예제 #1
//	report hard error
void ERROR2(int16 error)
	int i, j;

	// return if no error
	if (error == 0) return;

	__bic_SR_register(GIE);			// disable interrupts
	RBX430_init(_1MHZ);				// system reset @1 MHz

	while (1)
		// pause
		for (i=1; i<4; i++) for (j=1; j; j++);

		// flash LED's 10 times
		i = 10;
		while (i--)
			for (j=1; j<8000; j++);

		// pause
		for (i=1; i<2; i++) for (j=1; j; j++);

		// now blink error #
		for (i = 0; i < error; i++)
			for (j=1; j; j++);
			for (j=1; j; j++);
} // end ERROR2
void main(void)

	ERROR2(RBX430_init(_12MHZ));		// init board to 12 MHz
	ERROR2(lcd_init());					// init LCD
	ERROR2(port1_init());				// init switches
	ERROR2(ADC_init());					// init ADC
	ERROR2(watchdog_init());			// init watchdog
	ERROR2(timerA_init());				// init TimerA
	ERROR2(timerB_init());				// init TimerB
	__bis_SR_register(GIE);				// enable interrupts
	sys_event = NEW_GAME;				// start w/new game

	//	play forever
	while (1)
		//	event service routine loop
		while (1)
			// disable interrupts while checking sys_event

			// if event pending, enable interrupts
			if (sys_event) _enable_interrupt();

			// else enable interrupts and goto sleep
			else __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits | GIE);

			//	I'm AWAKE!!!  What needs service?

			if (sys_event == SWITCH_1)


				sys_event = sys_event & ~SWITCH_1;



			else if (sys_event == NEW_GAME)			// new game event

				sys_event &= ~NEW_GAME;				// clear new game event

				NEW_GAME_event();					// process new game


			else if (sys_event == MOVE_BALL)				// timer A event


				sys_event &= ~MOVE_BALL;			// clear TimerA event

				MOVE_BALL_event(ball);				// update ball position


			else if (sys_event == ADC_READ)			// read ADC event


				sys_event &= ~ADC_READ;				// clear ADC event

				ADC_READ_event(rightPaddle);		// process ADC read



			else if (sys_event == LCD_UPDATE)




			else if (sys_event == START_GAME)


				sys_event = sys_event & ~START_GAME;



			else if (sys_event == NEW_RALLY)


				sys_event = sys_event & ~ NEW_RALLY;



			else if (sys_event == MISSED_BALL)


				sys_event = sys_event & ~MISSED_BALL;



			else if (sys_event == END_GAME)


				sys_event = sys_event | END_GAME;



			else									// ????


				ERROR2(SYS_ERR_EVENT);				// unrecognized event

} // end main
예제 #3
파일: life.c 프로젝트: rellify/CS
// main ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void main(void)
	RBX430_init(_16MHZ);				// init board
	ERROR2(lcd_init());					// init LCD

	// configure Watchdog
	WDTCTL = WDT_CTL;					// Set Watchdog interval
	WDT_Sec_Cnt = WDT_1SEC_CNT;			// set WD 1 second counter
	IE1 |= WDTIE;						// enable WDT interrupt

	lcd_clear();						// clear LCD
	lcd_backlight(ON);					// turn on LCD backlight
	lcd_rectangle(0, 0, NUM_COLS*2, NUM_ROWS*2, 1);	// draw border

	__bis_SR_register(GIE);				// enable interrupts

	// output splash screen & wait for switch
	lcd_wordImage(life_image, (159-126)/2, 50, 1);
	lcd_cursor(10, 20);
	printf("Press Any Key");
	while (1) if ((P1IN & 0x0f) ^ 0x0f) break;

	while (1)
		uint16 row, col;
		// for each live row (78 down to 1)
		for (row = NUM_ROWS-2; row; --row)
			// for each live column (78 down to 1)
			for (col = NUM_COLS-2; col; --col)

					cell_death(row, col);

		char str[] = "x = 2, y = 2, rule = B3/S23\n2o$2o!";
		char* ptr;
		int x_number = 0;
		int y_number = 0;
		const uint8 pttrn;
		for (ptr = str; *ptr; ptr++);
				if (*ptr != 'x') continue;
				if ((*ptr < '0') && (*ptr > '9')) continue;
				while ((*ptr >= '0') && (*ptr <= '9'))
					x_number = x_number * 10 + (*ptr++ - '0');

				if (*ptr != 'y') continue;
				if ((*ptr < '0') && (*ptr > '9')) continue;
				while ((*ptr >= '0') && (*ptr <= '9'))
					y_number = y_number * 10 + (*ptr++ - '0');

				if (*ptr != 'n') continue;



	while (1)							// new pattern seed
		// load initial seed patterns
		uint16 generation = 0;			// generation counter
		uint8 pen  = BIRTH;				// temp variable
		WDT_Sec_Cnt = WDT_1SEC_CNT;		// set WD 1 second counter
		seconds = 0;					// clear second counter

