예제 #1
void CGuiWidget::ParseBaseInfo(CGuiFrame* frame, CInputStream& in, const CGuiWidgetParms& parms)
    CGuiWidget* parent = frame->FindWidget(parms.x8_parentId);
    bool a = in.readBool();
    if (a)
        xf4_workerId = in.readInt16Big();
    zeus::CVector3f trans;
    zeus::CMatrix3f orient;
    x80_transform = zeus::CTransform(orient, trans);
    zeus::CVector3f rotCenter;
    ParseMessages(in, parms);
    ParseAnimations(in, parms);
    if (a)
        if (!parent->AddWorkerWidget(this))
            "Warning: Discarding useless worker id. Parent is not a compound widget.");
            xf4_workerId = -1;
    parent->AddChildWidget(this, false, true);
예제 #2
void CLoadMD2::ConvertDataStructures(t3DModel *pModel)
	int j = 0, i = 0;

	// Like the previous function, not a lot was changed her from the last tutorial.
	// Since we are dealing with multiple key frames, we need to pretty much do the 
	// same things for each frame.  This entails adding a for loop to go through
	// every frame.  We use index 'i' into the m_pFrames array to set each key frame.
	// This is one tricky thing in the middle of this for loop though, since we only
	// need to save the face and texture information once, this is only calculated
	// once and stored in the first frame of animation.  We can then reference the 
	// polygon information for every other frame from the first frame.  That way
	// we don't copy the same information for every key frame, which would make a huge
	// memory footprint.

	// Initialize the model structure first before assigning data to it
	memset(pModel, 0, sizeof(t3DModel));
	// Set the number of objects to our number of frames since pObjects will
	// hold the key frames.
	pModel->numOfObjects = m_Header.numFrames;

	// Create our animation list and store it in our model

	// Go through every key frame and store it's vertices info in our pObject list.
	for (i=0; i < pModel->numOfObjects; i++)
		// Create a local object to store the first frame of the animation's data
		t3DObject currentFrame = {0};

		// Assign the vertex, texture coord and face count to our new structure
		currentFrame.numOfVerts   = m_Header.numVertices;
		currentFrame.numTexVertex = m_Header.numTexCoords;
		currentFrame.numOfFaces   = m_Header.numTriangles;

		// Allocate memory for the vertices, texture coordinates and face data.
		currentFrame.pVerts    = new CVector3 [currentFrame.numOfVerts];

		// Go through all of the vertices and assign them over to our structure
		for (j=0; j < currentFrame.numOfVerts; j++)
			currentFrame.pVerts[j].x = m_pFrames[i].pVertices[j].vertex[0];
			currentFrame.pVerts[j].y = m_pFrames[i].pVertices[j].vertex[1];
			currentFrame.pVerts[j].z = m_pFrames[i].pVertices[j].vertex[2];

		// We can now free the old vertices stored in this frame of animation
		// since we have them stored in the pObject list of our model.
		delete m_pFrames[i].pVertices;
		// Now comes the tricky part, since we only need to store the UV coordinates
		// and face indices once, we only do this on the first frame.  If the
		// current frame is past the first frame, we just add the current frame
		// as it is to our list, then continue to the next frame.  If we are
		// on the first frame, we still need to store the UV and face information.
		// This will only go in the first frame, and will be referenced from the
		// remaining frames when we animate the model.

		// Check if we are past the first key frame
		if(i > 0)
			// Here we add the current object (or frame) to our list object list
			continue;	// Go on to the next key frame
		// We will only get here ONE because we just need this information
		// calculated for the first key frame.
		// Allocate memory for our UV coordinates and face information
		currentFrame.pTexVerts = new CVector2 [currentFrame.numTexVertex];
		currentFrame.pFaces    = new tFace [currentFrame.numOfFaces];

		// Go through all of the uv coordinates and assign them over to our structure.
		// The UV coordinates are not normal uv coordinates, they have a pixel ratio of
		// 0 to 256.  We want it to be a 0 to 1 ratio, so we divide the u value by the
		// skin width and the v value by the skin height.  This gives us our 0 to 1 ratio.
		// For some reason also, the v coordinate is flipped upside down.  We just subtract
		// the v coordinate from 1 to remedy this problem.
		for(j=0; j < currentFrame.numTexVertex; j++)
			currentFrame.pTexVerts[j].x = m_pTexCoords[j].u / float(m_Header.skinWidth);
			currentFrame.pTexVerts[j].y = 1 - m_pTexCoords[j].v / float(m_Header.skinHeight);

