 * Obtains the updater path alongside a subdir of the service binary.
 * The purpose of this function is to return a path that is likely high
 * integrity and therefore more safe to execute code from.
 * @param serviceUpdaterPath Out parameter for the path where the updater
 *                           should be copied to.
 * @return TRUE if a file path was obtained.
GetSecureUpdaterPath(WCHAR serviceUpdaterPath[MAX_PATH + 1])
  if (!GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, serviceUpdaterPath, MAX_PATH)) {
    LOG_WARN(("Could not obtain module filename when attempting to "
              "use a secure updater path.  (%d)", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  if (!PathRemoveFileSpecW(serviceUpdaterPath)) {
    LOG_WARN(("Couldn't remove file spec when attempting to use a secure "
              "updater path.  (%d)", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  if (!PathAppendSafe(serviceUpdaterPath, L"update")) {
    LOG_WARN(("Couldn't append file spec when attempting to use a secure "
              "updater path.  (%d)", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  CreateDirectoryW(serviceUpdaterPath, nullptr);

  if (!PathAppendSafe(serviceUpdaterPath, L"updater.exe")) {
    LOG_WARN(("Couldn't append file spec when attempting to use a secure "
              "updater path.  (%d)", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  return TRUE;
예제 #2
 * Determines if the MozillaMaintenance service path needs to be updated
 * and fixes it if it is wrong.
 * @param service             A handle to the service to fix.
 * @param currentServicePath  The current (possibly wrong) path that is used.
 * @param servicePathWasWrong Out parameter set to TRUE if a fix was needed.
 * @return TRUE if the service path is now correct.
FixServicePath(SC_HANDLE service,
               LPCWSTR currentServicePath,
               BOOL &servicePathWasWrong)
  // When we originally upgraded the MozillaMaintenance service we
  // would uninstall the service on each upgrade.  This had an
  // intermittent error which could cause the service to use the file
  // maintenanceservice_tmp.exe as the install path.  Only a small number
  // of Nightly users would be affected by this, but we check for this
  // state here and fix the user if they are affected.
  // We also fix the path in the case of the path not being quoted.
  size_t currentServicePathLen = wcslen(currentServicePath);
  bool doesServiceHaveCorrectPath =
    currentServicePathLen > 2 &&
    !wcsstr(currentServicePath, L"maintenanceservice_tmp.exe") &&
    currentServicePath[0] == L'\"' &&
    currentServicePath[currentServicePathLen - 1] == L'\"';

  if (doesServiceHaveCorrectPath) {
    LOG(("The MozillaMaintenance service path is correct."));
    servicePathWasWrong = FALSE;
    return TRUE;
  // This is a recoverable situation so not logging as a warning
  LOG(("The MozillaMaintenance path is NOT correct. It was: %ls",

  servicePathWasWrong = TRUE;
  WCHAR fixedPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
  wcsncpy(fixedPath, currentServicePath, MAX_PATH);
  if (!PathRemoveFileSpecW(fixedPath)) {
    LOG_WARN(("Couldn't remove file spec.  (%d)", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;
  if (!PathAppendSafe(fixedPath, L"maintenanceservice.exe")) {
    LOG_WARN(("Couldn't append file spec.  (%d)", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  if (!ChangeServiceConfigW(service, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE,
                            SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, fixedPath, nullptr, nullptr,
                            nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) {
    LOG_WARN(("Could not fix service path.  (%d)", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  LOG(("Fixed service path to: %ls.", fixedPath));
  return TRUE;
예제 #3
 * Obtains the base path where logs should be stored
 * @param  path The out buffer for the backup log path of size MAX_PATH + 1
 * @return TRUE if successful.
GetLogDirectoryPath(WCHAR *path)
  if (FAILED(hr)) {
    return FALSE;

  if (!PathAppendSafe(path, L"Mozilla")) {
    return FALSE;
  // The directory should already be created from the installer, but
  // just to be safe in case someone deletes.
  CreateDirectoryW(path, NULL);

