Ut_AboutBusinessLogic::testBluetooth ()
    QSignalSpy spy (
        SIGNAL (requestFinished (AboutBusinessLogic::requestType, QVariant)));

    QMap <QString, QVariant> properties;
    properties["Address"] = QString ("fake-bluetooth-address");

     * Let's initiate the Bluetooth query that will call the
     * QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithCallback() that is stubbed.
    m_Api->initiateBluetoothQueries ();
    QCOMPARE (lastCalledMethod, QString ("DefaultAdapter"));

     * Let's answer the previous step by calling the DBus callback manually.
     * This will initiate an other DBus call also stubbed.
    m_Api->defaultBluetoothAdapterReceived (
    QCOMPARE (lastCalledMethod, QString ("GetProperties"));

     * Answering the second DBus call and checking if the businesslogic
     * processed the data as it should.
    m_Api->defaultBluetoothAdapterAddressReceived (properties);

    QTest::qWait (100);
    QCOMPARE (spy.count (), 1);

    QList<QVariant> args = spy.first ();

    QCOMPARE (args.at (0).value<AboutBusinessLogic::requestType>(),
#if 0
    /* for some strange reason it is not working :-S */
    QCOMPARE (args.at (1).toString (), QString ("fake-bluetooth-address"));

     * Let's test the failure socket. This does not do nothing...
    m_Api->DBusMessagingFailure (QDBusError());

    delete m_Api;
     * Let's see what happens if we initate the data collection and instead of
     * producing answers to queries we just destroy the object.
    m_Api = new AboutBusinessLogic;
    m_Api->initiateBluetoothQueries ();
    //XXX: delete m_Api; (done in cleanup ())
예제 #2
    \fn QDBusError QDBusPendingReply::error() const

    Retrieves the error content of the reply message, if it has
    finished processing. If the reply message has not finished
    processing or if it contains a normal reply message (non-error),
    this function returns an invalid QDBusError.
QDBusError QDBusPendingCall::error() const
    if (d) {
        QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex);
        return QDBusError(d->replyMessage);

    // not connected, return an error
    QDBusError err = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
    return err;
    \fn QDBusError QDBusPendingReply::error() const

    Retrieves the error content of the reply message, if it has
    finished processing. If the reply message has not finished
    processing or if it contains a normal reply message (non-error),
    this function returns an invalid QDBusError.
QDBusError QDBusPendingCall::error() const
    if (d) {
        QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex);
        return QDBusError(d->replyMessage);

    // not connected, return an error
    QDBusError err = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                                QLatin1String("Not connected to D-Bus server"));
    return err;
예제 #4
    Places a call to the remote method specified by \a method
    on this interface, using \a args as arguments. This function
    returns immediately after queueing the call. The reply from
    the remote function is delivered to the \a returnMethod on
    object \a receiver. If an error occurs, the \a errorMethod
    on object \a receiver is called instead.

    This function returns \c true if the queueing succeeds. It does
    not indicate that the executed call succeeded. If it fails,
    the \a errorMethod is called. If the queueing failed, this
    function returns \c false and no slot will be called.

    The \a returnMethod must have as its parameters the types returned
    by the function call. Optionally, it may have a QDBusMessage
    parameter as its last or only parameter.  The \a errorMethod must
    have a QDBusError as its only parameter.

    \since 4.3
    \sa QDBusError, QDBusMessage
bool QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithCallback(const QString &method,
        const QList<QVariant> &args,
        QObject *receiver,
        const char *returnMethod,
        const char *errorMethod)

    if (!d->isValid || !d->canMakeCalls())
        return false;

    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service(),
    QDBusMessagePrivate::setParametersValidated(msg, true);

    d->lastError = QDBusError();
    return d->connection.callWithCallback(msg,
예제 #5
int QDBusInterfacePrivate::metacall(QMetaObject::Call c, int id, void **argv)

    if (c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
        int offset = metaObject->methodOffset();
        QMetaMethod mm = metaObject->method(id + offset);

        if (mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal) {
            // signal relay from D-Bus world to Qt world
            QMetaObject::activate(q, metaObject, id, argv);

        } else if (mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Slot || mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Method) {
            // method call relay from Qt world to D-Bus world
            // get D-Bus equivalent signature
            QString methodName = QString::fromLatin1(mm.name());
            const int *inputTypes = metaObject->inputTypesForMethod(id);
            int inputTypesCount = *inputTypes;

            // we will assume that the input arguments were passed correctly
            QVariantList args;
            int i = 1;
            for ( ; i <= inputTypesCount; ++i)
                args << QVariant(inputTypes[i], argv[i]);

