예제 #1
파일: MTentry.cpp 프로젝트: jsc0218/MxTree
GiSTpenalty * 
MTentry::Penalty (const GiSTentry &newEntry, MTpenalty *minPenalty) const
// in this case we can avoid to compute some distances by using some stored information:
// minPenalty (the minimum penalty achieved so far),
// newEntry.key->distance (the distance of the entry from the parent of this entry, stored in the SearchMinPenalty method) and maxradius.
	assert (newEntry.IsA() == MTENTRY_CLASS);

	if (((MTkey *) newEntry.Key())->distance > 0 && minPenalty) {  // in this case is possible to prune some entries using triangular inequality
		double distPen = fabs(((MTkey *) newEntry.Key())->distance - Key()->distance) - MaxRadius();
		MTpenalty *tmpPen = NULL;
		if (distPen >= 0) {
			tmpPen = new MTpenalty (distPen, 0);
		} else {
			tmpPen = new MTpenalty (distPen + MaxRadius() - MaxDist(), 0);
		if (!((*tmpPen)<(*minPenalty))) {  // larger than or equal to minPenalty
			delete tmpPen;
			return new MTpenalty (MAXDOUBLE, 0);  // avoid to compute this distance
		delete tmpPen;

	return Penalty (newEntry);
예제 #2
void WardenWin::HandleHashResult(ByteBuffer &buff)

    // Verify key
    if (memcmp(buff.contents() + 1, Module.ClientKeySeedHash, 20) != 0)
#if defined(ENABLE_EXTRAS) && defined(ENABLE_EXTRA_LOGS)
        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "Request hash reply: failed");

#if defined(ENABLE_EXTRAS) && defined(ENABLE_EXTRA_LOGS)
    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "Request hash reply: succeed");

    // Change keys here
    memcpy(_inputKey, Module.ClientKeySeed, 16);
    memcpy(_outputKey, Module.ServerKeySeed, 16);


    _initialized = true;

    _previousTimestamp = World::GetGameTimeMS();
예제 #3
TOD_Turn_Data::TOD_Turn_Data (void)
	Start (0);
	End (0);
	Use (0);
	Penalty (0);
	TOD_List (0);
예제 #4
// Sometimes deleting a cluster will improve the score, when you take into accout
// the BIC. This function sees if this is the case.  It will not delete more than
// one cluster at a time.
void KK::ConsiderDeletion() {

	int c, p, CandidateClass;
	float Loss, DeltaPen;
	Array<float> DeletionLoss(MaxPossibleClusters); // the increase in log P by deleting the cluster

	for(c=1; c<MaxPossibleClusters; c++) {
		if (ClassAlive[c]) DeletionLoss[c] = 0;
		else DeletionLoss[c] = HugeScore; // don't delete classes that are already there

	// compute losses by deleting clusters
	for(p=0; p<nPoints; p++) {
		DeletionLoss[Class[p]] += LogP[p*MaxPossibleClusters + Class2[p]] - LogP[p*MaxPossibleClusters + Class[p]];

	// find class with least to lose
	Loss = HugeScore;
	for(c=1; c<MaxPossibleClusters; c++) {
		if (DeletionLoss[c]<Loss) {
			Loss = DeletionLoss[c];
			CandidateClass = c;

	// what is the change in penalty?
	DeltaPen = Penalty(nClustersAlive) - Penalty(nClustersAlive-1);

	//Output("cand Class %d would lose %f gain is %f\n", CandidateClass, Loss, DeltaPen);
	// is it worth it?
	if (Loss<DeltaPen) {
		Output("Deleting Class %d. Lose %f but Gain %f\n", CandidateClass, Loss, DeltaPen);
		// set it to dead
		ClassAlive[CandidateClass] = 0;

		// re-allocate all of its points
		for(p=0;p<nPoints; p++) if(Class[p]==CandidateClass) Class[p] = Class2[p];
예제 #5
// ComputeScore() - computes total score.  Requires M, E, and C steps to have been run
float KK::ComputeScore() {
    int p;

    float Score = Penalty(nClustersAlive);
    for(p=0; p<nPoints; p++) {
        Score += LogP[p*MaxPossibleClusters + Class[p]];
		// Output("point %d: cumulative score %f\n", p, Score);
	if (Debug) {
		int c, cc;
		float tScore;
		for(cc=0; cc<nClustersAlive; cc++) {
			c = AliveIndex[cc];
			tScore = 0;
			for(p=0; p<nPoints; p++) if(Class[p]==c) tScore += LogP[p*MaxPossibleClusters + Class[p]];
			Output("class %d has subscore %f\n", c, tScore);

    return Score;
예제 #6
void WardenWin::HandleData(ByteBuffer &buff)
    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "Handle data");

