/* Description : Send PSMP Action frame If PSMP mode switches. */ VOID SendPSMPAction( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN UCHAR Wcid, IN UCHAR Psmp) { PUCHAR pOutBuffer = NULL; NDIS_STATUS NStatus; //ULONG Idx; FRAME_PSMP_ACTION Frame; ULONG FrameLen; #ifdef RT30xx UCHAR bbpdata=0; UINT32 macdata; #endif // RT30xx // NStatus = MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer); //Get an unused nonpaged memory if (NStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("BA - MlmeADDBAAction() allocate memory failed \n")); return; } #ifdef CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_STA(pAd) ActHeaderInit(pAd, &Frame.Hdr, pAd->CommonCfg.Bssid, pAd->CurrentAddress, pAd->MacTab.Content[Wcid].Addr); #endif // CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT // Frame.Category = CATEGORY_HT; Frame.Action = SMPS_ACTION; switch (Psmp) { case MMPS_ENABLE: #ifdef RT30xx if (IS_RT3090(pAd)) { // disable MMPS BBP control register RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &bbpdata); bbpdata &= ~(0x04); //bit 2 RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, bbpdata); // disable MMPS MAC control register RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, 0x1210, &macdata); macdata &= ~(0x09); //bit 0, 3 RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, 0x1210, macdata); } #endif // RT30xx // Frame.Psmp = 0; break; case MMPS_DYNAMIC: #ifdef RT30xx if (IS_RT3090(pAd)) { // enable MMPS BBP control register RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &bbpdata); bbpdata |= 0x04; //bit 2 RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, bbpdata); // enable MMPS MAC control register RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, 0x1210, &macdata); macdata |= 0x09; //bit 0, 3 RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, 0x1210, macdata); } #endif // RT30xx // Frame.Psmp = 3; break; case MMPS_STATIC: #ifdef RT30xx if (IS_RT3090(pAd)) { // enable MMPS BBP control register RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &bbpdata); bbpdata |= 0x04; //bit 2 RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, bbpdata); // enable MMPS MAC control register RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, 0x1210, &macdata); macdata |= 0x09; //bit 0, 3 RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, 0x1210, macdata); } #endif // RT30xx // Frame.Psmp = 1; break; } MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer, &FrameLen, sizeof(FRAME_PSMP_ACTION), &Frame, END_OF_ARGS); MiniportMMRequest(pAd, QID_AC_BE, pOutBuffer, FrameLen); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("HT - SendPSMPAction( %d ) \n", Frame.Psmp)); }
static void ChgSignalStrengthLed( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd) { RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, GPIO_DIR, 0x00); /* set GPIO to output. */ RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, GPIO_DAT, (pAd->LedCntl.SWMCULedCntl.GPIOPolarity ? pAd->LedCntl.SWMCULedCntl.SignalStrength : ~pAd->LedCntl.SWMCULedCntl.SignalStrength)); }
VOID NICInitRT3370RFRegisters(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd) { INT i; UINT8 RfReg = 0; UINT32 data; CHAR bbpreg; /* Driver must read EEPROM to get RfIcType before initial RF registers*/ /* Initialize RF register to default value*/ /* Init RF calibration*/ /* Driver should toggle RF R30 bit7 before init RF registers*/ RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R30, (PUCHAR)&RfReg); RfReg |= 0x80; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R30, (UCHAR)RfReg); RTMPusecDelay(1000); RfReg &= 0x7F; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R30, (UCHAR)RfReg); for (i = 0; i < RT3370_NUM_RF_REG_PARMS; i++) { RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RT3370_RFRegTable[i].Register, RT3370_RFRegTable[i].Value); } /* Driver should set RF R6 bit6 on before init RF registers */ RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R06, (PUCHAR)&RfReg); RfReg |= 0x40; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R06, (UCHAR)RfReg); /* RT3071 version E has fixed this issue*/ if ((pAd->NicConfig2.field.DACTestBit == 1) && ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0211)) { /* patch tx EVM issue temporarily*/ RTUSBReadMACRegister(pAd, LDO_CFG0, &data); data = ((data & 0xE0FFFFFF) | 0x0D000000); RTUSBWriteMACRegister(pAd, LDO_CFG0, data); } else { /* patch CCK ok, OFDM failed issue, just toggle and restore LDO_CFG0.*/ RTUSBReadMACRegister(pAd, LDO_CFG0, &data); data = ((data & 0xE0FFFFFF) | 0x0D000000); RTUSBWriteMACRegister(pAd, LDO_CFG0, data); RTMPusecDelay(1000); data = ((data & 0xE0FFFFFF) | 0x01000000); RTUSBWriteMACRegister(pAd, LDO_CFG0, data); } /* patch LNA_PE_G1 failed issue*/ RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, GPIO_SWITCH, &data); data &= ~(0x20); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, GPIO_SWITCH, data); if (IS_RT3390(pAd)) /* Disable RF filter calibration*/ { pAd->Mlme.CaliBW20RfR24 = BW20RFR24; pAd->Mlme.CaliBW40RfR24 = BW40RFR24; pAd->Mlme.CaliBW20RfR31 = BW20RFR31; pAd->Mlme.CaliBW40RfR31 = BW40RFR31; } else { /*For RF filter Calibration*/ /*RTMPFilterCalibration(pAd);*/ } /* set led open drain enable*/ RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, OPT_14, &data); data |= 0x01; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, OPT_14, data); /* set default antenna as main*/ if (pAd->RfIcType == RFIC_3320) AsicSetRxAnt(pAd, pAd->RxAnt.Pair1PrimaryRxAnt); /* From RT3071 Power Sequence v1.1 document, the Normal Operation Setting Registers as follow : BBP_R138 / RF_R1 / RF_R15 / RF_R17 / RF_R20 / RF_R21. */ /* add by johnli, RF power sequence setup, load RF normal operation-mode setup*/ RT33xxLoadRFNormalModeSetup(pAd); }
/* ========================================================================== Description: Reverse RF sleep-mode setup ========================================================================== */ VOID RT30xxReverseRFSleepModeSetup( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd) { UCHAR RFValue; UINT32 MACValue; if(!IS_RT3572(pAd)) { #ifdef RT53xx if (IS_RT5390(pAd)) { UCHAR rfreg; RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R01, &rfreg); if (IS_RT5392(pAd)) { rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0x3F) | 0x3F); } else { rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0x0F) | 0x0F); // Enable rf_block_en, pll_en, rx0_en and tx0_en } RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R01, rfreg); RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R06, &rfreg); if (IS_RT5390F(pAd) || IS_RT5392C(pAd)) { rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0xC0) | 0xC0); // vco_ic (VCO bias current control, 11: high) } else { rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0xC0) | 0x80); // vco_ic (VCO bias current control, 10: mid.) } RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R06, rfreg); if (!IS_RT5392(pAd)) { RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R02, &rfreg); rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0x80) | 0x80); // rescal_en (initiate calibration) RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R02, rfreg); } RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R22, &rfreg); rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0xE0) | 0x20); // cp_ic (reference current control, 001: 0.33 mA) RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R22, rfreg); RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R42, &rfreg); rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0x40) | 0x40); // rx_ctb_en RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R42, rfreg); RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R20, &rfreg); rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0x77) | 0x00); // ldo_rf_vc and ldo_pll_vc ( 111: +0.15) RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R20, rfreg); RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R03, &rfreg); rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0x80) | 0x80); // vcocal_en (initiate VCO calibration (reset after completion)) RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R03, rfreg); } else #endif // RT53xx // { // RF_BLOCK_en, RF R1 register Bit 0 to 1 RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R01, &RFValue); RFValue |= 0x01; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R01, RFValue); // VCO_IC, RF R7 register Bit 5 to 1 (VCO bias current control, 11: high) RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R07, &RFValue); RFValue |= 0x30; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R07, RFValue); // Idoh, RF R9 register Bit 1, Bit 2 & Bit 3 to 1 RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R09, &RFValue); RFValue |= 0x0E; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R09, RFValue); // RX_CTB_en, RF R21 register Bit 7 to 1 RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R21, &RFValue); RFValue |= 0x80; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R21, RFValue); } } if (IS_RT3090(pAd) || // IS_RT3090 including RT309x and RT3071/72 IS_RT3572(pAd) || IS_RT3390(pAd) || IS_RT3593(pAd) || IS_RT5390(pAd) || (IS_RT3070(pAd) && ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0201))) { if ((!IS_RT3572(pAd)) && (!IS_RT3593(pAd)) && (!IS_RT5390(pAd)) && (!IS_RT3390(pAd)) && (!IS_RT3090(pAd))) { RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R27, &RFValue); if ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0211) RFValue = (RFValue & (~0x77)) | 0x3; else RFValue = (RFValue & (~0x77)); RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R27, RFValue); } // RT3071 version E has fixed this issue if ((pAd->NicConfig2.field.DACTestBit == 1) && ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0211)) { // patch tx EVM issue temporarily RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, LDO_CFG0, &MACValue); MACValue = ((MACValue & 0xE0FFFFFF) | 0x0D000000); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, LDO_CFG0, MACValue); } // else if ((!IS_RT3090(pAd) && !IS_RT3593(pAd)) || (pAd->CommonCfg.PatchHWControl.field.LDOCfg == 1)) else if ((!IS_RT3090(pAd) && !IS_RT3593(pAd) && !IS_RT5390(pAd))) { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, LDO_CFG0, &MACValue); MACValue = ((MACValue & 0xE0FFFFFF) | 0x01000000); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, LDO_CFG0, MACValue); } } if(IS_RT3572(pAd)) RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R08, 0x80); }
/* ========================================================================== Description: AsicSwitchChannel() dedicated for RT28xx ATE. ========================================================================== */ VOID RT28xxATEAsicSwitchChannel( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd) { PATE_INFO pATEInfo = &(pAd->ate); UINT32 Value = 0; CHAR TxPwer = 0, TxPwer2 = 0; UCHAR index = 0, BbpValue = 0, Channel = 0; UINT32 R2 = 0, R3 = DEFAULT_RF_TX_POWER, R4 = 0; RTMP_RF_REGS *RFRegTable = NULL; SYNC_CHANNEL_WITH_QA(pATEInfo, &Channel); /* fill Tx power value */ TxPwer = pATEInfo->TxPower0; TxPwer2 = pATEInfo->TxPower1; RFRegTable = RF2850RegTable; switch (pAd->RfIcType) { /* But only 2850 and 2750 support 5.5GHz band... */ case RFIC_2820: case RFIC_2850: case RFIC_2720: case RFIC_2750: for (index = 0; index < NUM_OF_2850_CHNL; index++) { if (Channel == RFRegTable[index].Channel) { R2 = RFRegTable[index].R2; /* If TX path is 1, bit 14 = 1. */ if (pAd->Antenna.field.TxPath == 1) { R2 |= 0x4000; } if (pAd->Antenna.field.TxPath == 2) { if (pATEInfo->TxAntennaSel == 1) { /* If TX Antenna select is 1 , bit 14 = 1; Disable Ant 2 */ R2 |= 0x4000; ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R1, &BbpValue); BbpValue &= 0xE7; /* 11100111B */ ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R1, BbpValue); } else if (pATEInfo->TxAntennaSel == 2) { /* If TX Antenna select is 2 , bit 15 = 1; Disable Ant 1 */ R2 |= 0x8000; ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R1, &BbpValue); BbpValue &= 0xE7; BbpValue |= 0x08; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R1, BbpValue); } else { ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R1, &BbpValue); BbpValue &= 0xE7; BbpValue |= 0x10; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R1, BbpValue); } } if (pAd->Antenna.field.RxPath == 2) { switch (pATEInfo->RxAntennaSel) { case 1: R2 |= 0x20040; ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &BbpValue); BbpValue &= 0xE4; BbpValue |= 0x00; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, BbpValue); break; case 2: R2 |= 0x10040; ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &BbpValue); BbpValue &= 0xE4; BbpValue |= 0x01; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, BbpValue); break; default: R2 |= 0x40; ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &BbpValue); BbpValue &= 0xE4; /* Only enable two Antenna to receive. */ BbpValue |= 0x08; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, BbpValue); break; } } else if (pAd->Antenna.field.RxPath == 1) { /* write 1 to off RxPath */ R2 |= 0x20040; } if (pAd->Antenna.field.RxPath == 3) { switch (pATEInfo->RxAntennaSel) { case 1: R2 |= 0x20040; ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &BbpValue); BbpValue &= 0xE4; BbpValue |= 0x00; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, BbpValue); break; case 2: R2 |= 0x10040; ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &BbpValue); BbpValue &= 0xE4; BbpValue |= 0x01; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, BbpValue); break; case 3: R2 |= 0x30000; ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &BbpValue); BbpValue &= 0xE4; BbpValue |= 0x02; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, BbpValue); break; default: ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &BbpValue); BbpValue &= 0xE4; BbpValue |= 0x10; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, BbpValue); break; } } if (Channel > 14) { /* initialize R3, R4 */ R3 = (RFRegTable[index].R3 & 0xffffc1ff); R4 = (RFRegTable[index].R4 & (~0x001f87c0)) | (pATEInfo->RFFreqOffset << 15); /* According the Rory's suggestion to solve the middle range issue. 5.5G band power range : 0xF9~0X0F, TX0 Reg3 bit9/TX1 Reg4 bit6="0" means the TX power reduce 7dB. */ /* R3 */ if ((TxPwer >= -7) && (TxPwer < 0)) { TxPwer = (7+TxPwer); R3 |= (TxPwer << 10); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("ATEAsicSwitchChannel: TxPwer=%d \n", TxPwer)); } else { TxPwer = (TxPwer > 0xF) ? (0xF) : (TxPwer); R3 |= (TxPwer << 10) | (1 << 9); } /* R4 */ if ((TxPwer2 >= -7) && (TxPwer2 < 0)) { TxPwer2 = (7+TxPwer2); R4 |= (TxPwer2 << 7); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("ATEAsicSwitchChannel: TxPwer2=%d \n", TxPwer2)); } else { TxPwer2 = (TxPwer2 > 0xF) ? (0xF) : (TxPwer2); R4 |= (TxPwer2 << 7) | (1 << 6); } } else { /* Set TX power0. */ R3 = (RFRegTable[index].R3 & 0xffffc1ff) | (TxPwer << 9); /* Set frequency offset and TX power1. */ R4 = (RFRegTable[index].R4 & (~0x001f87c0)) | (pATEInfo->RFFreqOffset << 15) | (TxPwer2 <<6); } /* based on BBP current mode before changing RF channel */ if (pATEInfo->TxWI.BW == BW_40) { R4 |=0x200000; } /* Update variables. */ pAd->LatchRfRegs.Channel = Channel; pAd->hw_cfg.lan_gain = GET_LNA_GAIN(pAd); pAd->LatchRfRegs.R1 = RFRegTable[index].R1; pAd->LatchRfRegs.R2 = R2; pAd->LatchRfRegs.R3 = R3; pAd->LatchRfRegs.R4 = R4; RtmpRfIoWrite(pAd); break; } } break; default: break; } /* Change BBP setting during switch from a->g, g->a */ if (Channel <= 14) { UINT32 TxPinCfg = 0x00050F0A;/* 2007.10.09 by Brian : 0x0005050A ==> 0x00050F0A */ ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R62, (0x37 - pAd->hw_cfg.lan_gain)); ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R63, (0x37 - pAd->hw_cfg.lan_gain)); ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R64, (0x37 - pAd->hw_cfg.lan_gain)); /* According the Rory's suggestion to solve the middle range issue. */ ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R86, 0); /* Rx High power VGA offset for LNA select */ if (pAd->NicConfig2.field.ExternalLNAForG) { ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R82, 0x62); ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R75, 0x46); } else { ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R82, 0x84); ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R75, 0x50); } /* 2.4 G band selection PIN */ rtmp_mac_set_band(pAd, BAND_24G); /* Turn off unused PA or LNA when only 1T or 1R. */ if (pAd->Antenna.field.TxPath == 1) { TxPinCfg &= 0xFFFFFFF3; } if (pAd->Antenna.field.RxPath == 1) { TxPinCfg &= 0xFFFFF3FF; } /* calibration power unbalance issues */ if (pAd->Antenna.field.TxPath == 2) { if (pATEInfo->TxAntennaSel == 1) { TxPinCfg &= 0xFFFFFFF7; } else if (pATEInfo->TxAntennaSel == 2) { TxPinCfg &= 0xFFFFFFFD; } } RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_PIN_CFG, TxPinCfg); } /* channel > 14 */ else { UINT32 TxPinCfg = 0x00050F05;/* 2007.10.09 by Brian : 0x00050505 ==> 0x00050F05 */ ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R62, (0x37 - pAd->hw_cfg.lan_gain)); ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R63, (0x37 - pAd->hw_cfg.lan_gain)); ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R64, (0x37 - pAd->hw_cfg.lan_gain)); /* According the Rory's suggestion to solve the middle range issue. */ ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R86, 0); ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R82, 0xF2); /* Rx High power VGA offset for LNA select */ if (pAd->NicConfig2.field.ExternalLNAForA) { ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R75, 0x46); } else { ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R75, 0x50); } ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R91, &BbpValue); ASSERT((BbpValue == 0x04)); /* 5 G band selection PIN, bit1 and bit2 are complement */ rtmp_mac_set_band(pAd, BAND_5G); /* Turn off unused PA or LNA when only 1T or 1R. */ if (pAd->Antenna.field.TxPath == 1) { TxPinCfg &= 0xFFFFFFF3; } if (pAd->Antenna.field.RxPath == 1) { TxPinCfg &= 0xFFFFF3FF; } RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_PIN_CFG, TxPinCfg); } ATE_CHIP_RX_VGA_GAIN_INIT(pAd); #ifdef RELEASE_EXCLUDE /* On 11A, We should delay and wait RF/BBP to be stable and the appropriate time should be 1000 micro seconds. 2005/06/05 - On 11G, We also need this delay time. Otherwise it's difficult to pass the WHQL. */ #endif /* RELEASE_EXCLUDE */ RtmpOsMsDelay(1); #ifndef RTMP_RF_RW_SUPPORT if (Channel > 14) { /* When 5.5GHz band the LSB of TxPwr will be used to reduced 7dB or not. */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT28xx:SwitchChannel#%d(RF=%d, %dT) to , R1=0x%08x, R2=0x%08x, R3=0x%08x, R4=0x%08x\n", Channel, pAd->RfIcType, pAd->Antenna.field.TxPath, pAd->LatchRfRegs.R1, pAd->LatchRfRegs.R2, pAd->LatchRfRegs.R3, pAd->LatchRfRegs.R4)); } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT28xx:SwitchChannel#%d(RF=%d, Pwr0=%u, Pwr1=%u, %dT) to , R1=0x%08x, R2=0x%08x, R3=0x%08x, R4=0x%08x\n", Channel, pAd->RfIcType, (R3 & 0x00003e00) >> 9, (R4 & 0x000007c0) >> 6, pAd->Antenna.field.TxPath, pAd->LatchRfRegs.R1, pAd->LatchRfRegs.R2, pAd->LatchRfRegs.R3, pAd->LatchRfRegs.R4)); } #endif /* !RTMP_RF_RW_SUPPORT */ }
