예제 #1
void Camera::setWhiteBalance(unsigned int blue, unsigned int red, AutoSetting isauto)
  if (PvAttrIsAvailable(handle_, "WhitebalMode") == ePvErrSuccess)
    CHECK_ERR( PvAttrEnumSet(handle_, "WhitebalMode", autoValues[isauto]),
               "Couldn't set white balance mode" );

  if (isauto == Manual && PvAttrIsAvailable(handle_, "WhitebalValueBlue"))
    CHECK_ERR( PvAttrUint32Set(handle_, "WhitebalValueBlue", blue),
               "Couldn't set white balance blue value" );
    CHECK_ERR( PvAttrUint32Set(handle_, "WhitebalValueRed", red),
               "Couldn't set white balance red value" );
예제 #2
void Camera::setGain(unsigned int val, AutoSetting isauto)
  /// @todo Here and in setWhiteBalance, would be better to split off setGainMode etc.
  /// I didn't take into account there are cameras that don't support auto gain, auto white balance.
  if (PvAttrIsAvailable(handle_, "GainMode") == ePvErrSuccess)
    CHECK_ERR( PvAttrEnumSet(handle_, "GainMode", autoValues[isauto]),
               "Couldn't set gain mode" );

  if (isauto == Manual)
    CHECK_ERR( PvAttrUint32Set(handle_, "GainValue", val),
               "Couldn't set gain value" );
예제 #3
// idlPvAttrIsAvailable
// Determine if the attribute is available for a specified camera
// command line arguments
// argv[0]: IN/FLAG debug
// argv[1]: IN index of camera
// argv[2]: IN name of attribute
int idlPvAttrIsAvailable (int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned long n;
  IDL_STRING *attribute;
  unsigned long err;

  debug = *(IDL_INT *) argv[0];
  n = *(unsigned long *) argv[1];
  attribute = (IDL_STRING *) argv[2];


  err = PvAttrIsAvailable(camera[n],

  return idlPvErrCode(err);
예제 #4
bool Camera::hasAttribute(const std::string &name)
  return (PvAttrIsAvailable(handle_, name.c_str()) == ePvErrSuccess);