Statement* Cssize::shallow_copy(Statement* s) { switch (s->statement_type()) { case Statement::RULESET: return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(ctx.mem, Ruleset, *static_cast<Ruleset*>(s)); case Statement::MEDIA: return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(ctx.mem, Media_Block, *static_cast<Media_Block*>(s)); case Statement::BUBBLE: return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(ctx.mem, Bubble, *static_cast<Bubble*>(s)); case Statement::DIRECTIVE: return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(ctx.mem, At_Rule, *static_cast<At_Rule*>(s)); case Statement::SUPPORTS: return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(ctx.mem, Supports_Block, *static_cast<Supports_Block*>(s)); case Statement::ATROOT: return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(ctx.mem, At_Root_Block, *static_cast<At_Root_Block*>(s)); case Statement::KEYFRAMERULE: return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(ctx.mem, Keyframe_Rule, *static_cast<Keyframe_Rule*>(s)); case Statement::NONE: default: error("unknown internal error; please contact the LibSass maintainers", s->pstate(), backtrace); String_Quoted* msg = SASS_MEMORY_NEW(ctx.mem, String_Quoted, ParserState("[WARN]"), std::string("`CSSize` can't clone ") + typeid(*s).name()); return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(ctx.mem, Warning, ParserState("[WARN]"), msg); } }
Complex_Selector_Ptr nodeToComplexSelector(const Node& toConvert, Context& ctx) { if (toConvert.isNil()) { return NULL; } if (!toConvert.isCollection()) { throw "The node to convert to a Complex_Selector_Ptr must be a collection type or nil."; } NodeDeque& childNodes = *toConvert.collection(); std::string noPath(""); Position noPosition(-1, -1, -1); Complex_Selector_Obj pFirst = SASS_MEMORY_NEW(Complex_Selector, ParserState("[NODE]"), Complex_Selector::ANCESTOR_OF, NULL, NULL); Complex_Selector_Obj pCurrent = pFirst; if (toConvert.isSelector()) pFirst->has_line_feed(toConvert.got_line_feed); if (toConvert.isCombinator()) pFirst->has_line_feed(toConvert.got_line_feed); for (NodeDeque::iterator childIter = childNodes.begin(), childIterEnd = childNodes.end(); childIter != childIterEnd; childIter++) { Node& child = *childIter; if (child.isSelector()) { // JMA - need to clone the selector, because they can end up getting shared across Node // collections, and can result in an infinite loop during the call to parentSuperselector() pCurrent->tail(SASS_MEMORY_COPY(child.selector())); // if (child.got_line_feed) pCurrent->has_line_feed(child.got_line_feed); pCurrent = pCurrent->tail(); } else if (child.isCombinator()) { pCurrent->combinator(child.combinator()); if (child.got_line_feed) pCurrent->has_line_feed(child.got_line_feed); // if the next node is also a combinator, create another Complex_Selector to hold it so it doesn't replace the current combinator if (childIter+1 != childIterEnd) { Node& nextNode = *(childIter+1); if (nextNode.isCombinator()) { pCurrent->tail(SASS_MEMORY_NEW(Complex_Selector, ParserState("[NODE]"), Complex_Selector::ANCESTOR_OF, NULL, NULL)); if (nextNode.got_line_feed) pCurrent->tail()->has_line_feed(nextNode.got_line_feed); pCurrent = pCurrent->tail(); } } } else { throw "The node to convert's children must be only combinators or selectors."; } } // Put the dummy Compound_Selector in the first position, for consistency with the rest of libsass Compound_Selector_Ptr fakeHead = SASS_MEMORY_NEW(Compound_Selector, ParserState("[NODE]"), 1); Parent_Selector_Ptr selectorRef = SASS_MEMORY_NEW(Parent_Selector, ParserState("[NODE]")); fakeHead->elements().push_back(selectorRef); if (toConvert.got_line_feed) pFirst->has_line_feed(toConvert.got_line_feed); // pFirst->has_line_feed(pFirst->has_line_feed() || pFirst->tail()->has_line_feed() || toConvert.got_line_feed); pFirst->head(fakeHead); return SASS_MEMORY_COPY(pFirst); }
ParserState SourceMap::remap(const ParserState& pstate) { for (size_t i = 0; i < mappings.size(); ++i) { if ( mappings[i].generated_position.file == pstate.file && mappings[i].generated_position.line == pstate.line && mappings[i].generated_position.column == pstate.column ) return ParserState(pstate.path, pstate.src, mappings[i].original_position, pstate.offset); } return ParserState(pstate.path, pstate.src, Position(-1, -1, -1), Offset(0, 0)); }
void IosToolHandlerPrivate::processXml() { while (!outputParser.atEnd()) { QXmlStreamReader::TokenType tt = outputParser.readNext(); //qCDebug(toolHandlerLog) << "processXml, tt=" << tt; switch (tt) { case QXmlStreamReader::NoToken: // The reader has not yet read anything. continue; case QXmlStreamReader::Invalid: // An error has occurred, reported in error() and errorString(). break; case QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument: // The reader reports the XML version number in documentVersion(), and the encoding // as specified in the XML document in documentEncoding(). If the document is declared // standalone, isStandaloneDocument() returns true; otherwise it returns false. break; case QXmlStreamReader::EndDocument: // The reader reports the end of the document. // state = XmlEndProcessed; break; case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: // The reader reports the start of an element with namespaceUri() and name(). Empty // elements are also reported as StartElement, followed directly by EndElement. // The convenience function readElementText() can be called to concatenate all content // until the corresponding EndElement. Attributes are reported in attributes(), // namespace declarations in namespaceDeclarations(). { QStringRef elName =; if (elName == QLatin1String("msg")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Msg)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("exit")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Exit)); toolExited(outputParser.attributes().value(QLatin1String("code")) .toString().toInt()); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("device_id")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::DeviceId)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("key")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Key)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("value")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Value)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("query_result")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::QueryResult)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("app_output")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::AppOutput)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("control_char")) { QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = outputParser.attributes(); QChar c[1] = { QChar::fromLatin1(static_cast<char>(attributes.value(QLatin1String("code")).toString().toInt())) }; if (stack.size() > 0 && stack.last().collectChars()) stack.last().chars.append(c[0]); stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::ControlChar)); break; } else if (elName == QLatin1String("item")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Item)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("status")) { ParserState pState(ParserState::Status); QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = outputParser.attributes(); pState.progress = attributes.value(QLatin1String("progress")).toString().toInt(); pState.maxProgress = attributes.value(QLatin1String("max_progress")).toString().toInt(); stack.append(pState); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("app_started")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::AppStarted)); QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = outputParser.attributes(); QStringRef statusStr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("status")); Ios::IosToolHandler::OpStatus status = Ios::IosToolHandler::Unknown; if ("success"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) status = Ios::IosToolHandler::Success; else if ("failure"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) status = Ios::IosToolHandler::Failure; didStartApp(bundlePath, deviceId, status); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("app_transfer")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::AppTransfer)); QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = outputParser.attributes(); QStringRef statusStr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("status")); Ios::IosToolHandler::OpStatus status = Ios::IosToolHandler::Unknown; if ("success"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) status = Ios::IosToolHandler::Success; else if ("failure"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) status = Ios::IosToolHandler::Failure; emit didTransferApp(bundlePath, deviceId, status); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("device_info") || elName == QLatin1String("deviceinfo")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::DeviceInfo)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("inferior_pid")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::InferiorPid)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("server_ports")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::ServerPorts)); QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = outputParser.attributes(); Utils::Port gdbServerPort( attributes.value(QLatin1String("gdb_server")).toString().toInt()); Utils::Port qmlServerPort( attributes.value(QLatin1String("qml_server")).toString().toInt()); gotServerPorts(bundlePath, deviceId, gdbServerPort, qmlServerPort); } else { qCWarning(toolHandlerLog) << "unexpected element " << elName; } break; } case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: // The reader reports the end of an element with namespaceUri() and name(). { ParserState p = stack.last(); stack.removeLast(); switch (p.kind) { case ParserState::Msg: errorMsg(p.chars); break; case ParserState::DeviceId: if (deviceId.isEmpty()) deviceId = p.chars; else QTC_CHECK(, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0); break; case ParserState::Key: stack.last().key = p.chars; break; case ParserState::Value: stack.last().value = p.chars; break; case ParserState::Status: isTransferringApp(bundlePath, deviceId, p.progress, p.maxProgress, p.chars); break; case ParserState::QueryResult: state = XmlEndProcessed; stop(0); return; case ParserState::AppOutput: appOutput(p.chars); break; case ParserState::ControlChar: break; case ParserState::AppStarted: break; case ParserState::AppTransfer: break; case ParserState::Item: stack.last().info.insert(p.key, p.value); break; case ParserState::DeviceInfo: deviceInfo(deviceId,; break; case ParserState::Exit: break; case ParserState::InferiorPid: gotInferiorPid(bundlePath, deviceId, p.chars.toLongLong()); break; case ParserState::ServerPorts: break; } break; } case QXmlStreamReader::Characters: // The reader reports characters in text(). If the characters are all white-space, // isWhitespace() returns true. If the characters stem from a CDATA section, // isCDATA() returns true. if (stack.isEmpty()) break; if (stack.last().collectChars()) stack.last().chars.append(outputParser.text()); break; case QXmlStreamReader::Comment: // The reader reports a comment in text(). break; case QXmlStreamReader::DTD: // The reader reports a DTD in text(), notation declarations in notationDeclarations(), // and entity declarations in entityDeclarations(). Details of the DTD declaration are // reported in in dtdName(), dtdPublicId(), and dtdSystemId(). break; case QXmlStreamReader::EntityReference: // The reader reports an entity reference that could not be resolved. The name of // the reference is reported in name(), the replacement text in text(). break; case QXmlStreamReader::ProcessingInstruction: break; } } if (outputParser.hasError() && outputParser.error() != QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError) { qCWarning(toolHandlerLog) << "error parsing iosTool output:" << outputParser.errorString(); stop(-1); } }