예제 #1
 * Determines the type of a process based on its image file name.
 * \param ProcessHandle A handle to a process.
 * \param KnownProcessType A variable which receives the process
 * type.
NTSTATUS PhGetProcessKnownType(
    __in HANDLE ProcessHandle,
    __out PH_KNOWN_PROCESS_TYPE *KnownProcessType
    NTSTATUS status;
    PH_KNOWN_PROCESS_TYPE knownProcessType;
    PH_STRINGREF systemRootPrefix;
    PPH_STRING fileName;
    PPH_STRING newFileName;
    PH_STRINGREF name;
#ifdef _M_X64
    BOOLEAN isWow64 = FALSE;

    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status = PhGetProcessBasicInformation(
        return status;

    if (basicInfo.UniqueProcessId == SYSTEM_PROCESS_ID)
        *KnownProcessType = SystemProcessType;
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;


    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status = PhGetProcessImageFileName(
        return status;

    newFileName = PhGetFileName(fileName);
    name = newFileName->sr;

    knownProcessType = UnknownProcessType;

    if (PhStartsWithStringRef(&name, &systemRootPrefix, TRUE))
        // Skip the system root, and we now have three cases:
        // 1. \\xyz.exe - Windows executable.
        // 2. \\System32\\xyz.exe - system32 executable.
        // 3. \\SysWow64\\xyz.exe - system32 executable + WOW64.
        name.Buffer += systemRootPrefix.Length / 2;
        name.Length -= systemRootPrefix.Length;

        if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\explorer.exe", TRUE))
            knownProcessType = ExplorerProcessType;
        else if (
            PhStartsWithStringRef2(&name, L"\\System32", TRUE)
#ifdef _M_X64
            || (PhStartsWithStringRef2(&name, L"\\SysWow64", TRUE) && (isWow64 = TRUE, TRUE)) // ugly but necessary
            // SysTem32 and SysWow64 are both 8 characters long.
            name.Buffer += 9;
            name.Length -= 9 * 2;

            if (FALSE)
                ; // Dummy
            else if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\smss.exe", TRUE))
                knownProcessType = SessionManagerProcessType;
            else if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\csrss.exe", TRUE))
                knownProcessType = WindowsSubsystemProcessType;
            else if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\wininit.exe", TRUE))
                knownProcessType = WindowsStartupProcessType;
            else if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\services.exe", TRUE))
                knownProcessType = ServiceControlManagerProcessType;
            else if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\lsass.exe", TRUE))
                knownProcessType = LocalSecurityAuthorityProcessType;
            else if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\lsm.exe", TRUE))
                knownProcessType = LocalSessionManagerProcessType;
            else if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\winlogon.exe", TRUE))
                knownProcessType = WindowsLogonProcessType;
            else if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\svchost.exe", TRUE))
                knownProcessType = ServiceHostProcessType;
            else if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\rundll32.exe", TRUE))
                knownProcessType = RunDllAsAppProcessType;
            else if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\dllhost.exe", TRUE))
                knownProcessType = ComSurrogateProcessType;
            else if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\taskeng.exe", TRUE))
                knownProcessType = TaskHostProcessType;
            else if (PhEqualStringRef2(&name, L"\\taskhost.exe", TRUE))
                knownProcessType = TaskHostProcessType;


#ifdef _M_X64
    if (isWow64)
        knownProcessType |= KnownProcessWow64;

    *KnownProcessType = knownProcessType;

    return status;
예제 #2
PPH_STRING PhFormatNativeKeyName(
    __in PPH_STRING Name
    static PH_STRINGREF hklmPrefix = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"\\Registry\\Machine");
    static PH_STRINGREF hkcrPrefix = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\Classes");
    static PH_STRINGREF hkuPrefix = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"\\Registry\\User");
    static PPH_STRING hkcuPrefix;
    static PPH_STRING hkcucrPrefix;

    static PH_STRINGREF hklmString = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"HKLM");
    static PH_STRINGREF hkcrString = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"HKCR");
    static PH_STRINGREF hkuString = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"HKU");
    static PH_STRINGREF hkcuString = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"HKCU");
    static PH_STRINGREF hkcucrString = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"HKCU\\Software\\Classes");

    static PH_INITONCE initOnce = PH_INITONCE_INIT;

    PPH_STRING newName;
    PH_STRINGREF name;

    if (PhBeginInitOnce(&initOnce))
        PTOKEN_USER tokenUser;
        PPH_STRING stringSid = NULL;

        if (PhCurrentTokenQueryHandle)
            if (NT_SUCCESS(PhGetTokenUser(
                stringSid = PhSidToStringSid(tokenUser->User.Sid);

        if (stringSid)
            static PH_STRINGREF registryUserPrefix = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"\\Registry\\User\\");
            static PH_STRINGREF classesString = PH_STRINGREF_INIT(L"_Classes");

            hkcuPrefix = PhConcatStringRef2(&registryUserPrefix, &stringSid->sr);
            hkcucrPrefix = PhConcatStringRef2(&hkcuPrefix->sr, &classesString);

            hkcuPrefix = PhCreateString(L"..."); // some random string that won't ever get matched
            hkcucrPrefix = PhCreateString(L"...");


    name = Name->sr;

