예제 #1
  Time* Time::specific(STATE, Object* self, Integer* sec, Integer* nsec,
                       Object* gmt, Object* offset)
    Time* tm = state->new_object_dirty<Time>(as<Class>(self));

    tm->seconds_ = sec->to_long_long();
    tm->nanoseconds_ = nsec->to_native();

    // Do a little overflow cleanup.
    if(tm->nanoseconds_ >= 1000000000) {
      tm->seconds_ += tm->nanoseconds_ / 1000000000;
      tm->nanoseconds_ %= 1000000000;

    if(tm->nanoseconds_ < 0) {
      tm->seconds_ += NDIV(tm->nanoseconds_, 1000000000);
      tm->nanoseconds_ = NMOD(tm->nanoseconds_, 1000000000);

    tm->decomposed(state, nil<Array>());
    tm->is_gmt(state, RBOOL(CBOOL(gmt)));
    tm->offset(state, offset);
    tm->zone(state, nil<String>());

    return tm;
예제 #2
  Object* Character::alphabetical_p(STATE) {
    bool found;
    int c = codepoint(state, &found);

    OnigEncodingType* enc = encoding()->get_encoding();
    return RBOOL(found && ONIGENC_IS_CODE_ALPHA(enc, c));
예제 #3
  Object* Character::punctuation_p(STATE) {
    bool found;
    int c = codepoint(state, &found);

    OnigEncodingType* enc = encoding()->get_encoding();
    return RBOOL(found && ONIGENC_IS_CODE_PUNCT(enc, c));
예제 #4
  Object* Character::lower_p(STATE) {
    bool found;
    int c = codepoint(state, &found);

    OnigEncodingType* enc = encoding()->get_encoding();
    return RBOOL(found && ONIGENC_IS_CODE_LOWER(enc, c));
예제 #5
  Array* Time::calculate_decompose(STATE) {
    if(!decomposed_->nil_p()) return decomposed_;

    struct tm64 tm = get_tm();

    /* update Time::TM_FIELDS when changing order of fields */
    Array* ary = Array::create(state, 11);
    ary->set(state, 0, Integer::from(state, tm.tm_sec));
    ary->set(state, 1, Integer::from(state, tm.tm_min));
    ary->set(state, 2, Integer::from(state, tm.tm_hour));
    ary->set(state, 3, Integer::from(state, tm.tm_mday));
    ary->set(state, 4, Integer::from(state, tm.tm_mon + 1));
    ary->set(state, 5, Integer::from(state, tm.tm_year));
    ary->set(state, 6, Integer::from(state, tm.tm_wday));
    ary->set(state, 7, Integer::from(state, tm.tm_yday + 1));
    ary->set(state, 8, RBOOL(tm.tm_isdst));

    if (zone_->nil_p()) {
      if(offset_->nil_p() && tm.tm_zone) {
        zone(state, locale_string(state, tm.tm_zone));
      } else {
        zone(state, nil<String>());
    ary->set(state, 9, zone());

    // Cache it.
    decomposed(state, ary);
    return ary;
예제 #6
파일: range.c 프로젝트: DashYang/sim
rb_range_new(VALUE beg, VALUE end, int exclude_end)
    VALUE range = rb_obj_alloc(rb_cRange);

    range_init(range, beg, end, RBOOL(exclude_end));
    return range;
예제 #7
    inline bool passed_blockarg(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame, intptr_t count) {
      if(!call_frame->arguments) {
        Exception::internal_error(state, "no arguments object");
        return false;

      stack_push(RBOOL(count == (int)call_frame->arguments->total()));
      return true;
예제 #8
파일: range.c 프로젝트: DashYang/sim
static VALUE
range_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE range)
    VALUE beg, end, flags;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &beg, &end, &flags);
    range_init(range, beg, end, RBOOL(RTEST(flags)));
    return Qnil;
예제 #9
    // Rubinius.primitive+ :string_equal
    Object* equal(STATE, String* other) {
      if(encoding() != other->encoding() &&
         Encoding::compatible_p(state, this, other)->nil_p()) return cFalse;
      if(this->num_bytes() != other->num_bytes()) return cFalse;
      int comp = memcmp(

