예제 #1
void PhysXHeightfield::InitHeightfield(PxPhysics* physics, PxScene* scene, const char* filename)
	float xScale = 0.0025f;
	float yScale = 0.0025f;
	float zScale = 10.00f;

	// NOTE: Assuming that heightfield texture has B8G8R8A8 format.
		PxU16 nbColumns = PxU16(mHeightfield.width);
		PxU16 nbRows = PxU16(mHeightfield.height);

		PxHeightFieldDesc heightFieldDesc;
        heightFieldDesc.format             = PxHeightFieldFormat::eS16_TM;
		heightFieldDesc.nbColumns = nbColumns;
		heightFieldDesc.nbRows = nbRows;
		heightFieldDesc.samples.data = mHeightfield.data;
		heightFieldDesc.samples.stride = sizeof(PxHeightFieldSample);
		//heightFieldDesc.convexEdgeThreshold = 0;

		PxHeightField* heightField = physics->createHeightField(heightFieldDesc);
		// create shape for heightfield		
		PxTransform pose(PxVec3(-((PxReal)nbRows*yScale) / 2.0f, 
								-((PxReal)nbColumns*xScale) / 2.0f),  
       // PxTransform pose = PxTransform::createIdentity();
	    pose.p = PxVec3(-((nbColumns/2)*xScale),0.0,-((nbColumns/2)*xScale));

		PxRigidActor* hf = physics->createRigidStatic(pose);

		const PxMaterial* mMat = physics->createMaterial(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.001f);
		//PxShape* shape = hf->createShape((PxHeightFieldGeometry(heightField, PxMeshGeometryFlags(), yScale, xScale, xScale)), *mMat);

		//PxHeightFieldGeometry hfGeom(heightField, PxMeshGeometryFlags(), heightScale, rowScale, colScale);
		//PxShape* aHeightFieldShape = aHeightFieldActor->createShape(hfGeom, aMaterialArray, nbMaterials);

        PxHeightFieldGeometry hfGeom(heightField, PxMeshGeometryFlags(), yScale, xScale, xScale);
	    PxShape* hfShape = hf->createShape(hfGeom, *mMat);

		//shape->setFlag(PxShapeFlag::ePARTICLE_DRAIN, false);
		//shape->setFlag(PxShapeFlag::eSIMULATION_SHAPE, true);
		//shape->setFlag(PxShapeFlag::eUSE_SWEPT_BOUNDS, true);
		// add actor to the scene
bool setupFinalizeExtSolverConstraintsCoulomb(PxcNpWorkUnit& n,
						    const ContactBuffer& buffer,
							const PxcCorrelationBufferCoulomb& c,
							const PxTransform& bodyFrame0,
							const PxTransform& bodyFrame1,
							bool /*perPointFriction*/,
							PxU8* workspace,
							PxReal invDt,
							PxReal bounceThreshold,
							PxsSolverExtBody& b0,
							PxsSolverExtBody& b1,
							PxU32 frictionCountPerPoint,
							PxReal invMassScale0, PxReal invInertiaScale0, 
							PxReal invMassScale1, PxReal invInertiaScale1)	
	// NOTE II: the friction patches are sparse (some of them have no contact patches, and
	// therefore did not get written back to the cache) but the patch addresses are dense,
	// corresponding to valid patches

	PxU8* PX_RESTRICT ptr = workspace;
	const FloatV zero=FZero();

	//KS - TODO - this should all be done in SIMD to avoid LHS
	const PxF32 maxPenBias0 = b0.mLinkIndex == PxcSolverConstraintDesc::NO_LINK ? b0.mBodyData->penBiasClamp : getMaxPenBias(*b0.mFsData)[b0.mLinkIndex];
	const PxF32 maxPenBias1 = b1.mLinkIndex == PxcSolverConstraintDesc::NO_LINK ? b1.mBodyData->penBiasClamp : getMaxPenBias(*b1.mFsData)[b0.mLinkIndex];

	const FloatV maxPen = FLoad(PxMax(maxPenBias0, maxPenBias1)/invDt);

	const FloatV restDistance = FLoad(n.restDistance); 

