예제 #1
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  if(argc != 6) {
    printf("Incorrect arguments\n");
  char func = argv[2][0];
  int size;
  double ncomp = 0;
  double nmove = 0;
  clock_t io_start;
  clock_t io_end;
  clock_t io_time;
  clock_t sort_start;
  clock_t sort_end;
  clock_t sort_time;

  io_start = clock();
  long *Array = Load_File(argv[3], &size);
  io_end = clock();
  io_time = io_end - io_start;

  if(Array == NULL) {

  if(argv[1][0] == '1'){
    io_start = clock();
    Print_Seq_1(argv[4], size);
    io_end = clock();
    io_time += (io_end - io_start);

    if(func == 'i') {
      sort_start = clock();
      Shell_Insertion_Sort_Seq1(Array, size, &ncomp, &nmove);       
      sort_end = clock();
      sort_time = sort_end - sort_start;
    else if(func == 'b')  {
      sort_start = clock();
      Shell_Bubble_Sort_Seq1(Array, size, &ncomp, &nmove);       
      sort_end = clock();
      sort_time = sort_end - sort_start;
    else {
      printf("Incorrect arguments\n");
  else if(argv[1][0] == '2') {
    Print_Seq_2(argv[4], size);
    if(func == 'i') {
      sort_start = clock();
      Shell_Insertion_Sort_Seq2(Array, size, &ncomp, &nmove);       
      sort_end = clock();
      sort_time = sort_end - sort_start;
    else if(func == 'b')  {
      sort_start = clock();
      Shell_Bubble_Sort_Seq2(Array, size, &ncomp, &nmove);       
      sort_end = clock();
      sort_time = sort_end - sort_start;
    else {
      printf("Incorrect arguments\n");
  else {
    printf("Incorrect arguments\n");
  io_start = clock();
  if(Save_File(argv[5], Array, size) != 0) { // will free the array
  io_end = clock();
  io_time += (io_end - io_start);

  double iotime = io_time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  double sorttime = sort_time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

  // Report
  printf("Number of comparisons: %le\n", ncomp);
  printf("Number of moves: %le\n", nmove);
  printf("I/O time: %le\n", iotime);
  printf("Sorting time: %le\n", sorttime);

  return 0;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char **argv){
  if(argc != 6) //check if there are enough input arguments
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  int Size;//Size of the array
  double N_Comp = 0;//number of comparisions
  double N_Move = 0;//number of moves
  clock_t S_time = clock();//the sorting time
  clock_t I_time = clock();//the I/O time
  clock_t temp;
  long *Array = Load_File(argv[3], &Size);
  I_time = clock() - I_time;
  //calling different function depends on the input
  if(atoi(argv[1]) == 1 && argv[2][0] == 'i')
    S_time = clock();
    Shell_Insertion_Sort_Seq1(Array, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
    S_time = clock() - S_time;
    temp = I_time;
    I_time = clock();
    if(Print_Seq_1(argv[4], Size) == -1)
      return -1;
    I_time = clock() - I_time + temp;
  else if(atoi(argv[1]) == 1 && argv[2][0] == 'b')
    S_time = clock();
    Shell_Bubble_Sort_Seq1(Array, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
    S_time = clock() - S_time;
    temp = I_time;
    I_time = clock();
    if(Print_Seq_1(argv[4], Size) == -1)
      return -1;
    I_time = clock() - I_time + temp;
  else if(atoi(argv[1]) == 2 && argv[2][0] == 'i')
    S_time = clock();
    Shell_Insertion_Sort_Seq2(Array, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
    S_time = clock() - S_time;    
    temp = I_time;
    I_time = clock();
    if(Print_Seq_2(argv[4], Size) == -1)
      return -1;
    I_time = clock() - I_time + temp;
  else if(atoi(argv[1]) == 2 && argv[2][0] == 'b')
    S_time = clock();
    Shell_Bubble_Sort_Seq2(Array, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
    S_time = clock() - S_time;    
    temp = I_time;
    I_time = clock();
    if(Print_Seq_2(argv[4], Size) == -1)
      return -1;
    I_time = clock() - I_time + temp;
  temp = I_time;
  I_time = clock();
  if(Save_File(argv[5], Array, Size) == -1)
    return -1;
  I_time = clock() - I_time + temp;
  //print all the necessary result
  printf("\nNumber of comparisons:  %le\n", N_Comp);
  printf("Number of moves:  %le\n", N_Move);
  printf("I/O time:  %le\n", ((double)I_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  printf("Sorting time:  %le\n\n", ((double)S_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

  return 1;//if reaches here, safe return