call)               = (void (*)())call;
    (new_module -> init_instance_xtra) = (void (*)())init_instance_xtra;
    (new_module -> free_instance_xtra) = (void (*)())free_instance_xtra;
    (new_module -> new_public_xtra)    = (void (*)())new_public_xtra;
    (new_module -> free_public_xtra)   = (void (*)())free_public_xtra;
    (new_module -> sizeof_temp_data)   = (int  (*)())sizeof_temp_data;

    PFModuleInstanceXtra(new_module)     = instance_xtra;
    PFModulePublicXtra(new_module)       = public_xtra;

    return new_module;
PFModule  *SelectTimeStepNewPublicXtra()

   PFModule      *this_module   = ThisPFModule;
   PublicXtra    *public_xtra;

   Type0            *dummy0;
   Type1            *dummy1;

   char *switch_name;

   NameArray type_na;

   type_na = NA_NewNameArray("Constant Growth");

   public_xtra = ctalloc(PublicXtra, 1);

   switch_name = GetString("TimeStep.Type");
   public_xtra -> type = NA_NameToIndex(type_na, switch_name);
   switch((public_xtra -> type))
      case 0:
	 dummy0 = ctalloc(Type0, 1);

	 dummy0 -> step = GetDouble("TimeStep.Value");
	 (public_xtra -> data) = (void *) dummy0;

      case 1:
	 dummy1 = ctalloc(Type1, 1);

	 dummy1 -> initial_step = GetDouble("TimeStep.InitialStep");
	 dummy1 -> factor = GetDouble("TimeStep.GrowthFactor");
	 dummy1 -> max_step = GetDouble("TimeStep.MaxStep");
	 dummy1 -> min_step = GetDouble("TimeStep.MinStep");

	 (public_xtra -> data) = (void *) dummy1;

	 InputError("Error: invalid type <%s> for key <%s>\n",
		    switch_name, "TimeStep.Type");


   PFModulePublicXtra(this_module) = public_xtra;
   return this_module;
예제 #5
 * InputPorosity
void    InputPorosity(
                      GeomSolid *  geounit,
                      GrGeomSolid *gr_geounit,
                      Vector *     field)
   * Local variables
  PFModule      *this_module = ThisPFModule;
  PublicXtra    *public_xtra = (PublicXtra*)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);
  InstanceXtra  *instance_xtra = (InstanceXtra*)PFModuleInstanceXtra(this_module);
  double field_value = (public_xtra->field_value);
  Grid           *grid = (instance_xtra->grid);
  Subgrid        *subgrid;
  Subvector      *field_sub;
  double         *fieldp;
  int subgrid_loop;
  int i, j, k;
  int ix, iy, iz;
  int nx, ny, nz;
  int r;
  int index;

   * Assign constant values to field
  /* extra variables for reading from file */
  Type3 * dummy3;
  dummy3 = (Type3*)(public_xtra->data);
  Vector *ic_values = dummy3->ic_values;
  Subvector *ic_values_sub;
  double  *ic_values_dat;
  for (subgrid_loop = 0; subgrid_loop < GridNumSubgrids(grid); subgrid_loop++)
    subgrid = GridSubgrid(grid, subgrid_loop);
    field_sub = VectorSubvector(field, subgrid_loop);

    /* new subvector from file */
    ic_values_sub = VectorSubvector(ic_values, subgrid_loop);
    ix = SubgridIX(subgrid);
    iy = SubgridIY(subgrid);
    iz = SubgridIZ(subgrid);
    nx = SubgridNX(subgrid);
    ny = SubgridNY(subgrid);
    nz = SubgridNZ(subgrid);
    /* RDF: assume resolution is the same in all 3 directions */
    r = SubgridRX(subgrid);
    fieldp = SubvectorData(field_sub);
    /* new subvector data to read from */
    ic_values_dat = SubvectorData(ic_values_sub);
    GrGeomInLoop(i, j, k, gr_geounit, r, ix, iy, iz, nx, ny, nz,
      index = SubvectorEltIndex(field_sub, i, j, k);
      /* now assign the value from file to field */
      //                     fieldp[index] = field_value;
      fieldp[index] = ic_values_dat[index];
예제 #6
PFModule  *DupPFModule(PFModule  *pf_module)
    return  NewPFModule((void *)(pf_module -> call),
			(void *)(pf_module -> init_instance_xtra),
			(void *)(pf_module -> free_instance_xtra),
			(void *)(pf_module -> new_public_xtra),
			(void *)(pf_module -> free_public_xtra),
			(void *)(pf_module -> sizeof_temp_data),
예제 #7
void  KinsolNonlinSolverFreePublicXtra()
  PFModule    *this_module = ThisPFModule;
  PublicXtra  *public_xtra = (PublicXtra*)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

  if (public_xtra)
    if (public_xtra->richards_jacobian_eval != NULL)
    if (public_xtra->precond != NULL)

void RichardsBCInternal(
Problem     *problem,
ProblemData *problem_data,
Vector      *f,
Matrix      *A,
double       time,
Vector      *pressure,
int          fcn)
   PFModule      *this_module    = ThisPFModule;
   PublicXtra    *public_xtra    = (PublicXtra *)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

   WellData         *well_data = ProblemDataWellData(problem_data);
   WellDataPhysical *well_data_physical;
   WellDataValue    *well_data_value;

   TimeCycleData    *time_cycle_data;

   int               num_conditions = (public_xtra -> num_conditions);
   int               num_wells, total_num;

   Type0            *dummy0;

   Grid             *grid = VectorGrid(pressure);

   SubgridArray     *internal_bc_subgrids = NULL;

   Subgrid          *subgrid, *subgrid_ind, *new_subgrid;

   Subvector        *p_sub;

   double           *pp;
   double           *internal_bc_conditions = NULL;

   double            dx, dy, dz;
   double            value;

   int               ix, iy, iz;
   int               nx, ny, nz;
   int               rx, ry, rz;
   int               process;

   int               i, j, k;
   int               grid_index, well, index;
   int               cycle_number, interval_number;
   int               ip, im;

    * gridify the internal boundary locations (should be done elsewhere?)

   if ( num_conditions > 0 )

      internal_bc_subgrids = NewSubgridArray();
      internal_bc_conditions = ctalloc(double, num_conditions);

      for (i = 0; i < num_conditions;i++)
         switch((public_xtra -> type[i]))

         case 0:
            dummy0 = (Type0 *)(public_xtra -> data[i]);

            ix = IndexSpaceX((dummy0 -> xlocation), 0);
            iy = IndexSpaceY((dummy0 -> ylocation), 0);
            iz = IndexSpaceZ((dummy0 -> zlocation), 0);

            nx = 1;
            ny = 1;
            nz = 1;

            rx = 0;
            ry = 0;
            rz = 0;

            process = amps_Rank(amps_CommWorld);

            new_subgrid = NewSubgrid(ix, iy, iz,
                                     nx, ny, nz,
                                     rx, ry, rz,

            AppendSubgrid(new_subgrid, internal_bc_subgrids);

            internal_bc_conditions[i] = (dummy0 -> value);

예제 #9
PFModule  *KinsolNonlinSolverNewPublicXtra()
  PFModule      *this_module = ThisPFModule;
  PublicXtra    *public_xtra;

  char          *switch_name;
  char key[IDB_MAX_KEY_LEN];
  int switch_value;

  NameArray switch_na;
  NameArray verbosity_switch_na;
  NameArray eta_switch_na;
  NameArray globalization_switch_na;
  NameArray precond_switch_na;

  public_xtra = ctalloc(PublicXtra, 1);

  sprintf(key, "Solver.Nonlinear.ResidualTol");
  (public_xtra->residual_tol) = GetDoubleDefault(key, 1e-7);
  sprintf(key, "Solver.Nonlinear.StepTol");
  (public_xtra->step_tol) = GetDoubleDefault(key, 1e-7);

  sprintf(key, "Solver.Nonlinear.MaxIter");
  (public_xtra->max_iter) = GetIntDefault(key, 15);
  sprintf(key, "Solver.Linear.KrylovDimension");
  (public_xtra->krylov_dimension) = GetIntDefault(key, 10);
  sprintf(key, "Solver.Linear.MaxRestarts");
  (public_xtra->max_restarts) = GetIntDefault(key, 0);

  verbosity_switch_na = NA_NewNameArray("NoVerbosity LowVerbosity "
                                        "NormalVerbosity HighVerbosity");
  sprintf(key, "Solver.Nonlinear.PrintFlag");
  switch_name = GetStringDefault(key, "LowVerbosity");
  (public_xtra->print_flag) = NA_NameToIndex(verbosity_switch_na,

  eta_switch_na = NA_NewNameArray("EtaConstant Walker1 Walker2");
  sprintf(key, "Solver.Nonlinear.EtaChoice");
  switch_name = GetStringDefault(key, "Walker2");
  switch_value = NA_NameToIndex(eta_switch_na, switch_name);
  switch (switch_value)
    case 0:
      public_xtra->eta_choice = ETACONSTANT;
        = GetDoubleDefault("Solver.Nonlinear.EtaValue", 1e-4);
      public_xtra->eta_alpha = 0.0;
      public_xtra->eta_gamma = 0.0;

    case 1:
      public_xtra->eta_choice = ETACHOICE1;
      public_xtra->eta_alpha = 0.0;
      public_xtra->eta_gamma = 0.0;

    case 2:
      public_xtra->eta_choice = ETACHOICE2;
        = GetDoubleDefault("Solver.Nonlinear.EtaAlpha", 2.0);
        = GetDoubleDefault("Solver.Nonlinear.EtaGamma", 0.9);
      public_xtra->eta_value = 0.0;

