예제 #1
 * Check hash and memory performance.
static void tst2(void)
    RTTestISub("Hash performance");

     * Generate test strings using a specific pseudo random generator.
    size_t cbStrings = 0;
    char  *apszTests[8192];
    RTRAND hRand;
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_RETV(RTRandAdvCreateParkMiller(&hRand), VINF_SUCCESS);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8192; i++)
        char szBuf[8192];
        uint32_t cch = RTRandAdvU32Ex(hRand, 3, sizeof(szBuf) - 1);
        RTRandAdvBytes(hRand, szBuf, cch);
        szBuf[cch] = '\0';
        for (uint32_t off = 0; off < cch; off++)
            uint8_t b = szBuf[off];
            b &= 0x7f;
            if (!b || b == 0x7f)
                b = ' ';
            else if (RTLocCIsCntrl(b) && b != '\n' && b != '\r' && b != '\t')
                b += 0x30;
            szBuf[off] = b;
        apszTests[i] = (char *)RTMemDup(szBuf, cch + 1);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(apszTests[i] != NULL);
        cbStrings += cch + 1;
    RTTestIValue("Average string", cbStrings / RT_ELEMENTS(apszTests), RTTESTUNIT_BYTES);

     * Test new insertion first time around.
    RTSTRCACHE hStrCache;
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_RETV(RTStrCacheCreate(&hStrCache, "hash performance"), VINF_SUCCESS);

    uint64_t nsTsStart = RTTimeNanoTS();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(apszTests); i++)
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTStrCacheEnter(hStrCache, apszTests[i]) != NULL);
    uint64_t cNsElapsed = RTTimeNanoTS() - nsTsStart;
    RTTestIValue("First insert", cNsElapsed / RT_ELEMENTS(apszTests), RTTESTUNIT_NS_PER_CALL);

     * Insert existing strings.
    nsTsStart = RTTimeNanoTS();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8192; i++)
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTStrCacheEnter(hStrCache, apszTests[i]) != NULL);
    cNsElapsed = RTTimeNanoTS() - nsTsStart;
    RTTestIValue("Duplicate insert", cNsElapsed / RT_ELEMENTS(apszTests), RTTESTUNIT_NS_PER_CALL);

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTStrCacheDestroy(hStrCache), VINF_SUCCESS);
예제 #2
 * Creates a module based on the default debug info container.
 * This can be used to manually load a module and its symbol. The primary user
 * group is the debug info interpreters, which use this API to create an
 * efficient debug info container behind the scenes and forward all queries to
 * it once the info has been loaded.
 * @returns IPRT status code.
 * @param   phDbgMod        Where to return the module handle.
 * @param   pszName         The name of the module (mandatory).
 * @param   cbSeg           The size of initial segment. If zero, segments will
 *                          have to be added manually using RTDbgModSegmentAdd.
 * @param   fFlags          Flags reserved for future extensions, MBZ for now.
RTDECL(int) RTDbgModCreate(PRTDBGMOD phDbgMod, const char *pszName, RTUINTPTR cbSeg, uint32_t fFlags)
     * Input validation and lazy initialization.
    AssertPtrReturn(phDbgMod, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
    *phDbgMod = NIL_RTDBGMOD;
    AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
    AssertReturn(*pszName, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
    AssertReturn(fFlags == 0, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);

    int rc = rtDbgModLazyInit();
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;

     * Allocate a new module instance.
    PRTDBGMODINT pDbgMod = (PRTDBGMODINT)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pDbgMod));
    if (!pDbgMod)
        return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
    pDbgMod->u32Magic = RTDBGMOD_MAGIC;
    pDbgMod->cRefs = 1;
    rc = RTCritSectInit(&pDbgMod->CritSect);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        pDbgMod->pszName = RTStrCacheEnter(g_hDbgModStrCache, pszName);
        if (pDbgMod->pszName)
            rc = rtDbgModContainerCreate(pDbgMod, cbSeg);
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                *phDbgMod = pDbgMod;
                return rc;
            RTStrCacheRelease(g_hDbgModStrCache, pDbgMod->pszName);