      return RBOOL(comp == 0);
예제 #10
  Object* CompiledCode::is_breakpoint(STATE, Fixnum* ip) {
    int i = ip->to_native();
    if(machine_code() == NULL) return cFalse;
    if(!machine_code()->validate_ip(state, i)) return Primitives::failure();
    if(breakpoints()->nil_p()) return cFalse;

    bool found = false;
    breakpoints()->fetch(state, ip, &found);

    return RBOOL(found);
예제 #11
static void bool_test(LTRandomGenerator *r) {
    int bcounts[2];
    bcounts[0] = 0;
    bcounts[1] = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_SIZE; i++) {
        bcounts[RBOOL(r) ? 1 : 0]++;
    printf("  false: %d\n", bcounts[0]);
    printf("  true : %d\n", bcounts[1]);
예제 #12
// RenderTexture#active=(flag)
// RenderTexture#set_active(flag)
// RenderTexture#setActive(flag)
VALUE rbRenderTexture::SetActive( int argc, VALUE* args, VALUE aSelf )
    bool flag = false;
    switch( argc )
    case 1:
        flag = RTEST( args[ 0 ] );
    case 0:
        INVALID_ARGUMENT_LIST( argc, "0 or 1" );

    bool result = rbMacros::ToSFML< sf::RenderTexture >( aSelf, rbRenderTexture::Class )->setActive( flag );
    return RBOOL( result );
예제 #13
  Object* CompiledCode::clear_breakpoint(STATE, Fixnum* ip) {
    int i = ip->to_native();
    if(machine_code() == NULL) return ip;
    if(!machine_code()->validate_ip(state, i)) return Primitives::failure();

    bool removed = false;
    if(!breakpoints()->nil_p()) {
      breakpoints()->remove(state, ip, &removed);

      // No more breakpoints, switch back to the normal interpreter
      if(breakpoints()->entries()->to_native() == 0) {
        machine_code()->debugging = 0;
        machine_code()->run = MachineCode::interpreter;

    return RBOOL(removed);
예제 #14
Object* CallUnit::kind_of_executor(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame,
                                   CallUnit* unit,
                                   Executable* exec, Module* mod,
                                   Arguments& args)
    Object* obj;
    if(unit->which_ == -1) {
        obj = args.recv();
    } else if(unit->which_ < (int)args.total()) {
        obj = args.get_argument(unit->which_);
    } else {
        return cFalse;

    if(Module* mod = try_as<Module>(unit->value())) {
        return RBOOL(obj->kind_of_p(state, mod));
    } else {
        return cFalse;
예제 #15
static void rand_bw_image(LTRandomGenerator *r, int w, int h, const char *name) {
    LTImageBuffer buf(name);
    buf.width = w;
    buf.height = h;
    buf.bb_left = 0;
    buf.bb_top = h - 1;
    buf.bb_right = w - 1;
    buf.bb_bottom = 0;
    buf.bb_pixels = new LTpixel[w * h];
    for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) {
            if (RBOOL(r)) {
                buf.bb_pixels[j * w + i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
            } else {
                buf.bb_pixels[j * w + i] = 0x000000FF;
    ltWriteImage(name, &buf);
    printf("Generated %s\n", name);
예제 #16
// RenderTexture#create(width, height, depth_buffer=false)
VALUE rbRenderTexture::Create( int argc, VALUE* args, VALUE aSelf )
    bool useDepth = false;
    bool result = false;
    switch( argc )
    case 3:
        useDepth = RTEST( args[ 2 ] );
    case 2:
        result = rbMacros::ToSFML< sf::RenderTexture >( aSelf, rbRenderTexture::Class )->create( NUM2UINT( args[ 0 ] ), NUM2UINT( args[ 1 ] ), sf::TextureFormat::RGBA8, useDepth );
        result = rbMacros::ToSFML< sf::RenderTexture >( aSelf, rbRenderTexture::Class )->create( NUM2UINT( args[ 0 ] ), NUM2UINT( args[ 1 ] ), useDepth );
        INVALID_ARGUMENT_LIST( argc, "2 or 3" );

