예제 #1
static TQ3GroupPosition MyAddTransformedObjectToGroup( TQ3GroupObject theGroup, TQ3Object theObject, TQ3Vector3D *translation )
	TQ3TransformObject	transform;

	transform = Q3TranslateTransform_New(translation);
	Q3Group_AddObject(theGroup, transform);	
	return Q3Group_AddObject(theGroup, theObject);	
예제 #2
CQ3ObjectRef	Duplicator::DuplicateDisplayGroup( TQ3Object inGroup )
	CQ3ObjectRef	theDupe;
	if (Q3Object_IsType( inGroup, kQ3DisplayGroupTypeOrdered ))
		theDupe = CQ3ObjectRef( Q3OrderedDisplayGroup_New() );
		theDupe = CQ3ObjectRef( Q3DisplayGroup_New() );

	// Copy the display group state
	TQ3DisplayGroupState	theState;
	Q3DisplayGroup_GetState( inGroup, &theState );
	Q3DisplayGroup_SetState( theDupe.get(), theState );

	// Duplicate the objects belonging to the group
	Q3GroupIterator	iter( inGroup );
	CQ3ObjectRef	theItem;
	while ( (theItem = iter.NextObject()).isvalid() )
		CQ3ObjectRef	itemDupe( Duplicate( theItem.get() ) );
		Q3Group_AddObject( theDupe.get(), itemDupe.get() );
	return theDupe;
예제 #3
static TQ3GroupObject QD3DSupport_NewLights()
	TQ3GroupPosition		myGroupPosition;
	TQ3GroupObject			myLightList;
	TQ3LightData			myLightData;
	TQ3LightObject			myAmbientLight = NULL;
	TQ3ColorRGB				WhiteLight = { 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F };
		/*	Set up light data for ambient light.  This light data will be used for point and fill
			light also. */

		myLightData.isOn = kQ3True;
		myLightData.color = WhiteLight;
		/*	Create ambient light. */
		myLightData.brightness = 0.8F;
		myAmbientLight = Q3AmbientLight_New(&myLightData);
		if ( myAmbientLight == nil )
			goto bail;

		/*	Create light group and add each of the lights into the group. */
		myLightList = Q3LightGroup_New();
		if ( myLightList == nil )
			goto bail;
		myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(myLightList, myAmbientLight);
		if ( myGroupPosition == 0 )
			goto bail;

		Q3Object_Dispose( myAmbientLight ) ;

		/*	Done! */
		return ( myLightList );
		/*	If any of the above failed, then return nothing! */
		if (myAmbientLight != NULL)
			Q3Object_Dispose( myAmbientLight ) ;
		return ( nil );
예제 #4
static TQ3GroupObject QD3DSupport_NewTrackGroup(TQ3ShaderObject	theShader)
	TQ3GroupObject	myGroup = NULL;	
		if ((myGroup = Q3OrderedDisplayGroup_New()) != NULL )
		TQ3GroupPosition myGroupPosition;
			myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(myGroup, theShader);
			if ( myGroupPosition == nil )
				Utils_DisplayErrorMsg("Group_AddObject failed!");
		/*	Done! */
		return ( myGroup );
예제 #5
// change the geometry of the object type with number num
McoStatus LogoWin2::ChangeGeometry (McoQ3DType type, long num)
	TQ3Status			status;
	TQ3Object			object = NULL;
	TQ3GroupPosition	position;
	unsigned long		triGridLibNum;
	McoQ3DObject 		*gammutObj;

	if (Document.fModel == nil)

	status = Q3Group_GetFirstPositionOfType(Document.fModel, kQ3ShapeTypeGeometry, &position);
	while (status == kQ3Success  &&  position != nil)
		gammutObj = getObject(object);
		if (gammutObj->IsTypeNum(type,num))
			status = Q3Group_GetNextPosition(Document.fModel, &position);
			object = Q3Group_RemovePosition(Document.fModel, position);
			object = NULL;
		Q3Group_GetNextPositionOfType(Document.fModel, kQ3ShapeTypeGeometry, &position);

	object = NewPolyGCIELabRef();
	//object = NewLogoObject();
	if (object == NULL)
		return MCO_FAILURE;
	if (position != nil) Q3Group_AddObjectBefore (Document.fModel, position, object);
	else Q3Group_AddObject (Document.fModel, object);