            // make the call
            QDBusMessage reply = q->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::Block, methodName, args);

            if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
                // attempt to demarshall the return values
                args = reply.arguments();
                QVariantList::ConstIterator it = args.constBegin();
                const int *outputTypes = metaObject->outputTypesForMethod(id);
                int outputTypesCount = *outputTypes++;

                if (mm.returnType() != QMetaType::UnknownType && mm.returnType() != QMetaType::Void) {
                    // this method has a return type
                    if (argv[0] && it != args.constEnd())
                        copyArgument(argv[0], *outputTypes++, *it);

                    // skip this argument even if we didn't copy it

                for (int j = 0; j < outputTypesCount && it != args.constEnd(); ++i, ++j, ++it) {
                    copyArgument(argv[i], outputTypes[j], *it);

            // done
            lastError = QDBusError(reply);
            return -1;
    return id;
예제 #6
QVariant QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::property(const QMetaProperty &mp) const
    if (!connection.isConnected())    // not connected
        return QVariant();

    // try to read this property
    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, path,
    msg << interface << QString::fromUtf8(mp.name());
    QDBusMessage reply = connection.call(msg, QDBus::Block);

    if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage && reply.arguments().count() == 1 &&
            reply.signature() == QLatin1String("v")) {
        QVariant value = qvariant_cast<QDBusVariant>(reply.arguments().at(0)).variant();

        // make sure the type is right
        if (qstrcmp(mp.typeName(), value.typeName()) == 0) {
            if (mp.type() == QVariant::LastType)
                // QVariant is special in this context
                return qvariant_cast<QDBusVariant>(reply.arguments().at(0)).variant();

            return value;

    // there was an error...
    if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage)
        lastError = reply;
    else if (reply.signature() != QLatin1String("v")) {
        QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Invalid signature `%1' in return from call to "
        lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature, errmsg.arg(reply.signature()));
    } else {
        QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Unexpected type `%1' when retrieving property "
                                       "`%2 %3.%4'");
        lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature,
                                          interface, QString::fromUtf8(mp.name())));

    return QVariant();
예제 #7
    \fn QDBusError QDBusPendingReply::error() const

    Retrieves the error content of the reply message, if it has
    finished processing. If the reply message has not finished
    processing or if it contains a normal reply message (non-error),
    this function returns an invalid QDBusError.
QDBusError QDBusPendingCall::error() const
    if (d)
        return d->replyMessage;

    // not connected, return an error
    QDBusError err = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                                QLatin1String("Not connected to D-Bus server"));
    return err;
예제 #8
    Sends the \a message over this connection, without waiting for a
    reply. This is suitable for errors, signals, and return values as
    well as calls whose return values are not necessary.

    Returns true if the message was queued successfully, false otherwise.
bool QDBusConnection::send(const QDBusMessage &message) const
    if (!d || !d->connection) {
        QDBusError err = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                                    QLatin1String("Not connected to D-BUS server"));
        if (d)
            d->lastError = err;
        return false;
    return d->send(message) != 0;
예제 #9
    Places a call to the remote method specified by \a method on this interface, using \a args as
    arguments. This function returns the message that was received as a reply, which can be a normal
    QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage (indicating success) or QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage (if the call
    failed). The \a mode parameter specifies how this call should be placed.

    If the call succeeds, lastError() will be cleared; otherwise, it will contain the error this
    call produced.

    Normally, you should place calls using call().

    \warning If you use \c UseEventLoop, your code must be prepared to deal with any reentrancy:
             other method calls and signals may be delivered before this function returns, as well
             as other Qt queued signals and events.

QDBusMessage QDBusAbstractInterface::callWithArgumentList(QDBus::CallMode mode,
        const QString& method,
        const QList<QVariant>& args)

    if (!d->isValid || !d->canMakeCalls())
        return QDBusMessage::createError(d->lastError);

    QString m = method;
    // split out the signature from the method
    int pos = method.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
    if (pos != -1)

    if (mode == QDBus::AutoDetect) {
        // determine if this a sync or async call
        mode = QDBus::Block;
        const QMetaObject *mo = metaObject();
        QByteArray match = m.toLatin1();

        for (int i = staticMetaObject.methodCount(); i < mo->methodCount(); ++i) {
            QMetaMethod mm = mo->method(i);
            if (mm.name() == match) {
                // found a method with the same name as what we're looking for
                // hopefully, nobody is overloading asynchronous and synchronous methods with
                // the same name

