예제 #1
파일: ppmcie.c 프로젝트: Eleanor66613/CS131
static void
plotWhitePoint(pixel **                   const pixels,
               int                        const pixcols,
               int                        const pixrows,
               pixval                     const maxval,
               const struct colorSystem * const cs,
               bool                       const upvp,
               int                        const xBias,
               int                        const yBias) {

    int const pxcols = pixcols - xBias;
    int const pxrows = pixrows - yBias;

    int wx, wy;

    pixel rgbcolor;  /* Color of the white point mark */

    PPM_ASSIGN(rgbcolor, 0, 0, 0);

    if (upvp) {
        double wup, wvp;
        xy_to_upvp(cs->xWhite, cs->yWhite, &wup, &wvp);
        wx = wup;
        wy = wvp;
        wx = (pxcols - 1) * wup;
        wy = (pxrows - 1) - ((int) ((pxrows - 1) * wvp));
    } else {
        wx = (pxcols - 1) * cs->xWhite;
        wy = (pxrows - 1) - ((int) ((pxrows - 1) * cs->yWhite));

    PPM_ASSIGN(rgbcolor, 0, 0, 0);
    /* We draw the four arms of the cross separately so as to
       leave the pixel representing the precise white point
    ppmd_line(pixels, pixcols, pixrows, maxval,
              B(wx + Sz(3), wy), B(wx + Sz(10), wy),
              PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC, (char *) &rgbcolor);
    ppmd_line(pixels, pixcols, pixrows, maxval,
              B(wx - Sz(3), wy), B(wx - Sz(10), wy),
              PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC, (char *) &rgbcolor);
    ppmd_line(pixels, pixcols, pixrows, maxval,
              B(wx, wy + Sz(3)), B(wx, wy + Sz(10)),
              PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC, (char *) &rgbcolor);
    ppmd_line(pixels, pixcols, pixrows, maxval,
              B(wx, wy - Sz(3)), B(wx, wy - Sz(10)),
              PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC, (char *) &rgbcolor);
예제 #2
static void
moveBlackToIndex0(colorhist_vector const chv,
                  int              const colors) {
   If black is in the palette, make it at Index 0.
    pixel blackPixel;
    unsigned int i;
    bool blackPresent;

    PPM_ASSIGN(blackPixel, 0, 0, 0);

    blackPresent = FALSE;  /* initial assumption */

    for (i = 0; i < colors; ++i)
        if (PPM_EQUAL(chv[i].color, blackPixel))
            blackPresent = TRUE;
    if (blackPresent) {
        /* We use a trick here.  ppm_addtocolorhist() always adds to the
           beginning of the table and if the color is already elsewhere in
           the table, removes it.
        int colors2;
        colors2 = colors;
        ppm_addtocolorhist(chv, &colors2, MAXCOLORS, &blackPixel, 0, 0);
        assert(colors2 == colors);
예제 #3
static void
generateStandardPalette(struct pcxCmapEntry ** const pcxcmapP,
                        pixval                 const maxval,
                        colorhash_table *      const chtP,
                        int *                  const colorsP) {

    unsigned int const stdPaletteSize = 16;
    unsigned int colorIndex;
    struct pcxCmapEntry * pcxcmap;
    colorhash_table cht;

    *pcxcmapP = pcxcmap;

    cht = ppm_alloccolorhash();

    for (colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < stdPaletteSize; ++colorIndex) {
        pixel pcxColor;
            /* The color of this colormap entry, in PCX resolution */

        pcxcmap[colorIndex] = stdPalette[colorIndex];

        putPcxColorInHash(cht, pcxColor, colorIndex, maxval);

    *chtP = cht;
    *colorsP = stdPaletteSize;
예제 #4
static void
drawAxes(pixel **     const pixels,
         unsigned int const pixcols,
         unsigned int const pixrows,
         pixval       const maxval,
         bool         const upvp,
         unsigned int const xBias,
         unsigned int const yBias) {
   Draw the axes, with tick marks every .1 units and labels.
    pixel axisColor;  /* Color of axes and labels */
    unsigned int i;

