예제 #1
void render_begin()
	wglMakeCurrent(hDC, hRC);




	// create view matrix
	g_viewPos = 
		PfxMatrix3::rotationY(viewRadY) * 
		PfxMatrix3::rotationX(viewRadX) * 

	g_lightPos = 
		PfxMatrix3::rotationY(lightRadY) * 
		PfxMatrix3::rotationX(lightRadX) * 

	PfxMatrix4 viewMtx = PfxMatrix4::lookAt(PfxPoint3(g_viewTgt + g_viewPos),PfxPoint3(g_viewTgt),PfxVector3(0,1,0));

	g_vMat = g_pMat * viewMtx;

PfxFloat pfxContactCapsuleCapsule(
	PfxVector3 &normal,PfxPoint3 &pointA,PfxPoint3 &pointB,
	void *shapeA,const PfxTransform3 &transformA,
	void *shapeB,const PfxTransform3 &transformB,
	PfxFloat distanceThreshold)
	PfxCapsule &capsuleA = *((PfxCapsule*)shapeA);
	PfxCapsule &capsuleB = *((PfxCapsule*)shapeB);

	PfxVector3 directionA = transformA.getUpper3x3().getCol0();
	PfxVector3 translationA = transformA.getTranslation();
	PfxVector3 directionB = transformB.getUpper3x3().getCol0();
	PfxVector3 translationB = transformB.getTranslation();

	// translation between centers

	PfxVector3 translation = translationB - translationA;

	// compute the closest points of the capsule line segments

	PfxVector3 ptsVector;           // the vector between the closest points
	PfxVector3 offsetA, offsetB;    // offsets from segment centers to their closest points
	PfxFloat tA, tB;              // parameters on line segment

	segmentsClosestPoints( ptsVector, offsetA, offsetB, tA, tB, translation,
						   directionA, capsuleA.m_halfLen, directionB, capsuleB.m_halfLen );

	PfxFloat distance = length(ptsVector) - capsuleA.m_radius - capsuleB.m_radius;

	if ( distance > distanceThreshold )
		return distance;

	// compute the contact normal

	segmentsNormal( normal, ptsVector );

	// compute points on capsules

	pointA = PfxPoint3( transpose(transformA.getUpper3x3()) * ( offsetA + normal * capsuleA.m_radius ) );
	pointB = PfxPoint3( transpose(transformB.getUpper3x3()) * ( offsetB - normal * capsuleB.m_radius ) );

	return distance;
PfxFloat pfxContactCapsuleSphere(
	PfxVector3 &normal,PfxPoint3 &pointA,PfxPoint3 &pointB,
	void *shapeA,const PfxTransform3 &transformA,
	void *shapeB,const PfxTransform3 &transformB,
	PfxFloat distanceThreshold)
	PfxCapsule &capsuleA = *((PfxCapsule*)shapeA);
	PfxSphere &sphereB = *((PfxSphere*)shapeB);

	PfxVector3 directionA = transformA.getUpper3x3().getCol0();
	PfxVector3 translationA = transformA.getTranslation();
	PfxVector3 translationB = transformB.getTranslation();

	// translation between centers of capsule and sphere

	PfxVector3 translation = translationB - translationA;

	// compute the closest point on the capsule line segment to the sphere center

	PfxVector3 ptsVector;
	PfxVector3 offsetA;
	PfxFloat tA;

	segmentPointClosestPoints( ptsVector, offsetA, tA, translation, directionA, capsuleA.m_halfLen );

	PfxFloat distance = length(ptsVector) - capsuleA.m_radius - sphereB.m_radius;

	if ( distance > distanceThreshold )
		return distance;

	// compute the contact normal

	segmentPointNormal( normal, ptsVector );

