int Database :: PutToLevelDB(const bool bSync, const uint64_t llInstanceID, const std::string & sValue) { string sKey = GenKey(llInstanceID); leveldb::WriteOptions oLevelDBWriteOptions; oLevelDBWriteOptions.sync = bSync; m_oTimeStat.Point(); leveldb::Status oStatus = m_poLevelDB->Put(oLevelDBWriteOptions, sKey, sValue); if (!oStatus.ok()) { BP->GetLogStorageBP()->LevelDBPutFail(); PLG1Err("LevelDB.Put fail, instanceid %lu valuelen %zu", llInstanceID, sValue.size()); return -1; } BP->GetLogStorageBP()->LevelDBPutOK(m_oTimeStat.Point()); return 0; }
int Database :: GetFromLevelDB(const uint64_t llInstanceID, std::string & sValue) { string sKey = GenKey(llInstanceID); leveldb::Status oStatus = m_poLevelDB->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), sKey, &sValue); if (!oStatus.ok()) { if (oStatus.IsNotFound()) { BP->GetLogStorageBP()->LevelDBGetNotExist(); PLG1Debug("LevelDB.Get not found, instanceid %lu", llInstanceID); return 1; } BP->GetLogStorageBP()->LevelDBGetFail(); PLG1Err("LevelDB.Get fail, instanceid %lu", llInstanceID); return -1; } return 0; }
int Database :: SetMinChosenInstanceID(const WriteOptions & oWriteOptions, const uint64_t llMinInstanceID) { if (!m_bHasInit) { PLG1Err("no init yet"); return -1; } static uint64_t llMinKey = MINCHOSEN_KEY; char sValue[sizeof(uint64_t)] = {0}; memcpy(sValue, &llMinInstanceID, sizeof(uint64_t)); int ret = PutToLevelDB(true, llMinKey, string(sValue, sizeof(uint64_t))); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } PLG1Imp("ok, min chosen instanceid %lu", llMinInstanceID); return 0; }
void MasterDamon :: TryBeMaster(const int iLeaseTime) { nodeid_t iMasterNodeID = nullnode; uint64_t llMasterVersion = 0; //step 1 check exist master and get version m_oDefaultMasterSM.SafeGetMaster(iMasterNodeID, llMasterVersion); if (iMasterNodeID != nullnode && (iMasterNodeID != m_poPaxosNode->GetMyNodeID())) { PLG1Imp("Ohter as master, can't try be master, masterid %lu myid %lu", iMasterNodeID, m_poPaxosNode->GetMyNodeID()); return; } //step 2 try be master std::string sPaxosValue; if (!MasterStateMachine::MakeOpValue( m_poPaxosNode->GetMyNodeID(), llMasterVersion, iLeaseTime, MasterOperatorType_Complete, sPaxosValue)) { PLG1Err("Make paxos value fail"); return; } const int iMasterLeaseTimeout = iLeaseTime - 100; uint64_t llAbsMasterTimeout = Time::GetTimestampMS() + iMasterLeaseTimeout; uint64_t llCommitInstanceID = 0; SMCtx oCtx; oCtx.m_iSMID = MASTER_V_SMID; oCtx.m_pCtx = (void *)&llAbsMasterTimeout; m_poPaxosNode->Propose(m_iMyGroupIdx, sPaxosValue, llCommitInstanceID, &oCtx); }
void SystemVSM :: AddNodeIDList(const NodeInfoList & vecNodeInfoList) { if (m_oSystemVariables.gid() != 0) { PLG1Err("No need to add, i already have membership info."); return; } m_setNodeID.clear(); m_oSystemVariables.clear_membership(); for (auto & tNodeInfo : vecNodeInfoList) { PaxosNodeInfo * poNodeInfo = m_oSystemVariables.add_membership(); //to do, what rid? poNodeInfo->set_rid(0); poNodeInfo->set_nodeid(tNodeInfo.GetNodeID()); NodeInfo tTmpNode(poNodeInfo->nodeid()); } RefleshNodeID(); }
int SystemVSM :: CreateGid_OPValue(const uint64_t llGid, std::string & sOpValue) { SystemVariables oVariables = m_oSystemVariables; oVariables.set_gid(llGid); /* ** only founder need to check this. but now all is founder. if (oVariables.membership_size() == 0) { PLG1Err("no membership, can't create gid"); return -1; } */ bool sSucc = oVariables.SerializeToString(&sOpValue); if (!sSucc) { PLG1Err("Variables.Serialize fail"); return -1; } return 0; }
