예제 #1
파일: status.cpp 프로젝트: re-curse/golly
void CheckMouseLocation(int x, int y)
    // check if we need to update XY location in status bar
    bool mouse_in_grid = false;
    bigint xpos, ypos;
    if (PointInView(x, y)) {
        // get mouse location in cell coords
        pair<bigint, bigint> cellpos = currlayer->view->at(x, y);
        xpos = cellpos.first;
        ypos = cellpos.second;
        // check if xpos,ypos is inside grid (possibly bounded)
        mouse_in_grid = CellInGrid(xpos, ypos);

    if (mouse_in_grid) {
        if ( xpos != currx || ypos != curry ) {
            // show new XY location
            currx = xpos;
            curry = ypos;
            showxy = true;
        } else if (!showxy) {
            // mouse moved from outside grid and back over currx,curry
            showxy = true;
    } else {
        // mouse is outside grid so clear XY location if necessary
        if (showxy) {
            showxy = false;
void FDebugRenderSceneProxy::DrawDebugLabels(UCanvas* Canvas, APlayerController*)
	const FColor OldDrawColor = Canvas->DrawColor;
	const FFontRenderInfo FontRenderInfo = Canvas->CreateFontRenderInfo(true, false);
	const FFontRenderInfo FontRenderInfoWithShadow = Canvas->CreateFontRenderInfo(true, true);


	UFont* RenderFont = GEngine->GetSmallFont();

	const FSceneView* View = Canvas->SceneView;
	for (auto It = Texts.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
		if (PointInView(It->Location, View))
			const FVector ScreenLoc = Canvas->Project(It->Location);
			const FFontRenderInfo& FontInfo = TextWithoutShadowDistance >= 0 ? (PointInRange(It->Location, View, TextWithoutShadowDistance) ? FontRenderInfoWithShadow : FontRenderInfo) : FontRenderInfo;
			Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, It->Text, ScreenLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y, 1, 1, FontInfo);

void FDebugRenderSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements(const TArray<const FSceneView*>& Views, const FSceneViewFamily& ViewFamily, uint32 VisibilityMap, FMeshElementCollector& Collector) const 
	QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_DebugRenderSceneProxy_GetDynamicMeshElements );

	// Draw solid spheres
	struct FMaterialCache
		FMaterialCache() : bUseFakeLight(false) {}

		FMaterialRenderProxy* operator[](FLinearColor Color)
			FMaterialRenderProxy* MeshColor = NULL;
			const uint32 HashKey = GetTypeHash(Color);
			if (MeshColorInstances.Contains(HashKey))
				MeshColor = *MeshColorInstances.Find(HashKey);
				if (bUseFakeLight && SolidMeshMaterial.IsValid())
					MeshColor = new(FMemStack::Get())  FColoredMaterialRenderProxy(
						SolidMeshMaterial->GetRenderProxy(false, false),
					MeshColor = new(FMemStack::Get()) FColoredMaterialRenderProxy(GEngine->DebugMeshMaterial->GetRenderProxy(false, false), Color);

				MeshColorInstances.Add(HashKey, MeshColor);

			return MeshColor;

		void UseFakeLight(bool UseLight, class UMaterial* InMaterial) { bUseFakeLight = UseLight; SolidMeshMaterial = InMaterial; }

		TMap<uint32, FMaterialRenderProxy*> MeshColorInstances;
		TWeakObjectPtr<class UMaterial> SolidMeshMaterial;
		bool bUseFakeLight;

	FMaterialCache MaterialCache[2];
	MaterialCache[1].UseFakeLight(true, SolidMeshMaterial.Get());

	for (int32 ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Views.Num(); ViewIndex++)
		if (VisibilityMap & (1 << ViewIndex))
			const FSceneView* View = Views[ViewIndex];
			FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI = Collector.GetPDI(ViewIndex);

			// Draw Lines
			const int32 LinesNum = Lines.Num();
			PDI->AddReserveLines(SDPG_World, LinesNum, false, false);
			for (const auto& CurrentLine : Lines)
				PDI->DrawLine(CurrentLine.Start, CurrentLine.End, CurrentLine.Color, SDPG_World, CurrentLine.Thickness, 0, CurrentLine.Thickness > 0);

			// Draw Dashed Lines
			for(int32 DashIdx=0; DashIdx<DashedLines.Num(); DashIdx++)
				const FDashedLine& Dash = DashedLines[DashIdx];

				DrawDashedLine(PDI, Dash.Start, Dash.End, Dash.Color, Dash.DashSize, SDPG_World);