    PPM_ASSIGN(axisColor, maxval, maxval, maxval);

    drawYAxis(pixels, pixcols, pixrows, maxval, xBias, yBias, axisColor);
    drawXAxis(pixels, pixcols, pixrows, maxval, xBias, yBias, axisColor);

    for (i = 1; i <= 9; i += 1) {
        tickX(pixels, pixcols, pixrows, maxval, xBias, yBias, axisColor, i);

        tickY(pixels, pixcols, pixrows, maxval, xBias, yBias, axisColor, i);

    labelAxes(pixels, pixcols, pixrows, maxval, xBias, yBias, axisColor,
예제 #5
static void
processColorfileEntry(struct colorfile_entry const ce,
                      colorhash_table        const cht,
                      const char **          const colornames,
                      pixel *                const colors,
                      unsigned int *         const colornameIndexP) {

    if (*colornameIndexP >= MAXCOLORNAMES)
        pm_error("Too many colors in colorname dictionary.  "
                 "Max allowed is %u", MAXCOLORNAMES);
    else {
        pixel color;

        PPM_ASSIGN(color, ce.r, ce.g, ce.b);

        if (ppm_lookupcolor(cht, &color) >= 0) {
            /* The color is already in the hash, which means we saw it
               earlier in the file.  We prefer the first name that the
               file gives for each color, so we just ignore the
               current entry.  
        } else {
            ppm_addtocolorhash(cht, &color, *colornameIndexP);
            colornames[*colornameIndexP] = strdup(ce.colorname);
            colors[*colornameIndexP] = color;
            if (colornames[*colornameIndexP] == NULL)
                pm_error("Unable to allocate space for color name");
예제 #6
static void
copy_pixel_row(const JSAMPROW jpegbuffer, const int width, 
               const unsigned int samples_per_pixel, 
               const enum colorspace color_space,
               const unsigned int maxval,
               FILE * const output_file, const int output_type) {
  JSAMPLE *ptr;
  unsigned int output_cursor;     /* Cursor into output buffer 'pnmbuffer' */

  ptr = jpegbuffer;  /* Start at beginning of input row */

  for (output_cursor = 0; output_cursor < width; output_cursor++) {
      xel current_pixel;
      if (samples_per_pixel >= 3) {
          const rgb_type * const rgb_p = read_rgb(ptr, color_space, maxval);
          PPM_ASSIGN(current_pixel, rgb_p->r, rgb_p->g, rgb_p->b);
      } else {
          PNM_ASSIGN1(current_pixel, GETJSAMPLE(*ptr));
      ptr += samples_per_pixel;  /* move to next pixel of input */
      pnmbuffer[output_cursor] = current_pixel;
  pnm_writepnmrow(output_file, pnmbuffer, width,
                  maxval, output_type, FALSE);
예제 #7
static void
readPalettes(FILE * const ifP,
             Pal *  const palP) {

    unsigned int row;

    /* Clear the first palette line. */
        unsigned int j;
        for (j = 0; j < 48; ++j)
            PPM_ASSIGN(palP->pal[0][j], 0, 0, 0);
    /* Read the palettes. */
    for (row = 1; row < ROWS; ++row) {
        unsigned int j;
        for (j = 0; j < 48; ++j) {
            short k;
            pm_readbigshort(ifP, &k);
                       (k & 0x700) >> 8,
                       (k & 0x070) >> 4,
                       (k & 0x007) >> 0);
예제 #8
static void
makeNewXel(xel * const outputXelP, xel const curXel, xel const prevXel,
           double const fracnew0, double const omfracnew0, int const format) {
   Create an output xel as *outputXel, which is part curXel and part
   prevXel, the part given by the fractions omfracnew0 and fracnew0,
   respectively.  These fraction values are the numerator of a fraction
   whose denominator is SCALE.