		// Go through all of the face data and assign it over to OUR structure
		for(j=0; j < currentFrame.numOfFaces; j++)
			// Assign the vertex indices to our face data
			currentFrame.pFaces[j].vertIndex[0] = m_pTriangles[j].vertexIndices[0];
			currentFrame.pFaces[j].vertIndex[1] = m_pTriangles[j].vertexIndices[1];
			currentFrame.pFaces[j].vertIndex[2] = m_pTriangles[j].vertexIndices[2];

			// Assign the texture coord indices to our face data
			currentFrame.pFaces[j].coordIndex[0] = m_pTriangles[j].textureIndices[0];
			currentFrame.pFaces[j].coordIndex[1] = m_pTriangles[j].textureIndices[1];
			currentFrame.pFaces[j].coordIndex[2] = m_pTriangles[j].textureIndices[2];

		// Here we add the current object (or frame) to our list object list
예제 #3
/** 将各帧数据保存在模型结构中 */
void CMD2Loader::ConvertDataStructures(t3DModel *pModel)
	int j = 0, i = 0;

	/** 分配内存 */
	memset(pModel, 0, sizeof(t3DModel));
	/** 设置对象数目为关键帧数目 */
	pModel->numOfObjects = m_Header.numFrames;

	/** 产生动作信息 */

	/** 将各帧顶点数据添加到模型对象链表中 */
	for (i=0; i < pModel->numOfObjects; i++)
		/** 保存第一帧数据 */
		t3DObject currentFrame = {0};

		/** 指定顶点 纹理坐标和面的个数 */
		currentFrame.numOfVerts   = m_Header.numVertices;
		currentFrame.numTexVertex = m_Header.numTexCoords;
		currentFrame.numOfFaces   = m_Header.numTriangles;

		/** 分配内存 */
		currentFrame.pVerts    = new Vector3 [currentFrame.numOfVerts];

		/** 循环处理所有顶点 */
		for (j=0; j < currentFrame.numOfVerts; j++)
			currentFrame.pVerts[j].x = m_pFrames[i].pVertices[j].vertex[0];
			currentFrame.pVerts[j].y = m_pFrames[i].pVertices[j].vertex[1];
			currentFrame.pVerts[j].z = m_pFrames[i].pVertices[j].vertex[2];

		/** 释放内存 */
		delete m_pFrames[i].pVertices;
	    /** 检查是否超过第一帧 */
		if(i > 0)
			/** 将该帧添加到模型对象中 */

		/** 分配内存 */
		currentFrame.pTexVerts = new Vector2 [currentFrame.numTexVertex];
		currentFrame.pFaces    = new tFace [currentFrame.numOfFaces];

		/** 处理纹理坐标 */
		for(j=0; j < currentFrame.numTexVertex; j++)
			currentFrame.pTexVerts[j].x = m_pTexCoords[j].u / float(m_Header.skinWidth);
			currentFrame.pTexVerts[j].y = 1 - m_pTexCoords[j].v / float(m_Header.skinHeight);

		/** 保存面数据信息 */
		for(j=0; j < currentFrame.numOfFaces; j++)
			/** 为面顶点坐标索引赋值 */
			currentFrame.pFaces[j].vertIndex[0] = m_pTriangles[j].vertexIndices[0];
			currentFrame.pFaces[j].vertIndex[1] = m_pTriangles[j].vertexIndices[1];
			currentFrame.pFaces[j].vertIndex[2] = m_pTriangles[j].vertexIndices[2];

			/** 为面顶点纹理坐标索引赋值 */
			currentFrame.pFaces[j].coordIndex[0] = m_pTriangles[j].textureIndices[0];
			currentFrame.pFaces[j].coordIndex[1] = m_pTriangles[j].textureIndices[1];
			currentFrame.pFaces[j].coordIndex[2] = m_pTriangles[j].textureIndices[2];

		/** 将该帧添加到模型中 */