    _dataSent = false;
    _clientResponseTimer = 0;

    uint16 Length;
    buff >> Length;
    uint32 Checksum;
    buff >> Checksum;

    if (!IsValidCheckSum(Checksum, buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), Length))
        sLog->outWarn(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "%s failed checksum. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), Penalty().c_str());

        uint8 result;
        buff >> result;
        // TODO: test it.
        if (result == 0x00)
            sLog->outWarn(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "%s failed timing check. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), Penalty().c_str());

        uint32 newClientTicks;
        buff >> newClientTicks;

        uint32 ticksNow = getMSTime();
        uint32 ourTicks = newClientTicks + (ticksNow - _serverTicks);

        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "ServerTicks %u", ticksNow);         // Now
        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RequestTicks %u", _serverTicks);    // At request
        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "Ticks %u", newClientTicks);         // At response
        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "Ticks diff %u", ourTicks - newClientTicks);

    WardenCheckResult* rs;
    WardenCheck *rd;
    uint8 type;
    uint16 checkFailed = 0;

    ACE_READ_GUARD(ACE_RW_Mutex, g, sWardenCheckMgr->_checkStoreLock);

    for (std::list<uint16>::iterator itr = _currentChecks.begin(); itr != _currentChecks.end(); ++itr)
        rd = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenDataById(*itr);
        rs = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenResultById(*itr);

        type = rd->Type;
        switch (type)
            case MEM_CHECK:
                uint8 Mem_Result;
                buff >> Mem_Result;

                if (Mem_Result != 0)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MEM_CHECK not 0x00, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;

                if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), rs->Result.AsByteArray(0, false), rd->Length) != 0)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MEM_CHECK fail CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                    buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + rd->Length);

                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + rd->Length);
                sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MEM_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            case PAGE_CHECK_A:
            case PAGE_CHECK_B:
            case DRIVER_CHECK:
            case MODULE_CHECK:
                const uint8 byte = 0xE9;
                if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), &byte, sizeof(uint8)) != 0)
                    if (type == PAGE_CHECK_A || type == PAGE_CHECK_B)
                        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT PAGE_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    if (type == MODULE_CHECK)
                        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MODULE_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    if (type == DRIVER_CHECK)
                        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT DRIVER_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                    buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 1);

                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 1);
                if (type == PAGE_CHECK_A || type == PAGE_CHECK_B)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT PAGE_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                else if (type == MODULE_CHECK)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MODULE_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                else if (type == DRIVER_CHECK)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT DRIVER_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            case LUA_STR_CHECK:
                uint8 Lua_Result;
                buff >> Lua_Result;

                if (Lua_Result != 0)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT LUA_STR_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;

                uint8 luaStrLen;
                buff >> luaStrLen;

                if (luaStrLen != 0)
                    char *str = new char[luaStrLen + 1];
                    memcpy(str, buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), luaStrLen);
                    str[luaStrLen] = '\0'; // null terminator
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "Lua string: %s", str);
                    delete[] str;
                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + luaStrLen);         // Skip string
                sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT LUA_STR_CHECK passed, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            case MPQ_CHECK:
                uint8 Mpq_Result;
                buff >> Mpq_Result;

                if (Mpq_Result != 0)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MPQ_CHECK not 0x00 account id %u", _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;

                if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), rs->Result.AsByteArray(0, false), 20) != 0) // SHA1
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MPQ_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                    buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 20);            // 20 bytes SHA1

                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 20);                // 20 bytes SHA1
                sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MPQ_CHECK passed, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            default:                                        // Should never happen

    if (checkFailed > 0)
        WardenCheck* check = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenDataById(checkFailed);
        sLog->outWarn(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "%s failed Warden check %u. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), checkFailed, Penalty(check).c_str());

    // Set hold off timer, minimum timer should at least be 1 second
    uint32 holdOff = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_WARDEN_CLIENT_CHECK_HOLDOFF);
    _checkTimer = (holdOff < 1 ? 1 : holdOff) * IN_MILLISECONDS;
예제 #7
void WardenWin::HandleHashResult(ByteBuffer &buff)