   The format of the pixel is 'format'.

    switch ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) ) {
    case PPM_TYPE:
        PPM_ASSIGN( *outputXelP,
                    ( fracnew0 * PPM_GETR(prevXel) 
                      + omfracnew0 * PPM_GETR(curXel) 
                      + HALFSCALE ) / SCALE,
                    ( fracnew0 * PPM_GETG(prevXel) 
                      + omfracnew0 * PPM_GETG(curXel) 
                      + HALFSCALE ) / SCALE,
                    ( fracnew0 * PPM_GETB(prevXel) 
                      + omfracnew0 * PPM_GETB(curXel) 
                      + HALFSCALE ) / SCALE );
        PNM_ASSIGN1( *outputXelP,
                     ( fracnew0 * PNM_GET1(prevXel) 
                       + omfracnew0 * PNM_GET1(curXel) 
                       + HALFSCALE ) / SCALE );
예제 #9
static void
copyPixelRow(JSAMPROW        const jpegbuffer,
             unsigned int    const width, 
             unsigned int    const samplesPerPixel, 
             enum colorspace const colorSpace,
             FILE *          const ofP,
             int             const format,
             xelval          const maxval) {

    JSAMPLE * ptr;
    unsigned int outputCursor;     /* Cursor into output buffer 'pnmbuffer' */

    ptr = &jpegbuffer[0];  /* Start at beginning of input row */
    for (outputCursor = 0; outputCursor < width; ++outputCursor) {
        xel currentPixel;
        if (samplesPerPixel >= 3) {
            const rgb_type * const rgb_p = read_rgb(ptr, colorSpace, maxval);
            PPM_ASSIGN(currentPixel, rgb_p->r, rgb_p->g, rgb_p->b);
        } else {
            PNM_ASSIGN1(currentPixel, GETJSAMPLE(*ptr));
        ptr += samplesPerPixel;  /* move to next pixel of input */
        pnmbuffer[outputCursor] = currentPixel;
    pnm_writepnmrow(ofP, pnmbuffer, width, maxval, format, FALSE);
예제 #10
static void ppm_writefile(uint8_t *prgb, int width, int height, int num)
  pixel *pixelrow;
  int i, x, y;

  pixelrow = ppm_allocrow(width);

  for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
    char filename[16];
    FILE *fp;

    sprintf(filename, PPM_FILENAME, i);
    fp = fopen(filename, "w");

    ppm_writeppminit(fp, width, height, (pixval)255, 0);
    for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
      for (x = 0; x < width; x++, prgb += 3)
	PPM_ASSIGN(pixelrow[x], prgb[0], prgb[1], prgb[2]);
      ppm_writeppmrow(fp, pixelrow, width, (pixval)255, 0);


예제 #11
static void
parseOldX11Dec(const char       colorname[], 
               pixval     const maxval,
               bool       const closeOk,
               pixel *    const colorP) {

    float const epsilon = 1.0/65536.0;

    float fr, fg, fb;
    pixval rNorm, gNorm, bNorm;

    if (sscanf(colorname, "%f,%f,%f", &fr, &fg, &fb) != 3)
        pm_error("invalid color specifier '%s'", colorname);
    if (fr < 0.0 || fr > 1.0 || fg < 0.0 || fg > 1.0 
        || fb < 0.0 || fb > 1.0)
        pm_error("invalid color specifier '%s' - "
                 "values must be between 0.0 and 1.0", colorname );

    rNorm = fr * maxval + 0.5;
    gNorm = fg * maxval + 0.5;
    bNorm = fb * maxval + 0.5;

