예제 #1
void EventDispatcherEPollPrivate::unregisterSocketNotifier(QSocketNotifier* notifier)
	Q_ASSERT(notifier != 0);
	Q_ASSUME(notifier != 0);

	SocketNotifierHash::Iterator it = this->m_notifiers.find(notifier);
	if (Q_LIKELY(it != this->m_notifiers.end())) {
		HandleData* info = it.value();
		int fd           = static_cast<int>(notifier->socket());

		this->m_notifiers.erase(it); // Hash is not rehashed

		HandleHash::Iterator hi = this->m_handles.find(fd);
		Q_ASSERT(hi != this->m_handles.end());

		struct epoll_event e;
		e.data.fd = fd;

		if (info->sni.r == notifier) {
			info->sni.events &= ~EPOLLIN;
			info->sni.r       = 0;
		else if (info->sni.w == notifier) {
			info->sni.events &= ~EPOLLOUT;
			info->sni.w       = 0;
		else if (info->sni.x == notifier) {
			info->sni.events &= ~EPOLLPRI;
			info->sni.x       = 0;
		else {
			qFatal("%s: internal error: cannot find socket notifier", Q_FUNC_INFO);

		e.events = info->sni.events;

		int res;

		if (info->sni.r || info->sni.w || info->sni.x) {
			res = epoll_ctl(this->m_epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &e);
		else {
			res = epoll_ctl(this->m_epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, &e);
			if (Q_UNLIKELY(res != 0 && EBADF == errno)) {
				res = 0;

			delete info;

		if (Q_UNLIKELY(res != 0)) {
			qErrnoWarning("%s: epoll_ctl() failed", Q_FUNC_INFO);
예제 #2
void TimeLineCells::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* event )
    Q_UNUSED( event );

    Object* object = mEditor->object();
    Layer* layer = mEditor->layers()->currentLayer();

    Q_ASSUME( object != nullptr && layer != nullptr );

    QPainter painter( this );

    bool isPlaying = mEditor->playback()->isPlaying();
    if ( ( !isPlaying && !timeLine->scrubbing ) || m_pCache == NULL )
    if ( m_pCache )
        painter.drawPixmap( QPoint( 0, 0 ), *m_pCache );

    if ( m_eType == TIMELINE_CELL_TYPE::Tracks )
        if (!isPlaying) {

        // --- draw the position of the current frame
        if ( mEditor->currentFrame() > frameOffset )
            painter.setBrush( QColor( 255, 0, 0, 128 ) );
            painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
            painter.setFont( QFont( "helvetica", 10 ) );
            //painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); // this causes the message: QPainter::setCompositionMode: PorterDuff modes not supported on device
            QRect scrubRect;
            scrubRect.setTopLeft( QPoint( getFrameX( mEditor->currentFrame() - 1 ), 0 ) );
            scrubRect.setBottomRight( QPoint( getFrameX( mEditor->currentFrame() ), height() ) );
            if ( shortScrub )
                scrubRect.setBottomRight( QPoint( getFrameX( mEditor->currentFrame() ), 19 ) );
            painter.drawRect( scrubRect );
            painter.setPen( QColor( 70, 70, 70, 255 ) );
            int incr = 0;
            if ( mEditor->currentFrame() < 10 )
                incr = 4;
            else { incr = 0; }
            painter.drawText( QPoint( getFrameX( mEditor->currentFrame() - 1 ) + incr, 15 ),
                              QString::number( mEditor->currentFrame() ) );
예제 #3
void EventDispatcherEPollPrivate::registerSocketNotifier(QSocketNotifier* notifier)
	Q_ASSERT(notifier != 0);
	Q_ASSUME(notifier != 0);

	int events = 0;
	QSocketNotifier** n = 0;
	int fd = static_cast<int>(notifier->socket());

	epoll_event e;
	e.data.fd = fd;

	HandleData* data;
	HandleHash::Iterator it = this->m_handles.find(fd);

	if (it == this->m_handles.end()) {
		data        = new HandleData;
		data->type  = htSocketNotifier;
		data->sni.r = 0;
		data->sni.w = 0;
		data->sni.x = 0;

		switch (notifier->type()) {
			case QSocketNotifier::Read:      events = EPOLLIN;  n = &data->sni.r; break;
			case QSocketNotifier::Write:     events = EPOLLOUT; n = &data->sni.w; break;
			case QSocketNotifier::Exception: events = EPOLLPRI; n = &data->sni.x; break;

		data->sni.events = events;
		e.events         = events;
		*n               = notifier;

		int res = epoll_ctl(this->m_epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &e);
		if (Q_UNLIKELY(res != 0)) {
			qErrnoWarning("%s: epoll_ctl() failed", Q_FUNC_INFO);
			delete data;

		this->m_handles.insert(fd, data);
	else {
		data = it.value();

		Q_ASSERT(data->type == htSocketNotifier);
		if (data->type == htSocketNotifier) {
			switch (notifier->type()) {
				case QSocketNotifier::Read:      events = EPOLLIN;  n = &data->sni.r; break;
				case QSocketNotifier::Write:     events = EPOLLOUT; n = &data->sni.w; break;
				case QSocketNotifier::Exception: events = EPOLLPRI; n = &data->sni.x; break;

			Q_ASSERT(n != 0);
			if (Q_UNLIKELY(*n != 0)) {
				qWarning("%s: cannot add two socket notifiers of the same type for the same descriptor", Q_FUNC_INFO);

			Q_ASSERT((data->sni.events & events) == 0);

			data->sni.events |= events;
			e.events          = data->sni.events;
			*n                = notifier;

			int res = epoll_ctl(this->m_epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &e);
			if (Q_UNLIKELY(res != 0)) {
				qErrnoWarning("%s: epoll_ctl() failed", Q_FUNC_INFO);
		else {

	this->m_notifiers.insert(notifier, data);