      InputError("Error: Invalid value <%s> for key <%s>\n", switch_name,

  switch_na = NA_NewNameArray("False True");
  sprintf(key, "Solver.Nonlinear.UseJacobian");
  switch_name = GetStringDefault(key, "False");
  switch_value = NA_NameToIndex(switch_na, switch_name);
  switch (switch_value)
    case 0:
      (public_xtra->matvec) = NULL;

    case 1:
      (public_xtra->matvec) = KINSolMatVec;

      InputError("Error: Invalid value <%s> for key <%s>\n", switch_name,

  sprintf(key, "Solver.Nonlinear.DerivativeEpsilon");
  (public_xtra->derivative_epsilon) = GetDoubleDefault(key, 1e-7);

  globalization_switch_na = NA_NewNameArray("InexactNewton LineSearch");
  sprintf(key, "Solver.Nonlinear.Globalization");
  switch_name = GetStringDefault(key, "LineSearch");
  switch_value = NA_NameToIndex(globalization_switch_na, switch_name);
  switch (switch_value)
    case 0:
      (public_xtra->globalization) = INEXACT_NEWTON;

    case 1:
      (public_xtra->globalization) = LINESEARCH;

      InputError("Error: Invalid value <%s> for key <%s>\n", switch_name,

  precond_switch_na = NA_NewNameArray("NoPC MGSemi SMG PFMG PFMGOctree");
  sprintf(key, "Solver.Linear.Preconditioner");
  switch_name = GetStringDefault(key, "MGSemi");
  switch_value = NA_NameToIndex(precond_switch_na, switch_name);
  if (switch_value == 0)
    (public_xtra->precond) = NULL;
    (public_xtra->pcinit) = NULL;
    (public_xtra->pcsolve) = NULL;
  else if (switch_value > 0)
    (public_xtra->precond) = PFModuleNewModuleType(
                                                   (key, switch_name));
    (public_xtra->pcinit) = (KINSpgmrPrecondFn)KINSolInitPC;
    (public_xtra->pcsolve) = (KINSpgmrPrecondSolveFn)KINSolCallPC;
    InputError("Error: Invalid value <%s> for key <%s>\n", switch_name,

  public_xtra->nl_function_eval = PFModuleNewModule(NlFunctionEval, ());
  public_xtra->neq = ((public_xtra->max_restarts) + 1)
                     * (public_xtra->krylov_dimension);

  if (public_xtra->matvec != NULL)
    public_xtra->richards_jacobian_eval =
    public_xtra->richards_jacobian_eval = NULL;

  (public_xtra->time_index) = RegisterTiming("KINSol");

  PFModulePublicXtra(this_module) = public_xtra;

  return this_module;
예제 #10
PFModule  *KinsolNonlinSolverInitInstanceXtra(
                                              Problem *    problem,
                                              Grid *       grid,
                                              ProblemData *problem_data,
                                              double *     temp_data)
  PFModule      *this_module = ThisPFModule;
  PublicXtra    *public_xtra = (PublicXtra*)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);
  InstanceXtra  *instance_xtra;

  int neq = public_xtra->neq;
  int max_restarts = public_xtra->max_restarts;
  int krylov_dimension = public_xtra->krylov_dimension;
  int max_iter = public_xtra->max_iter;
  int print_flag = public_xtra->print_flag;
  int eta_choice = public_xtra->eta_choice;

  long int     *iopt;
  double       *ropt;

  double eta_value = public_xtra->eta_value;
  double eta_alpha = public_xtra->eta_alpha;
  double eta_gamma = public_xtra->eta_gamma;
  double derivative_epsilon = public_xtra->derivative_epsilon;

  Vector       *fscale;
  Vector       *uscale;

  State        *current_state;

  KINSpgmruserAtimesFn matvec = public_xtra->matvec;
  KINSpgmrPrecondFn pcinit = public_xtra->pcinit;
  KINSpgmrPrecondSolveFn pcsolve = public_xtra->pcsolve;

  KINMem kin_mem;
  FILE                  *kinsol_file;
  char filename[255];

  int i;

  if (PFModuleInstanceXtra(this_module) == NULL)
    instance_xtra = ctalloc(InstanceXtra, 1);
    instance_xtra = (InstanceXtra*)PFModuleInstanceXtra(this_module);

   * Initialize module instances

  if (PFModuleInstanceXtra(this_module) == NULL)
    if (public_xtra->precond != NULL)
      instance_xtra->precond =
        PFModuleNewInstanceType(KinsolPCInitInstanceXtraInvoke, public_xtra->precond,
                                (problem, grid, problem_data, temp_data,
                                 NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0));
      instance_xtra->precond = NULL;

    instance_xtra->nl_function_eval =
      PFModuleNewInstanceType(NlFunctionEvalInitInstanceXtraInvoke, public_xtra->nl_function_eval,
                              (problem, grid, temp_data));

    if (public_xtra->richards_jacobian_eval != NULL)
      /* Initialize instance for nonsymmetric matrix */
      instance_xtra->richards_jacobian_eval =
        PFModuleNewInstanceType(RichardsJacobianEvalInitInstanceXtraInvoke, public_xtra->richards_jacobian_eval,
                                (problem, grid, problem_data, temp_data, 0));
      instance_xtra->richards_jacobian_eval = NULL;
    if (instance_xtra->precond != NULL)
                                (problem, grid, problem_data, temp_data,
                                 NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0));

    PFModuleReNewInstanceType(NlFunctionEvalInitInstanceXtraInvoke, instance_xtra->nl_function_eval,
                              (problem, grid, temp_data));

    if (instance_xtra->richards_jacobian_eval != NULL)
      PFModuleReNewInstanceType(RichardsJacobianEvalInitInstanceXtraInvoke, instance_xtra->richards_jacobian_eval,
                                (problem, grid, problem_data, temp_data, 0));

   * Initialize KINSol input parameters and memory instance

  if (PFModuleInstanceXtra(this_module) == NULL)
    current_state = ctalloc(State, 1);

    /* Set up the grid data for the kinsol stuff */
    SetPf2KinsolData(grid, 1);

    /* Initialize KINSol parameters */
    sprintf(filename, "%s.%s", GlobalsOutFileName, "kinsol.log");
    if (!amps_Rank(amps_CommWorld))
      kinsol_file = fopen(filename, "w");
      kinsol_file = NULL;
    instance_xtra->kinsol_file = kinsol_file;

    /* Initialize KINSol memory */
    kin_mem = (KINMem)KINMalloc(neq, kinsol_file, NULL);

    /* Initialize the gmres linear solver in KINSol */
    KINSpgmr((void*)kin_mem,           /* Memory allocated above */
             krylov_dimension,         /* Max. Krylov dimension */
             max_restarts,             /* Max. no. of restarts - 0 is none */
             1,                        /* Max. calls to PC Solve w/o PC Set */
             pcinit,                   /* PC Set function */
             pcsolve,                  /* PC Solve function */
             matvec,                   /* ATimes routine */
             current_state             /* User data for PC stuff */

    /* Initialize optional arguments for KINSol */
    iopt = instance_xtra->int_optional_input;
    ropt = instance_xtra->real_optional_input;

    // Only print on rank 0
    iopt[PRINTFL] = amps_Rank(amps_CommWorld) ? 0 : print_flag;
    iopt[MXITER] = max_iter;
    iopt[PRECOND_NO_INIT] = 0;
    iopt[NNI] = 0;
    iopt[NFE] = 0;
    iopt[NBCF] = 0;
    iopt[NBKTRK] = 0;
    iopt[ETACHOICE] = eta_choice;
    iopt[NO_MIN_EPS] = 0;

    ropt[MXNEWTSTEP] = 0.0;
    ropt[RELFUNC] = derivative_epsilon;
    ropt[RELU] = 0.0;
    ropt[FNORM] = 0.0;
    ropt[STEPL] = 0.0;
    ropt[ETACONST] = eta_value;
    ropt[ETAALPHA] = eta_alpha;
    /* Put in conditional assignment of eta_gamma since KINSOL aliases */
    if (eta_value == 0.0)
      ropt[ETAGAMMA] = eta_gamma;

    /* Initialize iteration counts */
    for (i = 0; i < OPT_SIZE; i++)
      instance_xtra->integer_outputs[i] = 0;

    /* Scaling vectors*/
    uscale = NewVectorType(grid, 1, 1, vector_cell_centered);
    InitVectorAll(uscale, 1.0);
    instance_xtra->uscale = uscale;

    fscale = NewVectorType(grid, 1, 1, vector_cell_centered);
    InitVectorAll(fscale, 1.0);
    instance_xtra->fscale = fscale;

    instance_xtra->feval = KINSolFunctionEval;
    instance_xtra->kin_mem = kin_mem;
    instance_xtra->current_state = current_state;

  PFModuleInstanceXtra(this_module) = instance_xtra;
  return this_module;
예제 #11
int KinsolNonlinSolver(Vector *pressure, Vector *density, Vector *old_density, Vector *saturation, Vector *old_saturation, double t, double dt, ProblemData *problem_data, Vector *old_pressure, Vector *evap_trans, Vector *ovrl_bc_flx, Vector *x_velocity, Vector *y_velocity, Vector *z_velocity)
  PFModule     *this_module = ThisPFModule;
  PublicXtra   *public_xtra = (PublicXtra*)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);
  InstanceXtra *instance_xtra = (InstanceXtra*)PFModuleInstanceXtra(this_module);