	Ps::prefetchLine(c.contactID, 128);

	bool useExtContacts = (n.flags & (PxcNpWorkUnitFlag::eARTICULATION_BODY0|PxcNpWorkUnitFlag::eARTICULATION_BODY1))!=0;

	const PxU32 frictionPatchCount = c.frictionPatchCount;
	const bool staticBody = ((n.flags & PxcNpWorkUnitFlag::eDYNAMIC_BODY1) == 0);

	const PxU32 pointStride = useExtContacts ? sizeof(PxcSolverContactExt) : sizeof(PxcSolverContact);
	const PxU32 frictionStride = useExtContacts ? sizeof(PxcSolverFrictionExt) : sizeof(PxcSolverFriction);
	const PxU8 pointHeaderType = Ps::to8(useExtContacts ? PXS_SC_TYPE_EXT_CONTACT : (staticBody ? PXS_SC_TYPE_STATIC_CONTACT : PXS_SC_TYPE_RB_CONTACT));
	const PxU8 frictionHeaderType = Ps::to8(useExtContacts ? PXS_SC_TYPE_EXT_FRICTION : (staticBody ? PXS_SC_TYPE_STATIC_FRICTION : PXS_SC_TYPE_FRICTION));

	PxReal d0 = n.dominance0 * invMassScale0;
	PxReal d1 = n.dominance1 * invMassScale1;
	PxReal angD0 = n.dominance0 * invInertiaScale0;
	PxReal angD1 = n.dominance1 * invInertiaScale1;

	for(PxU32 i=0;i< frictionPatchCount;i++)
		const PxU32 contactCount = c.frictionPatchContactCounts[i];
		if(contactCount == 0)

		const Gu::ContactPoint* contactBase0 = buffer.contacts + c.contactPatches[c.correlationListHeads[i]].start;

		const PxcFrictionPatchCoulomb& frictionPatch = c.frictionPatches[i];

		const Vec3V normalV = Ps::aos::V3LoadU(frictionPatch.normal);
		const PxVec3 normal = frictionPatch.normal;

		const PxReal combinedRestitution = contactBase0->restitution;
		PxcSolverContactCoulombHeader* PX_RESTRICT header = reinterpret_cast<PxcSolverContactCoulombHeader*>(ptr);
		ptr += sizeof(PxcSolverContactCoulombHeader);

		Ps::prefetchLine(ptr, 128);
		Ps::prefetchLine(ptr, 256);
		Ps::prefetchLine(ptr, 384);

		header->numNormalConstr		= (PxU8)contactCount;
		header->type				= pointHeaderType;

		header->angDom0 = angD0;
		header->angDom1 = angD1;
		for(PxU32 patch=c.correlationListHeads[i]; 
			patch = c.contactPatches[patch].next)
			const PxU32 count = c.contactPatches[patch].count;
			const Gu::ContactPoint* contactBase = buffer.contacts + c.contactPatches[patch].start;
			PxU8* p = ptr;
			for(PxU32 j=0;j<count;j++)
				const Gu::ContactPoint& contact = contactBase[j];

				PxcSolverContactExt* PX_RESTRICT solverContact = reinterpret_cast<PxcSolverContactExt*>(p);
				p += pointStride;

				const FloatV separation = FLoad(contact.separation);

				PxVec3 ra = contact.point - bodyFrame0.p; 
				PxVec3 rb = contact.point - bodyFrame1.p; 

				Vec3V targetVel = V3LoadU(contact.targetVel);
				const FloatV maxImpulse = FLoad(contact.maxImpulse);

				solverContact->scaledBiasX_targetVelocityY_maxImpulseZ = V3Merge(FMax(maxPen, FSub(separation, restDistance)), V3Dot(normalV,targetVel), maxImpulse);

				//TODO - should we do cross only in vector land and then store. Could cause a LHS but probably no worse than
				//what we already have (probably has a LHS from converting from vector to scalar above)
				const PxVec3 raXn = ra.cross(normal);
				const PxVec3 rbXn = rb.cross(normal);