    return rc;
예제 #3
RTDECL(int) RTDbgModCreateFromMap(PRTDBGMOD phDbgMod, const char *pszFilename, const char *pszName, RTUINTPTR uSubtrahend, uint32_t fFlags)
     * Input validation and lazy initialization.
    AssertPtrReturn(phDbgMod, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
    *phDbgMod = NIL_RTDBGMOD;
    AssertPtrReturn(pszFilename, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
    AssertReturn(*pszFilename, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
    AssertPtrNullReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
    AssertReturn(fFlags == 0, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);

    int rc = rtDbgModLazyInit();
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;

    if (!pszName)
        pszName = RTPathFilename(pszFilename);

     * Allocate a new module instance.
    PRTDBGMODINT pDbgMod = (PRTDBGMODINT)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pDbgMod));
    if (!pDbgMod)
        return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
    pDbgMod->u32Magic = RTDBGMOD_MAGIC;
    pDbgMod->cRefs = 1;
    rc = RTCritSectInit(&pDbgMod->CritSect);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        pDbgMod->pszName = RTStrCacheEnter(g_hDbgModStrCache, pszName);
        if (pDbgMod->pszName)
            pDbgMod->pszDbgFile = RTStrCacheEnter(g_hDbgModStrCache, pszFilename);
            if (pDbgMod->pszDbgFile)
                 * Try the map file readers.
                rc = RTSemRWRequestRead(g_hDbgModRWSem, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
                if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                    rc = VERR_DBG_NO_MATCHING_INTERPRETER;
                    for (PRTDBGMODREGDBG pCur = g_pDbgHead; pCur; pCur = pCur->pNext)
                        if (pCur->pVt->fSupports & RT_DBGTYPE_MAP)
                            pDbgMod->pDbgVt = pCur->pVt;
                            pDbgMod->pvDbgPriv = NULL;
                            rc = pCur->pVt->pfnTryOpen(pDbgMod);
                            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))

                                *phDbgMod = pDbgMod;
                                return rc;

                    /* bail out */
                RTStrCacheRelease(g_hDbgModStrCache, pDbgMod->pszName);
            RTStrCacheRelease(g_hDbgModStrCache, pDbgMod->pszDbgFile);

    return rc;
예제 #4
 * Basic API checks.
 * We'll return if any of these fails.
static void tst1(RTSTRCACHE hStrCache)
    const char *psz;

    /* Simple string entering and length. */
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(psz = RTStrCacheEnter(hStrCache, "abcdefgh"));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(strcmp(psz, "abcdefgh") == 0);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTStrCacheLength(psz) == strlen("abcdefgh"));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, psz) == 0);

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(psz = RTStrCacheEnter(hStrCache, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(strcmp(psz, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == 0);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTStrCacheLength(psz) == strlen("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, psz) == 0);

    /* Unterminated strings. */
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(psz = RTStrCacheEnterN(hStrCache, "0123456789", 3));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(strcmp(psz, "012") == 0);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTStrCacheLength(psz) == strlen("012"));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, psz) == 0);

    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(psz = RTStrCacheEnterN(hStrCache, "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 16));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(strcmp(psz, "0123456789abcdef") == 0);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTStrCacheLength(psz) == strlen("0123456789abcdef"));
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, psz) == 0);