  Matrix       *jacobian_matrix = (instance_xtra->jacobian_matrix);
  Matrix       *jacobian_matrix_C = (instance_xtra->jacobian_matrix_C);

  Vector       *uscale = (instance_xtra->uscale);
  Vector       *fscale = (instance_xtra->fscale);

  PFModule  *nl_function_eval = instance_xtra->nl_function_eval;
  PFModule  *richards_jacobian_eval = instance_xtra->richards_jacobian_eval;
  PFModule  *precond = instance_xtra->precond;

  State        *current_state = (instance_xtra->current_state);

  int globalization = (public_xtra->globalization);
  int neq = (public_xtra->neq);

  double residual_tol = (public_xtra->residual_tol);
  double step_tol = (public_xtra->step_tol);

  SysFn feval = (instance_xtra->feval);
  KINMem kin_mem = (instance_xtra->kin_mem);
  FILE         *kinsol_file = (instance_xtra->kinsol_file);

  long int     *integer_outputs = (instance_xtra->integer_outputs);
  long int     *iopt = (instance_xtra->int_optional_input);
  double       *ropt = (instance_xtra->real_optional_input);

  int ret = 0;

  StateFunc(current_state) = nl_function_eval;
  StateProblemData(current_state) = problem_data;
  StateTime(current_state) = t;
  StateDt(current_state) = dt;
  StateOldDensity(current_state) = old_density;
  StateOldPressure(current_state) = old_pressure;
  StateOldSaturation(current_state) = old_saturation;
  StateDensity(current_state) = density;
  StateSaturation(current_state) = saturation;
  StateJacEval(current_state) = richards_jacobian_eval;
  StateJac(current_state) = jacobian_matrix;
  StateJacC(current_state) = jacobian_matrix_C;           //dok
  StatePrecond(current_state) = precond;
  StateEvapTrans(current_state) = evap_trans;       /*sk*/
  StateOvrlBcFlx(current_state) = ovrl_bc_flx;      /*sk*/
  StateXvel(current_state) = x_velocity;           //jjb
  StateYvel(current_state) = y_velocity;           //jjb
  StateZvel(current_state) = z_velocity;           //jjb

  if (!amps_Rank(amps_CommWorld))
    fprintf(kinsol_file, "\nKINSOL starting step for time %f\n", t);


  ret = KINSol((void*)kin_mem,          /* Memory allocated above */
               neq,                     /* Dummy variable here */
               pressure,                /* Initial guess @ this was "pressure before" */
               feval,                   /* Nonlinear function */
               globalization,           /* Globalization method */
               uscale,                  /* Scalings for the variable */
               fscale,                  /* Scalings for the function */
               residual_tol,            /* Stopping tolerance on func */
               step_tol,                /* Stop tol. for sucessive steps */
               NULL,                    /* Constraints */
               TRUE,                    /* Optional inputs */
               iopt,                    /* Opt. integer inputs */
               ropt,                    /* Opt. double inputs */
               current_state            /* User-supplied input */


  integer_outputs[NNI] += iopt[NNI];
  integer_outputs[NFE] += iopt[NFE];
  integer_outputs[NBCF] += iopt[NBCF];
  integer_outputs[NBKTRK] += iopt[NBKTRK];
  integer_outputs[SPGMR_NLI] += iopt[SPGMR_NLI];
  integer_outputs[SPGMR_NPE] += iopt[SPGMR_NPE];
  integer_outputs[SPGMR_NPS] += iopt[SPGMR_NPS];
  integer_outputs[SPGMR_NCFL] += iopt[SPGMR_NCFL];

  if (!amps_Rank(amps_CommWorld))
    PrintFinalStats(kinsol_file, iopt, integer_outputs);

    ret = 0;

void     SelectTimeStep(

double      *dt,          /* Time step size */
char        *dt_info,     /* Character flag indicating what requirement 
			     chose the time step */
double       time,
Problem     *problem,
ProblemData *problem_data)
   PFModule      *this_module   = ThisPFModule;
   PublicXtra    *public_xtra   = (PublicXtra *)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

   Type0         *dummy0;
   Type1         *dummy1;

   double         well_dt, bc_dt;

   switch((public_xtra -> type))
   case 0:
      double constant;

      dummy0 = (Type0 *)(public_xtra -> data);

      constant = (dummy0 -> step);
      (*dt) = constant;

   }     /* End case 0 */

   case 1:
      double initial_step;
      double factor;
      double max_step;
      double min_step;

      dummy1 = (Type1 *)(public_xtra -> data);

      initial_step = (dummy1 -> initial_step);
      factor = (dummy1 -> factor);
      max_step = (dummy1 -> max_step);
      min_step = (dummy1 -> min_step);

      if ((*dt) == 0.0)
	 (*dt) = initial_step;
	 (*dt) = (*dt)*factor;
	 if ((*dt) < min_step) (*dt) = min_step;
	 if ((*dt) > max_step) (*dt) = max_step;

   }     /* End case 1 */

   }     /* End switch */

    * Get delta t's for all wells and boundary conditions.

   well_dt = TimeCycleDataComputeNextTransition(problem, time,

   bc_dt = TimeCycleDataComputeNextTransition(problem, time,

    * Compute the new dt value based on time stepping criterion imposed
    * by the user or on system parameter changes.  Indicate what 
    * determined the value of `dt'.

   if ( well_dt <= 0.0 ) well_dt = (*dt);
   if ( bc_dt   <= 0.0 ) bc_dt   = (*dt);
   if ((*dt) > well_dt)
      (*dt) = well_dt;
      (*dt_info) = 'w';
   else if ((*dt) > bc_dt)
      (*dt) = bc_dt;
      (*dt_info) = 'b';
      (*dt_info) = 'p';

예제 #13
void          BCPhaseSaturation(
                                Vector *     saturation,
                                int          phase,
                                GrGeomSolid *gr_domain)
  PFModule       *this_module = ThisPFModule;
  PublicXtra     *public_xtra = (PublicXtra*)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

  Type0          *dummy0;
  Type1          *dummy1;
  Type2          *dummy2;

  int num_patches = (public_xtra->num_patches);
  int            *patch_indexes = (public_xtra->patch_indexes);
  int            *input_types = (public_xtra->input_types);
  int            *bc_types = (public_xtra->bc_types);

  Grid           *grid = VectorGrid(saturation);
  SubgridArray   *subgrids = GridSubgrids(grid);

  Subgrid        *subgrid;

  Subvector      *sat_sub;
  double         *satp;

  BCStruct       *bc_struct;

  int patch_index;

  int nx_v, ny_v, nz_v;
  int sx_v, sy_v, sz_v;

  int            *fdir;

  int indx, ipatch, is, i, j, k, ival, iv, sv;

   * Get an offset into the PublicXtra data

  indx = (phase * num_patches);

   * Set up bc_struct with NULL values component

  bc_struct = NewBCStruct(subgrids, gr_domain,
                          num_patches, patch_indexes, bc_types, NULL);

   * Implement BC's

  for (ipatch = 0; ipatch < num_patches; ipatch++)
    patch_index = patch_indexes[ipatch];

    ForSubgridI(is, subgrids)
      subgrid = SubgridArraySubgrid(subgrids, is);

      sat_sub = VectorSubvector(saturation, is);

      nx_v = SubvectorNX(sat_sub);
      ny_v = SubvectorNY(sat_sub);
      nz_v = SubvectorNZ(sat_sub);

      sx_v = 1;
      sy_v = nx_v;
      sz_v = ny_v * nx_v;

      satp = SubvectorData(sat_sub);

      switch (input_types[indx + ipatch])
        case 0:
          double constant;

          dummy0 = (Type0*)(public_xtra->data[indx + ipatch]);

          constant = (dummy0->constant);

          BCStructPatchLoop(i, j, k, fdir, ival, bc_struct, ipatch, is,
            sv = 0;
            if (fdir[0])
              sv = fdir[0] * sx_v;
            else if (fdir[1])
              sv = fdir[1] * sy_v;
            else if (fdir[2])
              sv = fdir[2] * sz_v;

            iv = SubvectorEltIndex(sat_sub, i, j, k);

            satp[iv       ] = constant;
            satp[iv + sv] = constant;
            satp[iv + 2 * sv] = constant;


        case 1:
          double height;
          double lower;
          double upper;

          double z, dz2;

          dummy1 = (Type1*)(public_xtra->data[indx + ipatch]);

          height = (dummy1->height);
          lower = (dummy1->lower);
          upper = (dummy1->upper);

          dz2 = SubgridDZ(subgrid) / 2.0;

          BCStructPatchLoop(i, j, k, fdir, ival, bc_struct, ipatch, is,
            sv = 0;
            if (fdir[0])
              sv = fdir[0] * sx_v;
            else if (fdir[1])
              sv = fdir[1] * sy_v;
            else if (fdir[2])
              sv = fdir[2] * sz_v;

            iv = SubvectorEltIndex(sat_sub, i, j, k);

            z = RealSpaceZ(k, SubgridRZ(subgrid)) + fdir[2] * dz2;

            if (z <= height)
              satp[iv       ] = lower;
              satp[iv + sv] = lower;
              satp[iv + 2 * sv] = lower;
              satp[iv       ] = upper;
              satp[iv + sv] = upper;
              satp[iv + 2 * sv] = upper;


        case 2:
          int ip, num_points;
          double  *point;
          double  *height;
          double lower;
          double upper;

          double x, y, z, dx2, dy2, dz2;
          double unitx, unity, line_min, line_length, xy, slope;
          double interp_height;

          dummy2 = (Type2*)(public_xtra->data[indx + ipatch]);

          num_points = (dummy2->num_points);
          point = (dummy2->point);
          height = (dummy2->height);
          lower = (dummy2->lower);
          upper = (dummy2->upper);

          dx2 = SubgridDX(subgrid) / 2.0;
          dy2 = SubgridDY(subgrid) / 2.0;
          dz2 = SubgridDZ(subgrid) / 2.0;