                QList<QByteArray> tags = QByteArray(mm.tag()).split(' ');
                if (tags.contains("Q_NOREPLY"))
                    mode = QDBus::NoBlock;


//    qDebug() << "QDBusAbstractInterface" << "Service" << service() << "Path:" << path();
    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service(), path(), interface(), m);
    QDBusMessagePrivate::setParametersValidated(msg, true);

    QDBusMessage reply = d->connection.call(msg, mode, d->timeout);
    if (thread() == QThread::currentThread())
        d->lastError = QDBusError(reply);       // will clear if reply isn't an error

    // ensure that there is at least one element
    if (reply.arguments().isEmpty())
        reply << QVariant();

    return reply;
예제 #10
    Sends the \a message over this connection and returns immediately.
    When the reply is received, the method \a returnMethod is called in
    the \a receiver object. If an error occurs, the method \a errorMethod
    will be called instead.

    If no reply is received within \a timeout milliseconds, an automatic
    error will be delivered indicating the expiration of the call.
    The default \a timeout is -1, which will be replaced with an
    implementation-defined value that is suitable for inter-process
    communications (generally, 25 seconds).

    This function is suitable for method calls only. It is guaranteed
    that the slot will be called exactly once with the reply, as long
    as the parameter types match and no error occurs.

    Returns true if the message was sent, or false if the message could
    not be sent.
bool QDBusConnection::callWithCallback(const QDBusMessage &message, QObject *receiver,
                                       const char *returnMethod, const char *errorMethod,
                                       int timeout) const
    if (!d || !d->connection) {
        QDBusError err = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                                    QLatin1String("Not connected to D-BUS server"));
        if (d)
            d->lastError = err;
        return false;
    return d->sendWithReplyAsync(message, receiver, returnMethod, errorMethod, timeout) != 0;
예제 #11

QDBusInterfacePrivate::QDBusInterfacePrivate(const QString &serv, const QString &p,
                                             const QString &iface, const QDBusConnection &con)
    : QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(serv, p, iface, con, true), metaObject(0)
    // QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate's constructor checked the parameters for us
    if (connection.isConnected()) {
        metaObject = connectionPrivate()->findMetaObject(service, path, interface, lastError);

        if (!metaObject) {
            // creation failed, somehow
            isValid = false;
            if (!lastError.isValid())
                lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InternalError, QLatin1String("Unknown error"));
예제 #12
QDBusInterfacePrivate::QDBusInterfacePrivate(const QString &serv, const QString &p,
                                             const QString &iface, const QDBusConnection &con)
    : QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(serv, p, iface, con, true), metaObject(0)
    // QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate's constructor checked the parameters for us
    if (connection.isConnected()) {
        metaObject = connectionPrivate()->findMetaObject(service, path, interface, lastError);

        if (!metaObject) {
            // creation failed, somehow
            // most common causes are that the service doesn't exist or doesn't support introspection
            // those are not fatal errors, so we continue working

            if (!lastError.isValid())
                lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InternalError, QLatin1String("Unknown error"));
예제 #13
bool QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::setProperty(const QMetaProperty &mp, const QVariant &value)
    if (!isValid || !canMakeCalls())    // can't make calls
        return false;

    // send the value
    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, path,
    QDBusMessagePrivate::setParametersValidated(msg, true);
    msg << interface << QString::fromUtf8(mp.name()) << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(value));
    QDBusMessage reply = connection.call(msg, QDBus::Block, timeout);

    if (reply.type() != QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
        lastError = QDBusError(reply);
        return false;
    return true;
예제 #14
    Sends the \a message over this connection and blocks, waiting for
    a reply, for at most \a timeout milliseconds. This function is
    suitable for method calls only. It returns the reply message as
    its return value, which will be either of type
    QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage or QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage.

    If no reply is received within \a timeout milliseconds, an automatic
    error will be delivered indicating the expiration of the call.
    The default \a timeout is -1, which will be replaced with an
    implementation-defined value that is suitable for inter-process
    communications (generally, 25 seconds).

    See the QDBusInterface::call() function for a more friendly way
    of placing calls.

