int main()
    ServerMsgLexer lexer;
    char buffer[4096];
    int readValue;

    try {
        do {
            readValue = read(STDIN_FILENO, &buffer, sizeof(buffer));
            if (READ_ERROR(readValue)) {
            } else if (READ_EOF(readValue)) {
            } else {
                lexer.putNewData(buffer, readValue);
        } while (1);
    } catch(Exception& ex) {
        printf("Exception: %s\n", ex.toString());

    return 0;
예제 #2
파일: helper.c 프로젝트: Xodion/CFD
void read_string( const char* szFileName, const char* szVarName, char*   pVariable)
    char* szValue = NULL;       /* string containg the read variable value */

    if( szVarName  == 0 )  ERROR("null pointer given as variable name" );
    if( szFileName == 0 )  ERROR("null pointer given as filename" );
    if( pVariable  == 0 )  ERROR("null pointer given as variable" );

    if( szVarName[0] == '*' )
        szValue = find_string( szFileName, szVarName +1 );
        szValue = find_string( szFileName, szVarName );

    if( sscanf( szValue, "%s", pVariable) == 0)
        READ_ERROR("wrong format", szVarName, szFileName,0);

    int rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );

        printf( "File: %s\t\t%s%s= %s\n", szFileName,
                                      &("               "[min_int( (int)strlen(szVarName), 15)]),
                                      pVariable );
예제 #3
파일: helper.c 프로젝트: slgao/cfd
void read_double( const char* szFileName, const char* szVarName, double* pVariable)
    char* szValue = NULL;	/* String mit dem eingelesenen Variablenwert */

    if( szVarName  == 0 )  ERROR("null pointer given as varable name" );
    if( szFileName == 0 )  ERROR("null pointer given as filename" );
    if( pVariable  == 0 )  ERROR("null pointer given as variable" );

    if( szVarName[0] == '*' )
	szValue = find_string( szFileName, szVarName +1 );
	szValue = find_string( szFileName, szVarName );
    if( sscanf( szValue, "%lf", pVariable) == 0)
	READ_ERROR("wrong format", szVarName, szFileName, 0);

    printf( "File: %s\t\t%s%s= %f\n", szFileName, 
	                              &("               "[min_int( strlen(szVarName), 15)]), 
	                              *pVariable );
예제 #4
파일: helper.c 프로젝트: slgao/cfd
void read_int( const char* szFileName, const char* szVarName, int* pVariable)
    char* szValue = NULL;	/* string containing the read variable value */

    if( szVarName  == 0 )  ERROR("null pointer given as varable name" );
    if( szFileName == 0 )  ERROR("null pointer given as filename" );
    if( pVariable  == 0 )  ERROR("null pointer given as variable" );

    if( szVarName[0] == '*' )
	szValue = find_string( szFileName, szVarName +1 );
	szValue = find_string( szFileName, szVarName );
    if( sscanf( szValue, "%d", pVariable) == 0)
	READ_ERROR("wrong format", szVarName, szFileName, 0);

    printf( "File: %s\t\t%s%s= %d\n", szFileName, 
	                              &("               "[min_int( strlen(szVarName), 15)]), 
	                              *pVariable );
예제 #5
파일: helper.c 프로젝트: slgao/cfd
char* find_string( const char* szFileName, const char *szVarName )
    int nLine = 0;
    int i;
    FILE *fh = NULL;
    static char szBuffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];	/* containes the line read  */
                                               /* from the datafile        */

    char* szLine = szBuffer;
    char* szValue = NULL;
    char* szName = NULL;

    /* open file */
    fh = fopen( szFileName, "rt" );
    if( fh == 0 ) 
	READ_ERROR("Could not open file", szVarName, szFileName, 0);

    /* searching */
    while( ! feof(fh) )
	fgets( szLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fh );

	/* remove comments */
	for( i = 0; i < strlen(szLine); i++)
	    if( szLine[i] == '#' )
		szLine[i] = '\0'; /* Stringende setzen */

	/* remove empty lines */
	while( isspace( (int)*szLine ) && *szLine) ++szLine;
	if( strlen( szLine ) == 0) continue; 