/* Before switch channel, driver needs doing channel switch announcement.*/ VOID RadarDetectPeriodic( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd) { #ifdef RT2880 ULONG Value; /* Roger add to fix false detection(long pulse only) in the first 60 seconds */ if (pAd->CommonCfg.W56_debug) { if (pAd->CommonCfg.W56_idx < 300) { pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum = 5; } else if (pAd->CommonCfg.W56_total <= 5000) { if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum > 4) pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum--; else pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum = 3; } else if (pAd->CommonCfg.W56_total <= 10000) { if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum > 5) pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum--; else pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum = 4; } else if (pAd->CommonCfg.W56_total <= 20000) { if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum > 7) pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum--; else if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum < 5) pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum++; else pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum = 6; } else if (pAd->CommonCfg.W56_total <= 30000) { if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum > 8) pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum--; else if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum < 6) pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum++; else pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum = 7; } else if (pAd->CommonCfg.W56_total <= 50000) { if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum > 9) pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum--; else if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum < 6) pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum++; else pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum = 8; } else if (pAd->CommonCfg.W56_total <= 70000) { if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum > 7) pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum--; else if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum < 8) pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum++; else pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum = 9; } else { if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum < 9) pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum++; else pAd->CommonCfg.RadarElectNum = 10; } } #endif /* RT2880 */ /* need to check channel availability, after switch channel*/ if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarDetect.RDMode != RD_SILENCE_MODE) return; #ifdef RT2880 #ifdef DFS_SOFTWARE_SUPPORT if (pAd->CommonCfg.dfs_func < HARDWARE_DFS_V1) { /* Roger add to fix false detection(long pulse only) in the first 60 seconds */ if ((pAd->CommonCfg.RadarDetect.RDDurRegion == JAP_W56) || (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarDetect.RDDurRegion == FCC)) { if (pAd->CommonCfg.W56_debug == 0) { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, PBF_LIFE_TIMER, &pAd->CommonCfg.W56_hw_1); RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, CH_TIME_CFG, &Value); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, CH_TIME_CFG, Value | 1); pAd->CommonCfg.W56_hw_sum = 0; pAd->CommonCfg.W56_idx = 0; pAd->CommonCfg.W56_debug = 1; } } } #endif /* DFS_SOFTWARE_SUPPORT */ #endif /* RT2880 */ /* channel availability check time is 60sec, use 65 for assurance*/ if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarDetect.RDCount++ > pAd->CommonCfg.RadarDetect.ChMovingTime) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Not found radar signal, start send beacon and radar detection in service monitor\n\n")); #ifdef DFS_SOFTWARE_SUPPORT if (pAd->CommonCfg.dfs_func < HARDWARE_DFS_V1) BbpRadarDetectionStop(pAd); #endif /* DFS_SOFTWARE_SUPPORT */ #ifdef RT2880 pAd->CommonCfg.R66 = pAd->CommonCfg.DFS_R66; #endif /* RT2880 */ #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_AP(pAd) { #ifdef CARRIER_DETECTION_SUPPORT if (pAd->CommonCfg.CarrierDetect.Enable == TRUE) { /* trun on Carrier-Detection. (Carrier-Detect with CTS protection).*/ CARRIER_DETECT_START(pAd, 1); } #endif /* CARRIER_DETECTION_SUPPORT */ } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ AsicEnableBssSync(pAd); pAd->CommonCfg.RadarDetect.RDMode = RD_NORMAL_MODE; #ifdef RT2880 #ifdef DFS_SOFTWARE_SUPPORT if (pAd->CommonCfg.dfs_func < HARDWARE_DFS_V1) { if ((pAd->CommonCfg.RadarDetect.RDDurRegion == JAP_W56) || (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarDetect.RDDurRegion == FCC)) { pAd->CommonCfg.W56_debug = 0; RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, CH_TIME_CFG, &Value); if (Value & 1) { RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, CH_TIME_CFG, Value & ~1); } RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, 114, 0x02); } } #endif /* DFS_SOFTWARE_SUPPORT */ #endif /* RT2880 */ #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_AP(pAd) { #ifdef DFS_SUPPORT #ifdef RTMP_RBUS_SUPPORT #ifdef DFS_HARDWARE_SUPPORT if ((pAd->MACVersion == 0x28720200) && (pAd->CommonCfg.CID == 0x200)) { if (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarDetect.RDMode != RD_NORMAL_MODE) { return; } /*NewRadarDetectionStart(pAd);*/ } else #endif /* DFS_HARDWARE_SUPPORT */ #endif /* RTMP_RBUS_SUPPORT */ { #ifdef DFS_SOFTWARE_SUPPORT if (pAd->CommonCfg.dfs_func < HARDWARE_DFS_V1) AdaptRadarDetection(pAd); /* start radar detection.*/ #endif /* DFS_SOFTWARE_SUPPORT */ } #endif /* DFS_SUPPORT */ } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ return; }
/* ======================================================================== Routine Description: Write RT30xx RF register through MAC Arguments: Return Value: IRQL = Note: ======================================================================== */ NDIS_STATUS RT30xxWriteRFRegister( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN UCHAR regID, IN UCHAR value) { RF_CSR_CFG_STRUC rfcsr = { { 0 } }; UINT i = 0; #ifdef RTMP_MAC_PCI if ((pAd->bPCIclkOff == TRUE) || (pAd->LastMCUCmd == SLEEP_MCU_CMD)) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("RT30xxWriteRFRegister. Not allow to write RF 0x%x : fail\n", regID)); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } #endif /* RTMP_MAC_PCI */ ASSERT((regID <= pAd->chipCap.MaxNumOfRfId)); do { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, RF_CSR_CFG, &rfcsr.word); if (!rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_KICK) break; i++; } while ((i < MAX_BUSY_COUNT) && (!RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_NIC_NOT_EXIST))); if ((i == MAX_BUSY_COUNT) || (RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_NIC_NOT_EXIST))) { DBGPRINT_RAW(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Retry count exhausted or device removed!!!\n")); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_WR = 1; rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_KICK = 1; rfcsr.field.TESTCSR_RFACC_REGNUM = regID; if ((pAd->chipCap.RfReg17WtMethod == RF_REG_WT_METHOD_STEP_ON) && (regID == RF_R17)) { UCHAR IdRf; UCHAR RfValue; BOOLEAN beAdd; RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R17, &RfValue); beAdd = (RfValue < value) ? TRUE : FALSE; IdRf = RfValue; while(IdRf != value) { if (beAdd) IdRf++; else IdRf--; rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_DATA = IdRf; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, RF_CSR_CFG, rfcsr.word); RtmpOsMsDelay(1); } } rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_DATA = value; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, RF_CSR_CFG, rfcsr.word); return NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NDIS_STATUS MlmeHardTransmitTxRing( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN UCHAR QueIdx, IN PNDIS_PACKET pPacket) { PACKET_INFO PacketInfo; PUCHAR pSrcBufVA; UINT SrcBufLen; PTXD_STRUC pTxD; #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN PTXD_STRUC pDestTxD; TXD_STRUC TxD; #endif PHEADER_802_11 pHeader_802_11; BOOLEAN bAckRequired, bInsertTimestamp; ULONG SrcBufPA; //UCHAR TxBufIdx; UCHAR MlmeRate; ULONG SwIdx = pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].TxCpuIdx; PTXWI_STRUC pFirstTxWI; //ULONG i; //HTTRANSMIT_SETTING MlmeTransmit; //Rate for this MGMT frame. ULONG FreeNum; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pMacEntry = NULL; RTMP_QueryPacketInfo(pPacket, &PacketInfo, &pSrcBufVA, &SrcBufLen); if (pSrcBufVA == NULL) { // The buffer shouldn't be NULL return NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; } // Make sure MGMT ring resource won't be used by other threads //NdisAcquireSpinLock(&pAd->TxRingLock); FreeNum = GET_TXRING_FREENO(pAd, QueIdx); if (FreeNum == 0) { //NdisReleaseSpinLock(&pAd->TxRingLock); return NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; } SwIdx = pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].TxCpuIdx; #ifndef RT_BIG_ENDIAN pTxD = (PTXD_STRUC) pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].Cell[SwIdx].AllocVa; #else pDestTxD = (PTXD_STRUC)pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].Cell[SwIdx].AllocVa; TxD = *pDestTxD; pTxD = &TxD; RTMPDescriptorEndianChange((PUCHAR)pTxD, TYPE_TXD); #endif if (pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].Cell[SwIdx].pNdisPacket) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("MlmeHardTransmit Error\n")); //NdisReleaseSpinLock(&pAd->TxRingLock); return NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; } #ifdef CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_STA(pAd) { // outgoing frame always wakeup PHY to prevent frame lost // if (pAd->StaCfg.Psm == PWR_SAVE) if (OPSTATUS_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fOP_STATUS_DOZE)) AsicForceWakeup(pAd, TRUE); } #endif // CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT // pFirstTxWI =(PTXWI_STRUC)pSrcBufVA; pHeader_802_11 = (PHEADER_802_11) (pSrcBufVA + TXWI_SIZE); if (pHeader_802_11->Addr1[0] & 0x01) { MlmeRate = pAd->CommonCfg.BasicMlmeRate; } else { MlmeRate = pAd->CommonCfg.MlmeRate; } if ((pHeader_802_11->FC.Type == BTYPE_DATA) && (pHeader_802_11->FC.SubType == SUBTYPE_QOS_NULL)) { pMacEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, pHeader_802_11->Addr1); } // Verify Mlme rate for a / g bands. if ((pAd->LatchRfRegs.Channel > 14) && (MlmeRate < RATE_6)) // 11A band MlmeRate = RATE_6; // // Should not be hard code to set PwrMgmt to 0 (PWR_ACTIVE) // Snice it's been set to 0 while on MgtMacHeaderInit // By the way this will cause frame to be send on PWR_SAVE failed. // // // In WMM-UAPSD, mlme frame should be set psm as power saving but probe request frame #ifdef CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT // Data-Null packets alse pass through MMRequest in RT2860, however, we hope control the psm bit to pass APSD if (pHeader_802_11->FC.Type != BTYPE_DATA) { if ((pHeader_802_11->FC.SubType == SUBTYPE_PROBE_REQ) || !(pAd->CommonCfg.bAPSDCapable && pAd->CommonCfg.APEdcaParm.bAPSDCapable)) { pHeader_802_11->FC.PwrMgmt = PWR_ACTIVE; } else { pHeader_802_11->FC.PwrMgmt = pAd->CommonCfg.bAPSDForcePowerSave; } } #endif // CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT // bInsertTimestamp = FALSE; if (pHeader_802_11->FC.Type == BTYPE_CNTL) // must be PS-POLL { bAckRequired = FALSE; } else // BTYPE_MGMT or BTYPE_DATA(must be NULL frame) { if (pHeader_802_11->Addr1[0] & 0x01) // MULTICAST, BROADCAST { bAckRequired = FALSE; pHeader_802_11->Duration = 0; } else { bAckRequired = TRUE; pHeader_802_11->Duration = RTMPCalcDuration(pAd, MlmeRate, 14); if (pHeader_802_11->FC.SubType == SUBTYPE_PROBE_RSP) { bInsertTimestamp = TRUE; } } } pHeader_802_11->Sequence = pAd->Sequence++; if (pAd->Sequence > 0xfff) pAd->Sequence = 0; // Before radar detection done, mgmt frame can not be sent but probe req // Because we need to use probe req to trigger driver to send probe req in passive scan if ((pHeader_802_11->FC.SubType != SUBTYPE_PROBE_REQ) && (pAd->CommonCfg.bIEEE80211H == 1) && (pAd->CommonCfg.RadarDetect.RDMode != RD_NORMAL_MODE)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("MlmeHardTransmit --> radar detect not in normal mode !!!\n")); //NdisReleaseSpinLock(&pAd->TxRingLock); return (NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE); } #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN RTMPFrameEndianChange(pAd, (PUCHAR)pHeader_802_11, DIR_WRITE, FALSE); #endif // // fill scatter-and-gather buffer list into TXD. Internally created NDIS PACKET // should always has only one ohysical buffer, and the whole frame size equals // to the first scatter buffer size // // Initialize TX Descriptor // For inter-frame gap, the number is for this frame and next frame // For MLME rate, we will fix as 2Mb to match other vendor's implement // pAd->CommonCfg.MlmeTransmit.field.MODE = 1; // management frame doesn't need encryption. so use RESERVED_WCID no matter u are sending to specific wcid or not. // Only beacon use Nseq=TRUE. So here we use Nseq=FALSE. if (pMacEntry == NULL) { RTMPWriteTxWI(pAd, pFirstTxWI, FALSE, FALSE, bInsertTimestamp, FALSE, bAckRequired, FALSE, 0, RESERVED_WCID, (SrcBufLen - TXWI_SIZE), PID_MGMT, 0, (UCHAR)pAd->CommonCfg.MlmeTransmit.field.MCS, IFS_BACKOFF, FALSE, &pAd->CommonCfg.MlmeTransmit); } else { RTMPWriteTxWI(pAd, pFirstTxWI, FALSE, FALSE, bInsertTimestamp, FALSE, bAckRequired, FALSE, 0, pMacEntry->Aid, (SrcBufLen - TXWI_SIZE), pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS, 0, (UCHAR)pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS, IFS_BACKOFF, FALSE, &pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode); } pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].Cell[SwIdx].pNdisPacket = pPacket; pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].Cell[SwIdx].pNextNdisPacket = NULL; // pFirstTxWI->MPDUtotalByteCount = SrcBufLen - TXWI_SIZE; #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN RTMPWIEndianChange((PUCHAR)pFirstTxWI, TYPE_TXWI); #endif SrcBufPA = PCI_MAP_SINGLE(pAd, pSrcBufVA, SrcBufLen, 0, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); RTMPWriteTxDescriptor(pAd, pTxD, TRUE, FIFO_EDCA); pTxD->LastSec0 = 1; pTxD->LastSec1 = 1; pTxD->SDLen0 = SrcBufLen; pTxD->SDLen1 = 0; pTxD->SDPtr0 = SrcBufPA; pTxD->DMADONE = 0; #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN RTMPDescriptorEndianChange((PUCHAR)pTxD, TYPE_TXD); WriteBackToDescriptor((PUCHAR)pDestTxD, (PUCHAR)pTxD, FALSE, TYPE_TXD); #endif pAd->RalinkCounters.KickTxCount++; pAd->RalinkCounters.OneSecTxDoneCount++; // Increase TX_CTX_IDX, but write to register later. INC_RING_INDEX(pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].TxCpuIdx, TX_RING_SIZE); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_CTX_IDX0 + QueIdx*0x10, pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].TxCpuIdx); // Make sure to release MGMT ring resource // NdisReleaseSpinLock(&pAd->TxRingLock); return NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
