void init_arc(struct arsc_channel* ac) { // Set up the front ring for the general syscall ring // and the back ring for the general sysevent ring mcs_lock_init(&ac->aclock); ac->ring_page = (syscall_sring_t*)sys_init_arsc(); FRONT_RING_INIT(&ac->sysfr, ac->ring_page, SYSCALLRINGSIZE); //BACK_RING_INIT(&syseventbackring, &(__procdata.syseventring), SYSEVENTRINGSIZE); //TODO: eventually rethink about desc pools, they are here but no longer necessary POOL_INIT(&syscall_desc_pool, MAX_SYSCALLS); POOL_INIT(&async_desc_pool, MAX_ASYNCCALLS); }
/* =item array_pool_init() =item array_pool_destroy() Setup and teardown functions for the array pool. =cut */ int array_pool_init(void) { return POOL_INIT(array_t); }