CapacitiveSensor::CapacitiveSensor(uint8_t sendPin, uint8_t receivePin) { // initialize this instance's variables // Serial.begin(9600); // for debugging error = 1; loopTimingFactor = 310; // determined empirically - a hack CS_Timeout_Millis = (2000 * (float)loopTimingFactor * (float)F_CPU) / 16000000; CS_AutocaL_Millis = 20000; // Serial.print("timwOut = "); // Serial.println(CS_Timeout_Millis); // get pin mapping and port for send Pin - from PinMode function in core #ifdef NUM_DIGITAL_PINS if (sendPin >= NUM_DIGITAL_PINS) error = -1; if (receivePin >= NUM_DIGITAL_PINS) error = -1; #endif pinMode(sendPin, OUTPUT); // sendpin to OUTPUT pinMode(receivePin, INPUT); // receivePin to INPUT digitalWrite(sendPin, LOW); sBit = PIN_TO_BITMASK(sendPin); // get send pin's ports and bitmask sReg = PIN_TO_BASEREG(sendPin); // get pointer to output register rBit = PIN_TO_BITMASK(receivePin); // get receive pin's ports and bitmask rReg = PIN_TO_BASEREG(receivePin); // get pin mapping and port for receive Pin - from digital pin functions in Wiring.c leastTotal = 0x0FFFFFFFL; // input large value for autocalibrate begin lastCal = millis(); // set millis for start }
void initialize_button(uint8_t pin1, int8_t pin2) { // pinMode(pin1, INPUT); // digitalWrite(pin1, HIGH); // enable pullup pinMode(pin1, INPUT_PULLUP); = pin1; button1.reg = PIN_TO_INPUT_REG(pin1); button1.bitmask = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin1); button_bit[0] = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin1); if (pin2 != -1) { // pinMode(pin2, INPUT); // digitalWrite(pin2, HIGH); // enable pullup pinMode(pin2, INPUT_PULLUP); = pin2; button2.reg = PIN_TO_INPUT_REG(pin2); button2.bitmask = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin2); button_bit[1] = PIN_TO_BITMASK(pin2); button_count = 2; } }