  if (!PathAppendSafe(path, L"logs")) {
    return FALSE;
  CreateDirectoryW(path, NULL);
  return TRUE;
예제 #4
 * Calculated a backup path based on the log number.
 * @param  path      The out buffer to store the log path of size MAX_PATH + 1
 * @param  basePath  The base directory where the calculated path should go
 * @param  logNumber The log number, 0 == updater.log
 * @return TRUE if successful.
GetBackupLogPath(LPWSTR path, LPCWSTR basePath, int logNumber)
  WCHAR logName[64];
  wcscpy(path, basePath);
  if (logNumber <= 0) {
    swprintf(logName, sizeof(logName) / sizeof(logName[0]),
  } else {
    swprintf(logName, sizeof(logName) / sizeof(logName[0]),
             L"maintenanceservice-%d.log", logNumber);
  return PathAppendSafe(path, logName);
예제 #5
 * Starts the upgrade process for update of the service if it is
 * already installed.
 * @param  installDir the installation directory where
 *         maintenanceservice_installer.exe is located.
 * @return TRUE if successful
StartServiceUpdate(LPCWSTR installDir)
  // Get a handle to the local computer SCM database
  SC_HANDLE manager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL,
  if (!manager) {
    return FALSE;

  // Open the service
  SC_HANDLE svc = OpenServiceW(manager, SVC_NAME,
  if (!svc) {
    return FALSE;

  // If we reach here, then the service is installed, so
  // proceed with upgrading it.

  STARTUPINFOW si = {0};
  si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW);
  // No particular desktop because no UI
  si.lpDesktop = L"";

  WCHAR maintserviceInstallerPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
  wcsncpy(maintserviceInstallerPath, installDir, MAX_PATH);
  WCHAR cmdLine[64] = { '\0' };
  wcsncpy(cmdLine, L"dummyparam.exe /Upgrade",
          sizeof(cmdLine) / sizeof(cmdLine[0]) - 1);
  BOOL svcUpdateProcessStarted = CreateProcessW(maintserviceInstallerPath,
                                                NULL, NULL, FALSE,
                                                NULL, installDir, &si, &pi);
  if (svcUpdateProcessStarted) {
  return svcUpdateProcessStarted;
예제 #6
 * Determines if the MozillaMaintenance service path needs to be updated
 * and fixes it if it is wrong.
 * @param service             A handle to the service to fix.
 * @param currentServicePath  The current (possibly wrong) path that is used.
 * @param servicePathWasWrong Out parameter set to TRUE if a fix was needed.
 * @return TRUE if the service path is now correct.
FixServicePath(SC_HANDLE service,
               LPCWSTR currentServicePath,
               BOOL &servicePathWasWrong)
  // When we originally upgraded the MozillaMaintenance service we
  // would uninstall the service on each upgrade.  This had an
  // intermittent error which could cause the service to use the file
  // maintenanceservice_tmp.exe as the install path.  Only a small number
  // of Nightly users would be affected by this, but we check for this
  // state here and fix the user if they are affected.
  bool doesServiceHaveCorrectPath =
    !wcsstr(currentServicePath, L"maintenanceservice_tmp.exe");
  if (doesServiceHaveCorrectPath) {
    LOG(("The MozillaMaintenance service path is correct.\n"));
    servicePathWasWrong = FALSE;
    return TRUE;
  LOG(("The MozillaMaintenance path is NOT correct.\n"));
  servicePathWasWrong = TRUE;

