예제 #1
static void MVFFFree(Pool pool, Addr old, Size size)
  Res res;
  Addr base, limit;
  MVFF mvff;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);

  AVER(old != (Addr)0);
  AVER(AddrIsAligned(old, PoolAlignment(pool)));
  AVER(size > 0);

  size = SizeAlignUp(size, PoolAlignment(pool));
  base = old;
  limit = AddrAdd(base, size);

  res = MVFFAddToFreeList(&base, &limit, mvff);
  AVER(res == ResOK);
  if (res == ResOK)
    MVFFFreeSegs(mvff, base, limit);

예제 #2
/* MVFFAddSeg -- Allocates a new segment from the arena
 * Allocates a new segment from the arena (with the given
 * withReservoirPermit flag) of at least the specified size.  The
 * specified size should be pool-aligned.  Adds it to the free list.
static Res MVFFAddSeg(Seg *segReturn,
                      MVFF mvff, Size size, Bool withReservoirPermit)
  Pool pool;
  Arena arena;
  Size segSize;
  Seg seg;
  Res res;
  Align align;
  Addr base, limit;

  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVERT(Bool, withReservoirPermit);

  pool = MVFF2Pool(mvff);
  arena = PoolArena(pool);
  align = ArenaAlign(arena);

  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, PoolAlignment(pool)));

  /* Use extendBy unless it's too small (see */
  /* <design/poolmvff/#design.seg-size>). */
  if (size <= mvff->extendBy)
    segSize = mvff->extendBy;
    segSize = size;

  segSize = SizeAlignUp(segSize, align);

  res = SegAlloc(&seg, SegClassGet(), mvff->segPref, segSize, pool,
                 withReservoirPermit, argsNone);
  if (res != ResOK) {
    /* try again for a seg just large enough for object */
    /* see <design/poolmvff/#design.seg-fail> */
    segSize = SizeAlignUp(size, align);
    res = SegAlloc(&seg, SegClassGet(), mvff->segPref, segSize, pool,
                   withReservoirPermit, argsNone);
    if (res != ResOK) {
      return res;

  mvff->total += segSize;
  base = SegBase(seg);
  limit = AddrAdd(base, segSize);
  DebugPoolFreeSplat(pool, base, limit);
  res = MVFFAddToFreeList(&base, &limit, mvff);
  AVER(res == ResOK);
  AVER(base <= SegBase(seg));
  if (mvff->minSegSize > segSize) mvff->minSegSize = segSize;

  /* Don't call MVFFFreeSegs; that would be silly. */

  *segReturn = seg;
  return ResOK;
예제 #3
파일: buffer.c 프로젝트: Ravenbrook/mps
static Res BufferAbsInit(Buffer buffer, Pool pool, Bool isMutator, ArgList args)
  Arena arena;

  AVER(buffer != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  AVERT(ArgList, args);

  /* Superclass init */
  InstInit(CouldBeA(Inst, buffer));
  arena = PoolArena(pool);

  /* Initialize the buffer.  See <code/mpmst.h> for a definition of
     the structure.  sig and serial comes later .init.sig-serial */
  buffer->arena = arena;
  buffer->pool = pool;
  buffer->isMutator = isMutator;
  if (ArenaGlobals(arena)->bufferLogging) {
    buffer->mode = BufferModeLOGGED;
  } else {
    buffer->mode = 0;
  buffer->fillSize = 0.0;
  buffer->emptySize = 0.0;
  buffer->alignment = PoolAlignment(pool);
  buffer->base = (Addr)0;
  buffer->initAtFlip = (Addr)0;
  /* In the next three assignments we really mean zero, not NULL, because
     the bit pattern is compared.  It's pretty unlikely we'll encounter
     a platform where this makes a difference. */
  buffer->ap_s.init = (mps_addr_t)0;
  buffer->ap_s.alloc = (mps_addr_t)0;
  buffer->ap_s.limit = (mps_addr_t)0;
  buffer->poolLimit = (Addr)0;
  buffer->rampCount = 0;

  /* .init.sig-serial: Now the vanilla stuff is initialized, sign the
     buffer and give it a serial number. It can then be safely checked
     in subclass methods. */
  buffer->serial = pool->bufferSerial; /* .trans.mod */
  SetClassOfPoly(buffer, CLASS(Buffer));
  buffer->sig = BufferSig;
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);

