예제 #1
void RexxInstructionAddress::execute(
    RexxActivation      *context,      /* current activation context        */
    RexxExpressionStack *stack )       /* evaluation stack                  */
/* Function:  Execute a REXX LEAVE instruction                              */
    context->traceInstruction(this);     /* trace if necessary                */
                                         /* is this an address toggle?        */
    if (this->environment == OREF_NULL && this->expression == OREF_NULL)
        context->toggleAddress();          /* toggle the address settings       */
        context->pauseInstruction();       /* do debug pause if necessary       */
    /* have a constant address name?     */
    else if (this->environment != OREF_NULL)
        if (this->command != OREF_NULL)
        {  /* actually the command form?        */
           /* get the expression value          */
            RexxObject *result = this->command->evaluate(context, stack);
            RexxString *_command = REQUEST_STRING(result);/* force to string form              */
            context->traceResult(_command);  /* trace if necessary                */
                                             /* validate the address name         */
            /* go process the command            */
            context->command(this->environment, _command);
        {                             /* just change the address           */
                                      /* validate the address name         */
            /* now perform the switch            */
            context->pauseInstruction();     /* do debug pause if necessary       */
    {                               /* we have an ADDRESS VALUE form     */
                                    /* get the expression value          */
        RexxObject *result = this->expression->evaluate(context, stack);
        RexxString *_address = REQUEST_STRING(result); /* force to string form              */
        context->traceResult(_address);    /* trace if necessary                */
        SystemInterpreter::validateAddressName(_address);  /* validate the address name         */
        context->setAddress(_address);     /* just change the address           */
        context->pauseInstruction();       /* do debug pause if necessary       */
예제 #2
void RexxInstructionTrace::execute(
    RexxActivation      *context,      /* current activation context        */
    RexxExpressionStack *stack)        /* evaluation stack                  */
/* Function:  Execute a REXX TRACE instruction                                */
    RexxObject  *result;                 /* expression result                 */
    RexxString  *value;                  /* string version of expression      */

    context->traceInstruction(this);     /* trace if necessary                */
    // is this a debug skip request (the setting value is zero in that case)
    if ((traceSetting&TRACE_SETTING_MASK) == 0)
                                         /* turn on the skip mode             */
        context->debugSkip(this->debugskip, (traceSetting&DEBUG_NOTRACE) != 0);
    /* non-dynamic form?                 */
    else if (this->expression == OREF_NULL)
        if (!context->inDebug())           /* not in debug mode?                */
                                           /* just change the setting           */
            context->setTrace(traceSetting, traceFlags);
            context->pauseInstruction();     /* do debug pause if necessary       */
    else                               /* need to evaluate an expression    */
        /* get the expression value          */
        result = this->expression->evaluate(context, stack);
        ProtectedObject p_result(result);
        value = REQUEST_STRING(result);    /* force to string form              */
        ProtectedObject p_value(value);
        context->traceResult(result);      /* trace if necessary                */
        if (!context->inDebug())           /* not in debug mode?                */
                                           /* now change the setting            */
            context->pauseInstruction();     /* do debug pause if necessary       */
예제 #3
void RexxInstructionCommand::execute(
    RexxActivation      *context,      /* current activation context        */
    RexxExpressionStack *stack )       /* evaluation stack                  */
/* Function:  Execute a REXX command instruction                            */
    context->traceCommand(this);         /* trace if necessary                */
                                         /* get the expression value          */
    RexxObject *result = this->expression->evaluate(context, stack);
    if (context->enableCommands())
        RexxString *command = REQUEST_STRING(result);    /* force to string form              */
        /* are we tracing commands?          */
        if (context->tracingCommands())
            /* then we always trace full command */
            context->traceValue((RexxObject *)command, TRACE_PREFIX_RESULT);
        /* go process the command            */
        context->command(context->getAddress(), command);
        if (result != OREF_NULL)   /* result returned?                  */
            /* set the RESULT variable to the    */
            /* message return value              */
            context->setLocalVariable(OREF_RESULT, VARIABLE_RESULT, (RexxObject *)result);
            context->traceResult((RexxObject *)result);  /* trace if necessary                */
        else                               /* drop the variable RESULT          */
            context->dropLocalVariable(OREF_RESULT, VARIABLE_RESULT);
예제 #4
void RexxInstructionForward::execute(
    RexxActivation      *context,      /* current activation context        */
    RexxExpressionStack *stack)        /* evaluation stack                  */
/* Function:  Execute a forward instruction                                   */
    RexxObject *_target;                  /* evaluated target                  */
    RexxString *_message;                 /* evaluated message                 */
    RexxObject *_superClass;              /* evaluated super class             */
    RexxObject *result;                  /* message result                    */
    RexxObject *temp;                    /* temporary object                  */
    size_t      count = 0;               /* count of array expressions        */
    size_t      i;                       /* loop counter                      */
    RexxObject **_arguments;