    if (PhStartsWithStringRef(&name, &hkcrPrefix, TRUE))
        name.Buffer += hkcrPrefix.Length / sizeof(WCHAR);
        name.Length -= hkcrPrefix.Length;
        newName = PhConcatStringRef2(&hkcrString, &name);
    else if (PhStartsWithStringRef(&name, &hklmPrefix, TRUE))
        name.Buffer += hklmPrefix.Length / sizeof(WCHAR);
        name.Length -= hklmPrefix.Length;
        newName = PhConcatStringRef2(&hklmString, &name);
    else if (PhStartsWithStringRef(&name, &hkcucrPrefix->sr, TRUE))
        name.Buffer += hkcucrPrefix->Length / sizeof(WCHAR);
        name.Length -= hkcucrPrefix->Length;
        newName = PhConcatStringRef2(&hkcucrString, &name);
    else if (PhStartsWithStringRef(&name, &hkcuPrefix->sr, TRUE))
        name.Buffer += hkcuPrefix->Length / sizeof(WCHAR);
        name.Length -= hkcuPrefix->Length;
        newName = PhConcatStringRef2(&hkcuString, &name);
    else if (PhStartsWithStringRef(&name, &hkuPrefix, TRUE))
        name.Buffer += hkuPrefix.Length / sizeof(WCHAR);
        name.Length -= hkuPrefix.Length;
        newName = PhConcatStringRef2(&hkuString, &name);
        newName = Name;

    return newName;
예제 #3
 * Finds a child menu item.
 * \param Item The parent menu item.
 * \param Flags A combination of the following:
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_FIND_DESCEND Searches recursively within child
 * menu items.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_FIND_STARTSWITH Performs a partial text search
 * instead of an exact search.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_FIND_LITERAL Performs a literal search instead of
 * ignoring prefix characters (ampersands).
 * \param Text The text of the menu item to find. If NULL, the text
 * is ignored.
 * \param Id The identifier of the menu item to find. If 0, the
 * identifier is ignored.
 * \return The found menu item, or NULL if the menu item could not
 * be found.
    __in PPH_EMENU_ITEM Item,
    __in ULONG Flags,
    __in_opt PWSTR Text,
    __in_opt ULONG Id
    ULONG i;
    PH_STRINGREF searchText;

    if (!Item->Items)
        return NULL;

    if (Text && (Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_LITERAL))
        PhInitializeStringRef(&searchText, Text);

    for (i = 0; i < Item->Items->Count; i++)
        PPH_EMENU_ITEM item;

        item = Item->Items->Items[i];

        if (Text)
            if (Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_LITERAL)
                PH_STRINGREF text;

                PhInitializeStringRef(&text, item->Text);

                if (Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_STARTSWITH)
                    if (PhStartsWithStringRef(&text, &searchText, TRUE))
                        return item;
                    if (PhEqualStringRef(&text, &searchText, TRUE))
                        return item;
                if (PhCompareUnicodeStringZIgnoreMenuPrefix(Text, item->Text,
                    TRUE, !!(Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_STARTSWITH)) == 0)
                    return item;

        if (Id && item->Id == Id)
            return item;

        if (Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_DESCEND)
            PPH_EMENU_ITEM foundItem;

            foundItem = PhFindEMenuItem(item, Flags, Text, Id);

            if (foundItem)
                return foundItem;

    return NULL;
예제 #4
 * Finds a child menu item.
 * \param Item The parent menu item.
 * \param Flags A combination of the following:
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_FIND_DESCEND Searches recursively within child menu items.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_FIND_STARTSWITH Performs a partial text search instead of an exact search.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_FIND_LITERAL Performs a literal search instead of ignoring prefix characters
 * (ampersands).
 * \param Text The text of the menu item to find. If NULL, the text is ignored.
 * \param Id The identifier of the menu item to find. If 0, the identifier is ignored.
 * \param FoundParent A variable which receives the parent of the found menu item.
 * \param FoundIndex A variable which receives the index of the found menu item.
 * \return The found menu item, or NULL if the menu item could not be found.
    _In_ PPH_EMENU_ITEM Item,
    _In_ ULONG Flags,
    _In_opt_ PWSTR Text,
    _In_opt_ ULONG Id,
    _Out_opt_ PPH_EMENU_ITEM *FoundParent,
    _Out_opt_ PULONG FoundIndex
    PH_STRINGREF searchText;
    ULONG i;
    PPH_EMENU_ITEM item;

    if (!Item->Items)
        return NULL;

    if (Text && (Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_LITERAL))
        PhInitializeStringRef(&searchText, Text);

    for (i = 0; i < Item->Items->Count; i++)
        item = Item->Items->Items[i];

        if (Text)
            if (Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_LITERAL)
                PH_STRINGREF text;

                PhInitializeStringRef(&text, item->Text);

                if (Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_STARTSWITH)
                    if (PhStartsWithStringRef(&text, &searchText, TRUE))
                        goto FoundItemHere;
                    if (PhEqualStringRef(&text, &searchText, TRUE))
                        goto FoundItemHere;
                if (PhCompareUnicodeStringZIgnoreMenuPrefix(Text, item->Text,
                    TRUE, !!(Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_STARTSWITH)) == 0)
                    goto FoundItemHere;

        if (Id && item->Id == Id)
            goto FoundItemHere;

        if (Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_DESCEND)
            PPH_EMENU_ITEM foundItem;
            PPH_EMENU_ITEM foundParent;
            ULONG foundIndex;

            foundItem = PhFindEMenuItemEx(item, Flags, Text, Id, &foundParent, &foundIndex);

            if (foundItem)
                if (FoundParent)
                    *FoundParent = foundParent;
                if (FoundIndex)
                    *FoundIndex = foundIndex;

                return foundItem;

    return NULL;

    if (FoundParent)
        *FoundParent = Item;
    if (FoundIndex)
        *FoundIndex = i;

    return item;