예제 #1
void* socket_thread( void* arg )
    int     rc;
    fd_set  sockset;
    int     maxfd = 0;
    int     select_errno;
    int     exit_now;

    UNREFERENCED( arg );

    /* Display thread started message on control panel */
    logmsg (_("HHCSD020I Socketdevice listener thread started: "
            "tid="TIDPAT", pid=%d\n"),
            thread_id(), getpid());

    for (;;)
        /* Set the file descriptors for select */
        FD_ZERO ( &sockset );
        maxfd  = add_socket_devices_to_fd_set (   0,   &sockset );
        SUPPORT_WAKEUP_SOCKDEV_SELECT_VIA_PIPE( maxfd, &sockset );

        /* Do the select and save results */
        rc = select ( maxfd+1, &sockset, NULL, NULL, NULL );
        select_errno = HSO_errno;

        /* Clear the pipe signal if necessary */

        /* Check if it's time to exit yet */
        obtain_lock( &bind_lock );
        exit_now = ( sysblk.shutdown || IsListEmpty( &bind_head ) );
        release_lock( &bind_lock );
        if ( exit_now ) break;

        /* Log select errors */
        if ( rc < 0 )
            if ( HSO_EINTR != select_errno )
                logmsg( _( "HHCSD021E select failed; errno=%d: %s\n"),
                    select_errno, strerror( select_errno ) );

        /* Check if any sockets have received new connections */
        check_socket_devices_for_connections( &sockset );

    logmsg( _( "HHCSD022I Socketdevice listener thread terminated\n" ) );

    return NULL;
예제 #2
void* socket_thread( void* arg )
    int     rc;
    fd_set  sockset;
    int     maxfd = 0;
    int     select_errno;
    int     exit_now;

    UNREFERENCED( arg );

    /* Display thread started message on control panel */
    WRMSG (HHC00100, "I", (u_long)thread_id(), getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,0), "Socket device listener");

    for (;;)
        /* Set the file descriptors for select */
        FD_ZERO ( &sockset );
        maxfd  = add_socket_devices_to_fd_set (   0,   &sockset );
        SUPPORT_WAKEUP_SOCKDEV_SELECT_VIA_PIPE( maxfd, &sockset );

        /* Do the select and save results */
        rc = select ( maxfd+1, &sockset, NULL, NULL, NULL );
        select_errno = HSO_errno;

        /* Clear the pipe signal if necessary */

        /* Check if it's time to exit yet */
        obtain_lock( &bind_lock );
        exit_now = ( sysblk.shutdown || IsListEmpty( &bind_head ) );
        release_lock( &bind_lock );
        if ( exit_now ) break;

        /* Log select errors */
        if ( rc < 0 )
            if ( HSO_EINTR != select_errno )
                WRMSG( HHC01034, "E", "select()", strerror( select_errno ) );

        /* Check if any sockets have received new connections */
        check_socket_devices_for_connections( &sockset );

    WRMSG(HHC00101, "I", (u_long)thread_id(), getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,0), "Socket device listener");

    return NULL;