예제 #1

After the server has cleared the hunk, these will need to be restarted
This is the only place that any of these functions are called from
void CL_StartHunkUsers( void ) {
	if ( !com_cl_running->integer ) {

	if ( !cls.rendererStarted ) {
#ifdef _XBOX
		//if ((!com_sv_running->integer || com_errorEntered) && !vidRestartReloadMap)
		//	// free up some memory
		//	extern void SV_ClearLastLevel(void);
		//	SV_ClearLastLevel();

		cls.rendererStarted = qtrue;
		re.BeginRegistration( &cls.glconfig );

		// load character sets
//		cls.charSetShader = re.RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/2d/bigchars" );
		cls.charSetShader = re.RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/2d/charsgrid_med" );
		cls.whiteShader = re.RegisterShader( "white" );
		cls.consoleShader = re.RegisterShader( "console" );
		g_console_field_width = cls.glconfig.vidWidth / SMALLCHAR_WIDTH - 2;
		kg.g_consoleField.widthInChars = g_console_field_width;
#ifndef _IMMERSION
		//	The latest Immersion Force Feedback system initializes here, not through
		//	win32 input system. Therefore, the window handle is valid :)

		// now that the renderer has started up we know that the global hWnd is now valid,
		//	so we can now go ahead and (re)setup the input stuff that needs hWnds for DI...
		//  (especially Force feedback)...
		static qboolean bOnceOnly = qfalse;	// only do once, not every renderer re-start
		if (!bOnceOnly)
			bOnceOnly = qtrue;
			extern void Sys_In_Restart_f( void );

#ifdef _XBOX
		if (vidRestartReloadMap)
			int checksum;
			CM_LoadMap(va("maps/%s.bsp", cl_mapname->string), qfalse, &checksum);
			RE_LoadWorldMap(va("maps/%s.bsp", cl_mapname->string));
			vidRestartReloadMap = qfalse;
#endif // _XBOX

#endif // _IMMERSION

	if ( !cls.soundStarted ) {
		cls.soundStarted = qtrue;

	if ( !cls.soundRegistered ) {
		cls.soundRegistered = qtrue;

	if ( !cls.forceStarted ) {
		cls.forceStarted = qtrue;
#endif // _IMMERSION

#if !defined (_XBOX)	//i guess xbox doesn't want the ui loaded all the time?
	//we require the ui to be loaded here or else it crashes trying to access the ui on command line map loads
	if ( !cls.uiStarted ) {
		cls.uiStarted = qtrue;

//	if ( !cls.cgameStarted && cls.state > CA_CONNECTED && cls.state != CA_CINEMATIC ) {
	if ( !cls.cgameStarted && cls.state > CA_CONNECTED && (cls.state != CA_CINEMATIC && !CL_IsRunningInGameCinematic()) ) 
		cls.cgameStarted = qtrue;
예제 #2

Change the server to a new map, taking all connected
clients along with it.
void SV_SpawnServer( char *server, ForceReload_e eForceReload, qboolean bAllowScreenDissolve )
	int			i;
	int			checksum;

// The following fixes for potential issues only work on Xbox
#ifdef _XBOX
	extern qboolean stop_icarus;
	stop_icarus = qfalse;

	//Broken scripts may leave the player locked.  I think that's always bad.
	extern qboolean player_locked;
	player_locked = qfalse;

	//If you quit while in Matrix Mode, this never gets cleared!
	extern qboolean MatrixMode;
	MatrixMode = qfalse;

	// Temporary code to turn on HDR effect for specific maps only
	if (!Q_stricmp(server, "t3_rift"))
		Cvar_Set( "r_hdreffect", "1" );
		Cvar_Set( "r_hdreffect", "0" );

	RE_RegisterMedia_LevelLoadBegin( server, eForceReload, bAllowScreenDissolve );

	Cvar_SetValue( "cl_paused", 0 );
	Cvar_Set( "timescale", "1" );//jic we were skipping

	// shut down the existing game if it is running

	Com_Printf ("------ Server Initialization ------\n%s\n", com_version->string);
	Com_Printf ("Server: %s\n",server);	

#ifdef _XBOX
	// disable vsync during load for speed

	// don't let sound stutter and dump all stuff on the hunk

	if (!CM_SameMap(server))
	{ //rww - only clear if not loading the same map
#ifndef _XBOX
	else if (CM_HasTerrain())
	{ //always clear when going between maps with terrain

	// Miniheap never changes sizes, so I just put it really early in mem.