          /* compute unit direction vector for piecewise linear line */
          unitx = (dummy2->xupper) - (dummy2->xlower);
          unity = (dummy2->yupper) - (dummy2->ylower);
          line_length = sqrt(unitx * unitx + unity * unity);
          unitx /= line_length;
          unity /= line_length;
          line_min = (dummy2->xlower) * unitx + (dummy2->ylower) * unity;

          BCStructPatchLoop(i, j, k, fdir, ival, bc_struct, ipatch, is,
            sv = 0;
            if (fdir[0])
              sv = fdir[0] * sx_v;
            else if (fdir[1])
              sv = fdir[1] * sy_v;
            else if (fdir[2])
              sv = fdir[2] * sz_v;

            iv = SubvectorEltIndex(sat_sub, i, j, k);

            x = RealSpaceX(i, SubgridRX(subgrid)) + fdir[0] * dx2;
            y = RealSpaceY(j, SubgridRY(subgrid)) + fdir[1] * dy2;
            z = RealSpaceZ(k, SubgridRZ(subgrid)) + fdir[2] * dz2;

            /* project center of BC face onto piecewise linear line */
            xy = x * unitx + y * unity;
            xy = (xy - line_min) / line_length;

            /* find two neighboring points */
            ip = 1;
            for (; ip < (num_points - 1); ip++)
              if (xy < point[ip])

            /* compute the slope */
            slope = ((height[ip] - height[ip - 1]) /
                     (point[ip] - point[ip - 1]));

            interp_height = height[ip - 1] + slope * (xy - point[ip - 1]);

            if (z <= interp_height)
              satp[iv       ] = lower;
              satp[iv + sv] = lower;
              satp[iv + 2 * sv] = lower;
              satp[iv       ] = upper;
              satp[iv + sv] = upper;
              satp[iv + 2 * sv] = upper;

void    PhaseDensity(
   int     phase,           /* Phase */
   Vector *phase_pressure,  /* Vector of phase pressures at each block */
   Vector *density_v,       /* Vector of return densities at each block */
   double *pressure_d,      /* Double array of pressures */
   double *density_d,       /* Double array return density */
   int     fcn)             /* Flag determining what to calculate 
			     * fcn = CALCFCN => calculate the function value
			     * fcn = CALCDER => calculate the function 
			     *                  derivative */
/*  Module returns either a double array or Vector of densities.
 *  If density_v is NULL, then a double array is returned. 
 *  This "overloading" was provided so that the density module written
 *  for the Richards' solver modules would be backward compatible with
 *  the Impes modules.
   PFModule      *this_module   = ThisPFModule;
   PublicXtra    *public_xtra   = (PublicXtra *)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

   Type0         *dummy0;
   Type1         *dummy1;

   Grid          *grid;

   Subvector     *p_sub;
   Subvector     *d_sub;

   double        *pp; 
   double        *dp; 

   Subgrid       *subgrid;

   int            sg;

   int            ix,   iy,   iz;
   int            nx,   ny,   nz;
   int            nx_p, ny_p, nz_p;
   int            nx_d, ny_d, nz_d;

   int            i, j, k, ip, id;

   switch((public_xtra -> type[phase]))

   case 0:
      double  constant;
      dummy0 = (Type0 *)(public_xtra -> data[phase]);
      constant = (dummy0 -> constant);

      if ( density_v != NULL)
         grid = VectorGrid(density_v);
	 ForSubgridI(sg, GridSubgrids(grid))
	    subgrid = GridSubgrid(grid, sg);

	    d_sub = VectorSubvector(density_v,  sg);

	    ix = SubgridIX(subgrid) - 1;
	    iy = SubgridIY(subgrid) - 1;
	    iz = SubgridIZ(subgrid) - 1;

	    nx = SubgridNX(subgrid) + 2;
	    ny = SubgridNY(subgrid) + 2;
	    nz = SubgridNZ(subgrid) + 2;

	    nx_d = SubvectorNX(d_sub);
	    ny_d = SubvectorNY(d_sub);
	    nz_d = SubvectorNZ(d_sub);

	    dp = SubvectorElt(d_sub, ix, iy, iz);

	    id = 0;
	    if ( fcn == CALCFCN )
	       BoxLoopI1(i, j, k, ix, iy, iz, nx, ny, nz,
			 id, nx_d, ny_d, nz_d, 1, 1, 1,
			    dp[id] = constant;
예제 #15
void         XSlope(
                    ProblemData *problem_data,
                    Vector *     x_slope,
                    Vector *     dummy)
  PFModule      *this_module = ThisPFModule;
  PublicXtra    *public_xtra = (PublicXtra*)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);
  InstanceXtra *instance_xtra = (InstanceXtra*)PFModuleInstanceXtra(this_module);

  Grid             *grid3d = instance_xtra->grid3d;

  GrGeomSolid      *gr_solid, *gr_domain;

  Type0            *dummy0;
  Type1            *dummy1;
  Type2            *dummy2;
  Type3            *dummy3;

  VectorUpdateCommHandle       *handle;

  SubgridArray     *subgrids = GridSubgrids(grid3d);

  Subgrid          *subgrid;
  Subvector        *ps_sub;
  Subvector        *sx_values_sub;

  double           *data;
  double           *psdat, *sx_values_dat;
  //double            slopex[60][32][392];

  int ix, iy, iz;
  int nx, ny, nz;
  int r;

  int is, i, j, k, ips, ipicv;
  double time = 0.0;


   * Put in any user defined sources for this phase

  InitVectorAll(x_slope, 0.0);

  switch ((public_xtra->type))
    case 0:
      int num_regions;
      int     *region_indices;
      double  *values;
      double x, y, z;
      double value;
      int ir;

      dummy0 = (Type0*)(public_xtra->data);

      num_regions = (dummy0->num_regions);
      region_indices = (dummy0->region_indices);
      values = (dummy0->values);

      for (ir = 0; ir < num_regions; ir++)
        gr_solid = ProblemDataGrSolid(problem_data, region_indices[ir]);
        value = values[ir];

        ForSubgridI(is, subgrids)
          subgrid = SubgridArraySubgrid(subgrids, is);
          ps_sub = VectorSubvector(x_slope, is);

          ix = SubgridIX(subgrid);
          iy = SubgridIY(subgrid);
          iz = SubgridIZ(subgrid);

          nx = SubgridNX(subgrid);
          ny = SubgridNY(subgrid);
          nz = SubgridNZ(subgrid);

          /* RDF: assume resolution is the same in all 3 directions */
          r = SubgridRX(subgrid);

           * TODO
           * SGS this does not match the loop in nl_function_eval.  That
           * loop is going over more than the inner geom locations.  Is that
           * important?  Originally the x_slope array was not being allocated
           * by ctalloc, just alloc and unitialized memory reads were being
           * caused.   Switched that to be ctalloc to init to 0 to "hack" a
           * fix but is this really a sign of deeper indexing problems?
          /* @RMM: todo. the looping to set slopes only goes over interior nodes
           * not ALL nodes (including ghost) as in nl fn eval and now the overland eval
           * routines.  THis is fine in the KW approximation which only needs interior values
           * but for diffusive wave and for the terrain following grid (which uses the surface
           * topo slopes as subsurface slopes) this can cuase bddy problems.  */

          data = SubvectorData(ps_sub);
          GrGeomInLoop(i, j, k, gr_solid, r, ix, iy, iz, nx, ny, nz,
            ips = SubvectorEltIndex(ps_sub, i, j, 0);
            x = RealSpaceX(i, SubgridRX(subgrid));
            //data[ips] = sin(x)/8.0 + (1/8)*pow(x,-(7/8)) +sin(x/5.0)/(5.0*8.0);
            data[ips] = value;

    }     /* End case 0 */
예제 #16
파일: pgsRF.c 프로젝트: cvoter/Parflow
void         PGSRF(
                   GeomSolid *  geounit,
                   GrGeomSolid *gr_geounit,
                   Vector *     field,
                   RFCondData * cdata)
  * Local variables *
  PFModule      *this_module = ThisPFModule;
  PublicXtra    *public_xtra = (PublicXtra*)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);
  InstanceXtra  *instance_xtra = (InstanceXtra*)PFModuleInstanceXtra(this_module);

  /* Input parameters (see PGSRFNewPublicXtra() below) */
  double lambdaX = (public_xtra->lambdaX);
  double lambdaY = (public_xtra->lambdaY);
  double lambdaZ = (public_xtra->lambdaZ);
  double mean = (public_xtra->mean);
  double sigma = (public_xtra->sigma);
  int dist_type = (public_xtra->dist_type);
  double low_cutoff = (public_xtra->low_cutoff);
  double high_cutoff = (public_xtra->high_cutoff);
  int max_search_rad = (public_xtra->max_search_rad);
  int max_npts = (public_xtra->max_npts);
  int max_cpts = (public_xtra->max_cpts);
  Vector    *tmpRF = NULL;

  /* Conditioning data */
  int nc = (cdata->nc);
  double    *x = (cdata->x);
  double    *y = (cdata->y);
  double    *z = (cdata->z);
  double    *v = (cdata->v);