	// compute points on capsule and sphere

	pointA = PfxPoint3( transpose(transformA.getUpper3x3()) * ( offsetA + normal * capsuleA.m_radius ) );
	pointB = PfxPoint3( transpose(transformB.getUpper3x3()) * ( -normal * sphereB.m_radius ) );

	return distance;
bool pfxContactTriangleSphere(PfxContactCache &contacts,PfxUInt32 facetId,
	const PfxVector3 &normal,const PfxVector3 &p0,const PfxVector3 &p1,const PfxVector3 &p2,
	const PfxFloat thickness,const PfxFloat angle0,const PfxFloat angle1,const PfxFloat angle2,
	PfxUInt32 edgeChk,
	PfxFloat sphereRadius,const PfxVector3 &spherePos)
	PfxVector3 facetPnts[3] = {
	// 早期判定
		PfxPlane planeA(normal,p0);
		PfxFloat len1 = planeA.onPlane(spherePos);
		if(len1 >= sphereRadius || len1 < -thickness-sphereRadius) return false;

	// 球と面の最近接点を計算
		PfxTriangle triangleA(p0,p1,p2);
		PfxVector3 pntA;
		// pfxClosestPointTriangle(spherePos,triangleA,pntA);
		bool insideTriangle = false;
		while(1) {
		    PfxVector3 ab = p1 - p0;
		    PfxVector3 ac = p2 - p0;
		    PfxVector3 ap = spherePos - p0;
		    PfxFloat d1 = dot(ab, ap);
		    PfxFloat d2 = dot(ac, ap);
			if(d1 <= 0.0f && d2 <= 0.0f) {
				pntA = p0;

		    PfxVector3 bp = spherePos - p1;
		    PfxFloat d3 = dot(ab, bp);
		    PfxFloat d4 = dot(ac, bp);
			if (d3 >= 0.0f && d4 <= d3) {
				pntA = p1;

		    PfxFloat vc = d1*d4 - d3*d2;
		    if (vc <= 0.0f && d1 >= 0.0f && d3 <= 0.0f) {
		        PfxFloat v = d1 / (d1 - d3);
		        pntA = p0 + v * ab;

		    PfxVector3 cp = spherePos - p2;
		    PfxFloat d5 = dot(ab, cp);
		    PfxFloat d6 = dot(ac, cp);
			if (d6 >= 0.0f && d5 <= d6) {
				pntA = p2;

		    PfxFloat vb = d5*d2 - d1*d6;
		    if (vb <= 0.0f && d2 >= 0.0f && d6 <= 0.0f) {
		        PfxFloat w = d2 / (d2 - d6);
		        pntA = p0 + w * ac;

		    PfxFloat va = d3*d6 - d5*d4;
		    if (va <= 0.0f && (d4 - d3) >= 0.0f && (d5 - d6) >= 0.0f) {
		        PfxFloat w = (d4 - d3) / ((d4 - d3) + (d5 - d6));
		        pntA = p1 + w * (p2 - p1);

		    PfxFloat den = 1.0f / (va + vb + vc);
		    PfxFloat v = vb * den;
		    PfxFloat w = vc * den;
		    pntA = p0 + ab * v + ac * w;
		    insideTriangle = true;
		PfxVector3 distVec = pntA - spherePos;
		PfxFloat l = length(distVec);
		if(!insideTriangle && l >= sphereRadius) return false;
		// 分離軸
		PfxVector3 sepAxis = (l < 0.00001f || insideTriangle) ? -normal : distVec / l;

		// 球上の衝突点
		PfxVector3 pointsOnSphere = spherePos + sphereRadius * sepAxis;
		PfxVector3 pointsOnTriangle = pntA;

		// 面上の最近接点が凸エッジ上でない場合は法線を変える
		if( ((edgeChk&0x01)&&pfxPointOnLine(pointsOnTriangle,p0,p1)) ||
			((edgeChk&0x02)&&pfxPointOnLine(pointsOnTriangle,p1,p2)) ||
			((edgeChk&0x04)&&pfxPointOnLine(pointsOnTriangle,p2,p0)) ) {