  WCHAR fixedPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
  wcsncpy(fixedPath, currentServicePath, MAX_PATH);
  if (!PathRemoveFileSpecW(fixedPath)) {
    LOG(("Couldn't remove file spec. (%d)\n", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;
  if (!PathAppendSafe(fixedPath, L"maintenanceservice.exe")) {
    LOG(("Couldn't append file spec. (%d)\n", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  if (!ChangeServiceConfigW(service, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE,
                            SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, fixedPath, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                            NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
    LOG(("Could not fix service path. (%d)\n", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  LOG(("Fixed service path to: %ls.\n", fixedPath));
  return TRUE;
예제 #7
 * Obtains the path of a file in the same directory as the specified file.
 * @param  destinationBuffer A buffer of size MAX_PATH + 1 to store the result.
 * @param  siblingFIlePath   The path of another file in the same directory
 * @param  newFileName       The filename of another file in the same directory
 * @return TRUE if successful
PathGetSiblingFilePath(LPWSTR destinationBuffer,
                       LPCWSTR siblingFilePath,
                       LPCWSTR newFileName)
  if (wcslen(siblingFilePath) >= MAX_PATH) {
    return FALSE;

  wcsncpy(destinationBuffer, siblingFilePath, MAX_PATH);
  if (!PathRemoveFileSpecW(destinationBuffer)) {
    return FALSE;

  if (wcslen(destinationBuffer) + wcslen(newFileName) >= MAX_PATH) {
    return FALSE;

  return PathAppendSafe(destinationBuffer, newFileName);
예제 #8
 * Sets update.status to pending so that the next startup will not use
 * the service and instead will attempt an update the with a UAC prompt.
 * @param  updateDirPath The path of the update directory
 * @return TRUE if successful
WriteStatusPending(LPCWSTR updateDirPath)
  WCHAR updateStatusFilePath[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
  wcsncpy(updateStatusFilePath, updateDirPath, MAX_PATH);
  if (!PathAppendSafe(updateStatusFilePath, L"update.status")) {
    return FALSE;

  const char pending[] = "pending";
  HANDLE statusFile = CreateFileW(updateStatusFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0,
                                  nullptr, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, nullptr);
  if (statusFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
    return FALSE;

  DWORD wrote;
  BOOL ok = WriteFile(statusFile, pending,
                      sizeof(pending) - 1, &wrote, nullptr);
  return ok && (wrote == sizeof(pending) - 1);
예제 #9
 * Read the update.status file and sets isApplying to true if
 * the status is set to applying
 * @param  updateDirPath The directory where update.status is stored
 * @param  isApplying Out parameter for specifying if the status
 *         is set to applying or not.
 * @return TRUE if the information was filled.
static BOOL
IsStatusApplying(LPCWSTR updateDirPath, BOOL &isApplying)
  isApplying = FALSE;
  WCHAR updateStatusFilePath[MAX_PATH + 1];
  wcscpy(updateStatusFilePath, updateDirPath);
  if (!PathAppendSafe(updateStatusFilePath, L"update.status")) {
    LOG(("Warning: Could not append path for update.status file\n"));
    return FALSE;

  nsAutoHandle statusFile(CreateFileW(updateStatusFilePath, GENERIC_READ,
                                      FILE_SHARE_READ | 
                                      FILE_SHARE_WRITE | 
                                      NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL));

  if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == statusFile) {
    LOG(("Warning: Could not open update.status file\n"));
    return FALSE;

  char buf[32] = { 0 };
  DWORD read;
  if (!ReadFile(statusFile, buf, sizeof(buf), &read, NULL)) {
    LOG(("Warning: Could not read from update.status file\n"));
    return FALSE;

  LOG(("updater.exe returned status: %s\n", buf));

  const char kApplying[] = "applying";
  isApplying = strncmp(buf, kApplying, 
                       sizeof(kApplying) - 1) == 0;
  return TRUE;
예제 #10
 * Sets update.status to a specific failure code
 * @param  updateDirPath The path of the update directory
 * @return TRUE if successful
WriteStatusFailure(LPCWSTR updateDirPath, int errorCode)
  WCHAR updateStatusFilePath[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
  wcsncpy(updateStatusFilePath, updateDirPath, MAX_PATH);
  if (!PathAppendSafe(updateStatusFilePath, L"update.status")) {
    return FALSE;