  /* Attach the initialized buffer to the pool. */
  RingAppend(&pool->bufferRing, &buffer->poolRing);

  EVENT3(BufferInit, buffer, pool, BOOLOF(buffer->isMutator));

  return ResOK;
예제 #4
static void MVFFFree(Pool pool, Addr old, Size size)
  Addr base, limit;
  MVFF mvff;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);

  AVER(old != (Addr)0);
  AVER(size > 0);

  base = AddrAlignUp(old, PoolAlignment(pool));
  size = size - AddrOffset(old, base);
  size = SizeAlignUp(size, PoolAlignment(pool));
  limit = AddrAdd(base, size);

  MVFFAddToFreeList(&base, &limit, mvff);

  MVFFFreeSegs(mvff, base, limit);
예제 #5
Res SACFill(Addr *p_o, SAC sac, Size size, Bool hasReservoirPermit)
  Index i;
  Count blockCount, j;
  Size blockSize;
  Addr p, fl;
  Res res = ResOK; /* stop compiler complaining */
  mps_sac_t esac;

  AVER(p_o != NULL);
  AVERT(SAC, sac);
  AVER(size != 0);
  AVERT(Bool, hasReservoirPermit);
  esac = ExternalSACOfSAC(sac);

  sacFind(&i, &blockSize, sac, size);
  /* Check it's empty (in the future, there will be other cases). */
  AVER(esac->_freelists[i]._count == 0);

  /* Fill 1/3 of the cache for this class. */
  blockCount = esac->_freelists[i]._count_max / 3;
  /* Adjust size for the overlarge class. */
  if (blockSize == SizeMAX)
    /* .align: align 'cause some classes don't accept unaligned. */
    blockSize = SizeAlignUp(size, PoolAlignment(sac->pool));
  for (j = 0, fl = esac->_freelists[i]._blocks;
       j <= blockCount; ++j) {
    res = PoolAlloc(&p, sac->pool, blockSize, hasReservoirPermit);
    if (res != ResOK)
    /* @@@@ ignoring shields for now */
    *ADDR_PTR(Addr, p) = fl; fl = p;
  /* If didn't get any, just return. */
  if (j == 0) {
    AVER(res != ResOK);
    return res;

  /* Take the last one off, and return it. */
  esac->_freelists[i]._count = j - 1;
  *p_o = fl;
  /* @@@@ ignoring shields for now */
  esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = *ADDR_PTR(Addr, fl);
  return ResOK;
예제 #6
static Res MVFFAlloc(Addr *aReturn, Pool pool, Size size,
                     Bool withReservoirPermit, DebugInfo info)
  Res res;
  MVFF mvff;
  Addr base, limit;
  Bool foundBlock;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);

  AVER(aReturn != NULL);
  AVER(size > 0);

  size = SizeAlignUp(size, PoolAlignment(pool));

  foundBlock = MVFFFindFirstFree(&base, &limit, mvff, size);
  if (!foundBlock) {
    Seg seg;

    res = MVFFAddSeg(&seg, mvff, size, withReservoirPermit);
    if (res != ResOK)
      return res;
    foundBlock = MVFFFindFirstFree(&base, &limit, mvff, size);

    /* We know that the found range must intersect the new segment. */
    /* In particular, it doesn't necessarily lie entirely within it. */
    /* The next three AVERs test for intersection of two intervals. */
    AVER(base >= SegBase(seg) || limit <= SegLimit(seg));
    AVER(base < SegLimit(seg));
    AVER(SegBase(seg) < limit);

    /* We also know that the found range is no larger than the segment. */
    AVER(SegSize(seg) >= AddrOffset(base, limit));
  AVER(AddrOffset(base, limit) == size);

  *aReturn = base;

  return ResOK;
예제 #7
/* MVFFBufferFill -- Fill the buffer
 * Fill it with the largest block we can find.
static Res MVFFBufferFill(Addr *baseReturn, Addr *limitReturn,
                          Pool pool, Buffer buffer, Size size,
                          Bool withReservoirPermit)
  Res res;
  MVFF mvff;
  Addr base, limit;
  Bool foundBlock;
  Seg seg = NULL;

  AVER(baseReturn != NULL);
  AVER(limitReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, PoolAlignment(pool)));
  AVERT(Bool, withReservoirPermit);