    // Verify key
    if (memcmp(buff.contents() + 1, Module.ClientKeySeedHash, 20) != 0)
        sLog->outWarn(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "%s failed hash reply. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), Penalty().c_str());

    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "Request hash reply: succeed");

    // Change keys here
    memcpy(_inputKey, Module.ClientKeySeed, 16);
    memcpy(_outputKey, Module.ServerKeySeed, 16);


    _initialized = true;

    _previousTimestamp = getMSTime();
예제 #8
void WardenMac::HandleHashResult(ByteBuffer &buff)

    // test
    int keyIn[4];

    uint8 mod_seed[16] = { 0x4D, 0x80, 0x8D, 0x2C, 0x77, 0xD9, 0x05, 0xC4, 0x1A, 0x63, 0x80, 0xEC, 0x08, 0x58, 0x6A, 0xFE };

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        keyIn[i] = *(int*)(&mod_seed[0] + i * 4);

    int keyOut[4];
    int keyIn1, keyIn2;
    keyOut[0] = keyIn[0];
    keyIn[0] ^= 0xDEADBEEFu;
    keyIn1 = keyIn[1];
    keyIn[1] -= 0x35014542u;
    keyIn2 = keyIn[2];
    keyIn[2] += 0x5313F22u;
    keyIn[3] *= 0x1337F00Du;
    keyOut[1] = keyIn1 - 0x6A028A84;
    keyOut[2] = keyIn2 + 0xA627E44;
    keyOut[3] = 0x1337F00D * keyIn[3];
    // end test


    SHA1Hash sha1;
    sha1.UpdateData((uint8*)keyIn, 16);

    //const uint8 validHash[20] = { 0x56, 0x8C, 0x05, 0x4C, 0x78, 0x1A, 0x97, 0x2A, 0x60, 0x37, 0xA2, 0x29, 0x0C, 0x22, 0xB5, 0x25, 0x71, 0xA0, 0x6F, 0x4E };

    // Verify key
    if (memcmp(buff.contents() + 1, sha1.GetDigest(), 20) != 0)
		sLog->outWarn(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "%s failed hash reply. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), Penalty().c_str());

    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "Request hash reply: succeed");

    // client 7F96EEFDA5B63D20A4DF8E00CBF48304
    //const uint8 client_key[16] = { 0x7F, 0x96, 0xEE, 0xFD, 0xA5, 0xB6, 0x3D, 0x20, 0xA4, 0xDF, 0x8E, 0x00, 0xCB, 0xF4, 0x83, 0x04 };

    // server C2B7ADEDFCCCA9C2BFB3F85602BA809B
    //const uint8 server_key[16] = { 0xC2, 0xB7, 0xAD, 0xED, 0xFC, 0xCC, 0xA9, 0xC2, 0xBF, 0xB3, 0xF8, 0x56, 0x02, 0xBA, 0x80, 0x9B };

    // change keys here
    memcpy(_inputKey, keyIn, 16);
    memcpy(_outputKey, keyOut, 16);


    _initialized = true;

    _previousTimestamp = getMSTime();
예제 #9
void WardenWin::HandleData(ByteBuffer &buff)
    sLog->outWarden("Handle data");

    _dataSent = false;
    _clientResponseTimer = 0;

    if (_requestSent < time(NULL) - 30)
        sLog->outError("WARDEN: Player %s (guid: %u, account: %u) took %s to respond to warden check request",
            _session->GetPlayerName(), _session->GetGuidLow(), _session->GetAccountId(), secsToTimeString(uint32(time(NULL)- _requestSent), true).c_str());

    uint16 Length;
    buff >> Length;
    uint32 Checksum;
    buff >> Checksum;

    if (!IsValidCheckSum(Checksum, buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), Length))
        sLog->outWarden("CHECKSUM FAIL");
        sLog->outError("WARDEN: Player %s (guid: %u, account: %u) failed checksum. Action: %s",
            _session->GetPlayerName(), _session->GetGuidLow(), _session->GetAccountId(), Penalty().c_str());