  HANDLE statusFile = CreateFileW(updateStatusFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0,
                                  nullptr, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, nullptr);
  if (statusFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
    return FALSE;
  char failure[32];
  sprintf(failure, "failed: %d", errorCode);

  DWORD toWrite = strlen(failure);
  DWORD wrote;
  BOOL ok = WriteFile(statusFile, failure,
                      toWrite, &wrote, nullptr);
  return ok && wrote == toWrite;
예제 #11
 * Processes a software update command
 * @param  argc           The number of arguments in argv
 * @param  argv           The arguments normally passed to updater.exe
 *                        argv[0] must be the path to updater.exe
 * @return TRUE if the update was successful.
ProcessSoftwareUpdateCommand(DWORD argc, LPWSTR *argv)
  BOOL result = TRUE;
  if (argc < 3) {
    LOG(("Not enough command line parameters specified. "
         "Updating update.status.\n"));

    // We can only update update.status if argv[1] exists.  argv[1] is
    // the directory where the update.status file exists.
    if (argc > 1 || 
                            SERVICE_NOT_ENOUGH_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS)) {
      LOG(("Could not write update.status service update failure."
           "Last error: %d\n", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  // Verify that the updater.exe that we are executing is the same
  // as the one in the installation directory which we are updating.
  // The installation dir that we are installing to is argv[2].
  WCHAR installDirUpdater[MAX_PATH + 1];
  wcsncpy(installDirUpdater, argv[2], MAX_PATH);
  if (!PathAppendSafe(installDirUpdater, L"updater.exe")) {
    LOG(("Install directory updater could not be determined.\n"));
    result = FALSE;

  BOOL updaterIsCorrect;
  if (result && !VerifySameFiles(argv[0], installDirUpdater, 
                                 updaterIsCorrect)) {
    LOG(("Error checking if the updaters are the same.\n"
         "Path 1: %ls\nPath 2: %ls\n", argv[0], installDirUpdater));
    result = FALSE;

  if (result && !updaterIsCorrect) {
    LOG(("The updaters do not match, udpater will not run.\n")); 
    result = FALSE;

  if (result) {
    LOG(("updater.exe was compared successfully to the installation directory"
         " updater.exe.\n"));
  } else {
    if (!WriteStatusFailure(argv[1], 
                            SERVICE_UPDATER_COMPARE_ERROR)) {
      LOG(("Could not write update.status updater compare failure.\n"));
    return FALSE;

  // Check to make sure the udpater.exe module has the unique updater identity.
  // This is a security measure to make sure that the signed executable that
  // we will run is actually an updater.
  HMODULE updaterModule = LoadLibrary(argv[0]);
  if (!updaterModule) {
    LOG(("updater.exe module could not be loaded. (%d)\n", GetLastError()));
    result = FALSE;
  } else {
    char updaterIdentity[64];
    if (!LoadStringA(updaterModule, IDS_UPDATER_IDENTITY, 
                     updaterIdentity, sizeof(updaterIdentity))) {
      LOG(("The updater.exe application does not contain the Mozilla"
           " updater identity.\n"));
      result = FALSE;

    if (strcmp(updaterIdentity, UPDATER_IDENTITY_STRING)) {
      LOG(("The updater.exe identity string is not valid.\n"));
      result = FALSE;

  if (result) {
    LOG(("The updater.exe application contains the Mozilla"
          " updater identity.\n"));
  } else {
    if (!WriteStatusFailure(argv[1], 
                            SERVICE_UPDATER_IDENTITY_ERROR)) {
      LOG(("Could not write update.status no updater identity.\n"));
    return TRUE;

  // Check for updater.exe sign problems
  BOOL updaterSignProblem = FALSE;
  updaterSignProblem = !DoesBinaryMatchAllowedCertificates(argv[2],

  // Only proceed with the update if we have no signing problems
  if (!updaterSignProblem) {
    BOOL updateProcessWasStarted = FALSE;
    if (StartUpdateProcess(argc, argv,
                           updateProcessWasStarted)) {
      LOG(("updater.exe was launched and run successfully!\n"));

