static void FramesStream_TimeSub(int time) /* 功能:将各个动画的当前帧的等待时间与指定时间相减 */ { LCUI_Frame *frame; LCUI_Frames *frames; int i, total, pos; Queue_Lock(&frames_stream); total = Queue_GetTotal(&frames_stream); DEBUG_MSG("start\n"); for(i=0; i<total; ++i) { frames = Queue_Get(&frames_stream, i); if( !frames || frames->state == 0 ) { continue; } if(frames->current > 0) { pos = frames->current-1; } else { pos = 0; } frame = Queue_Get(&frames->pic, pos); if( !frame ) { continue; } frame->current_time -= time; DEBUG_MSG("fames: %p, current: %d, time:%ld, sub:%d\n", frames, pos, frame->current_time, time); } DEBUG_MSG("end\n"); Queue_Unlock(&frames_stream); }
/** * 释放定时器 * 当不需要定时器时,可以使用该函数释放定时器占用的资源 * @param timer_id * 需要释放的定时器的标识符 * @return * 正常返回0,指定ID的定时器不存在则返回-1. * */ LCUI_API int LCUITimer_Free( int timer_id ) { int i, total; timer_data *timer; LCUISleeper_BreakSleep( &timer_sleeper ); Queue_Lock( &global_timer_list ); total = Queue_GetTotal( &global_timer_list ); for(i=0; i<total; ++i) { timer = (timer_data*)Queue_Get( &global_timer_list, i ); if( !timer ) { continue; } if( timer->id == timer_id ) { DEBUG_MSG("delete timer: %d, n_ms: %d\n", timer->id, timer->total_ms); Queue_Delete( &global_timer_list, i ); break; } } Queue_Unlock( &global_timer_list ); if( i < total ) { LCUISleeper_BreakSleep( &timer_sleeper ); return 0; } return -1; }
static BOOL tsmf_stream_process_ack(void* arg, BOOL force) { TSMF_STREAM* stream = arg; TSMF_SAMPLE* sample; UINT64 ack_time; BOOL rc = FALSE; if (!stream) return FALSE; Queue_Lock(stream->sample_ack_list); sample = (TSMF_SAMPLE*) Queue_Peek(stream->sample_ack_list); if (!sample) goto finally; if (!force) { ack_time = get_current_time(); if (sample->ack_time > ack_time) goto finally; } sample = Queue_Dequeue(stream->sample_ack_list); tsmf_sample_ack(sample); tsmf_sample_free(sample); finally: Queue_Unlock(stream->sample_ack_list); return rc; }
static int LCUIApp_RunTask( LCUI_App *app ) { LCUI_Task *task; Queue_Lock( &app->tasks ); task = Queue_Get( &app->tasks, 0 ); if( task == NULL ) { Queue_Unlock( &app->tasks ); return -1; } Queue_DeletePointer( &app->tasks, 0 ); if( task->func == NULL ) { Queue_Unlock( &app->tasks ); return -2; } Queue_Unlock( &app->tasks ); /* 调用函数指针指向的函数,并传递参数 */ task->func( task->arg[0], task->arg[1] ); /* 若需要在调用回调函数后销毁参数 */ if( task->destroy_arg[0] ) { free( task->arg[0] ); } if( task->destroy_arg[1] ) { free( task->arg[1] ); } free( task ); return 0; }
