int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { PSInit(&argc, &argv, 3, N, N, N); PSGrid3DPoint g = PSGrid3DPointNew(N, N, N); PSDomain3D d = PSDomain3DNew(1, N-1, 1, N-1, 1, N-1); size_t nelms = N*N*N; struct Point *indata = (struct Point *)malloc( sizeof(struct Point) * nelms); struct Point *outdata = (struct Point *)malloc( sizeof(struct Point) * nelms); int i; for (i = 0; i < nelms; i++) { indata[i].p[0] = i; indata[i].p[1] = 0; outdata[i].p[0] = 0; outdata[i].p[1] = 0; } PSGridCopyin(g, indata); PSStencilRun(PSStencilMap(kernel1, d, g)); PSGridCopyout(g, outdata); dump(outdata); PSGridFree(g); PSFinalize(); free(indata); free(outdata); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { PSInit(&argc, &argv, 3, N, N, N); PSGrid3DFloat g1 = PSGrid3DFloatNew(N, N, N); PSGrid3DFloat g2 = PSGrid3DFloatNew(N, N, N); PSDomain3D d = PSDomain3DNew(0, N, 0, N, 0, N); size_t nelms = N*N*N; float *indata = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * nelms); int i; for (i = 0; i < nelms; i++) { indata[i] = i; } float *outdata = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * nelms); PSGridCopyin(g1, indata); PSGridCopyin(g2, indata); PSStencilRun(PSStencilMap(kernel, d, g1, g2)); PSGridCopyout(g2, outdata); dump(outdata); PSGridFree(g1); PSGridFree(g2); PSFinalize(); free(indata); free(outdata); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { PSInit(&argc, &argv, 3, N, N, N); PSGrid3DPoint1 g1 = PSGrid3DPoint1New(N, N, N); size_t nelms = N*N*N; struct Point1 *indata = (struct Point1 *)malloc( sizeof(struct Point1) * nelms); struct Point1 *outdata = (struct Point1 *)malloc( sizeof(struct Point1) * nelms); int i, j; int x = 0; float c = 1.0f; for (x = 0; x < nelms; ++x) { for (i = 0; i < DIM1; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < DIM2; ++j) { indata[x].p[i][j] = c++; outdata[x].p[i][j] = 0; } } } PSGridCopyin(g1, indata); PSGridCopyout(g1, outdata); check(indata, outdata); PSGridFree(g1); PSFinalize(); free(indata); free(outdata); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { PSInit(&argc, &argv, 3, NX, NX, NX); PSGrid3DReal g = PSGrid3DRealNew(NX, NX, NX); PSDomain3D d = PSDomain3DNew(0, NX, 0, NX, 0, NX); struct timeval time_begin, time_end; int nx = NX; int ny = NX; int nz = NX; REAL *buff = (REAL *)malloc(sizeof(REAL) *nx*ny*nz); REAL time = 0.0; int count = 1000; REAL l, dx, dy, dz, kx, ky, kz, kappa, dt; REAL ce, cw, cn, cs, ct, cb, cc; l = 1.0; kappa = 0.1; dx = dy = dz = l / nx; kx = ky = kz = 2.0 * M_PI; dt = 0.1*dx*dx / kappa; init(buff, nx, ny, nz, kx, ky, kz, dx, dy, dz, kappa, time); PSGridCopyin(g, buff); ce = cw = kappa*dt/(dx*dx); cn = cs = kappa*dt/(dy*dy); ct = cb = kappa*dt/(dz*dz); cc = 1.0 - (ce + cw + cn + cs + ct + cb); gettimeofday(&time_begin, NULL); PSStencilRun(PSStencilMap(kernel, d, g,ce,cw,cn,cs,ct,cb,cc), count); gettimeofday(&time_end, NULL); time += dt * count; REAL *answer = (REAL *)malloc(sizeof(REAL) * nx*ny*nz); init(answer, nx, ny, nz, kx, ky, kz, dx, dy, dz, kappa, time); PSGridCopyout(g, buff); REAL err = accuracy(buff, answer, nx*ny*nz); double elapsed_time = (time_end.tv_sec - time_begin.tv_sec) + (time_end.tv_usec - time_begin.tv_usec)*1.0e-6; REAL mflops = (nx*ny*nz)*13.0*count/elapsed_time * 1.0e-06; double thput = (nx * ny * nz) * sizeof(REAL) * 2.0 * count / elapsed_time / (1000 * 1000 * 1000); fprintf(stderr, "elapsed time : %.3f (s)\n", elapsed_time); fprintf(stderr, "flops : %.3f (MFlops)\n", mflops); fprintf(stderr, "throughput : %.3f (GB/s)\n", thput); fprintf(stderr, "accuracy : %e\n", err); fprintf(stderr, "count : %d\n", count); free(answer); PSGridFree(g); PSFinalize(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { PSInit(&argc, &argv, 3, N, N+2, N); PSGrid3DFloat g1 = PSGrid3DFloatNew(N, N+2, N); PSGrid3DFloat g2 = PSGrid3DFloatNew(N, N+2, N); PSGrid1DFloat cx = PSGrid1DFloatNew(N); PSGrid2DFloat cy = PSGrid2DFloatNew(N+2, N); PSDomain3D d = PSDomain3DNew(1, N-1, 1, N+1, 1, N-1); size_t nelms = N*(N+2)*N; float *indata = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * nelms); int i; for (i = 0; i < nelms; i++) { indata[i] = i; } float *outdata = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * nelms); PSGridCopyin(g1, indata); PSGridCopyin(g2, indata); for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) { indata[i] = 1 + (i%2); // 1 or 2 } PSGridCopyin(cx, indata); for (i = 0; i < (N+2)*N; ++i) { indata[i] = 1 + (i%2); // 1 or 2 } PSGridCopyin(cy, indata); PSStencilRun(PSStencilMap(kernel, d, g1, g2, cx, cy)); PSGridCopyout(g2, outdata); dump(outdata); PSGridFree(g1); PSGridFree(g2); PSGridFree(cx); PSGridFree(cy); PSFinalize(); free(indata); free(outdata); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { PSInit(&argc, &argv, 3, N+1, N+1, N+1); PSGrid3DFloat g1 = PSGrid3DFloatNew(N, N, N); PSGrid3DFloat g2 = PSGrid3DFloatNew(N+1, N+1, N+1); PSDomain3D d = PSDomain3DNew(0, N, 0, N, 0, N); size_t nelms1 = N*N*N; size_t nelms2 = (N+1)*(N+1)*(N+1); float *indata = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * nelms2); int i; for (i = 0; i < nelms2; i++) { indata[i] = i; } float *outdata = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * nelms1); PSGridCopyin(g2, indata); PSStencilRun(PSStencilMap(kernel1, d, g1, g2)); PSGridCopyout(g1, outdata); dump(outdata, nelms1, stdout); #if 0 for (i = 0; i < nelms; i++) { if (indata[i] != outdata[i]) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: mismatch at %d, in: %f, out: %f\n", i, indata[i], outdata[i]); } } #endif PSGridFree(g1); PSGridFree(g2); PSFinalize(); free(indata); free(outdata); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { PSInit(&argc, &argv, 3, N, N, N); PSGrid3D g1 = PSGrid3DNew(N, N, N); size_t nelms = N*N*N; float *indata = (float *)malloc(sizeof(REAL) * nelms); int i; for (i = 0; i < nelms; i++) { indata[i] = i+10; } PSGridCopyin(g1, indata); float v; PSReduce(&v, PS_MIN, g1); float v_ref = reduce(indata); fprintf(stderr, "Reduction result: %f, reference: %f\n", v, v_ref); if (v != v_ref) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Non matching result\n"); exit(1); } PSGridFree(g1); PSFinalize(); free(indata); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { PSInit(&argc, &argv, 3, N, N, N); PSGrid3DPoint g = PSGrid3DPointNew(N, N, N); PSDomain3D d = PSDomain3DNew(0+halo_width, N-halo_width, 0+halo_width, N-halo_width, 0+halo_width, N-halo_width); size_t nelms = N*N*N; struct Point *indata = (struct Point *)malloc( sizeof(struct Point) * nelms); int i; for (i = 0; i < nelms; i++) { indata[i].p = i; indata[i].q = i+1; indata[i].r = 0; } struct Point *outdata_ps = (struct Point *)malloc( sizeof(struct Point) * nelms); PSGridCopyin(g, indata); PSStencilRun(PSStencilMap(kernel1, d, g), PSStencilMap(kernel2, d, g), ITER); PSGridCopyout(g, outdata_ps); dump(outdata_ps); PSGridFree(g); PSFinalize(); free(indata); free(outdata_ps); return 0; }
void method() { //wifi if(network==1) { sprintf(path_tx,"/sys/class/net/wlan0/statistics/tx_packets"); sprintf(path_rx,"/sys/class/net/wlan0/statistics/rx_packets"); sprintf(path_oper,"/sys/class/net/wlan0/operstate"); } //3G else if(network==0) { sprintf(path_tx,"/sys/class/net/rmnet0/statistics/tx_packets"); sprintf(path_rx,"/sys/class/net/rmnet0/statistics/rx_packets"); sprintf(path_oper,"/sys/class/net/rmnet0/operstate"); } isRunOnce = 1; size = nRows; samples = (char **)malloc(nRows * sizeof(char *)); int c2=0; for(c2=0; c2<nRows; c2++) samples[c2] = (char *) malloc(numCol * sizeof(char)); printf("test passed2\n"); SPVRScopeImplData *psData; //Counter information (set at init time) SPVRScopeCounterDef *psCounters; unsigned int uCounterNum; //Counter reading data unsigned int uActiveGroup; unsigned int uActiveGroupSelect; bool bActiveGroupChanged; SPVRScopeCounterReading sReading; // Step 2. Initialise PVRScopeStat if (PSInit(&psData, &psCounters, &sReading, &uCounterNum)){ //LOGI("PVRScope up and running."); printf("PVRScore up and running...\n"); /*sprintf(aut,"%s\n","su"); system(aut);*/ }else{ //LOGE("Error initializing PVRScope."); printf("Error initializing PVRScope...\n"); } bActiveGroupChanged = true; uActiveGroupSelect = 0; unsigned int sampleRate = delay; unsigned int index = 0; unsigned int j = 0; unsigned int k = 0; struct timeval tv_start; gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); unsigned long time_in_sec_start = tv_start.tv_sec; printf("Begin working...