    \warning If \a mode is QDBus::BlockWithGui, this function will
             reenter the Qt event loop in order to wait for the
             reply. During the wait, it may deliver signals and other
             method calls to your application. Therefore, it must be
             prepared to handle a reentrancy whenever a call is
             placed with call().
QDBusMessage QDBusConnection::call(const QDBusMessage &message, QDBus::CallMode mode, int timeout) const
    if (!d || !d->connection) {
        QDBusError err = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                                    QLatin1String("Not connected to D-Bus server"));
        if (d)
            d->lastError = err;

        return QDBusMessage::createError(err);

    if (mode != QDBus::NoBlock)
        return d->sendWithReply(message, mode, timeout);

    QDBusMessage retval;
    retval << QVariant(); // add one argument (to avoid .at(0) problems)
    return retval;
예제 #15
    Fills in the QDBusReply data \a error and \a data from the reply message \a reply.
void qDBusReplyFill(const QDBusMessage &reply, QDBusError &error, QVariant &data)
    error = reply;

    if (error.isValid()) {
        data = QVariant();      // clear it

    if (reply.arguments().count() >= 1 && reply.arguments().at(0).userType() == data.userType()) {
        data = reply.arguments().at(0);

    const char *expectedSignature = 0;
    QByteArray receivedSignature;

    if (reply.arguments().count() >= 1 &&
        reply.arguments().at(0).userType() == QDBusMetaTypeId::argument) {
        // compare signatures instead
        QDBusArgument arg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0));
        expectedSignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(data.userType());
        receivedSignature = arg.currentSignature().toLatin1();
        if (receivedSignature == expectedSignature) {
            // matched. Demarshall it
            QDBusMetaType::demarshall(arg, data.userType(), data.data());

    // error
    QString errorMsg = QLatin1String("Unexpected reply signature: got \"%1\", "
                                     "expected \"%2\" (%3)");
    if (receivedSignature.isEmpty())
        receivedSignature = "no signature";
    error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature,
    data = QVariant();      // clear it
예제 #16
QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(const QString &serv,
                                                             const QString &p,
                                                             const QString &iface,
                                                             const QDBusConnection& con,
                                                             bool isDynamic)
    : connection(con), service(serv), path(p), interface(iface),
      lastError(checkIfValid(serv, p, iface, isDynamic)),
    if (!isValid)

    if (!connection.isConnected()) {
        lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                               QLatin1String("Not connected to D-Bus server"));
    } else if (!service.isEmpty()) {
        currentOwner = connectionPrivate()->getNameOwner(service); // verify the name owner
        if (currentOwner.isEmpty()) {
            lastError = connectionPrivate()->lastError;
예제 #17

static QDBusError checkIfValid(const QString &service, const QString &path,
                               const QString &interface, bool isDynamic)
    // We should be throwing exceptions here... oh well
    QDBusError error;

    // dynamic interfaces (QDBusInterface) can have empty interfaces, but not service and object paths
    // non-dynamic is the opposite: service and object paths can be empty, but not the interface
    if (!isDynamic) {
        // use assertion here because this should never happen, at all
        Q_ASSERT_X(!interface.isEmpty(), "QDBusAbstractInterface", "Interface name cannot be empty");
    if (!QDBusUtil::checkBusName(service, isDynamic ? QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed : QDBusUtil::EmptyAllowed, &error))
        return error;
    if (!QDBusUtil::checkObjectPath(path, isDynamic ? QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed : QDBusUtil::EmptyAllowed, &error))
        return error;
    if (!QDBusUtil::checkInterfaceName(interface, QDBusUtil::EmptyAllowed, &error))
        return error;

    // no error
    return QDBusError();
예제 #18
QDBusMessage QDBusMessage::fromDBusMessage(DBusMessage *dmsg)
    QDBusMessage message;
    if (!dmsg)
        return message;

    message.d->type = dbus_message_get_type(dmsg);
    message.d->path = QString::fromUtf8(dbus_message_get_path(dmsg));
    message.d->interface = QString::fromUtf8(dbus_message_get_interface(dmsg));
    message.d->member = QString::fromUtf8(dbus_message_get_member(dmsg));
    message.d->sender = QString::fromUtf8(dbus_message_get_sender(dmsg));
    message.d->msg = dbus_message_ref(dmsg);

    DBusError dbusError;
    if (dbus_set_error_from_message(&dbusError, dmsg))
        message.d->error = QDBusError(&dbusError);

    QDBusMarshall::messageToList(message, dmsg);

    return message;
예제 #19
파일: qdbusmessage.cpp 프로젝트: Afreeca/qt
    Constructs a DBusMessage object from \a message. The returned value must be de-referenced
    with q_dbus_message_unref. The \a capabilities flags indicates which capabilities to use.