    if (!closeOk) {
        if (fabs((float)rNorm/maxval - fr) > epsilon ||
            fabs((float)gNorm/maxval - fg) > epsilon ||
            fabs((float)bNorm/maxval - fb) > epsilon)
            pm_message("WARNING: Color '%s' cannot be represented "
                       "precisely with maxval %u.  "
                       "Approximating as (%u,%u,%u).",
                       colorname, maxval, rNorm, gNorm, bNorm);
    PPM_ASSIGN(*colorP, rNorm, gNorm, bNorm);
예제 #12
파일: ppmcie.c 프로젝트: Eleanor66613/CS131
static void
writeLabel(pixel **                   const pixels,
           int                        const pixcols,
           int                        const pixrows,
           pixval                     const maxval,
           const struct colorSystem * const cs) {

    pixel rgbcolor;  /* color of text */
    char sysdesc[256];

    PPM_ASSIGN(rgbcolor, maxval, maxval, maxval);
    snprintfN(sysdesc, sizeof(sysdesc),
              "System: %s\n"
              "Primary illuminants (X, Y)\n"
              "     Red:  %0.4f, %0.4f\n"
              "     Green: %0.4f, %0.4f\n"
              "     Blue:  %0.4f, %0.4f\n"
              "White point (X, Y): %0.4f, %0.4f",
              cs->name, cs->xRed, cs->yRed, cs->xGreen, cs->yGreen,
              cs->xBlue, cs->yBlue, cs->xWhite, cs->yWhite);
    sysdesc[sizeof(sysdesc)-1] = '\0';  /* for robustness */

    ppmd_text(pixels, pixcols, pixrows, Maxval,
              pixcols / 3, Sz(24), Sz(12), 0, sysdesc,
              PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC, (char *) &rgbcolor);
예제 #13
static void
initDrawState(struct drawState * const drawStateP,
              pixval             const maxval) {

    drawStateP->currentPos.x = 0;
    drawStateP->currentPos.y = 0;
    PPM_ASSIGN(drawStateP->color, maxval, maxval, maxval);
예제 #14
void region_contour2ppm(pixel **pixels, int cols,
			int n_contour, contour_point_t *contour,
			int value)
  int i;
  if (!pixels || !contour) return;
  for (i=0; i < n_contour; i++) {
    int index = cols * contour[i].y + contour[i].x;
예제 #15
파일: ppmcie.c 프로젝트: Eleanor66613/CS131
static void
makeAllBlack(pixel **     const pixels,
             unsigned int const cols,
             unsigned int const rows) {

    unsigned int row;
    for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
        unsigned int col;
        for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
            PPM_ASSIGN(pixels[row][col], 0, 0, 0);
예제 #16
파일: ppmpat.c 프로젝트: moseymosey/netpbm
static pixel
random_camo_color(pixval const maxval) {

    int v1, v2, v3;
    pixel p;

    v1 = (maxval + 1 ) / 8;
    v2 = (maxval + 1 ) / 4;
    v3 = (maxval + 1 ) / 2;

    switch (rand() % 10) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
        /* light brown */
        PPM_ASSIGN(p, rand() % v3 + v3, rand() % v3 + v2, rand() % v3 + v2);

    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
        /* dark green */
        PPM_ASSIGN(p, rand() % v2, rand() % v2 + 3 * v1, rand() % v2);
    case 6:
    case 7:
        /* brown */
        PPM_ASSIGN(p, rand() % v2 + v2, rand() % v2, rand() % v2);

    case 8:
    case 9:
        /* dark brown */
        PPM_ASSIGN(p, rand() % v1 + v1, rand() % v1, rand() % v1);

    return p;
예제 #17
static void
putPcxColorInHash(colorhash_table const cht,
                  pixel           const newPcxColor,
                  unsigned int    const newColorIndex,
                  pixval          const maxval) {

    pixel ppmColor;
        /* Same color as 'newPcxColor', but at the PPM image's color
           resolution: 'maxval'
    int rc;