				Cm::SpatialVector deltaV0, deltaV1;

				PxReal unitResponse = getImpulseResponse(b0, Cm::SpatialVector(normal, raXn), deltaV0, d0, angD0,
														 b1, Cm::SpatialVector(-normal, -rbXn), deltaV1, d1, angD1);

				const PxReal vrel = b0.projectVelocity(normal, raXn)
								  - b1.projectVelocity(normal, rbXn);

				solverContact->raXnXYZ_appliedForceW = V4SetW(Vec4V_From_Vec3V(V3LoadU(raXn)), zero);
				solverContact->rbXnXYZ_velMultiplierW = V4SetW(Vec4V_From_Vec3V(V3LoadU(rbXn)), zero);

				completeContactPoint(*solverContact, unitResponse, vrel, invDt, header->restitution, bounceThreshold);

				solverContact->setDeltaVA(deltaV0.linear, deltaV0.angular);
				solverContact->setDeltaVB(deltaV1.linear, deltaV1.angular);

			ptr = p;

	//construct all the frictions

	PxU8* PX_RESTRICT ptr2 = workspace;

	const PxF32 orthoThreshold = 0.70710678f;
	const PxF32 eps = 0.00001f;
	bool hasFriction = false;

	for(PxU32 i=0;i< frictionPatchCount;i++)
		const PxU32 contactCount = c.frictionPatchContactCounts[i];
		if(contactCount == 0)

		PxcSolverContactCoulombHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<PxcSolverContactCoulombHeader*>(ptr2); 
		header->frictionOffset = PxU16(ptr - ptr2);
		ptr2 += sizeof(PxcSolverContactCoulombHeader) + header->numNormalConstr * pointStride;

		PxVec3 normal = c.frictionPatches[i].normal;

		const Gu::ContactPoint* contactBase0 = buffer.contacts + c.contactPatches[c.correlationListHeads[i]].start;

		const PxReal staticFriction = contactBase0->staticFriction;
		const PxU32 disableStrongFriction = contactBase0->internalFaceIndex1 & PxMaterialFlag::eDISABLE_FRICTION;
		const bool haveFriction = (disableStrongFriction == 0);
		PxcSolverFrictionHeader* frictionHeader = (PxcSolverFrictionHeader*)ptr;
		frictionHeader->numNormalConstr = Ps::to8(c.frictionPatchContactCounts[i]);
		frictionHeader->numFrictionConstr = Ps::to8(haveFriction ? c.frictionPatches[i].numConstraints : 0);
		ptr += sizeof(PxcSolverFrictionHeader);
		ptr += frictionHeader->getAppliedForcePaddingSize(c.frictionPatchContactCounts[i]);
		Ps::prefetchLine(ptr, 128);
		Ps::prefetchLine(ptr, 256);
		Ps::prefetchLine(ptr, 384);

		const PxVec3 t0Fallback1(0.f, -normal.z, normal.y);
		const PxVec3 t0Fallback2(-normal.y, normal.x, 0.f) ;
		const PxVec3 tFallback1 = orthoThreshold > PxAbs(normal.x) ? t0Fallback1 : t0Fallback2;
		const PxVec3 vrel = b0.getLinVel() - b1.getLinVel();
		const PxVec3 t0_ = vrel - normal * (normal.dot(vrel));
		const PxReal sqDist = t0_.dot(t0_);
		const PxVec3 tDir0 = (sqDist > eps ? t0_: tFallback1).getNormalized();
		const PxVec3 tDir1 = tDir0.cross(normal);
		PxVec3 tFallback[2] = {tDir0, tDir1};