      // We might not execute code after StartServiceUpdate because
      // the service installer will stop the service if it is running.
      StartServiceUpdate(argc, argv);
    } else {
      result = FALSE;
      LOG(("Error running update process. Updating update.status"
           " Last error: %d\n", GetLastError()));

      // If the update process was started, then updater.exe is responsible for
      // setting the failure code.  If it could not be started then we do the 
      // work.  We set an error instead of directly setting status pending 
      // so that the app.update.service.errors pref can be updated when 
      // the callback app restarts.
      if (!updateProcessWasStarted) {
        if (!WriteStatusFailure(argv[1], 
                                SERVICE_UPDATER_COULD_NOT_BE_STARTED)) {
          LOG(("Could not write update.status service update failure."
               "Last error: %d\n", GetLastError()));
  } else {
    result = FALSE;
    LOG(("Could not start process due to certificate check error on "
         "updater.exe. Updating update.status.  Last error: %d\n", GetLastError()));

    // When there is a certificate check error on the updater.exe application,
    // we want to write out the error.
    if (!WriteStatusFailure(argv[1], 
                            SERVICE_UPDATER_SIGN_ERROR)) {
      LOG(("Could not write pending state to update.status.  (%d)\n", 
  return result;
 * Processes a software update command
 * @param  argc           The number of arguments in argv
 * @param  argv           The arguments normally passed to updater.exe
 *                        argv[0] must be the path to updater.exe
 * @return TRUE if the update was successful.
ProcessSoftwareUpdateCommand(DWORD argc, LPWSTR *argv)
  BOOL result = TRUE;
  if (argc < 3) {
    LOG_WARN(("Not enough command line parameters specified. "
              "Updating update.status."));

    // We can only update update.status if argv[1] exists.  argv[1] is
    // the directory where the update.status file exists.
    if (argc < 2 || 
                            SERVICE_NOT_ENOUGH_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS)) {
      LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status service update failure.  (%d)",
    return FALSE;

  WCHAR installDir[MAX_PATH + 1] = {L'\0'};
  if (!GetInstallationDir(argc, argv, installDir)) {
    LOG_WARN(("Could not get the installation directory"));
    if (!WriteStatusFailure(argv[1],
                            SERVICE_INSTALLDIR_ERROR)) {
      LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status for GetInstallationDir failure."));
    return FALSE;

  // Make sure the path to the updater to use for the update is local.
  // We do this check to make sure that file locking is available for
  // race condition security checks.
  BOOL isLocal = FALSE;
  if (!IsLocalFile(argv[0], isLocal) || !isLocal) {
    LOG_WARN(("Filesystem in path %ls is not supported (%d)",
              argv[0], GetLastError()));
    if (!WriteStatusFailure(argv[1], 
                            SERVICE_UPDATER_NOT_FIXED_DRIVE)) {
      LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status service update failure.  (%d)",
    return FALSE;

  nsAutoHandle noWriteLock(CreateFileW(argv[0], GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 
                                       nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr));
  if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == noWriteLock) {
      LOG_WARN(("Could not set no write sharing access on file.  (%d)",
    if (!WriteStatusFailure(argv[1], 
                            SERVICE_COULD_NOT_LOCK_UPDATER)) {
      LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status service update failure.  (%d)",
    return FALSE;

  // Verify that the updater.exe that we are executing is the same
  // as the one in the installation directory which we are updating.
  // The installation dir that we are installing to is installDir.
  WCHAR installDirUpdater[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
  wcsncpy(installDirUpdater, installDir, MAX_PATH);
  if (!PathAppendSafe(installDirUpdater, L"updater.exe")) {
    LOG_WARN(("Install directory updater could not be determined."));
    result = FALSE;