    PPM_DEPTH(ppmColor, newPcxColor, PCX_MAXVAL, maxval);
    rc = ppm_lookupcolor(cht, &ppmColor);

    if (rc == -1)
        /* This color is not in the hash yet, so we just add it */
        ppm_addtocolorhash(cht, &ppmColor, newColorIndex);
    else {
        /* This color is already in the hash.  That's because the
           subject image has less color resolution than PCX (i.e.
           'maxval' is less than PCX_MAXVAL), and two distinct
           colors in the standard palette are indistinguishable at
           subject image color resolution.
           So we have to figure out wether color 'newPcxColor' or
           'existingPcxColor' is a better match for 'ppmColor'.

        unsigned int const existingColorIndex = rc;

        pixel idealPcxColor;
        pixel existingPcxColor;

        PPM_DEPTH(idealPcxColor, ppmColor, maxval, PCX_MAXVAL);

        if (PPM_DISTANCE(newPcxColor, idealPcxColor) <
            PPM_DISTANCE(existingPcxColor, idealPcxColor)) {
            /* The new PCX color is a better match.  Make it the new
               translation of image color 'ppmColor'.
            ppm_delfromcolorhash(cht, &ppmColor);
            ppm_addtocolorhash(cht, &ppmColor, newColorIndex);
예제 #18
static void
out_splines(FILE *                 const fileP,
            spline_list_array_type const shape,
            unsigned int           const height) {

    unsigned listSeq;
    pixel lastColor;
    PPM_ASSIGN(lastColor, 0, 0, 0);
    for (listSeq = 0;
         listSeq < SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH(shape);
         ++listSeq) {
        spline_list_type const splineList =
            SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_ELT(shape, listSeq);
        spline_type const first = SPLINE_LIST_ELT(splineList, 0);

        if (listSeq == 0 || !PPM_EQUAL(splineList.color, lastColor)) {
            if (listSeq > 0) {
                /* Close previous <path> element */
                if (!(shape.centerline || splineList.open))
                    fputs("z", fileP);
                fputs("\"/>\n", fileP);
            /* Open new <path> element */
            fprintf(fileP, "<path style=\"%s:#%02x%02x%02x; %s:none;\" d=\"",
                    (shape.centerline || splineList.open) ? "stroke" : "fill",
                    (shape.centerline || splineList.open) ? "fill" : "stroke");
        fprintf(fileP, "M%g %g",
                START_POINT(first).x, height - START_POINT(first).y);

        outSplineList(fileP, splineList, height);

        lastColor = splineList.color;

    if (SPLINE_LIST_ARRAY_LENGTH(shape) > 0) {
        spline_list_type const lastSplineList =

        if (!(shape.centerline || lastSplineList.open))
            fputs("z", fileP);

        /* Close last <path> element */
        fputs("\"/>\n", fileP);
예제 #19
파일: ppmpat.c 프로젝트: moseymosey/netpbm
static pixel
random_color(pixval const maxval) {

    pixel p;

               rand() % (maxval + 1),
               rand() % (maxval + 1),
               rand() % (maxval + 1)
    return p;
예제 #20
void save_depth_ppm(char *file_name, struct depth_image_t *image, int max) {
	pixel **data = ppm_allocarray(IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT);

	// Copy data back into PPM structure
	for(int x = 0; x < IMG_WIDTH; x++) {
		for(int y = 0; y < IMG_HEIGHT; y++) {
			struct depth8_t p = image->pixels[x][y];

			// PPM data is indexed by y, then x
			PPM_ASSIGN(data[y][x], p.d, p.d, p.d);

