예제 #1
파일: n-system.c 프로젝트: kjanz1899/ren-c
//  Do_Breakpoint_Throws: C
// A call to Do_Breakpoint_Throws does delegation to a hook in the host, which
// (if registered) will generally start an interactive session for probing the
// environment at the break.  The `resume` native cooperates by being able to
// give back a value (or give back code to run to produce a value) that the
// call to breakpoint returns.
// RESUME has another feature, which is to be able to actually unwind and
// simulate a return /AT a function *further up the stack*.  (This may be
// switched to a feature of a "STEP OUT" command at some point.)
REBOOL Do_Breakpoint_Throws(
    REBVAL *out,
    REBOOL interrupted, // Ctrl-C (as opposed to a BREAKPOINT)
    const REBVAL *default_value,
    REBOOL do_default
) {
    REBVAL *target = NONE_VALUE;

    REBVAL temp;

    if (!PG_Breakpoint_Quitting_Hook) {
        // Host did not register any breakpoint handler, so raise an error
        // about this as early as possible.
        fail (Error(RE_HOST_NO_BREAKPOINT));

    // We call the breakpoint hook in a loop, in order to keep running if any
    // inadvertent FAILs or THROWs occur during the interactive session.
    // Only a conscious call of RESUME speaks the protocol to break the loop.
    while (TRUE) {
        struct Reb_State state;
        REBCTX *error;

        PUSH_TRAP(&error, &state);

        // The host may return a block of code to execute, but cannot
        // while evaluating do a THROW or a FAIL that causes an effective
        // "resumption".  Halt is the exception, hence we PUSH_TRAP and
        // not PUSH_UNHALTABLE_TRAP.  QUIT is also an exception, but a
        // desire to quit is indicated by the return value of the breakpoint
        // hook (which may or may not decide to request a quit based on the
        // QUIT command being run).
        // The core doesn't want to get involved in presenting UI, so if
        // an error makes it here and wasn't trapped by the host first that
        // is a bug in the host.  It should have done its own PUSH_TRAP.
        if (error) {
        #if !defined(NDEBUG)
            REBVAL error_value;

            Val_Init_Error(&error_value, error);
            PROBE_MSG(&error_value, "Error not trapped during breakpoint:");

            // In release builds, if an error managed to leak out of the
            // host's breakpoint hook somehow...just re-push the trap state
            // and try it again.
            goto push_trap;

        // Call the host's breakpoint hook.
        if (PG_Breakpoint_Quitting_Hook(&temp, interrupted)) {
            // If a breakpoint hook returns TRUE that means it wants to quit.
            // The value should be the /WITH value (as in QUIT/WITH)
            *out = *ROOT_QUIT_NATIVE;
            CONVERT_NAME_TO_THROWN(out, &temp, FALSE);
            return TRUE; // TRUE = threw

        // If a breakpoint handler returns FALSE, then it should have passed
        // back a "resume instruction" triggered by a call like:
        //     resume/do [fail "This is how to fail from a breakpoint"]
        // So now that the handler is done, we will allow any code handed back
        // to do whatever FAIL it likes vs. trapping that here in a loop.

        // Decode and process the "resume instruction"
            struct Reb_Frame *frame;
            REBVAL *mode;
            REBVAL *payload;

            assert(VAL_LEN_HEAD(&temp) == RESUME_INST_MAX);

            mode = VAL_ARRAY_AT_HEAD(&temp, RESUME_INST_MODE);
            payload = VAL_ARRAY_AT_HEAD(&temp, RESUME_INST_PAYLOAD);
            target = VAL_ARRAY_AT_HEAD(&temp, RESUME_INST_TARGET);

            // The first thing we need to do is determine if the target we
            // want to return to has another breakpoint sandbox blocking
            // us.  If so, what we need to do is actually retransmit the
            // resume instruction so it can break that wall, vs. transform
            // it into an EXIT/FROM that would just get intercepted.
            if (!IS_NONE(target)) {
            #if !defined(NDEBUG)
                REBOOL found = FALSE;

                for (frame = FS_TOP; frame != NULL; frame = frame->prior) {
                    if (frame->mode != CALL_MODE_FUNCTION)

