예제 #1
RTDECL(int) RTDirFlushParent(const char *pszChild)
    char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
    int rc = RTStrCopy(szPath, sizeof(szPath), pszChild);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = RTDirFlush(szPath);
    return rc;
예제 #2
void XmlFileWriter::write(const char *pcszFilename, bool fSafe)
    if (!fSafe)
        writeInternal(pcszFilename, fSafe);
        /* Empty string and directory spec must be avoid. */
        if (RTPathFilename(pcszFilename) == NULL)
            throw xml::LogicError(RT_SRC_POS);

        /* Construct both filenames first to ease error handling.  */
        char szTmpFilename[RTPATH_MAX];
        int rc = RTStrCopy(szTmpFilename, sizeof(szTmpFilename) - strlen(s_pszTmpSuff), pcszFilename);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            throw EIPRTFailure(rc, "RTStrCopy");
        strcat(szTmpFilename, s_pszTmpSuff);

        char szPrevFilename[RTPATH_MAX];
        rc = RTStrCopy(szPrevFilename, sizeof(szPrevFilename) - strlen(s_pszPrevSuff), pcszFilename);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            throw EIPRTFailure(rc, "RTStrCopy");
        strcat(szPrevFilename, s_pszPrevSuff);

        /* Write the XML document to the temporary file.  */
        writeInternal(szTmpFilename, fSafe);

        /* Make a backup of any existing file (ignore failure). */
        uint64_t cbPrevFile;
        rc = RTFileQuerySize(pcszFilename, &cbPrevFile);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cbPrevFile >= 16)
            RTFileRename(pcszFilename, szPrevFilename, RTPATHRENAME_FLAGS_REPLACE);

        /* Commit the temporary file. Just leave the tmp file behind on failure. */
        rc = RTFileRename(szTmpFilename, pcszFilename, RTPATHRENAME_FLAGS_REPLACE);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            throw EIPRTFailure(rc, "Failed to replace '%s' with '%s'", pcszFilename, szTmpFilename);

        /* Flush the directory changes (required on linux at least). */
        rc = RTDirFlush(szTmpFilename);
        AssertMsg(RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED || rc == VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, ("%Rrc\n", rc));