\n"); /* strcat(header,"Start_time(second)="); char startTime[1024]; snprintf(startTime,1024,"%lu\n",time_in_sec_start); strcat(header,startTime); strcat(header,"delay="); char delayData[50]; snprintf(delayData,50,"%d\n",delay); strcat(header,delayData); */ int startIndex = 0; while (startIndex < nRows) { // Ask for the active group 0 only on the first run. Then set it to 0xffffffff if(bActiveGroupChanged) { uActiveGroup = uActiveGroupSelect; } else { uActiveGroup = 0xffffffff; } ++index; if (index < 100) { // Sample the counters every 10ms. Don't read or output it. PVRScopeReadCountersThenSetGroup(psData, NULL, 0, uActiveGroup); } else { if(k < delay) { ++k; index = 0; //continue; } else { k = 0; index = 0; printf("sample %d\n", startIndex); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); unsigned long time_in_mill = (tv.tv_sec) * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec) / 1000; // Step 4. Read and output the counter information for group 0 to Logcat if(PVRScopeReadCountersThenSetGroup(psData, &sReading, time_in_mill * 1000, uActiveGroup)) { printf("Start sample\n"); strcat(header,"\n_LOOP_"); char loop[50]; snprintf(loop, 50, "%d\n", startIndex); strcat(header,loop); /*if(startIndex == 10){ setState(2); } else if(startIndex == 15){ setState(5); }*/ //Read bigLittle_status if((fp_cpu = fopen("su -c /dev/bL_status","r")) != NULL) { printf("bl\n"); strcat(header,"_BL_\n"); fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); strcat(header,buffer); fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); strcat(header,buffer); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fclose(fp_cpu); } strcat(header,"_CPU_\n"); if((fp_cpu = fopen("/proc/stat","r")) != NULL) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); //CPU0 fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); double cpu_util = parseCPU(buffer,0); char output[50]; snprintf(output,50,"util=%.2f",cpu_util); strcat(header,output); printf("cpu0 util = %s \n",header); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); memset(output, 0, sizeof(output)); if((fp_cpu_chk = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online","r")) != NULL) { char test[50]; fgets(test, sizeof test, fp_cpu_chk); if(atoi(test) == 1) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); cpu_util = parseCPU(buffer,1); snprintf(output,50," %.2f",cpu_util); strcat(header,output); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); memset(output, 0, sizeof(output)); //fclose(fp_cpu); } else { strcat(header," x"); } fclose(fp_cpu_chk); } if((fp_cpu_chk = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/online","r")) != NULL) { char test[50]; fgets(test, sizeof test, fp_cpu_chk); if(atoi(test) == 1) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); cpu_util = parseCPU(buffer,2); snprintf(output,50," %.2f",cpu_util); strcat(header,output); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); memset(output, 0, sizeof(output)); //fclose(fp_cpu); } else { strcat(header," x"); //printf(" x"); } fclose(fp_cpu_chk); } if((fp_cpu_chk = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/online","r")) != NULL) { char test[50]; fgets(test, sizeof test, fp_cpu_chk); if(atoi(test) == 1) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); cpu_util = parseCPU(buffer,3); snprintf(output,50," %.2f",cpu_util); strcat(header,output); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); memset(output, 0, sizeof(output)); //fclose(fp_cpu); } else { strcat(header," x"); //printf("last x\n"); } fclose(fp_cpu_chk); } fclose(fp_cpu); } strcat(header,"\n_FREQ_"); //Read freq0 if((fp_cpu = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq","r")) != NULL) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); strcat(header,"\nfreq0="); strcat(header,buffer); //printf("%s\n",header); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fclose(fp_cpu); } //Read freq1 if((fp_cpu = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq","r")) != NULL) { //printf("freq1\n"); fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); strcat(header,"freq1="); strcat(header,buffer); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fclose(fp_cpu); } else { strcat(header,"freq1=x"); //printf("freq1=x"); } //Read freq2 if((fp_cpu = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq","r")) != NULL) { //printf("freq2\n"); fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); strcat(header,"freq2="); strcat(header,buffer); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fclose(fp_cpu); } else { strcat(header,"\nfreq2=x"); //printf("\nfreq2=x"); } //Read freq3 if((fp_cpu = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq","r")) != NULL) { //printf("freq3\n"); fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); strcat(header,"freq3="); strcat(header,buffer); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fclose(fp_cpu); } else { strcat(header,"\nfreq3=x"); //printf("\nfreq3=x"); } //printf("%s\n",header); //Read CPU idle time