    The \a error object is set to indicate the error if anything went wrong with the
    marshalling. Usually, this error message will be placed in the reply, as if the call failed.
    The \a error pointer must not be null.
DBusMessage *QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(const QDBusMessage &message, QDBusConnection::ConnectionCapabilities capabilities,
                                                QDBusError *error)
    if (!qdbus_loadLibDBus()) {
        *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::Failed, QLatin1String("Could not open lidbus-1 library"));
        return 0;

    DBusMessage *msg = 0;
    const QDBusMessagePrivate *d_ptr = message.d_ptr;

    switch (d_ptr->type) {
        //qDebug() << "QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage" <<  "message is invalid";
        // only service and interface can be empty -> path and name must not be empty
        if (!d_ptr->parametersValidated) {
            if (!QDBusUtil::checkBusName(d_ptr->service, QDBusUtil::EmptyAllowed, error))
                return 0;
            if (!QDBusUtil::checkObjectPath(d_ptr->path, QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed, error))
                return 0;
            if (!QDBusUtil::checkInterfaceName(d_ptr->interface, QDBusUtil::EmptyAllowed, error))
                return 0;
            if (!QDBusUtil::checkMemberName(d_ptr->name, QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed, error, "method"))
                return 0;

        msg = q_dbus_message_new_method_call(data(d_ptr->service.toUtf8()), d_ptr->path.toUtf8(),
                                             data(d_ptr->interface.toUtf8()), d_ptr->name.toUtf8());
        q_dbus_message_set_auto_start( msg, d_ptr->autoStartService );
        msg = q_dbus_message_new(DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN);
        if (!d_ptr->localMessage) {
            q_dbus_message_set_destination(msg, q_dbus_message_get_sender(d_ptr->reply));
            q_dbus_message_set_reply_serial(msg, q_dbus_message_get_serial(d_ptr->reply));
        // error name can't be empty
        if (!d_ptr->parametersValidated
            && !QDBusUtil::checkErrorName(d_ptr->name, QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed, error))
            return 0;

        msg = q_dbus_message_new(DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR);
        q_dbus_message_set_error_name(msg, d_ptr->name.toUtf8());
        if (!d_ptr->localMessage) {
            q_dbus_message_set_destination(msg, q_dbus_message_get_sender(d_ptr->reply));
            q_dbus_message_set_reply_serial(msg, q_dbus_message_get_serial(d_ptr->reply));
        // nothing can be empty here
        if (!d_ptr->parametersValidated) {
            if (!QDBusUtil::checkObjectPath(d_ptr->path, QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed, error))
                return 0;
            if (!QDBusUtil::checkInterfaceName(d_ptr->interface, QDBusUtil::EmptyAllowed, error))
                return 0;
            if (!QDBusUtil::checkMemberName(d_ptr->name, QDBusUtil::EmptyNotAllowed, error, "method"))
                return 0;

        msg = q_dbus_message_new_signal(d_ptr->path.toUtf8(), d_ptr->interface.toUtf8(),

    // if we got here, the parameters validated
    // and since the message parameters cannot be changed once the message is created
    // we can record this fact
    d_ptr->parametersValidated = true;

    QDBusMarshaller marshaller(capabilities);
    QVariantList::ConstIterator it =  d_ptr->arguments.constBegin();
    QVariantList::ConstIterator cend = d_ptr->arguments.constEnd();
    q_dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg, &marshaller.iterator);
    if (!d_ptr->message.isEmpty())
        // prepend the error message
    for ( ; it != cend; ++it)

    // check if everything is ok
    if (marshaller.ok)
        return msg;

    // not ok;
    *error = QDBusError(QDBusError::Failed, QLatin1String("Marshalling failed: ") + marshaller.errorString);
    return 0;
예제 #20
void QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::property(const QMetaProperty &mp, QVariant &where) const
    if (!isValid || !canMakeCalls()) {   // can't make calls

    // is this metatype registered?
    const char *expectedSignature = "";
    if (mp.type() != 0xff) {
        expectedSignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(where.userType());
        if (expectedSignature == 0) {
            qWarning("QDBusAbstractInterface: type %s must be registered with QtDBus before it can be "
                     "used to read property %s.%s",
                     mp.typeName(), qPrintable(interface), mp.name());
            lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Failed,
                                   QString::fromLatin1("Unregistered type %1 cannot be handled")

    // try to read this property
    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, path,
    QDBusMessagePrivate::setParametersValidated(msg, true);
    msg << interface << QString::fromUtf8(mp.name());
    QDBusMessage reply = connection.call(msg, QDBus::Block);

    if (reply.type() != QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
        lastError = reply;
    if (reply.signature() != QLatin1String("v")) {
        QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Invalid signature `%1' in return from call to "
        lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature, errmsg.arg(reply.signature()));