    return RBOOL( result );
예제 #17
 Object* VariableScope::script(STATE) {
   return RBOOL(script_p());
예제 #18
 inline void push_has_block(CallFrame* call_frame) {
예제 #19
 Object* VariableScope::top_level_visibility(STATE) {
   return RBOOL(top_level_visibility_p());
예제 #20
파일: io.cpp 프로젝트: JesseChavez/rubinius
 Object* IO::fnmatch(STATE, String* pattern, String* path, Fixnum* flags) {
   return RBOOL(mri_fnmatch(pattern->c_str(state), path->c_str(state), flags->to_native()));
예제 #21
  Object* Character::ascii_p(STATE) {
    bool found;
    int c = codepoint(state, &found);

    return RBOOL(found && ONIGENC_IS_CODE_ASCII(c));
예제 #22
    static bool call(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame,
                     MachineCode* mcode, StackVariables* scope,
                     Arguments& args, int flags)
      /* There are 5 types of arguments, illustrated here:
       *    m(a, b=1, *c, d, e: 2)
       *  where:
       *    a is a head (pre optional/splat) fixed position argument
       *    b is an optional argument
       *    c is a rest argument
       *    d is a post (optional/splat) argument
       *    e is a keyword argument, which may be required (having no default
       *      value), optional, or keyword rest argument (**kw).
       * The arity checking above ensures that we have at least one argument
       * on the stack for each fixed position argument (ie arguments a and d
       * above).
       * We assign the arguments in the following order: first the fixed
       * arguments (head and post) and possibly the keyword argument, then the
       * optional arguments, and the remainder (if any) are combined in an
       * array for the rest argument.
       * We assign values from the sender's side to local variables on the
       * receiver's side. Which values to assign are computed as follows:
       *  sender indexes (arguments)
       *  -v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v--
       *   0...H  H...H+ON  H+ON...N-P-K  N-P-K...N-K  N-K
       *   |      |         |             |            |
       *   H      O         R             P            K
       *   |      |         |             |            |
       *   0...H  H...H+O   RI            PI...PI+P    KI
       *  -^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-
       *  receiver indexes (locals)
       * where:
       *  arguments passed by sender
       *  --------------------------
       *    N  : total number of arguments passed
       *    H* : number of head arguments
       *    E  : number of extra arguments
       *    ON : number or arguments assigned to optional parameters
       *    RN : number of arguments assigned to the rest argument
       *    P* : number of post arguments
       *    K  : number of keyword arguments passed, 1 if the last argument is
       *         a Hash or if #to_hash returns a Hash, 0 otherwise
       *    HL : maximum number of head arguments passed
       *    PM : post arguments missing when N < M
       *  parameters defined by receiver
       *  ------------------------------
       *    T  : total number of parameters
       *    M  : number of head + post parameters
       *    H* : number of head parameters
       *    O  : number of optional parameters
       *    RP : true if a rest parameter is defined, false otherwise
       *    RI : index of rest parameter if RP is true, else -1
       *    P* : number of post parameters
       *    PI : index of the first post parameter
       *    KP : true if a keyword parameter is defined, false otherwise
       *    KA : true if the keyword argument was extracted from the passed
       *         argument leaving a remaining value
       *    KI : index of keyword rest parameter
       *  (*) The values of H and P are fixed and they represent the same
       *  values at both the sender and receiver, so they are named the same.
       *  formulas
       *  --------
       *    K  = KP && !KA && N > M ? 1 : 0
       *    E  = N - M - K
       *    O  = T - M - (keywords ? 1 : 0)
       *    ON = (X = MIN(O, E)) > 0 ? X : 0
       *    RN = RP && (X = E - ON) > 0 ? X : 0
       *    PI = H + O + (RP ? 1 : 0)
       *    KI = RP ? T : T - 1
       *    HL = (H - N) > 0 ? MIN(N, H - N) : H
       *    PM = N - H > 0 ? P - (N - H) : P

      native_int N = args.total();
      const native_int T = mcode->total_args;
      const native_int M = mcode->required_args;
      const native_int O = T - M - (mcode->keywords ? 1 : 0);

      /* TODO: Clean up usage to uniformly refer to 'splat' as N arguments
       * passed from sender at a single position and 'rest' as N arguments
       * collected into a single argument at the receiver.
      const native_int RI = mcode->splat_position;
      const bool RP = (RI >= 0);

      // expecting 0, got 0.
      if(T == 0 && N == 0) {
        if(RP) {
          scope->set_local(mcode->splat_position, Array::create(state, 0));

        return true;

      const bool lambda = ((flags & CallFrame::cIsLambda) == CallFrame::cIsLambda);