  /* Grid parameters */
  Grid      *grid = (instance_xtra->grid);
  Subgrid   *subgrid;
  Subvector *sub_field;
  Subvector *sub_tmpRF;
  int NX, NY, NZ;

  /* Subgrid parameters */
  int nx, ny, nz;
  double dx, dy, dz;
  int nx_v, ny_v, nz_v;
  int nx_v2, ny_v2, nz_v2;
  int nxG, nyG, nzG;

  /* Counters, indices, flags */
  int gridloop;
  int i, j, k, n, m;
  int ii, jj, kk;
  int i2, j2, k2;
  int imin, jmin, kmin;
  int rpx, rpy, rpz;
  int npts;
  int index1, index2, index3;

  /* Spatial variables */
  double    *fieldp;
  double    *tmpRFp;
  int iLx, iLy, iLz;            /* Correlation length in terms of grid points */
  int iLxp1, iLyp1, iLzp1;      /* One more than each of the above */
  int nLx, nLy, nLz;            /* Size of correlation neighborhood in grid pts. */
  int iLxyz;                    /* iLxyz = iLx*iLy*iLz */
  int nLxyz;                    /* nLxyz = nLx*nLy*nLz */
  int ix, iy, iz;
  int ref;
  int ix2, iy2, iz2;
  int i_search, j_search, k_search;
  int ci_search, cj_search, ck_search;
  double X0, Y0, Z0;

  /* Variables used in kriging  algorithm */
  double cmean, csigma;         /* Conditional mean and std. dev. from kriging */
  double A;
  double    *A_sub;             /* Sub-covariance matrix for external cond pts */
  double    *A11;               /* Submatrix; note that A11 is 1-dim */
  double    **A12, **A21, **A22;/* Submatrices for external conditioning data */
  double    **M;                /* Used as a temporary matrix */
  double    *b;                 /* Covariance vector for conditioning points */
  double    *b_tmp, *b2;
  double    *w, *w_tmp;         /* Solution vector to Aw=b */
  int       *ixx, *iyy, *izz;
  double    *value;
  int di, dj, dk;
  double uni, gau;
  double    ***cov;
  int ierr;

  /* Conditioning data variables */
  int cpts;                     /* N cond pts for a single simulated node */
  double    *cval;              /* Values for cond data for single node */

  /* Communications */
  VectorUpdateCommHandle *handle;
  int update_mode;

  /* Miscellaneous variables */
  int       **rand_path;
  char      ***marker;
  int p, r, modulus;
  double a1, a2, a3;
  double cx, cy, cz;
  double sum;

  // FIXME Shouldn't we get this from numeric_limits?
  double Tiny = 1.0e-12;


   * Allocate temp vectors
  tmpRF = NewVectorType(instance_xtra->grid, 1, max_search_rad, vector_cell_centered);

   * Start sequential Gaussian simulator algorithm
  /* Begin timing */

  /* initialize random number generators */

  /* For now, we will assume that all subgrids have the same uniform spacing */
  subgrid = GridSubgrid(grid, 0);

  dx = SubgridDX(subgrid);
  dy = SubgridDY(subgrid);
  dz = SubgridDZ(subgrid);

  /* Size of search neighborhood through which random path must be defined */
  iLx = (int)(lambdaX / dx);
  iLy = (int)(lambdaY / dy);
  iLz = (int)(lambdaZ / dz);

  /* For computational efficiency, we'll limit the
   * size of the search neighborhood. */
  if (iLx > max_search_rad)
    iLx = max_search_rad;
  if (iLy > max_search_rad)
    iLy = max_search_rad;
  if (iLz > max_search_rad)
    iLz = max_search_rad;

  iLxp1 = iLx + 1;
  iLyp1 = iLy + 1;
  iLzp1 = iLz + 1;
  iLxyz = iLxp1 * iLyp1 * iLzp1;

  /* Define the size of a correlation neighborhood */
  nLx = 2 * iLx + 1;
  nLy = 2 * iLy + 1;
  nLz = 2 * iLz + 1;
  nLxyz = nLx * nLy * nLz;

   * Define a random path through the points in this subgrid.
   * The random path generation procedure of Srivastava and
   * Gomez has been adopted in this subroutine.  A linear
   * congruential generator of the form: r(i) = 5*r(i-1)+1 mod(2**n)
   * has a cycle length of 2**n.  By choosing the smallest power of
   * 2 that is still larger than the total number of points to be
   * simulated, the method ensures that all indices will be
   * generated once and only once.
  rand_path = talloc(int*, iLxyz);
  for (i = 0; i < iLxyz; i++)
    rand_path[i] = talloc(int, 3);
  modulus = 2;
  while (modulus < iLxyz + 1)
    modulus *= 2;

  /* Compute a random starting node */
  p = (int)Rand();
  r = 1 + p * (iLxyz - 1);

  k = (r - 1) / (iLxp1 * iLyp1);
  j = (r - 1 - iLxp1 * iLyp1 * k) / iLxp1;
  i = (r - 1) - (k * iLyp1 + j) * iLxp1;
  rand_path[0][2] = k;
  rand_path[0][1] = j;
  rand_path[0][0] = i;

  /* Determine the next nodes */
  for (n = 1; n < iLxyz; n++)
    r = (5 * r + 1) % modulus;
    while ((r < 1) || (r > iLxyz))
      r = (5 * r + 1) % modulus;

    k = ((r - 1) / (iLxp1 * iLyp1));
    j = (((r - 1) - iLxp1 * iLyp1 * k) / iLxp1);
    i = (r - 1) - (k * iLyp1 + j) * iLxp1;
    rand_path[n][0] = i;
    rand_path[n][1] = j;
    rand_path[n][2] = k;

   * Compute correlation lookup table
  /* First compute a covariance lookup table */
  cov = talloc(double**, nLx);
  for (i = 0; i < nLx; i++)
    cov[i] = talloc(double*, nLy);
    for (j = 0; j < nLy; j++)
      cov[i][j] = ctalloc(double, nLz);

  /* Note that in the construction of the covariance matrix
   * the max_search_rad is not used. Covariance depends upon
   * the correlation lengths, lambdaX/Y/Z, and the grid spacing.
   * The max_search_rad can be longer or shorter than the correlation
   * lengths. The bigger the search radius, the more accurately
   * the random field will match the correlation structure of the
   * covariance function. But the run time will increase greatly
   * as max_search_rad gets bigger because of the kriging matrix
   * that must be solved (see below).
  cx = 0.0;
  cy = 0.0;
  cz = 0.0;
  if (lambdaX != 0.0)
    cx = dx * dx / (lambdaX * lambdaX);
  if (lambdaY != 0.0)
    cy = dy * dy / (lambdaY * lambdaY);
  if (lambdaZ != 0.0)
    cz = dz * dz / (lambdaZ * lambdaZ);

  for (k = 0; k < nLz; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < nLy; j++)
      for (i = 0; i < nLx; i++)
        a1 = i * i * cx;
        a2 = j * j * cy;
        a3 = k * k * cz;
        cov[i][j][k] = exp(-sqrt(a1 + a2 + a3));

  /* Allocate memory for variables that will be used in kriging */
  A11 = ctalloc(double, nLxyz * nLxyz);
  A_sub = ctalloc(double, nLxyz * nLxyz);
  A12 = ctalloc(double*, nLxyz);
  A21 = ctalloc(double*, nLxyz);
  A22 = ctalloc(double*, nLxyz);
  M = ctalloc(double*, nLxyz);
  for (i = 0; i < nLxyz; i++)
    A12[i] = ctalloc(double, nLxyz);
    A21[i] = ctalloc(double, nLxyz);
    A22[i] = ctalloc(double, nLxyz);
    M[i] = ctalloc(double, nLxyz);

  b = ctalloc(double, nLxyz);
  b2 = ctalloc(double, nLxyz);
  b_tmp = ctalloc(double, nLxyz);
  w = ctalloc(double, nLxyz);
  w_tmp = ctalloc(double, nLxyz);
  value = ctalloc(double, nLxyz);
  cval = ctalloc(double, nLxyz);
  ixx = ctalloc(int, nLxyz);
  iyy = ctalloc(int, nLxyz);
  izz = ctalloc(int, nLxyz);

  /* Allocate space for the "marker" used to keep track of which
   * points in a representative correlation box have been simulated
   * already.
  marker = talloc(char**, (3 * iLx + 1));
  marker += iLx;
  for (i = -iLx; i <= 2 * iLx; i++)
    marker[i] = talloc(char*, (3 * iLy + 1));
    marker[i] += iLy;
    for (j = -iLy; j <= 2 * iLy; j++)
      marker[i][j] = ctalloc(char, (3 * iLz + 1));
      marker[i][j] += iLz;
      for (k = -iLz; k <= 2 * iLz; k++)
        marker[i][j][k] = 0;

  /* Convert the cutoff values to a gaussian if they're lognormal on input */
  if ((dist_type == 1) || (dist_type == 3))
    if (low_cutoff <= 0.0)
      low_cutoff = Tiny;
      low_cutoff = (log(low_cutoff / mean)) / sigma;

    if (high_cutoff <= 0.0)
      high_cutoff = DBL_MAX;
      high_cutoff = (log(high_cutoff / mean)) / sigma;

   * Start pGs algorithm
  for (gridloop = 0; gridloop < GridNumSubgrids(grid); gridloop++)
    subgrid = GridSubgrid(grid, gridloop);
    sub_tmpRF = VectorSubvector(tmpRF, gridloop);
    sub_field = VectorSubvector(field, gridloop);
    tmpRFp = SubvectorData(sub_tmpRF);
    fieldp = SubvectorData(sub_field);