#ifdef _XBOX
	// Deletes all textures

	// Moved up from below to help reduce fragmentation
	if (svs.snapshotEntities)
		svs.snapshotEntities = NULL;

	// wipe the entire per-level structure
	// Also moved up, trying to do all freeing before new allocs
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) {
		if ( sv.configstrings[i] ) {
			Z_Free( sv.configstrings[i] );
			sv.configstrings[i] = NULL;

#ifdef _XBOX

	// Collect all the small allocations done by the cvar system
	// This frees, then allocates. Make it the last thing before other
	// allocations begin!

		This is useful for debugging memory fragmentation.  Please don't
	   remove it.
#ifdef _XBOX
	// We've over-freed the info array above, this puts it back into a working state

	extern void Z_DumpMemMap_f(void);
	extern void Z_Details_f(void);
	extern void Z_TagPointers(memtag_t);
//	Z_TagPointers(TAG_ALL);

	// init client structures and svs.numSnapshotEntities
	// This is moved down quite a bit, but should be safe. And keeps
	// svs.clients right at the beginning of memory
	if ( !Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_running") ) {

 	// clear out those shaders, images and Models

	// allocate the snapshot entities 
	svs.snapshotEntities = (entityState_t *) Z_Malloc (sizeof(entityState_t)*svs.numSnapshotEntities, TAG_CLIENTS, qtrue );


	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// server has changed
//!@	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// set nextmap to the same map, but it may be overriden
	// by the game startup or another console command
	Cvar_Set( "nextmap", va("map %s", server) );

	memset (&sv, 0, sizeof(sv));

	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) {
		sv.configstrings[i] = CopyString("");

	sv.time = 1000;

#ifdef _XBOX
	CM_LoadMap( va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum );
	RE_LoadWorldMap(va("maps/%s.bsp", server));
	CM_LoadMap( va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum, qfalse );

	// set serverinfo visible name
	Cvar_Set( "mapname", server );

	Cvar_Set( "sv_mapChecksum", va("%i",checksum) );

	// serverid should be different each time
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) );

	// clear physics interaction links
	SV_ClearWorld ();
	// media configstring setting should be done during
	// the loading stage, so connected clients don't have
	// to load during actual gameplay
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;

	// load and spawn all other entities

	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for ( i = 0 ;i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		ge->RunFrame( sv.time );
		sv.time += 100;
#ifndef __NO_JK2
	ge->ConnectNavs(sv_mapname->string, sv_mapChecksum->integer);

	// create a baseline for more efficient communications
	SV_CreateBaseline ();

	for (i=0 ; i<1 ; i++) {
		// clear all time counters, because we have reset sv.time
		svs.clients[i].lastPacketTime = 0;
		svs.clients[i].lastConnectTime = 0;
		svs.clients[i].nextSnapshotTime = 0;

		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED) {
			char	*denied;

			// connect the client again
			denied = ge->ClientConnect( i, qfalse, eNO/*qfalse*/ );	// firstTime = qfalse, qbFromSavedGame
			if ( denied ) {
				// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
				// was connected before the level change
				SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], denied );
			} else {
				svs.clients[i].state = CS_CONNECTED;
				// when we get the next packet from a connected client,
				// the new gamestate will be sent

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all connected clients
	ge->RunFrame( sv.time );
	sv.time += 100;

	// save systeminfo and serverinfo strings
	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ) );
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO;

	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) );
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO;

	// any media configstring setting now should issue a warning
	// and any configstring changes should be reliably transmitted
	// to all clients
	sv.state = SS_GAME;
	// send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info
	svs.nextHeartbeatTime = -9999999;

	Com_Printf ("-----------------------------------\n");