			// Draw Arrows
			const uint32 ArrowsNum = ArrowLines.Num();
			PDI->AddReserveLines(SDPG_World, 5 * ArrowsNum, false, false);
			for (const auto& CurrentArrow : ArrowLines)
				DrawLineArrow(PDI, CurrentArrow.Start, CurrentArrow.End, CurrentArrow.Color, 8.0f);

			// Draw Stars
			for(int32 StarIdx=0; StarIdx<Stars.Num(); StarIdx++)
				const FWireStar& Star = Stars[StarIdx];

				DrawWireStar(PDI, Star.Position, Star.Size, Star.Color, SDPG_World);

			// Draw Cylinders
			for(const auto& Cylinder : Cylinders)
				if (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes || DrawType == WireMesh)
					DrawWireCylinder(PDI, Cylinder.Base, FVector(1, 0, 0), FVector(0, 1, 0), FVector(0, 0, 1), Cylinder.Color, Cylinder.Radius, Cylinder.HalfHeight, (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes) ? 9 : 16, SDPG_World, DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes ? 2 : 0, 0, true);

				if (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes || DrawType == SolidMesh)
					GetCylinderMesh(Cylinder.Base, FVector(1, 0, 0), FVector(0, 1, 0), FVector(0, 0, 1), Cylinder.Radius, Cylinder.HalfHeight, 16, MaterialCache[0][Cylinder.Color.WithAlpha(DrawAlpha)], SDPG_World, ViewIndex, Collector);

			// Draw Boxes
			for(const auto& Box :  Boxes)
				if (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes || DrawType == WireMesh)
					DrawWireBox(PDI, Box.Transform.ToMatrixWithScale(), Box.Box, Box.Color, SDPG_World, DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes ? 2 : 0, 0, true);
				if (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes || DrawType == SolidMesh)
					GetBoxMesh(FTransform(Box.Box.GetCenter()).ToMatrixNoScale() * Box.Transform.ToMatrixWithScale(), Box.Box.GetExtent(), MaterialCache[0][Box.Color.WithAlpha(DrawAlpha)], SDPG_World, ViewIndex, Collector);

			// Draw Boxes
			TArray<FVector> Verts;
			for (auto& CurrentCone : Cones)
				if (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes || DrawType == WireMesh)
					DrawWireCone(PDI, Verts, CurrentCone.ConeToWorld, 1, CurrentCone.Angle2, (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes) ? 9 : 16, CurrentCone.Color, SDPG_World, DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes ? 2 : 0, 0, true);
				if (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes || DrawType == SolidMesh)
					GetConeMesh(CurrentCone.ConeToWorld, CurrentCone.Angle1, CurrentCone.Angle2, 16, MaterialCache[0][CurrentCone.Color.WithAlpha(DrawAlpha)], SDPG_World, ViewIndex, Collector);

			for (auto It = Spheres.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
				if (PointInView(It->Location, View))
					if (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes || DrawType == WireMesh)
						DrawWireSphere(PDI, It->Location, It->Color.WithAlpha(255), It->Radius, 20, SDPG_World, DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes ? 2 : 0, 0, true);
					if (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes || DrawType == SolidMesh)
						GetSphereMesh(It->Location, FVector(It->Radius), 20, 7, MaterialCache[0][It->Color.WithAlpha(DrawAlpha)], SDPG_World, false, ViewIndex, Collector);

			for (auto It = Capsles.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
				if (PointInView(It->Location, View))
					if (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes || DrawType == WireMesh)
						const float HalfAxis = FMath::Max<float>(It->HalfHeight - It->Radius, 1.f);
						const FVector BottomEnd = It->Location + It->Radius * It->Z;
						const FVector TopEnd = BottomEnd + (2 * HalfAxis) * It->Z;
						const float CylinderHalfHeight = (TopEnd - BottomEnd).Size() * 0.5;
						const FVector CylinderLocation = BottomEnd + CylinderHalfHeight * It->Z;
						DrawWireCapsule(PDI, CylinderLocation, It->X, It->Y, It->Z, It->Color, It->Radius, It->HalfHeight, (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes) ? 9 : 16, SDPG_World, DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes ? 2 : 0, 0, true);
					if (DrawType == SolidAndWireMeshes || DrawType == SolidMesh)
						GetCapsuleMesh(It->Location, It->X, It->Y, It->Z, It->Color, It->Radius, It->HalfHeight, 16, MaterialCache[0][It->Color.WithAlpha(DrawAlpha)], SDPG_World, false, ViewIndex, Collector);

			for (const auto& Mesh : Meshes)
				FDynamicMeshBuilder MeshBuilder;

				MeshBuilder.GetMesh(FMatrix::Identity, MaterialCache[Mesh.Color.A == 255 ? 1 : 0][Mesh.Color.WithAlpha(DrawAlpha)], SDPG_World, false, false, ViewIndex, Collector);
