예제 #1
        void consumer_controller_t::query_planner()
            //    PRX_DEBUG_S("Query planner");
            PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Query planner", PRX_TEXT_BLUE);
            // If we haven't reached our final destination
            if( active_queries && goal_index < (int)goal_states.size() )
                //        PRX_DEBUG_S("We're not done yet");
                PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Goal_index: " << goal_index, PRX_TEXT_LIGHTGRAY);
                // Get the current state
                //        state_space->copy_to_point(init_state);
                // Publish a ground truth message
                ((comm::simulation_comm_t*)comm::sim_comm)->publish_ground_truth((*state_memory[0]), planning_node, this->get_pathname());

                // Make a start state vector 
                std::vector<double> start_state;
                for( unsigned i = 0; i < child_state_space->get_dimension(); i++ )

                // Query planning
                current_goal_state = goal_states[goal_index]->get_first_goal_point();
                                                                                  start_state, goal_states[goal_index]->get_goal_vec(), goal_states[goal_index]->get_radius(), pathname, planning_node, true, smooth, true, homogeneous_setup);
                queried_planner = true;
            PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("END QUery planner", PRX_TEXT_BLUE);
            bool unigripper_motoman_plant_t::IK_steering( const config_t& start_config, const config_t& goal_config, sim::plan_t& result_plan, bool set_grasping )
                //Begin by determining a distance between the start and goal configurations
                double distance = start_config.get_position().distance( goal_config.get_position() );
                //Set the number of interpolation steps
                double steps = std::ceil(distance / MAX_IK_STEP);
                //Clear out the plan we were given, we will be filling it in ourselves
                //Keep around an intermediate plan for systematically building up the solution
                plan_t intermediate_plan = result_plan;

                //Store the arm's current state as the previous state
                //So first, let's do the IK for the start configuration
                if( !IK_solver( start_config, prev_st, set_grasping, prev_st, true ) )
                    PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("IK failed in Steering for the start config.", PRX_TEXT_RED);
                    return false;

                //Storage for the interpolated configuration
                config_t interpolated_config;

                //Then, for each step
                for( double i=1; i<=steps; ++i )
                    //Compute the next interpolated configuration
                    double t = PRX_MINIMUM( (i/steps), 1.0 );
                    interpolated_config.interpolate( start_config, goal_config, t );

                    //Compute Minimum IK for interpolated configuration (Pose, seed state, soln)
                    if( IK_solver( interpolated_config, inter_st, set_grasping, prev_st, true ) )
                        //Create a plan by steering between states and add it to the resulting plan
                        steering_function(prev_st, inter_st, intermediate_plan);
                        result_plan += intermediate_plan;
                        //And make sure we store this state as our prior state
                        state_space->copy_point(prev_st, inter_st);
                    //If the MinIK fails, then the steering is a failure, abort
                        //Clear out whatever plan we had started making
                        PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("IK failed in Steering", PRX_TEXT_BROWN);
                        return false;

                //Report our Success
                return true;
예제 #3
        void consumer_controller_t::copy_plan(const plan_t& inplan)
            //            control_t* control = sys->pull_control_space()->alloc_point();
            //        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < control_msg.control.size(); ++i )
            //            sys->pull_control_space()->set_element(control, i, control_msg.control[i]);

            PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Received plan", PRX_TEXT_CYAN);
            plan = inplan;
            PRX_DEBUG_COLOR(plan.print(10), PRX_TEXT_LIGHTGRAY);
            queried_planner = false;
            //    state_space->copy_from_point(init_state);
            //    push_state(init_state);
예제 #4
        void radial_goal_region_t::init(const parameter_reader_t* reader, const parameter_reader_t* template_reader)
            PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Inside radial goal region init!", PRX_TEXT_BLUE);
            goal_state_t::init(reader, template_reader);

            if( parameters::has_attribute("radius", reader, template_reader) )
                PRX_DEBUG_S("Reading in goal radius");
                radius = parameters::get_attribute_as< double >("radius", reader, template_reader);
                PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Radius is: " << radius, PRX_TEXT_CYAN);
                PRX_FATAL_S("Missing radius attribute in input files for the radial_goal_region.");
예제 #5
void stopping_criteria_t::link_interruption_criteria(const std::vector<criterion_t*>& interruption_set)
    PRX_DEBUG_COLOR ("Interruption criteria linked", PRX_TEXT_RED);
    foreach(criterion_t* crit, interruption_set)
예제 #6
 void empty_application_t::set_selected_path(const std::string& path)
     std::string name;
     std::string subpath;
     boost::tie(name, subpath) = reverse_split_path(path);
     selected_path = name;
     PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("The selected path is now: " << selected_path.c_str(),PRX_TEXT_GREEN);
예제 #7
 void disk_t::update_phys_configs(config_list_t& configs, unsigned& index) const
     if( ros::this_node::getName() == "planning" )
     root_config.set_position(_x, _y, _z);
     root_config.set_xyzw_orientation(0.0, 0.0, sin(_theta / 2.0), cos(_theta / 2.0));
     plant_t::update_phys_configs(configs, index);
예제 #8
void stopping_criteria_t::reset()
    PRX_DEBUG_COLOR ("Stopping criteria reset", PRX_TEXT_BROWN);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < stopping_criteria.size(); i++)