LCUI_API int GraphLayer_Sort( LCUI_GraphLayer *glayer ) { LCUI_GraphLayer *child_a, *child_b; int i, j, total; if( !glayer ) { return -1; } /* 排序前先锁上队列互斥锁 */ Queue_Lock( &glayer->child ); total = Queue_GetTotal( &glayer->child ); /* 使用的是冒泡排序法 */ for(j=0; j<total; ++j) for(i=total-1; i>=1; --i) { child_a = (LCUI_GraphLayer*)Queue_Get( &glayer->child, i ); if( !child_a ) { continue; } child_b = (LCUI_GraphLayer*)Queue_Get( &glayer->child, i-1 ); if( !child_b ) { continue; } if( child_a->z_index > child_b->z_index ) { Queue_Move( &glayer->child, i-1, i); } } /* 解开互斥锁 */ Queue_Unlock( &glayer->child ); return 0; }
Frames_Play(LCUI_Frames *frames) /* 功能:播放动画 */ { int i, total; LCUI_Frames *tmp_ptr; if( !frames ) { return -1; } frames->state = 1; if(__timer_id == -1){ Queue_Init( &frames_stream, sizeof(LCUI_Frames), NULL ); Queue_UsingPointer( &frames_stream ); __timer_id = set_timer( 50, Process_Frames, TRUE ); } /* 检查该动画是否已存在 */ Queue_Lock( &frames_stream ); total = Queue_GetTotal( &frames_stream ); for( i=0; i<total; ++i ) { tmp_ptr = Queue_Get( &frames_stream, i ); if( tmp_ptr == frames ) { break; } } Queue_Unlock( &frames_stream ); /* 添加至动画更新队列中 */ if( i>=total ) { return Queue_AddPointer(&frames_stream, frames); } return 1; }
/** 处理列表中的设备的数据 */ static void proc_dev_list( void *arg ) { LCUI_Queue *dev_list; dev_func_data *data_ptr; int total, i, timeout_count = 0; dev_list = (LCUI_Queue *)arg; while( LCUI_Active() ) { Queue_Lock( dev_list ); total = Queue_GetTotal( dev_list ); for(i=0; i<total; ++i) { data_ptr = (dev_func_data*)Queue_Get( dev_list, i ); if( !data_ptr || !data_ptr->proc_func ) { continue; } if( data_ptr->proc_func() ) { ++timeout_count; } } Queue_Unlock( dev_list ); if( timeout_count > 20 ) { LCUI_MSleep( 10 ); timeout_count = 0; } LCUI_MSleep( 5 ); } LCUIThread_Exit(NULL); }
/* 向消息队列中投递消息 */ int Game_PostMsg( GameMsg *msg ) { Queue_Lock( &game_msg_queue ); if( !Queue_Add( &game_msg_queue, msg ) ) { Queue_Unlock( &game_msg_queue ); return -1; } Queue_Unlock( &game_msg_queue ); return LCUISleeper_BreakSleep( &msg_sleeper ); }
/** 更新定时器在定时器列表中的位置 */ static void TimerList_UpdateTimerPos( LCUI_Queue *timer_list, timer_data *p_timer ) { int n, src_i=-1, des_i=-1; int64_t time_left, tmp_time_left; timer_data *p_tmp_timer; /* 计算该定时器的剩余定时时长 */ time_left = LCUI_GetTicks( p_timer->start_time ); time_left -= p_timer->pause_ms; time_left = p_timer->total_ms - time_left; /* 锁上定时器列表 */ Queue_Lock( &global_timer_list ); n = Queue_GetTotal( &global_timer_list ); while(n--) { p_tmp_timer = (timer_data*)Queue_Get( &global_timer_list, n ); if( !p_tmp_timer ) { continue; } /* 若找到自己的位置,则记录 */ if( p_tmp_timer->id == p_timer->id ) { src_i = n; /* 如果已经找到目标位置,则退出循环 */ if( des_i != -1 ) { break; } continue; } tmp_time_left = LCUI_GetTicks( p_tmp_timer->start_time ); tmp_time_left -= p_tmp_timer->pause_ms; tmp_time_left = p_tmp_timer->total_ms - tmp_time_left; /* 若该定时器的剩余定时时长不大于当前定时器,则记录 */ if( des_i == -1 && time_left >= tmp_time_left ) { DEBUG_MSG("src timer: %d, pos: %d, , cur_ms: %I64dms, des timer: %d, pos: %d, cur_ms: %I64dms\n", p_timer->id, src_i, LCUI_GetTicks(p_timer->start_time), p_tmp_timer->id, des_i, LCUI_GetTicks(p_tmp_timer->start_time) ); des_i = n; /* 如果已经找到源位置,则退出循环 */ if( src_i != -1 ) { break; } } } /* 若目标位置无效,则将末尾作为目标位置 */ if( des_i == -1 ) { DEBUG_MSG("tip\n"); des_i = Queue_GetTotal( &global_timer_list )-1; } /* 若源位置和目标位置有效,则开始移动 */ if( src_i != -1 ) { DEBUG_MSG("src: %d, des: %d\n", src_i, des_i ); Queue_Move( &global_timer_list, des_i, src_i ); } Queue_Unlock( &global_timer_list ); }
/* Returns TRUE if no more samples are currently available * Returns FALSE otherwise */ static BOOL tsmf_stream_process_ack(void* arg, BOOL force) { TSMF_STREAM* stream = arg; TSMF_SAMPLE* sample; UINT64 ack_time; BOOL rc = FALSE; if (!stream) return TRUE; Queue_Lock(stream->sample_ack_list); sample = (TSMF_SAMPLE*) Queue_Peek(stream->sample_ack_list); if (!sample) { rc = TRUE; goto finally; } if (!force) { /* Do some min/max ack limiting if we have access to Buffer level information */ if (stream->decoder && stream->decoder->BufferLevel) { /* Try to keep buffer level below max by withholding acks */ if (stream->currentBufferLevel > stream->maxBufferLevel) goto finally; /* Try to keep buffer level above min by pushing acks through quickly */ else if (stream->currentBufferLevel < stream->minBufferLevel) goto dequeue; } /* Time based acks only */ ack_time = get_current_time(); if (sample->ack_time > ack_time) goto finally; } dequeue: sample = Queue_Dequeue(stream->sample_ack_list); if (sample) { tsmf_sample_ack(sample); tsmf_sample_free(sample); } finally: Queue_Unlock(stream->sample_ack_list); return rc; }
static void WidgetRecord_Reset( void ) { int i, n; WidgetRecordItem *item; Queue_Lock( &widget_proc_record ); n = Queue_GetTotal( &widget_proc_record ); for(i=0; i<n; ++i) { item = (WidgetRecordItem*)Queue_Get( &widget_proc_record, i ); item->need_delete = TRUE; } Queue_Unlock( &widget_proc_record ); }
static void FramesStream_Sort() /* 功能:对动画流进行排序 */ { int i, j, pos, total; LCUI_Frames *temp; LCUI_Frame *p, *q; Queue_Lock(&frames_stream); total = Queue_GetTotal(&frames_stream); /* 使用的是选择排序 */ for(i=0; i<total; ++i) { temp = Queue_Get(&frames_stream, i); if( !temp ) { continue; } if(temp->current > 0) { pos = temp->current-1; } else { pos = 0; } p = Queue_Get(&temp->pic, pos); if( !p ) { continue; } for(j=i+1; j<total; ++j) { temp = Queue_Get(&frames_stream, j); if( !temp ) { continue; } if(temp->current > 0) { pos = temp->current-1; } else { pos = 0; } q = Queue_Get(&temp->pic, pos); if( !q ) { continue; } if( q->current_time < p->current_time ) { Queue_Swap(&frames_stream, j, i); } } } Queue_Unlock(&frames_stream); }