/* Must be run in Interrupt context This function handle PCI specific TxDesc and cpu index update and kick the packet out. */ int RtmpPCIMgmtKickOut( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN UCHAR QueIdx, IN PNDIS_PACKET pPacket, IN PUCHAR pSrcBufVA, IN UINT SrcBufLen) { PTXD_STRUC pTxD; #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN PTXD_STRUC pDestTxD; TXD_STRUC TxD; #endif ULONG SwIdx = pAd->MgmtRing.TxCpuIdx; #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN pDestTxD = (PTXD_STRUC)pAd->MgmtRing.Cell[SwIdx].AllocVa; TxD = *pDestTxD; pTxD = &TxD; RTMPDescriptorEndianChange((PUCHAR)pTxD, TYPE_TXD); #else pTxD = (PTXD_STRUC) pAd->MgmtRing.Cell[SwIdx].AllocVa; #endif pAd->MgmtRing.Cell[SwIdx].pNdisPacket = pPacket; pAd->MgmtRing.Cell[SwIdx].pNextNdisPacket = NULL; RTMPWriteTxDescriptor(pAd, pTxD, TRUE, FIFO_MGMT); pTxD->LastSec0 = 1; pTxD->LastSec1 = 1; pTxD->DMADONE = 0; pTxD->SDLen1 = 0; pTxD->SDPtr0 = PCI_MAP_SINGLE(pAd, pSrcBufVA, SrcBufLen, 0, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); pTxD->SDLen0 = SrcBufLen; #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN RTMPDescriptorEndianChange((PUCHAR)pTxD, TYPE_TXD); WriteBackToDescriptor((PUCHAR)pDestTxD, (PUCHAR)pTxD, FALSE, TYPE_TXD); #endif //================================================================== /* DBGPRINT_RAW(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("MLMEHardTransmit\n")); for (i = 0; i < (TXWI_SIZE+24); i++) { DBGPRINT_RAW(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%x:", *(pSrcBufVA+i))); if ( i%4 == 3) DBGPRINT_RAW(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, (" :: ")); if ( i%16 == 15) DBGPRINT_RAW(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("\n ")); } DBGPRINT_RAW(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("\n "));*/ //======================================================================= pAd->RalinkCounters.KickTxCount++; pAd->RalinkCounters.OneSecTxDoneCount++; // Increase TX_CTX_IDX, but write to register later. INC_RING_INDEX(pAd->MgmtRing.TxCpuIdx, MGMT_RING_SIZE); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_MGMTCTX_IDX, pAd->MgmtRing.TxCpuIdx); return 0; }
VOID RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8( PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, UCHAR bbp_id, UINT8 *pValue, BOOLEAN bViaMCU) { BBP_CSR_CFG_STRUC BbpCsr; int _busyCnt, _secCnt, _regID; ULONG __IrqFlags = 0; #ifdef RT65xx if (IS_RT65XX(pAd)) return; #endif /* RT65xx */ if ((bViaMCU) == TRUE) RTMP_MAC_SHR_MSEL_PROTECT_LOCK(pAd, __IrqFlags); _regID = ((bViaMCU) == TRUE ? H2M_BBP_AGENT : BBP_CSR_CFG); for (_busyCnt=0; _busyCnt<MAX_BUSY_COUNT; _busyCnt++) { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, _regID, &BbpCsr.word); if (BbpCsr.field.Busy == BUSY) continue; BbpCsr.word = 0; BbpCsr.field.fRead = 1; BbpCsr.field.BBP_RW_MODE = 1; BbpCsr.field.Busy = 1; BbpCsr.field.RegNum = bbp_id; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, _regID, BbpCsr.word); if ((bViaMCU) == TRUE) { AsicSendCommandToMcuBBP(pAd, 0x80, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0, FALSE); /*RtmpusecDelay(1000);*/ } for (_secCnt=0; _secCnt<MAX_BUSY_COUNT; _secCnt++) { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, _regID, &BbpCsr.word); if (BbpCsr.field.Busy == IDLE) break; } if ((BbpCsr.field.Busy == IDLE) && (BbpCsr.field.RegNum == bbp_id)) { *pValue = (UCHAR)BbpCsr.field.Value; break; } } if (BbpCsr.field.Busy == BUSY) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("BBP(viaMCU=%d) read R%d fail\n", bViaMCU, bbp_id)); *pValue = pAd->BbpWriteLatch[bbp_id]; if (bViaMCU == TRUE) { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, _regID, &BbpCsr.word); BbpCsr.field.Busy = 0; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, _regID, BbpCsr.word); } } if (bViaMCU == TRUE) RTMP_MAC_SHR_MSEL_PROTECT_UNLOCK(pAd, __IrqFlags); }
PNDIS_PACKET GetPacketFromRxRing( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, OUT PRT28XX_RXD_STRUC pSaveRxD, OUT BOOLEAN *pbReschedule, IN OUT UINT32 *pRxPending) { PRXD_STRUC pRxD; #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN PRXD_STRUC pDestRxD; RXD_STRUC RxD; #endif PNDIS_PACKET pRxPacket = NULL; PNDIS_PACKET pNewPacket; PVOID AllocVa; NDIS_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS AllocPa; BOOLEAN bReschedule = FALSE; RTMP_DMACB *pRxCell; RTMP_SEM_LOCK(&pAd->RxRingLock); if (*pRxPending == 0) { // Get how may packets had been received RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, RX_DRX_IDX , &pAd->RxRing.RxDmaIdx); if (pAd->RxRing.RxSwReadIdx == pAd->RxRing.RxDmaIdx) { // no more rx packets bReschedule = FALSE; goto done; } // get rx pending count if (pAd->RxRing.RxDmaIdx > pAd->RxRing.RxSwReadIdx) *pRxPending = pAd->RxRing.RxDmaIdx - pAd->RxRing.RxSwReadIdx; else *pRxPending = pAd->RxRing.RxDmaIdx + RX_RING_SIZE - pAd->RxRing.RxSwReadIdx; } pRxCell = &pAd->RxRing.Cell[pAd->RxRing.RxSwReadIdx]; #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN pDestRxD = (PRXD_STRUC) pRxCell->AllocVa; RxD = *pDestRxD; pRxD = &RxD; RTMPDescriptorEndianChange((PUCHAR)pRxD, TYPE_RXD); #else // Point to Rx indexed rx ring descriptor pRxD = (PRXD_STRUC) pRxCell->AllocVa; #endif if (pRxD->DDONE == 0) { *pRxPending = 0; // DMAIndx had done but DDONE bit not ready bReschedule = TRUE; goto done; } // return rx descriptor NdisMoveMemory(pSaveRxD, pRxD, RXD_SIZE); pNewPacket = RTMP_AllocateRxPacketBuffer(pAd, RX_BUFFER_AGGRESIZE, FALSE, &AllocVa, &AllocPa); if (pNewPacket) { // unmap the rx buffer PCI_UNMAP_SINGLE(pAd, pRxCell->DmaBuf.AllocPa, pRxCell->DmaBuf.AllocSize, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); pRxPacket = pRxCell->pNdisPacket; pRxCell->DmaBuf.AllocSize = RX_BUFFER_AGGRESIZE; pRxCell->pNdisPacket = (PNDIS_PACKET) pNewPacket; pRxCell->DmaBuf.AllocVa = AllocVa; pRxCell->DmaBuf.AllocPa = AllocPa; /* update SDP0 to new buffer of rx packet */ pRxD->SDP0 = AllocPa; } else { //DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("No Rx Buffer\n")); pRxPacket = NULL; bReschedule = TRUE; } pRxD->DDONE = 0; // had handled one rx packet *pRxPending = *pRxPending - 1; // update rx descriptor and kick rx #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN RTMPDescriptorEndianChange((PUCHAR)pRxD, TYPE_RXD); WriteBackToDescriptor((PUCHAR)pDestRxD, (PUCHAR)pRxD, FALSE, TYPE_RXD); #endif INC_RING_INDEX(pAd->RxRing.RxSwReadIdx, RX_RING_SIZE); pAd->RxRing.RxCpuIdx = (pAd->RxRing.RxSwReadIdx == 0) ? (RX_RING_SIZE-1) : (pAd->RxRing.RxSwReadIdx-1); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, RX_CRX_IDX, pAd->RxRing.RxCpuIdx); done: RTMP_SEM_UNLOCK(&pAd->RxRingLock); *pbReschedule = bReschedule; return pRxPacket; }
VOID RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8( RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, UCHAR bbp_id, UINT8 Value, BOOLEAN bViaMCU) { BBP_CSR_CFG_STRUC BbpCsr; int _busyCnt=0, _regID; BOOLEAN brc; ULONG __IrqFlags = 0; #ifdef RT65xx if (IS_RT65XX(pAd)) return; #endif /* RT65xx */ if (bViaMCU == TRUE) RTMP_MAC_SHR_MSEL_PROTECT_LOCK(pAd, __IrqFlags); _regID = (bViaMCU == TRUE ? H2M_BBP_AGENT : BBP_CSR_CFG); for (_busyCnt=1; _busyCnt<MAX_BUSY_COUNT; _busyCnt++) { RTMP_IO_READ32((pAd), _regID, &BbpCsr.word); if (BbpCsr.field.Busy == BUSY) { if ( (bViaMCU == TRUE) && ((_busyCnt % 20) == 0)) { BbpCsr.field.Busy = IDLE; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, H2M_BBP_AGENT, BbpCsr.word); } continue; } BbpCsr.word = 0; BbpCsr.field.fRead = 0; BbpCsr.field.BBP_RW_MODE = 1; BbpCsr.field.Busy = 1; BbpCsr.field.Value = Value; BbpCsr.field.RegNum = bbp_id; RTMP_IO_WRITE32((pAd), _regID, BbpCsr.word); if (bViaMCU == TRUE) { brc = AsicSendCommandToMcuBBP(pAd, 0x80, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0, FALSE); if (pAd->OpMode == OPMODE_AP) RtmpusecDelay(1000); if (brc == FALSE) { BbpCsr.field.Busy = IDLE; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, H2M_BBP_AGENT, BbpCsr.word); } } pAd->BbpWriteLatch[bbp_id] = Value; break; } if (_busyCnt == MAX_BUSY_COUNT) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("BBP write R%d fail\n", bbp_id)); if(bViaMCU == TRUE) { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, H2M_BBP_AGENT, &BbpCsr.word); BbpCsr.field.Busy = 0; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, H2M_BBP_AGENT, BbpCsr.word); } } if (bViaMCU == TRUE) RTMP_MAC_SHR_MSEL_PROTECT_UNLOCK(pAd, __IrqFlags); }
BOOLEAN CFG80211DRV_OpsChgVirtualInf(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, VOID *pData) { PCFG80211_CTRL pCfg80211_ctrl = &pAd->cfg80211_ctrl; CFG80211_CB *p80211CB = pAd->pCfg80211_CB; UINT newType, oldType; CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_80211_VIF_PARM *pVifParm; pVifParm = (CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_80211_VIF_PARM *)pData; newType = pVifParm->newIfType; oldType = pVifParm->oldIfType; #ifdef RT_CFG80211_P2P_CONCURRENT_DEVICE /* After P2P NEGO phase, the device type may be change from GC to GO or no change. We remove the GC in VIF list if nego as GO case. */ if ((newType == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO) && (oldType == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT)) { RTMP_CFG80211_VirtualIF_CancelP2pClient(pAd); } #endif /* RT_CFG80211_P2P_CONCURRENT_DEVICE */ #ifdef RT_CFG80211_P2P_SINGLE_DEVICE CFG80211DBG(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("80211> @@@ Change from %u to %u Mode\n",oldType,newType)); pCfg80211_ctrl->P2POpStatusFlags = CFG_P2P_DISABLE; if (newType == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT) { pCfg80211_ctrl->P2POpStatusFlags = CFG_P2P_CLI_UP; } else if (newType == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO) { pCfg80211_ctrl->P2POpStatusFlags = CFG_P2P_GO_UP; } #endif /* RT_CFG80211_P2P_SINGLE_DEVICE */ #ifdef CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT /* Change Device Type */ if (newType == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) { Set_NetworkType_Proc(pAd, "Adhoc"); } else if ((newType == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_STATION) || (newType == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT)) { CFG80211DBG(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("80211> Change the Interface to STA Mode\n")); #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT if (pAd->cfg80211_ctrl.isCfgInApMode == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_AP && RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_START_UP)) CFG80211DRV_DisableApInterface(pAd); #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ pAd->cfg80211_ctrl.isCfgInApMode = RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_STATION; } else #endif /*CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT*/ if ((newType == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_AP) || (newType == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO)) { CFG80211DBG(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("80211> Change the Interface to AP Mode\n")); pAd->cfg80211_ctrl.isCfgInApMode = RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_AP; } #ifdef CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT else if (newType == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_MONITOR) { /* set packet filter */ Set_NetworkType_Proc(pAd, "Monitor"); if (pVifParm->MonFilterFlag != 0) { UINT32 Filter; RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, RX_FILTR_CFG, &Filter); if ((pVifParm->MonFilterFlag & RT_CMD_80211_FILTER_FCSFAIL) == RT_CMD_80211_FILTER_FCSFAIL) { Filter = Filter & (~0x01); } else { Filter = Filter | 0x01; } if ((pVifParm->MonFilterFlag & RT_CMD_80211_FILTER_PLCPFAIL) == RT_CMD_80211_FILTER_PLCPFAIL) { Filter = Filter & (~0x02); } else { Filter = Filter | 0x02; } if ((pVifParm->MonFilterFlag & RT_CMD_80211_FILTER_CONTROL) == RT_CMD_80211_FILTER_CONTROL) { Filter = Filter & (~0xFF00); } else { Filter = Filter | 0xFF00; } if ((pVifParm->MonFilterFlag & RT_CMD_80211_FILTER_OTHER_BSS) == RT_CMD_80211_FILTER_OTHER_BSS) { Filter = Filter & (~0x08); } else { Filter = Filter | 0x08; } RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, RX_FILTR_CFG, Filter); pVifParm->MonFilterFlag = Filter; } } #endif /*CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT*/ if ((newType == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT) || (newType == RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO)) { COPY_MAC_ADDR(pAd->cfg80211_ctrl.P2PCurrentAddress, pVifParm->net_dev->dev_addr); } else { #ifdef RT_CFG80211_P2P_SUPPORT pCfg80211_ctrl->bP2pCliPmEnable = FALSE; pCfg80211_ctrl->bPreKeepSlient = FALSE; pCfg80211_ctrl->bKeepSlient = FALSE; pCfg80211_ctrl->NoAIndex = MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE; pCfg80211_ctrl->MyGOwcid = MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE; pCfg80211_ctrl->CTWindows= 0; /* CTWindows and OppPS parameter field */ #endif /* RT_CFG80211_P2P_SUPPORT */ } return TRUE; }
VOID NICInitRT3070RFRegisters(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd) { INT i; UCHAR RFValue; /* Driver must read EEPROM to get RfIcType before initial RF registers Initialize RF register to default value */ if (IS_RT3070(pAd) || IS_RT3071(pAd)) { /* Init RF calibration Driver should toggle RF R30 bit7 before init RF registers */ UINT8 RfReg = 0; UINT32 data; RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R30, (PUCHAR)&RfReg); RfReg |= 0x80; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R30, (UCHAR)RfReg); RTMPusecDelay(1000); RfReg &= 0x7F; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R30, (UCHAR)RfReg); /* set default antenna as main */ if (pAd->RfIcType == RFIC_3020 || pAd->RfIcType == RFIC_2020) AsicSetRxAnt(pAd, pAd->RxAnt.Pair1PrimaryRxAnt); /* Initialize RF register to default value */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_RF_3020_REG_PARMS; i++) { RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RT3020_RFRegTable[i].Register, RT3020_RFRegTable[i].Value); } RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R31, 0x14); /* add by johnli */ if (IS_RT3070(pAd)) { /* The DAC issue(LDO_CFG0) has been fixed in RT3070(F). The voltage raising patch is no longer needed for RT3070(F) */ if ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0201) { /* Update MAC 0x05D4 from 01xxxxxx to 0Dxxxxxx (voltage 1.2V to 1.35V) for RT3070 to improve yield rate */ RTUSBReadMACRegister(pAd, LDO_CFG0, &data); data = ((data & 0xF0FFFFFF) | 0x0D000000); RTUSBWriteMACRegister(pAd, LDO_CFG0, data); } } else if (IS_RT3071(pAd)) { /* Driver should set RF R6 bit6 on before init RF registers */ RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R06, (PUCHAR)&RfReg); RfReg |= 0x40; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R06, (UCHAR)RfReg); /* RT3071 version E has fixed this issue */ if ((pAd->NicConfig2.field.DACTestBit == 1) && ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0211)) { /* patch tx EVM issue temporarily */ RTUSBReadMACRegister(pAd, LDO_CFG0, &data); data = ((data & 0xE0FFFFFF) | 0x0D000000); RTUSBWriteMACRegister(pAd, LDO_CFG0, data); } else { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, LDO_CFG0, &data); data = ((data & 0xE0FFFFFF) | 0x01000000); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, LDO_CFG0, data); } /* patch LNA_PE_G1 failed issue */ RTUSBReadMACRegister(pAd, GPIO_SWITCH, &data); data &= ~(0x20); RTUSBWriteMACRegister(pAd, GPIO_SWITCH, data); } /* For RF filter Calibration */ RTMPFilterCalibration(pAd); /* Initialize RF R27 register, set RF R27 must be behind RTMPFilterCalibration() TX to RX IQ glitch(RF_R27) has been fixed in RT3070(F). Raising RF voltage is no longer needed for RT3070(F) */ if ((IS_RT3070(pAd)) && ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0201)) { RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R27, 0x3); } else if ((IS_RT3071(pAd)) && ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0211)) { RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R27, 0x3); } /* set led open drain enable */ RTUSBReadMACRegister(pAd, OPT_14, &data); data |= 0x01; RTUSBWriteMACRegister(pAd, OPT_14, data); if (IS_RT3071(pAd)) { /* RF power sequence setup, load RF normal operation-mode setup */ RT30xxLoadRFNormalModeSetup(pAd); } else if (IS_RT3070(pAd)) { /* TX_LO1_en, RF R17 register Bit 3 to 0 */ RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R17, &RFValue); RFValue &= (~0x08); /* to fix rx long range issue */ if (pAd->NicConfig2.field.ExternalLNAForG == 0) { if ((IS_RT3071(pAd) && ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) >= 0x0211)) || IS_RT3070(pAd)) { RFValue |= 0x20; } } /* set RF_R17_bit[2:0] equal to EEPROM setting at 0x48h */ if (pAd->TxMixerGain24G >= 1) { RFValue &= (~0x7); /* clean bit [2:0] */ RFValue |= pAd->TxMixerGain24G; } RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R17, RFValue); /* add by johnli, reset RF_R27 when interface down & up to fix throughput problem */ /* LDORF_VC, RF R27 register Bit 2 to 0 */ RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R27, &RFValue); /* TX to RX IQ glitch(RF_R27) has been fixed in RT3070(F). Raising RF voltage is no longer needed for RT3070(F) */ if ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0201) RFValue = (RFValue & (~0x77)) | 0x3; else RFValue = (RFValue & (~0x77)); RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R27, RFValue); /* end johnli */ } } }