    /* String referencing. */
    char szTest[4096+16];
    memset(szTest, 'a', sizeof(szTest));
    char szTest2[4096+16];
    memset(szTest2, 'f', sizeof(szTest));
    for (int32_t i = 4096; i > 3; i /= 3)
        void *pv2;
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(psz = RTStrCacheEnterN(hStrCache, szTest, i));
        RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_RETV((pv2 = ASMMemFirstMismatchingU8(psz, i, 'a')) == NULL && !psz[i], ("i=%#x psz=%p off=%#x\n", i, psz, (uintptr_t)pv2 - (uintptr_t)psz));
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTStrCacheRetain(psz) == 2);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTStrCacheRetain(psz) == 3);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTStrCacheRetain(psz) == 4);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_RETV((pv2 = ASMMemFirstMismatchingU8(psz, i, 'a')) == NULL && !psz[i], ("i=%#x psz=%p off=%#x\n", i, psz, (uintptr_t)pv2 - (uintptr_t)psz));
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, psz) == 3);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_RETV((pv2 = ASMMemFirstMismatchingU8(psz, i, 'a')) == NULL && !psz[i], ("i=%#x psz=%p off=%#x\n", i, psz, (uintptr_t)pv2 - (uintptr_t)psz));
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTStrCacheRetain(psz) == 4);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTStrCacheRetain(psz) == 5);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTStrCacheRetain(psz) == 6);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, psz) == 5);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, psz) == 4);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_RETV((pv2 = ASMMemFirstMismatchingU8(psz, i, 'a')) == NULL && !psz[i], ("i=%#x psz=%p off=%#x\n", i, psz, (uintptr_t)pv2 - (uintptr_t)psz));

        for (uint32_t cRefs = 3;; cRefs--)
            RTTESTI_CHECK(RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, psz) == cRefs);
            if (cRefs == 0)
            RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_RETV((pv2 = ASMMemFirstMismatchingU8(psz, i, 'a')) == NULL && !psz[i], ("i=%#x psz=%p off=%#x cRefs=%d\n", i, psz, (uintptr_t)pv2 - (uintptr_t)psz, cRefs));
            for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 42; j++)
                const char *psz2;
                RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(psz2 = RTStrCacheEnterN(hStrCache, szTest2, i));
                RTTESTI_CHECK_RETV(psz2 != psz);
                RTTESTI_CHECK(RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, psz2) == 0);
                RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_RETV((pv2 = ASMMemFirstMismatchingU8(psz, i, 'a')) == NULL && !psz[i], ("i=%#x psz=%p off=%#x cRefs=%d\n", i, psz, (uintptr_t)pv2 - (uintptr_t)psz, cRefs));

    /* Lots of allocations. */
    memset(szTest, 'b', sizeof(szTest));
    memset(szTest2, 'e', sizeof(szTest));
    const char *pszTest1Rets[4096 + 16];
    const char *pszTest2Rets[4096 + 16];
    for (uint32_t i = 1; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pszTest1Rets); i++)
        RTTESTI_CHECK(pszTest1Rets[i] = RTStrCacheEnterN(hStrCache, szTest, i));
        RTTESTI_CHECK(strlen(pszTest1Rets[i]) == i);
        RTTESTI_CHECK(pszTest2Rets[i] = RTStrCacheEnterN(hStrCache, szTest2, i));
        RTTESTI_CHECK(strlen(pszTest2Rets[i]) == i);

    if (RTStrCacheIsRealImpl())
        for (uint32_t i = 1; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pszTest1Rets); i++)
            uint32_t cRefs;
            const char *psz1, *psz2;
            RTTESTI_CHECK((psz1 = RTStrCacheEnterN(hStrCache, szTest,  i)) == pszTest1Rets[i]);
            RTTESTI_CHECK((psz2 = RTStrCacheEnterN(hStrCache, szTest2, i)) == pszTest2Rets[i]);
            RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG((cRefs = RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, psz1)) == 1, ("cRefs=%#x i=%#x\n", cRefs, i));
            RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG((cRefs = RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, psz2)) == 1, ("cRefs=%#x i=%#x\n", cRefs, i));

    for (uint32_t i = 1; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pszTest1Rets); i++)
        uint32_t cRefs;
        RTTESTI_CHECK(strlen(pszTest1Rets[i]) == i);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG((cRefs = RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, pszTest1Rets[i])) == 0, ("cRefs=%#x i=%#x\n", cRefs, i));
        RTTESTI_CHECK(strlen(pszTest2Rets[i]) == i);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG((cRefs = RTStrCacheRelease(hStrCache, pszTest2Rets[i])) == 0, ("cRefs=%#x i=%#x\n", cRefs, i));