	AddResourceTextureToGroup( LW_TEXTURE, Document.fModel);

	return MCO_SUCCESS;
예제 #6
	@function	TransformSeparatorV1ToObject
	@abstract	Attempt to convert a VRML 1 TransformSeparator node to a Quesa object.
	@param		ioNode		Node to convert.
	@param		inReader	The reader object.
	@result		An object reference, or NULL on failure.
CQ3ObjectRef	TransformSeparatorV1ToObject( PolyValue& ioNode, CVRMLReader& inReader )
	CQ3ObjectRef	theGroup;
	PolyValue::Dictionary&	nodeDict( ioNode.GetDictionary() );
	if (IsKeyPresent( nodeDict, "children" ))
		PolyValue&	childrenNode( nodeDict["children"] );
		if (childrenNode.GetType() == PolyValue::kDataTypeArray)
			PolyValue::PolyVec&	childVec( childrenNode.GetPolyVec() );
			if (not childVec.empty())
				theGroup = CQ3ObjectRef( Q3DisplayGroup_New() );
				ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( theGroup );
				for (PolyValue::PolyVec::iterator i = childVec.begin();
						i != childVec.end(); ++i)
					CQ3ObjectRef	aChild( NodeV1ToObject( *i, inReader ) );
					if (aChild.isvalid())
						Q3Group_AddObject( theGroup.get(), aChild.get() );

				// If this Separator was named with DEF, set that as the name of the
				// Quesa object.
				if (IsKeyPresent( nodeDict, "[name]" ))
					PolyValue&	nameValue( nodeDict["[name]"] );
					const std::string&	theName( nameValue.GetString() );
					::CENameElement_SetData( theGroup.get(), theName.c_str() );
	return theGroup;
예제 #7
	@function	CylinderV1ToObject
	@abstract	Attempt to convert a VRML 1 Cylinder node to a Quesa object.
	@param		ioNode		Node to convert.
	@param		inReader	The reader object.
	@result		An object reference, or NULL on failure.
CQ3ObjectRef	CylinderV1ToObject( PolyValue& ioNode, CVRMLReader& inReader )
	CQ3ObjectRef	theCylinder;
	PolyValue::Dictionary&	theDict( ioNode.GetDictionary() );
	float	radius = 1.0f;
	if (IsKeyPresent( theDict, "radius" ))
		radius = theDict["radius"].GetFloat();
	float	height = 2.0f;
	if (IsKeyPresent( theDict, "height" ))
		height = theDict["height"].GetFloat();
	int		partsMask = eVRML1Parts_ALL;
	if (IsKeyPresent( theDict, "parts" ))
		partsMask = theDict["parts"].GetInt();

	bool	hasBottom = ((partsMask & eVRML1Parts_BOTTOM) != 0);
	bool	hasTop = ((partsMask & eVRML1Parts_TOP) != 0);
	bool	hasSides = ((partsMask & eVRML1Parts_SIDES) != 0);
	int	curMaterialBinding = inReader.GetVRML1State().materialBinding;
	bool	isMultiColored = (curMaterialBinding == eVRML1Value_PER_PART) or
		(curMaterialBinding == eVRML1Value_PER_PART_INDEXED);
	TQ3CylinderData	cylData = {
		{ 0.0f, -height/2, 0.0f },
		{ 0.0f, height, 0.0f },
		{ 0.0f, 0.0f, radius },
		{ radius, 0.0f, 0.0f },
		0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
	CQ3ObjectRef	sideColor, bottomColor, topColor, allColor;
	if (isMultiColored)
		sideColor = GetIndexedMaterial( inReader, 0 );
		topColor = GetIndexedMaterial( inReader, 1 );
		bottomColor = GetIndexedMaterial( inReader, 2 );
		allColor = GetIndexedMaterial( inReader, 0 );
	if (hasSides)
		if (isMultiColored)
			cylData.topAttributeSet = topColor.get();
			cylData.faceAttributeSet = sideColor.get();
			cylData.bottomAttributeSet = bottomColor.get();
			cylData.cylinderAttributeSet = allColor.get();
		if (hasTop)
			cylData.caps |= kQ3EndCapMaskTop;
		if (hasBottom)
			cylData.caps |= kQ3EndCapMaskBottom;
		theCylinder = CQ3ObjectRef( Q3Cylinder_New( &cylData ) );
	else if (hasTop or hasBottom)
		theCylinder = CQ3ObjectRef( Q3DisplayGroup_New() );
		ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( theCylinder );