        uint8 result;
        buff >> result;
        // TODO: test it.
        if (result == 0x00)
            sLog->outWarden("TIMING CHECK FAIL result 0x00");
            sLog->outError("WARDEN: Player %s (guid: %u, account: %u) failed timing check. Action: %s",
                _session->GetPlayerName(), _session->GetGuidLow(), _session->GetAccountId(), Penalty().c_str());

        uint32 newClientTicks;
        buff >> newClientTicks;

        uint32 ticksNow = getMSTime();
        uint32 ourTicks = newClientTicks + (ticksNow - _serverTicks);

        sLog->outWarden("ServerTicks %u", ticksNow);         // Now
        sLog->outWarden("RequestTicks %u", _serverTicks);    // At request
        sLog->outWarden("Ticks %u", newClientTicks);         // At response
        sLog->outWarden("Ticks diff %u", ourTicks - newClientTicks);

    WardenCheckResult *rs;
    WardenCheck *rd;
    uint8 type;
    uint32 checkFailed = 0;

    for (std::list<uint32>::iterator itr = _currentChecks.begin(); itr != _currentChecks.end(); ++itr)
        rd = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenDataById(*itr);
        rs = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenResultById(*itr);

        type = rd->Type;
        switch (type)
            case MEM_CHECK:
                uint8 Mem_Result;
                buff >> Mem_Result;

                if (Mem_Result != 0)
                    sLog->outWarden("RESULT MEM_CHECK not 0x00, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;

                if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), rs->Result.AsByteArray(0, false), rd->Length) != 0)
                    sLog->outWarden("RESULT MEM_CHECK fail CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                    buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + rd->Length);

                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + rd->Length);
                sLog->outWarden("RESULT MEM_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            case PAGE_CHECK_A:
            case PAGE_CHECK_B:
            case DRIVER_CHECK:
            case MODULE_CHECK:
                const uint8 byte = 0xE9;
                if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), &byte, sizeof(uint8)) != 0)
                    if (type == PAGE_CHECK_A || type == PAGE_CHECK_B)
                        sLog->outWarden("RESULT PAGE_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    if (type == MODULE_CHECK)
                        sLog->outWarden("RESULT MODULE_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    if (type == DRIVER_CHECK)
                        sLog->outWarden("RESULT DRIVER_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                    buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 1);

                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 1);
                if (type == PAGE_CHECK_A || type == PAGE_CHECK_B)
                    sLog->outWarden("RESULT PAGE_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                else if (type == MODULE_CHECK)
                    sLog->outWarden("RESULT MODULE_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                else if (type == DRIVER_CHECK)
                    sLog->outWarden("RESULT DRIVER_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            case LUA_STR_CHECK:
                uint8 Lua_Result;
                buff >> Lua_Result;

                if (Lua_Result != 0)
                    sLog->outWarden("RESULT LUA_STR_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;

                uint8 luaStrLen;
                buff >> luaStrLen;

                if (luaStrLen != 0)
                    char *str = new char[luaStrLen + 1];
                    memset(str, 0, luaStrLen + 1);
                    memcpy(str, buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), luaStrLen);
                    sLog->outWarden("Lua string: %s", str);
                    delete[] str;
                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + luaStrLen);         // Skip string
                sLog->outWarden("RESULT LUA_STR_CHECK passed, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            case MPQ_CHECK:
                uint8 Mpq_Result;
                buff >> Mpq_Result;

                if (Mpq_Result != 0)
                    sLog->outWarden("RESULT MPQ_CHECK not 0x00 account id %u", _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;

                if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), rs->Result.AsByteArray(0, false), 20) != 0) // SHA1
                    sLog->outWarden("RESULT MPQ_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                    buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 20);            // 20 bytes SHA1

                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 20);                // 20 bytes SHA1
                sLog->outWarden("RESULT MPQ_CHECK passed, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            default:                                        // Should never happen

    if (checkFailed > 0)
        sLog->outError("WARDEN: Player %s (guid: %u, account: %u) failed Warden check %u. Action: %s",
            _session->GetPlayerName(), _session->GetGuidLow(), _session->GetAccountId(), checkFailed, Penalty().c_str());

    // Set hold off timer
    _checkTimer = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_WARDEN_CLIENT_CHECK_HOLDOFF);
예제 #10
void WardenWin::HandleHashResult(ByteBuffer &buff)

    const uint8 validHash[20] = { 0x56, 0x8C, 0x05, 0x4C, 0x78, 0x1A, 0x97, 0x2A, 0x60, 0x37, 0xA2, 0x29, 0x0C, 0x22, 0xB5, 0x25, 0x71, 0xA0, 0x6F, 0x4E };