		PxU32 ind = 0;

			hasFriction = true;
			frictionHeader->angDom0 = angD0;
			frictionHeader->angDom1 = angD1;
			frictionHeader->type			= frictionHeaderType;
			PxU32 totalPatchContactCount = 0;
			for(PxU32 patch=c.correlationListHeads[i]; 
				patch = c.contactPatches[patch].next)
				const PxU32 count = c.contactPatches[patch].count;
				const PxU32 start = c.contactPatches[patch].start;
				const Gu::ContactPoint* contactBase = buffer.contacts + start;
				PxU8* p = ptr;


				for(PxU32 j =0; j < count; j++)
					const PxU32 contactId = totalPatchContactCount + j;
					const Gu::ContactPoint& contact = contactBase[j];
					const PxVec3 ra = contact.point - bodyFrame0.p;
					const PxVec3 rb = contact.point - bodyFrame1.p;
					for(PxU32 k = 0; k < frictionCountPerPoint; ++k)
						PxcSolverFrictionExt* PX_RESTRICT f0 = reinterpret_cast<PxcSolverFrictionExt*>(p);
						p += frictionStride;
						f0->contactIndex = contactId;

						PxVec3 t0 = tFallback[ind];
						ind = 1 - ind;
						PxVec3 raXn = ra.cross(t0); 
						PxVec3 rbXn = rb.cross(t0); 
						Cm::SpatialVector deltaV0, deltaV1;
						PxReal unitResponse = getImpulseResponse(b0, Cm::SpatialVector(t0, raXn), deltaV0, d0, angD0,
																 b1, Cm::SpatialVector(-t0, -rbXn), deltaV1, d1, angD1);

						f0->setVelMultiplier(FLoad(unitResponse>0.0f ? 1.f/unitResponse : 0.0f));
						f0->setDeltaVA(deltaV0.linear, deltaV0.angular);
						f0->setDeltaVB(deltaV1.linear, deltaV1.angular);

				totalPatchContactCount += c.contactPatches[patch].count;
				ptr = p;	
	//PX_ASSERT(ptr - workspace == n.solverConstraintSize);
	return hasFriction;
bool setupFinalizeExtSolverContactsCoulomb(
						    const ContactBuffer& buffer,
							const CorrelationBuffer& c,
							const PxTransform& bodyFrame0,
							const PxTransform& bodyFrame1,
							PxU8* workspace,
							PxReal invDt,
							PxReal bounceThresholdF32,
							const SolverExtBody& b0,
							const SolverExtBody& b1,
							PxU32 frictionCountPerPoint,
							PxReal invMassScale0, PxReal invInertiaScale0, 
							PxReal invMassScale1, PxReal invInertiaScale1,
							PxReal restDist,
							PxReal ccdMaxDistance)	
	// NOTE II: the friction patches are sparse (some of them have no contact patches, and
	// therefore did not get written back to the cache) but the patch addresses are dense,
	// corresponding to valid patches

	const FloatV ccdMaxSeparation = FLoad(ccdMaxDistance);

	PxU8* PX_RESTRICT ptr = workspace;

	//KS - TODO - this should all be done in SIMD to avoid LHS
	const PxF32 maxPenBias0 = b0.mLinkIndex == PxSolverConstraintDesc::NO_LINK ? b0.mBodyData->penBiasClamp : getMaxPenBias(*b0.mFsData)[b0.mLinkIndex];
	const PxF32 maxPenBias1 = b1.mLinkIndex == PxSolverConstraintDesc::NO_LINK ? b1.mBodyData->penBiasClamp : getMaxPenBias(*b1.mFsData)[b1.mLinkIndex];

	const FloatV maxPenBias = FLoad(PxMax(maxPenBias0, maxPenBias1)/invDt);

	const FloatV restDistance = FLoad(restDist); 
	const FloatV bounceThreshold = FLoad(bounceThresholdF32);

	const FloatV invDtV = FLoad(invDt);
	const FloatV pt8 = FLoad(0.8f);

	const FloatV invDtp8 = FMul(invDtV, pt8);

	Ps::prefetchLine(c.contactID, 128);

	const PxU32 frictionPatchCount = c.frictionPatchCount;

	const PxU32 pointStride = sizeof(SolverContactPointExt);
	const PxU32 frictionStride = sizeof(SolverContactFrictionExt);
	const PxU8 pointHeaderType = DY_SC_TYPE_EXT_CONTACT;
	const PxU8 frictionHeaderType = DY_SC_TYPE_EXT_FRICTION;