		PfxSubData subData;

	return true;
PfxBool pfxIntersectRayCapsule(const PfxRayInput &ray,PfxRayOutput &out,const PfxCapsule &capsule,const PfxTransform3 &transform)
	// レイをCapsuleのローカル座標へ変換
	PfxTransform3 transformCapsule = orthoInverse(transform);
	PfxVector3 startPosL = transformCapsule.getUpper3x3() * ray.m_startPosition + transformCapsule.getTranslation();
	PfxVector3 rayDirL = transformCapsule.getUpper3x3() * ray.m_direction;
	PfxFloat radSqr = capsule.m_radius * capsule.m_radius;

	// 始点がカプセルの内側にあるか判定
		PfxFloat h = fabsf(startPosL[0]);
		if(h > capsule.m_halfLen) h = capsule.m_halfLen;
		PfxVector3 Px(out.m_variable,0,0);
		PfxFloat sqrLen = lengthSqr(startPosL-Px);
		if(sqrLen <= radSqr) return false;

	// カプセルの胴体との交差判定
	do {
		PfxVector3 P(startPosL);
		PfxVector3 D(rayDirL);
		P[0] = 0.0f;
		D[0] = 0.0f;
		PfxFloat a = dot(D,D);
		PfxFloat b = dot(P,D);
		PfxFloat c = dot(P,P) - radSqr;
		PfxFloat d = b * b - a * c;
		if(d < 0.0f || fabs(a) < 0.00001f) return false;
		PfxFloat tt = ( -b - sqrtf(d) ) / a;
		if(tt < 0.0f)
		else if(tt > 1.0f)
			return false;
		if(tt < out.m_variable) {
			PfxVector3 cp = startPosL + tt * rayDirL;
			if(fabsf(cp[0]) <= capsule.m_halfLen) {
				out.m_contactFlag = true;
				out.m_variable = tt;
				out.m_contactPoint = PfxVector3(transform * PfxPoint3(cp));
				out.m_contactNormal = transform.getUpper3x3() * normalize(cp);
				out.m_subData.m_type = PfxSubData::NONE;
				return true;
	} while(0);
	// カプセルの両端にある球体との交差判定
	PfxFloat a = dot(rayDirL,rayDirL);
	if(fabs(a) < 0.00001f) return false;
	do {
		PfxVector3 center(capsule.m_halfLen,0.0f,0.0f);
		PfxVector3 v = startPosL - center;

		PfxFloat b = dot(v,rayDirL);
		PfxFloat c = dot(v,v) - radSqr;

		PfxFloat d = b * b - a * c;
		if(d < 0.0f) break;
		PfxFloat tt = ( -b - sqrtf(d) ) / a;
		if(tt < 0.0f || tt > 1.0f) break;
		if(tt < out.m_variable) {
			PfxVector3 cp = startPosL + tt * rayDirL;
			out.m_contactFlag = true;
			out.m_variable = tt;
			out.m_contactPoint = ray.m_startPosition + tt * ray.m_direction;
			out.m_contactNormal = transform.getUpper3x3() * normalize(cp-center);
			out.m_subData.m_type = PfxSubData::NONE;
			return true;
	} while(0);
		PfxVector3 center(-capsule.m_halfLen,0.0f,0.0f);
		PfxVector3 v = startPosL - center;

		PfxFloat b = dot(v,rayDirL);
		PfxFloat c = dot(v,v) - radSqr;