    // verify key not equal kick player
    if (memcmp(buff.contents() + 1, validHash, sizeof(validHash)) != 0)
        sLog->outWarden("Request hash reply: failed");
        sLog->outError("WARDEN: Player %s (guid: %u, account: %u) failed hash reply. Action: %s",
            _session->GetPlayerName(), _session->GetGuidLow(), _session->GetAccountId(), Penalty().c_str());

    sLog->outWarden("Request hash reply: succeed");

    // client 7F96EEFDA5B63D20A4DF8E00CBF48304
    const uint8 client_key[16] = { 0x7F, 0x96, 0xEE, 0xFD, 0xA5, 0xB6, 0x3D, 0x20, 0xA4, 0xDF, 0x8E, 0x00, 0xCB, 0xF4, 0x83, 0x04 };

    // server C2B7ADEDFCCCA9C2BFB3F85602BA809B
    const uint8 server_key[16] = { 0xC2, 0xB7, 0xAD, 0xED, 0xFC, 0xCC, 0xA9, 0xC2, 0xBF, 0xB3, 0xF8, 0x56, 0x02, 0xBA, 0x80, 0x9B };

    // change keys here
    memcpy(_inputKey, client_key, 16);
    memcpy(_outputKey, server_key, 16);


    _initialized = true;

    _previousTimestamp = getMSTime();
예제 #11
void WardenWin::HandleData(ByteBuffer &buff)
    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "Handle data");

    _dataSent = false;
    _clientResponseTimer = 0;

    uint16 Length;
    buff >> Length;
    uint32 Checksum;
    buff >> Checksum;

    if (!IsValidCheckSum(Checksum, buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), Length))
        sLog->outWarn(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "%s failed checksum. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerName(false).c_str(), Penalty().c_str());

        uint8 result;
        buff >> result;
        // TODO: test it.
        if (result == 0x00)
            sLog->outWarn(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "%s failed timing check. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerName(false).c_str(), Penalty().c_str());

        uint32 newClientTicks;
        buff >> newClientTicks;

        uint32 ticksNow = getMSTime();
        uint32 ourTicks = newClientTicks + (ticksNow - _serverTicks);

        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "ServerTicks %u", ticksNow);         // Now
        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RequestTicks %u", _serverTicks);    // At request
        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "Ticks %u", newClientTicks);         // At response
        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "Ticks diff %u", ourTicks - newClientTicks);

    WardenCheckResult *rs;
    WardenCheck *rd;
    uint8 type;
    uint16 checkFailed = 0;

    ACE_READ_GUARD(ACE_RW_Mutex, g, sWardenCheckMgr->_checkStoreLock);

    for (std::list<uint16>::iterator itr = _currentChecks.begin(); itr != _currentChecks.end(); ++itr)
        rd = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenDataById(*itr);
        rs = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenResultById(*itr);

        type = rd->Type;
        switch (type)
            case MEM_CHECK:
                uint8 Mem_Result;
                buff >> Mem_Result;

                if (Mem_Result != 0)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MEM_CHECK not 0x00, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;

                if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), rs->Result.AsByteArray(0, false), rd->Length) != 0)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MEM_CHECK fail CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                    buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + rd->Length);

                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + rd->Length);
                sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MEM_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            case PAGE_CHECK_A:
            case PAGE_CHECK_B:
            case DRIVER_CHECK:
            case MODULE_CHECK:
                const uint8 byte = 0xE9;
                if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), &byte, sizeof(uint8)) != 0)
                    if (type == PAGE_CHECK_A || type == PAGE_CHECK_B)
                        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT PAGE_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    if (type == MODULE_CHECK)
                        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MODULE_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    if (type == DRIVER_CHECK)
                        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT DRIVER_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                    buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 1);