  BOOL updaterIsCorrect;
  if (result && !VerifySameFiles(argv[0], installDirUpdater, 
                                 updaterIsCorrect)) {
    LOG_WARN(("Error checking if the updaters are the same.\n"
              "Path 1: %ls\nPath 2: %ls", argv[0], installDirUpdater));
    result = FALSE;

  if (result && !updaterIsCorrect) {
    LOG_WARN(("The updaters do not match, updater will not run.")); 
    result = FALSE;

  if (result) {
    LOG(("updater.exe was compared successfully to the installation directory"
         " updater.exe."));
  } else {
    if (!WriteStatusFailure(argv[1], 
                            SERVICE_UPDATER_COMPARE_ERROR)) {
      LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status updater compare failure."));
    return FALSE;

  // Check to make sure the updater.exe module has the unique updater identity.
  // This is a security measure to make sure that the signed executable that
  // we will run is actually an updater.
  HMODULE updaterModule = LoadLibraryEx(argv[0], nullptr, 
  if (!updaterModule) {
    LOG_WARN(("updater.exe module could not be loaded. (%d)", GetLastError()));
    result = FALSE;
  } else {
    char updaterIdentity[64];
    if (!LoadStringA(updaterModule, IDS_UPDATER_IDENTITY, 
                     updaterIdentity, sizeof(updaterIdentity))) {
      LOG_WARN(("The updater.exe application does not contain the Mozilla"
                " updater identity."));
      result = FALSE;

    if (strcmp(updaterIdentity, UPDATER_IDENTITY_STRING)) {
      LOG_WARN(("The updater.exe identity string is not valid."));
      result = FALSE;

  if (result) {
    LOG(("The updater.exe application contains the Mozilla"
          " updater identity."));
  } else {
    if (!WriteStatusFailure(argv[1], 
                            SERVICE_UPDATER_IDENTITY_ERROR)) {
      LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status no updater identity."));
    return TRUE;

  // Check for updater.exe sign problems
  BOOL updaterSignProblem = FALSE;
  updaterSignProblem = !DoesBinaryMatchAllowedCertificates(installDir,

  // Only proceed with the update if we have no signing problems
  if (!updaterSignProblem) {
    BOOL updateProcessWasStarted = FALSE;
    if (StartUpdateProcess(argc, argv, installDir,
                           updateProcessWasStarted)) {
      LOG(("updater.exe was launched and run successfully!"));

      // Don't attempt to update the service when the update is being staged.
      if (!IsUpdateBeingStaged(argc, argv)) {
        // We might not execute code after StartServiceUpdate because
        // the service installer will stop the service if it is running.
    } else {
      result = FALSE;
      LOG_WARN(("Error running update process. Updating update.status  (%d)",

      // If the update process was started, then updater.exe is responsible for
      // setting the failure code.  If it could not be started then we do the 
      // work.  We set an error instead of directly setting status pending 
      // so that the app.update.service.errors pref can be updated when 
      // the callback app restarts.
      if (!updateProcessWasStarted) {
        if (!WriteStatusFailure(argv[1], 
                                SERVICE_UPDATER_COULD_NOT_BE_STARTED)) {
          LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status service update failure.  (%d)",
  } else {
    result = FALSE;
    LOG_WARN(("Could not start process due to certificate check error on "
              "updater.exe. Updating update.status.  (%d)", GetLastError()));

    // When there is a certificate check error on the updater.exe application,
    // we want to write out the error.
    if (!WriteStatusFailure(argv[1], 
                            SERVICE_UPDATER_SIGN_ERROR)) {
      LOG_WARN(("Could not write pending state to update.status.  (%d)",

  return result;
예제 #13
 * Launch the post update application as the specified user (helper.exe).
 * It takes in the path of the callback application to calculate the path
 * of helper.exe.  For service updates this is called from both the system
 * account and the current user account.
 * @param  installationDir The path to the callback application binary.
 * @param  updateInfoDir   The directory where update info is stored.
 * @param  forceSync       If true even if the ini file specifies async, the
 *                         process will wait for termination of PostUpdate.
 * @param  userToken       The user token to run as, if nullptr the current
 *                         user will be used.
 * @return TRUE if there was no error starting the process.
LaunchWinPostProcess(const WCHAR *installationDir,
                     const WCHAR *updateInfoDir,
                     bool forceSync,
                     HANDLE userToken)
  WCHAR workingDirectory[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
  wcsncpy(workingDirectory, installationDir, MAX_PATH);