VOID APMakeAllBssBeacon( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd) { INT i, j; UINT32 regValue; UCHAR NumOfMacs; UCHAR NumOfBcns; UINT8 TXWISize = pAd->chipCap.TXWISize; /* before MakeBssBeacon, clear all beacon TxD's valid bit */ /* Note: can not use MAX_MBSSID_NUM here, or 1. when MBSS_SUPPORT is enabled; 2. MAX_MBSSID_NUM will be 8; 3. if HW_BEACON_OFFSET is 0x0200, we will overwrite other shared memory SRAM of chip */ /* use pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum to avoid the case is best */ /* choose the Beacon number */ NumOfBcns = GetBcnNum(pAd); for (i=0; i<HW_BEACON_MAX_COUNT(pAd); i++) { for (j=0; j < TXWISize; j+=4) { RTMP_CHIP_UPDATE_BEACON(pAd, pAd->BeaconOffset[i] + j, 0, 4); } } for(i=0; i<pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum; i++) { APMakeBssBeacon(pAd, i); } RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, MAC_BSSID_DW1, ®Value); regValue &= 0x0000FFFF; /* Note: 1.The MAC address of Mesh and AP-Client link are different from Main BSSID. 2.If the Mesh link is included, its MAC address shall follow the last MBSSID's MAC by increasing 1. 3.If the AP-Client link is included, its MAC address shall follow the Mesh interface MAC by increasing 1. */ NumOfMacs = pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum + MAX_MESH_NUM + MAX_APCLI_NUM; /* set Multiple BSSID mode */ if (NumOfMacs <= 1) { pAd->ApCfg.MacMask = ~(1-1); /*regValue |= 0x0; */ } else if (NumOfMacs <= 2) { if ((pAd->CurrentAddress[5] % 2 != 0) ) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("The 2-BSSID mode is enabled, the BSSID byte5 MUST be the multiple of 2\n")); regValue |= (1<<16); pAd->ApCfg.MacMask = ~(2-1); } else if (NumOfMacs <= 4) { if (pAd->CurrentAddress[5] % 4 != 0) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("The 4-BSSID mode is enabled, the BSSID byte5 MUST be the multiple of 4\n")); regValue |= (2<<16); pAd->ApCfg.MacMask = ~(4-1); } else if (NumOfMacs <= 8) { if (pAd->CurrentAddress[5] % 8 != 0) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("The 8-BSSID mode is enabled, the BSSID byte5 MUST be the multiple of 8\n")); regValue |= (3<<16); pAd->ApCfg.MacMask = ~(8-1); } else if (NumOfMacs <= 16) { /* Set MULTI_BSSID_MODE_BIT4 in MAC register 0x1014 */ regValue |= (1<<22); pAd->ApCfg.MacMask = ~(16-1); } /* set Multiple BSSID Beacon number */ if (NumOfBcns > 1) { if (NumOfBcns > 8) regValue |= (((NumOfBcns - 1) >> 3) << 23); regValue |= (((NumOfBcns - 1) & 0x7) << 18); } /* set as 0/1 bit-21 of MAC_BSSID_DW1(offset: 0x1014) to disable/enable the new MAC address assignment. */ if (pAd->chipCap.MBSSIDMode >= MBSSID_MODE1) { regValue |= (1 << 21); #ifdef ENHANCE_NEW_MBSSID_MODE if (pAd->chipCap.MBSSIDMode == MBSSID_MODE2) regValue |= (1 << 24); else if (pAd->chipCap.MBSSIDMode == MBSSID_MODE3) regValue |= (2 << 24); else if (pAd->chipCap.MBSSIDMode == MBSSID_MODE4) regValue |= (3 << 24); else if (pAd->chipCap.MBSSIDMode == MBSSID_MODE5) regValue |= (4 << 24); else if (pAd->chipCap.MBSSIDMode == MBSSID_MODE6) regValue |= (5 << 24); #endif /* ENHANCE_NEW_MBSSID_MODE */ } RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, MAC_BSSID_DW1, regValue); #ifdef HDR_TRANS_SUPPORT /* point WCID MAC table to 0x1800 This is for debug. But HDR_TRANS doesn't work if you remove it. Check after IC formal release. */ regValue |= 0x18000000; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, HT_MAC_BSSID_DW1, regValue); #endif /* HDR_TRANS_SUPPORT */ }
BOOLEAN RTMPFreeTXDUponTxDmaDone( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN UCHAR QueIdx) { PRTMP_TX_RING pTxRing; PTXD_STRUC pTxD; #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN PTXD_STRUC pDestTxD; #endif PNDIS_PACKET pPacket; UCHAR FREE = 0; TXD_STRUC TxD, *pOriTxD; //ULONG IrqFlags; BOOLEAN bReschedule = FALSE; ASSERT(QueIdx < NUM_OF_TX_RING); pTxRing = &pAd->TxRing[QueIdx]; RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, TX_DTX_IDX0 + QueIdx * RINGREG_DIFF, &pTxRing->TxDmaIdx); while (pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx != pTxRing->TxDmaIdx) { // RTMP_IRQ_LOCK(&pAd->irq_lock, IrqFlags); #ifdef RALINK_ATE #ifdef RALINK_QA PHEADER_802_11 pHeader80211; if ((ATE_ON(pAd)) && (pAd->ate.bQATxStart == TRUE)) { if (pAd->ate.QID == QueIdx) { pAd->ate.TxDoneCount++; pAd->RalinkCounters.KickTxCount++; /* always use QID_AC_BE and FIFO_EDCA */ ASSERT(pAd->ate.QID == 0); pAd->ate.TxAc0++; FREE++; #ifndef RT_BIG_ENDIAN pTxD = (PTXD_STRUC) (pTxRing->Cell[pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx].AllocVa); pOriTxD = pTxD; NdisMoveMemory(&TxD, pTxD, sizeof(TXD_STRUC)); pTxD = &TxD; #else pDestTxD = (PTXD_STRUC) (pTxRing->Cell[pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx].AllocVa); pOriTxD = pDestTxD ; TxD = *pDestTxD; pTxD = &TxD; RTMPDescriptorEndianChange((PUCHAR)pTxD, TYPE_TXD); #endif pTxD->DMADONE = 0; pHeader80211 = pTxRing->Cell[pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx].DmaBuf.AllocVa + sizeof(TXWI_STRUC); #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN RTMPFrameEndianChange(pAd, (PUCHAR)pHeader80211, DIR_READ, FALSE); #endif pHeader80211->Sequence = ++pAd->ate.seq; #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN RTMPFrameEndianChange(pAd, (PUCHAR)pHeader80211, DIR_WRITE, FALSE); #endif if ((pAd->ate.bQATxStart == TRUE) && (pAd->ate.Mode & ATE_TXFRAME) && (pAd->ate.TxDoneCount < pAd->ate.TxCount)) { pAd->RalinkCounters.TransmittedByteCount.QuadPart += (pTxD->SDLen1 + pTxD->SDLen0); pAd->RalinkCounters.OneSecTransmittedByteCount += (pTxD->SDLen1 + pTxD->SDLen0); pAd->RalinkCounters.OneSecDmaDoneCount[QueIdx] ++; INC_RING_INDEX(pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx, TX_RING_SIZE); /* get TX_DTX_IDX again */ RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, TX_DTX_IDX0 + QueIdx * RINGREG_DIFF , &pTxRing->TxDmaIdx); goto kick_out; } else if ((pAd->ate.TxStatus == 1)/* or (pAd->ate.bQATxStart == TRUE) ??? */ && (pAd->ate.TxDoneCount == pAd->ate.TxCount)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("all Tx is done\n")); // Tx status enters idle mode. pAd->ate.TxStatus = 0; } else if (!(pAd->ate.Mode & ATE_TXFRAME)) { /* not complete sending yet, but someone press the Stop TX botton */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_INFO,("not complete sending yet, but someone pressed the Stop TX bottom\n")); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_INFO,("pAd->ate.Mode = 0x%02x\n", pAd->ate.Mode)); } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF,("pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx = %d\n", pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx)); } #ifndef RT_BIG_ENDIAN NdisMoveMemory(pOriTxD, pTxD, sizeof(TXD_STRUC)); #else RTMPDescriptorEndianChange((PUCHAR)pTxD, TYPE_TXD); *pDestTxD = TxD; #endif // RT_BIG_ENDIAN // INC_RING_INDEX(pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx, TX_RING_SIZE); continue; } } #endif // RALINK_QA // #endif // RALINK_ATE // // static rate also need NICUpdateFifoStaCounters() function. //if (OPSTATUS_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fOP_STATUS_TX_RATE_SWITCH_ENABLED)) #ifdef VENDOR_FEATURE1_SUPPORT /* Note: Can not take off the NICUpdateFifoStaCounters(); Or the FIFO overflow rate will be high, i.e. > 3% (see the rate by "iwpriv ra0 show stainfo") Based on different platform, try to find the best value to replace '4' here (overflow rate target is about 0%). */ if (++pAd->FifoUpdateRx >= 4) { NICUpdateFifoStaCounters(pAd); pAd->FifoUpdateRx = 0; } #else NICUpdateFifoStaCounters(pAd); #endif // VENDOR_FEATURE1_SUPPORT // /* Note : If (pAd->ate.bQATxStart == TRUE), we will never reach here. */ FREE++; #ifndef RT_BIG_ENDIAN pTxD = (PTXD_STRUC) (pTxRing->Cell[pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx].AllocVa); pOriTxD = pTxD; NdisMoveMemory(&TxD, pTxD, sizeof(TXD_STRUC)); pTxD = &TxD; #else pDestTxD = (PTXD_STRUC) (pTxRing->Cell[pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx].AllocVa); pOriTxD = pDestTxD ; TxD = *pDestTxD; pTxD = &TxD; RTMPDescriptorEndianChange((PUCHAR)pTxD, TYPE_TXD); #endif pTxD->DMADONE = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT #ifdef UAPSD_AP_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_AP(pAd) { UAPSD_SP_PacketCheck(pAd, pTxRing->Cell[pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx].pNdisPacket, ((UCHAR *)pTxRing->Cell[\ pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx].DmaBuf.AllocVa)+TXWI_SIZE); } #endif // UAPSD_AP_SUPPORT // #endif // CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT // #ifdef RALINK_ATE /* Execution of this block is not allowed when ATE is running. */ if (!(ATE_ON(pAd))) #endif // RALINK_ATE // { pPacket = pTxRing->Cell[pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx].pNdisPacket; if (pPacket) { #ifdef CONFIG_5VT_ENHANCE if (RTMP_GET_PACKET_5VT(pPacket)) PCI_UNMAP_SINGLE(pAd, pTxD->SDPtr1, 16, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); else #endif // CONFIG_5VT_ENHANCE // PCI_UNMAP_SINGLE(pAd, pTxD->SDPtr1, pTxD->SDLen1, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); RELEASE_NDIS_PACKET(pAd, pPacket, NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); } //Always assign pNdisPacket as NULL after clear pTxRing->Cell[pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx].pNdisPacket = NULL; pPacket = pTxRing->Cell[pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx].pNextNdisPacket; if (pPacket) { #ifdef CONFIG_5VT_ENHANCE if (RTMP_GET_PACKET_5VT(pPacket)) PCI_UNMAP_SINGLE(pAd, pTxD->SDPtr1, 16, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); else #endif // CONFIG_5VT_ENHANCE // PCI_UNMAP_SINGLE(pAd, pTxD->SDPtr1, pTxD->SDLen1, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); RELEASE_NDIS_PACKET(pAd, pPacket, NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); } //Always assign pNextNdisPacket as NULL after clear pTxRing->Cell[pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx].pNextNdisPacket = NULL; } pAd->RalinkCounters.TransmittedByteCount.QuadPart += (pTxD->SDLen1 + pTxD->SDLen0); pAd->RalinkCounters.OneSecTransmittedByteCount += (pTxD->SDLen1 + pTxD->SDLen0); pAd->RalinkCounters.OneSecDmaDoneCount[QueIdx] ++; INC_RING_INDEX(pTxRing->TxSwFreeIdx, TX_RING_SIZE); /* get tx_tdx_idx again */ RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, TX_DTX_IDX0 + QueIdx * RINGREG_DIFF , &pTxRing->TxDmaIdx); #ifdef RT_BIG_ENDIAN RTMPDescriptorEndianChange((PUCHAR)pTxD, TYPE_TXD); *pDestTxD = TxD; #else NdisMoveMemory(pOriTxD, pTxD, sizeof(TXD_STRUC)); #endif #ifdef RALINK_ATE #ifdef RALINK_QA kick_out: #endif // RALINK_QA // /* ATE_TXCONT mode also need to send some normal frames, so let it in. ATE_STOP must be changed not to be 0xff to prevent it from running into this block. */ if ((pAd->ate.Mode & ATE_TXFRAME) && (pAd->ate.QID == QueIdx)) { // TxDoneCount++ has been done if QA is used. if (pAd->ate.bQATxStart == FALSE) { pAd->ate.TxDoneCount++; } if (((pAd->ate.TxCount - pAd->ate.TxDoneCount + 1) >= TX_RING_SIZE)) { /* Note : We increase TxCpuIdx here, not TxSwFreeIdx ! */ INC_RING_INDEX(pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].TxCpuIdx, TX_RING_SIZE); #ifndef RT_BIG_ENDIAN pTxD = (PTXD_STRUC) (pTxRing->Cell[pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].TxCpuIdx].AllocVa); pOriTxD = pTxD; NdisMoveMemory(&TxD, pTxD, sizeof(TXD_STRUC)); pTxD = &TxD; #else pDestTxD = (PTXD_STRUC) (pTxRing->Cell[pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].TxCpuIdx].AllocVa); pOriTxD = pDestTxD ; TxD = *pDestTxD; pTxD = &TxD; RTMPDescriptorEndianChange((PUCHAR)pTxD, TYPE_TXD); #endif pTxD->DMADONE = 0; #ifndef RT_BIG_ENDIAN NdisMoveMemory(pOriTxD, pTxD, sizeof(TXD_STRUC)); #else RTMPDescriptorEndianChange((PUCHAR)pTxD, TYPE_TXD); *pDestTxD = TxD; #endif // kick Tx-Ring RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_CTX_IDX0 + QueIdx * RINGREG_DIFF, pAd->TxRing[QueIdx].TxCpuIdx); pAd->RalinkCounters.KickTxCount++; } } #endif // RALINK_ATE // // RTMP_IRQ_UNLOCK(&pAd->irq_lock, IrqFlags); } return bReschedule; }
int RtmpAsicSendCommandToSwMcu( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN UCHAR Command, IN UCHAR Token, IN UCHAR Arg0, IN UCHAR Arg1, IN BOOLEAN FlgIsNeedLocked) { BBP_CSR_CFG_STRUC BbpCsr, BbpCsr2; int j, k; #ifdef LED_CONTROL_SUPPORT UINT16 Temp; PSWMCU_LED_CONTROL pSWMCULedCntl = &pAd->LedCntl.SWMCULedCntl; #endif /* LED_CONTROL_SUPPORT */ switch(Command) { case 0x80: RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, H2M_BBP_AGENT, &BbpCsr.word); if ((BbpCsr.field.Busy != 1) || (BbpCsr.field.BBP_RW_MODE != 1)) MTWF_LOG(DBG_CAT_ALL, DBG_SUBCAT_ALL, DBG_LVL_ERROR, ("error read write BBP 1\n")); for (j=0; j<MAX_BUSY_COUNT; j++) { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, BBP_CSR_CFG, &BbpCsr2.word); if (BbpCsr2.field.Busy == BUSY) { continue; } BbpCsr2.word = BbpCsr.word; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, BBP_CSR_CFG, BbpCsr2.word); if (BbpCsr.field.fRead == 1) { /* read*/ for (k=0; k<MAX_BUSY_COUNT; k++) { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, BBP_CSR_CFG, &BbpCsr2.word); if (BbpCsr2.field.Busy == IDLE) break; } if (k == MAX_BUSY_COUNT) MTWF_LOG(DBG_CAT_ALL, DBG_SUBCAT_ALL, DBG_LVL_ERROR, ("error read write BBP 2\n")); if ((BbpCsr2.field.Busy == IDLE) && (BbpCsr2.field.RegNum == BbpCsr.field.RegNum)) { BbpCsr.field.Value = BbpCsr2.field.Value; BbpCsr.field.Busy = IDLE; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, H2M_BBP_AGENT, BbpCsr.word); break; } } else { /*write*/ BbpCsr.field.Busy = IDLE; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, H2M_BBP_AGENT, BbpCsr.word); pAd->BbpWriteLatch[BbpCsr.field.RegNum] = BbpCsr2.field.Value; break; } } if (j == MAX_BUSY_COUNT) { MTWF_LOG(DBG_CAT_ALL, DBG_SUBCAT_ALL, DBG_LVL_ERROR, ("error read write BBP 3\n")); if (BbpCsr.field.Busy != IDLE) { BbpCsr.field.Busy = IDLE; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, H2M_BBP_AGENT, BbpCsr.word); } } break; case 0x30: break; case 0x31: break; #ifdef LED_CONTROL_SUPPORT #if defined(CONFIG_WIFI_LED_SHARE) || defined(__ECOS) case MCU_SET_WPS_LED_MODE: pSWMCULedCntl->LedParameter.LedMode = Arg0; pSWMCULedCntl->LinkStatus = Arg1; SetWPSLinkStatus(pAd); break; #endif /* CONFIG_WIFI_LED_SHARE || __ECOS */ case MCU_SET_LED_MODE: pSWMCULedCntl->LedParameter.LedMode = Arg0; pSWMCULedCntl->LinkStatus = Arg1; SetLedLinkStatus(pAd); break; case MCU_SET_LED_GPIO_SIGNAL_CFG: pSWMCULedCntl->GPIOPolarity = Arg1; pSWMCULedCntl->SignalStrength = Arg0; break; case MCU_SET_LED_AG_CFG: Temp = ((UINT16)Arg1 << 8) | (UINT16)Arg0; NdisMoveMemory(&pSWMCULedCntl->LedParameter.LedAgCfg, &Temp, 2); break; case MCU_SET_LED_ACT_CFG: Temp = ((UINT16)Arg1 << 8) | (UINT16)Arg0; NdisMoveMemory(&pSWMCULedCntl->LedParameter.LedActCfg, &Temp, 2); break; case MCU_SET_LED_POLARITY: Temp = ((UINT16)Arg1 << 8) | (UINT16)Arg0; NdisMoveMemory(&pSWMCULedCntl->LedParameter.LedPolarityCfg, &Temp, 2); break; #endif /* LED_CONTROL_SUPPORT */ default: break; } return 0; }