    ProtectedObject p_message;
    context->traceInstruction(this);     /* trace if necessary                */
    if (!context->inMethod())            /* is this a method clause?          */
                                         /* raise an error                    */
    _target = OREF_NULL;                  /* no object yet                     */
    _message = OREF_NULL;                 /* no message over ride              */
    _superClass = OREF_NULL;              /* no super class over ride          */
    _arguments = OREF_NULL;               /* no argument over ride             */

    if (this->target != OREF_NULL)       /* sent to a different object?       */
                                         /* get the expression value          */
        _target = this->target->evaluate(context, stack);
    if (this->message != OREF_NULL)    /* sending a different message?      */
        /* get the expression value          */
        temp = this->message->evaluate(context, stack);
        _message = REQUEST_STRING(temp);    /* get the string version            */
        p_message = _message;
        _message = _message->upper();       /* and force to uppercase            */
        p_message = _message;
    if (this->superClass != OREF_NULL)   /* overriding the super class?       */
                                         /* get the expression value          */
        _superClass = this->superClass->evaluate(context, stack);
    if (this->arguments != OREF_NULL)  /* overriding the arguments?         */
        /* get the expression value          */
        temp = this->arguments->evaluate(context, stack);
        /* get an array version              */
        RexxArray *argArray = REQUEST_ARRAY(temp);
        stack->push(argArray);           /* protect this on the stack         */
        /* not an array item or a multiple   */
        /* dimension one?                    */
        if (argArray == TheNilObject || argArray->getDimension() != 1)
            /* this is an error                  */
        count = argArray->size();          /* get the size                      */
                                           /* omitted trailing arguments?       */
        if (count != 0 && argArray->get(count) == OREF_NULL)
            count--;                         /* decrement the count               */
            while (count > 0)              /* loop down to first full one       */
                /* find a real argument              */
                if (argArray->get(count) != OREF_NULL)
                    break;                       /* break out of here                 */
                count--;                       /* step back the count               */
        _arguments = argArray->data();    /* point directly to the argument data */
    if (this->array != OREF_NULL)      /* have an array of extra info?      */
        count = this->array->size();       /* get the expression count          */
        for (i = 1; i <= count; i++)     /* loop through the expression list  */
            RexxObject *argElement = this->array->get(i);
            /* real argument?                    */
            if (argElement != OREF_NULL)
                /* evaluate the expression           */
                argElement->evaluate(context, stack);
                /* just push a null reference for the missing ones */
        /* now point at the stacked values */
        _arguments = stack->arguments(count);
    /* go forward this                   */
    result = context->forward(_target, _message, _superClass, _arguments, count, instructionFlags&forward_continue);
    if (instructionFlags&forward_continue)  /* not exiting?                      */
        if (result != OREF_NULL)         /* result returned?                  */
            context->traceResult(result);    /* trace if necessary                */
                                             /* set the RESULT variable to the    */
                                             /* message return value              */
            context->setLocalVariable(OREF_RESULT, VARIABLE_RESULT, result);
        else                               /* drop the variable RESULT          */
            context->dropLocalVariable(OREF_RESULT, VARIABLE_RESULT);
        context->pauseInstruction();       /* do debug pause if necessary       */