		if (hasTop)
			TQ3DiskData	topData = {
				{ 0.0f, height/2, 0.0f },
				{ 0.0f, 0.0f, radius },
				{ radius, 0.0f, 0.0f },
				0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
			if (isMultiColored)
				topData.diskAttributeSet = topColor.get();
				topData.diskAttributeSet = allColor.get();
			CQ3ObjectRef	topDisk( Q3Disk_New( &topData ) );
			ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( topDisk );
			Q3Group_AddObject( theCylinder.get(), topDisk.get() );
		if (hasBottom)
			TQ3DiskData	bottomData = {
				{ 0.0f, -height/2, 0.0f },
				{ radius, 0.0f, 0.0f },
				{ 0.0f, 0.0f, radius },
				0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
			if (isMultiColored)
				bottomData.diskAttributeSet = bottomColor.get();
				bottomData.diskAttributeSet = allColor.get();
			CQ3ObjectRef	bottomDisk( Q3Disk_New( &bottomData ) );
			ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( bottomDisk );
			Q3Group_AddObject( theCylinder.get(), bottomDisk.get() );
	return theCylinder;
예제 #8
TQ3GroupObject MyNewModel()
	TQ3GroupObject			myGroup = NULL;
	TQ3GeometryObject		myBox;
	TQ3BoxData				myBoxData;
	TQ3ShaderObject			myIlluminationShader ;
	TQ3SetObject			faces[6] ;
	short					face ;
	// Create a group for the complete model.
	// do not use Q3OrderedDisplayGroup_New since in this
	// type of group all of the translations are applied before
	// the objects in the group are drawn, in this instance we 
	// dont want this.
	if ((myGroup = Q3DisplayGroup_New()) != NULL ) 
		// Define a shading type for the group
		// and add the shader to the group
		myIlluminationShader = Q3PhongIllumination_New();
		Q3Group_AddObject(myGroup, myIlluminationShader);

		// set up the colored faces for the box data
		myBoxData.faceAttributeSet = faces;
		myBoxData.boxAttributeSet = NULL;
		MyColorBoxFaces( &myBoxData ) ;
		#define	kBoxSide		0.8F
		#define	kBoxSidePlusGap	0.1F