      // Only do destructuring in non-lambda mode
      if(!lambda) {
        /* If only one argument was yielded and the block takes more than one
         * argument or has form { |a, | }:
         *  1. If the object is an Array, assign elements to arguments.
         *  2. If the object returns 'nil' from #to_ary, assign the object
         *     to the first argument.
         *  3. If the object returns an Array from #to_ary, assign the
         *     elements to the arguments.
         *  4. If the object returns non-Array from #to_ary, raise a TypeError.
        if(N == 1 && (T > 1 || (RP && T > 0) || RI < -2)) {
          Object* obj = args.get_argument(0);
          Array* ary = 0;

          if(!(ary = try_as<Array>(obj))) {
            if(CBOOL(obj->respond_to(state, G(sym_to_ary), cFalse))) {
              if(!(obj = obj->send(state, call_frame, G(sym_to_ary)))) {
                return false;

              if(!(ary = try_as<Array>(obj)) && !obj->nil_p()) {
                Exception::type_error(state, "to_ary must return an Array", call_frame);
                return false;

          if(ary) {
            if(RI == -4 && M == 1) {
            } else {

            N = args.total();

      const native_int P = mcode->post_args;
      const native_int H = M - P;

      // Too many args (no rest argument!)
      if(!RP && N > T) {
        if(lambda) return false;

        N = T;

      // Too few args!
      if(lambda && N < M) return false;

      Object* kw = 0;
      Object* kw_remainder = 0;
      bool KP = false;
      bool KA = false;

      if(mcode->keywords && N > M) {
        Object* obj = args.get_argument(args.total() - 1);

        OnStack<1> os(state, obj);
        Object* arguments[2];

        arguments[0] = obj;
        arguments[1] = RBOOL(O > 0 || RP);
        Arguments args(G(sym_keyword_object), G(runtime), 2, arguments);
        Dispatch dis(G(sym_keyword_object));

        Object* kw_result = dis.send(state, call_frame, args);

        if(kw_result) {
          if(Array* ary = try_as<Array>(kw_result)) {
            Object* o = 0;

            if(!(o = ary->get(state, 0))->nil_p()) {
              kw_remainder = o;
              KA = true;

            kw = ary->get(state, 1);
            KP = true;
        } else {
          return false;

      // A single kwrest argument
      if(mcode->keywords && !RP && !KP && N >= T) {
        if(lambda) return false;

        N = T - 1;

      const native_int K = (KP && !KA && N > M) ? 1 : 0;
      const native_int N_M_K = N - M - K;
      const native_int E = N_M_K > 0 ? N_M_K : 0;

      native_int X;

      const native_int ON = (X = MIN(O, E)) > 0 ? X : 0;
      const native_int RN = (RP && (X = E - ON) > 0) ? X : 0;
      const native_int PI = H + O + (RP ? 1 : 0);
      const native_int KI = RP ? T : T - 1;

      native_int a = 0;   // argument index
      native_int l = 0;   // local index

      // head arguments
      if(H > 0) {
        for(; l < H && a < N; l++, a++) {
          scope->set_local(l, args.get_argument(a));

        for(; l < H; l++) {
          scope->set_local(l, cNil);

      // optional arguments
      if(O > 0) {
        for(; l < H + O && a < MIN(N, H + ON); l++, a++) {
          if(unlikely(kw_remainder && !RP && (a == N - 1))) {
            scope->set_local(l, kw_remainder);
          } else {
            scope->set_local(l, args.get_argument(a));

        for(; l < H + O; l++) {
          scope->set_local(l, G(undefined));

      // rest arguments
      if(RP) {
        Array* ary;

        if(RN > 0) {
          ary = Array::create(state, RN);

          for(int i = 0; i < RN && a < N - P - K; i++, a++) {
            if(unlikely(kw_remainder && (a == N - 1))) {
              ary->set(state, i, kw_remainder);
            } else {
              ary->set(state, i, args.get_argument(a));
        } else {
          ary = Array::create(state, 0);

        scope->set_local(RI, ary);

