예제 #1
/* ===================================================================*/
LDD_TError RTC1_SetTime(LDD_TDeviceData *DeviceDataPtr, LDD_RTC_TTime *TimePtr)
  uint32_t Seconds;

  (void)DeviceDataPtr;                 /* Parameter is not used, suppress unused argument warning */
  if ((TimePtr->Year < 2000U) || (TimePtr->Year > 2099U) || (TimePtr->Month > 12U) || (TimePtr->Month == 0U) || (TimePtr->Day > 31U) || (TimePtr->Day == 0U)) { /* Test correctness of given parameters */
    return ERR_RANGE;                  /* If not correct then error */
  if (TimePtr->Year & 3U) {            /* Is given year non-leap-one? */
    if (ULY[TimePtr->Month] < TimePtr->Day) { /* Does the obtained number of days exceed number of days in the appropriate month & year? */
      return ERR_RANGE;                /* If yes (incorrect date inserted) then error */
  } else {                             /* Is given year leap-one? */
    if (LY[TimePtr->Month] < TimePtr->Day) { /* Does the obtained number of days exceed number of days in the appropriate month & year? */
      return ERR_RANGE;                /* If yes (incorrect date inserted) then error */
  Seconds = ((TimePtr->Year - 2000U) * 365U) + (((TimePtr->Year - 2000U) + 3U) / 4U); /* Compute number of days from 2000 till given year */
  Seconds += MONTH_DAYS[TimePtr->Month]; /* Add number of days till given month */
  Seconds += TimePtr->Day;             /* Add days in given month */
  if ((TimePtr->Year & 3U) || (TimePtr->Month <= 2U)) { /* For non-leap year or month <= 2, decrement day counter */
  Seconds = (Seconds * 86400U) + (TimePtr->Hour * 3600U) + (TimePtr->Minute * 60U) + TimePtr->Second;
  RTC_PDD_EnableCounter(RTC_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable counter */
  RTC_PDD_WriteTimePrescalerReg(RTC_BASE_PTR, 0x00U); /* Clear prescaler */
  RTC_PDD_WriteTimeSecondsReg(RTC_BASE_PTR, Seconds); /* Set seconds counter */
  RTC_PDD_EnableCounter(RTC_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable counter */
  return ERR_OK;
예제 #2
void enableRTC()
	RTC_PDD_WriteControlReg(RTC_BASE_PTR,0x1900); // enable oscillator

//	vTaskDelay(10);