/* * 功能:发送任务给程序,使这个程序进行指定任务 * 说明:LCUI_Task结构体中的成员变量 id,保存的是目标程序的id */ LCUI_API int AppTasks_Add( LCUI_Task *task ) { LCUI_App *app; app = LCUIApp_Find( task->id ); if( !app ) { return -1; } Queue_Lock( &app->tasks ); if(Queue_Add( &app->tasks, task ) < 0 ) { Queue_Unlock( &app->tasks ); return -2; } LCUISleeper_BreakSleep( &app->mainloop_sleeper ); Queue_Unlock( &app->tasks ); return 0; }
/** 停用设备处理模块 */ LCUI_API void LCUIModule_Device_End(void) { int total, i; dev_func_data *data_ptr; Queue_Lock( &dev_list ); total = Queue_GetTotal( &dev_list ); for(i=0; i<total; ++i) { data_ptr = (dev_func_data*)Queue_Get( &dev_list, i ); if( !data_ptr || !data_ptr->destroy_func ) { continue; } data_ptr->destroy_func(); } Queue_Unlock( &dev_list ); }
/** * 继续定时器的倒计时 * @param timer_id * 目标定时器的标识符 * @return * 正常返回0,指定ID的定时器不存在则返回-1. * */ LCUI_API int LCUITimer_Continue( int timer_id ) { timer_data *timer; LCUISleeper_BreakSleep( &timer_sleeper ); Queue_Lock( &global_timer_list ); timer = TimerList_Find( timer_id ); if( timer ) { /* 计算处于暂停状态的时长 */ timer->pause_ms += (long int)LCUI_GetTicks( timer->pause_time ); timer->state = STATE_RUN; Queue_Unlock( &global_timer_list ); return 0; } Queue_Unlock( &global_timer_list ); return -1; }
/** * 暂停定时器的倒计时 * 一般用于往复定时的定时器 * @param timer_id * 目标定时器的标识符 * @return * 正常返回0,指定ID的定时器不存在则返回-1. * */ LCUI_API int LCUITimer_Pause( int timer_id ) { timer_data *timer; LCUISleeper_BreakSleep( &timer_sleeper ); Queue_Lock( &global_timer_list ); timer = TimerList_Find( timer_id ); if( timer ) { /* 记录暂停时的时间 */ timer->pause_time = LCUI_GetTickCount(); timer->state = STATE_PAUSE; Queue_Unlock( &global_timer_list ); return 0; } Queue_Unlock( &global_timer_list ); return -1; }
static void LCUI_DestroyAllApps(void) { LCUI_App *app; int i, total; Queue_Lock( &LCUI_Sys.app_list ); total = Queue_GetTotal(&LCUI_Sys.app_list); for (i = 0; i < total; ++i) { app = Queue_Get(&LCUI_Sys.app_list, 0); if(app == NULL) { continue; } Queue_Delete (&LCUI_Sys.app_list, 0); } Queue_Unlock( &LCUI_Sys.app_list ); Queue_Destroy( &LCUI_Sys.app_list ); }
/** 移除指定部件的记录,使之不再响应状态变化 */ LCUI_API void WidgetRecord_Delete( LCUI_Widget *widget ) { int n; WidgetRecordItem *item; Queue_Lock( &widget_proc_record ); n = Queue_GetTotal( &widget_proc_record ); for(; n>=0; --n) { item = (WidgetRecordItem*) Queue_Get( &widget_proc_record, n ); if( item && item->widget == widget ) { Queue_Delete( &widget_proc_record, n ); break; } } Queue_Unlock( &widget_proc_record ); }
/** * 重设定时器的等待时间 * @param timer_id * 需要释放的定时器的标识符 * @param n_ms * 等待的时间,单位为毫秒 * @return * 正常返回0,指定ID的定时器不存在则返回-1. * */ LCUI_API int LCUITimer_Reset( int timer_id, long int n_ms ) { timer_data *timer; LCUISleeper_BreakSleep( &timer_sleeper ); Queue_Lock( &global_timer_list ); timer = TimerList_Find( timer_id ); if( timer ) { timer->start_time = LCUI_GetTickCount(); timer->pause_ms = 0; timer->total_ms = n_ms; TimerList_UpdateTimerPos( &global_timer_list, timer ); Queue_Unlock( &global_timer_list ); return 0; } Queue_Unlock( &global_timer_list ); return -1; }