  // Launch helper.exe to perform post processing (e.g. registry and log file
  // modifications) for the update.
  WCHAR inifile[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
  wcsncpy(inifile, installationDir, MAX_PATH);
  if (!PathAppendSafe(inifile, L"updater.ini")) {
    return FALSE;

  WCHAR exefile[MAX_PATH + 1];
  WCHAR exearg[MAX_PATH + 1];
  WCHAR exeasync[10];
  bool async = true;
  if (!GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"PostUpdateWin", L"ExeRelPath", nullptr,
                                exefile, MAX_PATH + 1, inifile)) {
    return FALSE;

  if (!GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"PostUpdateWin", L"ExeArg", nullptr, exearg,
                                MAX_PATH + 1, inifile)) {
    return FALSE;

  if (!GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"PostUpdateWin", L"ExeAsync", L"TRUE",
                                inifile)) {
    return FALSE;

  WCHAR exefullpath[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
  wcsncpy(exefullpath, installationDir, MAX_PATH);
  if (!PathAppendSafe(exefullpath, exefile)) {
    return false;

  WCHAR dlogFile[MAX_PATH + 1];
  if (!PathGetSiblingFilePath(dlogFile, exefullpath, L"uninstall.update")) {
    return FALSE;

  WCHAR slogFile[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
  wcsncpy(slogFile, updateInfoDir, MAX_PATH);
  if (!PathAppendSafe(slogFile, L"update.log")) {
    return FALSE;

  WCHAR dummyArg[14] = { L'\0' };
  wcsncpy(dummyArg, L"argv0ignored ", sizeof(dummyArg) / sizeof(dummyArg[0]) - 1);

  size_t len = wcslen(exearg) + wcslen(dummyArg);
  WCHAR *cmdline = (WCHAR *) malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
  if (!cmdline) {
    return FALSE;

  wcsncpy(cmdline, dummyArg, len);
  wcscat(cmdline, exearg);

  if (forceSync ||
      !_wcsnicmp(exeasync, L"false", 6) ||
      !_wcsnicmp(exeasync, L"0", 2)) {
    async = false;

  // We want to launch the post update helper app to update the Windows
  // registry even if there is a failure with removing the uninstall.update
  // file or copying the update.log file.
  CopyFileW(slogFile, dlogFile, false);

  STARTUPINFOW si = {sizeof(si), 0};
  si.lpDesktop = L"";

  bool ok;
  if (userToken) {
    ok = CreateProcessAsUserW(userToken,
                              nullptr,  // no special security attributes
                              nullptr,  // no special thread attributes
                              false,    // don't inherit filehandles
                              0,        // No special process creation flags
                              nullptr,  // inherit my environment
  } else {
    ok = CreateProcessW(exefullpath,
                        nullptr,  // no special security attributes
                        nullptr,  // no special thread attributes
                        false,    // don't inherit filehandles
                        0,        // No special process creation flags
                        nullptr,  // inherit my environment
  if (ok) {
    if (!async)
      WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
  return ok;
예제 #14
 * Starts the upgrade process for update of the service if it is
 * already installed.
 * @param  installDir the installation directory where
 *         maintenanceservice_installer.exe is located.
 * @return TRUE if successful
StartServiceUpdate(LPCWSTR installDir)
  // Get a handle to the local computer SCM database
  SC_HANDLE manager = OpenSCManager(nullptr, nullptr,
  if (!manager) {
    return FALSE;

  // Open the service
  SC_HANDLE svc = OpenServiceW(manager, SVC_NAME,
  if (!svc) {
    return FALSE;

  // If we reach here, then the service is installed, so
  // proceed with upgrading it.