		PfxFloat d = b * b - a * c;
		if(d < 0.0f) return false;
		PfxFloat tt = ( -b - sqrtf(d) ) / a;
		if(tt < 0.0f || tt > 1.0f) return false;
		if(tt < out.m_variable) {
			PfxVector3 cp = startPosL + out.m_variable * rayDirL;
			out.m_contactFlag = true;
			out.m_variable = tt;
			out.m_contactPoint = ray.m_startPosition + tt * ray.m_direction;
			out.m_contactNormal = transform.getUpper3x3() * normalize(cp-center);
			out.m_subData.m_type = PfxSubData::NONE;
			return true;
	return false;
PfxBool pfxIntersectRayCylinder(const PfxRayInput &ray,PfxRayOutput &out,const PfxCylinder &cylinder,const PfxTransform3 &transform)
	// レイを円柱のローカル座標へ変換
	PfxTransform3 transformCapsule = orthoInverse(transform);
	PfxVector3 startPosL = transformCapsule.getUpper3x3() * ray.m_startPosition + transformCapsule.getTranslation();
	PfxVector3 rayDirL = transformCapsule.getUpper3x3() * ray.m_direction;
	PfxFloat radSqr = cylinder.m_radius * cylinder.m_radius;

	// 始点が円柱の内側にあるか判定
		PfxFloat h = startPosL[0];
		if(-cylinder.m_halfLen <= h && h <= cylinder.m_halfLen) {
			PfxVector3 Px(h,0,0);
			PfxFloat sqrLen = lengthSqr(startPosL-Px);
			if(sqrLen <= radSqr) return false;

	// 円柱の胴体との交差判定
	do {
		PfxVector3 P(startPosL);
		PfxVector3 D(rayDirL);
		P[0] = 0.0f;
		D[0] = 0.0f;
		PfxFloat a = dot(D,D);
		PfxFloat b = dot(P,D);
		PfxFloat c = dot(P,P) - radSqr;
		PfxFloat d = b * b - a * c;
		if(d < 0.0f) return false; // レイは逸れている
		if(pfxAbsf(a) < 0.00001f) break; // レイがX軸に平行
		PfxFloat tt = ( -b - sqrtf(d) ) / a;
		if(tt < 0.0f || tt > 1.0f) break;
		if(tt < out.m_variable) {
			PfxVector3 cp = startPosL + tt * rayDirL;
			if(pfxAbsf(cp[0]) <= cylinder.m_halfLen) {
				out.m_contactFlag = true;
				out.m_variable = tt;
				out.m_contactPoint = PfxVector3(transform * PfxPoint3(cp));
				out.m_contactNormal = transform.getUpper3x3() * normalize(cp);
				out.m_subData.m_type = PfxSubData::NONE;
				return true;
	} while(0);
	// 円柱の両端にある平面との交差判定
		if(pfxAbsf(rayDirL[0]) < 0.00001f) return false;
		PfxFloat t1 = ( cylinder.m_halfLen - startPosL[0] ) / rayDirL[0];
		PfxFloat t2 = ( - cylinder.m_halfLen - startPosL[0] ) / rayDirL[0];

		PfxFloat tt = SCE_PFX_MIN(t1,t2);
		if(tt < 0.0f || tt > 1.0f) return false;

		PfxVector3 p = startPosL + tt * rayDirL;
		p[0] = 0.0f;

		if(lengthSqr(p) < radSqr && tt < out.m_variable) {
			PfxVector3 cp = startPosL + tt * rayDirL;
			out.m_contactFlag = true;
			out.m_variable = tt;
			out.m_contactPoint = ray.m_startPosition + tt * ray.m_direction;
			out.m_contactNormal = transform.getUpper3x3() * ((cp[0]>0.0f)?PfxVector3(1.0,0.0,0.0):PfxVector3(-1.0,0.0,0.0));
			out.m_subData.m_type = PfxSubData::NONE;
			return true;
	return false;
PfxFloat pfxContactBoxCapsule(
	PfxVector3 &normal,PfxPoint3 &pointA,PfxPoint3 &pointB,
	void *shapeA,const PfxTransform3 &transformA,
	void *shapeB,const PfxTransform3 &transformB,
	PfxFloat distanceThreshold)
	PfxBox boxA = *((PfxBox*)shapeA);
	PfxCapsule capsuleB = *((PfxCapsule*)shapeB);