		// create the box itself
		Q3Point3D_Set(&myBoxData.origin, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
		Q3Vector3D_Set(&myBoxData.orientation, 0.0F, kBoxSide, 0.0F);
		Q3Vector3D_Set(&myBoxData.majorAxis, 0.0F, 0.0F, kBoxSide);	
		Q3Vector3D_Set(&myBoxData.minorAxis, kBoxSide, 0.0F, 0.0F);	
		myBox = Q3Box_New(&myBoxData);
#if 0	// one box
		Q3Group_AddObject(myGroup, myBox);
#else	// 4 boxes
			TQ3Vector3D				translation;
			translation.x =  0.0F;				
			translation.y = kBoxSidePlusGap; 
			translation.z =  0.0F;
			MyAddTransformedObjectToGroup( myGroup, myBox, &translation ) ;
			translation.x =  2 * kBoxSide;	
			translation.y = kBoxSidePlusGap; 
			translation.z =  0.0F;
			MyAddTransformedObjectToGroup( myGroup, myBox, &translation ) ;
			translation.x =  0.0F;				
			translation.y = kBoxSidePlusGap; 
			translation.z = -2 * kBoxSide;
			MyAddTransformedObjectToGroup( myGroup, myBox, &translation ) ;
			translation.x = -2 * kBoxSide;	
			translation.y = kBoxSidePlusGap; 
			translation.z =  0.0F;
			MyAddTransformedObjectToGroup( myGroup, myBox, &translation ) ;
		for( face = 0; face < 6; face++) {
			if( myBoxData.faceAttributeSet[face] != NULL )
		if( myBox ) 
			Q3Object_Dispose( myBox );
	// dispose of the objects we created here
	if( myIlluminationShader ) 
	//	Done!
	return ( myGroup );
예제 #9
TQ3GroupObject MyNewLights()
	TQ3GroupPosition		myGroupPosition;
	TQ3GroupObject			myLightList;
	TQ3LightData			myLightData;
	TQ3PointLightData		myPointLightData;
	TQ3DirectionalLightData	myDirectionalLightData;
	TQ3LightObject			myAmbientLight, myPointLight, myFillLight;
	TQ3Point3D				pointLocation = { -10.0F, 0.0F, 10.0F };
	TQ3Vector3D				fillDirection = { 10.0F, 0.0F, 10.0F };
	TQ3ColorRGB				WhiteLight = { 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F };
	//	Set up light data for ambient light.  This light data will be used for point and fill
	//	light also.

	myLightData.isOn = kQ3True;
	myLightData.color = WhiteLight;
	//	Create ambient light.
	myLightData.brightness = .25F;
	myAmbientLight = Q3AmbientLight_New(&myLightData);
	if ( myAmbientLight == NULL )
		goto bail;
	//	Create point light.
	myLightData.brightness = 1.0F;
	myPointLightData.lightData = myLightData;
	myPointLightData.castsShadows = kQ3False;
	myPointLightData.attenuation = kQ3AttenuationTypeNone;
	myPointLightData.location = pointLocation;
	myPointLight = Q3PointLight_New(&myPointLightData);
	if ( myPointLight == NULL )
		goto bail;

	//	Create fill light.
	myLightData.brightness = .3F;
	myDirectionalLightData.lightData = myLightData;
	myDirectionalLightData.castsShadows = kQ3False;
	myDirectionalLightData.direction = fillDirection;
	myFillLight = Q3DirectionalLight_New(&myDirectionalLightData);
	if ( myFillLight == NULL )
		goto bail;

	//	Create light group and add each of the lights into the group.
	myLightList = Q3LightGroup_New();
	if ( myLightList == NULL )
		goto bail;
	myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(myLightList, myAmbientLight);
	if ( myGroupPosition == 0 )
		goto bail;
	myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(myLightList, myPointLight);
	if ( myGroupPosition == 0 )
		goto bail;
	myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(myLightList, myFillLight);
	if ( myGroupPosition == 0 )
		goto bail;

	Q3Object_Dispose( myAmbientLight ) ;
	Q3Object_Dispose( myPointLight ) ;
	Q3Object_Dispose( myFillLight ) ;

	//	Done!
	return ( myLightList );
	//	If any of the above failed, then return nothing!
	return ( NULL );
예제 #10
static TQ3GroupObject QD3DSupport_GroundInit(TQ3ShaderObject	groundShaderObject)
	long				i;
	TQ3GeometryObject	polygonObj = NULL;
	TQ3GroupPosition	myGroupPosition;
	TQ3GroupObject		groundGroup;
	TQ3PolygonData		polygonData;
	TQ3Vertex3D			vertices[kNumGrndTextureVertices] = {0,-3,GROUND_SIZE,nil,
	TQ3AttributeSet		attribs[kNumGrndTextureVertices] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
	float				ambient = 1.0F;
	TQ3Param2D			uv[kNumGrndTextureVertices] = {0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1};