		while (1)
			uint16 row, col;
			// for each live row (78 down to 1)
			for (row = NUM_ROWS-2; row; --row)
				// for each live column (78 down to 1)
				for (col = NUM_COLS-2; col; --col)
					if (pen == BIRTH)
						cell_birth(row, col);
						cell_death(row, col);
			lcd_wordImage(life_image, (159-126)/2, 50, (BIRTH == pen) ? 3 : 1);
			lcd_cursor(4, 1);			// output life generation
			printf("%d/%d", ++generation, seconds);
			if (seconds == 100) while (1);
			pen = (pen == BIRTH) ? DEATH : BIRTH;
} // end main()
예제 #4
// main ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void main(void)
	RBX430_init(_16MHZ);				// init board
	ERROR2(lcd_init());					// init LCD
	//lcd_volume(376);					// increase LCD brightness
	watchdog_init();					// init watchdog
	port1_init();						// init P1.0-3 switches
	__bis_SR_register(GIE);				// enable interrupts

	memset(life, 0, sizeof(life));		// clear life array
	lcd_wordImage(life_image, (HD_X_MAX - 126) / 2, 50, 1);
	lcd_cursor(10, 20);
	printf("\b\tPress Any Key");
	switches = 0;						// clear switches flag

	life_pr = life_prev;
	life_cr = life_cur;
	life_nr = life_nex;

	while (!switches);					// wait for any switch

	while (1)							// new pattern seed

		uint16 generation;				// generation counter
		uint16 row, col;

		WDT_Sec_Cnt = WDT_1SEC_CNT;		// reset WD 1 second counter
		seconds = 0;					// clear second counter
		generation = 0;					// start generation counter
		int loop;
		int neighbors;
		int left;
		int middle;
		int current;
		int right;
		loop = 1;
		memset(life, 0, sizeof(life));				// clear life array
		memset(life_pr, 0, 10 * sizeof(uint8));		// clear slider
		memset(life_cr, 0, 10 * sizeof(uint8));		// clear slider
		memset(life_nr, 0, 10 * sizeof(uint8));		// clear slider
		init_life(switches);						// load seed based on switch
		switches = 0;								// reset switches

		while (loop)								// next generation
			memcpy(life_pr, life[79], 10 * sizeof(uint8));
			memcpy(life_cr, life[78], 10 * sizeof(uint8));
			memcpy(life_nr, life[77], 10 * sizeof(uint8));
			// for each life row (78 down to 1)
			for (row = NUM_ROWS-2; row > 0; row--)
				left = 0;
				neighbors = 0;
				current = TEST_CELL(life_cr, 1);
				right = TEST_CELL(life_pr, 2) + TEST_CELL(life_cr, 2) + TEST_CELL(life_nr, 2);
				middle = TEST_CELL(life_pr, 1) + current + TEST_CELL(life_nr, 1);

				// for each life column (78 down to 1)
				for (col = 1; col < 79; col++)
					neighbors = left + (middle - current) + right;

					//neighbors += (TEST_CELL(life_pr, (col - 1)) + TEST_CELL(life_pr, col) + TEST_CELL(life_pr, (col + 1)));		// add number of neighbors on row above
					//neighbors += (TEST_CELL(life_cr, (col - 1)) + TEST_CELL(life_cr, (col + 1)));												// add number of neighbors on current row
					//neighbors += (TEST_CELL(life_nr, (col - 1)) + TEST_CELL(life_nr, col) + TEST_CELL(life_nr, (col + 1)));		// add number of neighbors on row below

					if(current == 1)												// if the cell is currently alive
						if(neighbors == 2 || neighbors == 3)							// the cell has 2 or 3 neighbors
																						// do nothing, the cell remains alive

						else															// the cell doesn't have necessary neighbors
							CELL_DEATH(row, col);										// clear cell bit in life array
							CELL_DELETE(row, col);										// clear LCD 2x2 pixel point

					else																// the cell is currently dead
						if(neighbors == 3)												// the cell has 3 live neighbors
							CELL_BIRTH(row, col);										// set cell bit in life array
							CELL_DRAW(row, col);										// set LCD 2x2 pixel point

					neighbors = 0;														// reset neighbors
					left = middle;
					current = TEST_CELL(life_cr, col + 1);
					middle = right;
					right = TEST_CELL(life_pr, col + 2) + TEST_CELL(life_cr, col + 2) + TEST_CELL(life_nr, col + 2);

				temp = life_pr;
				life_pr = life_cr;
				life_cr = life_nr;
				life_nr = temp;
				//memcpy(life_pr, life_cr, 10 * sizeof(uint8));			// sets next row
				//memcpy(life_cr, life_nr, 10 * sizeof(uint8));			// sets next row
				memcpy(life_nr, life[row - 2], 10 * sizeof(uint8));			// sets next row


			// display life generation and generations/second on LCD
			if (display_results(++generation)) break;
				loop = 0;					// when a switch is pressed, exit the while loop

} // end main()