  // The service exists and we opened it, get the config bytes needed
  DWORD bytesNeeded;
  if (!QueryServiceConfigW(svc, nullptr, 0, &bytesNeeded) &&
      GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
    return FALSE;

  // Get the service config information, in particular we want the binary
  // path of the service.
  mozilla::ScopedDeleteArray<char> serviceConfigBuffer(new char[bytesNeeded]);
  if (!QueryServiceConfigW(svc,
      bytesNeeded, &bytesNeeded)) {
    return FALSE;


  QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW &serviceConfig =


  // Obtain the temp path of the maintenance service binary
  WCHAR tmpService[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
  if (!PathGetSiblingFilePath(tmpService, serviceConfig.lpBinaryPathName,
                              L"maintenanceservice_tmp.exe")) {
    return FALSE;

  // Get the new maintenance service path from the install dir
  WCHAR newMaintServicePath[MAX_PATH + 1] = { L'\0' };
  wcsncpy(newMaintServicePath, installDir, MAX_PATH);

  // Copy the temp file in alongside the maintenace service.
  // This is a requirement for maintenance service upgrades.
  if (!CopyFileW(newMaintServicePath, tmpService, FALSE)) {
    return FALSE;

  // Start the upgrade comparison process
  STARTUPINFOW si = {0};
  si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW);
  // No particular desktop because no UI
  si.lpDesktop = L"";
  WCHAR cmdLine[64] = { '\0' };
  wcsncpy(cmdLine, L"dummyparam.exe upgrade",
          sizeof(cmdLine) / sizeof(cmdLine[0]) - 1);
  BOOL svcUpdateProcessStarted = CreateProcessW(tmpService,
                                                nullptr, nullptr, FALSE,
                                                nullptr, installDir, &si, &pi);
  if (svcUpdateProcessStarted) {
  return svcUpdateProcessStarted;
예제 #15
 * Updates the service description with what is stored in updater.ini
 * at the same path as the currently executing module binary.
 * @param serviceHandle A handle to an opened service with 
 *                      SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG access right
 * @param TRUE on succcess.
UpdateServiceDescription(SC_HANDLE serviceHandle)
  WCHAR updaterINIPath[MAX_PATH + 1];
  if (!GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, updaterINIPath, 
                          sizeof(updaterINIPath) /
                          sizeof(updaterINIPath[0]))) {
    LOG(("Could not obtain module filename when attempting to "
         "modify service description. (%d)\n", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  if (!PathRemoveFileSpecW(updaterINIPath)) {
    LOG(("Could not remove file spec when attempting to "
         "modify service description. (%d)\n", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  if (!PathAppendSafe(updaterINIPath, L"updater.ini")) {
    LOG(("Could not append updater.ini filename when attempting to "
         "modify service description. (%d)\n", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  if (GetFileAttributesW(updaterINIPath) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
    LOG(("updater.ini file does not exist, will not modify "
         "service description. (%d)\n", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;
  MaintenanceServiceStringTable serviceStrings;
  int rv = ReadMaintenanceServiceStrings(updaterINIPath, &serviceStrings);
  if (rv != OK || !strlen(serviceStrings.serviceDescription)) {
    LOG(("updater.ini file does not contain a maintenance "
         "service description.\n"));
    return FALSE;

  WCHAR serviceDescription[MAX_TEXT_LEN];
  if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, 
                           serviceStrings.serviceDescription, -1,
                           sizeof(serviceDescription) / 
                           sizeof(serviceDescription[0]))) {
    LOG(("Could not convert description to wide string format (%d)\n", 
    return FALSE;

  SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONW descriptionConfig;
  descriptionConfig.lpDescription = serviceDescription;
  if (!ChangeServiceConfig2W(serviceHandle, 
                             &descriptionConfig)) {
    LOG(("Could not change service config (%d)\n", GetLastError()));
    return FALSE;

  LOG(("The service description was updated successfully.\n"));
  return TRUE;