      // post arguments
      if(P > 0) {
        const native_int N_K = (X = MIN(N, N - K)) > 0 ? X : N;

        for(l = PI; l < PI + P && a < N_K; l++, a++) {
          scope->set_local(l, args.get_argument(a));

        for(; l < PI + P; l++) {
          scope->set_local(l, cNil);

      // keywords
      if(kw) {
        scope->set_local(KI, kw);

      return true;
예제 #23
 Object* Encoding::ascii_compatible_p(STATE) {
   return RBOOL(ascii_compatible());
예제 #24
 // Rubinius.primitive+ :symbol_s_eqq
 static Object* is_symbol(STATE, Object* obj) {
   return RBOOL(obj->symbol_p());
예제 #25
 Object* VariableScope::locked(STATE) {
   return RBOOL(locked_p());
예제 #26
// RenderTexture#smooth?
// RenderTexture#is_smooth?
// RenderTexture#is_smooth
// RenderTexture#isSmooth
VALUE rbRenderTexture::IsSmooth( VALUE aSelf )
    return RBOOL( rbMacros::ToSFML< sf::RenderTexture >( aSelf, rbRenderTexture::Class )->isSmooth() );
예제 #27
  Time* Time::from_array(STATE, Object* self,
                         Fixnum* sec, Fixnum* min, Fixnum* hour,
                         Fixnum* mday, Fixnum* mon, Fixnum* year, Fixnum* nsec,
                         Fixnum* isdst, Object* from_gmt, Object* offset,
                         Fixnum* offset_sec, Fixnum* offset_nsec) {
    struct tm64 tm;

    tm.tm_sec = sec->to_native();
    if(tm.tm_sec < 0 || tm.tm_sec > 60) {
      Exception::argument_error(state, "sec must be in 0..60");

    tm.tm_min = min->to_native();
    if(tm.tm_min < 0 || tm.tm_min > 60) {
      Exception::argument_error(state, "min must be in 0..60");

    tm.tm_hour = hour->to_native();
    if(tm.tm_hour < 0 || tm.tm_hour > 24) {
      Exception::argument_error(state, "hour must be in 0..24");

    tm.tm_mday = mday->to_native();
    if(tm.tm_mday < 1 || tm.tm_mday > 31) {
      Exception::argument_error(state, "mday must be in 1..31");

    tm.tm_mon = mon->to_native() - 1;
    if(tm.tm_mon < 0 || tm.tm_mon > 11) {
      Exception::argument_error(state, "mon must be in 0..11");

    tm.tm_wday = -1;
    tm.tm_gmtoff = 0;
    tm.tm_zone = 0;
    tm.tm_year = year->to_long_long();

    tm.tm_isdst = isdst->to_native();

    time64_t seconds = -1;

    if(CBOOL(from_gmt) || !offset->nil_p()) {
      seconds = ::timegm64(&tm);
    } else {
      seconds = ::timelocal64(&tm);

    Time* obj = state->new_object_dirty<Time>(as<Class>(self));
    obj->seconds_ = seconds;
    obj->nanoseconds_ = nsec->to_native();
    obj->is_gmt(state, RBOOL(CBOOL(from_gmt)));

    if(!offset->nil_p()) {
      obj->seconds_ -= offset_sec->to_long_long();
      obj->nanoseconds_ -= offset_nsec->to_native();

      // Deal with underflow wrapping
      if(obj->nanoseconds_ < 0) {
        obj->seconds_ += NDIV(obj->nanoseconds_, 1000000000);
        obj->nanoseconds_ = NMOD(obj->nanoseconds_, 1000000000);

      obj->offset(state, offset);
    } else {
      obj->offset(state, nil<Fixnum>());

    obj->decomposed(state, nil<Array>());
    obj->zone(state, nil<String>());

    return obj;
예제 #28
 Object* Regexp::fixed_encoding_p(STATE) {
   return RBOOL(fixed_encoding_);
예제 #29
파일: dir.cpp 프로젝트: Omosofe/rubinius
 Object* Dir::closed_p(STATE) {
   return RBOOL(!os());
예제 #30
    inline void check_serial(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame, intptr_t literal, intptr_t serial) {
      Object* recv = stack_pop();
      CallSite* call_site = reinterpret_cast<CallSite*>(literal);

      stack_push(RBOOL(call_site->valid_serial_p(state, recv, G(sym_public), serial)));