예제 #1
static ulong32 FL( ulong32 in, int round_no, symmetric_key *key )
    u16 l, r, a, b;
    /* split out the left and right halves */
    l = (u16)(in>>16);
    r = (u16)(in)&0xFFFF;
    /* do the FL() operations           */
    a = (u16) (l & key->kasumi.KLi1[round_no]);
    r ^= ROL16(a,1);
    b = (u16)(r | key->kasumi.KLi2[round_no]);
    l ^= ROL16(b,1);
    /* put the two halves back together */

    return (((ulong32)l)<<16) + r;
예제 #2
const char* appStrdupPool(const char* str)
	int len = strlen(str);
	int hash = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
		char c = str[i];
#if 0
		hash = (hash + c) ^ 0xABCDEF;
		hash = ROL16(hash, 5) - hash + ((c << 4) + c ^ 0x13F);	// some crazy hash function
	hash &= (STRING_HASH_SIZE - 1);

	for (const CStringPoolEntry* s = StringHashTable[hash]; s; s = s->HashNext)
		if (s->Length == len && !strcmp(str, s->Str))		// found a string
			return s->Str;

	if (!StringPool) StringPool = new CMemoryChain();

	// allocate new string from pool
	CStringPoolEntry* n = (CStringPoolEntry*)StringPool->Alloc(sizeof(CStringPoolEntry) + len);	// note: null byte is taken into account in CStringPoolEntry
	n->HashNext = StringHashTable[hash];
	StringHashTable[hash] = n;
	n->Length = len;
	memcpy(n->Str, str, len+1);

	return n->Str;
예제 #3
파일: UnCore.cpp 프로젝트: gildor2/UModel
const char* appStrdupPool(const char* str)
	int len = strlen(str);
	int hash = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
		char c = str[i];
#if 0
		hash = (hash + c) ^ 0xABCDEF;
		hash = ROL16(hash, 5) - hash + ((c << 4) + c ^ 0x13F);	// some crazy hash function
	hash &= (STRING_HASH_SIZE - 1);

#if 0
	if (true)
		// Compare "Length" and first 2 characters with single operation
		uint32 cmp = len | (str[0] << 16) | (str[1] << 24);
		for (const CStringPoolEntry* s = StringHashTable[hash]; s; s = s->HashNext)
			uint32 cmp2 = *(uint32*)&s->Length;
			if (cmp == cmp2)
				if (!memcmp(str, s->Str, len))
					// found a string
					return s->Str;
		for (const CStringPoolEntry* s = StringHashTable[hash]; s; s = s->HashNext)
			if (s->Length == len && !memcmp(str, s->Str, len))
				// found a string
				return s->Str;

	if (!StringPool) StringPool = new CMemoryChain();

	// allocate new string from pool
	CStringPoolEntry* n = (CStringPoolEntry*)StringPool->Alloc(sizeof(CStringPoolEntry) + len);	// note: null byte is taken into account in CStringPoolEntry
	n->HashNext = StringHashTable[hash];
	StringHashTable[hash] = n;
	n->Length = len;
	memcpy(n->Str, str, len+1);

	return n->Str;
예제 #4
int kasumi_setup(const unsigned char *key, int keylen, int num_rounds, symmetric_key *skey)
    static const u16 C[8] = { 0x0123,0x4567,0x89AB,0xCDEF, 0xFEDC,0xBA98,0x7654,0x3210 };
    u16 ukey[8], Kprime[8];
    int n;

    LTC_ARGCHK(key  != NULL);
    LTC_ARGCHK(skey != NULL);

    if (keylen != 16) {

    if (num_rounds != 0 && num_rounds != 8) {
        return CRYPT_INVALID_ROUNDS;

    /* Start by ensuring the subkeys are endian correct on a 16-bit basis */
    for (n = 0; n < 8; n++ ) {
        ukey[n] = (((u16)key[2*n]) << 8) | key[2*n+1];

    /* Now build the K'[] keys */
    for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
        Kprime[n] = ukey[n] ^ C[n];

    /* Finally construct the various sub keys */
    for(n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
        skey->kasumi.KLi1[n] = ROL16(ukey[n],1);
        skey->kasumi.KLi2[n] = Kprime[(n+2)&0x7];
        skey->kasumi.KOi1[n] = ROL16(ukey[(n+1)&0x7],5);
        skey->kasumi.KOi2[n] = ROL16(ukey[(n+5)&0x7],8);
        skey->kasumi.KOi3[n] = ROL16(ukey[(n+6)&0x7],13);
        skey->kasumi.KIi1[n] = Kprime[(n+4)&0x7];
        skey->kasumi.KIi2[n] = Kprime[(n+3)&0x7];
        skey->kasumi.KIi3[n] = Kprime[(n+7)&0x7];

    return CRYPT_OK;
예제 #5
static int GetHashForFileName(const char* FileName)
	const char* s1 = strrchr(FileName, '/'); // assume path delimiters are normalized
	s1 = (s1 != NULL) ? s1 + 1 : FileName;
	const char* s2 = strrchr(s1, '.');
	int len = (s2 != NULL) ? s2 - s1 : strlen(s1);

	int hash = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
		char c = s1[i];
		if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c += 'a' - 'A'; // lowercase a character
		hash = ROL16(hash, 5) - hash + ((c << 4) + c ^ 0x13F);	// some crazy hash function
//	hash += (len << 6) - len;
	if (strstr(FileName, DEBUG_HASH_NAME))
		printf("hash[%s] (%s,%d) -> %X\n", FileName, s1, len, hash);
	return hash;