// This function returns the number of plug-in classes this DLL
//TODO: Must change this number when adding a new class
__declspec( dllexport ) int LibNumberClasses()
   // Has conflict exit now.
   if (foundOlderReleaseConflict > 0) {
      return 0;
   } else if ( foundOlderReleaseConflict < 0 ) { 
      foundOlderReleaseConflict = 0;

      // Check for older releases
      if (  (classDescEnabled[CD_Import] && nullptr != GetModuleHandle(TEXT("MaxNifImport.dli")))
         || (classDescEnabled[CD_Export] && nullptr != GetModuleHandle(TEXT("NifExport.dle")))
         || (classDescEnabled[CD_Furniture] && nullptr != GetModuleHandle(TEXT("NifFurniture.dlo")))
         || (classDescEnabled[CD_Props]  && nullptr != GetModuleHandle(TEXT("NifProps.dlu")))
         foundOlderReleaseConflict = 1;
         // do more aggressive access search now in case we are loaded after them
         TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH];
         GetModuleFileName(hInstance, filename, MAX_PATH);

         if (classDescEnabled[CD_Import] && -1 != _taccess(PathMerge(filename, TEXT("MaxNifImport.dli")), 0))
            foundOlderReleaseConflict = 1;
         else if (classDescEnabled[CD_Export] && -1 != _taccess(PathMerge(filename, TEXT("NifExport.dle")), 0))
            foundOlderReleaseConflict = 1;
         else if (classDescEnabled[CD_Furniture] && -1 != _taccess(PathMerge(filename, TEXT("NifFurniture.dlo")), 0))
            foundOlderReleaseConflict = 1;
         else if (classDescEnabled[CD_Props] && -1 != _taccess(PathMerge(filename, TEXT("NifProps.dlu")), 0))
            foundOlderReleaseConflict = 1;
      if (foundOlderReleaseConflict > 0)
         TCHAR buffer[512];
			 TEXT("An older release of the Niftools Max Plugins was found.\n\n")
			 TEXT("Please remove the following files from your 3dsmax\\plugins directory:\n")
			 TEXT("The current version will be disabled.")
            , classDescEnabled[CD_Import] ? TEXT("\tMaxNifImport.dli\n") : TEXT("")
            , classDescEnabled[CD_Export] ? TEXT("\tNifExport.dle\n") : TEXT("")
            , classDescEnabled[CD_Furniture] ? TEXT("\tNifFurniture.dlo\n") : TEXT("")
            , classDescEnabled[CD_Props] ? TEXT("\tNifProps.dlu\n\n") : TEXT("")
         ::MessageBox( nullptr
            , buffer
            , TEXT("Niftools Max Plugins")
            , MB_ICONSTOP|MB_OK
         return 0;
	return nClasses;
예제 #2
void FastDup::AddDirectoryTree(const char *path)
	std::string v = path;
	char tmp[PATH_MAX+1];
	if (path[0] != '/')
		char cwd[PATH_MAX + 1];
		if (!getcwd(cwd, PATH_MAX + 1))
			throw std::runtime_error("Unable to get current directory");
		v = PathMerge(cwd, v);
	PathResolve(tmp, sizeof(tmp), v.c_str());
	if (!DirectoryExists(tmp))
		throw std::runtime_error("Path does not exist or is not a directory");