int MasterStateMachine :: GetCheckpointBuffer(std::string & sCPBuffer) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> oLockGuard(m_oMutex); if (m_llMasterVersion == (uint64_t)-1) { return 0; } MasterVariables oVariables; oVariables.set_masternodeid(m_iMasterNodeID); oVariables.set_version(m_llMasterVersion); oVariables.set_leasetime(m_iLeaseTime); bool sSucc = oVariables.SerializeToString(&sCPBuffer); if (!sSucc) { PLG1Err("Variables.Serialize fail"); return -1; } return 0; }
int SystemVSM :: Membership_OPValue(const NodeInfoList & vecNodeInfoList, const uint64_t llVersion, std::string & sOpValue) { SystemVariables oVariables; //must must set version first! oVariables.set_version(llVersion); oVariables.set_gid(m_oSystemVariables.gid()); for (auto & tNodeInfo : vecNodeInfoList) { PaxosNodeInfo * poNodeInfo = oVariables.add_membership(); //to do, what rid? poNodeInfo->set_rid(0); poNodeInfo->set_nodeid(tNodeInfo.GetNodeID()); } bool sSucc = oVariables.SerializeToString(&sOpValue); if (!sSucc) { PLG1Err("Variables.Serialize fail"); return -1; } return 0; }
int Database :: GetMaxInstanceIDFileID(std::string & sFileID, uint64_t & llInstanceID) { uint64_t llMaxInstanceID = 0; int ret = GetMaxInstanceID(llMaxInstanceID); if (ret != 0 && ret != 1) { return ret; } if (ret == 1) { sFileID = ""; return 0; } string sKey = GenKey(llMaxInstanceID); leveldb::Status oStatus = m_poLevelDB->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), sKey, &sFileID); if (!oStatus.ok()) { if (oStatus.IsNotFound()) { BP->GetLogStorageBP()->LevelDBGetNotExist(); //PLG1Err("LevelDB.Get not found %s", sKey.c_str()); return 1; } BP->GetLogStorageBP()->LevelDBGetFail(); PLG1Err("LevelDB.Get fail"); return -1; } llInstanceID = llMaxInstanceID; return 0; }
int Database :: Put(const WriteOptions & oWriteOptions, const uint64_t llInstanceID, const std::string & sValue) { if (!m_bHasInit) { PLG1Err("no init yet"); return -1; } std::string sFileID; // 将值写入到文件之中。 int ret = ValueToFileID(oWriteOptions, llInstanceID, sValue, sFileID); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } // 有点迷糊,为啥还要写一遍到 levelDB里呢? //04-23 : 已经搞清楚,这里的levelDB其实只存索引,充分利用levelDB的写优势。 // 这样写索引会非常快速,读真实的值由于通过索引查找也会非常快速,而且真实 // 的值存储是顺序存储,按照InstanceID的顺序,删除会非常方便。 ret = PutToLevelDB(false, llInstanceID, sFileID); return ret; }
int Database :: ClearAllLog() { string sSystemVariablesBuffer; int ret = GetSystemVariables(sSystemVariablesBuffer); if (ret != 0 && ret != 1) { PLG1Err("GetSystemVariables fail, ret %d", ret); return ret; } string sMasterVariablesBuffer; ret = GetMasterVariables(sMasterVariablesBuffer); if (ret != 0 && ret != 1) { PLG1Err("GetMasterVariables fail, ret %d", ret); return ret; } m_bHasInit = false; delete m_poLevelDB; m_poLevelDB = nullptr; delete m_poValueStore; m_poValueStore = nullptr; string sBakPath = m_sDBPath + ".bak"; ret = FileUtils::DeleteDir(sBakPath); if (ret != 0) { PLG1Err("Delete bak dir fail, dir %s", sBakPath.c_str()); return -1; } ret = rename(m_sDBPath.c_str(), sBakPath.c_str()); assert(ret == 0); ret = Init(m_sDBPath, m_iMyGroupIdx); if (ret != 0) { PLG1Err("Init again fail, ret %d", ret); return ret; } WriteOptions oWriteOptions; oWriteOptions.bSync = true; if (sSystemVariablesBuffer.size() > 0) { ret = SetSystemVariables(oWriteOptions, sSystemVariablesBuffer); if (ret != 0) { PLG1Err("SetSystemVariables fail, ret %d", ret); return ret; } } if (sMasterVariablesBuffer.size() > 0) { ret = SetMasterVariables(oWriteOptions, sMasterVariablesBuffer); if (ret != 0) { PLG1Err("SetMasterVariables fail, ret %d", ret); return ret; } } return 0; }