                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 1);
                if (type == PAGE_CHECK_A || type == PAGE_CHECK_B)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT PAGE_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                else if (type == MODULE_CHECK)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MODULE_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                else if (type == DRIVER_CHECK)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT DRIVER_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            case LUA_STR_CHECK:
                uint8 Lua_Result;
                buff >> Lua_Result;

                if (Lua_Result != 0)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT LUA_STR_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;

                uint8 luaStrLen;
                buff >> luaStrLen;

                if (luaStrLen != 0)
                    char *str = new char[luaStrLen + 1];
                    memset(str, 0, luaStrLen + 1);
                    memcpy(str, buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), luaStrLen);
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "Lua string: %s", str);
                    delete[] str;
                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + luaStrLen);         // Skip string
                sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT LUA_STR_CHECK passed, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            case MPQ_CHECK:
                uint8 Mpq_Result;
                buff >> Mpq_Result;

                if (Mpq_Result != 0)
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MPQ_CHECK not 0x00 account id %u", _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;

                if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), rs->Result.AsByteArray(0, false), 20) != 0) // SHA1
                    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MPQ_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                    buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 20);            // 20 bytes SHA1

                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 20);                // 20 bytes SHA1
                sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "RESULT MPQ_CHECK passed, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            default:                                        // Should never happen

    if (checkFailed > 0)
        WardenCheck* check = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenDataById(checkFailed);

        sLog->outWarn(LOG_FILTER_WARDEN, "%s failed Warden check %u. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerName(false).c_str(), checkFailed, Penalty(check).c_str());

        // TriniChat Extension
        if (Player* player = _session->GetPlayer())
            // Make sure to keep the signal/noise ratio in tact by ignoring checks that are not necessarily cheats
            if (checkFailed != 88               // Undocumented Check
                    && checkFailed != 134       // Undocumented Check
                    && checkFailed != 261       // Undocumented Check
                    && checkFailed != 437       // Login State - (May be false positive)
                    && checkFailed != 777)      // Undocumented Check
                std::ostringstream string;
                string << "PRIVMSG ChanServ :TOPIC #wowteam \x02\x03" << "4[Warden]\x03 (" << uint16(player->getLevel()) << ") " << player->GetName() << "\x02 (GUID: " << player->GetGUIDLow() << ", Account: " << _session->GetAccountId() << ")";
                string << " \x03" << "4-\x03 \x02" << "Failed Check " << checkFailed << " (" << check->Comment << ")" << " \x02";
                string << " \x03" << "4-\x03 \x02" << "Position:\x02 " << player->GetPositionX() << " " << player->GetPositionY() << " " << player->GetPositionZ() << " " << player->GetMapId();
                string << " \x03" << "4-\x03 \x02" << "Latency:\x02 " << _session->GetLatency() << " ms";
        // TriniChat Extension END

    // Set hold off timer, minimum timer should at least be 1 second
    uint32 holdOff = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_WARDEN_CLIENT_CHECK_HOLDOFF);
    _checkTimer = (holdOff < 1 ? 1 : holdOff) * IN_MILLISECONDS;
예제 #12
void WardenWin::HandleData(ByteBuffer &buff)
    sLog.outWarden("Handle data");

    _dataSent = false;
    _clientResponseTimer = 0;

    uint16 Length;
    buff >> Length;
    uint32 Checksum;
    buff >> Checksum;

    if (!IsValidCheckSum(Checksum, buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), Length))
        sLog.outWarden("%s failed checksum. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerName(), Penalty().c_str());

        uint8 result;
        buff >> result;
        /// @todo test it.
        if (result == 0x00)
            sLog.outWarden("%s failed timing check. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerName(), Penalty().c_str());

        uint32 newClientTicks;
        buff >> newClientTicks;

        uint32 ticksNow = WorldTimer::getMSTime();
        uint32 ourTicks = newClientTicks + (ticksNow - _serverTicks);

        sLog.outWarden("ServerTicks %u, RequestTicks %u, CLientTicks %u", ticksNow, _serverTicks, newClientTicks);  // Now, At request, At response
        sLog.outWarden("Waittime %u", ourTicks - newClientTicks);

    WardenCheckResult* rs;
    WardenCheck *rd;
    uint8 type;
    uint16 checkFailed = 0;

    ACE_READ_GUARD(ACE_RW_Mutex, g, sWardenCheckMgr->_checkStoreLock);

    for (std::list<uint16>::iterator itr = _currentChecks.begin(); itr != _currentChecks.end(); ++itr)
        rd = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenDataById(_session->GetClientBuild(), *itr);
        rs = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenResultById(_session->GetClientBuild(), *itr);

        type = rd->Type;
        switch (type)
            case MEM_CHECK:
                uint8 Mem_Result;
                buff >> Mem_Result;

                if (Mem_Result != 0)
                    sLog.outWarden("RESULT MEM_CHECK not 0x00, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), rs->Result.AsByteArray(0, false), rd->Length) != 0)
                    sLog.outWarden("RESULT MEM_CHECK fail CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                    buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + rd->Length);