/* 从消息队列中取出一个消息 */ int Game_GetMsg( GameMsg *msg_buff ) { GameMsg *p_msg; Game_RecvMsg(); while( Queue_GetTotal(&game_msg_queue)<=0 ) { LCUISleeper_StartSleep( &msg_sleeper, 1000 ); } Queue_Lock( &game_msg_queue ); p_msg = (GameMsg*)Queue_Get( &game_msg_queue, 0 ); if( p_msg == NULL ) { Queue_Unlock( &game_msg_queue ); return -1; } *msg_buff = *p_msg; Queue_Delete( &game_msg_queue, 0 ); Queue_Unlock( &game_msg_queue ); return 0; }
static void LCUIApp_QuitAllMainLoops( LCUI_ID app_id ) { int i, total; LCUI_MainLoop *loop; Queue_Lock( &mainloop_queue ); total = Queue_GetTotal( &mainloop_queue ); for(i=0; i<total; ++i) { loop = (LCUI_MainLoop*)Queue_Get( &mainloop_queue, i ); if( loop == NULL ) { continue; } if( loop->app_id == app_id ) { loop->quit = TRUE; } } Queue_Unlock( &mainloop_queue ); }
/** * 设置定时器 * 定时器的作用是让一个任务在经过指定时间后才执行 * @param n_ms * 等待的时间,单位为毫秒 * @param callback_func * 用于响应定时器的回调函数 * @param reuse * 指示该定时器是否重复使用,如果要用于循环定时处理某些 * 任务,可将它置为 TRUE,否则置于 FALSE。 * @return * 该定时器的标识符 * */ LCUI_API int LCUITimer_Set( long int n_ms, void (*callback_func)(void*), void *arg, LCUI_BOOL reuse ) { int n; int64_t time_left; timer_data timer, *p_timer; static int id = 100; /* 打断定时器睡眠者的睡眠 */ LCUISleeper_BreakSleep( &timer_sleeper ); Queue_Lock( &global_timer_list ); n = Queue_GetTotal( &global_timer_list ); while(n--) { p_timer = (timer_data*)Queue_Get( &global_timer_list, n ); if( !p_timer ) { continue; } time_left = LCUI_GetTicks( p_timer->start_time ); time_left -= p_timer->pause_ms; time_left = p_timer->total_ms - time_left; if( time_left <= n_ms ) { break; } } = ++id; timer.app_id = LCUIApp_GetSelfID(); timer.state = STATE_RUN; timer.reuse = reuse; timer.total_ms = n_ms; timer.pause_ms = 0; timer.start_time = LCUI_GetTickCount(); timer.callback_func = callback_func; timer.arg = arg; Queue_Insert( &global_timer_list, n+1, &timer ); Queue_Unlock( &global_timer_list ); DEBUG_MSG("set timer, id: %d, total_ms: %d,app_id: %lu\n",, timer.total_ms, timer.app_id); return; }
/** 清理部件列表中需要移除的部件,并将部件状态设置为NORMAL */ static void WidgetRecord_Clear( void ) { int i, n; WidgetRecordItem *item; Queue_Lock( &widget_proc_record ); n = Queue_GetTotal( &widget_proc_record ); for(i=0; i<n; ++i) { item = (WidgetRecordItem*) Queue_Get( &widget_proc_record, i ); if( !item->need_delete ) { continue; } Widget_SetState( item->widget, WIDGET_STATE_NORMAL ); Queue_Delete( &widget_proc_record, i ); n = Queue_GetTotal( &widget_proc_record ); --i; } Queue_Unlock( &widget_proc_record ); }