RTMP_BUILD_DRV_OPS_FUNCTION_BODY #endif /* OS_ABL_FUNC_SUPPORT */ #endif /* LINUX */ int rt28xx_init( IN VOID *pAdSrc, IN PSTRING pDefaultMac, IN PSTRING pHostName) { PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd = (PRTMP_ADAPTER)pAdSrc; UINT index; UCHAR TmpPhy; NDIS_STATUS Status; if (pAd == NULL) return FALSE; #ifdef CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT #ifdef PCIE_PS_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_STA(pAd) { /* If dirver doesn't wake up firmware here,*/ /* NICLoadFirmware will hang forever when interface is up again.*/ if (OPSTATUS_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fOP_STATUS_DOZE) && OPSTATUS_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fOP_STATUS_ADVANCE_POWER_SAVE_PCIE_DEVICE)) { AUTO_WAKEUP_STRUC AutoWakeupCfg; AsicForceWakeup(pAd, TRUE); AutoWakeupCfg.word = 0; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, AUTO_WAKEUP_CFG, AutoWakeupCfg.word); OPSTATUS_CLEAR_FLAG(pAd, fOP_STATUS_DOZE); } } #endif /* PCIE_PS_SUPPORT */ #endif /* CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT */ /* reset Adapter flags*/ RTMP_CLEAR_FLAGS(pAd); /* Init BssTab & ChannelInfo tabbles for auto channel select.*/ #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_AP(pAd) { /*#ifdef AUTO_CH_SELECT_ENHANCE*/ AutoChBssTableInit(pAd); ChannelInfoInit(pAd); /*#endif AUTO_CH_SELECT_ENHANCE */ } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT /* Allocate BA Reordering memory*/ if (ba_reordering_resource_init(pAd, MAX_REORDERING_MPDU_NUM) != TRUE) goto err1; #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ /* Make sure MAC gets ready.*/ index = 0; if (WaitForAsicReady(pAd) != TRUE) goto err1; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("MAC[Ver:Rev=0x%08x]\n", pAd->MACVersion)); if (MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE > MAX_AVAILABLE_CLIENT_WCID(pAd)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE can not be larger than MAX_AVAILABLE_CLIENT_WCID!!!!\n")); goto err1; } #ifdef RTMP_MAC_PCI /* To fix driver disable/enable hang issue when radio off*/ RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, PWR_PIN_CFG, 0x2); #endif /* RTMP_MAC_PCI */ /* Disable DMA*/ RT28XXDMADisable(pAd); /* Load 8051 firmware*/ Status = NICLoadFirmware(pAd); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("NICLoadFirmware failed, Status[=0x%08x]\n", Status)); goto err1; } NICLoadRateSwitchingParams(pAd); /* Disable interrupts here which is as soon as possible*/ /* This statement should never be true. We might consider to remove it later*/ #ifdef RTMP_MAC_PCI if (RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE)) { RTMP_ASIC_INTERRUPT_DISABLE(pAd); } #endif /* RTMP_MAC_PCI */ #ifdef RESOURCE_PRE_ALLOC Status = RTMPInitTxRxRingMemory(pAd); #else Status = RTMPAllocTxRxRingMemory(pAd); #endif /* RESOURCE_PRE_ALLOC */ if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("RTMPAllocTxRxMemory failed, Status[=0x%08x]\n", Status)); goto err2; } RTMP_SET_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_INTERRUPT_IN_USE); /* initialize MLME*/ #ifdef RT6352 pAd->bCalibrationDone = FALSE; #endif /* RT6352 */ Status = RtmpMgmtTaskInit(pAd); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) goto err3; Status = MlmeInit(pAd); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("MlmeInit failed, Status[=0x%08x]\n", Status)); goto err4; } #ifdef RMTP_RBUS_SUPPORT #ifdef VIDEO_TURBINE_SUPPORT VideoConfigInit(pAd); #endif /* VIDEO_TURBINE_SUPPORT */ #endif /* RMTP_RBUS_SUPPORT */ /* Initialize pAd->StaCfg, pAd->ApCfg, pAd->CommonCfg to manufacture default*/ UserCfgInit(pAd); Status = RtmpNetTaskInit(pAd); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) goto err5; /* COPY_MAC_ADDR(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid, netif->hwaddr);*/ /* pAd->bForcePrintTX = TRUE;*/ CfgInitHook(pAd); #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT if ((pAd->OpMode == OPMODE_AP) #ifdef P2P_SUPPORT || TRUE #endif /* P2P_SUPPORT */ ) APInitialize(pAd); #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef BLOCK_NET_IF initblockQueueTab(pAd); #endif /* BLOCK_NET_IF */ Status = MeasureReqTabInit(pAd); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("MeasureReqTabInit failed, Status[=0x%08x]\n",Status)); goto err6; } Status = TpcReqTabInit(pAd); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("TpcReqTabInit failed, Status[=0x%08x]\n",Status)); goto err6; } /* Init the hardware, we need to init asic before read registry, otherwise mac register will be reset*/ Status = NICInitializeAdapter(pAd, TRUE); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("NICInitializeAdapter failed, Status[=0x%08x]\n", Status)); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) goto err6; } #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_AP(pAd) { } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ /* Read parameters from Config File */ /* unknown, it will be updated in NICReadEEPROMParameters */ pAd->RfIcType = RFIC_UNKNOWN; Status = RTMPReadParametersHook(pAd); if(pAd->CommonCfg.Channel==0) { RTMPSetDefaultChannel(pAd); } #ifdef CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT #ifdef CREDENTIAL_STORE RecoverConnectInfo(pAd); #endif /* CREDENTIAL_STORE */ #endif /* CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("1. Phy Mode = %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode)); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("RTMPReadParametersHook failed, Status[=0x%08x]\n",Status)); goto err6; } #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT /*Init Ba Capability parameters.*/ /* RT28XX_BA_INIT(pAd);*/ pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.MpduDensity = (UCHAR)pAd->CommonCfg.BACapability.field.MpduDensity; pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.AmsduEnable = (USHORT)pAd->CommonCfg.BACapability.field.AmsduEnable; pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.AmsduSize = (USHORT)pAd->CommonCfg.BACapability.field.AmsduSize; pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.MimoPs = (USHORT)pAd->CommonCfg.BACapability.field.MMPSmode; /* UPdata to HT IE*/ pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.MimoPs = (USHORT)pAd->CommonCfg.BACapability.field.MMPSmode; pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.AMsduSize = (USHORT)pAd->CommonCfg.BACapability.field.AmsduSize; pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapParm.MpduDensity = (UCHAR)pAd->CommonCfg.BACapability.field.MpduDensity; #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ /* after reading Registry, we now know if in AP mode or STA mode*/ /* Load 8051 firmware; crash when FW image not existent*/ /* Status = NICLoadFirmware(pAd);*/ /* if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS)*/ /* break;*/ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("2. Phy Mode = %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode)); /* We should read EEPROM for all cases. rt2860b*/ NICReadEEPROMParameters(pAd, (PSTRING)pDefaultMac); #ifdef CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT #endif /* CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("3. Phy Mode = %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode)); #ifdef LED_CONTROL_SUPPORT /* Send LED Setting to MCU */ RTMPInitLEDMode(pAd); #endif /* LED_CONTROL_SUPPORT */ NICInitAsicFromEEPROM(pAd); /* rt2860b */ #ifdef RT6352 if (IS_RT6352(pAd)) { RtmpKickOutHwNullFrame(pAd, TRUE, FALSE); #if defined(RT6352_EP_SUPPORT) || defined(RT6352_EL_SUPPORT) { ULONG SysRegValue; RTMP_SYS_IO_READ32(0xb0000060, &SysRegValue); if ((SysRegValue & 0x100000) == 0x0) { SysRegValue |= 0x100000; RTMP_SYS_IO_WRITE32(0xb0000060, SysRegValue); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("Change as GPIO Mode(0x%x)\n", SysRegValue)); } } #endif /* defined(RT6352_EP_SUPPORT) || defined(RT6352_EL_SUPPORT) */ /* Do R-Calibration */ R_Calibration(pAd); #ifdef RTMP_TEMPERATURE_CALIBRATION /* Temperature Init */ RT6352_Temperature_Init(pAd); RT6352_TemperatureCalibration(pAd); #endif /* RTMP_TEMPERATURE_CALIBRATION */ #ifdef RTMP_TEMPERATURE_COMPENSATION /* read out tempature reference value (0x80 ~ 0x7F) TssiPlusBoundaryG [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] (smaller) + TssiMinusBoundaryG[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] (larger) */ RT6352_EEPROM_TSSI_24G_READ(pAd); /* pAd->TssiCalibratedOffset: reference temperature(e2p[D1h]) */ /* adjust the boundary table by pAd->TssiCalibratedOffset */ RT6352_TssiTableAdjust(pAd); /* ATE temperature(e2p[77h]) */ RT6352_TssiMpAdjust(pAd); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF,("E2PROM: G Tssi[-7 .. +7] = %d %d %d %d %d %d %d - %d - %d %d %d %d %d %d %d, offset=%d, tuning=%d\n", pAd->TssiMinusBoundaryG[7], pAd->TssiMinusBoundaryG[6], pAd->TssiMinusBoundaryG[5], pAd->TssiMinusBoundaryG[4], pAd->TssiMinusBoundaryG[3], pAd->TssiMinusBoundaryG[2], pAd->TssiMinusBoundaryG[1], pAd->TssiRefG, pAd->TssiPlusBoundaryG[1], pAd->TssiPlusBoundaryG[2], pAd->TssiPlusBoundaryG[3], pAd->TssiPlusBoundaryG[4], pAd->TssiPlusBoundaryG[5], pAd->TssiPlusBoundaryG[6], pAd->TssiPlusBoundaryG[7], pAd->TssiCalibratedOffset, pAd->bAutoTxAgcG)); #endif /* RTMP_TEMPERATURE_COMPENSATION */ AsicSwitchChannel(pAd, pAd->CommonCfg.Channel, TRUE); AsicLockChannel(pAd, pAd->CommonCfg.Channel); /* RF Self TX DC Calibration */ RF_SELF_TXDC_CAL(pAd); /* Rx DCOC Calibration */ RxDCOC_Calibration(pAd); /* BandWidth Filter Calibration */ BW_Filter_Calibration(pAd,TRUE); BW_Filter_Calibration(pAd,FALSE); /* Do LOFT and IQ Calibration */ LOFT_IQ_Calibration(pAd); /* DPD_Calibration */ #ifdef RT6352_EP_SUPPORT if (pAd->bExtPA == FALSE) #endif /* RT6352_EP_SUPPORT */ { DoDPDCalibration(pAd); pAd->DoDPDCurrTemperature = 0x7FFFFFFF; } /* Rx DCOC Calibration */ RxDCOC_Calibration(pAd); /* Do RXIQ Calibration */ RXIQ_Calibration(pAd); #if defined(RT6352_EP_SUPPORT) || defined(RT6352_EL_SUPPORT) RT6352_Init_ExtPA_ExtLNA(pAd, FALSE); #endif /* defined(RT6352_EP_SUPPORT) || defined(RT6352_EL_SUPPORT) */ } #endif /* RT6352 */ #ifdef RALINK_ATE if (ATEInit(pAd) != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("%s(): ATE initialization failed !\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto err6; } #endif /* RALINK_ATE */ #ifdef RTMP_INTERNAL_TX_ALC /* Initialize the desired TSSI table*/ RTMP_CHIP_ASIC_TSSI_TABLE_INIT(pAd); #endif /* RTMP_INTERNAL_TX_ALC */ InitRfPaModeTable(pAd); #ifdef RTMP_TEMPERATURE_COMPENSATION /* Temperature compensation, initialize the lookup table */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("bAutoTxAgcG = %d\n", pAd->bAutoTxAgcG)); if (pAd->chipCap.bTempCompTxALC && pAd->bAutoTxAgcG) InitLookupTable(pAd); #endif /* RTMP_TEMPERATURE_COMPENSATION */ /* Set PHY to appropriate mode*/ TmpPhy = pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode; pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode = 0xff; RTMPSetPhyMode(pAd, TmpPhy); #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT SetCommonHT(pAd); #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ /* No valid channels.*/ if (pAd->ChannelListNum == 0) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Wrong configuration. No valid channel found. Check \"ContryCode\" and \"ChannelGeography\" setting.\n")); goto err6; } #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("MCS Set = %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.MCSSet[0], pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.MCSSet[1], pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.MCSSet[2], pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.MCSSet[3], pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.MCSSet[4])); #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_AP(pAd) { #ifdef AP_QLOAD_SUPPORT /* init QBSS Element */ QBSS_LoadInit(pAd); #endif /* AP_QLOAD_SUPPORT */ } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ /* APInitialize(pAd);*/ #ifdef IKANOS_VX_1X0 VR_IKANOS_FP_Init(pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum, pAd->PermanentAddress); #endif /* IKANOS_VX_1X0 */ #ifdef RALINK_ATE #endif /* RALINK_ATE */ #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT /* Initialize RF register to default value*/ if (pAd->OpMode == OPMODE_AP) { AsicSwitchChannel(pAd, pAd->CommonCfg.Channel, FALSE); AsicLockChannel(pAd, pAd->CommonCfg.Channel); } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef RTMP_INTERNAL_TX_ALC #ifdef RT6352 if (IS_RT6352(pAd) && (pAd->TxPowerCtrl.bInternalTxALC == TRUE)) { RT635xTssiDcCalibration(pAd); } #endif /* RT6352 */ #endif /* RTMP_INTERNAL_TX_ALC */ /* Some modules init must be called before APStartUp(). Or APStartUp() will make up beacon content and call other modules API to get some information to fill. */ if (pAd && (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS)) { /* Undo everything if it failed*/ if (RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_INTERRUPT_IN_USE)) { /* NdisMDeregisterInterrupt(&pAd->Interrupt);*/ RTMP_CLEAR_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_INTERRUPT_IN_USE); } /* RTMPFreeAdapter(pAd); we will free it in disconnect()*/ } else if (pAd) { /* Microsoft HCT require driver send a disconnect event after driver initialization.*/ OPSTATUS_CLEAR_FLAG(pAd, fOP_STATUS_MEDIA_STATE_CONNECTED); OPSTATUS_CLEAR_FLAG(pAd, fOP_AP_STATUS_MEDIA_STATE_CONNECTED); RTMP_SET_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_MEDIA_STATE_CHANGE); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_DISCONNECT Event B!\n")); #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_AP(pAd) { if (pAd->ApCfg.bAutoChannelAtBootup || (pAd->CommonCfg.Channel == 0)) { UINT8 BBPValue = 0; /* Enable Interrupt first due to we need to scan channel to receive beacons.*/ RTMP_IRQ_ENABLE(pAd); /* Now Enable RxTx*/ RTMPEnableRxTx(pAd); RTMP_SET_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_START_UP); /* Let BBP register at 20MHz to do scan */ RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, &BBPValue); BBPValue &= (~0x18); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, BBPValue); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l\n")); /* Now we can receive the beacon and do the listen beacon*/ /* use default BW to select channel*/ pAd->CommonCfg.Channel = AP_AUTO_CH_SEL(pAd, pAd->ApCfg.AutoChannelAlg); pAd->ApCfg.bAutoChannelAtBootup = FALSE; } #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT /* If phymode > PHY_11ABGN_MIXED and BW=40 check extension channel, after select channel */ N_ChannelCheck(pAd); #ifdef DOT11N_DRAFT3 /* We only do this Overlapping BSS Scan when system up, for the other situation of channel changing, we depends on station's report to adjust ourself. */ if (pAd->CommonCfg.bForty_Mhz_Intolerant == TRUE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Disable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=%d, 40MHzIntolerant=%d)\n", pAd->CommonCfg.bBssCoexEnable, pAd->CommonCfg.bForty_Mhz_Intolerant)); } else if(pAd->CommonCfg.bBssCoexEnable == TRUE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Enable 20/40 BSSCoex Channel Scan(BssCoex=%d)\n", pAd->CommonCfg.bBssCoexEnable)); APOverlappingBSSScan(pAd); } RTMP_11N_D3_TimerInit(pAd); /* RTMPInitTimer(pAd, &pAd->CommonCfg.Bss2040CoexistTimer, GET_TIMER_FUNCTION(Bss2040CoexistTimeOut), pAd, FALSE);*/ #endif /* DOT11N_DRAFT3 */ #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ APStartUp(pAd); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("Main bssid = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", PRINT_MAC(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[BSS0].Bssid))); } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef RT6352 pAd->bCalibrationDone = TRUE; if (IS_RT6352(pAd)) { #ifdef DYNAMIC_VGA_SUPPORT if (pAd->CommonCfg.MO_Cfg.bDyncVGAEnable) { RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R195, 0x83); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R196, 0x70); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R195, 0x86); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R196, 0x70); } #endif /* DYNAMIC_VGA_SUPPORT */ } #endif /* RT6352 */ }/* end of else*/ /* Set up the Mac address*/ #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT #ifndef P2P_APCLI_SUPPORT RtmpOSNetDevAddrSet(pAd->OpMode, pAd->net_dev, &pAd->CurrentAddress[0], NULL); #endif /* P2P_APCLI_SUPPORT */ #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT RtmpOSNetDevAddrSet(pAd->OpMode, pAd->net_dev, &pAd->CurrentAddress[0], (PUCHAR)(pAd->StaCfg.dev_name)); #endif /* CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT */ /* Various AP function init*/ #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT #ifdef P2P_SUPPORT #else IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_AP(pAd) #endif /* P2P_SUPPORT */ { #ifdef MBSS_SUPPORT /* the function can not be moved to RT2860_probe() even register_netdev() is changed as register_netdevice(). Or in some PC, kernel will panic (Fedora 4) */ /* RT28xx_MBSS_Init(pAd, pAd->net_dev); os abl move to rt_main_dev.c*/ #endif /* MBSS_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WDS_SUPPORT /* RT28xx_WDS_Init(pAd, pAd->net_dev);*/ #endif /* WDS_SUPPORT */ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT /* RT28xx_ApCli_Init(pAd, pAd->net_dev);*/ #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef UAPSD_SUPPORT UAPSD_Init(pAd); #endif /* UAPSD_SUPPORT */ /* assign function pointers*/ #ifdef MAT_SUPPORT /* init function pointers, used in OS_ABL */ RTMP_MATOpsInit(pAd); #endif /* MAT_SUPPORT */ #ifdef RTMP_RBUS_SUPPORT if (pAd->infType == RTMP_DEV_INF_RBUS) { #ifdef VIDEO_TURBINE_SUPPORT VideoTurbineDynamicTune(pAd); #endif /* VIDEO_TURBINE_SUPPORT */ #ifdef RT3XXX_ANTENNA_DIVERSITY_SUPPORT RT3XXX_AntDiversity_Init(pAd); #endif /* RT3XXX_ANTENNA_DIVERSITY_SUPPORT */ } #endif /* RTMP_RBUS_SUPPORT */ #ifdef P2P_SUPPORT /* RTMP_P2P_Init(pAd, pAd->net_dev); */ #endif /* P2P_SUPPORT */ #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_AP(pAd) { #ifdef MAT_SUPPORT MATEngineInit(pAd); #endif /* MAT_SUPPORT */ #ifdef CLIENT_WDS CliWds_ProxyTabInit(pAd); #endif /* CLIENT_WDS */ } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT IF_DEV_CONFIG_OPMODE_ON_STA(pAd) { #ifdef DOT11Z_TDLS_SUPPORT TDLS_Table_Init(pAd); #endif /* DOT11Z_TDLS_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT #ifndef NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT /* send wireless event to wpa_supplicant for infroming interface up.