	PfxVector3 ident[3] = {

	// get capsule position and direction in box's coordinate system

	PfxMatrix3 matrixA = transformA.getUpper3x3();
	PfxMatrix3 matrixAinv = transpose(matrixA);

	PfxVector3 directionB = transformB.getUpper3x3().getCol0();
	PfxVector3 translationB = transformB.getTranslation();

	PfxVector3 capsDirection = matrixAinv * directionB;
	PfxVector3 absCapsDirection = absPerElem(capsDirection);
	PfxVector3 offsetAB = matrixAinv * (translationB - transformA.getTranslation());

	// find separating axis with largest gap between projections

	BoxCapsSepAxisType axisType;
	PfxVector3 axisA;
	PfxFloat maxGap;
	int faceDimA = 0, edgeDimA = 0;

	// face axes

	// can compute all the gaps at once with VU0

	PfxVector3 gapsA = absPerElem(offsetAB) - boxA.m_half - absCapsDirection * capsuleB.m_halfLen;

	AaxisTest( 0, X, true );
	AaxisTest( 1, Y, false );
	AaxisTest( 2, Z, false );

	// cross product axes

	// compute gaps on all cross product axes using some VU0 math.  suppose there's a tradeoff
	// between doing this with SIMD all at once or without SIMD in each cross product test, since
	// some test might exit early.

	PfxVector3 lsqrs, projOffset, projAhalf;

	PfxMatrix3 crossProdMat = crossMatrix(capsDirection) * PfxMatrix3::identity();
	PfxMatrix3 crossProdMatT = crossMatrix(-capsDirection) * PfxMatrix3::identity();

	lsqrs = mulPerElem( crossProdMatT.getCol0(), crossProdMatT.getCol0() ) +
			mulPerElem( crossProdMatT.getCol1(), crossProdMatT.getCol1() ) +
			mulPerElem( crossProdMatT.getCol2(), crossProdMatT.getCol2() );

	projOffset = crossProdMatT * offsetAB;
	projAhalf = absPerElem(crossProdMatT) * boxA.m_half;

	PfxVector3 gapsAxB = absPerElem(projOffset) - projAhalf;

	CrossAxisTest( 0, X );
	CrossAxisTest( 1, Y );
	CrossAxisTest( 2, Z );

	// make axis point from box center towards capsule center.

	if ( dot(axisA,offsetAB) < 0.0f )
		axisA = -axisA;

	// find the face on box whose normal best matches the separating axis. will use the entire
	// face only in degenerate cases.
	// to make things simpler later, change the coordinate system so that the face normal is the z
	// direction.  if an edge cross product axis was chosen above, also align the box edge to the y
	// axis.  this saves the later tests from having to know which face was chosen.  changing the
	// coordinate system involves permuting vector elements, so construct a permutation matrix.
	// I believe this is a faster way to permute a bunch of vectors than using arrays.

	int dimA[3];

	if ( axisType == CROSS_AXIS ) {
		PfxVector3 absAxisA = PfxVector3(absPerElem(axisA));

		dimA[1] = edgeDimA;

		if ( edgeDimA == 0 ) {
			if ( absAxisA[1] > absAxisA[2] ) {
				dimA[0] = 2;
				dimA[2] = 1;
			} else                             {
				dimA[0] = 1;
				dimA[2] = 2;
		} else if ( edgeDimA == 1 ) {
			if ( absAxisA[2] > absAxisA[0] ) {
				dimA[0] = 0;
				dimA[2] = 2;
			} else                             {
				dimA[0] = 2;
				dimA[2] = 0;
		} else {
			if ( absAxisA[0] > absAxisA[1] ) {
				dimA[0] = 1;
				dimA[2] = 0;
			} else                             {
				dimA[0] = 0;
				dimA[2] = 1;
	} else {
		dimA[2] = faceDimA;
		dimA[0] = (faceDimA+1)%3;
		dimA[1] = (faceDimA+2)%3;

	PfxMatrix3 aperm_col;


	PfxMatrix3 aperm_row = transpose(aperm_col);

	// permute vectors to be in face coordinate system.