    X0 = RealSpaceX(0, SubgridRX(subgrid));
    Y0 = RealSpaceY(0, SubgridRY(subgrid));
    Z0 = RealSpaceZ(0, SubgridRZ(subgrid));

    ix = SubgridIX(subgrid);
    iy = SubgridIY(subgrid);
    iz = SubgridIZ(subgrid);

    nx = SubgridNX(subgrid);
    ny = SubgridNY(subgrid);
    nz = SubgridNZ(subgrid);

    NX = ix + nx;
    NY = iy + ny;
    NZ = iz + nz;

    /* RDF: assume resolution is the same in all 3 directions */
    ref = SubgridRX(subgrid);

    nx_v = SubvectorNX(sub_field);
    ny_v = SubvectorNY(sub_field);
    nz_v = SubvectorNZ(sub_field);

    nx_v2 = SubvectorNX(sub_tmpRF);
    ny_v2 = SubvectorNY(sub_tmpRF);
    nz_v2 = SubvectorNZ(sub_tmpRF);

    /* Initialize tmpRF vector */
    GrGeomInLoop(i, j, k, gr_geounit, ref, ix, iy, iz, nx, ny, nz,
      index2 = SubvectorEltIndex(sub_tmpRF, i, j, k);
      tmpRFp[index2] = 0.0;

    /* Convert conditioning data to N(0,1)  distribution if
     * it's assumed to be lognormal. Then copy it into tmpRFp */
    if ((dist_type == 1) || (dist_type == 3))
      for (n = 0; n < nc; n++)
        i = (int)((x[n] - X0) / dx + 0.5);
        j = (int)((y[n] - Y0) / dy + 0.5);
        k = (int)((z[n] - Z0) / dz + 0.5);

        if ((ix - max_search_rad <= i && i <= ix + nx + max_search_rad) &&
            (iy - max_search_rad <= j && j <= iy + ny + max_search_rad) &&
            (iz - max_search_rad <= k && k <= iz + nz + max_search_rad))
          index2 = SubvectorEltIndex(sub_tmpRF, i, j, k);
          if (v[n] <= 0.0)
            tmpRFp[index2] = Tiny;
            tmpRFp[index2] = (log(v[n] / mean)) / sigma;

    /* Otherwise, shift data to N(0,1) distribution */
      for (n = 0; n < nc; n++)
        i = (int)((x[n] - X0) / dx + 0.5);
        j = (int)((y[n] - Y0) / dy + 0.5);
        k = (int)((z[n] - Z0) / dz + 0.5);

        if ((ix - max_search_rad <= i && i <= ix + nx + max_search_rad) &&
            (iy - max_search_rad <= j && j <= iy + ny + max_search_rad) &&
            (iz - max_search_rad <= k && k <= iz + nz + max_search_rad))
          index2 = SubvectorEltIndex(sub_tmpRF, i, j, k);
          tmpRFp[index2] = (v[n] - mean) / sigma;

    /* Set the search radii in each direction. If the maximum
     * number of points in a neighborhood is exceeded, these limits
     * will be reduced. */
    i_search = iLx;
    j_search = iLy;
    k_search = iLz;

    /* Compute values at all points using all templates */
    for (n = 0; n < iLxyz; n++)
      /* Update the ghost layer before proceeding */
      if (n > 0)
        /* First reset max_search_radius */
        max_search_rad = i_search;
        if (j_search > max_search_rad)
          max_search_rad = j_search;
        if (k_search > max_search_rad)
          max_search_rad = k_search;

        /* Reset the comm package based on the new max_search_radius */
        if (max_search_rad == 1)
          update_mode = VectorUpdatePGS1;
        else if (max_search_rad == 2)
          update_mode = VectorUpdatePGS2;
        else if (max_search_rad == 3)
          update_mode = VectorUpdatePGS3;
          update_mode = VectorUpdatePGS4;

        handle = InitVectorUpdate(tmpRF, update_mode);

      rpx = rand_path[n][0];
      rpy = rand_path[n][1];
      rpz = rand_path[n][2];
      ix2 = rpx;  while (ix2 < ix)
        ix2 += iLxp1;
      iy2 = rpy;  while (iy2 < iy)
        iy2 += iLyp1;
      iz2 = rpz;  while (iz2 < iz)
        iz2 += iLzp1;

      /* This if clause checks to see if there are, in fact,
       * any points at all in this subgrid, for this
       * particular region. Note that each value of n in the
       * above n-loop corresponds to a different region. */
      if ((ix2 < ix + nx) && (iy2 < iy + ny) && (iz2 < iz + nz))
         * Construct the input matrix and vector for kriging,
         * solve the linear system, and compute csigma.
         * These depend only on the spatial distribution of
         * conditioning data, not on the actual values of
         * the data. Only the conditional mean (cmean) depends
         * on actual values, so it must be computed for every
         * point. Thus, it's found within the pgs_Boxloop below.
         * The size of the linear system that must be solved here
         * will be no larger than (2r+1)^3, where r=max_search_rad.
         * It is clear from this why it is necessary to limit
         * the size of the search radius.

        /* Here the marker array indicates which points within
         * the search radius have been simulated already. This
         * spatial pattern of conditioning points will be the
         * same for every point in the current template. Thus,
         * this system can be solved once *outside* of the
         * GrGeomInLoop2 below. */

        npts = 9999;
        while (npts > max_npts)
          m = 0;
          /* Count the number of points in search ellipse */
          for (k = rpz - k_search; k <= rpz + k_search; k++)
            for (j = rpy - j_search; j <= rpy + j_search; j++)
              for (i = rpx - i_search; i <= rpx + i_search; i++)
                if (marker[i][j][k])
                  ixx[m] = i;
                  iyy[m] = j;
                  izz[m++] = k;
          npts = m;

          /* If npts is too large, reduce the size of the
           * search ellipse one axis at a time. */
          if (npts > max_npts)
            /* If i_search is the biggest, reduce it by one. */
            if ((i_search >= j_search) && (i_search >= k_search))

            /* Or, if j_search is the biggest, reduce it by one. */
            else if ((j_search >= i_search) && (j_search >= k_search))

            /* Otherwise, reduce k_search by one. */

        m = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < npts; j++)
          di = abs(rpx - ixx[j]);
          dj = abs(rpy - iyy[j]);
          dk = abs(rpz - izz[j]);
          b[j] = cov[di][dj][dk];

          for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
            di = abs(ixx[i] - ixx[j]);
            dj = abs(iyy[i] - iyy[j]);
            dk = abs(izz[i] - izz[j]);
            A11[m++] = cov[di][dj][dk];

        /* Solve the linear system */
        for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
          w[i] = b[i];

        if (npts > 0)
          dpofa_(A11, &npts, &npts, &ierr);
          dposl_(A11, &npts, &npts, w);

        /* Compute the conditional standard deviation for the RV
         * to be simulated. */
        csigma = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
          csigma += w[i] * b[i];
        csigma = sqrt(cov[0][0][0] - csigma);

        /* The following loop hits every point in the current
         * region. That is, it skips by max_search_rad+1
         * through the subgrid. In this way, all the points
         * in this loop may simulated simultaneously; each is
         * outside the search radius of all the others. */
        nxG = (nx + ix);
        nyG = (ny + iy);
        nzG = (nz + iz);

        for (k = iz2; k < nzG; k += iLzp1)
          for (j = iy2; j < nyG; j += iLyp1)
            for (i = ix2; i < nxG; i += iLxp1)
              index1 = SubvectorEltIndex(sub_field, i, j, k);
              index2 = SubvectorEltIndex(sub_tmpRF, i, j, k);

              /* Only simulate points in this geounit and that don't
               * already have a value. If a node already has a value,
               * it was assigned as external conditioning data,
               * so we don't need to simulate it.  */
              if (fabs(tmpRFp[index2]) < Tiny)
                /* Condition the random variable */
                m = 0;
                cpts = 0;

                for (kk = -k_search; kk <= k_search; kk++)
                  for (jj = -j_search; jj <= j_search; jj++)
                    for (ii = -i_search; ii <= i_search; ii++)
                      value[m] = 0.0;
                      index3 = SubvectorEltIndex(sub_tmpRF, i + ii, j + jj, k + kk);

                      if (marker[ii + rpx][jj + rpy][kk + rpz])
                        value[m++] = tmpRFp[index3];

                      /* In this case, there is a value at this point,
                       * but it wasn't simulated yet (as indicated by the
                       * fact that the marker has no place for it). Thus,
                       * it must be external conditioning data.  */
                      else if (fabs(tmpRFp[index3]) > Tiny)
                        ixx[npts + cpts] = rpx + ii;
                        iyy[npts + cpts] = rpy + jj;
                        izz[npts + cpts] = rpz + kk;
                        cval[cpts++] = tmpRFp[index3];

                /* If cpts is too large, reduce the size of the
                 * search neighborhood, one axis at a time. */
                /* Define the size of the search neighborhood */
                ci_search = i_search;
                cj_search = j_search;
                ck_search = k_search;
                while (cpts > max_cpts)
                  /* If ci_search is the biggest, reduce it by one. */
                  if ((ci_search >= cj_search) && (ci_search >= ck_search))

                  /* Or, if cj_search is the biggest, reduce it by one. */
                  else if ((cj_search >= ci_search) && (cj_search >= ck_search))

                  /* Otherwise, reduce ck_search by one. */

                  /* Now recount the conditioning data points */
                  m = 0;
                  cpts = 0;
                  for (kk = -ck_search; kk <= ck_search; kk++)
                    for (jj = -cj_search; jj <= cj_search; jj++)
                      for (ii = -ci_search; ii <= ci_search; ii++)
                        index3 = SubvectorEltIndex(sub_tmpRF, i + ii, j + jj, k + kk);