int MasterStateMachine :: UpdateByCheckpoint(const std::string & sCPBuffer, bool & bChange) { if (sCPBuffer.size() == 0) { return 0; } MasterVariables oVariables; bool bSucc = oVariables.ParseFromArray(, sCPBuffer.size()); if (!bSucc) { PLG1Err("Variables.ParseFromArray fail, bufferlen %zu", sCPBuffer.size()); return -1; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> oLockGuard(m_oMutex); if (oVariables.version() <= m_llMasterVersion && m_llMasterVersion != (uint64_t)-1) { PLG1Imp("lag checkpoint, no need update, cp.version %lu now.version %lu", oVariables.version(), m_llMasterVersion); return 0; } int ret = UpdateMasterToStore(oVariables.masternodeid(), oVariables.version(), oVariables.leasetime()); if (ret != 0) { return -1; } PLG1Head("ok, cp.version %lu cp.masternodeid %lu old.version %lu old.masternodeid %lu", oVariables.version(), oVariables.masternodeid(), m_llMasterVersion, m_iMasterNodeID); bool bMasterChange = false; m_llMasterVersion = oVariables.version(); if (oVariables.masternodeid() == m_iMyNodeID) { m_iMasterNodeID = nullnode; m_llAbsExpireTime = 0; } else { if (m_iMasterNodeID != oVariables.masternodeid()) { bMasterChange = true; } m_iMasterNodeID = oVariables.masternodeid(); m_llAbsExpireTime = Time::GetSteadyClockMS() + oVariables.leasetime(); } if (bMasterChange) { if (m_pMasterChangeCallback != nullptr) { m_pMasterChangeCallback(m_iMyGroupIdx, NodeInfo(m_iMasterNodeID), m_llMasterVersion); } } return 0; }
int MasterStateMachine :: LearnMaster( const uint64_t llInstanceID, const MasterOperator & oMasterOper, const uint64_t llAbsMasterTimeout) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> oLockGuard(m_oMutex); PLG1Debug("my last version %lu other last version %lu this version %lu instanceid %lu", m_llMasterVersion, oMasterOper.lastversion(), oMasterOper.version(), llInstanceID); if (oMasterOper.lastversion() != 0 && llInstanceID > m_llMasterVersion && oMasterOper.lastversion() != m_llMasterVersion) { BP->GetMasterBP()->MasterSMInconsistent(); PLG1Err("other last version %lu not same to my last version %lu, instanceid %lu", oMasterOper.lastversion(), m_llMasterVersion, llInstanceID); PLG1Err("try to fix, set my master version %lu as other last version %lu, instanceid %lu", m_llMasterVersion, oMasterOper.lastversion(), llInstanceID); m_llMasterVersion = oMasterOper.lastversion(); } if (oMasterOper.version() != m_llMasterVersion) { PLG1Debug("version conflit, op version %lu now master version %lu", oMasterOper.version(), m_llMasterVersion); return 0; } int ret = UpdateMasterToStore(oMasterOper.nodeid(), llInstanceID, oMasterOper.timeout()); if (ret != 0) { PLG1Err("UpdateMasterToStore fail, ret %d", ret); return -1; } bool bMasterChange = false; if (m_iMasterNodeID != oMasterOper.nodeid()) { bMasterChange = true; } m_iMasterNodeID = oMasterOper.nodeid(); if (m_iMasterNodeID == m_iMyNodeID) { //self be master //use local abstimeout m_llAbsExpireTime = llAbsMasterTimeout; BP->GetMasterBP()->SuccessBeMaster(); PLG1Head("Be master success, absexpiretime %lu", m_llAbsExpireTime); } else { //other be master //use new start timeout m_llAbsExpireTime = Time::GetSteadyClockMS() + oMasterOper.timeout(); BP->GetMasterBP()->OtherBeMaster(); PLG1Head("Ohter be master, absexpiretime %lu", m_llAbsExpireTime); } m_iLeaseTime = oMasterOper.timeout(); m_llMasterVersion = llInstanceID; if (bMasterChange) { if (m_pMasterChangeCallback != nullptr) { m_pMasterChangeCallback(m_iMyGroupIdx, NodeInfo(m_iMasterNodeID), m_llMasterVersion); } } PLG1Imp("OK, masternodeid %lu version %lu abstimeout %lu", m_iMasterNodeID, m_llMasterVersion, m_llAbsExpireTime); return 0; }