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < interruption_criteria.size(); i++)
 void motion_planner_t::set_param(const std::string& parameter_name, const boost::any& value)
     PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Motion Planner set_param : " << parameter_name, PRX_TEXT_MAGENTA);
     if( parameter_name == "serialize_flag" )
         serialize_flag = boost::any_cast<bool>(value);
     else if( parameter_name == "deserialize_flag" )
         deserialize_flag = boost::any_cast<bool>(value);
     else if( parameter_name == "serialization_file" )
         serialization_file = boost::any_cast<std::string>(value);
     else if( parameter_name == "deserialization_file" )
         deserialization_file = boost::any_cast<std::string>(value);
         planner_t::set_param(parameter_name, value);
예제 #10
 void pno_criterion_t::link_motion_planner(motion_planner_t* mp)
     PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Linking the motion planner...", PRX_TEXT_CYAN );
     criterion_t::link_motion_planner( mp );
     //I think we need to store a pointer explicitly to a prm* planner
     prm_motion_planner = dynamic_cast<prm_star_t*>( mp );
     if( prm_motion_planner == NULL )
         PRX_FATAL_S("PNO Criterion requires the linked motion planner be a PRM*");
     linked_space = mp->state_space;
     total_volume = linked_space->space_size();
     d = linked_space->get_dimension();
     PRX_PRINT("Working in a " << d << " dimensional space, of size: " << total_volume, PRX_TEXT_LIGHTGRAY );
     free_volume = total_volume;
     //Open up an appropriate file for output...
     char* w = std::getenv("PRACSYS_PATH");
     std::string fname(w);
     fname += ("/prx_output/pno_data/");
     //fname += "dim_" + int_to_str( d ) + "_" + int_to_str( time(NULL) ) + ".txt";
     fname += "dim_" + int_to_str( d ) + "_" + ros::this_node::getName().substr(1,ros::this_node::getName().length()) + ".txt";
     stat_out.open( fname.c_str() );
예제 #11
        void consumer_controller_t::read_in_goals(const parameter_reader_t * reader, const parameter_reader_t* template_reader)
            std::vector<const parameter_reader_t*> goal_readers, template_goal_readers;

            if( reader->has_attribute("goals") )
                goal_readers = reader->get_list("goals");
                PRX_FATAL_S("No goals to read!");

            std::string template_name;
            parameter_reader_t* child_template_reader = NULL;

            foreach(const parameter_reader_t* r, goal_readers)
                PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Goal reading!", PRX_TEXT_CYAN);
                radial_goal_region_t* goal_region = new radial_goal_region_t();
                if( r->has_attribute("goal/template") )
                    template_name = r->get_attribute("goal/template");
                    // TODO: Find a way to load templates under namespaces more cleanly.
                    child_template_reader = new parameter_reader_t(ros::this_node::getName() + "/" + template_name);

                goal_region->init(r->get_child("goal").get(), child_template_reader);

                if( child_template_reader == NULL )
                    delete child_template_reader;
                    child_template_reader = NULL;
예제 #12
        void consumer_controller_t::compute_control()

            //    PRX_DEBUG_COLOR ("Begin compute control", PRX_TEXT_BLUE);
            control_t* new_control = plan.get_next_control(simulation::simulation_step);
            if( active_queries && goal_index < (int)goal_states.size() && new_control == NULL && !queried_planner )
                PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Query planner", PRX_TEXT_MAGENTA);

            // Case 1: Our plan has given us a non-NULL control
            if( new_control != NULL )
                //        PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("New control not NULL", PRX_TEXT_CYAN);
                //        PRX_INFO_S("********consumer control : " << output_control_space->print_point(new_control));
                output_control_space->copy_point(computed_control, new_control);

                //        PRX_WARN_S("keep_last_control : " << keep_last_control << "  c size:" << plan.steps.size());
                if( plan.size() == 0 )
                    last_control = new_control;
                    //            PRX_LOG_INFO("Plan size : %u || Holding control", plan.steps.size() );

                _time = _time + simulation::simulation_step;
                // Case 2: Last control has been set to a valid control, and we want to keep our last control
            else if( last_control != NULL && keep_last_control )
                //        PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Use last control", PRX_TEXT_LIGHTGRAY);
                new_control = last_control;
            else if( keep_last_state )
                new_control = get_state;
                // Case 3: If all else fails, use the contingency plan (system specific)
                //        PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Contingency plan", PRX_TEXT_BROWN);
                new_control = contingency_plan.get_control_at(0);

            //    if (queried_planner)
            //    {
            //        PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Queried planner true!", PRX_TEXT_RED);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("Queried planner false!", PRX_TEXT_GREEN);
            //    }
            // Check if we still need to query planner

            //PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("New control: " << this->output_control_space->print_point(new_control), PRX_TEXT_MAGENTA);

            //    PRX_DEBUG_COLOR("End control", PRX_TEXT_BLUE);