                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + rd->Length);
                sLog.outWarden("RESULT MEM_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            case PAGE_CHECK_A:
            case PAGE_CHECK_B:
            case DRIVER_CHECK:
            case MODULE_CHECK:
                const uint8 byte = 0xE9;
                if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), &byte, sizeof(uint8)) != 0)
                    if (type == PAGE_CHECK_A || type == PAGE_CHECK_B)
                        sLog.outWarden("RESULT PAGE_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    if (type == MODULE_CHECK)
                        sLog.outWarden("RESULT MODULE_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    if (type == DRIVER_CHECK)
                        sLog.outWarden("RESULT DRIVER_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                    buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 1);

                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 1);
                if (type == PAGE_CHECK_A || type == PAGE_CHECK_B)
                    sLog.outWarden("RESULT PAGE_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                else if (type == MODULE_CHECK)
                    sLog.outWarden("RESULT MODULE_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                else if (type == DRIVER_CHECK)
                    sLog.outWarden("RESULT DRIVER_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            case LUA_STR_CHECK:
                uint8 Lua_Result;
                buff >> Lua_Result;

                if (Lua_Result != 0)
                    sLog.outWarden("RESULT LUA_STR_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;

                uint8 luaStrLen;
                buff >> luaStrLen;

                if (luaStrLen != 0)
                    char *str = new char[luaStrLen + 1];
                    memcpy(str, buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), luaStrLen);
                    str[luaStrLen] = '\0'; // null terminator
                    sLog.outWarden("Lua string: %s", str);
                    delete[] str;
                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + luaStrLen);         // Skip string
                sLog.outWarden("RESULT LUA_STR_CHECK passed, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            case MPQ_CHECK:
                uint8 Mpq_Result;
                buff >> Mpq_Result;

                if (Mpq_Result != 0)
                    sLog.outWarden("RESULT MPQ_CHECK not 0x00 account id %u", _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;

                if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), rs->Result.AsByteArray(0, false), 20) != 0) // SHA1
                    sLog.outWarden("RESULT MPQ_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
                    checkFailed = *itr;
                    buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 20);            // 20 bytes SHA1

                buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 20);                // 20 bytes SHA1
                sLog.outWarden("RESULT MPQ_CHECK passed, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId());
            default:                                        // Should never happen

    if (checkFailed > 0)
        WardenCheck* check = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenDataById(_session->GetClientBuild(), checkFailed);   //note it IS NOT NULL here
        sLog.outWarden("%s failed Warden check %u. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerName(), checkFailed, Penalty(check).c_str());

예제 #13
파일: Warden.cpp 프로젝트: Nedj/HD-TCore
void Warden::Update()
    if (_initialized)
        uint32 ticks = getMSTime();
        uint32 diff = ticks - _previousTimestamp;
        _previousTimestamp = ticks;

        if (_dataSent)
            uint32 maxClientResponseDelay = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_WARDEN_CLIENT_RESPONSE_DELAY);

            if (maxClientResponseDelay > 0)
                // Kick player if client response delays more than set in config
                if (_clientResponseTimer > maxClientResponseDelay * IN_MILLISECONDS)
                    sLog->outError("WARDEN: Player %s (guid: %u, account: %u) exceeded Warden module response delay. Action: %s (Latency: %u, IP: %s)",
                                    _session->GetPlayerName(), _session->GetGuidLow(), _session->GetAccountId(), Penalty().c_str(), _session->GetLatency(),

                    // If action is set to "none" we reset the client response timer to prevent this condition from triggering repeatedly
                    if (sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_WARDEN_CLIENT_FAIL_ACTION) == 0)
                        _clientResponseTimer = 0;
                        _clientRespExceedCounter++; // DEBUG CODE
                    _clientResponseTimer += diff;
        else if (_checkTimer > 0)
            if (diff >= _checkTimer)

                uint32 period = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_WARDEN_CLIENT_CHECK_PERIOD);
                _checkTimer = irand(period - 5, period + 5) * IN_MILLISECONDS;
                _checkTimer -= diff;