RTDECL(int) RTAsn1Boolean_InitDefault(PRTASN1BOOLEAN pThis, bool fValue, PCRTASN1ALLOCATORVTABLE pAllocator) { RTAsn1Core_InitEx(&pThis->Asn1Core, ASN1_TAG_BOOLEAN, ASN1_TAGCLASS_UNIVERSAL | ASN1_TAGFLAG_PRIMITIVE, &g_RTAsn1Boolean_Vtable, RTASN1CORE_F_DEFAULT | RTASN1CORE_F_PRIMITE_TAG_STRUCT); pThis->fValue = fValue; pThis->Asn1Core.uData.pv = (void *)(fValue ? &g_bTrue : &g_bFalse); return VINF_SUCCESS; }
RTDECL(int) RTAsn1Boolean_Init(PRTASN1BOOLEAN pThis, PCRTASN1ALLOCATORVTABLE pAllocator) { RTAsn1Core_InitEx(&pThis->Asn1Core, ASN1_TAG_BOOLEAN, ASN1_TAGCLASS_UNIVERSAL | ASN1_TAGFLAG_PRIMITIVE, &g_RTAsn1Boolean_Vtable, RTASN1CORE_F_PRESENT | RTASN1CORE_F_PRIMITE_TAG_STRUCT); pThis->fValue = true; pThis->Asn1Core.cb = 1; pThis->Asn1Core.uData.pv = (void *)&g_bTrue; return VINF_SUCCESS; }
RTDECL(int) RTAsn1Integer_Init(PRTASN1INTEGER pThis, PCRTASN1ALLOCATORVTABLE pAllocator) { RTAsn1Core_InitEx(&pThis->Asn1Core, ASN1_TAG_INTEGER, ASN1_TAGCLASS_UNIVERSAL | ASN1_TAGFLAG_PRIMITIVE, &g_RTAsn1Integer_Vtable, RTASN1CORE_F_PRESENT | RTASN1CORE_F_PRIMITE_TAG_STRUCT); pThis->uValue.u = 1; pThis->Asn1Core.cb = 1; pThis->Asn1Core.uData.pv = (void *)&g_abSmall[0]; return VINF_SUCCESS; }
RTDECL(int) RTAsn1Time_InitEx(PRTASN1TIME pThis, uint32_t uTag, PCRTASN1ALLOCATORVTABLE pAllocator) { AssertReturn(uTag == ASN1_TAG_UTC_TIME || uTag == ASN1_TAG_GENERALIZED_TIME, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); RTAsn1Core_InitEx(&pThis->Asn1Core, uTag, ASN1_TAGCLASS_UNIVERSAL | ASN1_TAGFLAG_PRIMITIVE, &g_RTAsn1Time_Vtable, RTASN1CORE_F_PRESENT | RTASN1CORE_F_PRIMITE_TAG_STRUCT); if (uTag == ASN1_TAG_UTC_TIME) { pThis->Asn1Core.cb = sizeof(g_szEpochUtc) - 1; pThis->Asn1Core.uData.pv = &g_szEpochUtc[0]; } else { pThis->Asn1Core.cb = sizeof(g_szEpochGeneralized) - 1; pThis->Asn1Core.uData.pv = &g_szEpochGeneralized[0]; } return VINF_SUCCESS; }
RTDECL(int) RTAsn1Integer_InitU64(PRTASN1INTEGER pThis, uint64_t uValue, PCRTASN1ALLOCATORVTABLE pAllocator) { /* * Initialize the core and the native value. */ RTAsn1Core_InitEx(&pThis->Asn1Core, ASN1_TAG_INTEGER, ASN1_TAGCLASS_UNIVERSAL | ASN1_TAGFLAG_PRIMITIVE, &g_RTAsn1Integer_Vtable, RTASN1CORE_F_PRESENT | RTASN1CORE_F_PRIMITE_TAG_STRUCT); pThis->uValue.u = uValue; /* * Use one of the constants if possible. */ if (uValue < RT_ELEMENTS(g_abSmall)) { pThis->Asn1Core.cb = 1; pThis->Asn1Core.uData.pv = (void *)&g_abSmall[0]; } else { /* * Need to turn uValue into a big endian number without any * unnecessary leading zero bytes. */ /* Figure the size. */ uint32_t cb = 0; if (uValue <= UINT32_MAX) { if (uValue <= UINT16_MAX) { if (uValue <= UINT8_MAX) cb = 1; else cb = 2; } else { if (uValue <= UINT32_C(0xffffff)) cb = 3; else cb = 4; } } else { if (uValue <= UINT64_C(0x0000FfffFfffFfff)) { if (uValue <= UINT64_C(0x000000ffFfffFfff)) cb = 5; else cb = 6; } else { if (uValue <= UINT64_C(0x00ffFfffFfffFfff)) cb = 7; else cb = 8; } } /* Allocate space. */ int rc = RTAsn1ContentAllocZ(&pThis->Asn1Core, cb, pAllocator); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RT_ZERO(*pThis); return rc; } /* Serialize the number in MSB order. */ uint8_t *pb = (uint8_t *)pThis->Asn1Core.uData.pu8; while (cb-- > 0) { pb[cb] = (uint8_t)uValue; uValue >>= 8; } Assert(uValue == 0); } return VINF_SUCCESS; }
RTDECL(int) RTAsn1Core_InitDefault(PRTASN1CORE pAsn1Core, uint32_t uTag, uint8_t fClass) { return RTAsn1Core_InitEx(pAsn1Core, uTag, fClass, NULL, RTASN1CORE_F_DEFAULT); }