		if (groundShaderObject == NULL)


			return NULL;


		groundGroup =  Q3OrderedDisplayGroup_New();
		if (groundGroup == NULL)
			return NULL;
		myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(groundGroup, groundShaderObject);
		if ( myGroupPosition == nil )
			Utils_DisplayErrorMsg("Q3Group_AddObject failed!");
			goto outOfMem;

		for (i=0; i < kNumGrndTextureVertices; i++)
			attribs[i] = Q3AttributeSet_New();	
			if( attribs[i] == NULL )
				Utils_DisplayErrorMsg("Attribute set creation failed!");	
				goto outOfMem;
			Q3AttributeSet_Add(attribs[i], kQ3AttributeTypeShadingUV, &uv[i]);
			vertices[i].attributeSet = attribs[i];


		polygonData.numVertices = kNumGrndTextureVertices;
		polygonData.vertices = vertices;
		polygonData.polygonAttributeSet = nil;
		polygonObj = Q3Polygon_New(&polygonData);			
		if( polygonObj == NULL )
			Utils_DisplayErrorMsg("Polygon_New failed!");	
			goto outOfMem;
		for (i=0; i < kNumGrndTextureVertices; i++)
			attribs[i] = NULL;

		myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(groundGroup, polygonObj);
		if ( myGroupPosition == nil )
			Utils_DisplayErrorMsg("Q3Group_AddObject failed!");	
			goto outOfMem;
			/* Success! */
		return groundGroup;
			/* Error handling */
		if (groundGroup)

		for (i=0; i < kNumGrndTextureVertices; i++)
			if( attribs[i] )
		return NULL;
// Load a QD3D model object:
TQ3Object LoadModel(FileSpecifier& Spec)
	// First create a file object and a storage object,
	// and associate the storage object with the file object.
	// MacOS / FSSpec version:
	// modify as necessary for Quesa and SDL --
	// Quesa has similar calls with the MacOS FSSpec being replaced by a Windows file handle
	// and a Unix file path
	TQ3StorageObject StorageObject = Q3FSSpecStorage_New(&Spec.GetSpec());
	if (!StorageObject) return NULL;

	TQ3FileObject FileObject = Q3File_New();
	if (!FileObject)
		return NULL;
	Q3File_SetStorage(FileObject, StorageObject);
	// Read in the model object
	if (Q3File_OpenRead(FileObject, NULL) != kQ3Success)
		return NULL;
	// Create a group for holding all the read-in objects
	TQ3Object ModelObject = Q3DisplayGroup_New();
	if (!ModelObject)
		return NULL;
	// All at once: slurp in now and process later
	while (Q3File_IsEndOfFile(FileObject) == kQ3False)
		// Grab an object from the file
		TQ3Object MemberObject = Q3File_ReadObject(FileObject);
		if (!MemberObject)
		// Only interested in renderable objects (no hints or comments or ...)
		if (Q3Object_IsDrawable(MemberObject))
			Q3Group_AddObject(ModelObject, MemberObject);
		// Clean up
		if (MemberObject) 
	// Done with the file object

