예제 #1
 * Allocates a result array for a reduction operation, with
 * dimensions matching 'arr' except set to 1 with 0 stride
 * whereever axis_flags is True. Dropping the reduction axes
 * from the result must be done later by the caller once the
 * computation is complete.
 * This function always allocates a base class ndarray.
 * If 'dtype' isn't NULL, this function steals its reference.
static PyArrayObject *
allocate_reduce_result(PyArrayObject *arr, npy_bool *axis_flags,
                        PyArray_Descr *dtype, int subok)
    npy_intp strides[NPY_MAXDIMS], stride;
    npy_intp shape[NPY_MAXDIMS], *arr_shape = PyArray_DIMS(arr);
    npy_stride_sort_item strideperm[NPY_MAXDIMS];
    int idim, ndim = PyArray_NDIM(arr);

    if (dtype == NULL) {
        dtype = PyArray_DTYPE(arr);

    PyArray_CreateSortedStridePerm(PyArray_NDIM(arr), PyArray_SHAPE(arr),
                                    PyArray_STRIDES(arr), strideperm);

    /* Build the new strides and shape */
    stride = dtype->elsize;
    memcpy(shape, arr_shape, ndim * sizeof(shape[0]));
    for (idim = ndim-1; idim >= 0; --idim) {
        npy_intp i_perm = strideperm[idim].perm;
        if (axis_flags[i_perm]) {
            strides[i_perm] = 0;
            shape[i_perm] = 1;
        else {
            strides[i_perm] = stride;
            stride *= shape[i_perm];

    /* Finally, allocate the array */
    return (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_NewFromDescr(
                                    subok ? Py_TYPE(arr) : &PyArray_Type,
                                    dtype, ndim, shape, strides,
                                    NULL, 0, subok ? (PyObject *)arr : NULL);
예제 #2
 * This function initializes a result array for a reduction operation
 * which has no identity. This means it needs to copy the first element
 * it sees along the reduction axes to result, then return a view of
 * the operand which excludes that element.
 * If a reduction has an identity, such as 0 or 1, the result should be
 * initialized by calling PyArray_AssignZero(result, NULL, NULL) or
 * PyArray_AssignOne(result, NULL, NULL), because this function raises an
 * exception when there are no elements to reduce (which appropriate iff the
 * reduction operation has no identity).
 * This means it copies the subarray indexed at zero along each reduction axis
 * into 'result', then returns a view into 'operand' excluding those copied
 * elements.
 * result  : The array into which the result is computed. This must have
 *           the same number of dimensions as 'operand', but for each
 *           axis i where 'axis_flags[i]' is True, it has a single element.
 * operand : The array being reduced.
 * axis_flags : An array of boolean flags, one for each axis of 'operand'.
 *              When a flag is True, it indicates to reduce along that axis.
 * reorderable : If True, the reduction being done is reorderable, which
 *               means specifying multiple axes of reduction at once is ok,
 *               and the reduction code may calculate the reduction in an
 *               arbitrary order. The calculation may be reordered because
 *               of cache behavior or multithreading requirements.
 * out_skip_first_count : This gets populated with the number of first-visit
 *                        elements that should be skipped during the
 *                        iteration loop.
 * funcname : The name of the reduction operation, for the purpose of
 *            better quality error messages. For example, "numpy.max"
 *            would be a good name for NumPy's max function.
 * Returns a view which contains the remaining elements on which to do
 * the reduction.
NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArrayObject *
                    PyArrayObject *result, PyArrayObject *operand,
                    npy_bool *axis_flags, int reorderable,
                    npy_intp *out_skip_first_count, const char *funcname)
    npy_intp *strides, *shape, shape_orig[NPY_MAXDIMS];
    PyArrayObject *op_view = NULL;
    int idim, ndim, nreduce_axes;

    ndim = PyArray_NDIM(operand);

    /* Default to no skipping first-visit elements in the iteration */
    *out_skip_first_count = 0;