	/* now, the name can be extracted */
	szName = szLine;
	szValue = szLine;
	while( (isalnum( (int)*szValue ) || *szValue == '_') && *szValue) ++szValue;
	/* is the value for the respective name missing? */
	if( *szValue == '\n' || strlen( szValue) == 0)  
	    READ_ERROR("wrong format", szName, szFileName, nLine);
	*szValue = 0;		/* complete szName! at the right place */
	/* read next line if the correct name wasn't found */
	if( strcmp( szVarName, szName)) continue;

	/* remove all leading blnkets and tabs from the value string  */
	while( isspace( (int)*szValue) ) ++szValue;
	if( *szValue == '\n' || strlen( szValue) == 0)  
	    READ_ERROR("wrong format", szName, szFileName, nLine);
	return szValue;
    READ_ERROR("variable not found", szVarName, szFileName, nLine);
    return NULL;		/* dummy to satisfy the compiler  */
예제 #6
  \brief Reads a graph from a file, binary format

  \param[in,out] graph At output, <em>(*graph)</em> has been initialized 
  by using the information on the file \em filename.

  \param[in] filename The name of the file, binary formatted similar to
  \c GMRFLib_read_graph() (without newlines), containing the specification
  of the graph.

  \sa GMRFLib_read_graph, GMRFLib_write_graph_binary
int GMRFLib_read_graph_binary_EXPERIMENTAL(GMRFLib_graph_tp ** graph, const char *filename)

	 * read a graph in the following format
	 * N node[0] nnbs[0] nbs[node[0]][0] nbs[node[0]][1] ... nbs[node[0]][nnbs[0]-1] node[1] nnbs[1] nbs[node[1]][0]
	 * nbs[node[1]][1] ... nbs[node[1]][nnbs[1]-1] : node[N-1] nnbs[N-1] nbs[node[N-1]][0] nbs[node[N-1]][1] ...
	 * nbs[node[N-1]][nnbs[N-1]-1] 

#define READ_ERROR() do { \
    if (1){\
        fprintf(stderr,"\n\n\t%s: error: file [%s]:\n",__GMRFLib_FuncName,filename);\
	fprintf(stderr,"\t\tfail to read [%1lu] bytes from byte [%1lu]\n", (unsigned long)(nelm*sizeof(int)), (unsigned long)byte); \
    }    \
    if (fp) fclose(fp);\
    (*graph) = NULL;\

	int *storage, n_neig_tot = 0, storage_indx;
	int i, byte, tnode;
	size_t nelm;
	FILE *fp;

	if (!filename) {
		return GMRFLib_SUCCESS;
	if (!(fp = fopen(filename, "r"))) {


	byte = 0;
	nelm = 1;
	if (fread(&((*graph)->n), sizeof(int), nelm, fp) != 1) {
	byte += sizeof(int);

	(*graph)->nnbs = Calloc((*graph)->n, int);
	(*graph)->nbs = Calloc((*graph)->n, int *);

	for (i = 0; i < (*graph)->n; i++) {
		nelm = 1;
		if (fread(&tnode, sizeof(int), nelm, fp) != 1) {
			READ_ERROR();			       /* target node */
		byte += sizeof(int);
		if (tnode < 0 || tnode >= (*graph)->n) {
			fprintf(stderr, "\n\n\t%s: error: file [%s]: byte[%1d]\n", __GMRFLib_FuncName, filename, byte);
			fprintf(stderr, "\t\tnode-number[%1d] is not in the range[0:%1d]\n", tnode, (*graph)->n);
			if (fp) {

		nelm = 1;
		if (fread(&((*graph)->nnbs[tnode]), sizeof(int), nelm, fp) != 1) {
		byte += sizeof(int);
		n_neig_tot += (*graph)->nnbs[tnode];
		if ((*graph)->nnbs[tnode]) {
			(*graph)->nbs[tnode] = Calloc((*graph)->nnbs[tnode], int);

			nelm = (*graph)->nnbs[tnode];
			if (fread((*graph)->nbs[tnode], sizeof(int), nelm, fp) != nelm) {
			byte += sizeof(int) * ((*graph)->nnbs[tnode]);
		} else {