	if (Q3Error_Get(NULL) != kQ3ErrorNone)
		if (ModelObject)
		return NULL;
	// Finally!
	return ModelObject;
예제 #12
	@function	IndexedLineSetV1ToObject
	@abstract	Attempt to convert a VRML 1 IndexedLineSet node to a Quesa object.
	@param		ioNode			Node to convert.
	@param		inReader		The reader object.
	@result		An object reference, or NULL on failure.
CQ3ObjectRef	IndexedLineSetV1ToObject( PolyValue& ioNode, CVRMLReader& inReader )
	CQ3ObjectRef	theObject( Q3DisplayGroup_New() );
	ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( theObject );
	PolyValue::Dictionary&	theDict( ioNode.GetDictionary() );
	int	polylineNum = 0;
	// I am not going to bother with normals, so it is better not to use lighting.
	CQ3ObjectRef	theShader( Q3NULLIllumination_New() );
	ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( theShader );
	Q3Group_AddObject( theObject.get(), theShader.get() );
	// Gather data
	PolyValue::IntVec		pointIndices;
	PolyValue::IntVec		colorIndices;
	GetIntVecFromField( theDict, "coordIndex", pointIndices );
	GetIntVecFromField( theDict, "materialIndex", colorIndices );
	StandardizeIndexVector( pointIndices );
	StandardizeIndexVector( colorIndices );
	const SVRML1State&	theState( inReader.GetVRML1State() );
	const std::vector<TQ3Point3D>&	thePoints( theState.coordinate3 );
	const std::vector<TQ3ColorRGB>&	theColors( theState.diffuseColor );
	bool isColorPerVertex( (theState.materialBinding == eVRML1Value_PER_VERTEX) or
		(theState.materialBinding == eVRML1Value_PER_VERTEX_INDEXED) );
	// Note: the VRML 1 spec, unlike the VRML 2 spec, indicates that colors
	// can be per segment rather than per polyline.  Currently I will not
	// support that.
	bool isColorPerPolyline( (theState.materialBinding == eVRML1Value_PER_PART) or
		(theState.materialBinding == eVRML1Value_PER_PART_INDEXED) or
		(theState.materialBinding == eVRML1Value_PER_FACE) or
		(theState.materialBinding == eVRML1Value_PER_FACE_INDEXED) );

	// Start building polylines
	std::vector<TQ3Vertex3D>	vertices;
	std::vector<CQ3ObjectRef>	vertAttSets;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pointIndices.size(); ++i)
		if (pointIndices[i] < 0)
			// FInish a PolyLine
			TQ3PolyLineData	polyData;
			polyData.numVertices = vertices.size();
			polyData.vertices = &vertices[0];
			polyData.segmentAttributeSet = NULL;
			CQ3ObjectRef	polyAtts;
			if (not theColors.empty())
				polyAtts = GetIndexedMaterial( inReader, 0 );
				if (isColorPerPolyline)
					TQ3ColorRGB	polyColor;
					if (colorIndices.empty())
						polyColor = theColors[ polylineNum ];
						polyColor = theColors[ colorIndices[polylineNum] ];
					Q3AttributeSet_Add( polyAtts.get(), kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor,
						&polyColor );

				polyData.polyLineAttributeSet = polyAtts.get();
				polyData.polyLineAttributeSet = NULL;
			CQ3ObjectRef	polyLine( Q3PolyLine_New( &polyData ) );
			ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( polyLine );
			Q3Group_AddObject( theObject.get(), polyLine.get() );
			polylineNum += 1;
			TQ3Vertex3D	aVertex;
			aVertex.point = thePoints[ pointIndices[i] ];
			if (isColorPerVertex and (not theColors.empty()))
				TQ3ColorRGB	vertColor;
				if (colorIndices.empty())
					vertColor = theColors[ pointIndices[i] ];
					vertColor = theColors[ colorIndices[i] ];
				CQ3ObjectRef	vertAtts( Q3AttributeSet_New() );
				ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( vertAtts );
				Q3AttributeSet_Add( vertAtts.get(), kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor,
					&vertColor );
				vertAttSets.push_back( vertAtts );
				aVertex.attributeSet = vertAtts.get();
				aVertex.attributeSet = NULL;
			vertices.push_back( aVertex );

	if (polylineNum == 0)
		// no sense returning an empty display group
		theObject = CQ3ObjectRef();
	return theObject;
예제 #13
파일: 3dsReader.c 프로젝트: refnum/quesa
static TQ3Boolean
parse3DStudioCallback (TobjectManagerCmd cmd, void *cmdData, void *userData)
	TE3FFormat_3ds_Data *instanceData = (TE3FFormat_3ds_Data *)userData;

	if (instanceData == NULL) {
		return (kQ3False);