     * If this reduction is non-reorderable, make sure there are
     * only 0 or 1 axes in axis_flags.
    if (!reorderable && check_nonreorderable_axes(ndim,
                                    axis_flags, funcname) < 0) {
        return NULL;

    /* Take a view into 'operand' which we can modify. */
    op_view = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_View(operand, NULL, &PyArray_Type);
    if (op_view == NULL) {
        return NULL;

     * Now copy the subarray of the first element along each reduction axis,
     * then return a view to the rest.
     * Adjust the shape to only look at the first element along
     * any of the reduction axes. We count the number of reduction axes
     * at the same time.
    shape = PyArray_SHAPE(op_view);
    nreduce_axes = 0;
    memcpy(shape_orig, shape, ndim * sizeof(npy_intp));
    for (idim = 0; idim < ndim; ++idim) {
        if (axis_flags[idim]) {
            if (shape[idim] == 0) {
                             "zero-size array to reduction operation %s "
                             "which has no identity",
                return NULL;
            shape[idim] = 1;

     * Copy the elements into the result to start.
    if (PyArray_CopyInto(result, op_view) < 0) {
        return NULL;

     * If there is one reduction axis, adjust the view's
     * shape to only look at the remaining elements
    if (nreduce_axes == 1) {
        strides = PyArray_STRIDES(op_view);
        for (idim = 0; idim < ndim; ++idim) {
            if (axis_flags[idim]) {
                shape[idim] = shape_orig[idim] - 1;
                ((PyArrayObject_fields *)op_view)->data += strides[idim];
    /* If there are zero reduction axes, make the view empty */
    else if (nreduce_axes == 0) {
        for (idim = 0; idim < ndim; ++idim) {
            shape[idim] = 0;
     * Otherwise iterate over the whole operand, but tell the inner loop
     * to skip the elements we already copied by setting the skip_first_count.
    else {
        *out_skip_first_count = PyArray_SIZE(result);

        op_view = operand;

    return op_view;
예제 #3
static size_t wrap_send(uhd::tx_streamer *tx_stream,
                        bp::object &np_array,
                        bp::object &metadata,
                        const double timeout = 0.1)
    // Extract the metadata
    bp::extract<uhd::tx_metadata_t&> get_metadata(metadata);
    // TODO: throw an error here?
    if (not get_metadata.check())
        return 0;

    // Get a numpy array object from given python object
    // No sanity checking possible!
    // Note: this increases the ref count, which we'll need to manually decrease at the end
    PyObject* array_obj = PyArray_FROM_OF(np_array.ptr(),NPY_ARRAY_CARRAY);
    PyArrayObject* array_type_obj = reinterpret_cast<PyArrayObject*>(array_obj);

    // Get dimensions of the numpy array
    const size_t dims = PyArray_NDIM(array_type_obj);
    const npy_intp* shape = PyArray_SHAPE(array_type_obj);

    // How many bytes to jump to get to the next element of the stride
    // (next row)
    const npy_intp* strides = PyArray_STRIDES(array_type_obj);
    const size_t channels = tx_stream->get_num_channels();

    // Check if numpy array sizes are ok
    if (((channels > 1) && (dims != 2))
     or ((size_t) shape[0] < channels))
        // Manually decrement the ref count
        // If we don't have a 2D NumPy array, assume we have a 1D array
        size_t input_channels = (dims != 2) ? 1 : shape[0];
        throw uhd::runtime_error(str(boost::format(
            "Number of TX channels (%d) does not match the dimensions of the data array (%d)")
            % channels % input_channels));

    // Get a pointer to the storage
    std::vector<void*> channel_storage;
    char* data = PyArray_BYTES(array_type_obj);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < channels; ++i)
        channel_storage.push_back((void*)(data + i * strides[0]));

    // Get data buffer and size of the array
    size_t nsamps_per_buff = (dims > 1) ? (size_t) shape[1] : PyArray_SIZE(array_type_obj);

    // Release the GIL only for the send() call
    const size_t result = [&]() {
        scoped_gil_release gil_release;
        // Call the real send()
        return tx_stream->send(

    // Manually decrement the ref count
    return result;