                        if (!(marker[rpx + ii][rpy + jj][rpz + kk]) &&
                            (fabs(tmpRFp[index3]) > Tiny))
                          ixx[npts + cpts] = rpx + ii;
                          iyy[npts + cpts] = rpy + jj;
                          izz[npts + cpts] = rpz + kk;
                          cval[cpts++] = tmpRFp[index3];

                for (i2 = 0; i2 < npts; i2++)
                  w_tmp[i2] = w[i2];

                 * Conditioning to external data is done here.
                if (cpts > 0)
                  /* Compute the submatrices */
                  for (j2 = 0; j2 < npts + cpts; j2++)
                    di = abs(rpx - ixx[j2]);
                    dj = abs(rpy - iyy[j2]);
                    dk = abs(rpz - izz[j2]);
                    b[j2] = cov[di][dj][dk];

                    for (i2 = 0; i2 < npts + cpts; i2++)
                      di = abs(ixx[i2] - ixx[j2]);
                      dj = abs(iyy[i2] - iyy[j2]);
                      dk = abs(izz[i2] - izz[j2]);
                      A = cov[di][dj][dk];
                      if (i2 < npts && j2 >= npts)
                        A12[i2][j2 - npts] = A;
                      if (i2 >= npts && j2 < npts)
                        A21[i2 - npts][j2] = A;
                      if (i2 >= npts && j2 >= npts)
                        A22[i2 - npts][j2 - npts] = A;

                  /* Compute b2' = b2 - A21 * A11_inv * b1 and augment b1 */
                  for (i2 = 0; i2 < cpts; i2++)
                    b2[i2] = b[i2 + npts];
                  for (i2 = 0; i2 < npts; i2++)
                    b_tmp[i2] = b[i2];
                  dposl_(A11, &npts, &npts, b_tmp);

                  for (i2 = 0; i2 < cpts; i2++)
                    sum = 0.0;
                    for (j2 = 0; j2 < npts; j2++)
                      sum += A21[i2][j2] * b_tmp[j2];
                    b2[i2] -= sum;
                  for (i2 = 0; i2 < cpts; i2++)
                    b[i2 + npts] = b2[i2];

                  /* Compute A22' = A22 - A21 * A11_inv * A12 */
                  for (j2 = 0; j2 < cpts; j2++)
                    for (i2 = 0; i2 < npts; i2++)
                      M[j2][i2] = A12[i2][j2];

                  if (npts > 0)
                    for (i2 = 0; i2 < cpts; i2++)
                      dposl_(A11, &npts, &npts, M[i2]);

                  for (j2 = 0; j2 < cpts; j2++)
                    for (i2 = 0; i2 < cpts; i2++)
                      sum = 0.0;
                      for (k2 = 0; k2 < npts; k2++)
                        sum += A21[i2][k2] * M[j2][k2];
                      A22[i2][j2] -= sum;

                  m = 0;
                  for (j2 = 0; j2 < cpts; j2++)
                    for (i2 = 0; i2 < cpts; i2++)
                      A_sub[m++] = A22[i2][j2];

                  /* Compute x2 where A22*x2 = b2' */
                  dpofa_(A_sub, &cpts, &cpts, &ierr);
                  dposl_(A_sub, &cpts, &cpts, b2);

                  /* Compute w_tmp where A11*w_tmp = (b1 - A12*b2) */
                  if (npts > 0)
                    for (i2 = 0; i2 < npts; i2++)
                      sum = 0.0;
                      for (k2 = 0; k2 < cpts; k2++)
                        sum += A12[i2][k2] * b2[k2];
                      w_tmp[i2] = b[i2] - sum;
                    dposl_(A11, &npts, &npts, w_tmp);

                  /* Fill in the rest of w_tmp with b2 */
                  for (i2 = npts; i2 < npts + cpts; i2++)
                    w_tmp[i2] = b2[i2];
                    value[i2] = cval[i2 - npts];

                  /* Recompute csigma */
                  csigma = 0.0;
                  for (i2 = 0; i2 < npts + cpts; i2++)
                    csigma += w_tmp[i2] * b[i2];
                  csigma = sqrt(cov[0][0][0] - csigma);
                 * End of external conditioning
                cmean = 0.0;
                for (m = 0; m < npts + cpts; m++)
                  cmean += w_tmp[m] * value[m];

                /* uni = fieldp[index1]; */
                uni = Rand();
                gauinv_(&uni, &gau, &ierr);
                tmpRFp[index2] = csigma * gau + cmean;

                /* Cutoff tail values if required */
                if (dist_type > 1)
                  if (tmpRFp[index2] < low_cutoff)
                    tmpRFp[index2] = low_cutoff;
                  if (tmpRFp[index2] > high_cutoff)
                    tmpRFp[index2] = high_cutoff;
              }        /* if( abs(tmpRFp[index2]) < Tiny )  */
        /* end of triple for-loops over i,j,k  */

        /* Update the marker vector */
        imin = rpx - iLxp1; if (imin < -iLx)
          imin += iLxp1;
        jmin = rpy - iLyp1; if (jmin < -iLy)
          jmin += iLyp1;
        kmin = rpz - iLzp1; if (kmin < -iLz)
          kmin += iLzp1;

        for (kk = kmin; kk <= 2 * iLz; kk += iLzp1)
          for (jj = jmin; jj <= 2 * iLy; jj += iLyp1)
            for (ii = imin; ii <= 2 * iLx; ii += iLxp1)
              marker[ii][jj][kk] = 1;
      }     /* if(...) */
    }   /* n loop */

    /* Make log-normal if requested. Note that low
     * and high cutoffs are already accomplished. */
    if ((dist_type == 1) || (dist_type == 3))
      GrGeomInLoop(i, j, k, gr_geounit, ref, ix, iy, iz, nx, ny, nz,
        index1 = SubvectorEltIndex(sub_field, i, j, k);
        index2 = SubvectorEltIndex(sub_tmpRF, i, j, k);
        fieldp[index1] = mean * exp((sigma) * tmpRFp[index2]);
void         ICPhaseSatur(
Vector      *ic_phase_satur,
int          phase,
ProblemData *problem_data)
   PFModule      *this_module   = ThisPFModule;
   PublicXtra    *public_xtra   = (PublicXtra *)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

   Grid          *grid = VectorGrid(ic_phase_satur);

   Type0          *dummy0;

   SubgridArray   *subgrids = GridSubgrids(grid);

   Subgrid        *subgrid;
   Subvector      *ps_sub;

   double         *data;

   int             ix, iy, iz;
   int             nx, ny, nz;
   int             r;

   double          field_sum;

   int             is, i, j, k, ips;

    * Initial saturation conditions for this phase

   InitVector(ic_phase_satur, 0.0);

   switch((public_xtra -> type[phase]))
   case 0:
      int      num_regions;
      int     *region_indices;
      double  *values;

      GrGeomSolid  *gr_solid;
      double        value;
      int           ir;

      dummy0 = (Type0 *)(public_xtra -> data[phase]);

      num_regions    = (dummy0 -> num_regions);
      region_indices = (dummy0 -> region_indices);
      values         = (dummy0 -> values);

      for (ir = 0; ir < num_regions; ir++)
	 gr_solid = ProblemDataGrSolid(problem_data, region_indices[ir]);
	 value    = values[ir];

	 ForSubgridI(is, subgrids)
            subgrid = SubgridArraySubgrid(subgrids, is);
            ps_sub  = VectorSubvector(ic_phase_satur, is);
	    ix = SubgridIX(subgrid);
	    iy = SubgridIY(subgrid);
	    iz = SubgridIZ(subgrid);
	    nx = SubgridNX(subgrid);
	    ny = SubgridNY(subgrid);
	    nz = SubgridNZ(subgrid);
	    /* RDF: assume resolution is the same in all 3 directions */
	    r = SubgridRX(subgrid);
	    data = SubvectorData(ps_sub);
	    GrGeomInLoop(i, j, k, gr_solid, r, ix, iy, iz, nx, ny, nz,
	       ips = SubvectorEltIndex(ps_sub, i, j, k);

	       data[ips] = value;

예제 #18
파일: pf_pfmg.c 프로젝트: parflow/parflow
void         PFMG(
                  Vector *soln,
                  Vector *rhs,
                  double  tol,
                  int     zero)

  PFModule           *this_module = ThisPFModule;
  InstanceXtra       *instance_xtra = (InstanceXtra*)PFModuleInstanceXtra(this_module);
  PublicXtra         *public_xtra = (PublicXtra*)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

  HYPRE_StructMatrix hypre_mat = instance_xtra->hypre_mat;
  HYPRE_StructVector hypre_b = instance_xtra->hypre_b;
  HYPRE_StructVector hypre_x = instance_xtra->hypre_x;

  HYPRE_StructSolver hypre_pfmg_data = instance_xtra->hypre_pfmg_data;

  Grid               *grid = VectorGrid(rhs);
  Subgrid            *subgrid;
  int sg;

  Subvector          *rhs_sub;
  Subvector          *soln_sub;

  double             *rhs_ptr;
  double             *soln_ptr;
  double value;

  int index[3];

  int ix, iy, iz;
  int nx, ny, nz;
  int nx_v, ny_v, nz_v;
  int i, j, k;
  int iv;

  int num_iterations;
  double rel_norm;