	FILE *outfp = fopen(file_name, "w");
	ppm_writeppm(outfp, data, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, max, 0);
예제 #21
void read_cmp(const char *fname) {
	unsigned char col[3];
	FILE *cmp;
	int i;

	cmp = fopen(fname, "r");
	if (cmp == NULL) {
	fseek(cmp, 48, SEEK_SET);
	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
		col[0] = getc(cmp); col[1] = getc(cmp); col[2] = getc(cmp);
		PPM_ASSIGN(cmap[i], col[0], col[1], col[2]);
예제 #22
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int i;

	ppm_init(&argc, argv);
	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
		PPM_ASSIGN(cmap[i], i, i, i);

	i = 1;
	if (argc >= 3 && strncmp(argv[1], "-c", 2) == 0) {
		i = 3;
	for (; i < argc; i++)

	return 0;
예제 #23
static void
parseNewHexX11(char       const colorname[], 
               pixval     const maxval,
               bool       const closeOk,
               pixel *    const colorP) {
   Determine what color colorname[] specifies in the new style hex
   color specification format (e.g. rgb:55/40/55).

   Return that color as *colorP.

   Assume colorname[] starts with "rgb:", but otherwise it might be
    int hexit[256];

    const char * cp;
    pixval n;
    unsigned int digitCount;
    pixval rNorm, gNorm, bNorm;


    cp = &colorname[4];

    parseHexDigits(cp, '/', hexit, &n, &digitCount);

    rNorm = rgbnorm(n, maxval, digitCount, closeOk, colorname);

    cp += digitCount;
    ++cp;  /* Skip the slash */

    parseHexDigits(cp, '/', hexit, &n, &digitCount);

    gNorm = rgbnorm(n, maxval, digitCount, closeOk, colorname);

    cp += digitCount;
    ++cp;  /* Skip the slash */

    parseHexDigits(cp, '\0', hexit, &n, &digitCount);

    bNorm = rgbnorm(n, maxval, digitCount, closeOk, colorname);

    PPM_ASSIGN(*colorP, rNorm, gNorm, bNorm);
예제 #24
static void
convertLinear(FILE * const ifP,
              unsigned int const cols,
              unsigned int const rows,
              gray         const maxval,
              int          const format,
              const char * const colorNameBlack,
              const char * const colorNameWhite,
              FILE *       const ofP,
              gray *       const grayrow,
              pixel *      const pixelrow) {

    pixel colorBlack, colorWhite;
    pixval red0, grn0, blu0, red1, grn1, blu1;
    unsigned int row;

    ppm_writeppminit(ofP, cols, rows, maxval, 0);

    colorBlack = ppm_parsecolor(colorNameBlack, maxval);
    colorWhite = ppm_parsecolor(colorNameWhite, maxval);
    red0 = PPM_GETR(colorBlack);
    grn0 = PPM_GETG(colorBlack);
    blu0 = PPM_GETB(colorBlack);
    red1 = PPM_GETR(colorWhite);
    grn1 = PPM_GETG(colorWhite);
    blu1 = PPM_GETB(colorWhite);

    for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
        unsigned int col;

        pgm_readpgmrow(ifP, grayrow, cols, maxval, format);

        for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
            gray const input = grayrow[col];
                (red0 * (maxval - input) + red1 * input) / maxval,
                (grn0 * (maxval - input) + grn1 * input) / maxval,
                (blu0 * (maxval - input) + blu1 * input) / maxval);
        ppm_writeppmrow(ofP, pixelrow, cols, maxval, 0);
예제 #25
ppm_t *pnm_image2ppm(ppm_t *ppm, pnm_image_t *image)
  int i,j,k;
  if (!image) return (ppm);
  if (!ppm) {
    ppm = malloc(sizeof(ppm_t));