                    if (
                        frame != FS_TOP
                        && FUNC_CLASS(frame->func) == FUNC_CLASS_NATIVE
                        && (
                            FUNC_CODE(frame->func) == &N_pause
                            || FUNC_CODE(frame->func) == &N_breakpoint
                    ) {
                        // We hit a breakpoint (that wasn't this call to
                        // breakpoint, at the current FS_TOP) before finding
                        // the sought after target.  Retransmit the resume
                        // instruction so that level will get it instead.
                        *out = *ROOT_RESUME_NATIVE;
                        CONVERT_NAME_TO_THROWN(out, &temp, FALSE);
                        return TRUE; // TRUE = thrown

                    if (IS_FRAME(target)) {
                        if (NOT(frame->flags & DO_FLAG_FRAME_CONTEXT))
                        if (
                            == AS_CONTEXT(frame->data.context)
                        ) {
                            // Found a closure matching the target before we
                            // reached a breakpoint, no need to retransmit.
                        #if !defined(NDEBUG)
                            found = TRUE;
                    else {
                        if (frame->flags & DO_FLAG_FRAME_CONTEXT)
                        if (VAL_FUNC(target) == frame->func) {
                            // Found a function matching the target before we
                            // reached a breakpoint, no need to retransmit.
                        #if !defined(NDEBUG)
                            found = TRUE;

                // RESUME should not have been willing to use a target that
                // is not on the stack.
            #if !defined(NDEBUG)

            if (IS_NONE(mode)) {
                // If the resume instruction had no /DO or /WITH of its own,
                // then it doesn't override whatever the breakpoint provided
                // as a default.  (If neither the breakpoint nor the resume
                // provided a /DO or a /WITH, result will be UNSET.)
                goto return_default; // heeds `target`


            if (VAL_LOGIC(mode)) {
                if (DO_VAL_ARRAY_AT_THROWS(&temp, payload)) {
                    // Throwing is not compatible with /AT currently.
                    if (!IS_NONE(target))
                        fail (Error_No_Catch_For_Throw(&temp));

                    // Just act as if the BREAKPOINT call itself threw
                    *out = temp;
                    return TRUE; // TRUE = thrown

                // Ordinary evaluation result...
                temp = *payload;

        // The resume instruction will be GC'd.
        goto return_temp;



    if (do_default) {
        if (DO_VAL_ARRAY_AT_THROWS(&temp, default_value)) {
            // If the code throws, we're no longer in the sandbox...so we
            // bubble it up.  Note that breakpoint runs this code at its
            // level... so even if you request a higher target, any throws
            // will be processed as if they originated at the BREAKPOINT
            // frame.  To do otherwise would require the EXIT/FROM protocol
            // to add support for DO-ing at the receiving point.
            *out = temp;
            return TRUE; // TRUE = thrown
        temp = *default_value; // generally UNSET! if no /WITH


    // The easy case is that we just want to return from breakpoint
    // directly, signaled by the target being NONE!.
    if (IS_NONE(target)) {
        *out = temp;
        return FALSE; // FALSE = not thrown

    // If the target is a function, then we're looking to simulate a return
    // from something up the stack.  This uses the same mechanic as
    // definitional returns--a throw named by the function or closure frame.
    // !!! There is a weak spot in definitional returns for FUNCTION! that
    // they can only return to the most recent invocation; which is a weak
    // spot of FUNCTION! in general with stack relative variables.  Also,
    // natives do not currently respond to definitional returns...though
    // they can do so just as well as FUNCTION! can.
    *out = *target;

    return TRUE; // TRUE = thrown
예제 #2
//  Do_String()
// This is a version of a routine that was offered by the RL_Api, which has
// been expanded here in order to permit the necessary customizations for
// interesting REPL behavior w.r.t. binding, error handling, and response
// to throws.
// !!! Now that this code has been moved into the host, the convoluted
// integer-return-scheme can be eliminated and the code integrated more
// clearly into the surrounding calls.
int Do_String(
    int *exit_status,
    REBVAL *out,
    const REBYTE *text,
    REBOOL at_breakpoint
) {
    struct Reb_State state;
    REBCTX *error;

    // Breakpoint REPLs are nested, and we may wish to jump out of them to
    // the topmost level via a HALT.  However, all other errors need to be
    // confined, so that if one is doing evaluations during the pause of
    // a breakpoint an error doesn't "accidentally resume" by virtue of
    // jumping the stack out of the REPL.
    // The topmost layer REPL, however, needs to catch halts in order to
    // keep control and not crash out.
    if (at_breakpoint)
        PUSH_TRAP(&error, &state);
        PUSH_UNHALTABLE_TRAP(&error, &state);