  /* Hoping the largest is big enough, delete it and return if small. */
  foundBlock = CBSFindLargest(&base, &limit, CBSOfMVFF(mvff),
  if (foundBlock && AddrOffset(base, limit) < size) {
    foundBlock = FALSE;
    res = CBSInsert(CBSOfMVFF(mvff), base, limit);
    AVER(res == ResOK);
  if (!foundBlock) {
    res = MVFFAddSeg(&seg, mvff, size, withReservoirPermit);
    if (res != ResOK)
      return res;
    foundBlock = CBSFindLargest(&base, &limit, CBSOfMVFF(mvff),
    AVER(foundBlock); /* We will find the new segment. */

  AVER(AddrOffset(base, limit) >= size);
  mvff->free -= AddrOffset(base, limit);

  *baseReturn = base;
  *limitReturn = limit;
  return ResOK;
예제 #8
Bool MFSCheck(MFS mfs)
  Arena arena;

  CHECKS(MFS, mfs);
  CHECKC(MFSPool, mfs);
  CHECKD(Pool, MFSPool(mfs));
  CHECKC(MFSPool, mfs);
  CHECKL(mfs->unitSize >= UNIT_MIN);
  CHECKL(mfs->extendBy >= UNIT_MIN);
  arena = PoolArena(MFSPool(mfs));
  CHECKL(SizeIsArenaGrains(mfs->extendBy, arena));
  CHECKL(SizeAlignUp(mfs->unroundedUnitSize, PoolAlignment(MFSPool(mfs))) ==
  if(mfs->tractList != NULL) {
    CHECKD_NOSIG(Tract, mfs->tractList);
  CHECKL(mfs->free <= mfs->total);
  CHECKL((mfs->total - mfs->free) % mfs->unitSize == 0);
  return TRUE;
예제 #9
void SACEmpty(SAC sac, Addr p, Size size)
  Index i;
  Size blockSize;
  mps_sac_t esac;
  AVERT(SAC, sac);
  AVER(p != NULL);
  AVER(PoolHasAddr(sac->pool, p));
  AVER(size > 0);
  esac = ExternalSACOfSAC(sac);

  sacFind(&i, &blockSize, sac, size);
  /* Check it's full (in the future, there will be other cases). */
       == esac->_freelists[i]._count_max);

  /* Adjust size for the overlarge class. */
  if (blockSize == SizeMAX)
    /* see .align */
    blockSize = SizeAlignUp(size, PoolAlignment(sac->pool));
  if (esac->_freelists[i]._count_max > 0) {
    Count blockCount;

    /* Flush 2/3 of the cache for this class. */
    /* Computed as count - count/3, so that the rounding works out right. */
    blockCount = esac->_freelists[i]._count;
    blockCount -= esac->_freelists[i]._count / 3;
    sacClassFlush(sac, i, blockSize, (blockCount > 0) ? blockCount : 1);
    /* Leave the current one in the cache. */
    esac->_freelists[i]._count += 1;
    /* @@@@ ignoring shields for now */
    *ADDR_PTR(Addr, p) = esac->_freelists[i]._blocks;
    esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = p;
  } else {
    /* Free even the current one. */
    PoolFree(sac->pool, p, blockSize);
예제 #10
/* MVFFFindFirstFree -- Finds the first (or last) suitable free block
 * Finds a free block of the given (pool aligned) size, according
 * to a first (or last) fit policy controlled by the MVFF fields
 * firstFit, slotHigh (for whether to allocate the top or bottom
 * portion of a larger block).
 * Will return FALSE if the free list has no large enough block.
 * In particular, will not attempt to allocate a new segment.
static Bool MVFFFindFirstFree(Addr *baseReturn, Addr *limitReturn,
                              MVFF mvff, Size size)
  Bool foundBlock;
  CBSFindDelete findDelete;

  AVER(baseReturn != NULL);
  AVER(limitReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, PoolAlignment(MVFF2Pool(mvff))));

  findDelete = mvff->slotHigh ? CBSFindDeleteHIGH : CBSFindDeleteLOW;

  foundBlock =
    (mvff->firstFit ? CBSFindFirst : CBSFindLast)
      (baseReturn, limitReturn, CBSOfMVFF(mvff), size, findDelete);

  if (foundBlock)
    mvff->free -= size;

  return foundBlock;
예제 #11
/* MVFFFindFirstFree -- Finds the first (or last) suitable free block
 * Finds a free block of the given (pool aligned) size, according
 * to a first (or last) fit policy controlled by the MVFF fields
 * firstFit, slotHigh (for whether to allocate the top or bottom
 * portion of a larger block).
 * Will return FALSE if the free list has no large enough block.
 * In particular, will not attempt to allocate a new segment.
static Bool MVFFFindFirstFree(Addr *baseReturn, Addr *limitReturn,
                              MVFF mvff, Size size)
  Bool foundBlock;
  FindDelete findDelete;
  RangeStruct range, oldRange;