	switch (cmd) {
	case kParseBegin:
		instanceData->model = Q3DisplayGroup_New ();
#ifdef LATER
	case kNewMaterial: {
			TmaterialData *materialData = (TmaterialData *)cmdData;
			RtMaterial *material = new RtMaterial;
			material->name = materialData->name;
			materialData->name = NULL;
			material->specularcolor = materialData->specularcolor;
			material->Cs = materialData->Cs;
			material->Os = materialData->Os;
			material->texturename = materialData->texturename;
			materialData->texturename = NULL;
			material->id = materialData->id;
			materialData->id = NULL;
			material->next = TparseScene::fsMaterialList->next;
			TparseScene::fsMaterialList->next = material;

	case kNewPointsPolygon: {
			unsigned int t;
			TpointsPolygonData *polygonData = (TpointsPolygonData *)cmdData;
			TQ3TriMeshData triMeshData;
			TQ3GeometryObject triMesh;

			// Set up the data
			triMeshData.triMeshAttributeSet       = NULL;
			triMeshData.numTriangles              = polygonData->npolys;
			triMeshData.triangles                 = (TQ3TriMeshTriangleData *)(polygonData->verts);
			triMeshData.numPoints                 = 0;
			for (t = 0; t < triMeshData.numTriangles; t++) {
				TQ3TriMeshTriangleData *triangleData = triMeshData.triangles + t;
				if (triangleData->pointIndices[0] > triMeshData.numPoints) triMeshData.numPoints = triangleData->pointIndices[0];
				if (triangleData->pointIndices[1] > triMeshData.numPoints) triMeshData.numPoints = triangleData->pointIndices[1];
				if (triangleData->pointIndices[2] > triMeshData.numPoints) triMeshData.numPoints = triangleData->pointIndices[2];
			triMeshData.points                    = (TQ3Point3D *)(polygonData->Ppointer);
			triMeshData.numTriangleAttributeTypes = 0;
			triMeshData.triangleAttributeTypes    = NULL;
			triMeshData.numEdges                  = 0;
			triMeshData.edges                     = NULL;
			triMeshData.numEdgeAttributeTypes     = 0;
			triMeshData.edgeAttributeTypes        = NULL;
			triMeshData.numVertexAttributeTypes   = 0;
			triMeshData.vertexAttributeTypes      = NULL;

			Q3BoundingBox_SetFromPoints3D (&triMeshData.bBox, triMeshData.points, triMeshData.numPoints, sizeof(TQ3Point3D));

			triMesh = Q3TriMesh_New (&triMeshData);
			Q3Group_AddObject (instanceData->model, triMesh);
			Q3Object_Dispose (triMesh);
#ifdef LATER
	case kNewLight: {
			TpointsPolygonData *polygonData = (TpointsPolygonData *)cmdData;
			RtNodeData *node = new RtNodeData;
			node->name = polygonData->name;
			polygonData->name = NULL;
			node->nodeType = RtNodeData::kLightNode;
			TparseScene::fsWorld->addObject (node);
	case kNewCamera: {
			TpointsPolygonData *polygonData = (TpointsPolygonData *)cmdData;
			RtNodeData *node = new RtNodeData;
			node->name = polygonData->name;
			polygonData->name = NULL;
			node->nodeType = RtNodeData::kCameraNode;

			TcameraData *cameraData = (TcameraData *)(polygonData->hanger);
			if (cameraData != NULL) {
				RtCameraData *camera = new RtCameraData;

				camera->setEye (cameraData->eyePt);
				camera->setView (cameraData->viewPt);
				camera->setTwist (cameraData->twist);

				if ((me->fCamera != NULL) && !me->fCameraSet) {
					*me->fCamera = *camera;
					me->fCameraSet = RI_TRUE;
				node->hanger = camera;