// The first time through the following code 'error' will be NULL, but...
// `fail` can longjmp here, so 'error' won't be NULL *if* that happens!

    if (error) {
        // Save error for WHY?
        REBVAL *last = Get_System(SYS_STATE, STATE_LAST_ERROR);

        if (ERR_NUM(error) == RE_HALT) {
            return -1; // !!! Revisit hardcoded #

        Val_Init_Error(out, error);
        *last = *out;
        return -cast(REBINT, ERR_NUM(error));

    REBARR *code = Scan_UTF8_Managed(text, LEN_BYTES(text));

    // Where code ends up being bound when loaded at the REPL prompt should
    // be more generally configurable.  (It may be, for instance, that one
    // wants to run something with it not bound at all.)  Such choices
    // must come from this REPL host...not from the interpreter itself.
        // First the scanned code is bound into the user context with a
        // fallback to the lib context.
        // !!! This code is very old, and is how the REPL has bound since
        // R3-Alpha.  It comes from RL_Do_String, but should receive a modern
        // review of why it's written exactly this way.
        REBCTX *user_ctx = VAL_CONTEXT(Get_System(SYS_CONTEXTS, CTX_USER));

        REBVAL vali;
        SET_INTEGER(&vali, CTX_LEN(user_ctx) + 1);

        Bind_Values_All_Deep(ARR_HEAD(code), user_ctx);
        Resolve_Context(user_ctx, Lib_Context, &vali, FALSE, FALSE);

        // If we're stopped at a breakpoint, the REPL should have a concept
        // of what stack level it is inspecting (conveyed by the |#|>> in the
        // prompt).  This does a binding pass using the function for that
        // stack level, just the way a body is bound during Make_Function()
        if (at_breakpoint) {
            REBVAL level;
            SET_INTEGER(&level, HG_Stack_Level);

            REBFRM *frame = Frame_For_Stack_Level(NULL, &level, FALSE);

            // Need to manage because it may be no words get bound into it,
            // and we're not putting it into a FRAME! value, so it might leak
            // otherwise if it's reified.
            REBCTX *frame_ctx = Context_For_Frame_May_Reify_Managed(frame);

            Bind_Values_Deep(ARR_HEAD(code), frame_ctx);

        // !!! This was unused code that used to be in Do_String from
        // RL_Api.  It was an alternative path under `flags` which said
        // "Bind into lib or user spaces?" and then "Top words will be
        // added to lib".  Is it relevant in any way?
        /* Bind_Values_Set_Midstream_Shallow(ARR_HEAD(code), Lib_Context);
        Bind_Values_Deep(ARR_HEAD(code), Lib_Context); */

    if (Do_At_Throws(out, code, 0, SPECIFIED)) { // `code` will be GC protected
        if (at_breakpoint) {
            if (
                && VAL_FUNC_DISPATCHER(out) == &N_resume
            ) {
                // This means we're done with the embedded REPL.  We want to
                // resume and may be returning a piece of code that will be
                // run by the finishing BREAKPOINT command in the target
                // environment.
                // We'll never return a halt, so we reuse -1 (in this very
                // temporary scheme built on the very clunky historical REPL,
                // which will not last much longer...fingers crossed.)
                CATCH_THROWN(out, out);
                *exit_status = -1;
                return -1;

            if (
                && VAL_FUNC_DISPATCHER(out) == &N_quit
            ) {
                // It would be frustrating if the system did not respond to
                // a QUIT and forced you to do `resume/with [quit]`.  So
                // this is *not* caught, rather passed back up with the
                // special -2 status code.
                CATCH_THROWN(out, out);
                *exit_status = -2;
                return -2;
        else {
            // We are at the top level REPL, where we catch QUIT and for
            // now, also EXIT as meaning you want to leave.
            if (
                && (
                    VAL_FUNC_DISPATCHER(out) == &N_quit
                    || VAL_FUNC_DISPATCHER(out) == &N_exit
            ) {
                CATCH_THROWN(out, out);
                *exit_status = Exit_Status_From_Value(out);
                return -2; // Revisit hardcoded #

        fail (Error_No_Catch_For_Throw(out));


    return 0;