    QByteArray foundSignature;
    const char *foundType = 0;
    QVariant value = qvariant_cast<QDBusVariant>(reply.arguments().at(0)).variant();

    if (value.userType() == where.userType() || mp.type() == 0xff
        || (expectedSignature[0] == 'v' && expectedSignature[1] == '\0')) {
        // simple match
        where = value;

    if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>()) {
        QDBusArgument arg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(value);

        foundType = "user type";
        foundSignature = arg.currentSignature().toLatin1();
        if (foundSignature == expectedSignature) {
            // signatures match, we can demarshall
            QDBusMetaType::demarshall(arg, where.userType(), where.data());
    } else {
        foundType = value.typeName();
        foundSignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(value.userType());

    // there was an error...
    QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Unexpected `%1' (%2) when retrieving property `%3.%4' "
                                   "(expected type `%5' (%6))");
    lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature,
예제 #21

QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(const QString &serv,
                                                             const QString &p,
                                                             const QString &iface,
                                                             const QDBusConnection& con,
                                                             bool isDynamic)
    : connection(con), service(serv), path(p), interface(iface), isValid(true)
    if (isDynamic) {
        // QDBusInterface: service and object path can't be empty, but interface can
#if 0
                   "QDBusInterface::QDBusInterface", "Invalid service name");
                   "QDBusInterface::QDBusInterface", "Invalid object path given");
        Q_ASSERT_X(interface.isEmpty() || QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface),
                   "QDBusInterface::QDBusInterface", "Invalid interface name");
        if (!QDBusUtil::isValidBusName(service)) {
            lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                                   QLatin1String("Invalid service name"));
            isValid = false;
        } else if (!QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path)) {
            lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                                   QLatin1String("Invalid object name given"));
            isValid = false;
        } else if (!interface.isEmpty() && !QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface)) {
            lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                                   QLatin1String("Invalid interface name"));
            isValid = false;
    } else {
        // all others: service and path can be empty here, but interface can't
#if 0
        Q_ASSERT_X(service.isEmpty() || QDBusUtil::isValidBusName(service),
                   "QDBusAbstractInterface::QDBusAbstractInterface", "Invalid service name");
        Q_ASSERT_X(path.isEmpty() || QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path),
                   "QDBusAbstractInterface::QDBusAbstractInterface", "Invalid object path given");
                   "QDBusAbstractInterface::QDBusAbstractInterface", "Invalid interface class!");
        if (!service.isEmpty() && !QDBusUtil::isValidBusName(service)) {
            lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                                   QLatin1String("Invalid service name"));
            isValid = false;
        } else if (!path.isEmpty() && !QDBusUtil::isValidObjectPath(path)) {
            lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                                   QLatin1String("Invalid object path given"));
            isValid = false;
        } else if (!QDBusUtil::isValidInterfaceName(interface)) {
            lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                                   QLatin1String("Invalid interface class"));
            isValid = false;

    if (!isValid)

    if (!connection.isConnected()) {
        lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected,
                               QLatin1String("Not connected to D-Bus server"));
        isValid = false;
    } else if (!service.isEmpty()) {
        currentOwner = connectionPrivate()->getNameOwner(service); // verify the name owner
        if (currentOwner.isEmpty()) {
            isValid = false;
            lastError = connectionPrivate()->lastError;
예제 #22
QVariant QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::property(const QMetaProperty &mp) const
    if (!connection.isConnected())    // not connected
        return QVariant();

    // is this metatype registered?
    int mid;
    const char *expectedSignature;
    if (mp.type() == QVariant::LastType) {
        // We're asking to read a QVariant
        mid = qMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>();
        expectedSignature = "v";
    } else {
        mid = QMetaType::type(mp.typeName());
        expectedSignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(mid);
        if (expectedSignature == 0) {
            qWarning("QDBusAbstractInterface: type %s must be registered with QtDBus before it can be "
                     "used to read property %s.%s",
                     mp.typeName(), qPrintable(interface), mp.name());
            return QVariant();

    // try to read this property
    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, path,
    msg << interface << QString::fromUtf8(mp.name());
    QDBusMessage reply = connection.call(msg, QDBus::Block);

    if (reply.type() != QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
        lastError = reply;
        return QVariant();
    if (reply.signature() != QLatin1String("v")) {
        QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Invalid signature `%1' in return from call to "
        lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature, errmsg.arg(reply.signature()));
        return QVariant();