  /* Copy rhs to hypre_b vector. */

  ForSubgridI(sg, GridSubgrids(grid))
    subgrid = SubgridArraySubgrid(GridSubgrids(grid), sg);
    rhs_sub = VectorSubvector(rhs, sg);

    rhs_ptr = SubvectorData(rhs_sub);

    ix = SubgridIX(subgrid);
    iy = SubgridIY(subgrid);
    iz = SubgridIZ(subgrid);

    nx = SubgridNX(subgrid);
    ny = SubgridNY(subgrid);
    nz = SubgridNZ(subgrid);

    nx_v = SubvectorNX(rhs_sub);
    ny_v = SubvectorNY(rhs_sub);
    nz_v = SubvectorNZ(rhs_sub);

    iv = SubvectorEltIndex(rhs_sub, ix, iy, iz);

    BoxLoopI1(i, j, k, ix, iy, iz, nx, ny, nz,
              iv, nx_v, ny_v, nz_v, 1, 1, 1,
      index[0] = i;
      index[1] = j;
      index[2] = k;

      HYPRE_StructVectorSetValues(hypre_b, index, rhs_ptr[iv]);
void    PermeabilityFace(
   Vector *zperm,
   Vector *permeability)
   PFModule      *this_module      = ThisPFModule;
   InstanceXtra  *instance_xtra    = (InstanceXtra  *)PFModuleInstanceXtra(this_module);
   PublicXtra   *public_xtra       = (PublicXtra   *)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

   Grid         *z_grid   = (instance_xtra -> z_grid);

   VectorUpdateCommHandle   *handle;

   SubgridArray *subgrids;
   Subgrid      *subgrid;

   Subvector    *subvector_pc, *subvector_pf;

   int           ix, iy, iz;
   int           nx, ny, nz;
   double        dx, dy, dz;

   int           nx_pc, ny_pc, nz_pc;
   int           nx_pf, ny_pf, nz_pf;

   int           pci, pfi;

   int           sg, i, j, k;
   int           flopest;

   double       *pf,  *pc_l, *pc_u;

    * Begin timing

    BeginTiming(public_xtra -> time_index);

    * exchange boundary data for cell permeability values
   handle = InitVectorUpdate(permeability, VectorUpdateAll);

    * compute the z-face permeabilities for each subgrid

   subgrids = GridSubgrids(z_grid);
   ForSubgridI(sg, subgrids)
      subgrid = SubgridArraySubgrid(subgrids, sg);

      subvector_pc    = VectorSubvector(permeability, sg);
      subvector_pf    = VectorSubvector(zperm, sg);

      ix = SubgridIX(subgrid);
      iy = SubgridIY(subgrid);
      iz = SubgridIZ(subgrid);

      nx = SubgridNX(subgrid);
      ny = SubgridNY(subgrid);
      nz = SubgridNZ(subgrid);

      dx = SubgridDX(subgrid);
      dy = SubgridDY(subgrid);
      dz = SubgridDZ(subgrid);

      nx_pc = SubvectorNX(subvector_pc);
      ny_pc = SubvectorNY(subvector_pc);
      nz_pc = SubvectorNZ(subvector_pc);

      nx_pf = SubvectorNX(subvector_pf);
      ny_pf = SubvectorNY(subvector_pf);
      nz_pf = SubvectorNZ(subvector_pf);

      flopest = nx_pf * ny_pf * nz_pf;

      pc_l = SubvectorElt(subvector_pc, ix  ,iy  ,iz-1);
      pc_u = SubvectorElt(subvector_pc, ix  ,iy  ,iz  );

      pf = SubvectorElt(subvector_pf, ix  ,iy  ,iz);

      pci = 0; pfi = 0;

         pf[pfi] = Mean( pc_l[pci], pc_u[pci] );
예제 #20
void BCInternal(
                Problem *    problem,
                ProblemData *problem_data,
                Matrix *     A,
                Vector *     f,
                double       time)
  PFModule      *this_module = ThisPFModule;
  PublicXtra    *public_xtra = (PublicXtra*)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

  PFModule      *phase_density = ProblemPhaseDensity(problem);

  WellData         *well_data = ProblemDataWellData(problem_data);
  WellDataPhysical *well_data_physical;
  WellDataValue    *well_data_value;

  TimeCycleData    *time_cycle_data;

  int num_conditions = (public_xtra->num_conditions);

  Type0            *dummy0;

  Grid             *grid = VectorGrid(f);

  SubgridArray     *internal_bc_subgrids;

  Subgrid          *subgrid, *ibc_subgrid, *well_subgrid, *new_subgrid;

  Submatrix        *A_sub;
  Subvector        *f_sub;

  double           *internal_bc_conditions, *mp;

  double Z;

  double dx, dy, dz;
  int ix, iy, iz;
  int nx, ny, nz;
  int rx, ry, rz;
  int process;

  int i, j, k, i_sft, j_sft, k_sft;
  int grid_index, ibc_sg, well, index;
  int cycle_number, interval_number;

  double dtmp, ptmp, head, phead;

  int stencil[7][3] = { { 0, 0, 0 },
                        { -1, 0, 0 },
                        { 1, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, -1, 0 },
                        { 0, 1, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, -1 },
                        { 0, 0, 1 } };

  /***** Some constants for the routine *****/

  /* Hard-coded assumption for constant density. */
  PFModuleInvokeType(PhaseDensityInvoke, phase_density, (0, NULL, NULL, &ptmp, &dtmp, CALCFCN));
  dtmp = ProblemGravity(problem) * dtmp;

   * gridify the internal boundary locations (should be done elsewhere?)

  if (num_conditions > 0)
    internal_bc_subgrids = NewSubgridArray();
    internal_bc_conditions = ctalloc(double, num_conditions);

    for (i = 0; i < num_conditions; i++)
      switch ((public_xtra->type[i]))
        case 0:
          dummy0 = (Type0*)(public_xtra->data[i]);

          ix = IndexSpaceX((dummy0->xlocation), 0);
          iy = IndexSpaceY((dummy0->ylocation), 0);
          iz = IndexSpaceZ((dummy0->zlocation), 0);

          nx = 1;
          ny = 1;
          nz = 1;

          rx = 0;
          ry = 0;
          rz = 0;

          process = amps_Rank(amps_CommWorld);

          new_subgrid = NewSubgrid(ix, iy, iz,
                                   nx, ny, nz,
                                   rx, ry, rz,

          AppendSubgrid(new_subgrid, internal_bc_subgrids);

          internal_bc_conditions[i] = (dummy0->value);

void          TurningBandsRF(
GeomSolid    *geounit,
GrGeomSolid  *gr_geounit,
Vector       *field,
RFCondData   *cdata)
   PFModule      *this_module   = ThisPFModule;
   PublicXtra    *public_xtra   = (PublicXtra *)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);
   InstanceXtra  *instance_xtra = (InstanceXtra *)PFModuleInstanceXtra(this_module);

   double      lambdaX    = (public_xtra -> lambdaX);
   double      lambdaY    = (public_xtra -> lambdaY);
   double      lambdaZ    = (public_xtra -> lambdaZ);
   double      mean       = (public_xtra -> mean);
   double      sigma      = (public_xtra -> sigma);
   int         num_lines  = (public_xtra -> num_lines);
   double      rzeta      = (public_xtra -> rzeta);
   double      Kmax       = (public_xtra -> Kmax);
   double      dK         = (public_xtra -> dK);
   int         log_normal = (public_xtra -> log_normal);
   int         strat_type = (public_xtra -> strat_type);
   double      low_cutoff = (public_xtra -> low_cutoff);
   double      high_cutoff= (public_xtra -> high_cutoff);

   double      pi = acos(-1.0);

   Grid       *grid = (instance_xtra -> grid);

   Subgrid    *subgrid;
   Subvector  *field_sub;

   double      xlo, ylo, zlo, sh_zlo;
   double      xhi, yhi, zhi, sh_zhi;

   int	       ix, iy, iz;
   int         nx, ny, nz;
   int         r;
   double      dx, dy, dz;

   double      phi, theta;
   double     *theta_array, *phi_array;

   double      unitx, unity, unitz;

   double    **shear_arrays, *shear_array;
   double     *shear_min, *shear_max;

   double      zeta, dzeta;
   int         izeta, nzeta;

   double     *Z;

   int         is, l, i, j, k;
   int	       index;
   int         doing_TB;
   double      x, y, z;
   double     *fieldp;
   double      sqrtnl;

   Statistics *stats;

    * start turning bands algorithm

   /* initialize random number generator */
   SeedRand(public_xtra -> seed);

   /* malloc space for theta_array and phi_array */
   theta_array = talloc(double, num_lines);
   phi_array = talloc(double, num_lines);

   /* compute line directions */
   for (l = 0; l < num_lines; l++)
      theta_array[l] = 2.0*pi*Rand();
      phi_array[l] = acos(1.0 - 2.0*Rand());

    * Determine by how much to shear the field:
    *   If there is no GeomSolid representation of the geounit, then
    *   we do regular turning bands (by setting the shear_arrays to
    *   all zeros).
   /* Do regular turning bands */
   if ( (strat_type == 0) || (!geounit) )
      shear_arrays = ctalloc(double *, GridNumSubgrids(grid));
      shear_min    = ctalloc(double,   GridNumSubgrids(grid));
      shear_max    = ctalloc(double,   GridNumSubgrids(grid));

      ForSubgridI(is, GridSubgrids(grid))
	 subgrid = GridSubgrid(grid, is);

	 shear_arrays[is] =
	    ctalloc(double, (SubgridNX(subgrid)*SubgridNY(subgrid)));