  AVER(baseReturn != NULL);
  AVER(limitReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, PoolAlignment(MVFF2Pool(mvff))));

  FreelistFlushToCBS(FreelistOfMVFF(mvff), CBSOfMVFF(mvff));

  findDelete = mvff->slotHigh ? FindDeleteHIGH : FindDeleteLOW;

  foundBlock =
    (mvff->firstFit ? CBSFindFirst : CBSFindLast)
    (&range, &oldRange, CBSOfMVFF(mvff), size, findDelete);

  if (!foundBlock) {
    /* Failed to find a block in the CBS: try the emergency free list
     * as well. */
    foundBlock =
      (mvff->firstFit ? FreelistFindFirst : FreelistFindLast)
      (&range, &oldRange, FreelistOfMVFF(mvff), size, findDelete);

  if (foundBlock) {
    *baseReturn = RangeBase(&range);
    *limitReturn = RangeLimit(&range);
    mvff->free -= size;

  return foundBlock;
예제 #12
/* MVFFBufferFill -- Fill the buffer
 * Fill it with the largest block we can find.
static Res MVFFBufferFill(Addr *baseReturn, Addr *limitReturn,
                          Pool pool, Buffer buffer, Size size,
                          Bool withReservoirPermit)
  Res res;
  MVFF mvff;
  RangeStruct range, oldRange;
  Bool found;
  Seg seg = NULL;
  AVER(baseReturn != NULL);
  AVER(limitReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, PoolAlignment(pool)));
  AVERT(Bool, withReservoirPermit);

  found = MVFFFindLargest(&range, &oldRange, mvff, size, FindDeleteENTIRE);
  if (!found) {
    /* Add a new segment to the free list and try again. */
    res = MVFFAddSeg(&seg, mvff, size, withReservoirPermit);
    if (res != ResOK)
      return res;
    found = MVFFFindLargest(&range, &oldRange, mvff, size, FindDeleteENTIRE);

  AVER(RangeSize(&range) >= size);
  mvff->free -= RangeSize(&range);

  *baseReturn = RangeBase(&range);
  *limitReturn = RangeLimit(&range);
  return ResOK;
예제 #13
Res SACCreate(SAC *sacReturn, Pool pool, Count classesCount,
              SACClasses classes)
  void *p;
  SAC sac;
  Res res;
  Index i, j;
  Index middleIndex;  /* index of the size in the middle */
  Size prevSize;
  unsigned totalFreq = 0;
  mps_sac_t esac;

  AVER(sacReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  AVER(classesCount > 0);
  /* In this cache type, there is no upper limit on classesCount. */
  prevSize = sizeof(Addr) - 1; /* must large enough for freelist link */
  /* @@@@ It would be better to dynamically adjust the smallest class */
  /* to be large enough, but that gets complicated, if you have to */
  /* merge classes because of the adjustment. */
  for (i = 0; i < classesCount; ++i) {
    AVER(classes[i]._block_size > 0);
    AVER(SizeIsAligned(classes[i]._block_size, PoolAlignment(pool)));
    AVER(prevSize < classes[i]._block_size);
    prevSize = classes[i]._block_size;
    /* no restrictions on count */
    /* no restrictions on frequency */

  /* Calculate frequency scale */
  for (i = 0; i < classesCount; ++i) {
    unsigned oldFreq = totalFreq;
    totalFreq += classes[i]._frequency;
    AVER(oldFreq <= totalFreq); /* check for overflow */
    UNUSED(oldFreq); /* <code/mpm.c#check.unused> */

  /* Find middle one */
  totalFreq /= 2;
  for (i = 0; i < classesCount; ++i) {
    if (totalFreq < classes[i]._frequency) break;
    totalFreq -= classes[i]._frequency;
  if (totalFreq <= classes[i]._frequency / 2)
    middleIndex = i;
    middleIndex = i + 1; /* there must exist another class at i+1 */

