예제 #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int num_threads = 1;
  int num_libs = 1;
  if (argc >= 2)
    num_threads = atoi(argv[1]);
  if (argc >= 3)
    num_libs = atoi(argv[2]);
  assert(num_libs <= MAX_N_FUNCTIONS);

  int lib;
  for (lib = 0; lib < num_libs; lib++) {
    char buf[4096];
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s-f%d.so", argv[0], lib);
    void *handle = dlopen(buf, RTLD_LAZY);
    if (!handle) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror());
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "f%d", lib);
    Functions[lib] = (f_t)dlsym(handle, buf);
    if (!Functions[lib]) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror());
    fprintf(stderr, "LIB[%03d] %s: %p\n", lib, buf, Functions[lib]);

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
      pthread_t t;
      fprintf(stderr, "Creating thread %d\n", i);
      pthread_create(&t, 0, PrintStuff, 0);
      pthread_join(t, 0);
  return 0;
예제 #2
파일: a3.c 프로젝트: mikebochenek/college
/* ---------------------------- USERINTERACTION --------------------------- */
void UserInteraction (Student *hash_table, int *access_table, int *elements) {
   int selection;
   char user_input[KILOBYTE];

   do {
      PrintStuff (hash_table, access_table);
      /* print the two tables every single time */
      printf ("\n------- MENU -------\n");
      printf ("1.  Insert a new entry.\n");
      printf ("2.  Search with an ID number.\n");
      printf ("3.  Search with a name\n");
      printf ("4.  Exit\n");
      printf ("Enter you selection: ");

      fgets (user_input, KILOBYTE, stdin);
      selection = atoi (user_input);
      /* get the user input from the keyboard and convert it integer */

      if (selection == INSERT) {
         char one_line[KILOBYTE];
         int student_ID = 0;
         char *token;
         int hash_index;

         printf ("Please enter data (student_ID, first_name last_name): ");
         fgets (one_line, KILOBYTE, stdin); 
         /* prompt user for data and read from keyboard */

         /* ### START of cut and paste from ReadFile() */
         strtok (one_line, " ");
         student_ID = atoi (one_line);

         hash_index = Hash (hash_table, student_ID);

         hash_table[hash_index].student_ID = student_ID;

         token = (char *) strtok (NULL, " ");
         hash_table[hash_index].first_name =
            (char *) malloc (strlen (token) + 1);
         strcpy (hash_table[hash_index].first_name, token);

         token = (char *) strtok (NULL, " \n");
         hash_table[hash_index].last_name =
	      (char *) malloc (strlen (token) + 1);
         strcpy (hash_table[hash_index].last_name, token);

         hash_table[hash_index].name = (char *) malloc
	       (strlen (hash_table[hash_index].last_name)
	      + strlen (hash_table[hash_index].first_name) + 1);
         strcpy (hash_table[hash_index].name,
         strcat (hash_table[hash_index].name,
         /* ### END of cut and paste from ReadFile() */

         /* MAKE SURE elements and the access table get updated */
         *elements = QuickSort (hash_table, access_table);

      else if (selection == SEARCH_ID) {
         int hash_index;
         int probe_number = 0;
         char user_search[KILOBYTE];
         int student_ID = 0;

         printf ("Please enter the student ID: ");
         fgets (user_search, KILOBYTE, stdin); 
         student_ID = atoi (user_search);
         /* prompt user for student ID, get it, and conver to integer */

         hash_index = student_ID % HASH_SIZE;
         /* do the hash function !!! */

         /* if studentID does not match, then keep probing */
         while (hash_table[hash_index].student_ID != student_ID 
                && probe_number < ( (HASH_SIZE + 1) / 2) ) {
            hash_index = hash_index + (2 * probe_number - 1);
            hash_index = hash_index % HASH_SIZE;

         /* if probe_number == HASH_SIZE / 2 then NOT FOUND */
         if (probe_number == (HASH_SIZE + 1) / 2) {
            hash_index = -1;
            /* -- printf ("--> Unable to find \"%d\".\n", student_ID); -- */

         /* ... otherwise print out what has been found */
         /* else { */
	    printf ("--> \"%d\" found at location %d.\n", student_ID, 
         /* } */

      else if (selection == SEARCH_NAME) {
         char user_search[KILOBYTE];
         char *search_for;        
         char first[KILOBYTE];
         int i = 0;
         printf ("Please enter the name (first_name last_name): ");
         fgets (user_search, KILOBYTE, stdin); 
         /* prompt for names, get them, and REVERSE..... */         

         /* ### REVERSE PROCESS */
         search_for = (char *) malloc (strlen (user_search) + 1);
         user_search[strlen (user_search) - 1] = '\0';
         while (user_search[i] != ' ') {
            first[i] = user_search[i];
         first[i] = '\0';
         strcpy (search_for, &user_search[i]);
         strcat (search_for, first);
         /* ### END OF REVERSE PROCESS */ 

         printf ("(Comparing: "); /* ?Gay */
         i = BinarySearch (hash_table, access_table, search_for, *elements);
         /* perform the binary search here */
         printf (")"); /* ?Gay */

	 printf ("--> \"%s\" found at location %d.\n", user_search, i);
         /* print out what was found */

   } while (selection != SELECT_EXIT);
   /* keep loopint until the user enters '4' */