*/ RtmpOSWrielessEventSend(pAd->net_dev, RT_WLAN_EVENT_CUSTOM, RT_INTERFACE_UP, NULL, NULL, 0); #endif /* NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT */ #endif /* WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT */ } #endif /* CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT */ /* auto-fall back settings */ RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, HT_FBK_CFG1, 0xedcba980); /* Fallback MCS8->MCS0 */ #ifdef DOT11N_SS3_SUPPORT if (pAd->CommonCfg.TxStream >= 3) { RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_FBK_CFG_3S_0, 0x12111008); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_FBK_CFG_3S_1, 0x16151413); } #endif /* DOT11N_SS3_SUPPORT */ #ifdef STREAM_MODE_SUPPORT RtmpStreamModeInit(pAd); #endif /* STREAM_MODE_SUPPORT */ #if defined(RT2883) || defined(RT3883) if (IS_RT2883(pAd) || IS_RT3883(pAd)) { UINT8 BBPValue = 0; BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R65, &BBPValue); if (pAd->CommonCfg.FineAGC) BBPValue |= 0x40; /* turn on fine AGC*/ else BBPValue &= ~0x40; /* turn off fine AGC*/ BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R65, BBPValue); } #endif /* defined(RT2883) || defined(RT3883) */ #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT #ifdef TXBF_SUPPORT if (pAd->CommonCfg.ITxBfTimeout) { RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R179, 0x02); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R180, 0); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R182, pAd->CommonCfg.ITxBfTimeout & 0xFF); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R180, 1); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R182, (pAd->CommonCfg.ITxBfTimeout>>8) & 0xFF); }
/* ======================================================================== Routine Description: Read RT30xx RF register through MAC Arguments: Return Value: IRQL = Note: ======================================================================== */ NDIS_STATUS RT30xxReadRFRegister( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN UCHAR regID, IN PUCHAR pValue) { RF_CSR_CFG_STRUC rfcsr = { { 0 } }; UINT i=0, k=0; #ifdef RTMP_MAC_PCI if ((pAd->bPCIclkOff == TRUE) || (pAd->LastMCUCmd == SLEEP_MCU_CMD)) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("RT30xxReadRFRegister. Not allow to read RF 0x%x : fail\n", regID)); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } #endif /* RTMP_MAC_PCI */ ASSERT((regID <= pAd->chipCap.MaxNumOfRfId)); for (i=0; i<MAX_BUSY_COUNT; i++) { if(RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_NIC_NOT_EXIST)) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, RF_CSR_CFG, &rfcsr.word); if (rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_KICK == BUSY) continue; rfcsr.word = 0; rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_WR = 0; rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_KICK = 1; rfcsr.field.TESTCSR_RFACC_REGNUM = regID; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, RF_CSR_CFG, rfcsr.word); for (k=0; k<MAX_BUSY_COUNT; k++) { if(RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_NIC_NOT_EXIST)) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, RF_CSR_CFG, &rfcsr.word); if (rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_KICK == IDLE) break; } if ((rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_KICK == IDLE) && (rfcsr.field.TESTCSR_RFACC_REGNUM == regID)) { *pValue = (UCHAR)(rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_DATA); break; } } if (rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_KICK == BUSY) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("RF read R%d=0x%X fail, i[%d], k[%d]\n", regID, rfcsr.word,i,k)); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
BOOLEAN CFG80211DRV_OpsBeaconAdd(VOID *pAdOrg, VOID *pData) { PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd = (PRTMP_ADAPTER)pAdOrg; CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_80211_BEACON *pBeacon; UINT32 rx_filter_flag; BOOLEAN Cancelled; INT i; PMULTISSID_STRUCT pMbss = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[MAIN_MBSSID]; struct wifi_dev *wdev = &pMbss->wdev; CFG80211DBG(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("80211> %s ==>\n", __FUNCTION__)); pBeacon = (CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_80211_BEACON *)pData; #ifdef UAPSD_SUPPORT pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[0].UapsdInfo.bAPSDCapable = TRUE; wdev->UapsdInfo.bAPSDCapable = TRUE; pMbss->CapabilityInfo |= 0x0800; #endif /* UAPSD_SUPPORT */ CFG80211DRV_UpdateApSettingFromBeacon(pAd, MAIN_MBSSID, pBeacon); rx_filter_flag = APNORMAL; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, RX_FILTR_CFG, rx_filter_flag); /* enable RX of DMA block */ pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum = 1; pAd->MacTab.MsduLifeTime = 20; /* default 5 seconds */ /* CFG_TODO */ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[MAIN_MBSSID].BcnBufIdx = 0 ; for(i = 0; i < WLAN_MAX_NUM_OF_TIM; i++) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[MAIN_MBSSID].TimBitmaps[i] = 0; pMbss->bBcnSntReq = TRUE; /* For GO Timeout */ pAd->ApCfg.StaIdleTimeout = 300; pMbss->StationKeepAliveTime = 0; AsicDisableSync(pAd); if (pAd->CommonCfg.Channel > 14) pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode = (WMODE_A | WMODE_AN); else pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode = (WMODE_B | WMODE_G |WMODE_GN); /* cfg_todo */ wdev->bWmmCapable = TRUE; wdev->wdev_type = WDEV_TYPE_AP; wdev->tx_pkt_allowed = ApAllowToSendPacket; wdev->allow_data_tx = TRUE; wdev->func_dev = (void *)&pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[MAIN_MBSSID]; wdev->sys_handle = (void *)pAd; #ifdef RT_CFG80211_P2P_CONCURRENT_DEVICE /* Using netDev ptr from VifList if VifDevList Exist */ PNET_DEV pNetDev = NULL; if ((pAd->cfg80211_ctrl.Cfg80211VifDevSet.vifDevList.size > 0) && ((pNetDev = RTMP_CFG80211_FindVifEntry_ByType(pAd, RT_CMD_80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO)) != NULL)) { pMbss->MSSIDDev = pNetDev; wdev->if_dev = pNetDev; COPY_MAC_ADDR(wdev->bssid, pNetDev->dev_addr); COPY_MAC_ADDR(wdev->if_addr, pNetDev->dev_addr); RTMP_OS_NETDEV_SET_WDEV(pNetDev, wdev); } else #endif /* RT_CFG80211_P2P_CONCURRENT_DEVICE */ { pMbss->MSSIDDev = pAd->net_dev; wdev->if_dev = pAd->net_dev; COPY_MAC_ADDR(wdev->bssid, pAd->CurrentAddress); COPY_MAC_ADDR(wdev->if_addr, pAd->CurrentAddress); /* assoc to MBSSID's wdev */ RTMP_OS_NETDEV_SET_WDEV(pAd->net_dev, wdev); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("New AP BSSID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x (%d)\n", PRINT_MAC(wdev->bssid), pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode)); RTMPSetPhyMode(pAd, pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode); #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT if (WMODE_CAP_N(pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode) && (pAd->Antenna.field.TxPath == 2)) bbp_set_txdac(pAd, 2); else #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ bbp_set_txdac(pAd, 0); /* Receiver Antenna selection */ bbp_set_rxpath(pAd, pAd->Antenna.field.RxPath); if(!OPSTATUS_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fOP_STATUS_MEDIA_STATE_CONNECTED)) { if (WMODE_CAP_N(pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode) || wdev->bWmmCapable) { /* EDCA parameters used for AP's own transmission */ if (pAd->CommonCfg.APEdcaParm.bValid == FALSE) set_default_ap_edca_param(pAd); /* EDCA parameters to be annouced in outgoing BEACON, used by WMM STA */ if (pAd->ApCfg.BssEdcaParm.bValid == FALSE) set_default_sta_edca_param(pAd); AsicSetEdcaParm(pAd, &pAd->CommonCfg.APEdcaParm); } else AsicSetEdcaParm(pAd, NULL); } #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT AsicSetRDG(pAd, pAd->CommonCfg.bRdg); AsicSetRalinkBurstMode(pAd, pAd->CommonCfg.bRalinkBurstMode); #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ AsicSetBssid(pAd, pAd->CurrentAddress); mgmt_tb_set_mcast_entry(pAd); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s():Reset WCID Table\n", __FUNCTION__)); AsicDelWcidTab(pAd, WCID_ALL); pAd->MacTab.Content[0].Addr[0] = 0x01; pAd->MacTab.Content[0].HTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_OFDM; pAd->MacTab.Content[0].HTPhyMode.field.MCS = 3; pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel = pAd->CommonCfg.Channel; AsicBBPAdjust(pAd); //MlmeSetTxPreamble(pAd, (USHORT)pAd->CommonCfg.TxPreamble); #ifdef RT_CFG80211_P2P_CONCURRENT_DEVICE /* P2P_GO */ MlmeUpdateTxRates(pAd, FALSE, MAIN_MBSSID + MIN_NET_DEVICE_FOR_CFG80211_VIF_P2P_GO); #endif /* RT_CFG80211_P2P_CONCURRENT_DEVICE */ /*AP */ #ifdef RT_CFG80211_P2P_SUPPORT if (!RTMP_CFG80211_VIF_P2P_GO_ON(pAd)) #endif MlmeUpdateTxRates(pAd, FALSE, MIN_NET_DEVICE_FOR_MBSSID); #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT if (WMODE_CAP_N(pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode)) MlmeUpdateHtTxRates(pAd, MIN_NET_DEVICE_FOR_MBSSID); #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ /* Disable Protection first. */ if (!INFRA_ON(pAd)) AsicUpdateProtect(pAd, 0, (ALLN_SETPROTECT|CCKSETPROTECT|OFDMSETPROTECT), TRUE, FALSE); APUpdateCapabilityAndErpIe(pAd); #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT APUpdateOperationMode(pAd); #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ CFG80211_UpdateBeacon(pAd, pBeacon->beacon_head, pBeacon->beacon_head_len, pBeacon->beacon_tail, pBeacon->beacon_tail_len, TRUE); /* Enable BSS Sync*/ AsicEnableApBssSync(pAd); //pAd->P2pCfg.bSentProbeRSP = TRUE; AsicSetPreTbtt(pAd, TRUE); OPSTATUS_SET_FLAG(pAd, fOP_AP_STATUS_MEDIA_STATE_CONNECTED); RTMP_IndicateMediaState(pAd, NdisMediaStateConnected); #ifdef RT_CFG80211_SUPPORT #ifdef RT_CFG80211_P2P_SUPPORT if (!RTMP_CFG80211_VIF_P2P_GO_ON(pAd)) #endif /*RT_CFG80211_P2P_SUPPORT*/ wdev->Hostapd=Hostapd_CFG; #endif /*RT_CFG80211_SUPPORT*/ return TRUE; }
/* ========================================================================== Description: Load RF sleep-mode setup ========================================================================== */ VOID RT30xxLoadRFSleepModeSetup( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd) { UCHAR RFValue; UINT32 MACValue; if(!IS_RT3572(pAd)) { #ifdef RT53xx if (IS_RT5390(pAd)) { UCHAR rfreg; RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R01, &rfreg); rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0x01) | 0x00); // vco_en RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R01, rfreg); RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R06, &rfreg); rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0xC0) | 0x00); // vco_ic (VCO bias current control, 00: off) RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R06, rfreg); RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R22, &rfreg); rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0xE0) | 0x00); // cp_ic (reference current control, 000: 0.25 mA) RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R22, rfreg); RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R42, &rfreg); rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0x40) | 0x00); // rx_ctb_en RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R42, rfreg); /* RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R20, &rfreg); rfreg = ((rfreg & ~0x77) | 0x77); // ldo_pll_vc and ldo_rf_vc (111: -0.15) RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R20, rfreg); */ } else #endif // RT53xx // { // RF_BLOCK_en. RF R1 register Bit 0 to 0 RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R01, &RFValue); RFValue &= (~0x01); RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R01, RFValue); // VCO_IC, RF R7 register Bit 4 & Bit 5 to 0 RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R07, &RFValue); RFValue &= (~0x30); RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R07, RFValue); // Idoh, RF R9 register Bit 1, Bit 2 & Bit 3 to 0 RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R09, &RFValue); RFValue &= (~0x0E); RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R09, RFValue); // RX_CTB_en, RF R21 register Bit 7 to 0 RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R21, &RFValue); RFValue &= (~0x80); RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R21, RFValue); } } // Don't touch LDO_CFG0 for 3090F & 3593, possibly the board is single power scheme if (IS_RT3090(pAd) || // IS_RT3090 including RT309x and RT3071/72 IS_RT3572(pAd) || IS_RT3390(pAd) || IS_RT5390(pAd) || (IS_RT3070(pAd) && ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0201))) { if (!IS_RT3572(pAd) && !IS_RT3390(pAd) && !IS_RT5390(pAd) && !IS_RT3090(pAd)) { RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R27, &RFValue); RFValue |= 0x77; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R27, RFValue); RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, LDO_CFG0, &MACValue); MACValue |= 0x1D000000; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, LDO_CFG0, MACValue); } } }
/* ======================================================================== Routine Description: Read RF register through MAC Arguments: Return Value: IRQL = Note: ======================================================================== */ NDIS_STATUS rlt_rf_read( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN UCHAR bank, IN UCHAR regID, IN UCHAR *pValue) { RF_CSR_CFG_STRUC rfcsr = { { 0 } }; UINT i=0, k=0; BOOLEAN rf_status; NDIS_STATUS ret = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; #ifdef MT76x0 if (IS_MT7610U(pAd)) { BANK_RF_REG_PAIR reg; reg.Bank = bank; reg.Register = regID; RF_RANDOM_READ(pAd, ®, 1); *pValue = reg.Value; return NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif /* MT76x0 */ #ifdef RTMP_MAC_PCI if ((pAd->bPCIclkOff == TRUE) || (pAd->LastMCUCmd == SLEEP_MCU_CMD)) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("RT30xxReadRFRegister. Not allow to read RF 0x%x : fail\n", regID)); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } #endif /* RTMP_MAC_PCI */ #ifdef RTMP_MAC_USB if (IS_USB_INF(pAd)) { RTMP_SEM_EVENT_WAIT(&pAd->reg_atomic, i); if (i != 0) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("reg_atomic get failed(ret=%d)\n", i)); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } #endif /* RTMP_MAC_USB */ ASSERT((regID <= pAd->chipCap.MaxNumOfRfId)); rfcsr.word = 0; for (i=0; i<MAX_BUSY_COUNT; i++) { if(RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_NIC_NOT_EXIST)) goto done; rf_status = rf_csr_poll_idle(pAd, &rfcsr.word); if ( rf_status == BUSY) break; rfcsr.word = 0; #ifdef RT6352 if (IS_RT6352(pAd)) { rfcsr.bank_6352.RF_CSR_WR = 0; rfcsr.bank_6352.RF_CSR_KICK = 1; rfcsr.bank_6352.TESTCSR_RFACC_REGNUM = (regID | (bank << 6)); } else #endif /* RT6352 */ #ifdef RT65xx if (IS_RT65XX(pAd)) { rfcsr.bank_65xx.RF_CSR_WR = 0; rfcsr.bank_65xx.RF_CSR_KICK = 1; rfcsr.bank_65xx.RF_CSR_REG_ID = regID; rfcsr.bank_65xx.RF_CSR_REG_BANK = bank; } else #endif /* RT65xx */ { DBGPRINT_ERR(("RF[%d] read function for non-supported chip[0x%x]\n", regID, pAd->MACVersion)); break; } RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, RF_CSR_CFG, rfcsr.word); rf_status = rf_csr_poll_idle(pAd, &rfcsr.word); if (rf_status == IDLE) { #ifdef RT6352 if (IS_RT6352(pAd) && ((rfcsr.bank_6352.TESTCSR_RFACC_REGNUM & 0x3F) == regID)) { *pValue = (UCHAR)(rfcsr.bank_6352.RF_CSR_DATA); break; } #endif /* RT6352 */ #ifdef RT65xx if (IS_RT65XX(pAd) && (rfcsr.bank_65xx.RF_CSR_REG_ID == regID) && (rfcsr.bank_65xx.RF_CSR_REG_BANK == bank)) { *pValue = (UCHAR)(rfcsr.bank_65xx.RF_CSR_DATA); break; } #endif /* RT65xx */ } } if (rf_status == BUSY) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("RF read R%d=0x%X fail, i[%d], k[%d]\n", regID, rfcsr.word,i,k)); goto done; } ret = STATUS_SUCCESS; #if 0 if (bank >= RF_BANK4) { printk("TESTCSR_RFACC_REGNUM = %x, RF_CSR_DATA = %x !!!\n", rfcsr.field.TESTCSR_RFACC_REGNUM, rfcsr.field.RF_CSR_DATA); } #endif done: #ifdef RTMP_MAC_USB if (IS_USB_INF(pAd)) { RTMP_SEM_EVENT_UP(&pAd->reg_atomic); } #endif /* RTMP_MAC_USB */ return ret; }