  /* Allocate SAC */
  res = ControlAlloc(&p, PoolArena(pool), sacSize(middleIndex, classesCount),
  if(res != ResOK)
    goto failSACAlloc;
  sac = p;

  /* Move classes in place */
  /* It's important this matches SACFind. */
  esac = ExternalSACOfSAC(sac);
  for (j = middleIndex + 1, i = 0; j < classesCount; ++j, i += 2) {
    esac->_freelists[i]._size = classes[j]._block_size;
    esac->_freelists[i]._count = 0;
    esac->_freelists[i]._count_max = classes[j]._cached_count;
    esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = NULL;
  esac->_freelists[i]._size = SizeMAX;
  esac->_freelists[i]._count = 0;
  esac->_freelists[i]._count_max = 0;
  esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = NULL;
  for (j = middleIndex, i = 1; j > 0; --j, i += 2) {
    esac->_freelists[i]._size = classes[j-1]._block_size;
    esac->_freelists[i]._count = 0;
    esac->_freelists[i]._count_max = classes[j]._cached_count;
    esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = NULL;
  esac->_freelists[i]._size = 0;
  esac->_freelists[i]._count = 0;
  esac->_freelists[i]._count_max = classes[j]._cached_count;
  esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = NULL;

  /* finish init */
  esac->_trapped = FALSE;
  esac->_middle = classes[middleIndex]._block_size;
  sac->pool = pool;
  sac->classesCount = classesCount;
  sac->middleIndex = middleIndex;
  sac->sig = SACSig;
  AVERT(SAC, sac);
  *sacReturn = sac;
  return ResOK;

  return res;
예제 #14
static Res DebugPoolInit(Pool pool, ArgList args)
  Res res;
  PoolDebugOptions options;
  PoolDebugMixin debug;
  TagInitMethod tagInit;
  Size tagSize;
  ArgStruct arg;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);

  /* TODO: Split this structure into separate keyword arguments,
     now that we can support them. */
  ArgRequire(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_POOL_DEBUG_OPTIONS);
  options = (PoolDebugOptions)arg.val.pool_debug_options;
  AVERT(PoolDebugOptions, options);

  /* @@@@ Tag parameters should be taken from options, but tags have */
  /* not been published yet. */
  tagInit = NULL; tagSize = 0;

  res = SuperclassOfPool(pool)->init(pool, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    return res;

  debug = DebugPoolDebugMixin(pool);
  AVER(debug != NULL);

  /* fencepost init */
  /* @@@@ This parses a user argument, options, so it should really */
  /* go through the MPS interface.  The template needs to be copied */
  /* into Addr memory, to avoid breaking <design/type/#addr.use>. */
  debug->fenceSize = options->fenceSize;
  if (debug->fenceSize != 0) {
    if (debug->fenceSize % PoolAlignment(pool) != 0) {
      res = ResPARAM;
      goto alignFail;
    /* Fenceposting turns on tagging */
    if (tagInit == NULL) {
      tagSize = 0;
      tagInit = TagTrivInit;
    debug->fenceTemplate = options->fenceTemplate;

  /* free-checking init */
  /* @@@@ This parses a user argument, options, so it should really */
  /* go through the MPS interface.  The template needs to be copied */
  /* into Addr memory, to avoid breaking <design/type#addr.use>. */
  debug->freeSize = options->freeSize;
  if (debug->freeSize != 0) {
    if (PoolAlignment(pool) % debug->freeSize != 0) {
      res = ResPARAM;
      goto alignFail;
    debug->freeTemplate = options->freeTemplate;

  /* tag init */
  debug->tagInit = tagInit;
  if (debug->tagInit != NULL) {
    debug->tagSize = tagSize + sizeof(tagStruct) - 1;
    /* This pool has to be like the arena control pool: the blocks */
    /* allocated must be accessible using void*. */
    MPS_ARGS_BEGIN(pcArgs) {
      MPS_ARGS_ADD(pcArgs, MPS_KEY_EXTEND_BY, debug->tagSize); /* FIXME: Check this */
      MPS_ARGS_ADD(pcArgs, MPS_KEY_MFS_UNIT_SIZE, debug->tagSize);
      res = PoolCreate(&debug->tagPool, PoolArena(pool), PoolClassMFS(), pcArgs);
    } MPS_ARGS_END(pcArgs);
    if (res != ResOK)
      goto tagFail;
    debug->missingTags = 0;
    SplayTreeInit(&debug->index, TagComp, NULL);