			TparseScene::fsWorld->addObject (node);
	case kParseDone:
//		RtMaterial::destroy (TparseScene::fsMaterialList);
//		TparseScene::fsMaterialList = NULL;
	return (kQ3True);
예제 #14
	@function	IndexedLineSetV2ToObject
	@abstract	Attempt to convert a VRML 2 IndexedLineSet node to a Quesa object.
	@param		ioNode			Node to convert.
	@param		inReader		The reader object.
	@result		An object reference, or NULL on failure.
CQ3ObjectRef	IndexedLineSetV2ToObject( PolyValue& ioNode )
	CQ3ObjectRef	theObject( Q3DisplayGroup_New() );
	ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( theObject );
	// The VRML 2 spec says that lines are not lit.
	CQ3ObjectRef	theShader( Q3NULLIllumination_New() );
	ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( theShader );
	Q3Group_AddObject( theObject.get(), theShader.get() );
	PolyValue::Dictionary&	theDict( ioNode.GetDictionary() );
	// Gather data from fields
	std::vector<TQ3Point3D>	thePoints;
	std::vector<TQ3ColorRGB>	theColors;
	PolyValue::IntVec		pointIndices;
	PolyValue::IntVec		colorIndices;
	GetNodeArray( theDict, "coord", "Coordinate", "point", thePoints );
	GetNodeArray( theDict, "color", "Color", "color", theColors );
	GetIntVecFromField( theDict, "coordIndex", pointIndices );
	GetIntVecFromField( theDict, "colorIndex", colorIndices );
	StandardizeIndexVector( pointIndices );
	StandardizeIndexVector( colorIndices );
	bool	isColorPerVertex = true;
	if (IsKeyPresent( theDict, "colorPerVertex" ))
		PolyValue&	theNode( theDict[ "colorPerVertex" ] );
		if (theNode.GetType() == PolyValue::kDataTypeBool)
			isColorPerVertex = theNode.GetBool();
	// Start building polylines
	std::vector<TQ3Vertex3D>	vertices;
	std::vector<CQ3ObjectRef>	vertAttSets;
	int	polylineNum = 0;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pointIndices.size(); ++i)
		if (pointIndices[i] < 0)
			// FInish a PolyLine
			TQ3PolyLineData	polyData;
			polyData.numVertices = vertices.size();
			polyData.vertices = &vertices[0];
			polyData.segmentAttributeSet = NULL;
			CQ3ObjectRef	polyAtts;
			if ((not isColorPerVertex) and (not theColors.empty()))
				TQ3ColorRGB	polyColor;
				if (colorIndices.empty())
					polyColor = theColors[ polylineNum ];
					polyColor = theColors[ colorIndices[polylineNum] ];
				polyAtts = CQ3ObjectRef( Q3AttributeSet_New() );
				ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( polyAtts );
				Q3AttributeSet_Add( polyAtts.get(), kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor,
					&polyColor );
				polyData.polyLineAttributeSet = polyAtts.get();
				polyData.polyLineAttributeSet = NULL;
			CQ3ObjectRef	polyLine( Q3PolyLine_New( &polyData ) );
			ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( polyLine );
			Q3Group_AddObject( theObject.get(), polyLine.get() );
			polylineNum += 1;
			TQ3Vertex3D	aVertex;
			aVertex.point = thePoints[ pointIndices[i] ];
			if (isColorPerVertex and (not theColors.empty()))
				TQ3ColorRGB	vertColor;
				if (colorIndices.empty())
					vertColor = theColors[ pointIndices[i] ];
					vertColor = theColors[ colorIndices[i] ];
				CQ3ObjectRef	vertAtts( Q3AttributeSet_New() );
				ThrowIfNullQuesaOb_( vertAtts );
				Q3AttributeSet_Add( vertAtts.get(), kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor,
					&vertColor );
				vertAttSets.push_back( vertAtts );
				aVertex.attributeSet = vertAtts.get();
				aVertex.attributeSet = NULL;
			vertices.push_back( aVertex );
	if (polylineNum == 0)
		// no sense returning an empty display group
		theObject = CQ3ObjectRef();
	return theObject;