	PxReal d0 = invMassScale0;
	PxReal d1 = invMassScale1;
	PxReal angD0 = invInertiaScale0;
	PxReal angD1 = invInertiaScale1;

	PxU8 flags = 0;

	for(PxU32 i=0;i< frictionPatchCount;i++)
		const PxU32 contactCount = c.frictionPatchContactCounts[i];
		if(contactCount == 0)

		const Gu::ContactPoint* contactBase0 = buffer.contacts + c.contactPatches[c.correlationListHeads[i]].start;

		const Vec3V normalV = Ps::aos::V3LoadA(contactBase0->normal);
		const Vec3V normal = V3LoadA(contactBase0->normal);

		const PxReal combinedRestitution = contactBase0->restitution;
		SolverContactCoulombHeader* PX_RESTRICT header = reinterpret_cast<SolverContactCoulombHeader*>(ptr);
		ptr += sizeof(SolverContactCoulombHeader);

		Ps::prefetchLine(ptr, 128);
		Ps::prefetchLine(ptr, 256);
		Ps::prefetchLine(ptr, 384);

		const FloatV restitution = FLoad(combinedRestitution);

		header->numNormalConstr		= PxU8(contactCount);
		header->type				= pointHeaderType;

		header->angDom0 = angD0;
		header->angDom1 = angD1;
		header->flags = flags;
		for(PxU32 patch=c.correlationListHeads[i]; 
			patch = c.contactPatches[patch].next)
			const PxU32 count = c.contactPatches[patch].count;
			const Gu::ContactPoint* contactBase = buffer.contacts + c.contactPatches[patch].start;
			PxU8* p = ptr;
			for(PxU32 j=0;j<count;j++)
				const Gu::ContactPoint& contact = contactBase[j];

				SolverContactPointExt* PX_RESTRICT solverContact = reinterpret_cast<SolverContactPointExt*>(p);
				p += pointStride;

				setupExtSolverContact(b0, b1, d0, d1, angD0, angD1, bodyFrame0, bodyFrame1, normal, invDtV, invDtp8, restDistance, maxPenBias, restitution,
					bounceThreshold, contact, *solverContact, ccdMaxSeparation);
			ptr = p;

	//construct all the frictions

	PxU8* PX_RESTRICT ptr2 = workspace;

	const PxF32 orthoThreshold = 0.70710678f;
	const PxF32 eps = 0.00001f;
	bool hasFriction = false;

	for(PxU32 i=0;i< frictionPatchCount;i++)
		const PxU32 contactCount = c.frictionPatchContactCounts[i];
		if(contactCount == 0)

		SolverContactCoulombHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<SolverContactCoulombHeader*>(ptr2); 
		header->frictionOffset = PxU16(ptr - ptr2);
		ptr2 += sizeof(SolverContactCoulombHeader) + header->numNormalConstr * pointStride;

		const Gu::ContactPoint* contactBase0 = buffer.contacts + c.contactPatches[c.correlationListHeads[i]].start;

		PxVec3 normal = contactBase0->normal;

		const PxReal staticFriction = contactBase0->staticFriction;
		const bool disableStrongFriction = !!(contactBase0->materialFlags & PxMaterialFlag::eDISABLE_FRICTION);
		const bool haveFriction = (disableStrongFriction == 0);
		SolverFrictionHeader* frictionHeader = reinterpret_cast<SolverFrictionHeader*>(ptr);
		frictionHeader->numNormalConstr = Ps::to8(c.frictionPatchContactCounts[i]);
		frictionHeader->numFrictionConstr = Ps::to8(haveFriction ? c.frictionPatchContactCounts[i] * frictionCountPerPoint : 0);
		frictionHeader->flags = flags;
		ptr += sizeof(SolverFrictionHeader);
		PxF32* forceBuffer = reinterpret_cast<PxF32*>(ptr);
		ptr += frictionHeader->getAppliedForcePaddingSize(c.frictionPatchContactCounts[i]);
		PxMemZero(forceBuffer, sizeof(PxF32) * c.frictionPatchContactCounts[i]);
		Ps::prefetchLine(ptr, 128);
		Ps::prefetchLine(ptr, 256);
		Ps::prefetchLine(ptr, 384);