C0S0IT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// strcat(header,"\n_IDLE_TIME_\n"); //printf("idle time\n"); for(int core=0; core<4; core++) { char title[100]; snprintf(title,100,"idle_time_%d=",core); strcat(header,title); for(int state=0; state<3; state++) { char proc[100]; sprintf(proc,"/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpuidle/state%d/time",core,state); if((fp_cpu = fopen(proc,"r")) != NULL) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); strcat(header," "); double cur = atof(buffer); double diff_time = cur - csit[core][state]; char output_idle[50]; snprintf(output_idle,50,"%.2f",diff_time/1000); strcat(header,output_idle); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); csit[core][state] = cur; fclose(fp_cpu); } else{ strcat(header," x"); } } strcat(header,"\n"); } strcat(header,"_IDLE_USAGE_\n"); for(int core=0; core<4; core++) { char title[100]; snprintf(title,100,"idle_usage_%d=",core); strcat(header,title); for(int state=0; state<3; state++) { char proc[100]; sprintf(proc,"/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpuidle/state%d/usage",core,state); if((fp_cpu = fopen(proc,"r")) != NULL) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp_cpu); strcat(header," "); int cur = atoi(buffer); int diff_entry = cur - csiu[core][state]; char output_entry[50]; snprintf(output_entry,50,"%d",diff_entry); strcat(header,output_entry); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); csiu[core][state] = cur; fclose(fp_cpu); } else{ strcat(header," x"); } } strcat(header,"\n"); } ///////////////////////// Read memory usage ///////////////////////////////////////// strcat(header,"_MEM_\n"); //if((fp = fopen("/data/local/tmp/busybox free -m", "r")) != NULL) if((fp_mem = fopen("/proc/meminfo","r")) != NULL) { //printf("mem\n"); fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, fp_mem); //printf("buffer = %s\n",buffer); strcat(header,"mem="); char buffer2[1024]; char buffer3[1024]; fgets(buffer2, sizeof buffer, fp_mem); fgets(buffer3, sizeof buffer, fp_mem); double mem_util = parseMem(buffer, buffer2, buffer3); char output[50]; snprintf(output,50,"%.2f",mem_util); strcat(header,output); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); memset(buffer2, 0, sizeof(buffer2)); memset(buffer3, 0, sizeof(buffer3)); fclose(fp_mem); } strcat(header,"\n_DISPLAY_"); //Read bright //Nexus ("/sys/class/backlight/s5p_bl/brightness") if((fp = fopen("/sys/class/backlight/panel/brightness","r")) != NULL) { //printf("brightness\n"); fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp); //sprintf(header,"\n_DISPLAY_\n%s","bright="); strcat(header,"\nbright="); strcat(header,buffer); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fclose(fp); } if((fp = fopen("/sys/class/backlight/s5p_bl/brightness","r")) != NULL) { //printf("brightness\n"); fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp); //sprintf(header,"\n_DISPLAY_\n%s","bright="); strcat(header,"\nbright="); strcat(header,buffer); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fclose(fp); } strcat(header,"_WIFI_\n"); //wifi if((fp = fopen(path_tx,"r")) != NULL) { //printf("WiFi\n"); fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp); double cur = atof(buffer); double diff_tx = cur - prev_tx; char output_tx[50]; snprintf(output_tx,50,"%.2f",diff_tx); strcat(header,"tx="); strcat(header,output_tx); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); prev_tx = cur; fclose(fp); } else{ strcat(header,"tx=0"); } if((fp = fopen(path_rx,"r")) != NULL) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp); double cur = atof(buffer); double diff_rx = cur - prev_rx; char output_rx[50]; snprintf(output_rx,50,"%.2f",diff_rx); strcat(header,"\nrx="); strcat(header,output_rx); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); prev_rx = cur; fclose(fp); } else{ strcat(header,"\nrx=0"); } if((fp = fopen(path_oper,"r")) != NULL) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp); strcat(header,"\noperstate="); strcat(header,buffer); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fclose(fp); } else{ strcat(header,"\noperstate=0"); } //Battery strcat(header,"\n_BATTERY_\n"); if((fp = fopen("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now","r")) != NULL) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp); strcat(header,"batt_volt="); strcat(header,buffer); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fclose(fp); } if((fp = fopen("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/current_now","r")) != NULL) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp); strcat(header,"batt_current="); strcat(header,buffer); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fclose(fp); } if((fp = fopen("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity","r")) != NULL) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp); strcat(header,"batt_capacity="); strcat(header,buffer); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fclose(fp); } if((fp = fopen("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/temp","r")) != NULL) { fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp); strcat(header,"batt_temperature="); strcat(header,buffer); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fclose(fp); } // Check for all the counters in the system if the counter has a value on the given active group and ouptut it. strcat(header,"_GPU_\n"); for(int p = 0; p < uCounterNum; ++p) { if(p < sReading.nValueCnt) { strcat(header,psCounters[p].pszName); strcat(header,"="); char params[50]; snprintf(params,50,"%.2f\n",sReading.pfValueBuf[p]); strcat(header, params); //memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); } } } strcpy(samples[startIndex],header); printf("%s\n",samples[startIndex]); memset(header, 0, sizeof(header)); //realloc /*if(j == nRows-1) { samples = (char **)realloc(samples, (nRows + size) * sizeof(char *)); int s=0; nRows = nRows + size; for(s=j+1; s<nRows; s++) samples[s] = (char *) malloc(numCol * sizeof(char)); } ++j; cur_cap = getCap(); */ ++startIndex; //printf("Current start index = %d num of rows = %d \n", startIndex, nRows); printf("End_loop %d\n", startIndex); } } //Poll for the counters once a second usleep(10000); //usleep(1000000); } // Step 5. Shutdown PVRScopeStats PVRScopeDeInitialise(&psData, &psCounters, &sReading); struct timeval tv_stop; gettimeofday(&tv_stop, NULL); unsigned long time_in_sec_stop = tv_stop.tv_sec; char endTime[1024]; snprintf(endTime,1024,"%lu\n",time_in_sec_stop); char elapseTime[1024]; snprintf(elapseTime,1024,"%lu\n",(time_in_sec_stop - time_in_sec_start)/60); printf("Save file\n"); sprintf(saveFile,"/data/local/tmp/stat/sample%d.txt", fileIndex); fp_save = fopen(saveFile,"w+"); for(int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { //printf("%s",samples[i]); fprintf(fp_save, "%s", samples[i]); } fprintf(fp_save, "%s\n",endTime); //fprintf(fp_save, "Use time(min)=%s",elapseTime); printf("close all file\n"); fclose(fp_save); printf("end file\n"); //Clear array memory //sample is a heap data structure free(samples); memset(saveFile, 0, sizeof(saveFile)); memset(prev_total, 0, sizeof(prev_total)); memset(prev_idle, 0, sizeof(prev_idle)); memset(csit, 0, sizeof(csit)); memset(csiu, 0, sizeof(csiu)); prev_tx = 0; prev_rx = 0; printf("clear file\n"); exit(0); }
int writeViewport (int thingsToWrite) { int i, j, k, ii, code, *anIndex; LLPoint *anLLPoint; LPoint *anLPoint; viewTriple *aPt; XWindowAttributes vwInfo; FILE *viewDataFile; char viewDirName[80], viewDataFilename[80], viewBitmapFilename[80], viewPixmapFilename[80], command[80]; XGetWindowAttributes(dsply,viewport->titleWindow,&vwInfo); sprintf(viewDirName,"%s%s",filename,".VIEW"); sprintf(command,"%s%s%s","rm -r ",viewDirName," > /dev/null 2>&1"); code = system(command); sprintf(command,"%s%s%s","mkdir ",viewDirName," > /dev/null 2>&1"); system(command); if (0) { fprintf(stderr," Error: Cannot create %s\n",viewDirName); return(-1); } else { /*** Create the data file ***/ sprintf(viewDataFilename,"%s%s",viewDirName,"/data"); if ((viewDataFile = fopen(viewDataFilename,"w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr," Error: Cannot create %s\n",viewDataFilename); perror("fopen"); return(-1); } else { /*** write out the view3DStruct stuff ***/ fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d\n",viewData.typeOf3D); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g %g %g %g %g\n", viewData.xmin,viewData.xmax,viewData.ymin,viewData.ymax, viewData.zmin,viewData.zmax); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%s\n",viewport->title); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",viewport->deltaX, viewport->deltaY,viewport->scale, viewport->scaleX,viewport->scaleY,viewport->scaleZ, viewport->theta,viewport->phi); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d %d %d %d\n",vwInfo.x,vwInfo.y,vwInfo.width, vwInfo.height); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",viewport->haveControl,, viewport->axesOn, viewport->hueOffset,viewport->numberOfHues, viewport->diagonals, viewData.outlineRenderOn); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g %g %g\n",viewport->lightVector[0], viewport->lightVector[1], viewport->lightVector[2], viewport->translucency); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d %g\n",viewData.perspective, viewData.eyeDistance); /* write out the generalized 3D components */ fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d\n",viewData.numOfPoints); for (i=0; i<viewData.numOfPoints; i++) { aPt = refPt3D(viewData,i); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g %g %g\n",aPt->x, aPt->y, aPt->z, aPt->c); } fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d\n",viewData.lllp.numOfComponents); anLLPoint =; for (i=0; i<viewData.lllp.numOfComponents; i++,anLLPoint++) { fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d %d\n",anLLPoint->prop.closed, anLLPoint->prop.solid); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d\n",anLLPoint->numOfLists); anLPoint = anLLPoint->lp; for (j=0; j<anLLPoint->numOfLists; j++,anLPoint++) { fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d %d\n",anLPoint->prop.closed, anLPoint->prop.solid); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d\n",anLPoint->numOfPoints); anIndex = anLPoint->indices; for (k=0; k<anLPoint->numOfPoints; k++,anIndex++) { fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d\n",*anIndex); } /* for points in LPoints (k) */ } /* for LPoints in LLPoints (j) */ } /* for LLPoints in LLLPoints (i) */ fclose(viewDataFile); } /* else was able to open file under the given filename */ /* write out special files */ for (ii=1; ii<numBits; ii++) { /* write.h is one-based */ if (thingsToWrite & (1<<ii)) { switch (ii) { case Bitmap: /*** Create the pixmap (bitmaps need leaf name) ***/ sprintf(viewBitmapFilename,"%s%s%s",viewDirName,"/",""); XGetWindowAttributes(dsply,viewport->viewWindow,&vwInfo); code = XWriteBitmapFile(dsply,viewBitmapFilename, viewport->titleWindow,vwInfo.width, vwInfo.height+vwInfo.border_width+20,-1,-1); break; case Pixmap: /*** Create the pixmap (bitmaps need leaf name) ***/ sprintf(viewPixmapFilename,"%s%s%s",viewDirName,"/","image.xpm"); XGetWindowAttributes(dsply,viewport->viewWindow,&vwInfo); write_pixmap_file(dsply,scrn,viewPixmapFilename, viewport->titleWindow,0,0,vwInfo.width, vwInfo.height+titleHeight); break; case Image: /*** Create the image (bitmaps need leaf name) ***/ writeImage = yes; sprintf(viewPixmapFilename,"%s%s%s",viewDirName,"/","image.xpm"); XResizeWindow(dsply,viewport->titleWindow,300,300+titleHeight); XResizeWindow(dsply,viewport->viewWindow,300,300); viewport->hueTop = totalHues-1; viewport->hueOffset = 0; viewport->numberOfHues = viewport->hueTop - viewport->hueOffset; firstTime = 1; if ( == transparent) { = render; viewData.outlineRenderOn = 1; } else { if ( == render) viewData.outlineRenderOn = 1; } drawViewport(Xoption); writeTitle(); XGetWindowAttributes(dsply,viewport->viewWindow,&vwInfo); write_pixmap_file(dsply,scrn,viewPixmapFilename, viewport->titleWindow,0,0,vwInfo.width, vwInfo.height+titleHeight); viewport->monoOn = 1; maxGreyShade = XInitShades(dsply,scrn); firstTime = 1; drawViewport(Xoption); writeTitle(); sprintf(viewBitmapFilename,"%s%s%s",viewDirName,"/",""); code = XWriteBitmapFile(dsply,viewBitmapFilename, viewport->titleWindow,vwInfo.width, vwInfo.height+vwInfo.border_width+20,-1,-1); writeImage = no; break; case Postscript: /*** Create postscript output for viewport (in ***/ sprintf(PSfilename,"%s%s",viewDirName,"/"); if (PSInit(viewport->viewWindow,viewport->titleWindow) == psError) return(-1); drawViewport(PSoption); /* write new script file in /tmp */ if (PSCreateFile(viewBorderWidth,viewport->viewWindow, viewport->titleWindow, viewport->title) == psError) return(-1); /* concat script & proc into */ break; } /* switch on ii */ } /* if thingsToWrite >> ii */ } /* for ii */ return(0); } /* else create directory okay */ }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { XGCValues values; XEvent report; int x0=0, y0=0, width=300, height=200, border=3; char *fontname = "6x13"; XFontStruct *dsp_font; Window menu; char *str1 = " Print out the PostScript file? ", *str0 = "Generate a PostScript file ("; int m_width, m_height, flag=yes; /* open display */ if ((dsply = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL) { printf("Can't open display NULL\n"); exit(-1); } scrn = DefaultScreen(dsply); /* access font */ Gdraws_load_font(&dsp_font, fontname); values.background = WhitePixel(dsply, scrn); values.foreground = BlackPixel(dsply, scrn); gc = XCreateGC(dsply, RootWindow(dsply, scrn), (GCForeground | GCBackground), &values); PSGlobalInit(); /* must initiate before using G/PS functions */ PSCreateContext(gc, "gc", psNormalWidth, psButtCap, psMiterJoin, psWhite, psBlack); XSetFont(dsply, gc, dsp_font->fid); gc1 = XCreateGC(dsply, RootWindow(dsply, scrn), (GCForeground | GCBackground), &values); PSCreateContext(gc1, "gc1", psNormalWidth, psButtCap, psMiterJoin, psWhite, psBlack); XSetFont(dsply, gc1, dsp_font->fid); if (!(viewport = (viewPoints *)malloc(sizeof(viewPoints)))) { fprintf(stderr,"Ran out of memory (malloc) trying to create a viewport.\n"); exit(-1); } viewport->titleWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow(dsply, RootWindow(dsply,scrn), x0, y0, width+6, height+32+height/4, border, BlackPixel(dsply, scrn), WhitePixel(dsply, scrn)); viewport->viewWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow(dsply, viewport->titleWindow, x0, y0+20, width, height, border, BlackPixel(dsply, scrn), WhitePixel(dsply, scrn)); strcpy(viewport->title, "what is a test title?"); m_width = width; m_height = height/4; menu = XCreateSimpleWindow(dsply, viewport->titleWindow, x0, y0+20+height+6, m_width, m_height, border, BlackPixel(dsply,scrn), WhitePixel(dsply,scrn)); XSelectInput(dsply, viewport->viewWindow, KeyPressMask|ButtonPressMask|ExposureMask); XSelectInput(dsply, viewport->titleWindow, KeyPressMask|ExposureMask); XSelectInput(dsply, menu, KeyPressMask|ButtonPressMask|ExposureMask); XMapWindow(dsply, viewport->viewWindow); XMapWindow(dsply, viewport->titleWindow); XFlush(dsply); while (yes) { XNextEvent(dsply, &report); switch (report.type) { case Expose: if (report.xexpose.window==viewport->titleWindow) { if (GDrawImageString(gc, viewport->titleWindow, 20, 15, viewport->title, strlen(viewport->title),X) == psError) printf("screen draw image string failed.\n"); if (Gdraws_data(X) == psError) printf("screen Gdraws_data failed.\n"); } if (report.xexpose.window==viewport->viewWindow) { if (Gdraws_data(X) == psError) printf("screen Gdraws_data failed.\n"); } else if (report.xexpose.window==menu) { if (flag) Gdraws_draw_menu(menu, str0, m_width, m_height); else Gdraws_draw_menu(menu, str1, m_width, m_height); } break; case ButtonPress: if (report.xbutton.window==viewport->viewWindow) { XMapWindow(dsply, menu); XFlush(dsply); } else if (report.xbutton.window==menu && flag) { XUnmapWindow(dsply, menu); if (Gdraws_pressed_yes(m_width, m_height, report.xbutton.x, report.xbutton.y)) { flag=no; XMapWindow(dsply, menu); PSInit(viewport->viewWindow, viewport->titleWindow); if (Gdraws_data(PS) != psError) PSCreateFile(3,viewport->viewWindow, viewport->titleWindow,viewport->title); else printf("PS Gdraws_data failed.\n"); } } else if (report.xbutton.window==menu && !flag) { XUnmapWindow(dsply, menu); if (Gdraws_pressed_yes(m_width, m_height, report.xbutton.x, report.xbutton.y)) system("print"); flag = yes; } break; case KeyPress: if (report.xkey.window==viewport->viewWindow || report.xkey.window==viewport->titleWindow) { XFreeGC(dsply, gc); XFreeGC(dsply, gc1); XCloseDisplay(dsply); PSClose(); exit(1); } else if (report.xkey.window==menu) XUnmapWindow(dsply, menu); default: break; } } return 0; }
int writeViewport(int thingsToWrite) { FILE *viewDataFile; char viewDirName[80], viewBitmapFilename[80],viewDataFilename[80],command[80]; int i,j,k,code,ii; pointListStruct *aList; pointStruct *aPoint; XWindowAttributes vwInfo; XGetWindowAttributes(dsply,viewport->titleWindow,&vwInfo); sprintf(viewDirName,"%s%s",filename,".VIEW"); sprintf(command,"%s%s%s","rm -r ",viewDirName," > /dev/null 2>&1"); code = system(command); sprintf(command,"%s%s%s","mkdir ",viewDirName," > /dev/null 2>&1"); if (system(command)) { fprintf(stderr," Error: Cannot create %s\n",viewDirName); return(-1); } else { /*** Create the data file ***/ sprintf(viewDataFilename,"%s%s",viewDirName,"/data"); if ((viewDataFile = fopen(viewDataFilename,"w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr," Error: Cannot create %s\n",viewDataFilename); perror("fopen"); return(-1); } else { /*** write out the view2DStruct stuff ***/ fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d\n",view2DType); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%s\n",viewport->title); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d %d %d %d\n",vwInfo.x,vwInfo.y, vwInfo.width,vwInfo.height); for (i=0; i<maxGraphs; i++) { fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d\n",graphArray[i].key); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g\n", graphStateArray[i].scaleX,graphStateArray[i].scaleY); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g\n", graphStateArray[i].deltaX,graphStateArray[i].deltaY); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g\n", graphStateArray[i].centerX,graphStateArray[i].centerY); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", graphStateArray[i].pointsOn,graphStateArray[i].connectOn, graphStateArray[i].splineOn, graphStateArray[i].axesOn, graphStateArray[i].axesColor, graphStateArray[i].unitsOn, graphStateArray[i].unitsColor); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d %d\n", graphStateArray[i].showing,graphStateArray[i].selected); } fclose(viewDataFile); for (i=0; i<maxGraphs; i++) { if (graphArray[i].key) { sprintf(viewDataFilename,"%s%s%d",viewDirName,"/graph",i); if ((viewDataFile = fopen(viewDataFilename,"w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr," Error: Cannot create %s\n",viewDataFilename); perror("fopen"); return(-1); } else { fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g %g %g\n", graphArray[i].xmin,graphArray[i].ymin, graphArray[i].xmax,graphArray[i].ymax); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g\n", graphArray[i].xNorm,graphArray[i].yNorm); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g\n", graphArray[i].originX,graphArray[i].originY); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g\n", graphArray[i].spadUnitX,graphArray[i].spadUnitY); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g\n", graphArray[i].unitX,graphArray[i].unitY); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d\n",graphArray[i].numberOfLists); for (j=0,aList=graphArray[i].listOfListsOfPoints; j<graphArray[i].numberOfLists; j++, aList++) { fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d\n",aList->numberOfPoints); fprintf(viewDataFile,"%d %d %d\n", aList->pointColor,aList->lineColor,aList->pointSize); for (k=0,aPoint=aList->listOfPoints; k<aList->numberOfPoints; k++,aPoint++) fprintf(viewDataFile,"%g %g %g %g\n", aPoint->x,aPoint->y,aPoint->hue,aPoint->shade); } /* for j, aList */ fclose(viewDataFile); } /* else graph i */ } /* if */ } /* for */ } /* else */ /* write out special files */ for (ii=1; ii<numBits; ii++) { /* write.h is one-based */ if (thingsToWrite & (1<<ii)) { switch (ii) { case Pixmap: /*** Create the pixmap (bitmaps need leaf name) ***/ sprintf(viewBitmapFilename,"%s%s",viewDirName,"/image.xpm"); XGetWindowAttributes(dsply,viewport->viewWindow,&vwInfo); write_pixmap_file(dsply,scrn,viewBitmapFilename, viewport->titleWindow,0,0,vwInfo.width, vwInfo.height+titleHeight); break; case Bitmap: /*** Create the bitmap (bitmaps need leaf name) ***/ sprintf(viewBitmapFilename,"%s%s",viewDirName,"/"); XGetWindowAttributes(dsply,viewport->viewWindow,&vwInfo); code = XWriteBitmapFile(dsply,viewBitmapFilename, viewport->titleWindow,vwInfo.width, vwInfo.height+vwInfo.border_width+20,-1,-1); break; case Image: /*** Create the pixmap (bitmaps need leaf name) ***/ sprintf(viewBitmapFilename,"%s%s",viewDirName,"/image.xpm"); XResizeWindow(dsply,viewport->titleWindow,300,300+titleHeight); XResizeWindow(dsply,viewport->viewWindow,300,300); XGetWindowAttributes(dsply,viewport->viewWindow,&vwInfo); drawViewport(Xoption); writeTitle(); write_pixmap_file(dsply,scrn,viewBitmapFilename, viewport->titleWindow,0,0,vwInfo.width, vwInfo.height+titleHeight); /*** Create the bitmap (bitmaps need leaf name) ***/ mono = 1; drawViewport(Xoption); writeTitle(); sprintf(viewBitmapFilename,"%s%s%s",viewDirName,"/",""); code = XWriteBitmapFile(dsply,viewBitmapFilename, viewport->titleWindow,vwInfo.width, vwInfo.height+vwInfo.border_width+20,-1,-1); mono = 0; break; case Postscript: /*** Create postscript output for viewport (in ***/ sprintf(PSfilename,"%s%s",viewDirName,"/"); if (PSInit(viewport->viewWindow,viewport->titleWindow) == psError) return (-1); drawViewport(PSoption); /* write new script file in /tmp */ if (PSCreateFile(viewBorderWidth,viewport->viewWindow, viewport->titleWindow, viewport->title) == psError) return(-1); /* concat script & proc into */ break; } /* switch on ii */ } /* if thingsToWrite >> ii */ } /* for ii */ return(0); } /* else create directory okay */ }