// Antenna divesity use GPIO3 and EESK pin for control // Antenna and EEPROM access are both using EESK pin, // Therefor we should avoid accessing EESK at the same time // Then restore antenna after EEPROM access // The original name of this function is AsicSetRxAnt(), now change to //VOID AsicSetRxAnt( VOID RT30xxSetRxAnt( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN UCHAR Ant) { UINT32 Value; #ifdef RTMP_MAC_PCI UINT32 x; #endif // RTMP_MAC_PCI // if (//(!pAd->NicConfig2.field.AntDiversity) || (RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_RESET_IN_PROGRESS)) || (RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_HALT_IN_PROGRESS)) || (RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_RADIO_OFF)) || (RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_NIC_NOT_EXIST))) { return; } #ifdef RT53xx if (IS_RT5390(pAd) #ifdef RT5390 #endif // RT5390 // ) { UCHAR BbpValue = 0; if (Ant == 0) // 0: Main antenna { RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R152, &BbpValue); BbpValue = ((BbpValue & ~0x80) | (0x80)); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R152, BbpValue); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("AsicSetRxAnt, switch to main antenna\n")); } else // 1: Aux. antenna { RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R152, &BbpValue); BbpValue = ((BbpValue & ~0x80) | (0x00)); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R152, BbpValue); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("AsicSetRxAnt, switch to aux. antenna\n")); } } else #endif // RT53xx // { // the antenna selection is through firmware and MAC register(GPIO3) if (Ant == 0) { // Main antenna // E2PROM_CSR only in PCI bus Reg., USB Bus need MCU commad to control the EESK pin. #ifdef RTMP_MAC_PCI #ifdef RT5390 #endif // RT5390 // { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, E2PROM_CSR, &x); x |= (EESK); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, E2PROM_CSR, x); } #endif // RTMP_MAC_PCI // RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, GPIO_CTRL_CFG, &Value); Value &= ~(0x0808); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, GPIO_CTRL_CFG, Value); DBGPRINT_RAW(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("AsicSetRxAnt, switch to main antenna\n")); } else { // Aux antenna // E2PROM_CSR only in PCI bus Reg., USB Bus need MCU commad to control the EESK pin. #ifdef RTMP_MAC_PCI #ifdef RT5390 #endif // RT5390 // { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, E2PROM_CSR, &x); x &= ~(EESK); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, E2PROM_CSR, x); } #endif // RTMP_MAC_PCI // RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, GPIO_CTRL_CFG, &Value); Value &= ~(0x0808); Value |= 0x08; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, GPIO_CTRL_CFG, Value); DBGPRINT_RAW(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("AsicSetRxAnt, switch to aux antenna\n")); } } }
NDIS_STATUS rlt_rf_write( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN UCHAR bank, IN UCHAR regID, IN UCHAR value) { RF_CSR_CFG_STRUC rfcsr = { { 0 } }; NDIS_STATUS ret; #ifdef RTMP_MAC_PCI if ((pAd->bPCIclkOff == TRUE) || (pAd->LastMCUCmd == SLEEP_MCU_CMD)) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("rlt_rf_write. Not allow to write RF 0x%x : fail\n", regID)); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } #endif /* RTMP_MAC_PCI */ #ifdef RLT_MAC // TODO: shiang-usw, why we need to check this for MT7601?? Get these code from MT7601! if (pAd->chipCap.hif_type == HIF_RLT) { if (pAd->WlanFunCtrl.field.WLAN_EN == 0) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("rlt_rf_write. Not allow to write RF 0x%x : fail\n", regID)); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } #endif /* RLT_MAC */ #ifdef RTMP_MAC_USB if (IS_USB_INF(pAd)) { RTMP_SEM_EVENT_WAIT(&pAd->reg_atomic, ret); if (ret != 0) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("reg_atomic get failed(ret=%d)\n", ret)); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } #endif /* RTMP_MAC_USB */ ASSERT((regID <= pAd->chipCap.MaxNumOfRfId)); ret = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; if (rf_csr_poll_idle(pAd, &rfcsr.word) != IDLE) goto done; #ifdef RT6352 if (IS_RT6352(pAd)) { rfcsr.bank_6352.RF_CSR_WR = 1; rfcsr.bank_6352.RF_CSR_KICK = 1; rfcsr.bank_6352.TESTCSR_RFACC_REGNUM = (regID | (bank << 6)); rfcsr.bank_6352.RF_CSR_DATA = value; } else #endif /* RT6352 */ #ifdef RT65xx if (IS_RT65XX(pAd)) { rfcsr.bank_65xx.RF_CSR_WR = 1; rfcsr.bank_65xx.RF_CSR_KICK = 1; rfcsr.bank_65xx.RF_CSR_REG_BANK = bank; rfcsr.bank_65xx.RF_CSR_REG_ID = regID; rfcsr.bank_65xx.RF_CSR_DATA = value; } else #endif /* RT65xx */ { DBGPRINT_ERR(("%s():RF write with wrong handler!\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto done; } RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, RF_CSR_CFG, rfcsr.word); ret = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; done: #ifdef RTMP_MAC_USB if (IS_USB_INF(pAd)) { RTMP_SEM_EVENT_UP(&pAd->reg_atomic); } #endif /* RTMP_MAC_USB */ return ret; }
/* ========================================================================== Description: Set RT28xx/RT2880 ATE RF BW Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT RT28xx_Set_ATE_TX_BW_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { PATE_INFO pATEInfo = &(pAd->ate); INT powerIndex; UCHAR value = 0; UCHAR BBPCurrentBW; BBPCurrentBW = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (BBPCurrentBW == 0) { pATEInfo->TxWI.BW = BW_20; } else { pATEInfo->TxWI.BW = BW_40; } #ifdef RELEASE_EXCLUDE /* Fix the error spectrum of CCK-40MHZ. */ /* Turn on BBP 20MHz mode by request here. */ #endif /* RELEASE_EXCLUDE */ if ((pATEInfo->TxWI.TXWI_O.PHYMODE == MODE_CCK) && (pATEInfo->TxWI.TXWI_O.BW == BW_40)) { DBGPRINT_ERR(("Set_ATE_TX_BW_Proc!! Warning!! CCK only supports 20MHZ!!\n")); DBGPRINT_ERR(("Bandwidth switch to 20!!\n")); pATEInfo->TxWI.BW = BW_20; } if (pATEInfo->TxWI.BW == BW_20) { if (pATEInfo->Channel <= 14) { /* BW=20;G band */ for (powerIndex=0; powerIndex<MAX_TXPOWER_ARRAY_SIZE; powerIndex++) { if (pAd->Tx20MPwrCfgGBand[powerIndex] == 0xffffffff) continue; /* TX_PWR_CFG_0 ~ TX_PWR_CFG_4 */ RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_PWR_CFG_0 + powerIndex*4, pAd->Tx20MPwrCfgGBand[powerIndex]); RtmpOsMsDelay(5); } } else { /* BW=20;A band */ for (powerIndex=0; powerIndex<MAX_TXPOWER_ARRAY_SIZE; powerIndex++) { if (pAd->Tx20MPwrCfgABand[powerIndex] == 0xffffffff) continue; /* TX_PWR_CFG_0 ~ TX_PWR_CFG_4 */ RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_PWR_CFG_0 + powerIndex*4, pAd->Tx20MPwrCfgABand[powerIndex]); RtmpOsMsDelay(5); } } /* set BW = 20 MHz */ /* Set BBP R4 bit[4:3]=0:0 */ ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, &value); value &= (~0x18); ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, value); /* Set BBP R66=0x3C */ value = 0x3C; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R66, value); /* set BW = 20 MHz */ pAd->LatchRfRegs.R4 &= ~0x00200000; RtmpRfIoWrite(pAd); /* BW = 20 MHz */ /* Set BBP R68=0x0B to improve Rx sensitivity. */ value = 0x0B; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R68, value); /* Set BBP R69=0x16 */ value = 0x16; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R69, value); /* Set BBP R70=0x08 */ value = 0x08; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R70, value); /* Set BBP R73=0x11 */ value = 0x11; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R73, value); #ifdef RELEASE_EXCLUDE /* If Channel=14, Bandwidth=20M and Mode=CCK, Set BBP R4 bit5=1 (to set Japan filter coefficients). This segment of code will only works when ATETXMODE and ATECHANNEL were set to MODE_CCK and 14 respectively before ATETXBW is set to 0. */ /* Please don't move this block backward. BBP_R4 should be overwritten for every chip if the condition matched. */ #endif /* RELEASE_EXCLUDE */ if (pATEInfo->Channel == 14) { INT TxMode = pATEInfo->TxWI.TXWI_O.PHYMODE; if (TxMode == MODE_CCK) { /* when Channel==14 && Mode==CCK && BandWidth==20M, BBP R4 bit5=1 */ ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, &value); value |= 0x20; /* set bit5=1 */ ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, value); } } } /* If bandwidth = 40M, set RF Reg4 bit 21 = 0. */ else if (pATEInfo->TxWI.TXWI_O.BW == BW_40) { if (pATEInfo->Channel <= 14) { /* BW=40;G band */ for (powerIndex=0; powerIndex<MAX_TXPOWER_ARRAY_SIZE; powerIndex++) { if (pAd->Tx40MPwrCfgGBand[powerIndex] == 0xffffffff) continue; /* TX_PWR_CFG_0 ~ TX_PWR_CFG_4 */ RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_PWR_CFG_0 + powerIndex*4, pAd->Tx40MPwrCfgGBand[powerIndex]); RtmpOsMsDelay(5); } } else { /* BW=40;A band */ for (powerIndex=0; powerIndex<MAX_TXPOWER_ARRAY_SIZE; powerIndex++) { if (pAd->Tx40MPwrCfgABand[powerIndex] == 0xffffffff) continue; /* TX_PWR_CFG_0 ~ TX_PWR_CFG_4 */ RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_PWR_CFG_0 + powerIndex*4, pAd->Tx40MPwrCfgABand[powerIndex]); RtmpOsMsDelay(5); } if ((pATEInfo->TxWI.TXWI_O.PHYMODE >= 2) && (pATEInfo->TxWI.TXWI_O.MCS == 7)) { value = 0x28; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R67, value); } } /* Set BBP R4 bit[4:3]=1:0 */ ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, &value); value &= (~0x18); value |= 0x10; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, value); /* Set BBP R66=0x3C */ value = 0x3C; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R66, value); /* set BW = 40 MHz */ pAd->LatchRfRegs.R4 |= 0x00200000; RtmpRfIoWrite(pAd); /* BW = 40 MHz */ /* Set BBP R68=0x0C to improve Rx sensitivity. */ value = 0x0C; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R68, value); /* Set BBP R69=0x1A */ value = 0x1A; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R69, value); /* Set BBP R70=0x0A */ value = 0x0A; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R70, value); /* Set BBP R73=0x16 */ value = 0x16; ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R73, value); } return TRUE; }
VOID NICInitRT3370RFRegisters(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd) { INT i; // Driver must read EEPROM to get RfIcType before initial RF registers // Initialize RF register to default value if (IS_RT3090(pAd)||IS_RT3390(pAd)||IS_RT3572(pAd)) { // Init RF calibration // Driver should toggle RF R30 bit7 before init RF registers UINT32 RfReg = 0, data; RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R30, (PUCHAR)&RfReg); RfReg |= 0x80; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R30, (UCHAR)RfReg); RTMPusecDelay(1000); RfReg &= 0x7F; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R30, (UCHAR)RfReg); // init R24, R31 RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R24, 0x0F); RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R31, 0x0F); if (IS_RT3390(pAd)) { // patch LNA_PE_G1 failed issue RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, GPIO_SWITCH, &data); data &= ~(0x20); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, GPIO_SWITCH, data); // RF registers initialization for (i = 0; i < NUM_RF_REG_PARMS_OVER_RT3390; i++) { RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RFRegTableOverRT3390[i].Register, RFRegTableOverRT3390[i].Value); } } // patch LNA_PE_G1 failed issue RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, GPIO_SWITCH, &data); data &= ~(0x20); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, GPIO_SWITCH, data); // Initialize RF register to default value for (i = 0; i < NUM_RF_REG_PARMS_OVER_RT3390; i++) { RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RT30xx_RFRegTable[i].Register, RT30xx_RFRegTable[i].Value); } // Driver should set RF R6 bit6 on before calibration RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R06, (PUCHAR)&RfReg); RfReg |= 0x40; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R06, (UCHAR)RfReg); //For RF filter Calibration RTMPFilterCalibration(pAd); // Initialize RF R27 register, set RF R27 must be behind RTMPFilterCalibration() if ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0211) RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R27, 0x3); // set led open drain enable RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, OPT_14, &data); data |= 0x01; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, OPT_14, data); // set default antenna as main if (pAd->RfIcType == RFIC_3020) AsicSetRxAnt(pAd, pAd->RxAnt.Pair1PrimaryRxAnt); // add by johnli, RF power sequence setup, load RF normal operation-mode setup RT30xxLoadRFNormalModeSetup(pAd); } }
/* this abstract layer is to hide these difference. */ static void ChgMacLedCfg( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd) { LED_CFG_T LedCfgBuf; BYTE DataTxActivity, BeaconTxActivity; PSWMCU_LED_CONTROL pSWMCULedCntl = &pAd->LedCntl.SWMCULedCntl; PLED_OPERATION_MODE pCurrentLedCfg = &pAd->LedCntl.SWMCULedCntl.CurrentLedCfg; /* ** MCU_INT_STA (offset: 0x0414) ** bit 1: MTX2_INT, TX2Q to MAC frame transfer complete interrupt. ** bit 2: MTX1_INT, TX1Q to MAC frame transfer complete interrupt. ** bit 3: MTX0_INT, TX0Q to MAC frame transfer complete interrupt. */ if (TX_TRAFFIC_EXIST(pAd)) /* Check if there is Tx Traffic */ DataTxActivity = 1; else DataTxActivity = 0; /* Check if there are beacon */ BeaconTxActivity = BEN_TC_ACT(pAd); /* Clear Tx and beacon Tx complete interrupt */ RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, MCU_INT_STATUS, 0x1e); RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, MAC_LED_CFG, &LedCfgBuf.word); /* For backward compatible issue, * LedActMode: 0: None, 1: Solid ON, 2: Blink (data/mgr), 3: Blink (data,mgr,beacon) * =>Solid off = solid on + high polarity */ #ifdef RT5350 //#if defined(RT5350) || defined(RT6352) LedCfgBuf.field.LED_POL = !pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedActPolarity; #else LedCfgBuf.field.LED_POL = pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedActPolarity; #endif if(pSWMCULedCntl->LedBlinkTimer!=0) pSWMCULedCntl->LedBlinkTimer--; else pSWMCULedCntl->LedBlinkTimer = 0xff; /* LED Act. connect to G_LED. */ if (pSWMCULedCntl->LedParameter.LedMode == LED_MODE_8SEC_SCAN && pSWMCULedCntl->BlinkFor8sTimer) { UINT8 LedPolarity = pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedActPolarity ? 0 : 3; LedCfgBuf.field.G_LED_MODE = GetBitX(pSWMCULedCntl->LedBlinkTimer, 0) ? LedPolarity : ~LedPolarity; pSWMCULedCntl->BlinkFor8sTimer--; } else if (pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedActMode == MCU_LED_ACT_OFF) { LedCfgBuf.field.G_LED_MODE = pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedActPolarity ? MAC_LED_ON : MAC_LED_OFF; } else if (pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedActMode == MCU_LED_ACT_SOLID_ON) { LedCfgBuf.field.G_LED_MODE = pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedActPolarity ? MAC_LED_OFF : MAC_LED_ON; } else if ((DataTxActivity && pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedActMode > MCU_LED_ACT_SOLID_ON) /* Data packet transmited. */ || (BeaconTxActivity && pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedActMode == MCU_LED_ACT_BLINK_UPON_TX_DATA_MNG_BEN)) /* Beacon frame transmited. */ { LedCfgBuf.field.G_LED_MODE = GetBitX(pSWMCULedCntl->LedBlinkTimer, 0) ? MAC_LED_ON : MAC_LED_OFF; } else if (!DataTxActivity && !BeaconTxActivity) { if (pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedActModeNoTx == 0) /* solid on when no tx. */ LedCfgBuf.field.G_LED_MODE = pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedActPolarity ? MAC_LED_OFF : MAC_LED_ON; else /* slow blink. */ LedCfgBuf.field.G_LED_MODE = GetBitX(pSWMCULedCntl->LedBlinkTimer, 4) ? MAC_LED_ON : MAC_LED_OFF; } /* LED G. connect to Y_LED. */ if (pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedGMode == MCU_LED_G_FAST_BLINK) LedCfgBuf.field.Y_LED_MODE = GetBitX(pSWMCULedCntl->LedBlinkTimer, 0) ? MAC_LED_ON : MAC_LED_OFF; else if (pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedGMode == MCU_LED_G_SLOW_BLINK) LedCfgBuf.field.Y_LED_MODE = GetBitX(pSWMCULedCntl->LedBlinkTimer, 4) ? MAC_LED_ON : MAC_LED_OFF; else if (pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedGMode == MCU_LED_G_SOLID_ON) LedCfgBuf.field.Y_LED_MODE = pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedGPolarity ? MAC_LED_OFF : MAC_LED_ON; else /* dark */ LedCfgBuf.field.Y_LED_MODE = pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedGPolarity ? MAC_LED_ON : MAC_LED_OFF; /* LED A. connect to R_LED. */ if (pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedAMode == MCU_LED_A_FAST_BLINK) LedCfgBuf.field.R_LED_MODE = GetBitX(pSWMCULedCntl->LedBlinkTimer, 0) ? MAC_LED_ON : MAC_LED_OFF; else if (pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedAMode == MCU_LED_A_SLOW_BLINK) LedCfgBuf.field.R_LED_MODE = GetBitX(pSWMCULedCntl->LedBlinkTimer, 4) ? MAC_LED_ON : MAC_LED_OFF; else if (pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedAMode == MCU_LED_A_SOLID_ON) LedCfgBuf.field.R_LED_MODE = pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedAPolarity ? MAC_LED_OFF : MAC_LED_ON; else LedCfgBuf.field.R_LED_MODE = pCurrentLedCfg->field.LedAPolarity ? MAC_LED_ON : MAC_LED_OFF; if ((pSWMCULedCntl->bWlanLed) && !RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_RADIO_OFF)) { RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, MAC_LED_CFG, LedCfgBuf.word); } else { { RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, MAC_LED_CFG, 0); } } return; }