		const PxVec3 t0Fallback1(0.f, -normal.z, normal.y);
		const PxVec3 t0Fallback2(-normal.y, normal.x, 0.f) ;
		const PxVec3 tFallback1 = orthoThreshold > PxAbs(normal.x) ? t0Fallback1 : t0Fallback2;
		const PxVec3 vrel = b0.getLinVel() - b1.getLinVel();
		const PxVec3 t0_ = vrel - normal * (normal.dot(vrel));
		const PxReal sqDist = t0_.dot(t0_);
		const PxVec3 tDir0 = (sqDist > eps ? t0_: tFallback1).getNormalized();
		const PxVec3 tDir1 = tDir0.cross(normal);
		PxVec3 tFallback[2] = {tDir0, tDir1};

		PxU32 ind = 0;

			hasFriction = true;
			frictionHeader->invMass0D0 = d0;
			frictionHeader->invMass1D1 = d1;
			frictionHeader->angDom0 = angD0;
			frictionHeader->angDom1 = angD1;
			frictionHeader->type			= frictionHeaderType;
			PxU32 totalPatchContactCount = 0;
			for(PxU32 patch=c.correlationListHeads[i]; 
				patch = c.contactPatches[patch].next)
				const PxU32 count = c.contactPatches[patch].count;
				const PxU32 start = c.contactPatches[patch].start;
				const Gu::ContactPoint* contactBase = buffer.contacts + start;
				PxU8* p = ptr;

				for(PxU32 j =0; j < count; j++)
					const Gu::ContactPoint& contact = contactBase[j];
					const PxVec3 ra = contact.point - bodyFrame0.p;
					const PxVec3 rb = contact.point - bodyFrame1.p;
					const PxVec3 targetVel = contact.targetVel;
					const PxVec3 pVRa = b0.getLinVel() + b0.getAngVel().cross(ra);
					const PxVec3 pVRb = b1.getLinVel() + b1.getAngVel().cross(rb);
					//const PxVec3 vrel = pVRa - pVRb;

					for(PxU32 k = 0; k < frictionCountPerPoint; ++k)
						SolverContactFrictionExt* PX_RESTRICT f0 = reinterpret_cast<SolverContactFrictionExt*>(p);
						p += frictionStride;

						PxVec3 t0 = tFallback[ind];
						ind = 1 - ind;
						PxVec3 raXn = ra.cross(t0); 
						PxVec3 rbXn = rb.cross(t0); 
						Cm::SpatialVector deltaV0, deltaV1;

						const Cm::SpatialVector resp0 = createImpulseResponseVector(t0, raXn, b0);
						const Cm::SpatialVector resp1 = createImpulseResponseVector(-t0, -rbXn, b1);

						PxReal unitResponse = getImpulseResponse(b0, resp0, deltaV0, d0, angD0,
																 b1, resp1, deltaV1, d1, angD1);

						PxReal tv = targetVel.dot(t0);
						if(b0.mLinkIndex == PxSolverConstraintDesc::NO_LINK)
							tv += pVRa.dot(t0);
						else if(b1.mLinkIndex == PxSolverConstraintDesc::NO_LINK)
							tv -= pVRb.dot(t0);

						f0->setVelMultiplier(FLoad(unitResponse>0.0f ? 1.f/unitResponse : 0.0f));
						f0->targetVel = tv;
						f0->linDeltaVA = V3LoadA(deltaV0.linear);
						f0->angDeltaVA = V3LoadA(deltaV0.angular);
						f0->linDeltaVB = V3LoadA(deltaV1.linear);
						f0->angDeltaVB = V3LoadA(deltaV1.angular);

				totalPatchContactCount += c.contactPatches[patch].count;
				ptr = p;	
	//PX_ASSERT(ptr - workspace == n.solverConstraintSize);
	return hasFriction;
void VisualDebugger::updatePvdProperties(const PxConvexMesh* convexMesh)
	PVD::PvdCommLayerError error;