/** * 功能:注册设备 * 说明:为指定设备添加处理函数 * */ LCUI_API int LCUIDevice_Add( LCUI_BOOL (*init_func)(void), LCUI_BOOL (*proc_func)(void), LCUI_BOOL (*destroy_func)(void) ) { dev_func_data data; if( init_func ) { init_func(); } data.init_func = init_func; data.proc_func = proc_func; data.destroy_func = destroy_func; Queue_Lock( &dev_list ); if( Queue_Add( &dev_list, &data ) ) { Queue_Unlock( &dev_list ); return 0; } Queue_Unlock( &dev_list ); return -1; }
/** 添加部件至列表里,如果已存在,则标记该部件不需要删除 */ static int WidgetRecord_Add( LCUI_Widget *widget ) { int i, n; WidgetRecordItem new_item, *item; Queue_Lock( &widget_proc_record ); n = Queue_GetTotal( &widget_proc_record ); for(i=0; i<n; ++i) { item = (WidgetRecordItem*) Queue_Get( &widget_proc_record, i ); if( item->widget == widget ) { Queue_Unlock( &widget_proc_record ); item->need_delete = FALSE; return 1; } } new_item.need_delete = FALSE; new_item.widget = widget; Queue_Add( &widget_proc_record, &new_item ); Queue_Unlock( &widget_proc_record ); return 0; }
LCUI_API void WidgetMsg_Proc( LCUI_Widget *widget ) { int i,n; WidgetMsgData *data_ptr; LCUI_Widget *child; LCUI_Queue *msg_buff, *child_list; if( widget == NULL ) { widget = RootWidget_GetSelf(); } msg_buff = Widget_GetMsgBuff( widget ); child_list = Widget_GetChildList( widget ); Queue_Lock( msg_buff ); n = Queue_GetTotal( msg_buff ); for(i=0; i<n; ++i) { DEBUG_MSG("[%d/%d]get msg\n", i, n); data_ptr = (WidgetMsgData*)Queue_Get( msg_buff, i ); DEBUG_MSG("[%d/%d]dispatch msg\n", i, n); if( WidgetMsg_Dispatch( widget, data_ptr ) ) { DEBUG_MSG("[%d/%d]delete msg\n", i, n); Queue_Delete( msg_buff, i ); n = Queue_GetTotal( msg_buff ); --i; } DEBUG_MSG("[%d/%d]skip msg\n", i, n); } Queue_Unlock( msg_buff ); n = Queue_GetTotal( child_list ); /* 从尾到首,递归处理子部件的更新 */ while(n--) { child = (LCUI_Widget*)Queue_Get( child_list, n ); if( child ) { DEBUG_MSG("proc child msg\n"); WidgetMsg_Proc( child ); } } }
static int Tasks_CustomAdd( LCUI_Queue *tasks, int mode, LCUI_Task *task ) { int total, i; LCUI_Task *tmp_task; Queue_Lock( tasks ); total = Queue_GetTotal(tasks); /* 如果模式是“添加新的”模式 */ if( mode == ADD_MODE_ADD_NEW ) { Queue_Add(tasks, task); Queue_Unlock( tasks ); return 0; } for (i=0; i < total; ++i) { tmp_task = Queue_Get(tasks, i); /* 如果指针无效,或者函数指针已有记录 */ if( !tmp_task || tmp_task->func != task->func ) { continue; } /* 如果要求的是不重复模式 */ if(Check_Option(mode, ADD_MODE_NOT_REPEAT)) { /* 如果要求是第1个参数不能重复 */ if(Check_Option(mode, AND_ARG_F)) { /* 如果要求是第2个参数也不能重复 */ if(Check_Option(mode, AND_ARG_S)) { /* 如果函数以及参数1和2都一样 */ if(tmp_task->arg[0] == task->arg[0] && tmp_task->arg[1] == task->arg[1]) { Destroy_Task( task ); Queue_Unlock( tasks ); return -1; } } else {/* 否则,只是要求函数以及第1个参数不能全部重复 */ if(tmp_task->arg[0] == task->arg[0]) { Destroy_Task( task ); Queue_Unlock( tasks ); return -1; } } }/* 否则,如果只是要求是第2个参数不能重复 */ else if(Check_Option(mode, AND_ARG_S)) { if(tmp_task->arg[1] == task->arg[1] ) { Destroy_Task( task ); Queue_Unlock( tasks ); return -1; } } else {/* 否则,只是要求函数不同 */ Destroy_Task( task ); Queue_Unlock( tasks ); return -1; } }/* 如果要求的是替换模式 */ else if(Check_Option(mode, ADD_MODE_REPLACE)) { /* 如果要求是第1个参数相同 */ if( Check_Option(mode, AND_ARG_F) ) { /* 如果要求是第2个参数也相同 */ if( Check_Option(mode, AND_ARG_S) ) { if(tmp_task->arg[0] == task->arg[0] && tmp_task->arg[1] == task->arg[1] ) { break; } } else {/* 否则,只是要求函数以及第1个参数全部相同 */ if(tmp_task->arg[0] == task->arg[0]) { break; } } }/* 否则,如果只是要求第2个参数不能相同 */ else if(Check_Option(mode, AND_ARG_S)) { if(tmp_task->arg[1] == task->arg[1]) { break; } } else { break; } } } if(i == total) { Queue_Add(tasks, task); } else { Queue_Replace( tasks, i, task ); } Queue_Unlock( tasks ); return 0; }
/** 定时器线程,用于处理列表中各个定时器 */ static void TimerThread( void *arg ) { int i, n; long int n_ms; LCUI_Func func_data; LCUI_Queue *timer_list; timer_data *timer = NULL; int64_t lost_ms; timer_list = (LCUI_Queue*)arg; func_data.arg[0] = NULL; func_data.arg[1] = NULL; while( !LCUI_Active() ) { LCUI_MSleep(10); } while( timer_thread_active ) { Queue_Lock( timer_list ); n = Queue_GetTotal( timer_list ); for(i=0; i<n; ++i) { timer = (timer_data*)Queue_Get( timer_list , i); if( !timer ) { continue; } if( timer->state == STATE_RUN ) { break; } } Queue_Unlock( timer_list ); /* 没有要处理的定时器,停留一段时间再进行下次循环 */ if(i >= n || !timer ) { LCUI_MSleep(10); continue; } lost_ms = LCUI_GetTicks( timer->start_time ); /* 减去处于暂停状态的时长 */ lost_ms -= timer->pause_ms; /* 若流失的时间未达到总定时时长 */ if( lost_ms < timer->total_ms ) { Queue_Lock( timer_list ); n_ms = timer->total_ms - lost_ms; /* 开始睡眠 */ LCUISleeper_StartSleep( &timer_sleeper, n_ms ); Queue_Unlock( timer_list ); lost_ms = LCUI_GetTicks( timer->start_time ); lost_ms -= timer->pause_ms; if( lost_ms < timer->total_ms ) { continue; } } DEBUG_MSG("timer: %d, start_time: %I64dms, cur_time: %I64dms, cur_ms: %I64d, total_ms: %ld\n", timer->id, timer->start_time, LCUI_GetTickCount(), timer->total_ms-lost_ms, timer->total_ms); /* 准备任务数据 */ = timer->app_id; func_data.func = (CallBackFunc)timer->callback_func; func_data.arg[0] = timer->arg; func_data.destroy_arg[0] = FALSE; /* 添加该任务至指定程序的任务队列,添加模式是覆盖 */ AppTasks_CustomAdd( ADD_MODE_REPLACE | AND_ARG_F, &func_data ); Queue_Lock( timer_list ); /* 若需要重复使用,则重置剩余等待时间 */ if( timer->reuse ) { timer->start_time = LCUI_GetTickCount(); timer->pause_ms = 0; TimerList_UpdateTimerPos( timer_list, timer ); } else { /* 否则,释放该定时器 */ LCUITimer_Free( timer->id ); } Queue_Unlock( timer_list ); } LCUIThread_Exit(NULL); }