예제 #1
void PsychWaitIntervalSeconds(double delaySecs)
  double deadline;
  if (delaySecs <= 0) return;
  // Get current time:
  // Compute deadline in absolute system time:
  // Wait until deadline reached:
예제 #2
PsychError WAITSECSWaitUntilSecs(void)
    static char useString[] = "[realWakeupTimeSecs] = WaitSecs('UntilTime', whenSecs);";
    //                                                                      1 
    static char synopsisString[] = 
    "Wait until at least system time \"whenSecs\" has been reached. "
    "Optionally, return the real wakeup time \"realWakeupTimeSecs\".\n"
    "This allows conveniently waiting until an absolute point in time "
    "has been reached, or to allow drift-free waiting for a well defined "
    "interval, more accurate than the standard WaitSecs() call.\n"
    "Wait until 0.6 secs after last stimulus onset, if vbl=Screen('Flip', window); "
    "was the onset timestamp vbl from a previous flip:\n"
    "realwakeup = WaitSecs('UntilTime', vbl + 0.6);\n\n"
    "In a perfect world, realwakeup == vbl + 0.6, in reality it will be\n"
    "realwakeup == vbl + 0.6 + randomjitter; with randomjitter being the "
    "hopefully small scheduling delay of your operating system. If the "
    "delay is high or varies a lot between trials then your system has "
    "noisy timing or real timing problems.\n";
    static char seeAlsoString[] = "";	

    double	waitUntilSecs;
    double	now;

    //all sub functions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString,seeAlsoString);

    //check to see if the user supplied superfluous arguments

    // Return current system time at end of sleep:
    PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, now);

*  PsychARVideoCaptureRate() - Start- and stop video capture.
*  capturehandle = Grabber to start-/stop.
*  playbackrate = zero == Stop capture, non-zero == Capture
*  dropframes = 0 - Always deliver oldest frame in DMA ringbuffer. 1 - Always deliver newest frame.
*               --> 1 == drop frames in ringbuffer if behind -- low-latency capture.
*  startattime = Deadline (in system time) for which to wait before real start of capture.
*  Returns Number of dropped frames during capture.
int PsychARVideoCaptureRate(int capturehandle, double capturerate, int dropframes, double* startattime)
	int dropped = 0;
	float framerate = 0;
	// Retrieve device record for handle:
	PsychVidcapRecordType* capdev = PsychGetARVidcapRecord(capturehandle);
	// Start- or stop capture?
	if (capturerate > 0) {
		// Start capture:
		if (capdev->grabber_active) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You tried to start video capture, but capture is already started!");
		// Reset statistics:
		capdev->last_pts = -1.0;
		capdev->nr_droppedframes = 0;
		capdev->frame_ready = 0;
		// Framedropping is not supported by libARVideo, so we implement it ourselves.
		// Store the 'dropframes' flag in our capdev struct, so the PsychARGetTextureFromCapture()
		// knows how to handle this:
		capdev->dropframes = (dropframes > 0) ? 1 : 0;

		// Ready to go! Now we just need to tell the camera to start its capture cycle:
		// Wait until start deadline reached:
		if (*startattime != 0) PsychWaitUntilSeconds(*startattime);
		// Start DMA driven isochronous data transfer:
		if(PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>5) printf("PTB-DEBUG: Starting capture...\n"); fflush(NULL);

		// Start the video capture for this camera.
		if (ar2VideoCapStart(capdev->camera) !=DC1394_SUCCESS) {
			// Failed!
			PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Unable to start capture on camera via ar2VideoCapStart() - Start of video capture failed!");
		// Record real start time:
		if(PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>5) printf("PTB-DEBUG: Capture engine fully running...\n"); fflush(NULL);
		// Query framerate and convert to floating point value and assign it:
		ar2VideoInqFreq(capdev->camera, &framerate);
		// TODO: Implement for non-Win32:
		framerate = (float) capturerate;

		capdev->fps = (double) framerate;

		// Ok, capture is now started:
		capdev->grabber_active = 1;
		// Allocate conversion buffer if needed for YUV->RGB conversions.
		if (capdev->pixeldepth == -1) {
			// Not used at the moment!!
			// Software conversion of YUV -> RGB needed. Allocate a proper scratch-buffer:
			capdev->scratchbuffer = malloc(capdev->width * capdev->height * 3);
		if(PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>1) {
			printf("PTB-INFO: Capture started on device %i - Width x Height = %i x %i - Framerate: %f fps.\n", capturehandle, capdev->width, capdev->height, capdev->fps);
	else {
		// Stop capture:
		if (capdev->grabber_active) {
			// Stop isochronous data transfer from camera:
			if (ar2VideoCapStop(capdev->camera) !=DC1394_SUCCESS) {
				PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Unable to stop video transfer on camera! (ar2VideoCapStop() failed)!");
			// Ok, capture is now stopped.
			capdev->frame_ready = 0;
			capdev->grabber_active = 0;
			if (capdev->scratchbuffer) {
				// Release scratch-buffer:
				capdev->scratchbuffer = NULL;

				// Output count of dropped frames:
				if ((dropped=capdev->nr_droppedframes) > 0) {
					printf("PTB-INFO: Video capture dropped %i frames on device %i to keep capture running in sync with realtime.\n", dropped, capturehandle); 
				if (capdev->nrframes>0) capdev->avg_decompresstime/= (double) capdev->nrframes;
				printf("PTB-INFO: Average time spent in video decompressor (waiting/polling for new frames) was %f milliseconds.\n", (float) capdev->avg_decompresstime * 1000.0f);
				if (capdev->nrgfxframes>0) capdev->avg_gfxtime/= (double) capdev->nrgfxframes;
				printf("PTB-INFO: Average time spent in GetCapturedImage (intensity calculation Video->OpenGL texture conversion) was %f milliseconds.\n",  (float) capdev->avg_gfxtime * 1000.0f);
	// Reset framecounters and statistics:
	capdev->nrframes = 0;
	capdev->avg_decompresstime = 0;
	capdev->nrgfxframes = 0;
	capdev->avg_gfxtime = 0;
	// Return either the real capture framerate (at start of capture) or count of dropped frames - at end of capture.
	return((capturerate!=0) ? (int) (capdev->fps + 0.5) : dropped);