	PxReal mass;
	PxMat33Legacy localInertia;
	PxVec3 localCom;
	convexMesh->getMassInformation(mass, reinterpret_cast<PxMat33 &>(localInertia), localCom);
	PxU64 theInstance(PX_PROFILE_POINTER_TO_U64(convexMesh));
	mPvdConnectionHelper.addPropertyGroupProperty(ConvexMeshProp::Mass,					mass);
	mPvdConnectionHelper.addPropertyGroupProperty(ConvexMeshProp::LocalInertia,			toPvdType(localInertia.toQuat()));
	mPvdConnectionHelper.addPropertyGroupProperty(ConvexMeshProp::LocalCenterOfMass,	toPvdType(localCom));

	mPvdConnectionHelper.sendSinglePropertyGroup(mPvdConnection, theInstance, PvdClassKeys::ConvexMesh);
	// update arrays:
	// vertex Array:
		const PxU8* vertexPtr = reinterpret_cast<const PxU8*>(convexMesh->getVertices());
		const PxU32 vertexStride = sizeof(PxVec3);
		const PxU32 numVertices = convexMesh->getNbVertices();
		error = PvdConnectionHelper::sendSingleElementArrayProperty(mPvdConnection, theInstance, ConvexMeshProp::VertexArray
																 , VectorArrayProp::Element, PVD::PvdCommLayerDatatype::Float3
																 , vertexPtr, vertexStride, numVertices);
		PX_ASSERT(error == PVD::PvdCommLayerError::None);

	// HullPolyArray:
	PxU16 maxIndices = 0;

		PxU32 properties[HullPolygonArrayProp::NUM_ELEMENTS];
		PVD::PvdCommLayerDatatype dataTypes[HullPolygonArrayProp::NUM_ELEMENTS] = {	PVD::PvdCommLayerDatatype::Plane,
		for(PxU32 i = 0; i < HullPolygonArrayProp::NUM_ELEMENTS; i++)
			properties[i] = i+1;

		error = mPvdConnection->beginArrayPropertyBlock(theInstance, ConvexMeshProp::HullPolygonArray+1, properties, dataTypes, HullPolygonArrayProp::NUM_ELEMENTS);

		static const PxU32 NUM_STACK_ELT = 32;
		PX_ALLOCA(stack, PxHullPolygon, NUM_STACK_ELT);
		PxHullPolygon* pxHullPolygons = stack;
		PxHullPolygon* pxHullPolygonsEnd = pxHullPolygons+NUM_STACK_ELT;
		PxHullPolygon* curOut = pxHullPolygons;

		PxU32 numPolygons = convexMesh->getNbPolygons();
		for(PxU32 index = 0; index < numPolygons; index++)
			convexMesh->getPolygonData(index, *curOut);
			maxIndices = PxMax(maxIndices, PxU16(curOut->mIndexBase + curOut->mNbVerts));

			if(curOut == pxHullPolygonsEnd)
				error = mPvdConnection->sendArrayObjects((PxU8*)(pxHullPolygons), sizeof(PxHullPolygon), NUM_STACK_ELT);
				curOut = pxHullPolygons;

		if(curOut != pxHullPolygons)
			error = mPvdConnection->sendArrayObjects((PxU8*)(pxHullPolygons), sizeof(PxHullPolygon), PxU32(curOut-pxHullPolygons));

		error = mPvdConnection->endArrayPropertyBlock();

	// poly index Array:
		const PxU8* indices = convexMesh->getIndexBuffer();
		PxU32 indexCount = maxIndices;

		error = PvdConnectionHelper::sendSingleElementArrayProperty(mPvdConnection, theInstance, ConvexMeshProp::IndexArray
																 , U8ArrayProp::Element, PVD::PvdCommLayerDatatype::U8
																 , indices, sizeof(PxU8), indexCount);
		PX_ASSERT(error == PVD::PvdCommLayerError::None);