    QByteArray foundSignature;
    const char *foundType = 0;
    QVariant value = qvariant_cast<QDBusVariant>(reply.arguments().at(0)).variant();

    if (value.userType() == mid)
        return value;       // simple match

    if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>()) {
        QDBusArgument arg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(value);

        foundType = "user type";
        foundSignature = arg.currentSignature().toLatin1();
        if (foundSignature == expectedSignature) {
            void *null = 0;
            QVariant result(mid, null);
            QDBusMetaType::demarshall(arg, mid, result.data());

            if (mp.type() == QVariant::LastType)
                // special case: QVariant
                return qvariant_cast<QDBusVariant>(result).variant();
            return result;
    } else {
        foundType = value.typeName();
        foundSignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(value.userType());

    // there was an error...
    QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Unexpected `%1' (%2) when retrieving property `%3.%4' "
                                   "(expected type `%5' (%6))");
    lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature,
    return QVariant();
예제 #23
파일: qdbusreply.cpp 프로젝트: fluxer/katie

    \class QDBusReply
    \inmodule QtDBus
    \since 4.2

    \brief The QDBusReply class stores the reply for a method call to a remote object.

    A QDBusReply object is a subset of the QDBusMessage object that represents a method call's
    reply. It contains only the first output argument or the error code and is used by
    QDBusInterface-derived classes to allow returning the error code as the function's return

    It can be used in the following manner:
    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_qdbus_qdbusreply.cpp 0

    If the remote method call cannot fail, you can skip the error checking:
    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_qdbus_qdbusreply.cpp 1

    However, if it does fail under those conditions, the value returned by QDBusReply::value() is
    a default-constructed value. It may be indistinguishable from a valid return value.

    QDBusReply objects are used for remote calls that have no output
    arguments or return values (i.e., they have a "void" return
    type). Use the isValid() function to test if the reply succeeded.

    \sa QDBusMessage, QDBusInterface

    \fn QDBusReply::QDBusReply(const QDBusMessage &reply)
    Automatically construct a QDBusReply object from the reply message \a reply, extracting the
    first return value from it if it is a success reply.

    \fn QDBusReply::QDBusReply(const QDBusPendingReply<T> &reply)
    Constructs a QDBusReply object from the pending reply message, \a reply.

    \fn QDBusReply::QDBusReply(const QDBusPendingCall &pcall)
    Automatically construct a QDBusReply object from the asynchronous
    pending call \a pcall. If the call isn't finished yet, QDBusReply
    will call QDBusPendingCall::waitForFinished(), which is a blocking

    If the return types patch, QDBusReply will extract the first
    return argument from the reply.

    \fn QDBusReply::QDBusReply(const QDBusError &error)
    Constructs an error reply from the D-Bus error code given by \a error.

    \fn QDBusReply::operator=(const QDBusReply &other)
    Makes this object be a copy of the object \a other.

    \fn QDBusReply::operator=(const QDBusError &error)
    Sets this object to contain the error code given by \a error. You
    can later access it with error().

    \fn QDBusReply::operator=(const QDBusMessage &message)

    Makes this object contain the reply specified by message \a
    message. If \a message is an error message, this function will
    copy the error code and message into this object

    If \a message is a standard reply message and contains at least
    one parameter, it will be copied into this object, as long as it
    is of the correct type. If it's not of the same type as this
    QDBusError object, this function will instead set an error code
    indicating a type mismatch.

    \fn QDBusReply::operator=(const QDBusPendingCall &pcall)

    Makes this object contain the reply specified by the pending
    asynchronous call \a pcall. If the call is not finished yet, this
    function will call QDBusPendingCall::waitForFinished() to block
    until the reply arrives.

    If \a pcall finishes with an error message, this function will
    copy the error code and message into this object

    If \a pcall finished with a standard reply message and contains at
    least one parameter, it will be copied into this object, as long
    as it is of the correct type. If it's not of the same type as this
    QDBusError object, this function will instead set an error code
    indicating a type mismatch.

    \fn bool QDBusReply::isValid() const

    Returns true if no error occurred; otherwise, returns false.

    \sa error()

    \fn QDBusReply::error()

    Returns the error code that was returned from the remote function call. If the remote call did
    not return an error (i.e., if it succeeded), then the QDBusError object that is returned will
    not be a valid error code (QDBusError::isValid() will return false).

    \sa isValid()

    \fn QDBusReply::value() const
    Returns the remote function's calls return value. If the remote call returned with an error,
    the return value of this function is undefined and may be undistinguishable from a valid return

    This function is not available if the remote call returns \c void.