  for (j=0; j < ppm->rows; j++)
    for (k=0; k < ppm->cols; k++)
		 (gray) image->pixels[0][j][k],
		 (gray) image->pixels[1][j][k],
		 (gray) image->pixels[2][j][k]);
  ppm->maxval = (gray) image->maxval;
  return (ppm);
예제 #26
void savebmp(const char *filename, float wf, float hf, int dpi,  std::vector< std::vector <Pixel> >* data)
       /* Example program fragment to read a PAM or PNM image
      from stdin, add up the values of every sample in it
      (I don't know why), and write the image unchanged to
      stdout. */
   FILE* f = fopen(filename,"wb");
   pm_init(filename, 0);
   pixel** truePix = ppm_allocarray(wf,hf);
   for (int i = 0; i < wf; i++)
       for (int j = 0; j < hf; j++)
           PPM_ASSIGN(truePix[i][j],data->at(i).at(j).getColor()->getRed(), data->at(i).at(j).getColor()->getGreen(), data->at(i).at(j).getColor()->getBlue());
   ppm_writeppm(f, truePix, (int)wf, (int)hf, 256, 0); 
   ppm_freearray(truePix, (int)hf);
예제 #27
static void
writePpm(FILE *             const ifP,
         const xvPalette *  const xvPaletteP,
         unsigned int       const cols,
         unsigned int       const rows,
         pixval             const maxval,
         FILE *             const ofP) {
       Write out the PPM image, from the XV-mini input file ifP, which is
       positioned to the raster.

       The raster contains indices into the palette *xvPaletteP.
    pixel * pixrow;
    unsigned int row;

    pixrow = ppm_allocrow(cols);

    ppm_writeppminit(ofP, cols, rows, maxval, 0);

    for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
        unsigned int col;
        for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
            int byte;
            byte = fgetc(ifP);
            if (byte == EOF)
                pm_error("unexpected EOF");
            else {
                unsigned int const paletteIndex = byte;
                assert(byte >= 0);

        ppm_writeppmrow(ofP, pixrow, cols, maxval, 0);

예제 #28
파일: pnmtohex.c 프로젝트: shugaoye/fbtest
static int fill_clut(xel **pnm, int cols, int rows)
    int clut_len = 0;
    int i, j, k;

    for (i = 0 ; i < rows; i++)
	for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
	    for (k = 0; k < clut_len; k++)
		if (PPM_EQUAL(pnm[i][j], clut[k]))
	    if (k == clut_len) {
		if (clut_len == 256)
		    return 257;
		PPM_ASSIGN(clut[clut_len], PPM_GETR(pnm[i][j]),
			   PPM_GETG(pnm[i][j]), PPM_GETB(pnm[i][j]));
    return clut_len;
예제 #29
static void
blackenTransparentAreas(pixel ** const xorPPMarray,
                        int      const cols,
                        int      const rows,
                        gray **  const andPGMarray,
                        pixval   const andMaxval) {

    unsigned int row;

    if (verbose) pm_message("Setting transparent pixels to black");

    for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
        unsigned int col;
        for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
            if (andPGMarray[row][col] < andMaxval)
                /* It's not opaque here; make it black */
                PPM_ASSIGN(xorPPMarray[row][col], 0, 0, 0);
예제 #30
파일: ppmcie.c 프로젝트: Eleanor66613/CS131
static void
drawTongueOutline(pixel ** const pixels,
                  int    const pixcols,
                  int    const pixrows,
                  pixval const maxval,
                  bool   const upvp,
                  int    const xBias,
                  int    const yBias) {

    int const pxcols = pixcols - xBias;
    int const pxrows = pixrows - yBias;

    pixel rgbcolor;
    int wavelength;
    int lx, ly;
    int fx, fy;

    PPM_ASSIGN(rgbcolor, maxval, maxval, maxval);

    for (wavelength = 380; wavelength <= 700; wavelength += 5) {
        int icx, icy;

        computeMonochromeColorLocation(wavelength, pxcols, pxrows, upvp,
                                       &icx, &icy);
        if (wavelength > 380)
            ppmd_line(pixels, pixcols, pixrows, Maxval,
                      B(lx, ly), B(icx, icy),
                      PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC, (char *) &rgbcolor);
        else {
            fx = icx;
            fy = icy;
        lx = icx;
        ly = icy;
    ppmd_line(pixels, pixcols, pixrows, maxval,
              B(lx, ly), B(fx, fy),
              PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC, (char *) &rgbcolor);