	PfxVector3 offsetAB_perm = aperm_row * offsetAB;
	PfxVector3 halfA_perm = aperm_row * boxA.m_half;
	PfxVector3 signsA_perm = copySignPerElem(PfxVector3(1.0f), aperm_row * axisA);
	PfxVector3 scalesA_perm = mulPerElem( signsA_perm, halfA_perm );
	PfxVector3 capsDirection_perm = aperm_row * capsDirection;
	PfxFloat signB = (-dot(capsDirection,axisA) > 0.0f)? 1.0f : -1.0f;
	PfxFloat scaleB = signB * capsuleB.m_halfLen;

	// compute the vector between the center of the box face and the capsule center

	offsetAB_perm.setZ( offsetAB_perm.getZ() - scalesA_perm.getZ() );

	// if box and capsule overlap, this will separate them for finding points of penetration.

	if ( maxGap < 0.0f ) {
		offsetAB_perm -= aperm_row * axisA * maxGap * 1.01f;

	// for each vertex/face or edge/edge pair of box face and line segment, find the closest
	// points.
	// these points each have an associated feature (vertex, edge, or face).  if each
	// point is in the external Voronoi region of the other's feature, they are the
	// closest points of the objects, and the algorithm can exit.
	// the feature pairs are arranged so that in the general case, the first test will
	// succeed.  degenerate cases (line segment parallel to face) may require up to all tests
	// in the worst case.
	// if for some reason no case passes the Voronoi test, the features with the minimum
	// distance are returned.

	PfxVector3 closestPtsVec_perm;
	PfxPoint3 localPointA_perm;
	PfxFloat minDistSqr;
	PfxFloat segmentParamB;
	PfxBool done;

	localPointA_perm.setZ( scalesA_perm.getZ() );

	PfxVector3 hA_perm( halfA_perm );

	int otherFaceDimA;

	if ( axisType == CROSS_AXIS ) {
		EdgeEdgeTests( done, minDistSqr, closestPtsVec_perm, localPointA_perm, segmentParamB,
					   hA_perm, capsuleB.m_halfLen, offsetAB_perm, capsDirection_perm, signsA_perm,
					   scalesA_perm, true );

		if ( !done ) {
			VertexBFaceATests( done, minDistSqr, closestPtsVec_perm, localPointA_perm, segmentParamB,
							   hA_perm, offsetAB_perm, capsDirection_perm, signB, scaleB, false );
	} else {
		VertexBFaceATests( done, minDistSqr, closestPtsVec_perm, localPointA_perm, segmentParamB,
						   hA_perm, offsetAB_perm, capsDirection_perm, signB, scaleB, true );

		if ( !done ) {
			EdgeEdgeTests( done, minDistSqr, closestPtsVec_perm, localPointA_perm, segmentParamB,
						   hA_perm, capsuleB.m_halfLen, offsetAB_perm, capsDirection_perm, signsA_perm,
						   scalesA_perm, false );

	// compute normal

	PfxBool centerInside = ( signsA_perm.getZ() * closestPtsVec_perm.getZ() < 0.0f );

	if ( centerInside || ( minDistSqr < lenSqrTol ) ) {
		normal = matrixA * axisA;
	} else {
		PfxVector3 closestPtsVec = aperm_col * closestPtsVec_perm;
		normal = matrixA * ( closestPtsVec * (1.0f/sqrtf( minDistSqr )) );

	// compute box point

	pointA = PfxPoint3( aperm_col * PfxVector3( localPointA_perm ) );

	// compute capsule point

	pointB = PfxPoint3( transpose(transformB.getUpper3x3()) * ( directionB * segmentParamB - normal * capsuleB.m_radius ) );

	if ( centerInside ) {
		return (-sqrtf( minDistSqr ) - capsuleB.m_radius);
	} else {
		return (sqrtf( minDistSqr ) - capsuleB.m_radius);