    \fn QDBusReply::operator Type() const
    Returns the same as value().

    This function is not available if the remote call returns \c void.

    Fills in the QDBusReply data \a error and \a data from the reply message \a reply.
void qDBusReplyFill(const QDBusMessage &reply, QDBusError &error, QVariant &data)
    error = reply;

    if (error.isValid()) {
        data = QVariant();      // clear it

    if (reply.arguments().count() >= 1 && reply.arguments().at(0).userType() == data.userType()) {
        data = reply.arguments().at(0);

    const char *expectedSignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(data.userType());
    const char *receivedType = 0;
    QByteArray receivedSignature;

    if (reply.arguments().count() >= 1) {
        if (reply.arguments().at(0).userType() == QDBusMetaTypeId::argument) {
            // compare signatures instead
            QDBusArgument arg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0));
            receivedSignature = arg.currentSignature().toLatin1();
            if (receivedSignature == expectedSignature) {
                // matched. Demarshall it
                QDBusMetaType::demarshall(arg, data.userType(), data.data());
        } else {
            // not an argument and doesn't match?
            int type = reply.arguments().at(0).userType();
            receivedType = QVariant::typeToName(QVariant::Type(type));
            receivedSignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(type);

    // error
    if (receivedSignature.isEmpty())
        receivedSignature = "no signature";
    QString errorMsg;
    if (receivedType) {
        errorMsg = QString::fromLatin1("Unexpected reply signature: got \"%1\" (%4), "
                                         "expected \"%2\" (%3)")
    } else {
        errorMsg = QString::fromLatin1("Unexpected reply signature: got \"%1\", "
                                         "expected \"%2\" (%3)")

    error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature, errorMsg);
    data = QVariant();      // clear it
    Returns the last error that happened in this connection.

    This function is provided for low-level code. If you're using
    QDBusInterface::call(), error codes are reported by its return

    \sa QDBusInterface, QDBusMessage
QDBusError QDBusConnection::lastError() const
    return d ? d->lastError : QDBusError();
예제 #25
    Returns the last error that happened in this server.

    This function is provided for low-level code.
QDBusError QDBusServer::lastError() const
    return d ? d->lastError : QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected, QDBusUtil::disconnectedErrorMessage());
예제 #26
QDBusMetaObject *QDBusMetaObject::createMetaObject(const QString &interface, const QString &xml,
                                                   QHash<QString, QDBusMetaObject *> &cache,
                                                   QDBusError &error)
    error = QDBusError();
    QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces parsed = QDBusIntrospection::parseInterfaces(xml);

    QDBusMetaObject *we = 0;
    QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces::ConstIterator it = parsed.constBegin();
    QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces::ConstIterator end = parsed.constEnd();
    for ( ; it != end; ++it) {
        // check if it's in the cache
        bool us = it.key() == interface;

        QDBusMetaObject *obj = cache.value(it.key(), 0);
        if ( !obj && ( us || !interface.startsWith( QLatin1String("local.") ) ) ) {
            // not in cache; create
            obj = new QDBusMetaObject;
            QDBusMetaObjectGenerator generator(it.key(), it.value().constData());

            if ( (obj->cached = !it.key().startsWith( QLatin1String("local.") )) )
                // cache it
                cache.insert(it.key(), obj);
            else if (!us)
                delete obj;


        if (us)
            // it's us
            we = obj;

    if (we)
        return we;
    // still nothing?
    if (parsed.isEmpty()) {
        // object didn't return introspection
        we = new QDBusMetaObject;
        QDBusMetaObjectGenerator generator(interface, 0);
        we->cached = false;
        return we;
    } else if (interface.isEmpty()) {
        // merge all interfaces
        it = parsed.constBegin();
        QDBusIntrospection::Interface merged = *it.value().constData();
        for (++it; it != end; ++it) {

        merged.name = QLatin1String("local.Merged");

        we = new QDBusMetaObject;
        QDBusMetaObjectGenerator generator(merged.name, &merged);
        we->cached = false;
        return we;

    // mark as an error
    error = QDBusError(QDBusError::UnknownInterface,
                       QString( QLatin1String("Interface '%1' was not found") )
    return 0;
예제 #27
    Returns the last error that happened in this connection.

    This function is provided for low-level code. If you're using
    QDBusInterface::call(), error codes are reported by its return

    \sa QDBusInterface, QDBusMessage
QDBusError QDBusConnection::lastError() const
    return d ? d->lastError : QDBusError(QDBusError::Disconnected, QStringLiteral("Not connected."));