/* ========================================================================== Description: This routine is executed every second - 1. Decide the overall channel quality 2. Check if need to upgrade the TX rate to any client 3. perform MAC table maintenance, including ageout no-traffic clients, and release packet buffer in PSQ is fail to TX in time. ========================================================================== */ VOID APMlmePeriodicExec( PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd) { /* Reqeust by David 2005/05/12 It make sense to disable Adjust Tx Power on AP mode, since we can't take care all of the client's situation ToDo: need to verify compatibility issue with WiFi product. */ #ifdef CARRIER_DETECTION_SUPPORT if (isCarrierDetectExist(pAd) == TRUE) { PCARRIER_DETECTION_STRUCT pCarrierDetect = &pAd->CommonCfg.CarrierDetect; if (pCarrierDetect->OneSecIntCount < pCarrierDetect->CarrierGoneThreshold) { pCarrierDetect->CD_State = CD_NORMAL; pCarrierDetect->recheck = pCarrierDetect->recheck1; if (pCarrierDetect->Debug != RT_DEBUG_TRACE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Carrier gone\n")); /* start all TX actions. */ APMakeAllBssBeacon(pAd); APUpdateAllBeaconFrame(pAd); AsicEnableBssSync(pAd); } else { printk("Carrier gone\n"); } } pCarrierDetect->OneSecIntCount = 0; } #endif /* CARRIER_DETECTION_SUPPORT */ RTMP_CHIP_HIGH_POWER_TUNING(pAd, &pAd->ApCfg.RssiSample); /* Disable Adjust Tx Power for WPA WiFi-test. */ /* Because high TX power results in the abnormal disconnection of Intel BG-STA. */ /*#ifndef WIFI_TEST */ /* if (pAd->CommonCfg.bWiFiTest == FALSE) */ /* for SmartBit 64-byte stream test */ /* removed based on the decision of Ralink congress at 2011/7/06 */ /* if (pAd->MacTab.Size > 0) */ AsicAdjustTxPower(pAd); /*#endif // WIFI_TEST */ #ifdef RTMP_TEMPERATURE_COMPENSATION MT76x0_TemperatureCompensation(pAd); #endif /* RTMP_TEMPERATURE_COMPENSATION */ /* BBP TUNING: dynamic tune BBP R66 to find a balance between sensibility and noise isolation */ /* AsicBbpTuning2(pAd); */ /* walk through MAC table, see if switching TX rate is required */ /* MAC table maintenance */ if (pAd->Mlme.PeriodicRound % MLME_TASK_EXEC_MULTIPLE == 0) { /* one second timer */ MacTableMaintenance(pAd); #ifdef FPGA_MODE if (pAd->fpga_tr_stop) { UINT32 mac_val; /* enable/disable tx/rx*/ RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, MAC_SYS_CTRL, &mac_val); switch (pAd->fpga_tr_stop) { case 3: //stop tx + rx mac_val &= (~0xc); break; case 2: // stop rx mac_val &= (~0x8); break; case 1: // stop tx mac_val &= (~0x4); break; case 4: default: mac_val |= 0x0c; break; } RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, MAC_SYS_CTRL, mac_val); } #endif /* FGPA_MODE */ RTMPMaintainPMKIDCache(pAd); #ifdef WDS_SUPPORT WdsTableMaintenance(pAd); #endif /* WDS_SUPPORT */ #ifdef CLIENT_WDS CliWds_ProxyTabMaintain(pAd); #endif /* CLIENT_WDS */ } APUpdateCapabilityAndErpIe(pAd); #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pAd->Mlme.OneSecPeriodicRound % 2 == 0) ApCliIfMonitor(pAd); if (pAd->Mlme.OneSecPeriodicRound % 2 == 1) ApCliIfUp(pAd); { INT loop; ULONG Now32; UINT32 MaxWcidNum = MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE; #ifdef MAC_REPEATER_SUPPORT if (pAd->ApCfg.bMACRepeaterEn) { MaxWcidNum = MAX_MAC_TABLE_SIZE_WITH_REPEATER; #ifdef APCLI_AUTO_CONNECT_SUPPORT RTMPRepeaterReconnectionCheck(pAd); #endif /* APCLI_AUTO_CONNECT_SUPPORT */ } #endif /* MAC_REPEATER_SUPPORT */ NdisGetSystemUpTime(&Now32); for (loop = 0; loop < MAX_APCLI_NUM; loop++) { PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[loop]; if ((pApCliEntry->Valid == TRUE) && (pApCliEntry->MacTabWCID < MaxWcidNum)) { /* update channel quality for Roaming and UI LinkQuality display */ MlmeCalculateChannelQuality(pAd, &pAd->MacTab.Content[pApCliEntry->MacTabWCID], Now32); } } } #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT if (pAd->CommonCfg.bHTProtect) { /*APUpdateCapabilityAndErpIe(pAd); */ APUpdateOperationMode(pAd); if (pAd->CommonCfg.IOTestParm.bRTSLongProtOn == FALSE) { AsicUpdateProtect(pAd, (USHORT)pAd->CommonCfg.AddHTInfo.AddHtInfo2.OperaionMode, ALLN_SETPROTECT, FALSE, pAd->MacTab.fAnyStationNonGF); } } #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ #ifdef A_BAND_SUPPORT if ( (pAd->CommonCfg.Channel > 14) && (pAd->CommonCfg.bIEEE80211H == 1) ) { #ifdef DFS_SUPPORT ApRadarDetectPeriodic(pAd); #else pAd->Dot11_H.InServiceMonitorCount++; if (pAd->Dot11_H.RDMode == RD_SILENCE_MODE) { if (pAd->Dot11_H.RDCount++ > pAd->Dot11_H.ChMovingTime) { AsicEnableBssSync(pAd); pAd->Dot11_H.RDMode = RD_NORMAL_MODE; } } #endif /* !DFS_SUPPORT */ } #endif /* A_BAND_SUPPORT */ /* resume Improved Scanning*/ if ((pAd->ApCfg.bImprovedScan) && (!RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_BSS_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS)) && (pAd->Mlme.ApSyncMachine.CurrState == AP_SCAN_PENDING)) { MLME_SCAN_REQ_STRUCT ScanReq; AsicDisableSync(pAd); RTMPZeroMemory(ScanReq.Ssid, MAX_LEN_OF_SSID); ScanReq.SsidLen = pAd->MlmeAux.SsidLen; NdisMoveMemory(ScanReq.Ssid, pAd->MlmeAux.Ssid, ScanReq.SsidLen); ScanReq.BssType = BSS_ANY; #ifdef APCLI_CONNECTION_TRIAL ScanReq.ScanType = FAST_SCAN_ACTIVE; #else ScanReq.ScanType = SCAN_ACTIVE; #endif /* APCLI_CONNECTION_TRIAL */ MlmeEnqueue(pAd, AP_SYNC_STATE_MACHINE, APMT2_MLME_SCAN_REQ, sizeof(MLME_SCAN_REQ_STRUCT), &ScanReq, 0); RTMP_MLME_HANDLER(pAd); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("bImprovedScan ............. Resume for bImprovedScan, SCAN_PENDING .............. \n")); } }
void NICInitRT3090RFRegisters(struct rt_rtmp_adapter *pAd) { int i; /* Driver must read EEPROM to get RfIcType before initial RF registers */ /* Initialize RF register to default value */ if (IS_RT3090(pAd)) { /* Init RF calibration */ /* Driver should toggle RF R30 bit7 before init RF registers */ u32 RfReg = 0, data; RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R30, (u8 *)&RfReg); RfReg |= 0x80; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R30, (u8)RfReg); RTMPusecDelay(1000); RfReg &= 0x7F; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R30, (u8)RfReg); /* init R24, R31 */ RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R24, 0x0F); RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R31, 0x0F); /* RT309x version E has fixed this issue */ if ((pAd->NicConfig2.field.DACTestBit == 1) && ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0211)) { /* patch tx EVM issue temporarily */ RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, LDO_CFG0, &data); data = ((data & 0xE0FFFFFF) | 0x0D000000); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, LDO_CFG0, data); } else { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, LDO_CFG0, &data); data = ((data & 0xE0FFFFFF) | 0x01000000); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, LDO_CFG0, data); } /* patch LNA_PE_G1 failed issue */ RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, GPIO_SWITCH, &data); data &= ~(0x20); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, GPIO_SWITCH, data); /* Initialize RF register to default value */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_RF_REG_PARMS; i++) { RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RT30xx_RFRegTable[i].Register, RT30xx_RFRegTable[i].Value); } /* Driver should set RF R6 bit6 on before calibration */ RT30xxReadRFRegister(pAd, RF_R06, (u8 *)&RfReg); RfReg |= 0x40; RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R06, (u8)RfReg); /*For RF filter Calibration */ RTMPFilterCalibration(pAd); /* Initialize RF R27 register, set RF R27 must be behind RTMPFilterCalibration() */ if ((pAd->MACVersion & 0xffff) < 0x0211) RT30xxWriteRFRegister(pAd, RF_R27, 0x3); /* set led open drain enable */ RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, OPT_14, &data); data |= 0x01; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, OPT_14, data); /* set default antenna as main */ if (pAd->RfIcType == RFIC_3020) AsicSetRxAnt(pAd, pAd->RxAnt.Pair1PrimaryRxAnt); /* add by johnli, RF power sequence setup, load RF normal operation-mode setup */ RT30xxLoadRFNormalModeSetup(pAd); } }
VOID RT35xx_ChipBBPAdjust( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd) { UINT32 Value; UCHAR byteValue = 0; #ifdef RT3593 /* 3x3 device will not run AsicEvaluateRxAnt*/ if (IS_RT3593(pAd)) { UCHAR BBPValue = 0; /* Receiver Antenna Selection*/ RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &BBPValue); if(pAd->Antenna.field.RxPath == 3) { BBPValue |= (0x10); } else if(pAd->Antenna.field.RxPath == 2) { BBPValue |= (0x8); } else if(pAd->Antenna.field.RxPath == 1) { BBPValue |= (0x0); } RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, BBPValue); /*Number of transmitter chains*/ RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R1, &BBPValue); BBPValue &= (~0x18); if (pAd->Antenna.field.TxPath == 3) BBPValue |= 0x10; else if (pAd->Antenna.field.TxPath == 2) BBPValue |= 0x08; RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R1, BBPValue); } #endif /* RT3593 */ #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT if ((pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ChannelWidth == BW_40) && (pAd->CommonCfg.RegTransmitSetting.field.EXTCHA == EXTCHA_ABOVE)) { pAd->CommonCfg.BBPCurrentBW = BW_40; pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel = pAd->CommonCfg.Channel + 2; /* TX : control channel at lower */ RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, TX_BAND_CFG, &Value); Value &= (~0x1); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_BAND_CFG, Value); /* RX : control channel at lower */ RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &byteValue); byteValue &= (~0x20); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, byteValue); RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, &byteValue); byteValue &= (~0x18); byteValue |= 0x10; RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, byteValue); if (pAd->CommonCfg.Channel > 14) { /* request by Gary 20070208 for middle and long range A Band*/ if (IS_RT3572(pAd)) AsicBBPWriteWithRxChain(pAd, BBP_R66, 0x48, RX_CHAIN_ALL); } else { /* request by Gary 20070208 for middle and long range G Band*/ if (IS_RT3572(pAd)) AsicBBPWriteWithRxChain(pAd, BBP_R66, 0x38, RX_CHAIN_ALL); } if (pAd->MACVersion == 0x28600100) { RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R69, 0x1A); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R70, 0x0A); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R73, 0x16); } else { RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R69, 0x12); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R70, 0x0A); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R73, 0x10); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("ApStartUp : ExtAbove, ChannelWidth=%d, Channel=%d, ExtChanOffset=%d(%d) \n", pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ChannelWidth, pAd->CommonCfg.Channel, pAd->CommonCfg.RegTransmitSetting.field.EXTCHA, pAd->CommonCfg.AddHTInfo.AddHtInfo.ExtChanOffset)); } else if ((pAd->CommonCfg.Channel > 2) && (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ChannelWidth == BW_40) && (pAd->CommonCfg.RegTransmitSetting.field.EXTCHA == EXTCHA_BELOW)) { pAd->CommonCfg.BBPCurrentBW = BW_40; if (pAd->CommonCfg.Channel == 14) pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel = pAd->CommonCfg.Channel - 1; else pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel = pAd->CommonCfg.Channel - 2; /* TX : control channel at upper */ RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, TX_BAND_CFG, &Value); Value |= (0x1); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_BAND_CFG, Value); /* RX : control channel at upper */ RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, &byteValue); byteValue |= (0x20); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R3, byteValue); RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, &byteValue); byteValue &= (~0x18); byteValue |= 0x10; RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, byteValue); if (pAd->CommonCfg.Channel > 14) { /* request by Gary 20070208 for middle and long range A Band*/ if (IS_RT3572(pAd)) AsicBBPWriteWithRxChain(pAd, BBP_R66, 0x48, RX_CHAIN_ALL); } else { /* request by Gary 20070208 for middle and long range G band*/ if (IS_RT3572(pAd)) AsicBBPWriteWithRxChain(pAd, BBP_R66, 0x38, RX_CHAIN_ALL); } if (pAd->MACVersion == 0x28600100) { RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R69, 0x1A); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R70, 0x0A); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R73, 0x16); } else { RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R69, 0x12); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R70, 0x0A); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R73, 0x10); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("ApStartUp : ExtBlow, ChannelWidth=%d, Channel=%d, ExtChanOffset=%d(%d) \n", pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ChannelWidth, pAd->CommonCfg.Channel, pAd->CommonCfg.RegTransmitSetting.field.EXTCHA, pAd->CommonCfg.AddHTInfo.AddHtInfo.ExtChanOffset)); } else #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ { pAd->CommonCfg.BBPCurrentBW = BW_20; pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel = pAd->CommonCfg.Channel; /* TX : control channel at lower */ RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, TX_BAND_CFG, &Value); Value &= (~0x1); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_BAND_CFG, Value); RTMP_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, &byteValue); byteValue &= (~0x18); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R4, byteValue); /* 20 MHz bandwidth*/ if (pAd->CommonCfg.Channel > 14) { /* request by Gary 20070208*/ if (IS_RT3572(pAd)) AsicBBPWriteWithRxChain(pAd, BBP_R66, 0x40, RX_CHAIN_ALL); } else { /* request by Gary 20070208*/ /*RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R66, 0x30);*/ /* request by Brian 20070306*/ if (IS_RT3572(pAd)) AsicBBPWriteWithRxChain(pAd, BBP_R66, 0x38, RX_CHAIN_ALL); } if (pAd->MACVersion == 0x28600100) { RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R69, 0x16); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R70, 0x08); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R73, 0x11); } else { RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R69, 0x12); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R70, 0x0a); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R73, 0x10); } #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("ApStartUp : 20MHz, ChannelWidth=%d, Channel=%d, ExtChanOffset=%d(%d) \n", pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ChannelWidth, pAd->CommonCfg.Channel, pAd->CommonCfg.RegTransmitSetting.field.EXTCHA, pAd->CommonCfg.AddHTInfo.AddHtInfo.ExtChanOffset)); #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ } if (pAd->CommonCfg.Channel > 14) { /* request by Gary 20070208 for middle and long range A Band*/ RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R62, 0x1D); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R63, 0x1D); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R64, 0x1D); /*RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R86, 0x1D);*/ } else { /* request by Gary 20070208 for middle and long range G band*/ RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R62, 0x2D); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R63, 0x2D); RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R64, 0x2D); /*RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAd, BBP_R86, 0x2D);*/ } }